Gestational Diabetes Brochure ENG


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  • Know that you are at risk if you are.

    Maternal age > 25 Has family or personal

    health history of diabetes

    Overweight or obese Hispanic, Black,

    American Indian, Alaska or Hawaiian native, Pacific Islander

    Is being treated with HIV

    Your body normally makes a hormone called insulin that moves glucose (sugar) out of the blood and into the cells of the body. Women with gestational diabetes develop resistance to insulin and cannot move glucose into the cells. This causes the BLOOD SUGAR level to remain too high and started at about the 20th to H week of pregnancy. Increase sugar levels in the blood can lead to many health problems.

    Perla Zamora 832-814-8510

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    Why Do Some Women Develop

    Gestational Diabetes

    What is Gestational Diabetes?

    Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood glucose (sugar) levels during pregnancy. If not treated, it can cause health problems for the mother and the fetus.

    How to know if you have Gestational Diabetes?

    Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy

    Are you at riskswhat you need to know?

    Visit your Doctor!! All pregnant women are screened for Gestational Diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks

    Since there are usually no symptoms in the mother, it is important to undergo a simple and painless test to protect you and your baby

  • 1

    Most women with gestational diabetes give birth to healthy babies; this is especially true for women who have kept their blood sugar under control, maintained a healthy diet, engaged in regular, moderate physical activity, and had a healthy weight throughout the pregnancy. However, the condition can affect the pregnancy.

    Gestational diabetes usually does not cause birth defects or deformities. Most developmental or physical defects happened during the first trimester of pregnancy, between the 1st and 8th week, and gestational diabetes typically develops around the 24th week of pregnancy.

    Women with gestational diabetes typically have normal blood sugar


    levels during the first trimester, allowing the body and the body systems of the fetus to develop normally. The fact that you have gestational diabetes will not cause diabetes in your baby. However, your child will be at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood and may get it at a younger age (younger than 30)

    Will Gestational Diabetes hurt my baby?

    HHhoHHHhow does Hhhhh affect the mom

    High risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes

    High blood pressure and preeclampsia

    Have large baby, discomfort during last trimester

    may lead to cesarean delivery with longer recovery time

    How does it affect You (Mom)

    How does it affect the baby?

    Large baby and may suffer trauma

    Early birth and respiratory stress syndrome

    Low blood sugar after delivery

    Type 2 diabetes later in life

    A Treatment Plan for Gestational Diabetes

    - Knowing your blood sugar and keeping it under control

    - Eating healthy diet, as outlined by your healthcare provider

    - Getting regular, moderate physical activity

    - Keeping daily records of your diet, exercise and blood sugar level
