Geometry of geodesics through Busemann measures in


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Geometry of geodesics through Busemann measuresin directed last-passage percolation

Christopher Janjigian Firas Rassoul-Agha Timo Seppalainen

September 3, 2021


We consider planar directed last-passage percolation on the square lattice with general i.i.d.weights and study the geometry of the full set of semi-infinite geodesics in a typical realiza-tion of the random environment. The structure of the geodesics is studied through the propertiesof the Busemann functions viewed as a stochastic process indexed by the asymptotic direction.Our results are further connected to the ergodic program for and stability properties of randomHamilton-Jacobi equations. In the exactly solvable exponential model, our results specialize togive the first complete characterization of the uniqueness and coalescence structure of the entirefamily of semi-infinite geodesics for any model of this type. Furthermore, we compute statistics oflocations of instability, where we discover an unexpected connection to simple symmetric randomwalk.

Keywords. Busemann functions, coalescence, corner growth model, Hamilton-Jacobi equations,instability, KPZ, last-passage percolation, random dynamical system


1 Introduction 21.1 Random growth models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3 Busemann measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.4 Instability points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.5 Organization of the paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.6 Setting and notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

C. Janjigian: Purdue University, Mathematics Department, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette IN 47907, USA;e-mail:

F. Rassoul-Agha: University of Utah, Mathematics Department, 155S 1400E, Salt Lake City UT 84112, USA;

T. Seppalainen: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mathematics Department, Van Vleck Hall, 480 Lincoln Dr., Madi-son WI 53706, USA; e-mail:

Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 60K35, 60K37










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2 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

2 Preliminaries on last-passage percolation 62.1 The shape function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.2 The Busemann process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.3 Semi-infinite geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.4 Non-uniqueness of directed semi-infinite geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Busemann measures, exceptional directions, and coalescence points 113.1 Coalescence and the Busemann measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.2 Exponential case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Last-passage percolation as a dynamical system 164.1 Discrete Hamilton-Jacobi equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.2 Webs of instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.3 Flow of Busemann measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 Statistics of instability points in the exponential model 24

6 Open problems 26

7 Busemann measures: proofs 26

8 Webs of instability: proofs 328.1 Instability points and graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328.2 Density of instability points on the lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378.3 Flow of Busemann measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

9 Instability points in the exponential model: proofs 419.1 Palm kernels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419.2 Statistics of instability points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

A The geometry of geodesics: previously known results 49

B Auxiliary lemmas 53

C M/M/1 queues and Busemann functions 53

D Random walk 55

1 Introduction

1.1 Random growth models

Irregular or random growth is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, from the growth of tumors, crystals,and bacterial colonies to the propagation of forest fires and the spread of water through a porousmedium. Models of random growth have been a driving force in probability theory over the last sixtyyears and a wellspring of important ideas [2].

The mathematical analysis of such models began in the early 1960s with the introduction of theEden model by Eden [21] and first-passage percolation (FPP) by Hammersley and Welsh [31]. Abouttwo decades later, early forms of a directed variant of FPP, directed last-passage percolation (LPP),

Geodesics in LPP 3

appeared in a paper by Muth [42] in connection with series of queues in tandem. Soon after, Rost [47]introduced a random growth model, now known as the corner growth model (CGM), in connectionwith the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), a model of interacting particles. Adecade later, the CGM arose naturally from LPP in queueing theory in the work of Szczotka andKelly [50] and Glynn and Whitt [29]. Around the same time, the third author [48] connected theCGM and LPP to Hamilton-Jacobi equations and Hopf-Lax-Oleinik semigroups.

Much of this early work was primarily concerned with the deterministic asymptotic shape andlarge deviations of the randomly growing interface. The breakthrough of Baik, Deift, and Johansson[3] showed that the fluctuations of the Poissonian LPP model have the same limit as the fluctuationsof the largest eigenvalue of the Gaussian unitary ensemble derived by Tracy and Widom in [51]. Thisresult was extended to the exactly solvable versions of the CGM by Johansson in [37]. These resultsmarked the CGM and the related LPP and TASEP models as members of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang(KPZ) universality class. This universality class is conjectured to describe the statistics of a growinginterface observed when a rapidly mixing stable state invades a rapidly mixing metastable state. Thissubject has been a major focus of probability theory and statistical physics over the last three decades.Recent surveys appear in [14, 15, 30, 44, 45].

1.2 Geodesics

A common feature of many models of random growth is a natural metric-like interpretation in whichthere exist paths that can be thought of as geodesics. In these interpretations, the growing interfacecan be viewed as a sequence of balls of increasing radius and centered at the origin. This connectionis essentially exact in the case of FPP, which describes a random pseudo-metric on Zd. Related mod-els like the CGM and stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equations have natural extremizers through theirHopf-Lax-Oleinik semi-groups, which share many of the properties of geodesics. For this reason andfollowing the convention in the field, we will call all such paths geodesics.

Considerable effort has been devoted to understanding the geometric structure of semi-infinitegeodesics in models of random growth. In the mathematical literature, this program was largely pi-oneered in the seminal work of Newman and co-authors [33, 34, 40, 43], beginning with his paperin the 1994 Proceedings of the ICM [43]. Under strong hypotheses on the curvature of the limitshape, that early work showed that all such geodesics must be asymptotically directed and that forLebesgue-almost every fixed direction, from each site of the lattice, there exists a unique semi-infinitegeodesic with that asymptotic direction and all these geodesics coalesce. In special cases where thecurvature hypotheses are met, Newman’s program was subsequently implemented in LPP models[11–13, 26, 52] and certain stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equations [4, 5, 7]. In all the results of the lasttwenty-five years, the obstruction of needing to work on direction-dependent events of full probabilityhas been a persistent issue. A description of the overall geometric structure of semi-infinite geodesicshas remained elusive.

It is known that the picture described by these now-classical methods cannot be complete, becauseuniqueness fails for countably infinitely many random directions [16, 25, 27]. In the CGM, thesespecial directions are the asymptotic directions of competition interfaces. These are dual lattice pathsthat separate geodesics rooted at a fixed site. Competition interface directions are distinguished bythe existence of (at least) two geodesics that emanate from the same site, have the same asymptoticdirection, but separate immediately in their first step. Once these two geodesics separate they neverintersect again. So in these directions coalescence also fails.

Borrowing ideas from classical metric geometry, Newman introduced the tool of Busemann func-tions into the field in [43]. In Newman’s work, these Busemann functions are defined as directional

4 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

limits of differences of metric distances or passage times. Following Newman’s work and the subse-quent seminal work of Hoffman in [32], Busemann functions have become a principal tool for studyingsemi-infinite geodesics. The existence of the Busemann limits, however, relies on strong hypotheseson the limit shape. Modern work primarily uses generalized Busemann functions, which exist withoutassumptions on the limit shape [1, 17, 18, 27, 28].

1.3 Busemann measures

The present paper introduces a new framework that relates geometric properties of geodesics to an-alytic properties of a measure-valued stochastic process called the Busemann process or Busemannmeasures. These Busemann measures are Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures of generalized Busemann func-tions on the space of spatial directions, and the Busemann process is the associated family of distri-bution functions. This approach enables a study of the entire family of semi-infinite geodesics on asingle event of full probability.

We describe, in terms of the supports of the Busemann measures, the random exceptional direc-tions in which uniqueness or coalescence of geodesics fails. Many of these results hold without furtherassumptions on the weight distribution. This work also identifies key hypotheses that are equivalent todesirable coalescence and uniqueness properties of geodesics. We expect that our methods will applyin related models including FPP and stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equations.

In the exactly solvable case with i.i.d. exponential weights, when the new results are combinedwith previous work from [16, 26, 27], this yields a complete characterization of the uniqueness andcoalescence structure of all semi-infinite geodesics on a single event of full probability. Here is asummary:

(i) Every semi-infinite geodesic has an asymptotic direction.

(ii) There exists a random countably infinite dense set of interior directions in which there areexactly two geodesics from each lattice site, a left geodesic and a right geodesic. These twofamilies of left and right geodesics can be constructed from the Busemann process. Each familyforms a tree of coalescing geodesics.

