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What’s Inside

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Before we begin, let me tell you a story.

There was a time in my life (not so long ago) when I desperately longed for more - to be more, do more, have more - yet I had zero idea how to get moving. ‘I’m so indecisive!’ felt like my life’s motto and FOMO ran the show.

I felt stuck.

I can still remember the constant dissatisfaction and frustration, the self doubt, self sabotage, resistance, judgement and fear.

This was my belief: I’m not good enough, I don’t have enough and I never will.

An observation I’ve made after working with almost 200 women over the past couple of years (coaching in a 1:1 relationship and in my group workshops) is that under all of our past stories, lies that same limiting belief.


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Now let me tell you this. Believing the above is a sure-fire way to find yourself in Stucksville. A place that feels rather suffocating and gross. We’ve all been there, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay there. Our past is our past. We’re looking forward.

And thus, the purpose of this workbook is to help you find clarity and clear the fog that is preventing you from shifting gears and finding your flow. In fact, the simple fact that you’re reading these words signifies that it’s time for you to express yourself fully, in all of your glory. I know you want this.

I also know that as a coach and mentor, I have a hunger to provide guidance, to teach, to learn and to share; to empower women - like you - to radiate, and it has been my greatest honour to use the tools and insights that I’m sharing with you in these pages to inspire women all over the world to move. To shine.

To get unstuck.

All the ideas, exercises and strategies that I am sharing with you here, are ones that I personally use and adore. Every single personal story and experience is from the heart.

So you could say, this workbook is kind of like a heart-felt coaching session with me, fused with a D&M and wrapped up with a killer strategy session. It’s all kinds of awesome. Let’s get stuck in shall we?

Claire x

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The full potential of this workbook lies in devoting time - an afternoon, 15 minutes every morning, a heavenly weekend retreat - to pour through it with coloured pens, pencils and sticky notes. You might even like to use a diary or journal if you’d prefer not to print it out.

You’ll notice some words are highlighted like this. These are links to useful (sand some exclusive!) online content. The most important thing, is that you lean in. By this I mean, actually do it. Pause where you feel called to. Dive deep when desire demands it.

+ SECTION 1: THE WORKSHOP is designed to open the floodgates. Through a series of 5 exercises, you’ll begin to decipher where your desires, beliefs and passions lie. And of course, that pesky resistance. Delicious. + SECTION 2: GET INSPIRED is a collection of ideas and personal stories that I am honoured to share with you here. I hope you see a little of your story, in these glimpses of mine. + SECTION 3: LET’S DO THIS is simply a space for you to reflect and find lucidity on your next move. You’ll map out your inspired action steps to get unstuck.


“Intention is not something you do, but rather a force that exists in the universe as an invisible field of energy—a power that can carry us.”


I love to sink into the energy of intention before starting any creative project, blog post, wellness regime, weekend, holiday or even day for that matter. Heck, every hour we can re-commit to tapping into this energy that expands and supports our life. So, this is how we’ll kick things off.

But what is intention? Intention is pure creative energy. Living with intention means embracing mindful, conscious and purposeful living. To me, intention means trusting and tapping into the Source/God/Goddess/The Universe/Higher Self (whatever floats your boat) on a daily basis. I believe that heart-fuelled intentions are divine and powerful declarations that signify our devotion to expressing ourselves fully and authentically. With ease. No stuck-ness required.

There really is no end goal or finish line with intentions. Rather, we tap into how we want to feel, what we value and set the intention to live our life accordingly, now. You have that power. So, let’s start tapping. It’s time to get unstuck and find our flow.

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What does your ideal day look and feel like?

Where are you feeling free right now?

Where are you feeling stuck right now?

What do you need to give yourself permission to do?

What does the word freedom feel like to you?

What do you feel is holding you back?

What is time to let go of?

Pour a cup of tea. Get comfy. Take a deep breath. Then answer the following questions without overthinking them. Trust your gut. Feel it in your body.

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How would you prefer to be feeling right now?

