Ghost Stories Revised Unofficial FAQ v1.1


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8/16/2019 Ghost Stories Revised Unofficial FAQ v1.1 1/11

Ghost Stories Unofficial FAQ 

These questions and answers are simply a collection of Ghost Stories’ forum posts where answers tha t were officially approved (by Antoine Bauza) were given. Compiled and categorized by Diane Close, pdclose on the BGG. January 27, 2009.

Language and format ting standardization by Andrew Purvis, purvisa on the BGG. April 3, 2009. 

General Questions 

Q. Can you explain the game-ending condition “4th location is getting haunted” some more? Isthat regardless of their being in the same line, the game ends? 

A. Yes, in t he beginner game you lose when a to tal of any four tiles are haunted.

Q. When is the game lost due to card draw conditions? 

A. At the moment the last ghost card is drawn. Draw deck is empty, night ends, Wu-Feng wins. 

Q. What does the "Group" ability mean? 

A.Group (on the description of Abilities) means each player/board. ("This ability applies to all


 players and boards.") If i t is combined with a loss of Tao Token, for example, each playerwould have to discard one Tao Token. 

Q. What is the proper way to score this game? 

A. Scoring issues will be fixed in the new rulebook translation. Here’s the proper scoring table: • 10 points for a victory (initiation, normal, hard) • 20 points for a victory (hell) • + 1 point for each remaining Qi • + 1 point for each ghost remaining in the deck in case of victory (-1 for each ghost in case

of defeat) • - 3 poin ts for each dead Taoist 

• - 4 points for each haunted tile

 • +2 for defeating the first incarnation in hard and hell. • +4 for defeating the second incarnation in hard and hell. • +6 for defeating the third incarnation in hard and hell. (3/4 players) 

 Note: You do NOT get +2 for empty spaces (i.e. spaces where there are no ghosts). I t's an English translation mistake. 

Q. What’s this “By 1" versus “To 1" difference I hear people talking about? 

A. There is an erratum for English rules. On page 8, the Enfeeblement Man tra should read: 

 A ghost under the effect of the enfeeblement mantra has its resistance during an exorcism  Reduced  BY  1 (a ghost with a resistance of 3 has a resistance of 2), regardless of whichTaoist is  performing the exorcism. 

On the Village Tiles Play Aid for the Circle of Prayer, it should read:  All the ghosts of the color of the Tao Token on this tile have their resistance Reduced  BY  1during  an exorcism (a ghost with a resistance of 3 has a resistance of 2). 

Taoists  All  

Q. Can I use my Yin-Yang Token two times in the same turn? 

A. Yes. Your Yin-Yang Token can be used, regained with a reward, and used again in the same

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Q. Can a Taoist hold more Qi Tokens than at the beginning of the game?  

A. Yes. The only limit is the number of Tokens in the reserve (20). 

Q. If a player dies and is later resurrected by another player, does his special ability return with him as well? 

A. Yes. 

Q. If a player undertakes a double exorcism, can he use any Tao Tokens obtained from defeatingone ghost to defeat t he other? 

A.  No. 

Q. Can you use your Yin-Yang Token in t he midst of an exorcism? Can you use your Ying-YangToken during a double exorcism? 

A. You cannot use it in the middle of an exorcism, but you can use it between the two exorcismsof the Blue Taoist . 

Q. What is the order of special powers within the Yang phase? 

A. Yellow  powers must be used before movement. Blue powers, af ter movement. Green powers, 

during all your phase. Red powers: movement phase (flying with the Dance of t he Spires power)or just after moving (moving another player with the Dance of the Twin Winds power). Notetha t special powers can be used every round. (If there is a neutral board, then the rules are no tthe same!) 

Yellow Taoist  

Q. What happens when the Enfeeblement Mantra is placed on a ghost with a resistance of 1?  

A. It will automatically be discarded when an exorcism is performed, it works like the Circle of  

Prayer village tile. It is never discarded immediately. You still have to expend an action toexorcize the ghost with enfeeblement. 

Q. If a ghost tha t negates the Yellow board's special power comes into play, does an EnfeeblementMantra Token already placed on a ghost lose its effect? 

A. Yes, the scroll is removed from play, and the Yellow monk will only be able to use it againwhen his  power is restored.

Q. If the Taoist with the Enfeeblement Mantra has her power stolen and then later returned, is the  Enfeeblement Mantra Token returned to where is was? 

