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Chakra Mastery: Alchemist Archetype

Cathy Brennan Page 1

I've always felt like I came a little late to the party, out of synch with those around me. It felt like everyone had it all figured out, living the happily ever after. There I was trying different things, taking all sorts of classes, exploring new avenues yet not really clear about where I was going with all this seemingly unrelated interests and experiences pulling me along. There was a part of me that knew to just keep following my heart.

I studied nursing and learned about the human body and healing with traditional medicine. I studied environmental engineering and learned about nature, natural forces, human impact on them, and healing the earth. I studied alternative health and learned to work with the mind-body-spirit flow for holistic healing. I studied energy medicine and learned the human energy system and healing with energy. The common thread was healing and the integration of all systems in order to uniquely empower each individual.

The interconnectedness of what I have learned allows me to fully step into my soul purpose passionately. I know that as we move forward in this time of great change we must look at the whole picture and what that means for us individually and collectively. We must learn to master tour own Human Energy System in order to navigate quickly, efficiently, and successfully through these changes. It is the key to unlocking our greatest potential.

At the core of the Human Energy System is the chakra system.

A series of energy vortexes that process energy and are connected to the meridians or energetic pathways that move through the body, the energy points where the meridians cross commonly known as acupuncture points.

The chakras connect with the subtle energy bodies that make up your aura, and the web of energy often referred to as the matrix of collective consciousness. This is the very basic synopsis of the Human Energy System.

Chakra Mastery: Alchemist Archetype

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This report will give you a basic knowledge of the 11th chakra, what it is, how it functions, and how it affects your life.

There are hundreds of minor chakras throughout your body, much like in your circulatory system the major components are your heart, veins, arteries, and blood; within that system are more intricate subsystems. The same is true of your energy system.

Each of the 7 major in body chakras are tuned in to a particular physical and emotional aspect. The out of body chakras are more focused on the movement and processing of the different types of energy.

Just like we have preferred dominant hand We all have a preferred dominant chakra this provides an energetic profile that forms our perceptions . There are many factors that play into your energy profile and though it's foundational it is not a static thing it can change and evolve with you.

This is the beginning of a journey in self discovery, self healing, and self realization so sit, back relax, (you can't get it wrong!) and enjoy. Apply what you learn fine tuning it to suit your unique situation and needs. I'm happy to be sharing the journey with you.



Chakra Mastery: Alchemist Archetype

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Chakra Front Opens Us To Back Opens Us to1st Chakra Meet survival needs

Healthy family relationships Energy for life purpose

Abundance worthiness Vibrant health

2nd Chakra Creativity Birthing (both physical and

of ideas, projects, business, etc.)


Healthy and full adaptations to life changes

3rd Chakra Personal power Self esteem Confidence

Aligning conscious and unconscious beliefs

Strong energy flow –emotional, mental, and physical

4th Chakra Dreams Compassion Relationships

Blending the physical and the Divine

5th Chakra Wisdom Responsibility Expression

Choosing how we express ourselves

Accepting others ideas

6th Chakra Insight Vision

Self directed fate Self perception Seeing the path and

what it takes to walk it

7th Chakra Oneness Accessing the Divine

Oneness Connecting to higher self Altering perceptions of

reality8th Chakra Past guiding decisions

Past choices and use of gifts Patterns of the past

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9th Chakra Expressions of caring for others caretaking vs. caregiving

Soul beliefs regarding humanity, universal love, global issues

10th Chakra connection with nature, natural healing

grounding in ancestry

integrating nature and natural cycles into life

11th Chakra use of energy to impact your life and world

transmutation of energy

beliefs about transmuting energy

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Off Body Chakras

The inclusion of the off body chakras always stirs up some questions. What are these extra chakras, what do they do, and why haven't I heard of them before. Most traditional chakra systems speak of the 7 on body chakras because they have been the core of our energy system for the majority of people up until now.

Say some your favorite foods are strawberries, yogurt, and rye bread. Sometimes your in the mood for something sweet and the strawberries hit the spot, later on your looking for lunch and a turkey sandwich on rye is just what you crave, for an afternoon 'pick me up' you want something creamy to hold you over until dinner so a cup of yogurt is what you grab. Each of the foods serve a purpose for you and they are each interpreted differently by the taste buds in your mouth, no one is better than the other....they all taste good to you. Each one simply activates different taste buds and your perception of that taste.

The chakras are similar, in that, depending on the situation and your unique energetic makeup any one chakra may be more less active at any given time. The energy processed by each chakra increases in frequency and you move up the chakras. Just like different tastes it doesn't mean any one chakra better than another, they are simply at different frequencies and are used for different purpose.

