Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 32, No. 02 1953



A publication of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association.

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vmotm WE had a lot of nice comments on

the new cover format that was used for the last issue, all of them favorable. We must admit it wasn't a very original layout — believe LIFE started this kind of treatment of a black and white photo and now it's used with slight variances by many publications. But we never saw one exactly like ours till last week when we spotted a magazine on the newsstand with the same proportion as the ALUMNUS — of all things, INSIDE DETECTIVE.

THIS being the football season, we have devoted much more space to

sports than is our custom. We have faithfully written an account of each Tech game the Monday following the contest. In the past, the editors have received criticism from local alumni concerning this policy. They claim that it is not necessary and eats up a lot of space that could be used more profit­ably. (We were rather flattered at this). But many of our readers don't get the Atlanta papers and never see much of a written account of the games. On the premise that the out-of-town alumni want to read about how Tech scored, etc., each Saturday, we will continue this policy until the criticism gets ex­cessive in favor of abolishing the prac­tice. You'll find the game accounts in the Sports section beginning on page 18.

• • • • •

SPEAKING of sports brings to mind that peculiar breed of men known as

sports writers, a congenial group given to bad prognosticating and good writing.

Atlanta is a town famous for its ex­ceptionally gifted sports writers — Grantland Rice, Ralph McGill, O. B. Keeler, Ed Danforth and many other great ones have worked on the Atlanta papers. Now, a new one moves into this company, at least in our opinion. He is the Constitution's Sports Editor, Furman Bisher. This Bisher man is young and vigorous and his writing re­flects it. He writes with a natural sense of humor, but he never allows his humor to interfere with the coverage of an event. He is a solid Tech booster all the way, and his piece in the Con­stitution of the morning of the Tech-Notre Dame game was one of the finest editorials on Tech written in "many a moon." BUT THE MAN IS PSYCHIC.

Let us show you how psychic he is. Last issue, we decided to start a new series on great Tech teams of the past. Our own favorite team was the '39

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Jackets — and we took advantage of the editor's prerogative and got our licks in ahead of the mob. We jotted down what we considered a passable bit about the '39 team and congratulated ourselves on running something that couldn't possibly be construed as a steal from the dailies. But we reckoned with­out the psychic qualities of brother Bisher. Two days before the Sept.-Oct. issue came off the press — Bisher ran a column on the '39 team. We had "had it" once again.

• • • • •

WELL, another Homecoming has come and gone, and the alumni

office can settle back down to the routine existence. With the help of At­lanta Constitution staffer Bill Diehl and Technique photographer Bill Campbell, we tried to cover all the events of the crowded weekend. The results may be judged in the photo and text story on page 14.

• • • •. •

AFTER a few alumni, friends and campus critics indicated to us that

they considered the class numerals in the "News of Alumni by Classes" sec­tion to be tailored for an obituary column, we decided to make a change. The reverse plates have been pulled and straight type numerals inserted in their place. Hate to have anyone feel they're reading their own "obit."

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November-December, 1953

And more Rambling -

OCTOBER 29 was a big day on the Tech campus. It was the day that the

books were to be moved from the old Carnegie Library to the new Price Gil­bert Library. The freshman class was assigned this task as penance for their overcharged pep rally of October 8, when they allegedly tore up a small portion of downtown Atlanta. At first, an old time "bucket brigade" was sug­gested to do the job — the rats would form a single line from the old library over to the new one and then pass the books along this line. Here the In­dustrial Engineers entered the picture — "What a wasteful, slow way of do­ing a job of this magnitude," screamed the "stop watch" boys, "let us plan and supervise the task and create out of it a practical problem in industrial engi­neering."

So that's how the JOD was organized — the IEs in charge, the "Ramblin' Reck" Club as pushers and the "rats" as the labor. The photos are on page 9.

SOMETIMES real life happenings are _ much funnier than fiction. A case

in this point is a recent experience of Alumni Secretary Roane Beard. As most of you know, Roane is a large man — 6' 4" tall and weighing well over 200 pounds. During the weekends in the fall, the ex-'Jacket center officiates at local high school games. After a recent high school night game at which he was officiating, Roane, dressed in his offi­cial's regalia, was standing at a soft drink stand easing his parched throat. A slightly inebriated man came up to him and scrutinizing him rather care­fully queried, "Man, aren't you pretty big to be a jockey?"

NE W S W E E K m a g a z i n e r e c e n t l y (Nov. 2, 1953) published an excel­

lent article on the morals and mores of college students. Their survey for the preparation of this article carried them into seven representative American col­leges — Tech was one of these seven. If you can possible find a Newsweek of that vintage, read this article; it will give you a lot of hope for the future, if the actions of present-day college stu­dents are any indication.

• • • • •

AT the bottom of this page is a bit of artwork depicting our Christmas

wishes to all Tech men everywhere. We hope that we are the first to wish you a happy holiday season. The artist is a local one, unemployed at the present time except to care for three small Wallaces and one rather obese one. We thought she needed the work.

— R.B.W., Jr .

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<utd a 1/&uf, 'Zfafiftfy 1954 TO ALL THE RECKS

— Georgia Tech National Alumni Association — THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

Volume 32 No. 2 Gea^Tklywmus

Nov.-Dec, 1953

From the Secretary's Desk . . .

ONE OF the most successful reunions I have witnessed since I have been with the Association was the 1928

gathering held during the recent Homecoming. The fine and enthusiastic turnout of this class was a tribute to the work of the class president, Jack Holman, of New York City. Jack had a lot of help from the Atlanta committee headed by John Nichols, but I'm sure that the generating force for this successful reunion originated in New York City. All of

our classes are loaded with fine men, for Tech alumni are acknowledged "the greatest," but leaders with the drive and interest of a Jack Holman are scarce even in our select group.

To my knowledge, the '28 class has always kept in touch with each other better than any other class. Jack turned over to me more than 100 ad­dresses of class members that we didn't have an address on in the Asso­ciation files. He knows, almost with­out reference, where most of his class­

mates are today. They keep in touch with him because he keeps in touch with them. These things are not accom­plished without a woman's help. In the early years, Mrs. Holman helped Jack with his Tech work — recently, his secretary, Mrs. Marie Caggiano, has been aiding him in these projects.

Twice in the past 15 years Jack has taken it upon himself to publish a directory of information about his class. These

directories (one published in 1938 and the other during this year) were well organized, concise, informational surveys of the mores and interests of the members of the class of 1928. The research and publication; Jack Holman took care of both the labor and expense. As many as four mailing pieces were sent to each of the class members to assure the highest percentage of possible replies.

The directory served as a great incentive to create class interest in the 10th and 25th reunion celebrations. Space limitations do not permit us to publish all or even a major portion of the findings of this survey, but here is a smat­tering of the comparative statistics.

1938 1952

Attending Church Regularly 23.6 50.3 Own Home 28.7 79.2 Democrats 67.8 45.3 Republicans 4.6 26.7 Independent 26.4 28.0

Salaries 180 Reporting 161 Reporting

Loss 1.3 $0 - $2100 17.8 $2101 - $3300 50.0 .6 $3301 -$5100 24.5 1.9 $5101-$6200 2.2 6.3 $6200 - over 5.6 90.0

13% in 1952 reported salaries of over $25,000 (times do change)




Of Recks and Print


Of "Rats" and Books

On the Hill

The File for the Future


Homecoming — 1953



The Twenty Tornado



With the Clubs

News by Classes











Executive Editor W. Roane Beard

Editor and Manager Robert B. Wallace, Jr.

Editorial Assistant Mary Peeks


Photographer Bill Diehl captures the spirit of Homecoming with his candid shot of Senior IM John Millican, his wife and their 2y2-year-old twin boys, Mike and Mickey.

Published bi-monthly from September to June, inclusive, by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology, 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35# per copy) included in membership dues. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Atlanta, Georgia, under Act of March 3, 1879.

November-December, 1953

The student publications are the annals of college life. Their editorial pages reflect the thoughts of the students on various and sundry subjects. In this issue we are running an editorial page from the GEORGIA TECH ENGINEER, the campus scientific magazine. In the next issue, you'll find articles from the YELLOW JACKET, the student humor magazine and THE TECHNIQUE, the student news­paper.


TOM NEWBERRY Editor, The Engineer

Flight Into Space — an Editorial

"All aboard for the moon, Mars, and all points in the universe!"

Today that statement sounds fantastic — like something out of the comics. Research in science and engineering today is booming at a terrific rate. Only fifty years ago the Wright brothers made their successful flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Just a few years ago did planes cross the sonic barrier. These two steps were very out­standing in aviation history. But what is next? The next big step is space.

How soon will man cross the space frontier? Already planes, rockets, and missiles have probed at its fringes. In a record climb, the Douglas D-558-2 reached an altitude where its pilot was weightless, as in a flight through space. The Douglas Wac-Corporal, set in the nose of the V-2, travelled one-quarter of the way to the proposed orbit of the man-made satellite. Most of these records came during normal research — planned to keep the United States and its Armed Forces out in front in the fields of guided missiles and supersonic aircraft.

To leave the earth's atmosphere a spaceship, which will be rocket propelled, must quickly attain the speed of 25,000 mph. The experts do not believe that any ordinary rocket can make this escape. They deem it would be neces­sary to construct a three-stage rocktft of gigantic size. The take-off weight would be approximately 7,000 tons, and it would stand to a height of nearly one hundred yards. This is possible from the engineering standpoint, but it is economically improbable. Should it be possible to use an atomic reactor using hydrogen as a working fluid, the take-off weight would be cut to approximately the weight of the German V-2 rocket.

Many of the rocket scientists suggest that a space station which will be used as a base for space operations is an extreme necessity. This station in space will be constructed partially away from the earth's field of gravitation. It will rotate at a distance of over one thousand miles from the earth at a speed of approximately 16,000 mph. But how

will this space station be constructed? The rocket men suggest that this station will be carried up piece by piece in rocket ships. It will be a new satellite — similar to our moon. On this space station scientists would have several unique conditions available for experimentation which could never be attained or equalled on earth. Some scien­tists use as an arguing point the fact that it would allow permanent military control of the entire earth.

A well-known man, Dr. Wernher von Braun, war-time head of the German V-2 rocket project, thinks of space­ships and voyages into the realm of space as a reality in the near future. This is indeed a great jump into the tech­nological future; there is too great a possibility of failure because of any one of a million reasons. Many problems rely on the solution of previous problems before they can be successfully worked out. Therefore, many of the prob­lems encountered with space travel will have to be solved in series steps rather than all at once. Von Braun's ideas may be correct, but other ideas and problems must be worked out before we make a whole-hearted attempt at this huge undertaking.

The conquest of space and specifically the development of a station in space offer such tantalizing rewards that their realization is virtually assured. The length of time in which this will happen will be determined by human nature. At the present rate of development it will probably take about ten years for the engineers to achieve the four­fold velocity increase necessary to place a station in space. Perhaps a war would cut this time somewhat, maybe in half. A manned station in space is, naturally, much further in the future. However, the atomic bomb was scorned by many who resisted change until we needed a bomb. An earth satellite is, in the same manner, scorned by some, al­though nearly every component is in a relatively advanced stage of development and the idea has been recorded in li terature for 30 years. All that is needed is money, re­search, and most of all, necessity. At present, the world situation seems fully capable of providing just this neces­sity! — T.N.


LEAVING THE OLD library area, an I.E. cranks up ARRIVING AT THE NEW library, one of the Towmotor operators a small Towmotor for the trip to the Price Gilbert rests while awaiting an eager (?) crew of "rats" to move his load. Library.

Of "rats" And BOOKS

An alumnus returning to the campus on October 29th would have rubbed his eyes in disbelief at the antics going (in during that day. A real festive note was in the air, at least in the vicinity of the Carnegie and Price Gilbert Libraries.

Milling around the old library in seemingly great con­fusion were students with white hats (Industrial Engi­neers), students in gold caps (Ramblin' Reck members) "rats", professors with worried expressions and casual by­standers. It was the day of the book moving and the "rats" were working in one-hour shifts trying to move 100,000 books in one day. The brains were furnished by the indus­trial engineers while the members of the "Ramblin' Reck" Club were acting as pushers to see that the freshmen did the job. Books were piled everywhere and strange looking machines were being guided, crudely but effectively, by the I.E. students.

The "rats" were doing penance for a few pranks they pulled in downtown Atlanta during a supervitaminized pep rally on the eve of the Tulane game. The I.E.'s were bent on showing the "doubting Toms" on the campus the value of engineering planning in a task of this magnitude. They didn't get the books moved, but everyone had a good time trying.

The "stop watch boys" were victims of that time worn adage so eloquently expressed by Bobby Burns — "the best laid plans of mice and men . . . etc." Their plans had been gone over a multitude of times and seemed ready for the test. By quitting time Thursday afternoon, only 55,000 books had been moved. The human element had wrecked the plans of Industrial engineers once again.

Photos — Wallace

FREE COFFEE for everyone, even the bystanders, during the festive bookmoving day. The Fleetwood Coffee Company footed the bill — a generous gesture.

November-December, 1953

T W O " r a t s " WAIT to unload at a binding table. After three hours, this bottleneck was eliminated by the I.E.'s.




AFTER BINDING, Jfce stacks of books are placed on pallets (donated by Rich's) In aivait the next step in the moving procpss. IE's, rats and "Recks" help.

BINDING, the second step of the process. An IE checks out a green crew of "rats."