A.  Nope, you have to put it back in play on your turn. 

Q. The Enfeeblement Mantra and the effect of the Circle of Prayer tile both lower ghost(s)  resistance by 1. Wha t about ghosts with more than 1 color? 

A. Ghosts with more than one color are also affected. For multicolor incarnations, choose theresistance poin t affected AFTER rolling the dice. 

Q. Would the enfeeblement mant ra work the same way on Hope Killer or Nameless? 

A. You can choose which color is affected by the Enfeeblement Man tra AFTER rolling the dice. 

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Q. If a player uses a Power Token to copy the Green power named Strength of the Mountain, howmany times may he ignore or reroll the t ormentor die in his Yang phase, such as when he successfully exorcises two ghosts at the same time, both of which require rolling of thetormentor  die. 

A. The reroll is available during all the Yang phase. You have to roll the Curse Die for each ghost. 

Q. Just to be absolutely certain: when you invoke Green's power, or are Green yourself for tha t mat ter, then that power can be used as many times as required during the Yang phase. In other  words, in my example you can ignore both "parti ng curses," correct? 

A. Correct. 

Q. Does Green's re-roll power allow him to roll each die one at a time, or must he decide howmany all at once? 

A. You reroll ONCE, ALL chosen dice, at the same time. 

Q. If I am the Green Player, and have a tormentor ghost on my own board, can I use my power to 

ignore/re-roll the Curse Die during my Yin phase? A. Yes! It's very interesting to move the tormentors on the Green board. The Green Taoist's

abilities are different from Red, Yellow and Blue because they can be used several times duringone turn: 

• If you are the Green Taoist , you can use the power during both your Yin and your Yang phases. 

• If you use the Green Taoist Ability via a Power Token, you can only use it during yourYang phase, because Power Tokens may only be used during the Yang phase. 

Q. The rules mention that the Green Taoist can re-roll any dice involved in a support action orexorcism. What is a “support action”? 

A. A "support act ion" is any die roll made when getting support from a villager tile. In pract ice

this is only applicable at the Herbalist or in the Cemetery. 


Q. You said that I can use the Yin-Yang Token in between two attacks if I am using the Blue

Taoist's Second Wind power. If  I fight two ghosts in a corner without this special power, then Iam not allowed to use a Yin-Yang Token during combat, right? 

A. That's right. In that case, it's one exorcism.

Q. Say the Blue Taoist has had his power removed by a ghost. He exorcises the ghost on his turn.Can he then attempt another exorcism or request aid from the villager (depending on whetherhe has the Second Wind or the Heavenly Gust ability)? 

A. Yes, because these are two separate actions. 


Q. I played as Red. I can fly every single turn without spending Power Tokens or Qi or anythinglike tha t, p roviding my board isn't blocked by a ghost, correct? 

A. Yes. It's your power, so you may use it every turn if you want. 

Yin-Yang Token Use 

Q. Let's say on a turn, I play my Yin-Yang Token (eit her to call for aid or flip a haunted village);

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I then kill a ghost tha t allows me to take my Yin-Yang Token back. Can I now use my Yin-Yang Token again on the same turn ( to call for aid and/or flip a haunted village)? 

A. Yes.

Q. If I kill the final Wu-Feng incarnation and the game is over afterwards, I receive t he reward  before the game ends. If I get a Yin-Yang Token , can I use it to flip a haunted tile BEFORE the game ends, and so get more points in the final poin ts calculation? 

A. Yes, you can spend it.

Village Tiles 

Q. With the Pavilion of the Heavenly Wind tile, can I move only a ghost, or only a Taoist? What happens when all 12 spaces are occupied by ghosts? 

A. You must move BOTH a ghost and a Taoist with this action. You cannot move the active player's Taoist, it must always be another player's. T his action cannot be used if all the 12spaces are occupied by ghosts. 

Q. So for Pavilion of t he Heavenly Winds: 

1. MUST I move a monk? 2. MUST I move a ghost? 3. MAY I move my own monk? 4. Is the answer to #3 different in solo play (or if all but one monk is dead in multiplayer)? 

A. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes. In a solo game, you don't have another choice. In a multiplayer game with only yourTaoist standing, you must reraise one companion before using the tile. In the solo game youmay move a ghost and your own Taoist, as you have no o ther choice.

Q. Can you move the Taoist to ANY tile or do you have to follow the normal movement rules

(one space away from its current position) when using Pavilion of the Heavenly Winds? A. One space/tile. You must follow the regular movemen t rules for Taoists. 

