Getting the Most Out of TGI Insight FINAL


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Getting the most out of TGI insight

Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI’s offer .................................................................... 3 Who the target is ................................................................................ 4

Why consumers behave as they do ................................................... 5

How to best reach and influence target groups ............................... 6

Product Sector Coverage: a top line summary of what you will find on TGI ........................ 7

Data collection and issue ...............................................9

Reading and interpreting the data The cross-tab ................................................................................ 11

The correspondence map ............................................................. 12

Top tips for getting the most out of using TGI ..........15

Glossary of key media terms to help you in your day-to-day role ...........................19

The purpose of this guide is to explain in a simple and concise way what TGI (Target Group Index) is, what it is used for in the industry and the key ways in which you can get the most out of working with the insight that TGI offers.

Use the colours to navigate.


TGI sits at the heart of the media landscape and is used as a key industry currency both in Great Britain and in over 60 markets worldwide. Communications agencies, media owners and brand owners alike rely on TGI to gain insight into consumer attitudes, motivations and behaviour. By understanding what consumers do, why they do it and how best to target them, planners and marketers can target specific audiences efficiently and effectively promote particular media as the best ways to reach any given target group.

There are three key elements to TGI which together inform all principal parts of the marketing and planning mix. These are the Who, Why and How of consumer understanding


Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000


TGI offers extensive insight into who consumers are. As well as basic demographic and geographic insight (age, sex, region etc) this includes more discriminatory demographic measures such as TGI Lifestage and Life Events metrics, which group consumers by their prevailing personal circumstances, not just where age or gender would likely have them.

Beyond such measures, TGI also provides insight into all aspects of day-to-day consumer life to provide an actionable, comprehensive picture of any given target group. In Great Britain, TGI measures more than 4,000 brands across 500 product areas, as well as in-depth detail into leisure activities of all descriptions.

Through such detailed wide ranging insight, marketers and planners can build up extremely accurate portraits of consumer audiences.


Getting the most out of TGI insight




It is, of course, crucially important to understand who an audience is before undertaking any kind of targeting activity. In today’s marketplace, there are increasing numbers of data sets which claim to provide insight.

What such sources are unable to provide is insight into the reasons behind consumer behaviour. This is what makes TGI’s offering so compelling to planners and marketers. Through its hundreds of attitudinal statements as well as insight into consumer engagement with specific product and service sectors, TGI provides key information about the drivers behind the decisions that consumers make.

Combined with the ‘who’ information, this profoundly informs and improves the efficiency of the marketing activity undertaken to reach specific target audiences.


Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000


The natural progression after identifying who a target group is and what is driving their decisions is to assess the most effective way to reach and influence them.

As an industry insight and planning tool, TGI has a vested interest in providing completely neutral media measurement and as such offers a level playing field for straightforward assessment of multiple media vehicles. Competing media can be compared and contrasted on the basis with which they deliver audiences, which suits agencies and media owners alike. As a result, multi-media strategies can be constructed to maximise complementary strengths.

Beyond consumption and engagement with mainstream media, TGI provides insight into how other, less tangible means of communication can amplify marketing messages. For instance, the TGI Word of Mouth segmentation reveals the most influential consumers while social media, internet-enabled mobiles and portable tablet devices are also measured on the survey, enabling marketers to exploit viral marketing.


Getting the most out of TGI insight



In addition to its demographic, attitudinal and media consumption insights, TGI illuminates consumer involvement with a broad range of products and services that touch all areas of day-to-day consumer life. The categories below offer a top line glimpse into the range available.

Within each of these is detailed information about product types, specific brands consumed and weight of usage (e.g heavy, medium, light).

The categories measured in TGI are:



Toiletries &Cosmetics

Shopping,Retail &Clothing

Financial Services

Holidays & Travel

Pharmaceutical & Chemist

Communications & Internet

Household Products

Pets &Pet


Sport & Leisure


DIY & Gardening



Personal Items &Electronics

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Appliances & Durables


Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000


Getting the most out of TGI insight

TGI’s adult survey in Great Britain recruits its sample of British adults aged 15+ via the face-to-face Omnibus surveys carried out on an ongoing basis by Kantar research agency TNS. The fieldwork is evenly spread throughout the year with respondent data collection being via a self-completion questionnaire in either a hard copy booklet or online.