(iii) In every other interior direction there is a unique geodesic from each lattice point, which againcan be constructed from the Busemann process. In each such direction these geodesics coalesceto form a tree.

(iv) The countable set of directions of non-uniqueness is exactly the set of asymptotic directionsof competition interfaces from all lattice points, in addition to being the set of discontinuitydirections of the Busemann process.

(v) In a direction ξ of non-uniqueness, finite geodesics out of a site x with endpoints going indirection ξ converge to the left (resp. right) semi-infinite geodesic out of x with asymptoticdirection ξ if and only if the endpoints eventually stay to the left (resp. right) of the competitioninterface rooted at the point where the left and right semi-infinite geodesics out of x split.

(vi) In a direction ξ of uniqueness, finite geodesics out of a site x with endpoints going in directionξ converge to the semi-infinite geodesic out of x with asymptotic direction ξ.

This gives the first complete accounting of semi-infinite geodesics in a model which lies in the KPZclass.

Geodesics in LPP 5

1.4 Instability points

Passage times in LPP solve a variational problem that is a discrete version of the stochastic Burg-ers Hopf-Lax-Oleinik semigroup. Through this connection, this paper is also related to the ergodicprogram for the stochastic Burgers equation initiated by Sinai in [49]. As mentioned in point (iv)above, the exceptional directions in which coalescence fails correspond to directions at which theBusemann process has jump discontinuities. This means that the Cauchy problem at time ´8 is notwell-posed for certain initial conditions that correspond to these exceptional directions. In this case, itis reasonable to expect that solving the Cauchy problem with the initial condition given at time t0 andsending t0 Ñ ´8 gives multiple limits at the space-time locations where the Busemann process hasjump discontinuities. Thus we call these locations points of instability. In situations where the Cauchyproblem is well-posed, points of instability correspond to shock locations. The structure of shocks inconnection with the Burgers program has been a major line of research [4, 10, 20], with a conjecturedrelationship between shock statistics and the KPZ universality phenomenon (Bakhtin and Khanin [6]).These conjectures are open.

Past works [4, 6, 10, 20] considered shocks in fixed deterministic directions, where the Cauchyproblem at time ´8 is shown to be well-posed almost surely and these shocks are the only points ofinstability. Our model is in a non-compact space setting, where these problems have been especiallydifficult to study. In exceptional directions, points of instability turn out to have a markedly differentstructure from what has been seen previously in fixed directions. Among the new phenomena arethat points of instability form bi-infinite paths that both branch and coalesce. Bi-infinite shock pathshave previously been observed only when the space is compact and the asymptotic direction is fixed.Branching shocks have not been observed.

In the exponential model we compute non-trivial statistics of points of instability. Among ourresults is an unexpected connection with simple symmetric random walk: conditional on a ξ-directedpath of instability points passing through the origin, the distribution of the locations of ξ-points ofinstability on the x-axis has the same law as the zero set of simple symmetric random walk sampledat even times.

1.5 Organization of the paper

Section 2 defines the model and summarizes the currently known results on Busemann functions andexistence, uniqueness, and coalescence of geodesics. Section 3 contains our main results on Buse-mann measures and the geometry of geodesics for general weight distributions. Section 4 connectsour general results to dynamical systems and studies the web of instability defined by the disconti-nuities of the Busemann process. Section 5 specializes to the exponential case to compute non-trivialstatistics of the Busemann process. Proofs come in Sections 7–9, with some auxiliary results relegatedto Appendices B–D. Appendix A collects the inputs we need from previous work.

1.6 Setting and notation

Throughout this paper, pΩ,F ,Pq is a Polish probability space equipped with a group T “ tTxuxPZ2

of F-measurable P-preserving bijections Tx : Ω Ñ Ω such that T0 “ identity and TxTy “ Tx`y. Eis expectation relative to P. A generic point in this space is denoted by ω P Ω. We assume that thereexists a family tωxpωq : x P Z2u of real-valued random variables called weights such that

tωxu are i.i.d. with a continuous distribution under P, Varpω0q ą 0,and Dp ą 2 : Er|ω0|

ps ă 8.(1.1)

6 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

We require further that ωypTxωq “ ωx`ypωq for all x, y P Z2. P0 denotes the marginal distributionof tωx : x P Z2u under P. Continuous distribution means that P0pX ď rq is a continuous function ofr P R. X „ Exppαq means that the random variable X satisfies P pX ą tq “ e´αt for t ą 0 (rate αexponential distribution).

The canonical setting is the one where Ω “ RZ2is endowed with the product topology, Borel

σ-algebra F , and the natural shifts, ωx are the coordinate projections, and P “ P0 is a product shift-invariant measure.

The standard basis vectors of R2 are e1 “ e` “ p1, 0q and e2 “ e´ “ p0, 1q. The e˘ notationwill conveniently shorten some statements. Additional special vectors are pe1 “ e1 ` e2, pe˚1 “ pe12,pe2 “ e2´e1, and pe˚2 “ pe22. In the dynamical view of LPP, pe1 is the time coordinate and pe2 the spacecoordinate. See Figure 1.1. The spatial level at time t P Z is denoted by Lt “ tx P Z2 : x ¨ pe1 “ tu.The half-vectors pe˚1 and pe˚2 connect Z2 with its dual lattice Z2˚ “ pe˚1 ` Z2.

e2 “ e´

e1 “ e`









Figure 1.1: An illustration of the vectors e1, e2, e˘, pe1, pe2, pe˚1 , pe˚2 , and the set U . The dashed lines in themiddle plot are edges of the dual lattice Z2˚ “ Z2 ` pe˚1 .

A statement with ˘ and possibly also ¯ is a conjunction of two statements: one for the top signs,and another one for the bottom signs. We employ to represent an arbitrary element of t´,`u.

We use R` “ r0,8q, Z` “ Z X R` and N “ t1, 2, 3, . . . u. For x, y P R2, inequalities such asx ď y and x ă y, and operations such as x^ y “ minpx, yq and x_ y “ maxpx, yq are understoodcoordinatewise. (In particular, x ă y means x ¨ ei ă y ¨ ei for both i “ 1, 2.) For x ď y in Z2, Jx, yKdenotes the rectangle tz P Z2 : x ď z ď yu. For integers i ď j, Ji, jK denotes the interval ri, js X Z.For m ď n in ZY t´8,8u we denote a sequence tai : m ď i ď nu by am,n.

A path πm,n in Z2 with πi`1 ´ πi P te1, e2u for all i is called an up-right path. Throughout, pathsare indexed so that πk ¨ pe1 “ k.

For vectors ζ, η P R2, denote open and closed line segments by sζ, ηr“ ttζ`p1´tqη : 0 ă t ă 1uand rζ, ηs “ ttζ ` p1 ´ tqη : 0 ď t ď 1u, with the consistent definitions for sζ, ηs and rζ, ηr.U “ re2, e1s with relative interior riU “se2, e1r. See Figure 1.1. A left-to-right ordering of pointsζ, η P R2 with ζ ¨ pe1 “ η ¨ pe1 is defined by ζ ă η if ζ ¨ e1 ă η ¨ e1 and ζ ĺ η if ζ ¨ e1 ď η ¨ e1. Thisleads to notions of left and right limits: if ζn Ñ ξ in U , then ζn Õ ξ if ζn ă ζn`1 for all n, whileζn Œ ξ if ζn`1 ă ζn for all n.

The support suppµ of a signed Borel measure µ is the smallest closed set whose complement haszero measure under the total variation measure |µ|.

2 Preliminaries on last-passage percolation

This section introduces the background required for the main results in Sections 3–5. To avoid exces-sive technical detail at this point, precise statements of previous results needed for the proofs later inthe paper are deferred to Appendix A.