The boys give it

THE OLD COLLEGE TRY If the IEs and the freshmen failed in their attempts to move all of the books

in five hours or even in one day, it wasn't because they didn't put out the old college try. Everyone worked hard, even the female-type "rats" — but the responsibility of training each freshman crew (one per hour) plus the time wasted in changing the shifts was too much for the troops. Each of the binding crews took 15 minutes to train for efficient output while the shift changes ate up another 10 minutes. That means that 25 minutes of every hour were wasted as far as effective production was concerned. This plus the fact that the library staff failed to have all the books pre-tagged told the story of a campus engi­neering project that didn't quite make it as planned.

On Friday, October 30, the Tech Building and Grounds crews took over the book moving and by the following Monday had moved the remainder of the books and documents into the new building. The task of putting the books and documents in their proper niches fell to the library staff. Although they were still filing books and documents, the librarians opened the new library for business on Monday, November 2.

It was generally agreed by all concerned that the building and grounds crews under the direction of the Industrial Engineers could have moved all of the books in one day, but it is doubtful that they would have had as much fun as the "rats" during the project.

A lot of humorous comment was floating around the campus before, during and after the book moving. Suggestions as to what the IEs should have done were numerous. One wag put it this way — "Why not have every student on the campus check out 30 books from the old library and check them in at the new library." He may have had something there.


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H A REAL PRODUCTION, walkie-talkies. P.A. systems, and announcers. The front porch of the Knowles building looker! like WGST.


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THE FIRST LOAD DEPARTS for the new library. IE Rice at the controls of the Hyster.

LOADING UP, the big Hyster (courtesy Wrenn Bros.) gets ready to move.

A LOAD ARRIVES at the new library as the stacks begin to build up in this area. Note the public address crew on the balcony of the library.

THROUGH THE DOORS comes a load of books; the caretaker is not impressed.

T H E L I B R A R Y OPENS — Students ore studying in the new building before the books are all in place.

on the hill...

The President's Report President Van Leer recently pub­

lished his annual report to the Board of Regents for the fiscal year, 1952-53. Highlights of the report were the Presi­dent's plea for a new classroom build­ing, the most needed of buildings for the campus; the report of construction on the campus during the past fiscal year; the cut in State funds available to Tech for the present fiscal year, which will wipe out all of the develop­ment in teaching load gained over the past three years, and the report on the revised statutes adopted for use start­ing with the present fiscal year.

An interesting editorial appeared in The Atlanta Journal, which is worthy of reprint as a discussion of this report.

Georgia Tech Insists That A Man Gets an Education GEORGIA TECH'S PRESIDENT, Col. Blake R. Van Leer, has submitted his report for 1952-53 to the Board of Regents. It records the progress of the institution, increasing our pride in Tech and its development.

Included in the report is a sentence of such significance that it should be re­peated and particular attention called to it.

Col. Van Leer reports the need of a classroom building, then says: "It is my considered opinion that Georgia Tech cannot make any further academic pro­gress until we secure adequate and modern instructional facilities for our basic subjects — English, mathematics, social science, modern languages, etc."

The people of Georgia are indebted to the president of the great Institute of Technology who recognizes the require­ment of adequate instruction in the "basic subjects."

Too often schools of technology are places of vocational training and little else. Too often students are trained in a craft or a profession and leave the school as little more than technicians.

Col. Van Leer insists that Georgia Tech develop educated men, grounded in English, mathematics, social science and modern languages.

For this insistence, the people of the state thank him. This is the training, the foundation of learning, that we wish for our young men and women.

New Scholarships As one part of their program "to en­

courage and assist the education of able students who will be industry's future leaders," the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation has established senior year scholarships at 41 engineering colleges and universities. Tech was selected as one of these schools and will select the scholarship recipients in accordance with normal selection procedures. The grant will pay full tuition plus $200 for books and fees for the recipient's senior year at Tech.

The Armco Steel Corporation has re­cently established four scholarships totaling $2400 to qualified upperclass-men. The grants will go to two students in Civil Engineering and two in one of the other schools of engineering, chemistry or physics.

Bill Wilson

T H E NEW STYLE IN HAIRDOES — Three freshmen, two male-type and one female-type, display the traditional Tech punishment with a new twist.

No TV for Tech Georgia Tech withdrew its applica­

tion to the FCC for a commercial TV station at Atlanta, Georgia on Channel 36. Robert Rounsaville's station WQXI now is the only Atlanta station bidding for the channel. Mr. Rounsaville agreed to pay Tech $4500 for expenses incurred in seeking the channel, and also will make his station available for the train­ing of WGST (the Tech radio station) personnel for TV work. Tech withdrew from the contest on October 1st one day before the hearing was scheduled to get underway in Washington, D. C.

The Faculty President Van Leer was a feature

speaker at the Birmingham Regional Technical Meeting of the American Iron and Steel Institute held October 21. His subject was "The Iron and the Steel in Education."

Faculty appointments include that of Edward Foster of the English Depart­ment as a director of the College Eng­lish Association; Radnor J. Paquette, of the Civil Engineering School as a mem­ber of the American Road Builders' As­sociation committee on research and graduate work in highway engineering; Dean R. L. Sweigert of the Graduate Division as chairman of the Educational Methods Committee of the American Society of Engineering E d u c a t i o n , which also appointed I. E. School Di­rector Frank Groseclose as chairman of the Industrial Engineering Division: Co-op Director James Wohlford as vice-chairman of Cooperative Engineering Education Division, and Professor Carl E. Kindsvater of the CE School as a di­rector of the Civil Engineering Division.

Money for Council Head For the first time in the history of the

school, the President of the Student Council will receive an annual salary. The stipend will be for $250 a school year and will be paid to present leader Deck Hull, senior I. M. from Spartan­burg, S. C. The motion was passed by the Student Council at their first meet­ing of the Fall quarter, because of the expenses incurred by their president in connection with Student Council busi­ness. The salary will be paid in in­stallments — $80 in the Fall quarter, $80 in the Winter quarter and $90 in the Spring quarter and will come out of the Council treasury.


T H E AD BUILDING GETS A FACE­L I F T I N G — Scaffolding covers the Tech landmark as the roofing is replaced and the front is polished up.



File for the Future Second in a series on the young pro­

fessors at Tech who will be our

university leaders of the future.

Jack Hine, Ph.D.

Tech's School of Chemistry seems to have an over-abundance of brilliant young professors who could qualify as educational leaders of the future. One of the youngest and most brilliant of this group is Dr. Jack Hine, Associate Professor of Chemistry.

Dr. Hine has just passed his 30th

birthday and has been teaching and doing research work at Tech for four years. After graduating in Chemistry from the University of Arkansas in 1943, Jack went to work as a research chemist with the Cities Service Oil Co. in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. In 1945 he returned to his studies, this time at the

University of Illinois. He received his Ph.D. at Illinois in 1947 at the age of 24 and went on to do post-doctorate work at MIT and Harvard. He came to Tech as Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry in 1949.

While attending chemistry classes at Illinois, Jack met Mildred Halacek, an undergraduate chemistry student. They were married in 1946 after Mildred had received her B.S. in Chemistry. Mrs. Hine now assists her husband in his research work and their first pub­lished work, "The Relative Acidity of Water, Methanol and Other Weak Acids in Isopropyl Alcohol Solution," won second prize in the 1953 Georgia Tech Sigma Xi awards. They have one child, Katherine, born in 1949, who spends her mornings at the Tech nursery school while her parents are working on re­search problems.

The young Tech chemist has had many of his papers published in various chemical journals including the Journal of the American Chemical Society and the Journal on Chemical Education. He is at present working on a textbook for the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. The text is for a three-quarter graduate course in Physical Organic Chemistry and is now about half completed.

Since 1950, Dr. Hine has received re­search grants from the Research Corpo­ration of New York and the National Science Foundation totaling $18,500 and research contracts totaling $11,652 from the Atomic Energy Commission. He has also received large contracts from the Office of Ordnance Research for work during this period.

He has received many honors in his field including membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, American Chemical Society, Chemical Society of London, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Georgia Academy of Science.

Here is another case of an exceptional young man being lured into the academic world when probably he could realize more financial and social gain in the commerical research fields. When approached as to his reasons for select­ing teaching as a profession, Dr. Hine answered quickly and simply: "I went into academic work mainly because it offered the greatest opportunity to do research on topics of my own choice. There is much more independence of research selection in the academic field than there is in the commercial world. My main research interest is in a new field called Physical Organic Chemistry, which essentially consists of making organic chemistry an exact physical science. Tech offers me a place to do my work in peace,"

November-December, 1953 "


A determined group of Florida Ga­tors, playing Tennessee-style, teamed with a rather unladylike hurricane named "Florence," to hold Tech's high scoring 'Jackets to a 0-0 tie in Gaines­ville on September 26th.

A more lopsided tie has never been wrought than this one. The Gators never moved out of their backyard dur­ing the entire contest with the excep­tion of a brilliant offensive burst to the Tech 49 in the third quarter. The Flor-idians played a kick and wait game, while the 'Jackets ran up and down the rain soaked, wind swept field all afternoon only to be denied a score by a wet ball, a stanch Florida line and fate.

Tech started out like they were going to slaughter the helpless looking Gators the first time they had the ball. The first drive carried to the Florida goal line where Leon Hardeman bowled over, sans ball, in a slight backfield mix-up caused by a Florida guard. Florida's Rick Casares booted out and the 'Jackets came storming back.

This time Teas' long punt re turn and two offensive plays moved the ball to the Gator's 12 before Hardeman fumbled. The Gators couldn't stand prosperity and fumbled back to the 'Jackets at the same spot. Tech drove to a first down and one situation, and this time looked like a sure bet to score. But three plays later they were back on the five, as Teas slipped on a fast cut­back. Brigman's fourth down pass went almost to the stands; the fates had stopped them again.

A kicking duel between Florida's Speers and Casares and Tech's Dave Davis took over the limelight from this point, until the fourth quarter, when the 'Jackets again threatened from the Florida 12. This time it looked like the Tech forces were setting up a field goal situation, but freshman quarter­back Wade Mitchell had the ball knocked out of his hands on first down, and the 'Jackets were through for the day.

Glenn Turner was the offensive star for Tech, carrying 20 times for 104

YARDSTICK Florida G. Tech

Fi rs t Downs 4 15 Rush ing Yardage 75 222 Pass ing Yardage 1 18 Passes Comple ted 1 1 Passes In t e rcep ted 1 0 P u n t s 12 9 P u n t i n g Ave rage 40 • 31.5 F u m b l e s Lost 3 4 Yards Pena l ized 35 10

yards. The Tech line looked good both on offense and defense, and the coach­ing staff was quite pleased with the way they pushed the solid Florida de­fense around. Tech just played one of those games and, despite what the Florida papers were saying, lost little prestige in the tie.

S O M E T H I N G N E W has been added. Pret­ty freshman coed, Ann Brown, the first Tech female cheerleader, makes an ap­pearance.

TECH 6, SMU 4 In keeping with the baseball motif

set by the world series, Tech beat SMU by the baseball score of 6-4. The game, played in Atlanta on October 3, drew 37,000 people into Grant Field. SMU deserved a better fate as they

outplayed the 'Jackets all the way, ex­cept for one tremendous goal line effort, Tech looked very unlike its pre­season estimates.

Fumbles, blocked kicks, missed blocks and poor tackling seemed to be the order of the day for the 'Jackets as the Mustangs roamed up and down Grant Field almost at will. However, once their goal line was threatened, the White and Gold defense rose to the occasion and threw back the SMU threats.

Tech scored first in the third period, after Dave Davis intercepted a Mustang pass at the SMU 25, and ran it back to the 20 on a superb effort. The officials stepped in on this play to give the 'Jackets their longest gain of the day, as they penalized SMU back to their own five, for unsportsmanlike conduct. Tech pushed the ball over in three plays, with Pepper Rodgers carrying the last yard on a quarterback sneak. The extra point attempt was wide and Tech had a shaky 6-0 lead. At this point the 'Jackets showed a grand total of minus 1-yard rushing for their efforts.

The 'Jackets spent the rest of the afternoon trying to protect their six-point lead. After their great defensive effort in the third period, Tech took an intentional safety and the score was 6-2. SMU picked up another safety in the final stanza on a blocked kick. Jack Gunlock, the outstanding SMU lineman on the field, blocked one of Davis's kick punts so enthusiastically that it bounded completely out of the end zone and saved the day for Tech.


F i r s t D o w n s 12 3 Rush ing Yardage 124 33 Pass ing Yardage 72 0 Passes A t t e m p t e d 13 4 Passes Comple ted 5 0 Passes In t e r cep t ed 1 2 P u n t s 6 11 P u n t i n g Ave rage 37 40 F u m b l e s Lost 2 3 Yards Pena l i zed 60 65

Tech's great sophomore guard, Frank­lin Brooks, was the outstanding player on the field, as he made 18 clean tackles for a new school record. For his efforts, Brooks was named by Associated Press


as the "Lineman of the Week" in col­lege football.

His play and the great stand where the 'Jackets held SMU for five downs on the one-yard-line (SMU got an extra down due to a both sides offsides situa­tion) were all that Tech had to offer in the game. A look at the statistics will prove that.

TECH DOWNS TULANE, 27-13 Looks like what the 'Jackets should

have done the past two weeks is to let their opponents score the first touch­down. That's what they did in New Orleans on October 10 and then snapping out of their two-week leth­argy, went on to whip the injury-riddled Greenies, 27-13.