When you imagine yourself moving forward, how does that feel?

What would be the benefit of becoming unstuck?

What would feel like a miracle right now?

What is it time for you to allow?

Notice and circle any patterns or words that you’ve used that go BA-BA-BOOM in your heart. Using your reflections, set your intention for this workbook below.

HOT TIP: Keep your intention positive and focus on feelings here, rather than specific goals or other people in your life. e.g. ‘I feel energetic and happy as I welcome more ease into my life’ will be more inspiring than ‘I want to stop X making me feel tired and annoyed.’ *wink*

“You cannot connect the dots looking

forward; you can only connect them looking

backwards. So you have to trust that the dots

will somehow connect in your future. You have

to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This

approach has never let me down, and it has

made all the difference in my life.” STEVE JOBS




One of my favourite tools in my ‘coaching toolkit’ that I was given whilst training to become a certified health coach at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, is The Circle of Life.

I adore this tool for its simplicity and profound reflection of what is - and isn’t - working in our lives. I’ve re-jigged my version over the years to reflect the areas I specialise in as a coach.

Naturally, bringing awareness to our diet is momentous when we are consciously assessing and improving our health and happiness, but there is so much more to living a healthy life than what’s on our plate.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling stuck and dissatisfied in one area of your life (e.g. bored in your full time job or lacking intimacy in your relationship), you turn to food to fill the void? I get it. I’ve absolutely been there.

You could be eating a perfect diet and moving your body regularly, but if you haven’t felt creative since high school or your job is stressing you out, you won’t feel your best. To take the very best care of ourselves, we need to take a holistic perspective.

I use The Circle of Life with my clients and at my workshops to create clarity around where they’re feeling content and where they could get a little more sweet satisfaction.

Give it a go (remember, the key words here are joy and satisfaction) and observe what thoughts and feelings come up for you as you move through each area of your life.

My She Is Radiant eRange is devoted to exploring this unique concept of health and happiness further and is designed to guide you to figure

out which foods work best for you, plus kick-off a nourishing self care


You can check it out and embark on your 6-week wellness adventure

right here.


Home Environment

Social Life


ical A


y Play + Fun

Skills + Education

Career + Business




+ Se

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Sex + Intimacy

What does YOUR life look like?

1. Place a dot on the line in each category to indicate your level of satisfaction within each area. Place a dot at the center of the circle to indicate dissatisfaction, or on the periphery to indicate satisfaction. Most people fall somewhere in between.2. Connect the dots to see your Circle of Life.3. Identify imbalances. Determine where to spend more time and energy to create balance.This version is modified from Integrative Nutrition’s traditional version. ©2013 Integrative Nutrition, Inc. Used with Permission. No further copying and/or re-publication is authorized.


e Cooking

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Gratitude is the key that unlocks joy, abundance and happiness and allows us to feel content now. It brings our awareness to what is working in our life and creates appreciation for everything we already have; which is always more than enough.

I have a monthly segment on my blog titled The Gratitude Files which is a mish-mash of all the things that are currently making my heart sing. It always makes me feel joyous and full of life when crafting these blog posts!

Reflecting back on your Circle of Life, use the next couple of pages to have a think about each area of your life and what you are grateful for.

What are you pleased about, thankful or totally stoked on? What’s lighting up your life? What feels expansive and ripe with possibility? How - and where - are you blessed?

HOT TIP: Before getting out of bed every morning, think of 5 things you are grateful for and why. This is change-your-life kinda stuff.

Creativity & Self Expression


Career & Business

Skills & Education

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Physical Activity

Play & Fun

Home Cooking

Home Environment


Social Life

Sex & Intimacy

Spiritual Practice

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Wowee, I can feel your joy oozing from here! Gratitude journalling is a bliss shot that lifts you right out of that stuck feeling.

Now, let’s take a look at the areas you weren’t feeling so satisfied in. Let’s shed some light there.

Where do you feel constricted or frozen? What is stopping you from moving forward? Where are you banging your head against the wall? What is just not working? What are you resisting?