The raw data collected is re-weighted to accepted GB population figures from the Census and, in readership terms, to the National Readership Survey (NRS) so that the media industry can work with a consistent set of readership metrics, whether using TGI or the NRS.

The resultant TGI database, with an annual sample of around 25,000 adults, is updated on a quarterly basis and is available to clients via a number of software suppliers.

Detailed methodological information for all TGI surveys can be found in the subscriber area of the TGI website.


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000


Getting the most out of TGI insight

The basic analysis of TGI data is through cross-tabulation via analysis software, which reveals how different elements within the data interact with each other. Any metric measured on a TGI survey can be cross-tabulated against any other, resulting in millions of possibilities. Being able to read and understand a cross-tab is fundamental to using TGI data. See the example below which explains step-by-step how to understand what a cross-tab reveals.

There are five measures that appear within the crosstab cell (below):






The sample size (in the image as ‘Sample’) shows how many respondents answered the question.

1,106 respondents (out of the total sample of 25,042) are aged 15-24 and drink Coca-Cola

The weighted figure (in the image as ‘000’), always displayed in multiples of 1000, is the grossed up population that the sample represents.

Almost 4.5 million people in GB are aged 15-24 and drink Coca-Cola

The vertical percentage (in the image as ‘vert%’) indicates the proportion of the audience in the column that is also in the row.

c. 57% of 15-24 year olds drink Coca-Cola

The horizontal percentage (in the image as ‘horz%’) shows the proportion of the row that appears in the column.

Just over 29% of Coca-Cola consumers are aged 15-24

The index (in the image as ‘Index’) shows by how much (more or less) the group in the derived

cell differs from the base in terms of its reported behaviour. This figure can be read both vertically and horizontally.

15-24 year olds are 85% more likely than the average adult to drink Coca-Cola. Similarly, Coca-Cola consumers are 85% more likely to be aged 15-24.




TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000


Whilst cross-tabulation is useful for understanding the relationship between two or more metrics, in order to get an overall feel for how an entire market looks without having to trawl through a blizzard of figures, a correspondence map is an enlightenening tool. Correspondence maps provide an at-a-glance insight into the relationship between users of brands in a market (e.g. consumers of crisps) and other metrics, often attitudes. See the example and explanation on the facing page.

Correspondence mapping can be taken a step further and the most discriminatory attitude statements that explain the different consumer groups in a particular market can be identified through an automated process called cluster analysis. This enables more efficient targeting by consumer groups rather than attempting to reach an entire market en masse.

Both correspondence mapping and cluster analysis are covered in detail on our Advanced TGI and software courses. Please speak to your TGI client service representative to book your free place on one of these courses.


Getting the most out of TGI insight



Getting the most out of TGI insight


In the example below, the twenty most polarising attitude statements for a selection of brands in a particular market have been “mapped” and the position of the brands indicates the synergies between them.

Here, we can see how four of the brands have clear synergies with particular attitude statements by being placed away from the centre and in separate quadrants. For instance, consumers of Brand Five are significantly more likely to believe that they “couldn’t live without the internet on my mobile phone”.

Consumers of Brand Three, by being placed in the centre of the map, have a weaker correlation to the majority of the attitude statements.


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000

The sheer quantity of insight available on TGI means that possibilities of what can be uncovered are almost endless. Below are some handy tips that can help provide an extra dimension and bring more colour to conventional TGI analysis.

Beyond standard demographicsA wealth of demographic data is contained within TGI, but profiling your target audience by age and gender may not necessarily prove to be the most efficient. As an alternative, TGI Lifestage groups are predominantly based on consumers’ household circumstances, for example “Playschool Parents” are individuals who live with their son or daughter and whose youngest child is aged 0-4 years.

Similarly, TGI Life Events data groups consumers by shared experiences, such as getting married or changing job, rather than simple demographics. The Life Events data can pinpoint those individuals who have recently experienced or expect to experience in the following 12 months more than 20 major milestones.