The game started just like the past two, with a Tech fumble. This time, it was on the opening kickoff. Tulane had the ball on the Tech 37. The Greenies marched to the Tech 12, but the 'Jackets rose to the occasion and stopped them at that point. Glenn Turner then fum­bled on Tech's first offensive play and the Green Wave was back in business at the 'Jacket 17. Six plays latter it was 6-0, Tulane.

After Tulane failed in the PAT, Tech took the kick-off and drove to the Tulane 8, only to lose the ball on downs, when two passes went astray in the end zone. In the second quarter, the 'Jackets drove 45 yards to their first score, as Turner went over from the Greenies four. The PAT was good and the 'Jackets were in front to stay. Bill Brigman engineered this drive and looked like the great back he was in the '52 Duke victory.

Tech scored again late in the second stanza on a 79-yard drive climaxed by two great pass-plays; an unbelievable catch by Sam Hensley that put the 'Jackets on the Tulane 18 with 15 sec­onds to go in the half, and a great catch and run job by freshman half George Volkert (Nashville, Tenn.) that made the score 13-6 Tech with only 10 seconds to go in the half. The PAT was good and the Tech team had a 14-6 half-time margin.

YARDSTICK G. Tech Tulane

First Downs 20 13 Rushing Yardage 164 150 Passing Yardage 136 76 Passes Attempted 16 18 Passes Completed 10 9 Passes Intercepted 3 1 Punts 2 4 Punting Average 34.5 32.5 Fumbles Lost 3 1 Yards Penalized 61 40

Tulane came out of the second half badly crippled as three of their start­ing backfield were out with injuries, suffered in the first half. Early in the third period, Tech recovered a Tulane fumble on the Green Wave's 14. In two plays, the 'Jackets made it 20-6 with Bill Sennett scoring on a pass from Brigman. Again the extra point was

United Presa

BILL TEAS SKIRTS END as the Auburn linemen reach for him in vain.

good and the score went to 21-6.

The Green Wave cut the margin to 21-13 on a 7 5-yard drive climaxed by a four-yard off-tackle slant by sub back Bob Saia and a PAT by Pete Clement. The Tech team, considering this an in­sult, came back with a 62-yard drive of their own following the ensuing kick-off. Glenn Turner covered the last 21 yards on a great 18-yard effort fol­lowed by a three-yard pay-off plunge. The point was missed and the score stayed 27-13.

The Green Wave started one more drive against the Tech subs, but two great end zone pass defense efforts by Charlie Brannon and Bill Brigman slowed the effort, and an interception by J immy Morris ended the last threat of the game.

The Tech forces at times looked ex­tremely good in this game. When they weren't fumbling, they closely re­sembled the '52 aggregation. It may be that this game was the one that "turned the worm," at least, let's hope so.


What a difference a day makes! Auburn's "Plainsmen" came into At­lanta on October 16th accompanied by thousands of extroverted followers, and the cry of "War Eagle" filled the At­lanta air to the saturation point. Satur­day afternoon at 5:00 all was quiet on the Tech front, the men from the plains had failed again. It was the 12th con­secutive time that Tech had whipped them, but the spirit will be back again next year.

For a change, the other team did the fumbling. Auburn coughed up the ball six times to the 'Jackets, and Tech made the most of every fumble. Tech took the opening kick-off and after two plays lost yardage, kicked to the Plainsmen. Auburn launched a drive but Fob James fumbled at the Tech 41 and the 'Jackets drove 59 yards to go ahead 6-0. Harde­man's 31-yard run with a screenpass featured this series. The "little man" playing his best game since the Sugar Bowl scored on an 11-yard end sweep. Rodgers PAT was blocked.

Tech kicked off and the Plainsmen fumbled the ball right back to the 'Jackets at their own 31. The Tigers stalled this drive at the 13, but Dodd had an ace-in-the-hole in the person of Burton Grant, who came off the bench to kick a perfect field goal to in­crease the margin to 9-0.

After Tech's great defense led by Larry Morris had stopped an Auburn drive at the 'Jackets three, Dave Davis booted one 67 yards and Auburn was back in its own territory. Just before the half ended, the Engineers launched a drive from their own 48 that covered the 52 yards in 11 plays. Bill Sennett caught a well thrown Mitchell pass for this score and Mitchell's PAT attempt was good for a 16-0 half-time margin.

Remembering their great comeback against Mississippi State the week be­fore, the Tigers came out for the second half even more keyed up than at the start of the game. On the first play from scrimmage, James fumbled and Tech was at the Auburn 39. Six plays

(Turn to page 18)

November-December, 1953 13

A REAL WRECK, the Phi Gamma Deltas took second place with this one.

The '53 version of Homecoming turned out to be a huge success. Alumni came from far-away and nearby places to celebrate the "Reck Days" with their classmates. The Tech spirit was more in evi­dence than ever before.

The Business Meeting The annual business meeting of the

Georgia Tech National Alumni Associa­tion was called to order by President Charles R. Yates at 5:10 P. M., Novem­ber 6, 1953.

Alumni in attendance were welcomed, and each alumus was asked to stand and introduce himself giving his name, class and home town. There were forty-five present.

The minutes of the previous meeting, held October 24, 1952, were approved as published in the November-Decem­ber, 1952 issue of the GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS.

President Yates presented a report summarizing the operations of the Alumni Association during the past year. Items touched on included: the use of experts to guide the foundation and association in their fund raising ef­forts; improvements in the magazine; the football ticket situation from the viewpoint of an alumnus; the work of the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club; the selection of W. Jack Holman, '28, as recipient of the "Distinguished Alum­nus Award;" appointment of John O. Chiles, '23, to the Athletic Board; the special "High School Edition" of the ALUMNUS; appointments to the Foun­dation Board of Trustees; and the phe­nomenal results of the recent Sixth Roll Call.

Secretary R. J. Thiesen of the Alumni Foundation gave a brief report on that organization and the work that it is carrying on to help Tech.

Harry Baker, '34, gave a report on the Georgia Tech Research Institute


Homecoming -1953 The Recks Rambled Nov. 7th

covering the work they are doing, how much, for whom and their plans for the future.

Treasurer Paul Duke gave a financial report covering the period July 1, 1952 through June 30, 1953. The summation of the report indicated that the associa­tion had a net equity for the period of $5,176, excess of income over expenses.

THE GAVEL EXCHANGE. Past-President Charles Yates, '35, passes the traditional gavel to President Ivan Allen, '33.

Secretary Beard reported on the alumni placement service: stating that this is the most concrete service that the association renders for the alumni. Editor Wallace discussed briefly the plans for the Georgia Tech ALUMNUS and the activities of the Georgia Tech alumni clubs.

Following this report, Charles R. Yates passed the gavel to the incoming president, Ivan Allen, Jr., signifying the inauguration of the new head of the association. Mr. Allen accepted the gavel, and stated that it was indeed a great honor to head this fine alumni body. He further assured those present that he would not bring about any great change in policy since the past year had been such a successful one.

President Allen informed the group of Homecoming plans for the weekend and urged everyone to participate in the activities if they possibly could.

Secretary Beard gave a report on the current (Seventh) Annual Roll Call of 1953-54. It appeared from this report that the coming year would be the best one in the history of the association as the results to date are almost double the figures of last year at this time. On this date the Roll Call amounts to $36,-259.73 from 3,418 contributors after only five and a half weeks of soliciting.

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 P. M.

Those present at the meeting in­cluded: H. O. Ball, '03; C. T. Kamper: '03; Alex R. Howard, '03; F. W. Shackle-ford, '03; P. M. Pettet, '03; B. F. Markert, '03; Guy Garrard, '03; D. I. Maclntyie, '08; E. T. Mann, '08; Cherry Emerson, '08; R. Jack Thiesen, '10; Hooper Alex­ander, Jr., '18; Fred L. Bowyer, '22; Muggsy Smith, '23; Roddey Garrison. '23; Walter Mitchell, '23; Phil Narmore, '25; Hazard Reeves, '28; Ernest Welch, '28; W. Jack Holman, '28; Ernest Smith. '28; Julian C. Jett, '28; Jno. M. Nichols. '28; W. C. Wardlaw, '28; Ralph P. Black. '29; Randy Whitfield, '32; Horacio Schwalm, '33; Hugh T. Gooding, '33; Joe Spievac, '33; Ivan Allen, Jr., '33; Harry Baker, '34; Charles Yates, '35; Pop Siegel, '36; Hugh Marshall, '38; J. P. Byrd III, '38; Dillard Munford, '39; J. F. Vendrell, '39; Roane Beard, '40: Chas. Whitmer, '42; James Poole, '42; John Boucher, '43; Daniel S. Nichols, '43; Stephen Epsten, '43; Frank Willett. '45; and Bob Wallace, '49.

FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS camv Joe Spievac, California, and Horacio Sctvalm, Cuba, to the '33 reunion.

THIRD PLACE in house decorations went to the Sigma Chis for this rather original idea on the bowl theme. The sound effects were original too.

THE STUDENTS The boys really had a "ball" this year with their share of the program. Despite rain during the early part of Homecoming week, the house dec­orations were exceptional. The "Recks" were as original and decrepit as ever. All the events drew big crowds.

THREE VIEWS of the SAE's winning entry in the house decoration contest. Top: the beginning of the "Kat Krusher"; bottom left: the windup of the i-xhibit; bottom right: out comes the kitten, a real tame tiger.


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CAKE RACE WINNER Tom Smith crosses the

finish line.

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mi *}5 m.J

v SH THE KA's icon the Ramblin' Wreck parade

with this.

TECH'S BAND salutes Coach Dodd on his birth­

day for his all-star coaching accomplishments.

November-December, 1953 15

50 YEARS HAVE PASSED since this group left the TOASTING AT T H E '18 BREAKFAST are, I. to r.: T H E CLASS O F ' 0 8 stands by the ca "flats." Shown at the '03 party, standing, I. to r.: Cooper Alexander, Dewey White, Pug Bryant, D. C. to Tech in 1923, I. to r . : J. G. Burl Wilson, Ball, Wright, Kamper and Howard. Sitting, Rand and Edgar Dawes. G. W. Gibbs, F. H. Hardin, E. T. Mai I. to r.: Markert, Peteet, Shackleford and Garrard. J. H. Woodal, W. R. Snyder, D. I. 1\

PRESIDENT ALLEN'S TABLE at the '33 party. Seat­ed, I. to r.: Mrs. Sherman Parmenter, Sherman Par-menter, Mrs. Fred Storey, Ivan Allen, Jr., Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Laney; standing, Fred Storey. A VIEW OF THE CROWD at the annual Alumni Luncheon, a real success this year with


ampus sun dial that they presented irke, R. C. Werner, C. L. Emerson, ann, G. W. McCarty, E. S. Summer, Maclntyre and J. E. Davenport.

OUT OF TOWNERS AT THE '38 PARTY which they helped plan, I. to r.: Morley Hudson, Shreveport; Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Byrd III, Denver, and Mort Goldman, Boston.

AT THE '23 PARTY were these alumni who have prominent sons at Tech, I. to r.: Ernie Harwell, Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Mrs. Harwell and Walter Mitchell. Tech basketball captain Johnny Harwell and Tech QB Wade Mitchell are the sons. Both alumni also have another boy at Tech named Billy.

THE ALUMNI The "old grads" turned out in large numbers for all the events. The classes of '03, '08, '18, '23, '28, '33, '38 and '43 had successful parties and Tech won the ball game to wind it all up.

th a turnout close to 1,000.

FOOTBALL STARS of '42 at the '43 party, I. to r.: Manning, Jor­dan, West, Dodd, Smith, Marshall, Hancock, Edge, Anderson, Ec­tor, Porter, Sheldon and Granberry.

GIFTS FROM THE '28 CLASS — Top, Haz­ard Reeves presents a silver tray to President Van Leer and bottom, class President Jack Holman presents the school with a check for $3,825, President Van Leer accepting.


later Brigman arched a beauty to Sam Hensley for the score and Turner fol­lowed with a perfect placement to make it 23-0.

Later in the third period the luckless James dropped another one on the Tech 41 and the 'Jackets were back in business. A 16-yard run by Linwood Roberts, Tech's number two fullback, and a great 39-yard burst by Hardeman netted the 'Jackets their fourth score. Bill Brigman added the point with a left-footed kick and the lead had moved to 30-0.

Auburn finally scored in the fourth quarter on a fifty-yard drive climaxed

YARDSTICK Auburn G. Tech

First Downs 18 17 Rushing Yardage 195 224 Passing Yardage 104 147 Passes Attempted 19 15 Passes Completed 10 9 Passes Intercepted 0 1 Punts 5 7 Punting Average 32.4 36.3 Fumbles Lost 6 1 Yards Penalized 50 25

by a 13- yard scoring run by Joe Davis, normally the 3rd string Auburn quar­terback, but on this play a halfback carrying out of Tech's famous "Belly Play." The PAT was no good and Tech was still safe with 30-6. The Engineers scored once more on a 70-yard drive which featured a 39-yard run by Larry Ruffin that carried it to the Tigers' two. Fullback Humphries moved it over and the point was missed. Final score 36-6.

The 'Jackets looked good winning this one. They played by far their best game in beating a good Auburn team much more decisively than the statistics in­dicate. They got all the breaks, but they made use of them. Hardeman was back in form and the quarterbacks, Brigman and Mitchell, ran the team intelligently and smoothly. This was 31 without a defeat, two short of the school record of 33 set by the 1914-18 teams. With Notre Dame coming up next week, the streak may end here.