HOT TIP: Don’t judge what comes up for you here. Just observe where you’re feeling stuck and move on. These observations are just opportunities for growth and they do not define you. Choose curiosity instead getting caught up in the crap. Remember, we’re looking forward.

Creativity & Self Expression


Career & Business

Skills & Education

Physical Activity

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Play & Fun

Home Cooking

Home Environment


Social Life

Sex & Intimacy

Spiritual Practice

“You are not your bank account, or your ambitiousness. You’re not the cold clay lump with a big belly you leave behind when you die. You’re not your collection of walking personality disorders. You are spirit, you are love.” ANNE LAMOTT


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Thoughts and ideas that we were told as children by our teachers, parents and friends, become our own personal beliefs when we agree to them. It is these beliefs and agreements about the world and who we are, that shape our reality.

Our positive, empowering beliefs about ourselves and the world enhance our experiences and those of the people around us. Armed with these beliefs, we are free to express who we are; we are never stuck.

The thing is, most of us reach adulthood with a barrage of limiting beliefs. In this space, we’re held back by our fears, prejudices and resistance. Howeve, we have the power to change these beliefs, no matter how many years of programming we have in our psyche.

It blows my mind every single time I stretch the boundaries of what I believe to be true; suddenly the world seems to expand a little further. And devoting to the positive, empowering beliefs about myself and the world always enhances my experiences.

What you accept is what will continue. And what you believe, will always be true for you.

What if… Your negative beliefs about yourself weren’t the truth? What if… Life was limitless? What if… You have more power than you’ve ever given yourself credit for?

I absolutely adore this simple ‘belief shifting’ exercise from motivational guru Tony Robbins.

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1. Set a timer for five minutes. 2. In the box below, write down every single empowering belief that has supported you in your life. Write for the full five minutes. What beliefs encourage and strengthen you? What moves you into action?

3. For another five minutes, write down every single disempowering belief that you have. What beliefs hold you back? What has limited you in your past?

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4. Now, go back over your empowering beliefs and choose THREE that are the most key for you. HOW do these beliefs empower and strengthen you?

5. Do the same now for TWO key disempowering beliefs. HOW do these beliefs limit you and prevent you from moving forward?

6. I want you to give all the evidence you can muster as to why these two disempowering beliefs are ridiculous, outdated and simply not true.

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7. If you don’t let go of these disempowering beliefs, what will it cost you?

8. What will be the benefit of releasing them, of choosing a new belief?

9. What’s necessary for you to believe in order to empower yourself and get unstuck? Declare your new beliefs below!

Remember, you have the power to re-write your belief system. Make it sweet, supportive and superb.

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I remember doing this exercise while I was backpacking in the south of France in September, 2011. I had been travelling for almost 6 months and I was only a few weeks away from returning to Australia.

I was nervous. I had really opened up to life and connected with myself on a whole new level whilst exploring the world (isn’t it amazing how travelling does that?) and I was unsure how I was going to maintain this passion and enthusiasm when I returned home.

So I wrote a love list; something that I could read back on when I felt that ‘stuck’ feeling return. Here is my exact list from that afternoon:

+ New black felt tip pens.+ Taking off in a plane.+ Picking veggies and eating them straight out of the garden.+ Contributing. Inspiring. Creating.+ Being able to touch my toes.+ Photos of windows and doors.+ Lacy underwear.+ Lying in the sunshine.+ Long bus trips with my iPod.

+ Comfortable silences/talking for hours.+ Mangoes.+ Dark chocolate.+ Being able to run 10km without stopping.+ Tables big enough to fit my whole family.+ Mismatched chairs.+ Turquoise anything.

Since then, I’ve added things to my list such as handstands, living by the ocean, cooking dinner with my man, solo cafe dates to simply write, yoga and meditation, medjool dates, hot pink fingernails, making almond milk in the early morning, dancing in my undies, listening to podcasts and cuddles with my dog.

Your love list is a work in progress. Constantly evolving, as are you.

