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Carla Holden. 2015 Get 5 Clients In 30 Days.



Here's your step-by-step guide to creating irresistible offerings (it ALL starts with knowing what your target market wants)’re gonna have to talk to them to find out. :)

Take action on the following, put your offer out into the world and start testing, getting feedback and booking clients!

Carla xo

1) Start With Your Client’s Most Desired Result/ Outcome/ End-Game In Mind

The key to creating an irresistible offer is to uncover the #1 thing your client wants most, match it up with the work you do and deliver it in a way that’s perfect for them.

As a service provider your job is to help people get what they want using your unique skills and gifts. Whether your client wants to heal chronic pain or meet the love of her life, your offer will be designed to help them get their most desired outcome at the end of your time together.

Let’s uncover what your people want!

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Create Irresistible Packages: 5 steps to an offer they can't refuse!


What are the biggest or most common problems/frustrations your ideal clients face?

What are some possible solutions that you could provide?

If they could have anything they want, what would it be? (Get specific here)

Is their problem big enough that they would invest money to have it solved?

Your offer can solve a little problem (stop eating sugar): 30 days or lessorYour offer can solve a BIG problem (lose 30 lbs): 3 - 6 months

Bonus Tip: The best way to create a super hot package is by asking your dream clients what they want. Talking to real people and uncovering what their specific struggles are and what they want most is mega clarifying for your biz and a great way to build relationships (a key step in getting clients).

***THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE: Go out and find 25 people you’d love to work with and interview them...take notes and use the feedback to design your irresistible offer.***

2) Pick A Super Hot Title

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You’ve got to have a clear and compelling name for your offer. Something that speaks directly to the results you’re going to help them create.

Here are three different formulas to help you name your program. Don’t get stuck on picking the most perfect name ever. Pick your outcome and write out your potential title’s below. Select the one you love most and move on to step three.

Formula 1: Most Desired Outcome + Length of Time10 lbs down in 30 daysDouble Your Income in 90 daysBetter Sleep In 6 weeks

Formula 2: Most Desired Outcome + Catch Phrase: (Blueprint, Bootcamp, Formula, System, Method, Code, Cure)Big Money BlueprintThe Soulmate BootcampFind Your Niche Formula

Formula 3: Straight To The PointQuit Your Day JobManifest Mr. RightStep Into Your Spotlight

What’s the name of your irresistible offer?

How long will it take for your client to see results? This will be the length of your program.

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Bonus Tip: If you’re brand new in biz, start small. You’ll get testimonials, experience, feedback, momentum and a big confidence boost the sooner you start working with paying clients. My first package was a 30 day marketing action plan for 100 bucks. I sold 5 in a week and 4 of those clients decided to go onto my 90 day program.

3) The Nuts & Bolts Package Creator

Now that you’re package is centered around a specific outcome, it’s time to map out all that’s included. Instead of just offering 3 or 12 sessions, create an experience.

1st Must Have: PRE-SESSION ASSIGNMENT OR WORKBOOKThis marks the first step of change and gets your client excited to work with you. It’s usually something that will help you get to know your client better or a simple to-do to give your client an early win. It can be a simple PDF with questions, a health intake form, a decluttering assignment or a daily mantra. You can make this totally unique to suit your niche and area of expertise.

2nd Must Have: ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONSYou can offer anywhere from 1-4 sessions per month, or a series of sessions to be used within a certain period of time. Describe what you’ll help them with and why the sessions are so incredible or transformative.

3rd Must Have: EMERGENCY ACCESS TO YOUThis is optional. You can offer access to you in between sessions. This can be a certain number of 911 emergency calls or email access Tue-Thurs. If it’s a higher end package you can even include your cell for clients to get extra support when needed.Always bring it back to what will most help your client get what they want.

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Bonus Tip; You can use all of this as copy on your website. Focus on transformation, benefits and keep the language clear and simple. Don’t use jargon or coach speak (unless your targeting coaches). Put yourself in your customers shoes and create what will make their lives awe-some!

4) Add Even MORE Value

People love to feel like they’re getting a ton of value! Even if it’s not all going to be used during your time together, the following resources are tools they can continue to use long after your package has ended. Plus the following materials require none of your time but up the perceived and actual value of what you’re putting out into the world.