Geodesics in LPP 7

2.1 The shape function

Recall the assumption (1.1). For x ď y in Z2 satisfying x ¨ pe1 “ k and y ¨ pe1 “ m, denote by Πyx the

collection of up-right paths πk,m which satisfy πk “ x and πm “ y. The last-passage time from x toy is defined by

Gx,y “ Gpx, yq “ maxπk,mPΠ




ωπi . (2.1)

A maximizing path is called a (point-to-point or finite) geodesic and denoted by γx,y. Under the i.i.d.continuous distribution assumption (1.1), γx,y is almost surely unique.

The shape theorem [41] says there exists a non-random function g : R2` Ñ R such that with

probability one


maxx PZ2

`: |x|1“n

|G0,x ´ gpxq|

n“ 0. (2.2)

This shape function g is symmetric, concave, and homogeneous of degree one. By homogeneity, g isdetermined by its values on U . Concavity implies the existence of one-sided derivatives:

∇gpξ˘q ¨ e1 “ limεŒ0

gpξ ˘ εe1q ´ gpξq

˘εand ∇gpξ˘q ¨ e2 “ lim


gpξ ¯ εe2q ´ gpξq


By [35, Lemma 4.7(c)] differentiability of g at ξ P riU is the same as ∇gpξ`q “ ∇gpξ´q. Denotethe directions of differentiability by

D “ tξ P riU : g is differentiable at ξu. (2.3)

For ξ P riU , define the maximal linear segments of g with slopes given by the right p “ `q andthe left p “ ´q derivatives of g at ξ to be

Uξ “

ζ P riU : gpζq ´ gpξq “ ∇gpξq ¨ pζ ´ ξq(

, P t´,`u.

We say g is strictly concave at ξ P riU if Uξ´ “ Uξ` “ tξu. Geometrically this means that ξ doesnot lie on a nondegenerate closed linear segment of g. The usual notion of strict concavity on an opensubinterval of U is the same as having this pointwise strict concavity at all ξ in the interval.

ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ

Figure 2.1: In the first three graphs g is not strictly concave at ξ while in the last two it is.

For a given ξ P riU , let ξ ĺ ξ denote the endpoints of the (possibly degenerate) interval

Uξ “ Uξ´ Y Uξ` “ rξ, ξ s.

If ξ P D then Uξ´ “ Uξ` “ Uξ while if ξ R D then Uξ´ X Uξ` “ tξu. Set Uei “ teiu, for i P t1, 2u.Additional control over the geometry of geodesics is provided by this regularity condition:

The shape function g is strictly concave at all ξ R D or, equivalently, g is differentiableat the endpoints of its linear segments.


8 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Condition (2.4) holds obviously if g is either differentiable or strictly concave. Both of theselatter properties are true for exponential weights and are conjectured to be valid more generally forcontinuously distributed weights. Under (2.4), if both Uξ´ and Uξ` are nondegenerate intervals, thenUξ´ “ Uξ` “ Uξ (leftmost graph in Figure 2.1).

2.2 The Busemann process

Under regularity condition (2.4), it is known that for each fixed ξ P D and x, y P Z2, there is aξ-dependent event of full probability on which the limit

Bξpx, yq “ limnÑ8

pGx,vn ´Gy,vnq (2.5)

exists and agrees for all sequences vn P Z2 such that |vn| Ñ 8 and vnnÑ ξ. Similar limits appearin metric geometry under the name of Busemann functions.

The goal of this paper is to study the LPP model without a priori hypotheses on the shape function.Hence the limit in (2.5) cannot serve as a starting point. Instead we work with a stochastic processof generalized Busemann functions, indexed by ξ P riU , constructed through a weak limit procedureon an extended probability space. See Remark A.2 for a brief discussion of the construction of thisprocess in [36], which is based in part on ideas from [17, 28]. This process agrees with (2.5) when thelimit in (2.5) exists.

The construction in [36] produces a probability space pΩ,F ,Pq with a group of shifts T “ tTx :x P Z2u that satisfies the requirements of Section 1.6 and a stochastic process

Bξpx, yq : x, y PZ2, ξ P riU , P t´,`u


on Ω, which we call the Busemann process. We record here those proper-ties of this process that are needed for Sections 3–5.

In general, there is a T -invariant full probability event on which the following hold. For all ξ P riU ,x, y, z P Z2, and P t´,`u:

Bξpx` z, y ` z, ωq “ Bξpx, y, Tzωq, (2.6)

Bξpx, y, ωq `Bξpy, z, ωq “ Bξpx, z, ωq, (2.7)


Bξpx, x` e1, ωq, Bξpx, x` e2, ωq


“ ωx, and (2.8)


Bξpx, x` eiq‰

“ ∇gpξq ¨ ei. (2.9)

Properties (2.6)–(2.7) express that eachBξ is a covariant cocycle. The weights recovery property(2.8) is the key that relates these cocycles to the LPP process. (2.9) shows that the Busemann processis naturally parametrized by the superdifferential of the shape function g. The following monotonicityis inherited from the path structure: for all x P Z2 and ξ, ξ1 P riU with ξ ă ξ1,

Bξ´px, x` e1, ωq ě Bξ`px, x` e1, ωq ě Bξ1´px, x` e1, ωq ě Bξ1`px, x` e1, ωq and

Bξ´px, x` e2, ωq ď Bξ`px, x` e2, ωq ď Bξ1´px, x` e2, ωq ď Bξ1`px, x` e2, ωq.(2.10)

As a consequence of monotonicity and the cocycle property (2.7), left and right limits exist. Thesigns in Bξ˘ correspond to left and right continuity: for all x, y P Z2, ξ P riU , and P t´,`u,

Bξ´px, y, ωq “ limriU Q ζÕξ

Bζpx, y, ωq and Bξ`px, y, ωq “ limriU Q ζŒξ

Bζpx, y, ωq. (2.11)

When Bξ`px, y, ωq “ Bξ´px, y, ωq we drop the `´ distinction and write Bξpx, y, ωq.Theorem A.1 in Appendix A contains the complete list of the properties of the Busemann process

that are used in the proofs in Sections 7–8.

Geodesics in LPP 9

2.3 Semi-infinite geodesics

A path πk,8 with πi`1 ´ πi P te1, e2u for all i ě k is called a semi-infinite geodesic emanating from,or rooted at, x if πk “ x and for any m,n P Z` with k ď m ď n, the restricted path πm,n is ageodesic between πm and πn. A path π´8,8 with πi`1 ´ πi P te1, e2u for all i is called a bi-infinitegeodesic if πm,n is a geodesic for any m ď n in Z. Due to the fact that the set of admissible stepsis te1, e2u, from each site x, there are always two trivial semi-infinite geodesics, namely x ` Z`e1,which we denote by γ x,e1 , and x` Z`e2, which we denote by γ x,e2 . There are two trivial bi-infinitegeodesics going through x, namely x` Ze1 and x` Ze2, which we do not introduce notation for.

A semi-infinite geodesic πk,8, or a bi-infinite geodesic π´8,8, is directed into a set A Ă U if thelimit points of πnn as nÑ8 are all in A. When A “ tξu the condition becomes limnÑ8 πnn “ ξand we say πk,8 is ξ-directed.

Using the Busemann process, we construct a semi-infinite path γ x,ξ for each ξ P riU , both signs P t´,`u, and all x P Z2, via these rules: the initial point is γ x,ξ

m “ x where m “ x ¨ pe1, and forn ě m

γ x,ξn`1 “




γ x,ξn ` e1, if Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e1q ă Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e2q,

γ x,ξn ` e2, if Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e1q ą Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e2q,

γ x,ξn ` e, if Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e1q “ Bξpγ x,ξ

n ,γ x,ξn ` e2q.


As above, we dispense with the ˘ distinction when γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´. These geodesics inherit anordering from (2.10): for all x P Z2, n ě x ¨ pe1, and ζ ă η in riU ,

γ x,ζ´n ĺ γ x,ζ`

n ĺ γ x,η´n ĺ γ x,η`

n . (2.13)

Similarly, the geodesics inherit one-sided continuity from (2.11) in the sense of convergence offinite length segments: for all x P Z2, ξ P riU and P t´,`u, if k “ x ¨ pe1 and m ě k is an integer,then

limriU Q ηŒξ

γ x,ηk,m “ γ x,ξ`

k,m and limriU Q ζÕξ

γ x,ζk,m “ γ x,ξ´

k,m . (2.14)

An elementary argument given in [27, Lemma 4.1] shows that properties (2.7) and (2.8) combineto imply that these paths are all semi-infinite geodesics and that, moreover, for all choices of x P Z2,n ě x ¨ pe1, P t´,`u, and ξ P riU , we have

Gpx,γ x,ξn q “ Bξpx,γ x,ξ

n q. (2.15)

Below are the main properties of these Busemann geodesics γ x,ξ under assumption (1.1), fromarticle [27]. (Theorem A.4 in Appendix A provides a more precise accounting.)