Q. If there is a Tao Token on the Circle of Prayer and the tile is flipped over   because of a haunt,and then flipped back, does the Tao Token go back, or is the Enfeeblement returned toneutral? 

A. The tile returns to neutral; you have to take an action to put a Tao Token on it again. 

Q. If a ghost disables a board's ability, and I use the villager to fly the ghost to another board,which board's ability is disabled (e.g. does the original boards ability s tay disabled, or does theghost take its ability with him and apply it to the new board, releasing the old one)? 

A. The old board regains its ability, and the new board loses its ability.

Q. If the Circle of Prayer tile is haunted, what happens if a Tao Token is present? 

A. The Tao Token is put back into the reserve. 

Q. Another question about the Circle of Prayer tile. If a Ghost from the expansion is in front ofthis tile, does it lose it's Tao Token? If not, can we count the Token or can we just not changeit? 

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A.  No, the Tao Token stays righ t on the tile. The tile is "frozen," meaning you cannot changethe Tao To ken and you cannot count the Tao Token in your exorcisms.

Q. Circle of Prayer questions: The Circle of Prayer CANNOT decrease the resistance of a ghostfrom 1 to 0, correct? 

A.Resistance CAN be decreased form 1 to 0 using the Prayer of Circle or the EnfeeblementMantra, BUT a ghost with a resistance of 0 does NOT go into the discard pile automatically; itmust be exorcised (the exorcism cannot fail, though). 

Q. Does the Circle of Prayer work on incarnations? If so, how does it in teract with Hope Killer or   Nameless? For example, assume Nameless comes in to play, and then we place a black TaoToken on the Circle of Prayer. Then the Green Taoist rolls Red-Green-Black-Blue. Does hedefeat Nameless, or must he spend a Yellow Token? 

A. It works, yes. In your example, you must spend a Yellow Token . 

Q. When the Curse Die is rolled for Cemetery use, who suffers the effect? 

A. The player who rolled it. If the die shows the haunted tile symbol, the Cemetery i tself is 


Q. This is more of a statement than anything. When using the Cemetery, the reincarnated Taoistgets 2 Qi from the reserves. I'm fairly sure of this because the French rules say "donnez-lui 2 Qide la reserve." Tha t is correct, right? The English rules are vague in that they just say give thedead Taoist 2 Qi, which could mean it comes from the person doing the resurrecting. 

A. The 2 Qi are taken from the reserve. 

Q. For the Cemetery tile, where does the player revive? Who rolls the Curse Die? Where does the

2 Qi come from? 

A. The player revives in the Cemetery. The active player rolls the Curse Die. If the die shows the 

haunting side, the Cemetery itself is targeted. The 2 Qi comes from the reserve. 

Q. Herbalist Shop + Whi te result + Nameless = no Token? 

A. Yes. 

 Buddha Figurines 

Q. If a ghost is placed on a space occupied by a Buddha figurine, does it execute its abilities on theleft stone  before being discarded? 

A.  No. A ghos t appearing on a tile with a Buddha figurine is immediately discarded; none of itsabilities are applied. 

Q. Can I put a Buddha figurine on any unoccupied tile, and if so, when? 

A. You may place Buddha figurines only on boards orthogonally adjacent t o the tile where theirowner is. A Buddha figurine cannot be placed the turn it is gained, but it may be placed on anyof t he following turns. 

Q. I'm the Blue Taoist with the Second Wind ability. I have two Buddha figurines available for placing, and I move to the Pavilion of Heavenly Winds. Can I place a Buddha figurine, use thetile's power to move a ghost to it (thus destroying the ghost and removing the Buddha figurine),then  place t he second Buddha figurine on the same spot and use my ability to invoke the

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 pavilion's power a second time, to move a second ghost to it ? 

A.  No. Placing the Buddha figurine occurs after you finish all your actions. Look at the flowchartin the back  of the manual. 

Q. Buddha Figurines: I'm a bit confused on how those int eract with the Uncatchable. 

A.You're not allowed to exorcise it unless it's on a space with a Buddha. So if it appears and you


don't have a Buddha figurine somewhere, put one somewhere and throw the Uncatchable on i t, using the Pavilion of the Heavenly wind. After that, you can fight it the normal way. 

Q. Buddha figurines really seem too weak if played by th e recent clarification. I t requires a monkto expend two actions to gain and place a single Buddha figurine. 