What does your love list look like?

What do you love to do? What brings you joy? What makes you smile? What could you do all day? What feels like pure bliss to you? When do you feel most like yourself? My tip: Stay simple, stay true.

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Then, here’s the best part. Go and do it!

Make a commitment to yourself to start doing something on your list every day.

Every. Single. Day.

Sure, hiking mountains daily or cooking your partner a three course meal every night might not be feasible, but I bet you can find time to read one of your favourite blogs, paint your nails or shake your booty to some grind-worthy tracks at some point in your day.

The ‘larger’ loves still need to be committed to though; just schedule these bad boys into your monthly or yearly planner. As Marie Forleo says ‘if it’s not scheduled, it’s not real.’

So carve out the time. This is where you get to connect with you. Your soul desires nothing more than to express itself in all its glory; doing what you love is doing just that.

I try to do three things off my list every morning before I leave the house or sit down to work. This way, I find my flow, first thing.

HOT TIP: Watch this video I made for you! I chat about how doing things you love will help when you just don’t know what you want to do with your life.


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Let me share a little more of my story with you.

In 2012, I’d just returned home from 6 months backpacking around the world and was living in Melbourne, Australia. I didn’t hate my job - it paid well, I had fancy business cards and I got to travel overseas - but I was far from inspired. I knew I wanted to feel creative and help others but I had no clue what I wanted to do.

I was also adjusting to single life, slowly and painfully. I’d change my interests, personality and tastes to suit the dude I was dating. I was terrified that I was 25 and still hadn’t met Mr Right. I’d spend my weekdays at the gym, munching salad and drinking green juice, but come the weekend, I’d sink booze on an empty stomach and spend my Sundays guilt-ridden on the couch with greasy takeaway. I never felt skinny enough, fast enough, flexible enough or strong enough. I was stiflingly obsessed with that number on the scales.

I was constantly worried about money and not having enough. No matter how much moolah I earned, I was always scraping the bottom of my bank account and sinking further and further into debt.

I feared that I wasn’t a good enough daughter, friend, sister or employee. I believed that what

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other people thought of me, defined who I was.

Oh, but the desire was there. I was hungry to make and teach stuff. I wanted to nourish myself, without the bingeing and the guilt. I wanted to explore the world. I wanted to look back on my life and know in my heart that I had lived a full, meaningful life.

Let’s fast forward to today… (and of course, this is by no means the final chapter).

Firstly, life is sweet. It was back then (truly) and it is today. I’ve got so much love for that girl who was hungry for more. She’s integral to this story; she had guts. So do you.

Over the last few years I’ve thrown out the scales, quit getting drunk, figured out what diet and exercise works best for my body and taken self care to a whole new, nourishing level.

I’ve found an intense love for the connection and space that comes with time alone, as well as finding freedom, authenticity and devotion in my relationships. I’m crazy in love with a dude who is the yin to my yang; with him, I’m free to be me. And vice versa.

I’ve learnt to love money! I actually enjoy budgeting. Clearing my debts has created so much freedom in my life. It turns out ‘living within your means’ isn’t limiting; it can actually be a beautiful affirmation of self love.

The honour of guiding kind, generous and passionate women who long to live a nourished and purposeful life still takes my breath away. Taking the leap into full-time Boss Lady Life was scary, but so bloody worth it. Guiding and mentoring others to do the same? A DREAM.

Overall, I’m OK with whatever lies ahead of me because I can (most of the time) trust the process and let it go. When I do freak out, I know what to do to bring it back home.

Sometimes that means a meditation and deep breathing. It can also mean a social media detox or a sweaty beach run. But to be honest, it’s just as likely to mean ugly crying in the shower, a chick flick on the couch and some chocolate covered strawberries. And that’s totally sweet.

I’ve also embraced the reality that we’re born to be real, not to be perfect; it’s perfectly normal to revel in our humanness and have moments of indecision, uncertainty and fear. In fact, these are integral threads in the fabric of life and I have chosen to wrap myself (snugly) in it.