IRISH END TECH STREAK AT 31 The nation's number one football

team, Notre Dame, put an abrupt end to Tech's string of games without a loss as they beat the 'Jackets by the convincing margin of 27-14. Thus the Tech teams of 1950-53 fell two short of tying the school record of 33 games without a loss set by the Golden Tornadoes of the 1914-18 era.

58,000 fans filled the Notre Dame stadium on October 24th to witness what was billed as the "game of the day" throughout the nation. The Irish gave the crowd a quick glimpse of things to come when they took the opening kick-off and drove 80 yards to a score in 10 plays. They did it right down the middle with plain power foot­ball and the way they moved presaged a rough afternoon for the Tech line. IT WAS.

Tech, who never gave up during the entire afternoon, stiffened after the first Irish score and held them in check for the rest of the first half. They went off the field for the intermission trailing only by 7 points, there was still time to get back in the game.

In the third period, Tech took the kick-off and drove to their own 40 where a Lattner interception stopped them. However, on the next play Mitchell made a spectacular grab of a stray Guglielmi toss and the 'Jackets were back in business at their own 31. Freshman Mitchell, playing his greatest game, directed Teas, Hardeman and Turner 69 yards to a score. The North Fulton product scored himself on a one yard sneak and then calmly tied it up with a perfect placement.

POGO, Walt Kelley's famous comic strip character, registers his impression of the Notre Dame score in a homecoming ex­hibit.

It was a short lived tie as the Irish came right back after a great kick-off returned by Joe Heap. This time it took them ten plays to traverse 58 yards to the score. Guglielmi tossed a pass to Heap for the six points and another Tech record was shattered. It was the first touchdown pass thrown against them in 21 games. The PAT was good and the Irish led 14-7. Two minutes later, it was 21-7 when punter Carlan got a bad snap from center and Notre Dame recovered it in the end zone.

However, the ' J a c k e t s w e r e n ' t through. Mitchell arched a beautiful 43-yard pass to Billy Teas who was cross­ing the Notre Dame ten as he caught it. He scored standing up. Mitchell added the point and Tech was back again 21-14 with 13 Vi minutes left in the game. Tech, playing on nothing but heart,

YARDSTICK Notre Dame G. Tech

First Downs 22 14 Rushing Yardage 323 131 Passing Yardage 88 77 Passes Attempted 16 23 Passes Completed 7 5 Passes Intercepted 2 0 Punts 5 9 Punting Average 30.2 43.3 Fumbles Lost 2 1 Yards Penalized 88 10 couldn't stop the Irish as they drove 60 yards a few minutes later for the in­surance score. Again it took Notre Dame 10 plays to cover the distance. The point was wide and the game ended a few minutes later with Tech at the Irish 18 passing desperately for another score.

Tech came out of the game in their worst physical shape of the season; at one time or another every one of the six guards that went on the trip were injured, and two of them, Orville Vereen and Franklin Brooks, may be out for three weeks or so. The 'Jackets never quit, but were just outmanned all the way. Wade Mitchell came of age in this game. His sensational play on de­fense and offense brought back memo­ries of another Tech freshman, Clint Castleberry, who led Tech to its last victory over the Irish in 1942 on this same turf. Larry Morris played his usual great game and the Tech backs got in plenty of tackling practice as they had to stop the Irish runners back of the line time and time again. Dave Davis' punting and all around play was outstanding. The Roanoke end, who was not figured to help the 'Jackets under the new rules, has been the biggest surprise of the year.

TECH 43, VANDY 0 Tech bounced back from the Notre

Dame defeat by crushing Vanderbilt 43-0 in Nashville on Halloween. Coach Dodd cleared the Tech bench as the 'Jackets, playing their most lack-luster game since the SMU clash, ran and passed to an easy victory over a Com­modore team that could do nothing right.

After intercepting a Vandy pass on the first Vandy play from scrimmage. the Jackets fumbled and Vandy re­covered. Tech then stopped the Commo­dores cold and forced a kick. The next Tech play also came up a fumble and the Vandy forces had it again. Vandy returned the favor and Tech was in business at its own 18. The 'Jackets drove from here to their first score with Bill Teas scooting 38 yards for the touchdown. Mitchell's PAT was good and Tech had a 7-0 lead. Tech scored again in the first quarter on a 10-play 67-yard drive ending in a 10-yard spurt by Nashville native George Volkert. At the quarter it was 13-0. The Tech re­serves could do no good in the second period and the half-time score was still 13-0.

Early in the third quarter, Burton Grant came in to kick a field goal from


the Commodores 14 after a Tech drive had stalled. This made it 16-0 and Dodd retired the varsity. Pepper Rod-gers came off the bench for the first time in quite a spell to lead the 'Jacket reserves to a third period score throw­ing a pass to Henry Hair from the Vandy 16 for the score. Pepper then added the point and it was 23-0. A few minutes later Hair scored again when freshman Christy and senior Sennett hit Vandy's Holmes so hard that the ball flew into the end zone and Hair fell on it. The PAT was blocked and at the end of three Tech had a 29-0 lead.

In the early minutes of the last period, Rodgers again led the 'Jackets on a 68-yard drive culminated by Pep­per's throw of seven yards to J immy Durham for the score. The point was good and Tech was in front 36-0. The last Tech score came on a sensational 58-yard pass and run play executed by Burton Grant and Joe Hall as the clock ran out. Hall made a fine run after catching Grant's short pass to make it 42-0. Grant then kicked the PAT after the game was over and the final read 43-0.

Although the game had all the aspects of a rout, Tech did not look polished in the contest. The second half passing spurt featured some fantastic catches by the Tech ends and at one time Rod­gers completed six straight. The 'Jack­ets completed 16 of 21 for 244 yards for their best aerial day of the year. The Tech defense was as good as ever and made one fine goal line stand at their own two early in the second quarter. It was the ineffective Commo­dore's only threat.

YARDSTICK G. Tech Van'bilt

First Downs 26 12 Rushing Yardage 240 75 Passing Yardage 244 92 Passes A t t e m p t e d 21 23 Passes Comple ted 16 10 Passes In t e r cep t ed 0 4 Pun t s 3 6 Pun t ing Average 28 35.5 Fumbles Lost 2 2 Yards Pena l i zed 50 50


Tech won its Homecoming game for the second year in a row but had to come from behind to tame a stubborn Tiger from Clemson. The Tiger's name was Don King, sophomore quarterback from Anderson, S. C , and he was the finest all-around T operator Grant Field has seen in a long time. King ran, passed, punted and called plays like an Ail-American should and gave indica­tions of what a tough team this Clem­son outfit is going to be in a year or two.

The 'Jackets were not without stars on "old grad" day. Pepper Rodgers, Bill Brigman, Leon Hardeman and Charlie Brannon all contributed offen­sive highlights during the contest while Wade Mitchell, Dave Davis, Jake Shoe­maker and Sam Hensley stood out on defense. But Tech's star of this game was a bird-legged halfback from An­drews, N. C , Billy Teas, who ran through and around the Tigers for 115 yards in 15 carries and added a 55-yard punt return for good measure. It was the slim Junior 's greatest effort since he put on the Gold and White two years ago. Hardeman was called on seldom during the game, but was good for almost 15 yards every time he did carry, going 59 yards in four tries. The little "hardrock" came out of the game in the fourth quarter with an injury that may sideline him from the Ala­bama game for the second year in a row.

Clemson scored the first time they touched the ball, going 80 yards with the opening kickoff in a drive that fea­tured halfback Pagliei's 48-yard run and King's great passing and play call­ing. King scored from the Tech 2 and Shown added the point to make it 7-0 Clemson with only 3:20 gone of the first quarter. Until 13:30 of the second quarter the scoreboard stayed that way. Tech tied it at this point on a nine-play 49-yard drive with Rodgers scoring on a sneak from the 1. Hardeman's great 21-

United Press

A P E R F E C T T H R O W and a perfect catch — Bill Sennett catches Brigman's pass for the third Tech score against Clemson.

yard effort to the Tiger 2 set this one up, and Rodgers added the point to make it 7-7 at the half.

The 'Jackets went out in front to stay after 5:45 of the third quarter. Teas' twisting 55-yard punt return set this one up. The lithe halfback weaved in and out of the hands of at least eight Tigers before being downed at the Clemson 19. Two plays later Rodgers pitched a perfect one to Dave Davis, who took it at the 2 and stepped across. Rodgers kicked the PAT and it was 14-7 Tech.

Teas also helped with the final score when he dashed 26 yards to the Tiger 34 after Brannon had grabbed a King fumble at the Tech 40. Bill Brigman came in with the ball on the Clemson 23 and calmly tossed to Bill Sennett for the score. Brigman's left-footed try for the point was wide and the 'Jackets were home 20-7.

Wade Mitchell's interception stopped the Tigers at the Tech 9 and the 'Jackets ran out of gas at the Clemson 4 in the fourth quarter for the only other scor­ing threats. Next week the big three start after Tech in Birmingham — Tech's chances at a bowl hinge on the outcome of this one.

YARDSTICK Ga. Tech Clemson

Fi rs t Downs 15 15 Rushing Yardage 199 237 Pass ing Yardage 127 70 Passes A t t emp ted 28 16 Passes Comple ted 14 4 Passes In te rcep ted 0 2 P u n t s 7 8 P u n t i n g Average 38.4 34.3 F u m b l e s Lost 2 1 Yards Pena l ized 35 50

W h o B o u g h t

O u t b o a r d M o t o r s

I n 1 9 5 3

Percent of Occupation Motors Sold

Professional 11.3 Managers, Proprietors 16.6 Clerical, Sales 13.2 Skilled Workers 33.9 Semi-skilled Workers 10.5 Other Occupations 14.5


Five hundred thousand motors were bought in 1953 — to November 1.


An Engineering Feat Even Georgia Men Appreciate TECH MEN wi l l more ful ly understand the engineer­ing skill that is to be found in EVINRUDE'S 1954 Outboard Motors. But, even a riveter and librarian alike wil l appreciate the utter quietness that has been achieved in Evinrude's All New 7l/2 h.p. FLEETWIN. It is so quiet you can talk and be heard any place in your boat while it runs wide open . . . Everything about it is new but the name. Whole motor rides on rubber. Has Gearshift, (neutral, forward, reverse) Roto-Matic Speed Control, Auto-Lift Hood and Sep­arate Gas Tank.

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November-December, 1953 19

THE GRANT FIELD BALLET — Bill Teas (9) and Jake Shoemaker (53) leap for Clemson's PAT try but miss. The ball is in the upper lefthand corner.


The last SEC team to beat the 'Jack­ets way back in 1950 did it again on November 14 as the Alabama Crimson Tide edged Tech 13-6 in a hard fought duel in Birmingham.

The Tide grabbed the lead in the first quarter with a 21-yard drive after an intercepted pass and never were be­hind in the game. Tech threatened all through the afternoon but lacked the push to put across enough points to win the game. Their inability to turn the Tide's flanks proved to be the down­fall of the 'Jackets in this game just as it was in the Notre Dame game three weeks earlier in the season.

Tech kicked off to Alabama and after the Tide could not gain, the 'Jackets took the ball and pushed to the Tide 38 where on fourth and a foot to go, the Engineers punted. Late in the first period a Mitchell pass over the center was intercepted by 'Bama's Bobby Luna and he ran it back 39 yards to the Tech 21. In five plays the Tide had scored with Halfback Bill Oliver going over from the 5. The point was good and the Tide led 7-0.

Near the end of the first half the 'Jackets got moving and roared down to the Tide 10, but a penalty and a 12-yard loss forced Burton Grant to t ry for a field goal that fell short as the half ended.

Tech took the second half kickoff and drove from their own 31 to a score in

3 minutes and 28 seconds of the third quarter. Rodgers quarterbacked this drive which was climaxed by a 5-yard end sweep by Glenn Turner for the score. The point glanced off an Ala­bama player and the score was 7-6 Ala­bama. The decisive Tide score came in the fourth quarter and also followed an interception of a Mitchell pass. This time the Tide had it at the Tech 49 and drove right down the middle for the score with Quarterback Elmore sneaking over for the score. Vereen blocked the point attempt and the score read 13-6.

The 'Jackets made two more heroic attempts to tie it up moving to the Tide 25 where a fumble gave the ball to Alabama, and going down to the Tide 10 where the whistle stopped the 'Jack­ets for good.

Tech lost Leon Hardeman for the season during the game as the little gamester closed out his last year at Tech by being injured once more, this time he bruised his shoulder and along with a bruised hip and jammed hand puts him out for the season.

YARDSTICK Ga. Tech Alabama

First Downs 16 10 Rushing Yardage 72 170 Passing Yardage 175 0 Passes Attempted 20 1 Passes Completed 14 0 Passes Intercepted 2 0 Punts 6 9 Punting Average 36.5 36.0 Fumbles Lost 1 0 Yards Penalized 45 83

MORE SEATS, MAYBE The Athletic Association is looking

into the possibility of adding 8,000 to 10,000 more seats at Grant Field to ease the seating problem in the 40,030-capae-ity stadium.

Coach Bobby Dodd said in an inter­view on November 11 that the seating capacity could be increased in two ways. The first method would be to doubledeck the East Stands, but this has been discounted for the present be­cause of the extremely high cost of such a project. The second method would be to lower the playing field, eliminate the track and build 4,000 seats on each side of the stadium below the present seats. Under this solution 2,000 more seats could also be added to the end zone locations.

The second method is being investi gated at the present, and the additions will be built if the investigation indi­cates that it can be done at a reasonable cost. The main deterrent at the pres­ent time is the large sewer that runs under Grant Field. It would probably have to be diverted if the field is to be excavated.