A. You only need ONE action: the one to take it. Placing it is free (at the end of any turn exceptthe turn on which you take it ). And if you manage it properly (e.g. the Blue monk with "twoidentical actions" taking both Buddha figurines in t he same turn, going into a corner to fightthe weak monsters you'll have placed there and then dropping both Buddha figurines), it isVERY powerful. 

Q. Buddha Placement: If I have both Buddha figurines and I'm on a corner village, can I place bothBuddha figurines in one turn? 

A. Yes. 

Q. The rules for Buddha figurine placement say "may," but the rules for the Buddhist Temple specifically say "on your next turn"? Which is it? 

A. ANY next turn, always. That is, you can’t place a Buddha on the turn in which you obtain tha t Buddha, but you can place it at the end of any following turn. 

Q. What happens if the Buddha tile is haunted? May you keep Buddha figurines which are already

acquired or already placed on a board ? 

A. Yes, they stay in play. Un-acquired Buddha figurines are taken out of game play until the tile is unhaunted. And if you had no Buddha figurines you'd need to unhaunt the Buddha villager firstwith the Taoist Altar or Yin-Yang Token, then get a Buddha figurine from the Buddha villager, then place the Buddha figurine, then move the ghost or the Uncatchable on top of it, and then finally attempt an exorcism (for the Uncatchable only; ghosts are banished immediately by the Buddha figurine, which is returned to the Buddha tile) . 


Q. Is there any restriction on where I place a ghost on the board? For example, must I put it in thefirst empty field, or I can place it anywhere? If all the three fields are empty, can I  place theghost just drawn on the middle field, or even the right field? 

A. It's up to you. You choose. 

Q. Are ghosts activated in any particular order, or can the active player choose? 

A. You can choose the order from among the ghosts on your board. 

Q. If I draw a ghost and place it on another player board, who is subjected to its effects? 

A. The owner of the board is subjected to the effects of a ghost (Qi loss, inactiva ted power, etc.). 

Q. If all 12 slots are full, do you draw and discard a ghost, or lose one Qi and skip the draw

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A. You don't draw, but lose 1 Qi (page 4, right column, bot tom). 

Q. How does haunting work? I draw and place a ghost with no arrival ability, but it has haunting in the middle of the card. I place the ghost on my board, and in my nex t turn, should I place the  black figurine ON the card, and in the turn after move it to the first haunting stone? or should I place the figurine on the card immediately when I place i t on my board, so in my nex t turn i t will leave the card and placed on the first haunting stone? 

A. The black figurine is put on the card at the moment you place the card on the board. On yournext turn you move the figurine during your Yin Phase, and on the turn after that you move itagain; now it is on the last spot, so you have to haunt the first tile in front and reset thefigurine on the card. 

Q. How does the arrival ability of Dark Wraith work? When I place it on my board, should I immediately place the black figurine on the board, to the first field (above the card) so in my next turn it will haunt a village tile? 

A. You have to place it on the first field (above the card). So in the nex t turn i t will haunt avillage tile. 

Q. If the Dark Mistress ghost is in play, can the players still use the Tao Token of the Circle of  Prayer? 

A. Yes. 

Q. If I at tempt to exorcise two ghosts at the same time from a corner tile, and both adjacentspaces have ghosts of the same color (say 2 Green and 3 Green), then do I need to match thesum of the resistance of the two ghosts?

A. You need to match the sum of the resistance of the two ghosts with the dice and Tao Token inorder to exorcise both ghosts.

Q. In the case of such a double exorcism, when MUST I exorcise the ghost, and when MAY I doit? In terms of the example above (resistance 2 Green, resistance 3 Green): I have 2 Green Tao Tokens, and roll with the dice 2 Green pips and 1 Red. Which of the ghosts (if any) must I exorcise, and which may I exorcise? Now instead of a Red pip I roll a white pip. Which of the ghosts (if any) must I exorcise, and which may I exorcise in this case? 

A. You never forced to spend your Tao Tokens (it's your call) but if the dice allow you to exorcisea ghost, you have to. If the dice give you the choice, then you choose. 

