Gérard Encausse



Biography of Gérard Encausse

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  • Grard EncausseFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGrard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (July 13, 1865 -25 October 1916), whose esoteric pseudonym wasPapus, was the Spanish-born French physician,hypnotist, and popularizer of occultism, who foundedthe modern Martinist Order.

    Contents1 Early life2 Career

    2.1 Overview2.2 Involvement and inuences

    3 Death4 Partial bibliography5 See also6 External links

    Early lifeGerard Encausse was born at Corunna (La Corua) in Spain on July 13, 1865, of aSpanish mother and a French father, Louis Encausse, a chemist. His family movedto Paris when he was four years old, and he received his education there.As a young man, Encausse spent a great deal of time at the BibliothqueNationale studying the Kabbalah, occult tarot, magic and alchemy, and thewritings of Eliphas Lvi. He joined the French Theosophical Society shortly afterit was founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1884 - 1885, but he resigned soon afterjoining because he disliked the Society's emphasis on Eastern occultism.

    CareerOverviewIn 1888, he co-founded his own group, the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.That same year, he and his friend Lucien Chamuel founded the Librarie duMerveilleux and its monthly revue L'Initiation, which remained in publicationuntil 1914.

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  • Encausse was also a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light and theHermetic Order of the Golden Dawn temple in Paris, as well as Memphis-Misraimand probably other esoteric or paramasonic organizations, as well as being anauthor of several occult books. Outside of his paramasonic and Martinist activitieshe was also a spiritual student of the French spiritualist healer, Anthelme NizierPhilippe, "Matre Philippe de Lyon".Despite his heavy involvement in occultism and occultist groups, Encaussemanaged to nd time to pursue more conventional academic studies at theUniversity of Paris. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1894 uponsubmitting a dissertation on Philosophical Anatomy. He opened a clinic in the rueRodin which was quite successful.Encausse visited Russia three times, in 1901, 1905, and 1906, serving TsarNicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra both as physician and occult consultant. InOctober 1905, he allegedly conjured up the spirit of Alexander III, the TsarNicholas's father, who prophesied that the Tsar would meet his downfall at thehands of revolutionaries. Encausse's followers allege that he informed the Tsarthat he would be able to magically avert Alexander's prophesy so long asEncausse was alive; Nicholas kept his hold on the throne of Russia until 141 daysafter Papus's death.Although Encausse seems to have served the Tsar and Tsarina in what wasessentially a shamanic capacity, he was later curiously concerned about theirheavy reliance on occultism to assist them in deciding questions of government.During their later correspondence, he warned them a number of times against theinuence of Rasputin.Involvement and inuencesLevi, Tarot, and the KabbalahEncausse's early readings in tarot and the lore of the Kabbalah in translation wasinspired by the occult writings of Eliphas Lvi, whose translation of the"Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana" printed as a supplement to Dogme et Rituelde la Haute Magie (1855), provided Encausse with his nom de plume: "Papus"means "physician." [SOURCE NEEDED]1891 l'Ordre des Suprieurs InconnusIn 1891, Encausse claimed to have come into the possession of the original papersof Martinez Paschalis, or de Pasqually (c. 1700-1774), and therewith founded anOrder of Martinists called l'Ordre des Suprieurs Inconnus. He claimed to havebeen given authority in the Rite of Saint-Martin by his friend Henri Vicomte deLaage, who claimed that his maternal grandfather had been initiated into theorder by Saint-Martin himself, and who had attempted to revive the order in