The Notre Dame stadium was en­larged by this method, and several oth­er schools have been successful with excavation-type enlargement. If the seating capacity is increased by 10,000, it will become the fourth largest sta­dium in the SEC. The Sugar Bowl leads with 81,000 followed by the LSU stadium which will seat 68,000 when work presently under construction is completed, and the Tennessee stadium, seating 55,000.

Coach Dodd says "the project is now in the rumor or speculative stage. As soon as we get the word from the engi­neers, we intend to try to build the additional seats providing, of course, that it can be done in a practical man­ner."


Tech's basketball team opens a 21-game slate (plus Gator Bowl Tourney) on December 5 in Columbia, South Carolina, against the South Carolina Gamecocks. The Silasless 'Jackets are expected to have a mediocre year this season, but are looking to '55 as a big Tech year.

Seven returning lettermen plus six outstanding "rats" give Coach Whack Hyder a better team at four positions than last year's squad, but filling Pete Silas' shoes is another matter. The big forward was one of the greatest court performers ever developed on the "flats" and he will be sorely missed this year. However, Coach Hyder has


hopes of winning at least seven games this season, and is figuring on this year being a year to grow on, as far as the hoopsters are concerned.

Tech opens its SEC slate against mighty Kentucky on January 9 in Lexington. Their first home game is against Vandy, January 11. The Wild­cats are favored to cop the '54 SEC crown, after a year of exile, due to nefarious doings on the court. It looks like they will have to throw a lot of games to keep from winning this year's diadem, as only LSU looks to be in the Kentuckians' class.


Dec. 5 South Carolina Columbia, S. C. Dec. 12 Auburn Montgomery, Ala.

Dec. 28, 29,30 Gator Bowl Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. 9 Kentucky Lexington, Ky. Jan. 11 Vanderbilt Atlanta Jan. 14 Mississippi State Atlanta Jan. 16 Mississippi Atlanta Jan. 20 Auburn Auburn, Ala. Jan. 23 Vanderbilt Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 25 Murray State Col..Murray, Ky. Jan. 30 Tennessee Atlanta Feb. 2 Kentucky Louisville, Ky. Feb. 6 Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala. Feb. 8 Auburn Atlanta Feb. 11 Furman Greenville, S. C. Feb. 13 L. S. U Atlanta Feb. 15 Tulane Atlanta Feb. 17 Georgia Athens Feb. 18 South Carolina Atlanta Feb. 22 Tennessee . . . Knoxville, Tenn. Feb. 27 Georgia Atlanta March 1 Florida Gainesville, Fla.

TALK ABOUT TECH The following column was written by Sports Writer Warren

Brown of the Chicago-American and is reprinted through the courtesy of Mr. Brown.

SOUTH BEND, OCT. 23 — Georgia Tech's football history, since the Rambling Wreck is an infrequent visitor, is perhaps not as well known hereabouts as

it should be.

True, most every one of the 57,000 who will watch Coach Bobby Dodd's Yel­low Jackets turn loose the razzle dazzle against Notre Dame tomorrow, know that the team has gone through 31 games without a defeat. Undoubtedly it is known that Georgia Tech's national ranking, last year and this, compares favorably with the best, Michigan State, of course, casting a dissenting vote.

MANY MAY HAVE complete knowledge that in Dodd's tenure, the Yellow Jackets have played in four bowl games without losing one.

An occasional oldster might even remember that in Bill Alexander's time, (1928), Georgia Tech scored an 8 to 7 victory over California in the Rose Bowl, though the final score never did (and never will) get the attention that was accorded the California center, Roy Riegels, when he executed his famous "reverse" and all but carried the ball from midfield over the Tech goal line. He was spared when a team mate, Benny Lorn, frantically tackled him, shook him, and, pointing in the other direction, said:

"We want to go THAT way!"

Yes, indeed, there's a great deal in Georgia Tech history that is great, and there is much that is unusual.

HOWEVER, IF I WERE backed up to my own goal line and had to make a stand, I'd pick out one fact about Georgia Tech history which, as far as I know, makes the institution unique in big time football.

Georgia Tech took up football in 1904.

In all the years since then, the Yellow Jackets have had only three coaches.

John W. Heisman was the first. He served for 16 years, during which his teams had a 100-29-6 record.

Bill Alexander took over in 1920 and served as head coach for 25 years. His record was 131-93-15.

ALEXANDER BROADENED the scope of Georgia Tech's football. Prior to his advent, games with teams outside of the South were rare. It was Alexander who arranged with Knute Rockne the relationship with Notre Dame. This was begun in 1922.

Alexander brought in Dodd as an assistant in 1931 after Bobby had fash­ioned an all-American career for himself at Tennessee. He became head coach in 1945 on Alexander's retirement.

GOING INTO tomorrow's game, Dodd's record stands at 68-21-2.

Even the exploits of Leon Hardeman, accepted as one of the greatest run­ning backs ever developed in the South, do not seem to me as much of a story as Georgia Tech's record of but 3 coaches since 1904.

If that doesn't qualify the Alumni for All-Time All American rating, what does?

TECH'S CAPTAIN-ELECT, Johnny Har-well, son of Tech Alumnus Ernie Harwell, '23, of Cleveland, Ohio.


Tech's B team and freshmen teams are undefeated in four games this sea­son. Playing two of the games as a combination team and two as a straight freshman squad, the 'Jackets have edged Clemson 14-12 and romped on Auburn 32-20 in freshman games and whipped Alabama 41-7 and Tennessee 28-13 in the combination B team "rat"

clashes. Outstanding freshmen in these en­

counters have been backs Paul Roten-berry of Roanoke, Virginia and Toppy Vann of Dalton and end Bob Juhan of Atlanta. The B team-freshman combi­nation still have to meet Middle Geor­gia College and the "rats" take on the Georgia Bullpups in Atlanta's annual Thanksgiving clash for the benefit of the Scottish Rite Hospital.

November-December, 1953 31

THERE WAS A TEAM TO REMEMBER EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a planned series on great Tech teams of the past. If you have a favorite Tech team, jot down the story and send it to us.

THE TORNADO OF 20 by Walter Coxe, '22

When Alumnus Editor Bob Wallace first approached me about writing an article on my favorite Tech team, I was tempted to do a piece on the '52 aggregation. Here was a team that seemed to have everything. They won them all, never folding under pressure when things were going the wrong way. The team was loaded with natu­ral talent, and it was an exceptionally well - coached, well - disciplined outfit. But somehow, the Tech "Tornado" of 1920 had made a better impression on me.

Maybe it was because the '20 team had to play both offense and defense, or more likely it was a case of that in­born sentiment that no sports fan ever seems to get out of his system — the desire to cry out publicly for the teams of the "good old days." Anyway, the '20 team is my "team to remember," and I'm not alone in this selection.

The '20 team was Coach Alex's first as head mentor, and it started his ca­reer off with a bang, winning all but one game — a defeat by Pittsburgh, 10-3. The score of this game was so in­conclusive that, at the end of the sea­son, the Pitt players and coaches led the clamor to elect Tech national cham­pions for that year. Many of the East­ern papers, including the Pittsburgh Press and the New York Herald, named Tech national champions despite the loss at the hands of the Panthers.

It was one of those games where the best team didn't win, and it brought the "Golden Tornado" more fame than any of their many victories. The only

other game on the schedule that bore the slightest resemblance to a contest was the Clemson tussle, which Tech won, 7-0, when Coach Alex decided to go all the way with his reserves in order to teach the gamblers and point-makers a lesson.

There were many stars on that team — Harlan, Barron, McDonough, Ferst, Xavier, Scarborough and Brewster in the backfield; and Lebey, Amis, Oscar Davis, Al and John Staton, George Rat-terman and All-American Bill Fincher in the line. But the leading light of the squad was a diminutive halfback named A. R. (Buck) Flowers.

Buck was all things to this team. Despite his size, he was the offensive star of the year — carrying the ball 80 times from scrimmage for a total of 819 yards, a 10.2 yards per carry average. He lugged 27 punts back for 429 yards, a 16 yards per return average. He passed for one touchdown and scored eight times on runs which along with his 13 points amassed by drop-kicking, brought his season's total to 67. His punting average for the season was an unbelievable 50 yards per kick, includ­ed in this figure were the two best kicks in college football for that year — an 85-yard effort against Davidson and an 82-yarder against Georgetown. He drop-kicked one against Vandy for 44 yards, ran a 79-yard off-tackle smash against Georgetown and returned a punt for a touchdown on two occasions against Auburn. The distance on these punt returns was 82 yards and 75 yards.

He was a great signal caller, so good

in fact, that he beat out Centre Col­lege's immortal Bo McMillan for the quarterback slot on the 1919 All-South team selected by the Southern coaches and sports writers.

But Flowers' greatest worth to the team was in his defensive genius, a facet of football worth that unfortu­nately was not catalogued in those days. He was an artist at the block-tackle, and in five years of college football no one scored over or around the 152-pound safety man for the "Tornado." After the Pitt game, the Pittsburgh sports writers waxed eloquent over the little giant who saved Tech time and time again with his bone-rattlirm tackles of the 200-pound Panther backs

Buck made many All-American teams that year, but he was not an unani­mous choice among the sports writers who made the selections. I never have figured out why. As far as this corner is concerned, he was the greatest all-around player who ever stepped on a football field. Coach Alex called him the greatest kicker in the history of College football.

The Tornado of the first year of the "Golden Era" of sports was approached about the Rose Bowl game after their rout of Bo McMillan and his Centre College mates, but Coach Alex passed it up with a "the boys have studying to do." They beat the best in the South in those days and look at the scores: Tech 44, Wake Forest 0; Tech 55, Ogle­thorpe 0; Tech 66, Davidson 0; Tech 44, Vandy 0; Tech 24, Centre 0; Tech 35. Georgetown 6, and Tech 34, Auburn 0.

It was a great group, we may never see their like again.

SPORT SHORTS Two prominent Tech alumni were

among the 21 guests invited by Presi­dent Eisenhower to a dinner at the White House on October 26. Robert T. (Bobby) Jones, Jr., '22, and Charlie Yates, '35, Tech's greats of the golfing world, were the alumni honored with this invitation.

Cross Country Tech's cross-country team is having

its best season in many years, losing only one out of the first four dual meets. Florida's Harriers clipped the 'Jackets wings, 26-29, after Tech had

tied Alabama and defeated Tennessee and Maryville. Coach George Griffin calls this squad "the finest bunch of self-made runners I have ever coached."


Georgia Tech's average attendance for eight home games during the 1952 football season was 32,450.

Tech's best bet for All-American hon­ors in 1953 is Larry Morris, Junior cen­ter, of Decatur, Ga. Larry has been the Tech defensive star at the line-backing slot in almost every game this season. He has improved tremendously at the unfamiliar offensive center posi­tion (up until this season, Larry had

never played offensively in the line, he was a fullback in high school) and looks like a sure bet for most of the All-American teams. Leon Hardeman's in­juries and his unfamiliarity with defen­sive play plus the fact that the country is loaded with good backs, will prob­ably cost the little 'Jacket's sparkplug an All-American rating this year. Billy Teas has come on fast in the past few games, both offensively and defensively but may be a year away in the minds of the AA pickers. Franklin Brooks was sensational until he was injured in the Notre Dame game and sidelined for most of the last part of the season.


From Ye Old Robbery'

A Real Tech Christmas FOR THE RECKS

The Children'11 Love ' E m -And so will the wife. . . . These Tech pets come in gold and white with a choice of three poses: sitting, lying down or standing. Only $2.50 each postpaid.

For Future Jackets — Just the thing for a Christmas gift to the small fry, Tech Sweaters. All-wool in two color combinations, white monogram on gold and gold monogram on white. Sizes 2 thru 12. $5.25 each.

N o w ava i lab le for the first time, this 78

RPM album contains all of the Tech favo­



presented by the Tech Band and Glee

Club. Use the coupon below to order now.

Send $3.60 for each album.

TOAST TECH with these attractive glasses

— in three styles (with Tech seal as shown,

with Yellow Jacket and the Bowl glass

with picture of Coach Dodd and all the

Tech Bowl scores.) In addition to the 10

oz. size shown, we also have the 7 oz. and

12 oz. glasses. STATE STYLE AND SIZE

WHEN ORDERING. Only $0.55 each.

Att ract ive ly bound Tech appointment book with space for every day's business and social engagements. A page for each week in the year plus 13 attractive photos of campus and sports scenes. In Gold only, a real bargain at $1.65 each. Order several for your Tech business friends as a Christmas gift.


No. Item


($5.25 each)


($2.50 each)

TECH "RAT" CAPS ($1.35 each)

Size No. Item


($3.60 each)


($1.65 each)

GLASSES (indicate style) ($0.55 each)

I enclose my check for to cover the above items.

Name Addr


November-December, 1953 20

AT THE NASHVILLE MEETING — Standing, from l. to r.: Julian Clark, treasurer; Doug Oxford, vice-president; Dean Griffin; Rudy Cisco, president, and Ed Van Voorhee*, secretary. Seated: Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Oxford, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Cisco and Mrs. Van Voorhees. Dean Griffin spoke on "Georgia Tech" and showed the Sugar Bowl movies to this September 11 meeting.


In defiance of hurricane "Florence," the Tampa Bay Georgia Tech Club held a meeting on September 25, the eve of the Tech-Florida game.