(i) Every semi-infinite geodesic is Uξ-directed for some ξ P U .

(ii) γ x,ξ is Uξ-directed for each x P Z2 and each ξ P U .

(iii) If ξ, ξ, ξ P D, then there is a ξ-dependent event of full probability on which γ x,ξ´ “ γ x,ξ` forall x P Z2.

(iv) There is a ξ-dependent event of full probability on which γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ coalesce for each P t`,´u. That is, for each x, y P Z2, there exists an ω-dependent K P N such that for allk ě K, γ x,ξ

k,8 “ γ y,ξk,8 .

10 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

The regularity condition (2.4) guarantees that γ x,ξ´ and γ x,ξ` are extreme among the Uξ-directedgeodesics out of x in the sense that for any x P Z2, ξ P riU , and any Uξ-directed semi-infinite geodesicπ emanating from x, we have

γ x,ξ´n ĺ πn ĺ γ x,ξ`

n (2.16)

for all n ě x ¨ pe1. We record this fact as Theorem A.7 in Appendix A.Under the regularity condition (2.4) and ξ, ξ, ξ P D, part (iii) combined with (2.16) implies that

there is a ξ-dependent event of full probability on which there is a unique Uξ-directed geodesic fromeach x P Z2. Moreover, by part (iv), all of these geodesics coalesce. On the other hand, under thesame condition, it is known that there are exceptional random directions at which both uniquenessand coalescence fail. We discuss these directions in the next subsection.

2.4 Non-uniqueness of directed semi-infinite geodesics

For a fixed site x P Z2, a natural direction in which non-uniqueness occurs is the competition interfacedirection, which we denote by ξ˚pTxωq. At the origin, ξ˚pωq P riU is the unique direction such that

Bζ˘pe1, e2q ă 0 if ζ ă ξ˚pωq and Bζ˘pe1, e2q ą 0 if ζ ą ξ˚pωq. (2.17)

Theorem A.8 records the main properties of competition interface directions, including the existenceand uniqueness of such a direction.

Under the regularity condition (2.4), we also have the following alternative description of ξ˚pωq.Fix a site x P Z2. The uniqueness of finite geodesics implies that the collection of geodesics from xto all points y P x`Z2

` form a tree Tx rooted at x and spanning x`Z2`. The subtree rooted at x` e1

is separated from the subtree rooted at x` e2 by a path tϕxn : n ě x ¨ pe1u on the dual lattice pe˚1 `Z2,known as the competition interface. See Figure 2.2.


x` e2

x` e1

Figure 2.2: The geodesic tree Tx rooted at x. The competition interface (solid line) emanates from x` pe˚1 andseparates the subtrees of Tx rooted at x` e1 and x` e2.

Under condition (2.4), the competition interface satisfies ϕxnn Ñ ξ˚pTxωq, given by (2.17).Moreover, each of these two trees contains at least one semi-infinite geodesic with asymptotic di-rection ξ˚pTxωq. Indeed, ξ˚pTxωq is the unique direction with the property that there exist at least twosemi-infinite geodesics rooted at x, with asymptotic direction ξ˚pTxωq, and which differ in their firststep. See Figure 2.3. Theorem A.9 records the fact that when the weights are exponentially distributed,there are no directions ξ with three ξ-directed geodesics emanating from the same point.

Geodesics in LPP 11

Figure 2.3: The competition interface (middle path) separating the two ξ˚-directed geodesics. The left pictureis a small portion of the right one. In the picture on the right the x-axis appears to be stretched, but the scales ofthe axes are in fact identical.

3 Busemann measures, exceptional directions, and coalescence points

The central theme of this paper is the relationship between analytic properties of the Busemann pro-cess and the geometric properties of the geodesics γ ‚,ξ for ξ P riU and P t´,`u. It will beconvenient in what follows to have a bookkeeping tool for the locations at which the Busemann pro-cesses are not locally constant. A natural way to record this information is through the supports of theassociated Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures.

As functions of the direction parameter ξ, Bξ´x,x`ei and Bξ`

x,x`ei are respectively left- and right-continuous versions of the same monotone function and satisfy the cocycle property (2.7). As a con-sequence, for each x, y P Z2, P t´,`u, ξ ÞÑ Bξpx, yq has locally bounded total variation. Henceon each compact subset K of riU there exists a signed Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure µKx,y with theproperty that whenever ζ ă η and rζ, ηs Ă K,

µKx,yp sζ, ηsq “ Bη`x,y ´B

ζ`x,y and µKx,yprζ, ηr q “ Bη´

x,y ´Bζ´x,y. (3.1)

The restriction to compact sets is a technical point: in general, Bξ`x,y and Bξ´

x,y are signed sumsof monotone functions and thus correspond to formal linear combinations of positive measures. Bythe limit in (A.1), each of these positive measures assigns infinite mass to the interval riU and ifany two of the measures come with different signs, the formal linear combination will not define asigned measure on all of riU . We will ignore this technical point in what follows and write µx,yp‚q forthe value of this measure and |µx,y|p‚q for the value of the total variation measure whenever they areunambiguously defined. In that vein, we define the support of the measure µx,y on riU as

suppµx,y “ď

ζ, η P riU : ζăη

suppµrζ,ηsx,y , (3.2)

where suppµrζ,ηsx,y is, as usual, the support of the (well-defined) total variation measure |µrζ,ηsx,y |. Nat-

urally, this definition agrees with the standard notion of the support of a measure when µx,y is awell-defined positive or negative measure on U .

3.1 Coalescence and the Busemann measures

The first result below relates membership in the support with the existence of disjoint Busemanngeodesics.

12 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Theorem 3.1. The following holds with P-probability one. For all x ‰ y in Z2 and ξ P riU statements(i) and (ii) below are equivalent:

(i) ξ P suppµx,y.

(ii) Either γ x,ξ´ X γ y,ξ` “ ∅ or γ x,ξ` X γ y,ξ´ “ ∅.

Under the regularity condition (2.4), (i) and (ii) are equivalent to

(iii) There exist Uξ-directed semi-infinite geodesics πx and πy out of x and y, respectively, such thatπx X πy “ ∅.

The difference between statements (ii) and (iii) is that if ξ R suppµx,y then (ii) leaves open thepossibility that even though γ x,ξ´ and γ y,ξ` intersect and γ x,ξ` and γ y,ξ´ intersect, there may beother Uξ-directed geodesics out of x and y that do not intersect. This is because without the regularitycondition (2.4), we currently do not know whether (2.16) holds, that is, whether γ x,ξ` is the rightmostand γ x,ξ´ the leftmost Uξ-directed geodesic out of x.

The subsequent several results relate the support of Busemann measures to the coalescence geom-etry of geodesics. For x, y P Z2, ξ P riU , and signs P t´,`u, define the coalescence point of thegeodesics γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ by

zξpx, yq “


first point in γ x,ξ X γ y,ξ, if γ x,ξ X γ y,ξ ‰ H

8, if γ x,ξ X γ y,ξ “ H.(3.3)

The first point z in γ x,ξ X γ y,ξ is identified uniquely by choosing the common point z “ γ x,ξk “

γ y,ξk that minimizes k. In the expression above, 8 is the point added in the one-point compactifi-

cation of Z2. If the two geodesics γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ ever meet, they coalesce due to the local rule in(2.12). We write zξpx, yq when zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq.