I have chosen to get unstuck. Continually, consciously, every day. Join me?

HOT TIP: If you’d like to know more about my balanced approach to wellness - like how I love chocolate and don’t drink green smoothies every day - you’ll love this blog post.

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Like you, I’m a seeker and a thinker and a dreamer and a believer. And like me, I bet you’ve asked yourself this question many times…What is the purpose of my life? Well my friend, I reckon I have the answer. Let me share a quote with you from the book Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsch.

“There is only one purpose for all of life, and that is for you and all that lives to experience fullest glory. Everything you say, think or do, is attendant to that function. There is nothing else for your soul to do, and nothing else your soul wants to do... There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are… You use life to create your Self as Who You Are, and Who You’ve Always Wanted To Be.”

Doesn’t that feel extraordinary; that there is nothing more your soul wants to do then EXPRESS ITSELF? In every thought, word, response and action.

So tell me, are you creating Who You Are and Who You Want To Be? What messages are you sending out? This is POWERFUL.

And now this, from the author of The War Of Art, Steven Pressfield:

“Have you ever bailed out on a call to embark upon a spiritual practice, dedicate yourself to a humanitarian calling, commit your life to the service of others? Have you ever wanted to be a mother, a doctor, an advocate for the weak and helpless... Late at night have you experienced a vision of the person you might become, the work you could accomplish, the realised being you were meant to be? Are you a writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture?”

I know the answer to these questions. Yes, you have. You’ve looked inside yourself before (maybe in meditation, maybe after a few drinks, maybe whilst travelling…) and you’ve felt the enormous potential within yourself. You know there is work to be done. And you know this calling is yours and yours alone.

This is your life’s purpose. Expressing Who You Are through creative thought, word and action. And it’s no coincidence that you’ve been given the gifts, skills and education that you have. It’s time to cast that self doubt aside my friend, because we need your contribution. We’re hungry for it. It’s time to get unstuck and give it up.

BONUS! How do the pros get unstuck? For EXCLUSIVE insights from some of the world’s best coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs click here.. Your secret password is: getunstuck.

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You may find that in order to get unstuck, life will occasionally throw us a curve ball. A really, really hard one. One that smacks us in the face and hurts like hell.

One that crushes us, shatters us, breaks us apart. Brings us to our knees and obliterates our current understanding of the world. Forces us to question everything. Leaves us broken and bruised, unsure and confused.

These are the difficult times in our life and it is often in these challenging chapters of our existence that we are forced to move forward as we discover what is truly important to us and what we really want from life. What guides us forward is how we choose to use these difficult times to cultivate growth, understanding, kindness and gratitude.

During severe illness, I found the confidence to make empowered decisions for my health and happiness and discovered the healing power of food and holistic medicine. Undoubtedly, this trying time planted the seed that grew into my desire to pursue a career as a health coach to empower and educate others in this realm.

Working through the minutes, days, weeks, months and years (and still - these words ache to write), after my younger brother’s motorcycle accident that left him with a severe brain injury, transformed my life brutally and beautifully.

These bumps in the road - well, let’s be honest, sometimes they feel like a boulder (or ten) - are opportunities for us to choose and express who we want to be. We cannot control what happens in our external world, but we can choose how we respond to it. We can always choose who we are, in relation to it.

In one of my favourite blog posts from Danielle La Porte, she writes:‘It has never failed that when I have been through the most heart-breaking passages of my life — betrayal, financial hardship, divorce, dreams dashed — the pain brought me to the floor of my being, and what was there to be found? The simple joy of being alive. So cosmically basic it’s mind- blowing: the joy to be here, connected, animated, breathing, blessed, resilient, to be broken, to be open, to have what was, what’s left, what’s coming. The joy just to be part of reality.’

Can you allow yourself to dance in the rhythm of life, to embrace what is - whatever that may be - and make your way through the darkness with trust and faith, back into the light?