Joe Aizpuru, '43, presided over the meeting attended by 30 alumni of the Florida Gulf Coast region. Among the items discussed during the meeting were a possible scholarship program for a student of the Tampa Bay Area, high school recruiting for Tech through visitation programs and invitational programs, and the possibility of secur­ing the Tech band for the Gasparilla (a Florida-type Mardi Gras with a pi­rate motif) which will be held on Feb­ruary 8, 1954. No definite action was taken on any of these subjects, but the club members were in unanimous agreement that meetings should be held more frequently in the future now that the club had some worthwhile projects to work on.

Reelected as officers of the club were Joe Aizpuru, '43, Tampa, president; H. M. Coachman, '31, Clearwater, vice-president; Russell Quarles, '48, Brew­ster, vice-president; Otto Krauss, Jr., '40, St. Petersburg, vice-president, and Ed F. Scott, '42, Tampa, secretary-treasurer.

Alumni Secretary Roane Beard was guest of honor at the meeting and spoke on the new Georgia Tech, plus a few comments on the '53 football team. The movie "Highlights of '52" completed the program.


The magic name of Dean George Griffin filled the Downtown Club in Birmingham with one of the largest


crowds in the history of the Greater Birmingham Georgia Tech Club. Over 80 members of the club turned out to hear Tech's Dean of Students ramble on his favorite subject, Georgia Tech.

President J immy Collins, '35, was toastmaster at the dinner meeting which also featured a long discussion on sponsoring a scholarship program to send a Birmingham boy to Tech in the future. The club voted to sponsor a $300 scholarship and a cup for the outstanding boy in the Birmingham High Schools each year. The winner will be selected by the club's scholar­ship committee headed by Rev. Al Ma-this, '32, from a list of seven outstand­ing students, one from each of the Birmingham High Schools. These seven boys will be recommended by their high school principals as outstanding in scholarship, leadership and school ac­tivities.

The program was brought to a close by the showing of the '53 Tech-Tulane game narrated by ALUMNUS Editor Bob Wallace.

SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK The Schenectady Georgia Tech Club

held a reorganizational meeting on Sep­tember 16. Nine stalwart Recks braved a downpour of rain to attend the get-together, highlighting movies of the 1942 Tech-Navy game. In addition to the 1942 game, movies of the Tech-Citadel game of '52 were shown and the Tech Band and Glee Club Record Album was au­ditioned by the club members.

Plans were made for future meetings of the club and the following officers were elected to serve for a one-year term: Clarence Sweets, '51, president; Chuck Collins, '48, vice-president, and Don Usher, '50, secretary-treasurer.

GREENVILLE, S. C. The Georgia Tech Club of Greenville

held a dinner meeting at the Otteray Hotel on Monday, November 9. Tech's Business Manager of Athletics, Howard Ector, '40, was the guest of honor and principal speaker. Howard talked about recent developments at Tech, both aca­demic and athletic. Over 50 members of the club turned out for the affair presided over by Charles M. Galloway, '34, president of the club. The movies of the '53 Tech-Vandy game were shown to wind up the meeting.

MACON, GEORGIA Tech Assistant Coach Bob Bossons

spoke on Georgia Tech Athletic Asso­ciation policies to the Macon, Georgia Tech Club on Thursday night, Sep­tember 17. One of Macon's best turn­outs in recent years greeted the popular Tech coach, who was captain of the '50 Tech team. In addition to his talk, Coach Bossons showed the movies of the '52 Tech-Vandy game and the '53 T-Day game.

COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Tech's Short Courses and Conferences

Director Charles Taylor was the fea­ture speaker at the October 9th meet ing of the Columbus Georgia Tech Club. Mr. Taylor spoke to the club on the work of the Engineering Extension

THE AUGUSTA CLUB (left) at their October 1 meeting named a scholarship com­mittee to select the recipient of the $300 scholarship to be awarded to an outstanding boy in the Augusta area each year. At the same meeting the club voted to send two high school students to Tech to observe Engineers Week in February, 1954. Members of the new committee shown in the photo with Tech's Executive Dean Phil Narmore are (left to right, standing), Frank Dennis, Sr.; Paul Bailey, Jr., and Dorrah Nowrll. Seated (left to right). Dean Narmore, chairman of Tech's scholarship committee, anil Allan Mathews, president of the Augusta Club. Not shown in the photo are scholarship committee members Fred Morgan and Tony Markert.

Division of Tech and on the 1953 foot­ball team.

Thirty-five members of the club turned out to hear Mr. Taylor and to watch the movies of the '53 Sugar Bowl game.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA A varied program of sports and en­

tertainment set the pace for the Fall meeting of the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club held at North Fulton Park on September 23rd.

In an exhibition golf match, Tech teammates of the '35 golf team, Charlie Yates, '35, and Tommy Barnes, '38, came from behind to upset Atlanta young­sters Harvie Ward and Gene Dahlbend-er. Charlie and Tommy, two down after the first nine, dropped the tenth hole to Ward's eagle three and then came storming back to take five of the final six holes to win the match, 2 up on 18. The winners both toured the back nine in 33, three under the tough North Fulton par figures. Medal scores were Yates, 70; Barnes, 70; Ward, 72, and Dahlbender, 74.

Tech broke even in the tennis match as Frank Willett, '45, and Larry Ship-pey were beaten by Russell Bobbitt, '42, and Bitsy Grant. The Tech band and glee club furnished the entertain­ment during the family-style picnic sup­per which followed the sports events.

LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Dr. Herschel H. Cudd, director of the

Engineering Experiment Station, was the guest speaker at the Los Angeles Georgia Tech Club meeting of Septem­ber. Dr. Cudd spoke on "Present Day Georgia Tech," before an excellent turnout of 32 West Coast 'Recks.

The dinner-meeting was concluded with a showing of the film "A Visit to Georgia Tech." W. L. Gordy, '26, president of the club, along with mem­bers Henry Hopkins, '31; "Butch" Bear-den, '29, and Ed Fant, '29, did the spade work that produced the good turnout for this meeting.

From America's Engineers and Architects




a?/rc%ilecte and Cmgrineers ATLANTA.

Alumni News

Lt. Gaude —Gold Star 1st Lt. Robert P. Gaude, EE '51, son

of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gaude, Sr., of Biloxi, Mississippi, was killed in action in Korea on July 10, just two weeks before the cease-fire was signed at Pan-monjum.

According to the United States Air Force report, Lt. Gaude was the pilot

of an F-84 aircraft engaged in a com­bat mission over North Korea when his plane was hit in the right tip tank while leaving the target area. The aircraft was seen to crash and explode upon impact. His aircraft was under constant observation at all times and a parachute was not seen leaving the aircraft.

Lt. Gaude went overseas in January of 1953 and had flown 36 missions at the time of his death.

GRIFFIN'S FUNDS Dean George Griffin would like to take this opportunity to thank the alumni

who have helped out with two fund raising campaigns with which he is now connected.

The popular Tech Dean of Students, cross country coach and ex-football and track coach reports that the fund for a plaque honoring Tech's track letter winners who were killed during the war has gone over the top. He has re­ceived $253.50 from 69 contributors and the plaque has been ordered at a cost of $190. The rest of the money will be used for the ceremony surrounding the plaque setting and a final report will be mailed to all contributors.

All contributors will be notified as to the date of the plaque ceremonies and everyone is invited to attend.

As custodian of the fund to help Tech's loyal and beloved athletic room worker, Porto Rico, Dean Griffin wishes to inform the contributors that $996 has been collected for this fund at this writing. 147 ex-Tech athletes have con­tributed this amount to help old Porto.

Dean Griffin would like to thank every Tech man who has helped with these two worthwhile causes.

LT. R. P. GAUDE, '51

November-December, 1953 25

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Have you increased your life insurance pro­tection accordingly? A good way to be sure is to talk this matter over with a New England Mutual career underwriter. He's a specialist in helping you to work out an adequate program for the protection of your family or business.


Unlike the trend in about everything else, the rates of most New England Mutual policies have not been increased in recent years. In fact, many of the rates have been substantially reduced. And liberal dividends further reduce the cost.


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' 0 3 William. Ross Harper, '93, of Philadel-"* phia, Pa., died October 18 after a long

illness. He joined the ;£tna Life Ins. Co. of Philadelphia in 1905 and remained with 'them as general manager and secretary until his retirement three years ago. Surviving are his wife and three daughters, all of Philadelphia.

iQA James M. Couper, Sr., '94, died October ~ ^ 10 after a brief illness. He had been

active in the real estate business here for over 40 years and at the time of his death was ap­praiser for the Fulton County Federal Savings & Loan Association. He had been with them since they organized in 1933. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Little Couper, 1383 Peach-tree, Atlanta; daughter, Mrs. Anne Giudici; two sons, Wilbur L. and J. Maxwell Couper, Jr.

' O S William G. Mealor, '95, died at his home ' J in Gainesville, Ga. October 12, 1953. He

was owner of the Gainesville Iron Works and was widely known there for his work in civic and fraternal affairs. Mr. Mealor was past grand commander of the Knights Templar of Georgia, past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Georgia and of the 9th District Ma­sonic Lodge. He was president of Gainesville's first Chamber of Commerce and the oldest living ex-mayor of that city. While at Tech he was manager of the first football team which was organized in 1883. Surviving are a son, W. T. Mealor, 2379 Glenwood Dr., N. E.. At­lanta: two daughters, Mrs. Bert Ingram, Jack­sonville. Fla. and Miss Mildred Mealor of Gainesville, Ga.

' O S Colyar S. latum, '05, secretary and gen-w ^ eral manager of the Pilot Mills, Raleigh, N. C, has been named president of the Mills. He has been with the company since 1928 and has served as secretary and general man­ager since 1931.

if\JL Harry Gibson Greene, '06, died at his v '** home, 1306 Piedmont Ave.. N. E., At­lanta. October 6 of a heart attack. He "was well known in Atlanta as an engineer, voca­tional teacher and government official and s»t the time of his death was an engineer with the Georgia State Highway Dept. Surviving are sisters. Misses Alice and Cornelia Greene and a brother, Charles L. Greene, all of At­lanta.

' 1 2 Eugene A. Brooks, '12, retired manu-facturer's agent and a founder of the

Atlanta Carrier Corp., died October 20 after a brief illness. Retired since last March, Mr. Brooks was a co-owner of the Boiler Equip­ment Service Co., which he founded in 1921. He was active in civic affairs and was a mem­ber and active leader of the Inman Park Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Zaretta Brooks, 297 Second Ave., S. E., Atlanta, daughters, Mrs. T. E. Garner and Mrs. Dona B. Burns; sons, Eugene E. and John Lewis Brooks, all of Atlanta.

E. H. Diemmer, '12, died June 17, 1953. He was associated with the Starlight Drive-In Theatre in Brunswick at the time of his death.

Eugene D. Drummond, '12, architect in Jack­son, Miss., wishes to announce the marriage of his daughter, Frank. She was married on October 24 to Charles Youngblood, Jr., of Glen Allen, Miss.; the wedding took place in Jackson.

' 1 3 Monroe Bryan Hutton, '13, of McDon-"* ough, Georgia, died October 11, 1953 of

a heart attack.

/ 1 f. Edgar Pomeroy Brantley, '16, of 4555 '** Northside Dr., N. W., Atlanta, died

June 20, 1953. No further information was available at this writing.

Brig. Gen. Kendall J. Fielder, '16, and Mrs. Fielder, of Honolulu, were recent guests in Atlanta. Gen. Fielder was technical adviser for the film "From Here to Eternity," which

_ m 3 ! » ? § S & S >R a- ~ K * > £ » 3 : a - a e : E s S R s: £ 5- Z 2: — *• —

_ R §

«: fc 2:

was filmed at Schofield Barracks. Gen. Field­er's address is Chief of Staff, U. S. Army Pa­cific, Ft. Shaffer, Hawaii.

"2.1 James Thomas "Tobe" Edwards, '22, ""••* died October 22 in Baltimore Veterans

Hospital, Coral Gables, Fla., after a long ill­ness. Mr. Edwards played football and base­ball while at Tech. He was a former sports writer for the Atlanta Georgian and at the time of his death was with the circulation department of The Miami Daily News. Sur­viving are his wife and one son, James B. Edwards.

Alexis Ravenez Nicholas, Sr., '22, was found dead in his automobile October 19 after a minor traffic accident in Winston-Salem. It is believed that Mr. Nicholas suffered a heart attack while driving and lost control of his car. At the time of his death he was sales manager of Kester Machinery Co. and was active in civic affairs. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Rosalyn Nicholas, 318 Carolina Cir., Win­ston-Salem, N. C; daughters, Miss Georgia Ellen Nicholas and Mrs. J. A. McDonald; son, A. R. Nicholas, Jr., 671 University Ave., S. W., Atlanta.

Jack H. Gilbert, '22, was recently appointed vice-president of the Capitol Engineering Corp., Dillsburg, Pa., which is one of the country's largest turnpike engineering firms.

Burney E. Griffin, '22, of Douglas, Georgia, died October, 1953 at his home. Mr. Griffin was in the cotton business.

"i'k William A. Edwards, Jr., '23, of Evans-•*'* ton, 111., died July 10, 1953. He was pub­

lishers representative for the American Paint Journal of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Edwards was a member of the masons and the Mendinah Temple of the Shriners. Surviving are his wife of 1014 Sheridan Dr., Evanston, 111.;

daughter. Miss Susan Edwards; two sons, Jack and William A. Edwards, 3rd; mother, Mrs. William A. Edwards, Sr.