As Z2 Y t8u-valued functions, ξ ÞÑ zξ`px, yq is right-continuous and ξ ÞÑ zξ´px, yq is left-continuous. Namely, a consequence of (2.14) is that for ξ P riU and P t´,`u,

limriU Q ηŒξ

zηpx, yq “ zξ`px, yq. (3.4)

If zξ`px, yq “ 8 this limit still holds in the sense that then |zηpx, yq| Ñ 8. The analogous statementholds for convergence from the left to zξ´px, yq.

The next theorem states that an interval of directions outside the support of a Busemann measurecorresponds to geodesics following common initial segments to a common coalescence point.

Theorem 3.2. With probability one, simultaneously for all ζ ă η in riU and all x, y P Z2, statements(i), (ii), and (iii) below are equivalent:

(i) |µx,y|p sζ, ηr q “ 0.

(ii) Letting k “ x ¨pe1 and ` “ y ¨pe1, there exist a point z with z ¨pe1 “ m ě k_` and path segmentsπk,m and rπ`,m with these properties: πk “ x, rπ` “ y, πm “ rπm “ z, and for all ξ P sζ, ηr and P t´,`u we have γ x,ξ

k,m “ πk,m and γ y,ξ`,m “ rπ`,m.

(iii) Letting k “ x ¨ pe1 and ` “ y ¨ pe1, there exists a point z with z ¨ pe1 “ m ě k _ ` so that for allξ P sζ, ηr and P t´,`u, zξpx, yq “ z.

Geodesics in LPP 13

The next lemma verifies that intervals that satisfy statement (i) of Theorem 3.2 almost surely makeup a random dense open subset of riU .

Lemma 3.3. Let U0 Ă riU be a fixed countable dense set of points of differentiability of g. Then thefollowing holds with P-probability one: for every x, y P Z and every ξ P U0, there exist ζ ă ξ ă η inriU such that |µx,y|p sζ, ηr q “ 0.

A natural question is whether the measure is Cantor-like with no isolated points of support, or ifthe support consists entirely of isolated points, or if both are possible. These features also turn out tohave counterparts in coalescence properties. For a set A Ă U say that ξ is a limit point of A from theright if A intersects sξ, ηr for each η ą ξ, with a similar definition for limit points from the left.

Theorem 3.4. The following holds with probability one. For all x, y P Z2 and ξ P riU:

(a) ξ R suppµx,y ðñ zξ`px, yq “ zξ´px, yq P Z2.

(b) ξ is an isolated point of suppµx,y ðñ zξ`px, yq ‰ zξ´px, yq but both zξ˘px, yq P Z2.

(c) ξ is a limit point of suppµx,y from the rightðñ zξ`px, yq “ 8. Similarly, ξ is a limit point ofsuppµx,y from the leftðñ zξ´px, yq “ 8.

This motivates the following condition on the Busemann process which will be invoked in someresults in the sequel:

There exists a full P-probability event on which every point of suppµx,y is isolated, for allx, y P Z2.


Equivalently, condition (3.5) says that ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘px, yq is a jump process whose jumps do not accu-mulate on riU . For this reason, we refer to (3.5) as the jump process condition. It is shown in [22,Theorem 3.4] that (3.5) holds when the weights ωx are i.i.d. exponential random variables. In additionto Lemma 3.3, this is a further reason to expect that (3.5) holds very generally.

Under condition (3.5) Theorem 3.4 extends to a global coalescence statement.

Theorem 3.5. Statements (i) and (ii) below are equivalent.

(i) The jump process condition (3.5) holds.

(ii) This holds with P-probability one: for all x, y P Z2, all ξ P riU , and both signs P t´,`u,the geodesics γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ coalesce.

We introduce the random set of exceptional directions obtained by taking the union of the supportsof the Busemann measures:

V ω “ď

x, y PZ2

suppµx,y Ă riU . (3.6)

It turns out that not all pairs x, y are necessary for the union. It suffices to take pairs of adjacent pointsalong horizontal or vertical lines, or along any bi-infinite path with nonpositive local slopes.

Lemma 3.6. The following holds for P-almost every ω. Let x´8,8 be any bi-infinite path in Z2 suchthat @i P Z, pxi`1 ´ xiq ¨ e1 ě 0 and pxi`1 ´ xiq ¨ e2 ď 0 and not both are zero. Then

V ω “ď

iPZsuppµxi,xi`1 .

14 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

The remainder of this section addresses (i) characterizations of V ω and (ii) its significance foruniqueness and coalescence of geodesics. The first item relates the exceptional directions to asymp-totic directions of competition interfaces.

Theorem 3.7. The following hold for P-almost every ω.

(a) For all x P Z2, suppµx,x`e1 X suppµx,x`e2 “ tξ˚pTxωqu. In particular, V ω Ą tξ˚pTxωq :x P Z2u.

(b) Under the jump process condition (3.5), V ω “ tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u.

The next issue is the relationship between V ω and regularity properties of g. Recall the defini-tion (2.3) of D as the set of differentiability points of g. Let H be the subset of riU that remains afterremoval of all open linear segments of g and removal of those endpoints of linear segments that are dif-ferentiability points. Equivalently, H consists of those ξ P riU at which g is either non-differentiableor strictly concave.

Theorem 3.8.

(a) Let ξ P riU . Then ξ P D if and only if Ppξ P V ωq “ 0. If ξ R D then

PpDx : ξ˚pTxωq “ ξq “ Ppξ P V ωq “ 1.

(b) For P-almost every ω, the set tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u and the set V ω are dense subsets of H.

The next theorem identifies V ω as the set of directions with multiple semi-infinite geodesics.As before, the regularity condition (2.4) allows us to talk about general Uξ-directed semi-infinitegeodesics, instead of only the Busemann geodesics γ x,ξ.

Theorem 3.9. The following hold for P-almost every ω.

(a) ξ P priUqzV ω if and only if the following is true: γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´ for all x P Z2 and all thesegeodesics coalesce.

(b) Under the regularity condition (2.4), ξ P priUqzV ω if and only if the following is true: thereexists a unique Uξ-directed semi-infinite geodesic out of every x P Z2 and all these geodesicscoalesce.

(c) Under the jump process condition (3.5) the existence of x P Z2 such that γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´

implies that γ y,ξ` “ γ y,ξ´ for all y P Z2, all these geodesics coalesce, and ξ P priUqzV ω.

(d) Assume both the regularity condition (2.4) and the jump process condition (3.5). Suppose thereexists x P Z2 such that γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´. Then there is a unique Uξ-directed semi-infinitegeodesic out of every x P Z2, all these geodesics coalesce, and ξ P priUqzV ω.

By the uniqueness of finite geodesics, two geodesics emanating from the same site x cannot in-tersect after they separate. Consequently, non-uniqueness of semi-infinite directed geodesics impliesthe existence of non-coalescing semi-infinite directed geodesics. When both conditions (2.4) and (3.5)hold, Theorem 3.9(d) shows the converse: uniqueness implies coalescence.

We close this section with a theorem that collects those previously established properties ofgeodesics which hold when both the regularity condition (2.4) and the jump process condition (3.5)are in force. Lemma 7.4 justifies that the geodesics in part (d) are ξ-directed rather than merely Uξ-directed.

Geodesics in LPP 15

Theorem 3.10. Assume the regularity condition (2.4) and the jump process condition (3.5). The fol-lowing hold for P-almost every ω.

(a) ξ P V ω if and only if there exist x, y P Z2 with Bξ´px, yq ‰ Bξ`px, yq.

(b) ξ P V ω if and only if there exists x P Z2 such that ξ “ ξ˚pTxωq.

(c) If ξ P priUqzV ω, then for each x P Z2, γ x,ξ “ γ x,ξ´ “ γ x,ξ` and this is the unique Uξ-directed semi-infinite geodesic out of x. For any x, y P Z2, γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ coalesce.

(d) If ξ P V ω, then from each x P Z2 there exist at least two ξ-directed semi-infinite geodesicsthat separate eventually, namely γ x,ξ´ and γ x,ξ`. For each pair x, y P Z2, γ x,ξ´ and γ y,ξ´

coalesce and γ x,ξ` and γ y,ξ` coalesce.