TRAINING & INFORMATIONYou can use your opt in materials, ebook, webinars you’ve hosted or even blog contentthat speaks to your ideal clients needs. Training can be recorded calls or informationproducts. The material is meant to bring even more value to your package so your clientcan experience faster results or even more benefit.

DONE FOR YOU MATERIALSAnything that will make your client’s life easier can be included here. Checklists,templates, planners, plug + play, recipe guides...basically anywhere you can do the work for your client, do it.

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BONUS BONANZAHere is where you can get creative and add on anything you’d like. Extra sessions,meditation C.D.’s, your favorite books, mantra’s, videos, a hand written card or a free ticket to an upcoming event you’re hosting. I love spoiling my clients and sending them mail or little gifts!

Bonus Tip: Name every component of your offer. Don’t just say 4 coaching sessions or weekly PDF’s. Elevate the positioning by continuing the theme & title of your package. If you’re a stylist, name your components; Weekly Wardrobe Sessions, Clean Closet Checklist, Perfect Style Planner, etc.

5) Pick Your Price

Pricing is personal and really depends where you are in your business and what your priority is. If you want experience more than you want a high pay day then price accordingly. You can always pick a starter rate and increase it every 3 - 5 clients.

*Calculate the number of hours you’ll put into delivering this program.

*Add up any additional costs other than your time (materials, bonuses, assistant)

*Decide what you want to make per hour. What is your time worth to you?

*Add it up and see if this number “resonates” with you. Adjust as you and your business grow!

The price of my package/program/offer is: ________________________

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Final Test: Can you think of at least 3 people who would LOVE to have this? Is it something you would pay for if you had that problem? Can you quickly write out the top 5 benefits of someone going through your offer?

If you’ve answered yes to all of the above then congrats, hun! You’ve got yourself an irresistible offer.

Here’s My Irresistible Offer:The title is: ___________________________

The price is: ___________________________

The length is: ___________________________

The main outcome is: ___________________________

Woo Hoo!! You did it! If you have a website, put it up there and create a paypal button to start receiving payment.

Your next step is to get your offer in front of as many awesome peeps as possible and turn them into happily paying clients and customers!

We’ll cover how to do just that in next weeks training.

To your success!Carla xo

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INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: (Let them do 90% of the talking)

Personally reach out to 5 people a day. Here’s a simple script you can use to do your reach outs.

“Hey ____, I wanted to reach out to you personally because I’m thinking about creating a new offer and I’d love to get your opinion! Would you be available for a quick 15 minute phone chat this week?”**If it’s a total stranger, then introduce yourself first and your business and mention why you wanted to connect with them.

What are your three biggest frustrations in this area?

On a scale of 1 -10 how important is this for you to solve right now?

Have you ever paid for _(this service)_____ before?

What did you like best about it?

What did you like least?

What would be a dream come true solution for you in this area?

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1. I help/show/teach/work with… [insert who you would love to help]…

Example: I show women in their 40s…

2. [Insert what they are struggling with]…

What are they moving AWAY from? Example: Emotional eating...weight fluctuations

3. So they can… [#1 desired result or outcome]…

What do they most want? Example: freedom from food obsession...healthy stable body weight

4. (Optional) In/with/without/while… [insert specific convenience they want OR pain they  want to avoid].

Example: Without guilt and deprivation around food.

5. Put it all together...

“I work with women in their 40’s who are struggling with emotional eating. I help them get total freedom from their food obsession so they can have a slim and healthy body for good.”

You can also create a shorter version and say…”I help emotional eaters break free from their food obsession.”

The key is to use the words that your target client is using inside her own head. What pain does she no longer want in her life and what dream outcome does she want more than anything?

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Your program will be the solution to her problems and the answer to her dreams.

It all starts with a short and simple statement of what you can do for her.

So... what do you do?

Practice saying it out loud at least 10 times. It’s important to nail this so it becomes second nature...even if it feels awkward at first.

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Here Are Your Assignments For Week One

Complete Your “What I Do” Statement

Create Your Offer - It’s OK To Start Small

Do 25 Personal Reach Outs For Target Market Research & Interviews

Sign Up For An Accountability Partner

Carla Holden. 2015 Get 5 Clients In 30 Days.