Joseph B. Elliott, '25. Vice-President in charge of RCA Victor consumer products, of Camden, N. J., was guest speaker at a meet­ing of the Atlanta Electrical Assoc, in Atlanta recently. He discussed color television and selling methods under present market condi­tions. Mr. Elliott is responsible for all the company's activities relating to radio and TV receivers, phonographs and records. He is executive officer of both the RCA Victor rec­ord and home instruments departments.

"if. Col. John W. McDonald, '26, recently -*10 arrived in Germany to assume com­

mand of the 7853rd Quartermaster Procure­ment Center at Frankfurt. He is head of the Army Purchasing Program in Europe. His wife, Frances, lives at 366 So. Howard St., S. E., Atlanta.

i*yj Charles R. Irwin, '27, was recently pro-•"* moted to Division Construction Super­

intendent, Pittsburgh Plant, the Bell Tele­phone Co. of Pennsylvania.

Judge W. Bearden, '27, represented Ga. Tech at the inauguration of Dr. Clarence B. Hil-berry as president of Wayne Univ. in Detroit on Nov. 7. Representatives were present from over 300 colleges. Mr. Bearden's address is 917 Fisher Bldg., Detroit. inn Col. Philip D. Coates, '28, USAF, has ^** assumed command of the Air Force

ROTC Detachment at Cornell University, Ith­aca, N. Y. He was commanding officer at Albrook AFB in the Panama Canal Zone be­fore reporting to Cornell.

Edwin F. Trevor, '28, is District Governor of Rotary International for the 1953-54 fiscal year.

THE GLENN L. MARTIN COMPANY LIKES TECH ENGINEERS — This group of alumni is presently employed by the famed Baltimore aircraft firm. Front row, I. to r.: H. Brettscneid, '53; I. Rosenblum, '50; G. R. Hook, '36; C. H. Ris, '37; L. M. Hamill, '53; and T.Hart, '49. Rear, I. to r.: I. Tuhy, '38; G. E. Smith, '38; R. E. Roberts, '39; R. Drummond, '40; R. Seiferth, '41; and R. L. Smith, '50.

November-December, 1953 27

As governor, he coordinates the activities of 32 Rotary Clubs. His home address is 1227 Division St., Key West, Fla.

# « Q G. Noland

When E. R. (Dutch) McMillan gradu­ated from Duke University, an able amateur musician, he entered the mu­sical field as a professional. It wasn't long before he was doing all right in radio, television and recording work.

One thing bothered him, however. He wondered about tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. He started to look for a career with an assured future. He found it with New England Mutual.

"At New England Mutual," Dutch says, "the future is just as big and as bright as you want it to be. To a man who will put all he has into it, a career with this company offers opportunity unlimited."

If you, too, are looking for a career with a real future, it may pay you to investigate the opportunities offered at New England Mutual. Mail the coupon below for a booklet in which 15 men tell why they chose a life insurance career with New England Mutual.

NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Box 333 Boston 17, Mass.

Please send me, without cost or obl igat ion, your booklet, "Why We Chose New England Mutual . "



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The NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life insurance Company of Boston

The Company that founded mutual life insurance in America—1835

"Butch" Bearden, '29, is chairman this year of the "Million Dol­

lar Round Table," an exclusive honor in the life insurance field. Mr. Bearden's home ad­dress is 9489 Dayton Way. Beverly Hills, Calif.

; a « William F. McGowan, '32, has been ' ' ^ made director of DuPont's manufactur­

ing division for acetate, "Dacron" and "Or­ion" at the Wilmington, Del. plant. He has been with the company since 1933.

/•»•» Roland L. Toups, '33, general superin-* * tendent of the South Coast Corp.. Hou-

ma. La., has been elected vice-president of the corporation. He will continue in charge of all operations.

i « i Maj. Charles Edwards Branson, '34, is *** serving with the Korean Military Ad­

visory Group. His wife, Mollie, lives at Rt. 2, Ravenna, Ohio.

ftc Richard A. Hrabe, '35, has been named * " manager of DuPont's Yerkes rayon

plant at Buffalo, N. Y. He was assistant plant manager at the Old Hickory, Tenn. plant be­fore this appointment.

»«»x Edgar E. Lindsey, Jr., '36, professor and '**' Department Head at the University of

Mass. has had a paper published entitled EVAPORATION, which appeared in Chemical Engineering, April. 1953. The report serves as a valuable guide in solving evaporation prob­lems.

Conwav Mizell, '36. and Mrs. Mizell, an­nounce the birth of a son. William Duet, Sep­tember 20. Their home address is 131 E. John Calvin Ave.. College Park, Ga.

Richard P. Nelson, '36, died unexpectedly October 29 at his home. At the time of his death he was an engineer with the Bruce Construction Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Nelson. 12 Arc Way, N. E.. Atlanta; two daughters. Misses Peegv and Judy Nelson; mother, Mrs. Margaret S. Nelson.

in-j Hugh D. Gibson, '37, 5909 Brookfield **' Rd.. Richmond. Virginia, died June 18.

1953. No further information was available at this writing.

" » Q Bertram B. Dales, Jr., '38, was recently " " promoted to the rank of Lt. Col. at

ceremonies held at the Korean Military Advis­ory Grour> Headquarters. His wife, Katherine, lives at 317 Bath Ave., Long Branch, N. J.

" J Q John C. Abrams, '39, Electrical Ac-' * ' counting Machine sales representative

•n the Washington Federal IBM office, has been promoted to Assistant to the Director of Engineering at World Headquarters and has assumed his new duties in New York. He joined the company in 1939. His home address is 4 Jackson St., Garden City. N. Y.

John R. Walker. '39, died September 8 in an Atlanta hospital after a brief illness. He was a member of the American Legion. Jr . Cham­ber of Commerce. YMCA and Northside Meth­odist Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Margaret Walker. 839 Wilson Rd.. N. W.. At­lanta, and parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Walker, Atlanta.

'Aft ENGAGED: John E. Anderson, '40, to Miss ^** Mary Gray Murray. Mr. Anderson is

connected with D'Arcy-Scott Electrical Con­tractors, Atlanta.

Wifltam B. Ashbp, '40, and Mrs. Ashby, an­nounce the birth of a son, William Seabrook. October 13. Mr. Ashbv is secretary of the American Meter Co. Their home address is D-13 The Brynwood Apts., Wynnewood, Pa.

Lt. Col. Gordon B. Cauble, '40, is now serv­ing at the Army Forces Far East Headquarters in Yokohama, Japan. He is director of the signal section's plans and operations division. Col. Cauble's wife and three children are with him in Japan.

Ralph J. Dames. '40, and Mrs. Dames, an­nounce the birth of a son, Ralph. Jr.. Septem­ber 13. Their home address is 13-C Washington Ave.. Arlington, N. J.

Irvin M. Massey II, '40, and Mrs. Massev, announce the birth of a son, Stuart McDowell, Sept. 27. Their address is 743 Forrest Trail, N. W., Atlanta, Ga.

ENGAGED: Charles Edwin Persons, '40, to Miss Mary Helen Cousins. Mr. Persons is associated with the Otis Elevator Co. in Nashville, Tenn.

Charles S. Roach, '40, and Mrs. Roach an­nounce the birth of a son, Charles S.. Jr.. Sent. 29. Their address is 732 Channing Dr., N. W., Atlanta.

'At Robert F. Alego, '41, of 134 Castleridge * ' Rd.. Manhasset, L. I., N. Y., died July

4, 1953 of a heart attack. No further informa­tion was available at this writing.

R. H. Hudson, '41, has been named manager of the Lockheed Training Dept. at the Mari­etta plant. His home address is 1776-A Cahoon St., S. W., Atlanta.

Col. Hugh C. Moore, '41, has been appointed commandant and professor of air science and tactics at Georgia Tech. He just returned from Korea in August and holds the Legion of Merit.

iMf MARRIED: Clarence Edward Belcher, '42, ^ * to Miss Mary Louise Kollock, October

21. Mr. Belcher is with Abco Builders, P. O. Box 1676, Atlanta.

LCDR George Center, '42, is now stationed at the Naval Air Station, Memphis, Tenn. His mailing address is Operations Dept., NAS, Memphis 15, Tenn.

MARRIED: Arthur Benjamin Simms III, '42, to Miss Jane Laurice Griffin, November 7. Mr. Simms' business address is 7 Austell Way, N. W., Atlanta.

Richard Lee Simms, Jr., '42, and Mrs. Simms announce the birth of a son, Richard Lee III, Sept. 9. Mr. Simms is with Grizzard Adver­tising Agency, 342 West Peachtree Street. Atlanta, Ga.

iA/t ENGAGED: William L. Lemon, Jr., '43, to **" Miss Janet Teboe. Mr. Lemon is as-

tant manager of the Service EngineerinK Dept. at General Electric's Evendale, Ohio, Plant. The wedding will take place Dec. 20. Mr. Lemon's mailing address is Box 196, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Navy Lt. Daniel V. Marshall, Jr., '43, has been awarded the Gold Star in lieu of an An Medal. The medal was awarded for merito­rious achievement while participating in aerial flights in Korea. His wife, Betty Ann, resides at 417 W. Cork St., Winchester, Va.

Arthur M. Shalloway, '43, is working on his doctorate at Cornell University where he is also an instructor in the E. E. School. His address is P. O. Box 59. Ithaca. N. Y.

Peter J. Van Norde, '43, and Mrs. Van Norde, announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Di-anne, August 4. Mr. Van Norde was recently admitted to the bar of New Jersey as an at­torney. His business address is 10 Richards St., Pequannock, N. J.

A. R. Wilson, '43, assistant manager of the Time Payment Dept., at the Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., High Point, Nt C, has been named assistant vice president. He joined the bank in 1947 and has been assistant man­ager since '51.

/ « C Armand Cifilli, '45, is with General ^ ^ Electric at Bridgeport, Conn. He is a

patent attorney in the Small Appliance Divi­sion's legal and patent department. His home address is 68 Virginia Ave., Bridgeport.

Eugene Miller, '45. and Mrs. Miller, announce the birth of a son. Ross, October 3. Mr. Miller is with Business Week, 1303 Prudential Bldp,., Houston 25, Texas.

J. Francis Willett, '45, and Mrs. Willett, an­nounce the birth of their son, Joseph Francis. Jr., October 2. Their home address is 1715 Flagler Ave., N.E., Atlanta.

'Af ENCACED: McClelland Berston, '47, to ^ ' Miss Mary Charlotte Carter. The wed­

ding will take place in the spring. Mr. Berston is with General Motors. His mailing address is 73 Montgomery Dr., N.E., Atlanta.

Charles King Chamlee, '47, recentlv received his master's in Education from the University of Georgia in Athens.

Arthur J. Schroeder, '47, and Mrs. Schroeder announce the birth of a son, Arthur J., Jr., October 27. Mrs. Schroeder is the former Janet Louise Campbell. Mr. Schroeder is with the Warner Electric Brake & Clutch Co., and has recently been named division application engineer, covering 11 southern states. Their home address is 4146 Caldwell Rd., Apt. 4. Brookhaven, Ga.

•no James F. Daniel III, '48, and Mrs. Dan-^** iel, announce the birth of their daugh­

ter, Laura Fleming. September 24. Their home address is 228 Beech St.. Birmingham, Ala.

Leonard M. Diana, '48, has joined the re­search staff of the Standard Oil Co. at Whit­ing, Ind. After graduating from Tech he went to the University of Pittsburgh where he re­ceived his Ph.D. in Physics.

MARRIED: Thomas L. Glaze, '48, to Miss Mar­garet Anne Davis October 31. Mr. Glaze is associated with Sears-Roebuck in Atlanta.

Harold E. Graham. Jr.. '48, has been trans­ferred from DuPont's Research Division at Wilmington to the Manufacturing Division at Parkersburg. W. Va.

MARRIED: Don DeWitt Kinnett, Jr., '48, to Miss Rosa Ann Hodges. Nov. 21. Mr. Kinnett is associated with the Blue Bird Body Co. at Ft. Valley, Ga.


It is difficult to write a definition of the American way. But it is easy to find good examples. Here is one:

Hurrying a young man HKf into success


m tk

If a young man could only see into the future and read what would happen to him in business, he'd be mighty enthusiastic about his first job.

"I want to be where my best talents can be used. I need to polish those talents—not just by schooling, but by new learning at my work. I don't want to be blocked or 'lost' in the crowd. I want to work with people who know more than I do and have new responsibilities waiting for me if I succeed in my first work."

We'd like to say right here that any company worth its salt has exactly that job prescription written for the future of the young men it hires.

Some of our knottiest problems have been un­raveled by young men. To be sure, they have had the counsel of older experts to hurry their success. But isn't that what a young man wants ?

• At General Electric, for example, in the fields of jet engines and electronics, gray hair is scarce. In one division the average age is 29 among the 767 engineers working on such things as gyro­scopic gunsights, autopilots for jet fighters, bomber armament systems, naval gunfire controls, guided missiles.

• Working on atomic power for submarines and

atomic power for planes is a group of research associates, research assistants and engineers, aver­aging less than 34 years of age.

• Three young men in their twenties designed Gen­eral Electric's first large-scale reactor to produce that new chemical prodigy, silicones. And they received the Company's top award for outstand­ing achievement.

• The armament system for the famous B-29 was developed by a team of G-E engineers whose average age was 26.

One thing we do know—when we take trained young men and supply them with an experienced organization and planning, then put at their disposal our resources and manufacturing know-how, the results surprise even the young men themselves.

The speed with which America's young scientists and engineers are developed will in large measure determine the rate of America's future progress.