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  • 1887. The Martinist Order was to become a primary focus for Encausse, andcontinues today as one of his most enduring legacies.1893-1895 Bishop of l'glise Gnostique de FranceIn 1893, Encausse was consecrated a bishop of l'glise Gnostique de France byJules Doinel, who had founded this Church as an attempt to revive the Catharreligion in 1890. In 1895, Doinel abdicated as Primate of the French GnosticChurch, leaving control of the Church to a synod of three of his former bishops,one of whom was Encausse.1895 - 1888 The Golden Dawn; Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-CroixIn March 1895, Encausse joined the Ahathoor Temple of the Hermetic Order ofthe Golden Dawn in Paris.Although Encausse claimed as his "spiritual master" the mysterious magician andhealer known as "le Maitre Philippe" (Philippe Nizier), his rst actual teacher inthe intellectual aspects of occultism was the marquis Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yvesd'Alveydre (1842 - 1910). Saint-Yves had inherited the papers of one of the greatfounders of French occultism, Antoine Fabre d'Olivet (1762 - 1825), and it wasprobably Saint-Yves who introduced Papus to the marquis Stanislas de Guaita(1861 - 1897).In 1888, Encausse, Saint-Yves and de Guaita joined with Josphin Pladan andOswald Wirth to found the Rosicrucian Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.1901 Questionable Anti-Zionist writingsIn October 1901 Encausse collaborated with Jean Carrre in producing a series ofarticles in the Echo de Paris under the pseudonym Niet ("no" in Russian). In thearticles Sergei Witte and Pyotr Rachkovsky were attacked, and it was suggestedthat there was a sinister nancial syndicate trying to disrupt the Franco-Russianalliance. Encausse and Carrre predicted that this syndicate was a Jewishconspiracy, and the Anti-Zionist nature of these articles, compounded byEncausse's known connection to the Tsar of Russia, may have contributed to thefalse allegation that Papus was the author who forged The Protocols of the Eldersof Zion.[citation needed]1908 - 1913 Encausse, Reuss and paramasonryEncausse never became a regular (Grand Orient) Freemason. Despite this, heorganized what was announced as an "International Masonic Conference" in Parison June 24, 1908, and at this conference he rst met Theodor Reuss, and the twomen apparently exchanged patents:Reuss elevated Encausse as X of the Ordo Templi Orientis as well as giving him

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  • license to establish a "Supreme Grand Council General of the Unied Rites ofAncient and Primitive Masonry for the Grand Orient of France and itsDependencies at Paris." For his part, Encausse assisted Reuss in the formation ofthe O.T.O. Gnostic Catholic Church as a child of l'glise Gnostique de France, thusforming the E.G.C. within the tradition of French neo-gnosticism.When John Yarker died in 1913, Encausse was elected as his successor to theoce of Grand Hierophant (international head) of the Antient and Primitive Ritesof Memphis and Mizraim.

    DeathWhen World War I broke out, Encausse joined the French army medical corps.While working in a military hospital, he contracted tuberculosis and died in Parison October 25, 1916, at the age of 51.

    Partial bibliographyThe written works of Papus (Gerard Encausse) include:

    Papus (Gerard Encausse). L'Occultisme Contemporain. 1887. PDF scans(http://gallica.bnf.fr/notice?N=FRBNF30400013) from GallicaPapus (Gerard Encausse). L'Occultisme. 1890.Papus (Gerard Encausse). La Science Des Mages. 1892. PDF scans(http://gallica.bnf.fr/notice?N=FRBNF30400027) from GallicaPapus (Gerard Encausse). Anarchie, Indolence et Synarchie. 1894. PDF scans(http://gallica.bnf.fr/notice?N=FRBNF30399986) from GallicaPapus (Gerard Encausse). Le Diable et l'occultisme. 1895.Papus (Gerard Encausse). Traite Mthodique De La Magie Pratique. 1898.PDF scans (http://gallica.bnf.fr/notice?N=FRBNF30400031) from GallicaNiet (Gerard Encausse and Jean Carrre). La Russie Aujourd'hui. 1902.Papus (Gerard Encausse). La Kabbale. 1903.Papus (Gerard Encausse). Le Tarot Divinataire. 1909. PDF scans(http://www.archive.org/details/clefabsoluedelas00papuuoft) from InternetArchive

    See alsoExternal links

    T. Apiryon, brief biography (http://www.hermetic.com/sabazius/papus.htm)Complete bibliography of the writings of Papus (http://www.chez.com/crp/papus/bibliographie.htm)

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  • Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Grard_Encausse&oldid=587525783"Categories: 1865 births 1916 deaths People from A CoruaSpanish emigrants to France Martinism French occult writersFrench people of Spanish descent Gnosticism Tarot Occult tarotOrdo Templi Orientis Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

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