I hope so. Breathe and take your time. We’ll be here, waiting for you when you arrive.

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“When we don’t share the secret ache in our hearts - the normal bewilderment of being human, it turns into something else… See what happens when you offer to another, a glimpse of who you really are.” ELIZABETH LESSER


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Resistance is Flow, Ease and Radiance’s nasty little sister. She often rocks up randomly, rebelliously and rudely and can feel like we’ve hit a brick wall in her presence.

We can be armed with all the information and inspiration in the world, but when she’s around, we feel completely unmotivated, frustrated and foggy.

We don’t move forward. We keep doing that thing we know we don’t want to do. We resist putting pen to paper, answering the phone or showing up.

Resistance can appear in our food choices, lifestyle habits, relationship, career, finances, spirituality... You get the picture.

And what about motivation? When we are experiencing the full brunt of resistance, we often lament that if ‘I just had the motivation...’; as if this magical M word will deliver all we need to get where we want to go.

The thing is, a ‘lack of motivation’ can often be a guise for so many other fears and even desires that we aren’t being completely honest with ourselves about. It’s not uncommon for our fear of success to be more frightening than our fear of failure. For example, you might say that you really want to lose 5kg. Or save $5000. But you just can’t find the motivation. You keep doing things that prevent you from reaching this desire and you become more and more frustrated with yourself. But why?

Why, exactly. WHY do you want to shift some weight? WHY do you want to get yourself out of debt? WHY is going for a morning run or writing that blog post SO important to you? WHY is this goal significant, valuable, useful and meaningful to you?

Come back to your WHY. And always, please, use positive language.

No more berating yourself for your so- called ‘lack of motivation’. Let’s dig a little deeper. Get comfortable with how it feels to have reached your goal, your intention, your desire. Visualise it. Sit with it. Make it feel like home.

Want more potent, resistance-busting juju? This inspiration is an excerpt from my eBook She Is Radiant The Toolkit: 36 Truths, Dares & Tools To Guide Your Wellness Adventure.

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Just to shake things up a bit, here’s a beauty for you:


Nope. Never have been. Never will be.

That stuck, limited, confused, indecisive, fearful feeling that you feel totally overwhelmed by?It’s just that; a feeling.

It’s not YOU.

Never has been. Never will be.

So sure, you can feel stuck. But don’t let it define you.

Remember, nothing lasts forever. Emotions are simply energy in motion, so step aside and let that feeling move through.

You - you infinite, miraculous being - are not stuck.

My top 5 ways to move it on through1. Sweat. Stretch it, move it, shake it out. 2. Trust. That you have peace, wisdom and harmony within you. 3. Feel. Just feel it. It won’t kill you. Promise.4. Get outside. Ocean, trees, mountains, the moon, sunshine, fresh air - and switch off social media!5. Love and laugh. For perspective, acceptance and (of course) endorphins.

BONUS! I asked you: how do you shift that stuck feeling? Click here for this EXCLUSIVE inspiration from my amazing tribe (that’s you). Your secret password is: getunstuck.

“Realise deeply, that the present moment is all you ever have.” ECKHART TOLLE



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“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.

Go out and get busy.” - DALE CARNEGIE

Alright, we’ve done some digging. We’ve planted some seeds of hope and inspiration. Now it’s time to go out and get busy, using fear as our compass. I adapted the following exercise from Kate Northrup’s brilliant book, Money: A Love Story, but you can apply this exercise to ANY area of your life.

Answer these questions with the first thought that comes to mind.

What would you love to do, but you’re petrified of it? When you think about taking action to get unstuck, what idea scares you the most? What are you afraid of doing?

How can you be EXCITED about this specific action and WHY? What reward will you reap from conquering this fear? How will you feel? Who will benefit? e.g. ‘I am terrified of running workshops’ - which is a recurring fear of mine - becomes ‘I am so excited to run workshops because it’s a great way to expand my reach and I love connecting with people in the flesh’. Don’t hold back here, give as much evidence as you can to support the LOVE.