3.2 Exponential case

We specialize to the case where

tωx : x P Z2u are i.i.d. mean one exponential random variables. (3.7)

Rost’s classic result [47] gives the shape function

gpξq “`


ξ ¨ e1 `a

ξ ¨ e2

˘2, ξ P R2

`. (3.8)

The regularity condition (2.4) is satisfied as g is strictly concave and differentiable on riU . The sup-ports suppµx,y are unions of inhomogeneous Poisson processes and hence the jump process condition(3.5) is satisfied. This comes from [22, Theorem 3.4] and is described in Section 9.1 below. These twoobservations imply that the conclusions of Theorem 3.10 hold. With some additional work, we can gobeyond the conclusions of Theorem 3.10 in this solvable setting.

Let sξpxq denote the location where the ξ` and ξ´ geodesics out of x split:

sξpxq “


last point in γ x,ξ´ X γ x,ξ` if γ x,ξ´ ‰ γ x,ξ`,

8 if γ x,ξ´ “ γ x,ξ`.(3.9)

For part (c) in the next theorem, recall the finite geodesic γx,y defined below (2.1) and the competi-tion interface path ϕx introduced in Section 2.4. Convergence of paths means that any finite segmentseventually coincide.

Theorem 3.11. Assume (3.7). Then the conclusions of Theorem 3.10 hold with Uξ “ tξu for allξ P riU . Additionally, the following hold P-almost surely.

(a) If ξ P V ω then from each x P Z2 there emanate exactly two semi-infinite ξ-directed geodesicsthat eventually separate, namely γ x,ξ´ and γ x,ξ`.

(b) For any ξ P riU and any three ξ-directed semi-infinite geodesics rooted at any three points, atleast two of the geodesics coalesce.

(c) Let x P Z2, ξ P riU , and let tvnuněm be any sequence on Z2 such that vn ¨ pe1 “ n andvnn Ñ ξ. If vn ă ϕ

sξpxqn for all sufficiently large n, then γx,vn Ñ γx,ξ´ as n Ñ 8. If

ϕsξpxqn ă vn for all sufficiently large n then γx,vn Ñ γx,ξ` as nÑ8.

16 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

(d) For each x P Z2, the entire collection of semi-infinite geodesics emanating from x is exactly

γ x,e1 ,γ x,e2 ,γ x,ξ : ξ P riU , P t`,´u(


Theorem 3.11 resolves a number of previously open problems on the geometry of geodesics inthe exponential model. It shows that in all but countably many exceptional directions, the collectionof geodesics with that asymptotic direction coalesce and form a tree. These exceptional directionsare identified both with the directions of discontinuity of the Busemann process and the asymptoticdirections of competition interfaces. Moreover, in each exceptional direction ξ P V ω, ahead of eachlattice site x, there is a ξ-directed competition interface at which the ξ´ and ξ` geodesics out of xsplit. These are the only two ξ-directed geodesics rooted at x. Strikingly, each of the two families ofξ´ and ξ` geodesics has the same structure as the collection of geodesics in a typical direction: eachfamily forms a tree of coalescing semi-infinite paths.

Theorem 3.11 utilizes Theorem A.9, due to Coupier [16], that rules out three geodesics that havethe same direction, emanate from a common vertex, and eventually separate. It appears that the mod-ification argument of [16] cannot rule out three non-coalescing geodesics from distinct roots, and soTheorem 3.11(b) significantly extends Theorem A.9.

Finally, Theorem 3.11 gives a complete description of the coalescence structure of finite geodesicsto semi-infinite geodesics in the exponential model. Part (c) says that if we consider a sequence oflattice sites vn with asymptotic direction ξ, then the geodesic from x to vn will converge to the ξ´geodesic out of x if and only if vn eventually stays to the left of the competition interface emanatingfrom the site sξpxq where the ξ´ and ξ` geodesics out of x separate. Similarly it will converge to theξ` geodesic if and only if it stays to the right of that path. The competition interface lives on the duallattice, so for large n every point vn is either to the left or to the right of the competition interface.The coalescence structure of semi-infinite geodesics to arbitrary sequences vn with vnn Ñ ξ thenfollows by passing to subsequences.

The results of Section 3 are proved in Section 7, except Lemma 3.6 which is proved at the end ofSection 8.1.

4 Last-passage percolation as a dynamical system

After the general description of uniqueness and coalescence of Section 3, we take a closer look at thespatial structure of the set of lattice points where particular values or ranges of values from the set V ω

of exceptional directions appear. (Recall its definition (3.6).) As mentioned in the introduction, thereis a connection to instability in noise-driven conservation laws. The next section explains this point ofview.

4.1 Discrete Hamilton-Jacobi equations

We take a dynamical point of view of LPP. Time proceeds in the negative diagonal direction ´pe1 “

´e1 ´ e2 and the spatial axis is pe2 “ e2 ´ e1. For each t P Z, the spatial level at time t is Lt “ tx PZ2 : x ¨pe1 “ tu. For x P Z2 andA Ă Z2 let ΠA

x denote the set of up-right paths πk,m such that πk “ xand πm P A, where k “ x ¨ pe1 and m is any integer ě k such that A X Lm ‰ ∅. For each ξ P riUand sign P t´,`u, the Busemann function Bξ satisfies the following equation: for all t ď t0 andx P Lt,

Bξpx, 0q “ max!



ωπi `Bξpπt0 , 0q : π P Π



. (4.1)

Geodesics in LPP 17

The unique maximizing path in (4.1) is the geodesic segment γ x,ξt,t0

.Equation (4.1) can be viewed as a discrete Hopf-Lax-Oleinik semigroup. For example, equation

(4.1) is an obvious discrete analogue of the variational formula (1.3) of [5]. At first blush the twoformulas appear different because (1.3) of [5] contains a kinetic energy term. However, this term isnot needed in (4.1) above because all admissible steps are of size one and all paths between levels Ltand Lt0 have equal length (number of steps).

Through this analogy with a Hopf-Lax-Oleinik semigroup we can regard Bξp‚ , 0q as a globalsolution of a discrete stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equation started in the infinite past (t0 Ñ 8) anddriven by the noise ω. The spatial difference Bξpx` e1, x` e2q “ Bξpx` e1, 0q´B

ξpx` e2, 0qcan then be viewed as a global solution of a discretized stochastic Burgers equation.

By Lemma B.1, if g is differentiable on riU , then Bξ` and Bξ´ both satisfy for each x P Z2


Bξ˘ px, x` npe2q

n“ ∇gpξq ¨ pe2.

Thus, Bξ˘ are two solutions with the same value of the conserved quantity. Under the jump processcondition (3.5), ξ P suppµx`e1,x`e2 if and only if Bξ`px` e1, x` e2q ‰ Bξ´px` e1, x` e2q. Thismeans that the locations x where ξ P suppµx`e1,x`e2 are precisely the space-time points at which thetwo solutions Bξ˘ differ. It is reasonable to expect then that these points are locations of instability inthe following sense. The spatial differences of the solution to the stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equationstarted at time t0 with a linear initial condition dual to ξ,

maxtGx`e1,y ´ y ¨∇gpξq : y ¨ pe1 “ t0u ´maxtGx`e2,y ´ y ¨∇gpξq : y ¨ pe1 “ t0u,

has at least two limit points Bξ˘px ` e1, x ` e2q ` pe1 ´ e2q ¨∇gpξq as t0 Ñ 8. This is supportedby simulations and is hinted at by Theorem 3.11(c).

With these points in mind, we now define what we mean by instability points and then turn tostudying their geometric structure. Proofs of the results of this section appear in Section 8.

4.2 Webs of instability

For a direction ξ P riU and a sign P t´,`u, let Gξ be the directed graph whose vertex set is Z2

and whose edge set includes px, x` eiq whenever γ x,ξm`1 “ x` ei. Here m “ x ¨ pe1 and we consider

both i P t1, 2u. These are the directed graphs of ξ geodesics defined by (2.12). By construction,each Gξ is a disjoint union of trees, i.e. a forest, and for each x P Z2, the geodesic γ x,ξ follows thedirected edges of Gξ.