Q. When the ghost is first placed on a board, who suffers the effects of the left stone on ghostcard? 

A. It will affect t he board that the ghost was placed on. 

Q. What about the middle stone on the ghost card for each turn's effects? 

A. It will affect the board itself. 

Q. What about the right stone on ghost card for when you defeat the ghost? 

A. It will affect t he one who exorcised it. 

Q. Please clarify when the active player or board owner suffers the effects of a ghost . 

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A. When a ghost enters play, and you put it on the board, the LEFT stone will affect the boardyou  put i t on . The MIDDLE stone also affects the board the ghost is on. Now, if you are theactive player and exorcise a ghost on any board, then you, no t the board owner, will be the onesuffering the RIGHT effect (or gaining the benefit). You have to watch two situations: • when you put a ghost into play • when you fight a ghost 

The right stone effects the Taoist who exorcises the ghost (you look at the right stone whenyou send a ghost to the discard pile.) Exceptions are Buddha Figurines and the Sorcerer's Hut, but it is quite logical: in those cases the ghost is not sent t o t he discard pile by a Taoist but by aspecial effect (Buddha, Sorcerer). 

Q. You said, “When a ghost enters play, and you put it on the board, the LEFT stone will affectthe board you  put it on.” I guess the "Black Widow" ghost card and "Dark Mistress"incarnation card are also exceptions to tha t? Because if I understand correctly , no player canuse Tokens as long this ghost/incarnation isn't defeated no matter on which board it lies? 

A. Of course. It's the same for the ghosts that steal a die (it is stolen for everyone). 

 Incarnations of Wu-Feng  

Q. I assume the icon below the colored circles on the incarnation cards simply indicate tha t it ISan incarnation card?

A. It's a Wu-Feng icon, so yes. 

Q.  Nameless: If this incarnation is in play and a player obtain a white face with the Tao die at the herbalist, what happens? 

A.  No Tao Token is taken. 

Q. I assume that no new Tao markers can be placed on the Circle of Prayer once the Nameless ncarnation is in play? 

A. The current Token is discarded, but that's all. Players can go onto the tile to add another

Token, according to general rules. 

Q. Would it be good to s tate that you should leave the Buddha figurine on the card to indicate thatUncatchable can be exorcised? 

A. You can leave the Buddha on the card, but you may want to have you two Buddha figurines to 

finish your game. You could use another token to remember the Uncatchable's state . 

Q. What about Uncatchable, which has a Curse Die on t he left Stone. 

A. Wu-Feng can have a Curse Die on the left stone, but he is the boss, right? T he Curse Die rulestays the same for him. 

Q.Does the phrase "each turn" for Bonecracker and Death Army mean that on each player's turneach player suffers the effect, or on his own turn a player suffers the effect? 

A. Only the player with the ghost on his board suffers the effect. 

Q. If the randomly removed tile (as per "Essen 08 goodies" setup rules) is the Buddhist Temple,how can we defeat Uncatchable (if it appears in play)? Discard it and take a not-in-the-deck  incarnation at random to replace it (or the equivalent "remove Uncatchable from theincarnations lot" before seeding the deck, if the removed tile is the Buddhist Temple)? 

A. You have to change (randomly) the incarnation, yes.

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Q. Exactly how do you insert the incarnations into the deck for Nightmare and Hell difficultylevels? 

A. 4-player game: Bottom -> 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 15G -> Top 

3-player game: Bottom -> 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G -> Top 

2-player game: Bottom -> 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 15G -> Top 

1-player game: Bottom -> 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G - 1I - 10G -> Top 

I recommend you insert the cards sideways so you know when Wu-Feng is coming; however,you are always allowed to examine the deck (without peeking at the cards) to count the numberof ghosts until Wu-Feng arrives. 

Neutral Boards and Power Token Use (Fewer Than 4 Play ers) 

Q. With fewer than 4 players, do you bring ghosts into play (Yin Phase) for the neutral  boards? 

A.  Neutral boards never call ghosts in to play. However, if t he neut ral board contains a tormentor  

ghost, throw the Curse Die and add a ghost if the relevant face comes up. 

Q. How many Tao Tokens and Power Tokens are given out at the start? 

A. 4-player game: 1 Tao Token for each player, no Power Tokens Original rules: 

3-player game: 1 Tao Token for each player, 1 Power Token for each player  2-player game: 1 Tao Token for each player, 1 Power Token for each player  1-player game: 1 Tao Token, 3 Power Tokens 

 Author’s House Rules: 3-player game: 1 Tao Token for each player, 1 Power Token for each player  2-player game: 1 Tao Token for each player, 2 Power Tokens for each player  1-player game: 4 Tao Tokens, 3 Power Tokens 

It's one Power Token for each missing player. 

Q. So in both 1- and 3-player games, you play with three Power Tokens. In a 2-player game, doesthe third go to the middle, or do you just play with t wo? 