Understanding purchase decisionsTGI provides detailed information about product consumption but for many categories, including motoring, mobile phones and air travel, extra insight is available about the motivations that drive consumers to purchase. This direct link between consumer choice in a category and the reasoning behind it is invaluable to marketers in their targeting activity.

Respondents are asked to select the most and second-most influential or motivational factor behind their purchase. Factors vary depending upon category, but generally include price, quality, environmental impact and advertising – allowing subscribers to delve deeper into the consumer psyche.


Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000

Identifying the most brand-loyal consumersTGI measures and reports on the average number of brands that respondents use in a variety of FMCG categories, including confectionery, alcoholic drinks and toiletries & cosmetics. Subscribers can then identify both those consumers with a high brand repertoire and those who are more brand-loyal and target accordingly.

Many categories such as bread, tea and lipstick are also assessed by the number of solus users, ie consumers who will only use one brand.

Assessing mediaTGI is a genuinely media neutral tool, allowing marketers and planners to compare the efficiency of media channels on a level playing field. TGI’s Media Neutral Quintiles (MNQs) measure is a handy shortcut for spotting the most efficient media for reaching a target audience. Consumers of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, internet, outdoor and cinema are divided into equal fifths by the amount of exposure they have to each medium. Thus, for example, the TGI user could identify very quickly and simply that drinkers of Coca-Cola are particularly likely to be amongst the heaviest consumers of a specific medium.

Direct Mail Responsiveness Quintiles are also available whereby consumers are ranked according to how likely they are to react to direct mail.

Getting the most out of TGI insight




Amplifying the messageMarketers can improve the efficiency of their campaigns by reaching out to the most influential consumers. TGI Word of Mouth segments are available for a variety of product sectors, including financial services and alcoholic drinks, as well as areas of interest, including music and films.

For instance, subscribers can identify the consumers that are most likely to talk to others about computer and console gaming, or those that are likely to post comments or reviews on the internet about pharmaceutical products. By targeting these consumers effectively the message the marketer wishes to spread can be passed on at no extra cost but with great impact.

Time DiaryThe TGI Time Diary allows users to pinpoint product usage and media exposure to specific hours of the day either during the week or at the weekend. The Time Diary also reveals the location of the activity, ie in home or while travelling. This allows campaigns to be tailored to the most micro level. For example, if a particular audience is especially likely to watch TV in the morning and then go shopping, the relevant message can be targeted to them at the time of day it could have the most impact on their behaviour.

More tips and FAQs can be accessed in the subscriber area on the TGI website.


Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000

Below is a concise glossary of useful terms that relate not only to TGI data but across the media industry. By familiarising yourself with these and what they mean you will feel far more comfortable working with TGI data and in your day-to-day role as a whole.

AdultOn GB TGI, any person aged 15 or over.

Average Issue ReadershipDefined as being the number of adults who have read or looked at the publication within the publication interval (e.g. ‘yesterday’ for a daily, ‘within the last week’ for a weekly).

BaseSelection of the correct population base is vital to ensure that the resultant analysis is not misleading. This requirement comes from the fact that not all questions are asked of all respondents but are targeted at those for whom they are relevant. E.g. usage of lipstick is only asked of women and should not therefore be analysed using an ‘all adult’ base.

Chief Income EarnerThe member of the household (which could be the respondent or someone related to the respondent) who has the largest personal income.

Cluster AnalysisClustering is the grouping together of respondents, by specialist software, according to the similarity of their responses to an often large number of questions.

Coding LogicThe means within TGI analysis software by which elements within the database can be combined along the lines of ‘X or Y’, ‘X and Y’, ‘X but not Y’.

CopyrightThe copyright on TGI data means that it can only be used by TGI subscribers. The data can be used in presentations, reports, letters or memos to support the subscribers business and needs to be sourced as ‘Target Group Index © Kantar Media UK 2012’ (year to be varied as necessary).

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Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000

Correspondence MappingThe representation of a cross-tabulation as a two dimensional ‘map’ which enables the analyst to more easily see the relationships between many elements contained within the crosstab and to identify potential marketing opportunities that are presented by ‘gaps’ in the market being examined.

Data FusionThe carrying across of data from one dataset to another via linkages built on the basis of variables common to both datasets. These common variables will be weighted according to their importance in predicting the behaviour being transferred.