Recall the vectors pe˚1 “ pe12 “ pe1`e2q2 and pe˚2 “ pe22 “ pe2´e1q2. Let G˚ξ be the directedgraph whose vertex set is the dual lattice Z2˚ “ pe˚1 ` Z2 and whose edge set is defined by this rule:for each x P Z2, on the dual lattice x` pe˚1 points to x` pe˚1 ´ ei in G˚ξ if and only if on the originallattice x points to x`ei in Gξ. Pictorially this means that G˚ξ contains all the south and west directednearest-neighbor edges of Z2˚ that do not cross an edge of Gξ. See Figure 4.1 for an illustration.

For ζ ĺ η in riU let the graph G˚Yrζ,ηs be the union of the graphs G˚ξ over ξ P rζ, ηs and P

t´,`u. That is, the vertex set of G˚Yrζ,ηs is Z2˚, and the edge set of G˚

Yrζ,ηs is the union of the edgesets of G˚ξ˘ over ξ P rζ, ηs. From each point x˚ P Z2˚ a directed edge of G˚

Yrζ,ηs points to x˚ ´ e1 orx˚ ´ e2 or both. Due to the monotonicity (2.10) of the Busemann functions, G˚

Yrζ,ηs is the union ofjust the two graphs G˚ζ´ and G˚η`. In particular, x˚ points to x˚ ´ e2 in G˚

Yrζ,ηs if and only if x˚ ´ pe˚1points to x˚ ` pe˚2 in Gζ´, and x˚ points to x˚ ´ e1 in G˚

Yrζ,ηs if and only if x˚ ´ pe˚1 points to x˚ ´ pe˚2in Gη`.

18 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen


x˚ “ x` pe˚1


x˚ “ x` pe˚1

Figure 4.1: Left plot: An illustration of the duality relation between the edges of Gξ (black/thick) and thoseof G˚ξ (red/thin). Right plot: An illustration of a (blue/thick) north-east directed geodesic graph Gξ and its(red/thin) south-west directed dual G˚ξ.


x˚x` e2

x` e1

Figure 4.2: The edge px` e1, x` e2q is identified with the dual point x˚ “ x` pe˚1 .

Identify the space-time point x`pe˚1 P Z2˚ on the dual lattice with the diagonal edge that connectsx ` e1 and x ` e2 on the primal lattice (see Figure 4.2). Call the dual lattice point x˚ “ x ` pe˚1 arζ, ηs-instability point if rζ, ηs X suppµx`e1,x`e2 ‰ ∅. If ζ “ η “ ξ, call x˚ a ξ-instability point.Denote the set of rζ, ηs-instability points by S˚

rζ,ηs, with S˚ξ “ S˚rξ,ξs. S

˚rζ,ηs is the union of S˚ξ over

ξ P rζ, ηs. Theorem 3.1 and the ordering (2.13) of geodesics give the following characterization interms of disjoint geodesics, alluded to in Section 4.1.

Lemma 4.1. The following holds for P-almost every ω. Let ζ ĺ η, including the case ζ “ η “ ξ. Letx P Z2 and x˚ “ x` pe˚1 . Then x˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs if and only if γ x`e2,ζ´ X γ x`e1,η` “ ∅.

Let the instability graph S˚rζ,ηs be the subgraph of G˚

Yrζ,ηs with vertex set S˚rζ,ηs and those directed

edges of G˚Yrζ,ηs that point from some x˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs to a point x˚ ´ ei P S˚rζ,ηs, for either i P t1, 2u.

(The proof of Theorem 4.3 in Section 8.1 shows that every edge of G˚Yrζ,ηs that emanates from a point

of S˚rζ,ηs is in fact an edge of S˚

rζ,ηs.)In the case ζ “ η “ ξ write S˚ξ for S˚

rξ,ξs. Explicitly, the vertices of S˚ξ are dual points x`pe˚1 suchthat ξ P suppµx`e1,x`e2 and the edges are those of G˚ξ´ Y G˚ξ` that connect these points.

The graph S˚rζ,ηs is also the edge union of the graphs S˚ξ over ξ P rζ, ηs. To see this, let x˚ “ x`pe˚1 .

If ξ “ ξ˚pTxωq P rζ, ηs then S˚ξ contains both edges from x˚ to x˚ ´ e1 and x˚ ´ e2, as does S˚rζ,ηs.

If ξ˚pTxωq R rζ, ηs then in S˚ξ and in S˚rζ,ηs, x

˚ points to the same vertex x˚ ´ ei.

Remark 4.2. By the continuity (2.14) and the fact that the support of a measure is a closed set we getthat almost surely, for any ζ ĺ η in riU and for any finite box r´L,Ls2 X Z2, S˚

rζ1,η1s “ S˚rζ,ηs on the

entire box, for ζ 1 ă ζ close enough to ζ and η1 ą η close enough to η. This explains why the two topgraphs in Figure 4.4 are identical and are in fact equal to S˚ξ .

Geodesics in LPP 19

The message of the next theorem is that instability points exist for all exceptional directions in V ω,and these instability points arrange themselves on bi-infinite directed paths in the instability graphs.

Theorem 4.3. The following holds for P-almost every ω. Pick any ζ ĺ η in riU such that rζ, ηs XV ω ‰ ∅, including the case ζ “ η “ ξ. Then the instability graph S˚

rζ,ηs is an infinite directedgraph. Furthermore, S˚

rζ,ηs equals the union of the bi-infinite directed paths of the graph G˚Yrζ,ηs. In

the backward (north and east) orientation, each such path is rζ, ηs-directed.

In particular, if x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs and m “ x˚ ¨ pe1, there exists a bi-infinite sequence tx˚nunPZ Ă S˚


such that x˚m “ x˚ and for each n, x˚n ¨ pe1 “ n and x˚n points to x˚n´1 in the graph S˚rζ,ηs. As nÑ8,

the limit points of n´1x˚n lie in rζ, ηs.

Figure 4.3: Four nested down-left pointing S˚rζ,ηs graphs in the square r´100, 100s2. Top to bottom, left to

right, in reading order, rζ ¨ e1, η ¨ e1s equals r0.096, 0.772s, r0.219, 0.595s, r0.318, 0.476s, and r0.355, 0.436s.Two further nested subgraphs appear in Figure 4.4. In the simulation the weights were exponentially distributedand we chose the direction ξ to be a jump point of the Busemann process on the edge p0, e1q.

Next we describe the branching and coalescing of the bi-infinite directed paths that make up thegraph S˚

rζ,ηs. If there is a directed path in the graph S˚rζ,ηs from y˚ to x˚, then y˚ is an ancestor of

x˚ and equivalently x˚ is a descendant of y˚. Let A˚rζ,ηspx

˚q denote the set of ancestors of x˚ in thegraph S˚

rζ,ηs. Abbreviate again A˚ξ px˚q “ A˚


A point x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs is a branch point in the graph S˚

rζ,ηs if x˚ is an ancestor of both x˚ ´ e1 andx˚ ´ e2. Branch points are dual to those where ζ´ and η` geodesics separate. Similarly, x˚ P S˚


20 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Figure 4.4: Continuing with the simulation setting of Figure 4.3, the top two pictures are S˚rζ,ηs graphs in

r´100, 100s2 with rζ ¨ e1, η ¨ e1s “ r0.374, 0.417s (left) and r0.393, 0.397s (right). The two graphs are in factidentical. The pictures on the second row zoom into the framed squares of the top right picture, the left one intothe square r´20, 20s2 and the right one into r´10, 10s2. Besides the down-left pointing red S˚

rζ,ηs graphs, thebottom pictures include the up-right pointing graphs Gζ´ (green/lighter) and Gη` (purple/darker). WheneverGζ´ and Gη` separate at x, green points up and purple points right, and S˚

rζ,ηs has a branch point at x`pe˚1 . Theblue/green trees that occupy the islands surrounded by red paths are described in Section 4.3.

is a coalescence point if both x˚ ` e1 and x˚ ` e2 are ancestors of x˚. Figures 4.3 and 4.4 displaysimulations that illustrate the branching and coalescing.