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Now, this project/idea/thing might feel quite scary and big. Let’s break it down. What is the very first step you need to take in order to move towards this dream?

And the step after that?

And the one after that?

Brilliant! We don’t need to see the whole staircase, just the first few steps. The rest will reveal themselves to you in divine time.

Make these action steps real. Pop them in your diary, on sticky notes, on the fridge - somewhere you will see them - and allow yourself to be gently, softly nudged in the right direction.Trust the process. It’s just one step at a time - and I trust you’re taking the stairs.

HOT TIP: For more action-inspiring goodness, be sure to check out the free love section of my website. You can find manifestos, monthly planners, a mindful food diary and more. All yours, totally free.

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So here we are, at the end of our time together (for now).

How are you feeling? Inspired? Overwhelmed? A bit of both? Take a big, deep belly breath and observe what thoughts drift in for you. What felt uncomfortable or tense in your stomach? What sent your heart into flutters?

Write those feelings down. Observe them. Accept them. And remember, real change takes time.

Be gentle with yourself and don’t be disheartened if you don’t see enormous shifts right away. In The Art of Happiness, Howard C. Cutler M.D, summaries the Dalai Lama’s stance on genuine, inner transformation by declaring that, ‘It takes a long time to develop the behaviour and habits of mind that contribute to our problems. It takes an equally long time to establish the new habits that bring happiness.’

As Louise Hay puts it...

“Think for a moment of a tomato plant. A healthy plant can have over a hundred tomatoes on it. In order to get this tomato plant with all these tomatoes on it, we need to start with a small dried seed. That seed doesn’t look like a tomato plant... However, let’s say you plant this seed in fertile soul, and you water it and let the sun shine on it. When the first little tiny shoot comes up, you don’t stomp on it and say ‘That’s not a tomato plant.’ Rather, you look at it and say, ‘Oh boy! Here it comes,’ and you watch it grow with delight... It all begins with that one tiny seed.”

Let the feelings of inspiration you’ve uncovered in this workbook be that seed. Allow your revelations, dreams and gratitude be the fertile soil, water and sunshine. Celebrate your wins (the big and the small), the synchronicity that appears on your journey, the delightful shifts you experience and the people that begin to glide into your life.

Look at life in wonder! Lean into the whispers in song lyrics, coincidences and find your answers within. My tip? The more you look after yourself - body, mind and spirit - the clearer this communication becomes.

But most importantly, have fun! Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.

So lighten up; revel in your transformational process and bring a sense of playfulness to the party. Give yourself permission to get unstuck.

DESIGN | Alana Wimmer, Raspberry Stripes

PHOTOS OF CLAIRE | Hannah Jones, Keeper Creative

YOU | Because without you, this workbook wouldn’t exist.

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SHARE & CONNECTConnection, contribution and collaboration. Hey you. Let’s start a conversation. Join me in the lofty land of social media or sling me an email. If you found inspiration, usefulness or insight (or all of the above) in the pages of this workbook, I’d love for you to share the love by using the #GetUnstuck hashtag. I want to see snaps of scribbled pages, action steps and love lists! Find me on the links below.


Claire Baker is a certified coach and mentor, passionate writer and speaker and author of ‘She Is Radiant: Your 6-Week Wellness Adventure To Get Glowy & Feel Rad’. Claire guides vibrant women towards a life ripe with greater confidence, less stress, improved relationships and clear complexions. She will have you throwing out the scales, booking the flight, launching the blog – and falling back in love with your life.

Claire believes in veggies, the ocean and the power of self expression. Through her authentic and empowering blog, eBooks and workshops you can consider Claire your personal advocate for living an energised, playful and heart-centred life.

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If you’re ready to get started on your own 6-week wellness adventure, you can find my She Is Radiant eRange in my shop. Want to get even closer? Click here to find all the details on how we can jive together in a coaching/mentoring relationship. I’d love that.

If you’d like to attend one of my workshops, you can find all the details and upcoming dates here.

And of course, I’ll see you on the blog!