FactoringFactoring is the method used to account for a question that has not been on the TGI questionnaire for the whole analysis period. Failure to factor data correctly will produce a misleading outcome to such analysis. See “What is factoring and why do I use it?” in FAQs section of subscriber area.

GeodemographicsThe classification of respondents into typologies based on analysis of the post codes in which they live.

Greenscape ClustersA six cluster segmentation created within the TGI database according to the ways in which respondents are engaged with green issues together with the environmental characteristics they display through their behaviour.

HouseholdA private household consists of either one person living alone or a group of individuals, usually but not always, members of one family who live together and whose food and other household expenses are managed as one unit.

IndexThe index is the measurement of the proportion by which subsets of a population differ from the larger population from which they are drawn. See “What is an index?” in FAQs section of subscriber area.

Lifestage This is the grouping together of respondents into demographically defined segments which represent the stage in life that they have reached. These groupings involve age, marital status and household composition.

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Getting the most out of TGI insight




Main ShopperThese are the respondents that are classified, by their answers to specific questions, as being responsible for at least half of the household shopping.

Media Neutral QuintilesThe five, equally sized, subsets of data that fall between the points that are 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 and 5/5 through a frequency distribution formed by ranking TGI respondents according to their level of exposure to a advertising medium.

NRS WeightingFor those press titles that are measured on both the TGI and the National Readership Survey (NRS), the TGI Average Issue Readership (AIR) is adjusted to the NRS AIR levels. This weighting is done within age, sex and social class.

Pareto Principle – 80/20 ruleThe generally accepted rule of thumb in business that ‘80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers’. This is illustrated by TGI via the Volumetrics calculation.

PenetrationThe proportion of an overall market that uses a particular brand or product field.

ProfileHow users of a brand or product field are distributed amongst, for example, age or social grade groups.

PsychometricsIn TGI terms these are the measures within the questionnaire that are used to gain an understanding of the psychological drivers behind consumer behaviour. These measurements include those of attitude, expectation, motivation and opinion.

Sample SizeWithin a cross-tabulation on the main GB TGI survey the sample size within a single cell is acceptable as long as the originating cells (from which the cell in question is created) have a sample size of 200 or more. If said cell is then used as the basis for further investigation it too must have a sample of at least 200 within it. On other TGI surveys, acceptable sample sizes may vary. Please speak to your client service representative if unsure. See “How do I know if data is statistically reliable?” in FAQs section of subscriber area.

Social GradeSocial Grade is assessed from information collected at the initial face-to-face omnibus interview and relates to the occupation of the household member with the highest income.

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Getting the most out of TGI insight


TGI Hotline: 020 8433 4000

Target Group Ratings (TGRs)TGRs are created by the fusion of TGI behavioural data to the BARB TV audience measurement panel, providing the ability to analyse currency level, minute by minute, TV viewing by such TGI measurements as product usage.

Terminal Education Age (TEA)The age at which a respondent completes their full time education.

TGI ClickstreamTGI Clickstream provides information about actual consumer web usage integrated with the full TGI database. A computer meter passively measures the online activity of thousands of TGI respondents and this is then combined with TGI’s comprehensive range of single-source consumer variables. TGI Clickstream records online behaviour across over 1,000 sites and 100 sub-domains.

TGI WorldpanelThis is created via the fusion of the scanned FMCG household purchase data from Kantar Worldpanel to the full range of consumer insight information on the TGI ‘main shopper’ database.

VolumetricsThe calculation from TGI data of the overall reliance that a brand or a product field has on a relatively small subset of its users.

(See Pareto Principle)

Word of Mouth (WOM)A classification of respondents by their answers to questions which seek to understand their knowledge of, and their on- and offline conversations about, a range of products and services, including toiletries, mobile phones and cars.

Getting the most out of TGI insight




Other surveys available from TGI include:

Youth TGISurveys of children aged 7-10, 11-14 and 15-19

Premier TGISurvey of the most upmarket consumers in Britain

Europa TGICombined TGI survey from GB, France, Germany & Spain

TGI ClickstreamGB survey enhanced with passively-collected internet usage data

TGI WorldpanelGB survey fused with Worldpanel data giving greater brand coverage

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