Getting Help Lesson 3 Pages 234-237. When to get help 1.If you have feelings of being trapped or you...


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Getting HelpGetting Help

Lesson 3Lesson 3

Pages 234-237Pages 234-237

When to get helpWhen to get help

1. If you have feelings of being trapped or you worry all the time.

2. If your sleep, eating habits, school work and relationship are affected.3. If your family or friends express concern about your

behavior 4. If you start using drugs/alcohol.5. If you are becoming increasingly violent, aggressive or reckless.

Self Help……….Self Help……….Many self-help resources are now available in print,

tape, CD, video etc. Before you implement the advice here are thing to consider.

1. Are you being advised to try meds or other remedies?

2. What are the Authors qualifications?

3. Is the material/info back by a creditable organization? Ex. Am. Psychological Assoc.

4. Is there a cost involved? Evaluate carefully

Mental Health ProfessionalsMental Health Professionals

• Psychiatrist-is a physician who specializes in psychiatry and is certified in treating mental illness. As part of their evaluation of the patient, psychiatrists are one of only a few

mental health professionals

who may prescribe psychiatric


• Neurologist- is a medical doctor of a branch of medicine dealing with organic disorders of the nervous system.

Mental Health Professionals…..Mental Health Professionals…..

• Clinical Psychologist- a professional who diagnoses and treats emotional and behavioral disorders by means of counseling but can NOT prescribe drugs

• Counselor- A professional who works with people on personal and educational matters

Mental Health Professionals…..Mental Health Professionals…..

• Psychiatric Social Worker- Provides treatment and guidance for client but in a hospital, clinic or family service agency setting

• School Psychologist- Assess the learning, emotional and behavioral problems of school children.

Road Blocks to Road Blocks to getting helpgetting help

• Weakness- some people see seeking help from a professional a sign of weakness, when in reality it shows responsibility for one’s own wellness.

• People with Mental illnesses can’t get help on their own and need the help of the state or a professional.

• Sharing personal thought and feelings with a stranger can be very embarrassing, but once done it can give a great sense of relief.

Therapy MethodsTherapy Methods

• Psychotherapy- is an interpersonal, relational intervention used by trained psychotherapists to aid clients in problems of living. The professional and patient work together to determine how to solve problem.

• Behavior Therapy- a treatment process that focuses on changing a unwanted behavior through rewards and reinforcement.

• Cognitive Therapy- a treatment method designed to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to poor feelings and behaviors.

Therapy Methods continued…Therapy Methods continued…• Group Therapy- is a form of psychotherapy

during which one or several therapists treat a small group of clients together as

a group. This may be more cost effective than individual therapy, and possibly even more productive. Group therapy often consists of "talk" therapy.

• Biomedical Therapy- the use of certain medications to treat or reduce the symptoms of a mental disorder. Often combined with other forms of therapy.