If you were to decide to study wine and become a wine connoisseur . You would learn the techniques for assessing the bouquet, the different flavors in a wine, and the best food pairings for each wine. Your taste buds would be finely tuned to the very subtle taste variations that go unnoticed to the average person, like me :)

Chakra Mastery: Alchemist Archetype

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The off body chakras are tuned in to subtler, higher frequency energy

This energy is associated with non physical experiences like soul patterns, connecting with ancestry, alchemy of energy, spiritual truths, and karma. You tune in to them a little differently than the on body chakras, much like a wine connoisseur....only with energy. The rapid evolution in consciousness we're currently experiencing is awakening these off body chakras in more people.

Unlike the on body chakras the off body chakras do not relate directly to the physical body rather they influence the physical body by sending energy through the other chakras as well as through the endocrine and nervous systems. Learning to tune in to them will benefit you on many levels .

If your primary archetype is one of the off body chakras you will want to work closely with your secondary chakra as well creating a strong flow of energy between them to create effectively in the physical. Potentially your impact will have a deeper meaning as you move the higher frequency energy into the on body chakras you increase the frequency of your entire energy system.

Everyone has the ability to do this regardless of their archetype, the way they go about it will be different . When a wine is paired with the right food there is a synergy for both wine and food that enhances both. The same occurs with chakra energy. Consciously moving energy through specific chakras enhances energy flow and physical results, and after all isn't that what were seeking?

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Alchemist Archetype

Archetype: Alchemist (magician, miracle worker, commander, general)

Chakra: 11th Etheric

Color: Pink

Core Words: Miracles, transmutation, invisible forces, power, change agent

Location: Palms of hands and soles of feet

Overview: The focus here is on transmuting energy, the act of complete transformation but with little to no waste. There is a strong flow of energy, of harnessing invisible forces. The Alchemist easily tunes in to the strengths of the other chakras using the power to effect change.

Strengths: You have the ability to harness subtle energy and invisible forces to effect positive change. There is a unique ability to match means to outcome only using what is needed without waste. Change is a positive thing for you and the ability to create a clean clear channel for that change is very important to you. You see the world as evolving and awakening and want to assist in the evolution.

Weaknesses: You can struggle with turning inward and becoming introverted, not using your gifts. The opposite is also true; you can become forceful or domineering in effecting the change

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you want to see. Often there is an internal struggle with equating power and/or money with evil.

Money: Money is valuable to you for the power it affords you to create change in the world. It's important that you keep your money separate from others money to give you the freedom to take the risks you feel called to take.

Career: Because change is such an important factor in your life you can apply your skills in many areas, look to your supporting chakras to help narrow the field.

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What's Next?

Now that you have the basics down, what do you do with it? There are numerous ways to apply this information in your life with real tangible results (talk about making the invisible visible!). I'll cover the top five ways to apply this to your life.

1. Take a look at your primary Chakra Energy Profile. How do these qualities support or hinder you? Is it situational; more evident in certain relationships, at work, or at home? Make note of where your attention is drawn. What feels true for you, what does not, and what are you resisting?

Now take a look at your supporting Chakra Energy Profiles; go through the same process. Are there areas you want to enhance or reduce the energy? Focus on these areas when doing your chakra cleansing either drawing more energy in or slowing down the flow.

2. Look at an area you have a recurring problem or struggle in. Now take your lowest scoring Chakra Energy Profile and see what qualities you could enhance to help you come to a solution. For example, if the 5th chakra was your lowest, how is communication showing up? Is there a way to bring greater clarity to your communication both speaking and listening?

3. Think of a goal that you want to achieve. What qualities will you need to help you achieve that goal? Draw on the energy of those chakras to infuse your goal with the energy of those specific qualities. For example, if you want to attract a relationship you may want to draw on the energy of the solar plexus chakra so you stay confident in who you are.

4. Look at your work life; are your values being expressed? Are your strengths being utilized? Look at how you can shift your perception to expand how you see your work. What are your

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intentions behind your work? Consciously draw energy into the chakras that will support you.

5. Cleanse your chakras daily. Just like you shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair your chakras need regular cleansing. It doesn't take long – a couple of minutes of consciously moving the energy through your chakras will do wonders. Not only will it keep the energy moving, it will also connect you with your energy field making it easier to tell when there is a disruption.

Tuning in to your Human Energy System is a vital of part of a successful well balanced life. It has far reaching effects and does not take a lot of time. As you explore, you maybe be surprised at what you discover and how easily it's incorporated into everyday life. As you adapt and expand on your practice I would love to have you share any new ways or adaptation that you discover. You can share on the blog at or email me, Cathy atinspiredsoulalliance dot com.