(A new booklet has just been published: "This is General Electric." In it we describe the methods we use for chan­neling talented young men into the new fields that are constantly being created by the ever-widening uses for elec­tricity. For a copy, address General Electric, Room 123-2, Schenectady, N. Y.)

(yew ctim/nt/yottk coiz/mence in-—

GENERAL A ELECTRIC November-December, 1953 29


• AQ James E. Ashley, '49, was recently pro-^ ' moted to the rank of Lieutenant, U. S.

Navy. He is serving aboard the U.S.S. Essex. J. K. Hoishouser, '49, engineer with RCA

Victor, Camden, N. J., is now attending a new course in systems engineering at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania.

George H. tsroanax 111, '49, has been named sales manager with the Crosley Distributing Division of AVCO Distribution Corp., Atlanta. His business address is 251 Spring St., S.W.

ENGAGED: Jay Emanuel Rubel, '49, to Miss" Jacque Rosen. Mr. Rubel is associated with the Munford Co. His mailing address is 1421 Fairview Rd., N.W., Atlanta . . . Crawford Mc-Lendon Sites, '49, to Miss Joan Sinclair. The wedding will take place in January. Mr. Sites is associated with Courts & Co., 11 Marietta St., N.W., Atlanta.

MARRIED: Rooert Lindsay Drake, '49, to Miss Jane Stephens Arnold, Nov. 7. Mr. Drake is associated with the Motors Insurance Corp., Atlanta . . . WMard Thomas Johnson, '49, to Miss Carlene Patricia Shanklin, Nov. 26. Mr. Johnson is associated with the Ebasco Service, Inc., Jesup, Ga. . . . Melvin H. Mooney, Jr., '49, to Miss Betty Vickers, June 18. Mr. Mooney is with Southern Bell in Albany, Ga. Their home address is 1024'i Hadden Rd., RFD 3, Albany, Ga. Hunter J. Price, Jr., '49, to Miss Betty Mitchell, Nov. 21. Mr. Price is associ­ated with Shook and Fletcher Insulation Co., Birmingham, Ala.

' S O ^ ' L - Hammond, '50, has returned from " * Uruguay, S. A., where he was employed

by Sudamtex, and is now in sales work with the Solvay Process Division of the Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., Atlanta.

Lt. Robert W. Renshaw, '50, recently joined the Korean Military Advisory Group. This group advises the South Korean Army in training and in the field. Lt. Renshaw's wife, Margaret, lives at 559 No. 19th St., E. St. Louis, Illinois.

ENGAGED: Lagree Perry Estes, '50, to Miss Mary Helen Kerr. Mr. Estes is with the In­dustrial Engineering Dept. of Cluett Peabody Co., Atlanta. The wedding will take place December 12 . . . Bernard Irving Gillman, ,'50, to Miss Florence Holperin. Mr. Gillman is associated with his father in the S. L. Gillman Paint Co., Atlanta. The wedding will take place January 8.

MARRIED: Charles Lunsford Adams, '50, to Miss Mary Frances Brown, Nov. 7. Mr. Adams is sales engineer with the Texas Co. with headquarters in Macon, Ga. . . . Howard S. Bryant, Jr., '50, to Miss Mary Sue Kinsey, Aug. 14. Mr. Howard is with Carbide and Car­bon in Oak Ridge. The couple reside at 222 No. Purdue, Apt. 305, Oak Ridge, Tenn. . . . Rudolph L. Klein, '50, to Miss Margaret Whe-lan, Nov. 28. Mr. Klein is with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. . . . Pete D. Leonard, '50, to Miss Peggy Rountree, Oct. 24. Their home address is 737 Barnett St., N.E., Apt. B-2, Atlanta. . . . Wallace J. Richards, '50, to Miss Rose Mary Durden, Oc­tober 10. Mr. Richards is with Union Bag & Paper in Savannah. Their address is 1319 1/2 E. 39th St., Savannah . . . Thomas H. Smith, '50, to Miss Norma Lashley, Nov. 21. Mr. Smith is with the Anniston Ordnance Depot, Anniston, Ala. . . . Edward Marion Swanson, '50, to Miss Elizabeth Cellar, Nov. 13. Mr. Swanson is with the Underwater Demolition Team No. 2, USNAB, Little Creek, Va. .. . Bobby R. Terry, '50, to Miss Ruth Ponder, Nov. 7. Mr. Terry is with the General Service Administration. Their address is 1164 Clifton

Rd., N.E., Atlanta . . . Daniel Frank Wilt, '50, to Miss Anna Ann Adams Oct. 11. Mr. Wilt is with Eastern Air Lines, Atlanta.

BIRTHS: Tom N. Brown, '50, and Mrs. Brown, a daughter, Nannette Patricia, Oct. 23. Mr. Brown is with the Cotton Insurance Associa­tion. Their home address is 744 W. Hammond, Fresno, Calif. . . . Jack Sanders Griffin, '50, and Mrs. Griffin, a daughter, Sept. 2. Jack is head coach at North Fulton High School. Their home address is 35 Sheridan Dr., N.E., Atlanta.

i e i Navy Lt. Jerome V.- Bennett, '51, has ' recently transferred from the USS Adi­

rondack to the USS Northampton (ECLC-1), care of F.P.O., New York, N. Y. He was mar­ried last July to Miss Lorraine Feifer.

Navy Ensign Daniel G. McCormick, '51, re­cently received his Navy Wings at Pensacola, Fla. He is at Corpus Christi for further training before reporting for duty with the Atlantic Fleet. His permanent mailing ad­dress is 651 N. E. 60th St., Miami, Fla.

Lt. John W. Scandalios, '51, has been award­ed the commendation ribbon for meritorious service in Korean action. He is with the 40th Infantry Division's 224th Regiment. His parents reside at 2351 23rd St., Long Island City, N. Y.

ENGAGED: Mark Cicero Balkcom, '51, to Miss Jessie May Bond. The wedding is scheduled for December. Mr. Balkcom is working on his master's degree at Georgia Tech.

MARRIED: Marc Brabant, '51, to Miss Sarah Redd Callaway, Oct. 10. Mr. Brabant is asso­ciated with the Pepperell Mfg. Co. in Opelika, Ala. . . . Lt. George E. Springs, '51, to Miss Allison Anne Wiedorn, Aug. 1. Their mailing address is Quarters M-8, Naval Base, Philadel­phia 12, Pa.

BIRTHS: Stern B. Lott, Jr., '51, and Mrs. Lott, a daughter, Libby Katherine, Sept. 23. Their home address is D-4 Eugenia Apts., Syla-cauga, Ala.

' E O Lt. William W. Buchanan, '52,"recently *•* completed his studies at the Guides

Missile School, Redstone Arsenal, and has re­ported to White Sands Proving Ground, N. M.

Lt. George Koen, '52, USN, has completed a curriculum in operations analysis at the U. S. Naval School at Monterey, Calif. His permanent address is 107 E. 5th St., Erie, Pa.

Donald I. Makrauer, '52, is scheduled to re­turn home from Germany soon, at which time he will be released from active duty. His permanent mailing address is 5517 Phillips Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Lt. Eugene B. Norris, '52, is now in Korea. His address is 388th Chem. (S.G.) Co., APO 20, care of P.M., San Francisco, Calif. He is instructing Korean officers to use the Smoke Generator.

2nd Lt. Glenn M. Sparks, '52, is an instructor in Radar and Guides Missile Guidance at Ft. Bliss. His address is AAA & GM, Br. TAS, Box 765, Ft. Bliss, Texas.

Ens. Elton G. Turnipseed, '52, has qualified as a carrier pilot after six months training aboard the USS Monterey in the Gulf of Mexico. He is now taking instrument flight training at Corry Field. His permanent mail­ing address is Pettet, Mass.

MARRIED: John Raymond Knight, '52, to Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Adams, Oct. 24. Mr. Knight is production engineer with the E. V. Camp Steel Works, Atlanta. . . . Thomas Argo Smith, Jr., '52, to Miss Delle Vann. The wedding took place October 31. Mr. Smith is employed by Thomas ~& Hutton, Engineers, Savannah. Their

mailing address is 302 E. 52nd St., Savannah, Ga. . . . Lt. Robert P. Templeton. '52, to Miss Lena Arnold, June 20. Lt. Templeton is sta­tioned at Aberdeen, Md. Their home address is 100-H Garden Dr., Aberdeen, Md.

BIRTHS: Dr. Erwm M. Koritz, '52, and Mis Koritz, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Anne, July 2. Dr. Koritz is a chemi­cal engineer with General Electric at the Sili­cones Plant, Waterford, N. Y. Their home address is 1 Ahern Ave., Troy, N. Y. , . . Harold A. Valery, '52, and Mrs. Valery, a daughter, Sharon Ann, Sept. 20. Mr. Valery is with Sperry Gyroscopce Co. as field service engineer. Their home address is 51 Depon Ave., Floral Park, Long Island, N. Y.

#c*» Paul M. Kelly, '53, is with Boeing a o Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash. Ens. Robert J. Hostetler, '53, recently quali­

fied as a carrier pilot after training aboard the USS Monterey in the Gulf of Mexico. He is now taking instrument flight training at Corry Field. His permanent mailing address is 1437 Knollwood Ave., Lansing, Mich.

Paul S. Quigg, '53, graduated from the Naval Officers Candidate School, Newport R. I., in August. His permanent mailing ad­dress is 8 Lincoln Rd., Freehold, N. J.

Lt. Thomas W. Quinn, Jr., '53, recently ar­rived in Korea for duty with the 515th Ord­nance Co., a unit of X Corps. His parents live at 518 Gainesboro Rd., Drexel Hill, Pa

ENGAGED: Lt. Robert S. Brandt, USAF, '53, to Miss Elizabeth Righton Gordy. Lt. Brandt was with DuPont in Chattanooga before enter­ing the service . . . James Harold Carlyle, Jr., '53, to Miss Katherine L. Willis. Mr Carlyle, Jr., is presently with the Norcross Post Office, Norcross, Ga. He will enter the service in January . . . Willard B. McBurney, '53, to Miss Mary Lindsey. Mr. McBurney is general manager of the McBurney Stoker & Equipment Co., 2110 Peachtree Rd., N.E., At­lanta. The wedding will take place Dec. 5.

MARRIED: James E. Hannigan, '53, to Miss Harriett Ann Ely, Sept. 5. Mr. Hannigan is with Boeing Aircraft Co. in Seattle, Wash Their address is 511 E. Roy St., Apt. 18, Seattle, Wash. . . . Lt. Allen Sage Hardin, '53. to Miss Katherine Cooper, Sept. 15. Lt. Hardin is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., with the Corps of Engineers . . . Medardo M. Martinez, '53, to Miss Nelva Avendano. Mr. Martinez returned to Cuba for a short time after graduation but is now back at Tech working on a second B. S. His mailing ad­dress is Tech P. O. Box 2301 . . . Thomas M. Randall, '53, to Miss Billie June Bouchillon The wedding took place in October. Mr. Ran­dall is associated with RCA, Camden, N. J.

' 5 4 Robert D. Laughlin, '53, has been eom-a ^ missioned second lieutenant following graduation from OCS at Ft. Belvoir, Va.

MARRIED: William Bradford Bryan, Jr., '54. to Miss Elizabeth Perry, Sept. 20. Mr. Bryan is with the American Air Filter Co., Louisville. Ky. . . . William Walter Cole, '54, to Miss Virginia Lee Green. Mr. Cole was commis­sioned a second lieutenant upon completing his work here and is now serving in the Army. His permanent mailing address is 214 Coventry Rd., Decatur, Ga. . . . Murray Lee Florence, Jr., '54, to Miss Sarah Edith Cox, Oct. 3. Mr. Florence is with the General Paper Goods Co., Atlanta. He reports for active duty with the Army in January . . . Sidney Gerald Wager, Jr., '54, to Miss Joan Ellen Welch, Sept. 26. Mr. Wager is with the Empire Gas Engineering Co., 734 Spring St., Atlanta


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What in the world (0 are silicones? These astounding chemicals—born of sand and oil—hate water,

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SILICONES are the fabulous offspring of an unusual chem­ical marriage between sand and oil. Sand, the basic material for glass, gives silicones some of the best features of glass. Oil, source of many plastics, gives silicones some of the spe­cial qualities that have made plastics so useful to all of us.

WIPE ON . . .WIPE OFF—Silicones are the secret of the new, long-lasting automobile and furniture polishes that you simply wipe on and wipe off. Another silicone forms a water-tight bond between tough glass fibers and plastics that go into radar domes for airplanes, boat hulls, even washing machine parts.

WHEN APPLIED TO MASONRY WALLS, silicones are at their amazing best. A one-way street for water, they keep rainwater from penetrating, yet let inside moisture out!

THEY LAUGH AT HEAT AND COLD —Heat-resistant sili­cone insulation protects electric motors at high tempera­tures. Yet silicone insulation on jet plane wiring remains flexible, even in the brutal cold of the stratosphere. And

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SILICONES AND THE FUTURE —Even the scientists don't know all the answers about silicones. But they do know there is an exciting future ahead for them. The people of Union Carbide, who pioneered in many of the special sili­cones now used by industry, are helping to bring that future closer to all of us.

STUDENTS and STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about the many fields in which Union Carbide offers career opportunities. Write for the free illustrated booklet "Products and Processes" which de­scribes the various activities of UCC in the fields of ALLOYS, CAR­BONS, CHEMICALS, GASES, and PLASTICS. Ask for booklet G-2.


• UCC's Trade-marked Products of Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases, and Plastics include-

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November-December, 1953 31

Hospitality can be so easy