A. You only get two under the original rules. This makes the 2-player game the hardest t o win. Not only do you start out with fewer Tao Tokens, you can only pick up a maximum of twoPower Tokens when you go to the middle, which makes them much less effective. 

Q. Exactly when am I allowed to user Power Tokens? e.g.: If I try to exorcize a ghost but do not succeed, can I use my Power Token to activat e the Blue Second Wind ability and t ry again? 

A. Yes, you can. You can use a Power Token anytime during your Yang phase. 

Q. Claiming Power Token(s) when ent ering the center village tile is in addition to your normal action? 

A. Claiming Power Tokens (for 1-, 2 -, and 3-player games) is additional and free. 

Q. The rules say the "active player who ends his turn in the center of the village can reclaim oneor  more Power Tokens." This suggests that he can only collect them after  completing hisYang phase. 

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A. He can collect them at the very end of his Yang phase (look at the last pages of the rule book,on the graphic). You cannot use them this turn; you must wait at least until your next turn. 

Q. In 1- or 2 -player games, can I combine abilities? For instance, can I spend two Power Tokens to roll four dice (Green) twice (Blue)? 

A.Yes, you can use two Power Tokens in the same turn, to use different powers (but you canno tuse the same power twice in a turn). 

Q. If a neutral board is full, does it lose Qi even if you draw no ghost tha t would go on it ? 

A. Yes, A full board loses 1 Qi, even if you don't draw a card for it (page 9, right column). 

Q. When a neutral board loses its last Qi it becomes possessed. I know that a neutral  board can' tgain any Qi, but when it lost all its Qi and the board's power becomes inactive is there a way tomake it active again the way you can if you bring a Taoist back from the dead? 

A. It's page 9, Rules for 1 , 2 or 3 Players: "A neutral board canno t receive Qi." So when a neutral  board is possessed, players lose the ability to use its power via Power Tokens for the rest of the game. You can only use the Cemetery on a human player. In a solo game, the Cemetery has no


Q. What happens when a ghost with the Curse Die on i ts left stone is placed on the neutral-but-not-ye t-possessed Green board tha t has the Strength of the Mountain ability? Is the Curse Dierolled or not, and who suffers the consequences? 

A. The Curse Die is rolled and it's applied to the neutral board. 

Q. How do Power Tokens work with abilities that have to be used at a specific time? Can you do

an exorcism and then use a Power Token to use Red's power to fly somewhere else, then useanother  Power Token to use Blue's ability to perform another exorcism at a different location?Can you use Yellow's ability to pick up a Tao Token aft er you do an exorcism? After rollingthe dice for an exorcism (and failing), can you then use a Power Token to use the Green'sability to do a re-roll of  the failed exorcism (note you are not Blue in t his case). 

A. You have to follow the timing rules for the powers. Green's God's Favorite ability is special because it can be applied several times during the Yang phase. Use Red's power during themovement  phase only. Use Yellow's power just before the movement, etc. (you cannot moveagain  by using the Power Token). In your example, you canno t spend the Power Token toreroll,  because you are in the middle of an action (an exorcism). If you are Blue Taoist, youhave two separate/distinct exorcisms, so you can spend a Power Token between the two. 

Q. The rules say that as Power Tokens are used they are placed on the central tile of the city.They go on to say that any player may move there and pick one or more of them up. Is thisyour action for the turn? 

A.  No, you pick them up after your action ended and only if you ended your turn in the centertile. 

Q. If the tile with the Power Tokens is flipped (haunted), do the Power Tokens go away, or is itsimply a repository space for them? 

A. The Power Tokens stay in the same place, like a repository. The Power Tokens have nothingto do with the village action. There is no relation between the village and the Power Tokens,so the Power Tokens are still available.

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Q. Can you dis-possess a neutral board? 

A. On page 9, Rules for 1 , 2 or 3 Players: "A neutral board cannot receive Qi." So when a neutral  board is possessed, players lose the ability to use its power via Power Tokens for the res t of the game. You can only use the Cemetery on a human player. In a solo game, the Cemetery has noeffect. 

Q. Since the Cemetery can only be used to revive a dead player, it seems useless in a solo game. 

A. Yes, the Cemetery is useless in a solo game. I have replaced it with the Guardhouse (expansion) for solo play.

Q. Scoring question: When counting Qi in a 2-player game, do I also count the Qi on neutral  boards? 

A. Yes. 