For the sharpest branching and coalescing properties in the next theorem, we invoke again theregularity condition (2.4) and the jump process condition (3.5), and additionally the non-existence ofnon-trivial bi-infinite geodesics:

There exists a full P-probability event on which the only bi-infinite geodesics are the trivialones: x` Zei for x P Z2 and i P t1, 2u. (4.2)

Condition (4.2) is known to hold in the exponential case [8, 9].

Theorem 4.4. The following hold for P-almost every ω and all ζ ĺ η in riU such that rζ, ηsX V ω ‰

∅. The case ζ “ η “ ξ is included unless otherwise stated.

(a) x˚ is a branch point in S˚rζ,ηs if and only if ξ˚pTx˚´pe˚1 ωq P rζ, ηs.

Geodesics in LPP 21

(b) If ζ ă η, then any x˚, y˚ P S˚rζ,ηs have a common descendant: Dz˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs such that x˚, y˚ PA˚rζ,ηspz

˚q. If we assume the no bi-infinite geodesics condition (4.2), then the same statementholds also for the case ζ “ η “ ξ.

(c) Assume the jump process condition (3.5). Then any x˚, y˚ P S˚rζ,ηs have a common ancestor

z˚ P A˚rζ,ηspx

˚q XA˚rζ,ηspy


(d) Suppose ζ ă η are such that sζ, ηrXV ω ‰ ∅. Then for any z P Z2 there is a coordinatewisestrictly ordered infinite sequence z ă z˚1 ă z˚2 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă z˚n ă ¨ ¨ ¨ such that each z˚n is a branchpoint in S˚

rζ,ηs. There are also infinitely many coalescence points in S˚rζ,ηs.

(e) If the jump process condition (3.5) holds and ξ P V ω, then for any z P Z2 there is a coordinate-wise strictly ordered infinite sequence z ă z˚1 ă z˚2 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă z˚n ă ¨ ¨ ¨ such that each z˚n is abranch point in S˚ξ . If additionally the no bi-infinite geodesics condition (4.2) holds, then thereare infinitely many coalescence points in S˚ξ .

Remark 4.5. If regularity condition (2.4) holds, then part (d) holds for ζ ă η with rζ, ηs X V ω ‰ ∅.The proof of this is given right after that of Theorem 4.4 in Section 8.1.

Given that there are infinitely many instability points when instability points exist, it is natural towonder what their density on the lattice is. We identify the following trichotomy.

Proposition 4.6. Assume the regularity condition (2.4). Then for P-almost every ω and all ξ P riU ,exactly one of the following three scenarios happens:

(a) ξ R V ω and hence there are no ξ-instability points.

(b) ξ P V ω XD and there are infinitely many ξ-instability points but they have zero density.

(c) ξ R D and ξ-instability points have positive density.

We return to this question in Section 5 in the solvable case of exponential weights, where we cansay significantly more.

4.3 Flow of Busemann measure

This section views the instability graph S˚rζ,ηs as a description of the south-west directed flow of

Busemann measure on the dual lattice. As discussed in Section 4.1, we can think of the functionBξpx ` e1, x ` e2q as a global solution of a discretized stochastic Burgers equation. We can assignthe value Bξpx ` e1, x ` e2q to the dual point x˚ “ x ` pe˚1 that represents the diagonal edgepx ` e1, x ` e2q. Then the cocycle property (2.7) gives us a flow of Busemann measure along thesouth and west pointing edges of the dual lattice Z2˚. First decompose the Busemann measure of theedge px ` e1, x ` e2q as a sum µx`e1,x`e2 “ µx`e1,x ` µx,x`e2 of two positive measures. This isjustified by the cocycle property (2.7). Then stipulate that measure µx`e1,x flows south from x˚ tox˚ ´ e2 and contributes to Busemann measure µx´pe2,x, while measure µx,x`e2 flows west from x˚ tox˚ ´ e1 and contributes to Busemann measure µx,x`pe2 . See Figure 4.5.

The cocycle property also tells us that µx`e1,x`e2 “ µx`e1,x`pe1 ` µx`pe1,x`e2 . This representsµx`e1,x`e2 as the sum of the contributions it receives from the next level up: µx`e1,x`pe1 comes fromthe east from dual vertex x ` e1 ` pe˚1 , while µx`pe1,x`e2 comes from the north from dual vertexx` e2 ` pe˚1 .

22 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen


x´ pe2

x` pe2 x` e2

x` e1

x` pe1

Figure 4.5: The flow of Busemann measures follows the arrows. The antidiagonal edge px ` e1, x ` e2q isidentified with the dual point x˚ “ x ` pe˚1 . The Busemann measure µx`e1,x`e2 on this edge is composed ofthe mass flowing from the north and east, and it in turns divides its mass between the flows south and west.

Now pick a pair of directions ζ ĺ η in riU , and consider the graph B˚rζ,ηs on the dual lattice Z2˚

obtained as follows. Include vertex x˚ “ x ` pe˚1 if rζ, ηs X suppµx`e1,x`e2 ‰ ∅. For i P t1, 2u,include dual edge px˚, x˚´ eiq if rζ, ηs intersects suppµx,x`e3´i , or somewhat pictorially, if some ofthe support in rζ, ηs flows along the dual edge px˚, x˚ ´ eiq.

The results of this section hold P-almost surely simultaneously for all ζ ĺ η in riU , including forthe case ζ “ η “ ξ.

Theorem 4.7. The graphs B˚rζ,ηs and S˚

rζ,ηs are the same.

Under the jump condition (3.5), a closed set cannot intersect the support without actually havingnonzero measure. Thus under (3.5), Theorem 4.7 tells us that S˚

rζ,ηs is precisely the graph along whichpositive Busemann measure in the interval rζ, ηs flows.

Next we describe the “islands” on Z2 carved out by the paths of the graph S˚rζ,ηs (islands sur-

rounded by red paths in Figures 4.3 and 4.4). These islands are trees, they are the connected com-ponents of an intersection of geodesic graphs, and they are the equivalence classes of an equivalencerelation defined in terms of the supports of Busemann measures.

Define the graph GXrζ,ηs “Ş

ξPrζ,ηspGξ´XGξ`q on the vertex set Z2 by keeping only those edgesthat lie in each geodesic graph Gξ as ξ varies over rζ, ηs and over t´,`u. Also, directly from thedefinitions follows that an edge of Z2 lies in GXrζ,ηs if and only if the dual edge it crosses does not liein the graph G˚

Yrζ,ηs introduced in Section 4.2. Since each Gξ is a forest, GXrζ,ηs is a forest, that is, aunion of disjoint trees.

Define an equivalence relationrζ,ηs„ on Z2 by x

rζ,ηs„ y if and only if suppµx,y X rζ, ηs “ ∅.

It is an equivalence relation because µx,x is the identically zero measure, and Bξx,z “ Bξ

x,y ` Bξy,z

implies that |µx,z| ď |µx,y| ` |µy,z|. In terms of coalescence, xrζ,ηs„ y if and only if the coalescence

points zξpx, yq remain constant in Z2 as ξ varies across rζ, ηs and over t´,`u. (This follows from

Propositions 7.1 and 7.2 proved below.) As usual, replacerζ,ηs„ with ξ

„ when rζ, ηs “ rξ, ξs.

Proposition 4.8. The equivalence classes of the relationrζ,ηs„ are exactly the connected components

(subtrees) of GXrζ,ηs.

Geodesics in LPP 23

Lemma 8.6 proved below shows that nearest-neighbor points of Z2 are in distinctrζ,ηs„ equivalence

classes if and only if the edge between them is bisected by an edge of the instability graph S˚rζ,ηs.

Together with Proposition 4.8 this tells us that the paths of S˚rζ,ηs are precisely the boundaries that

separate distinct connected components of GXrζ,ηs and the equivalence classes ofrζ,ηs„ .

The next two lemmas indicate how the structure of the subtrees of GXrζ,ηs is constrained by the factthat they are intersections of geodesic trees. These properties are clearly visible in the bottom picturesof Figure 4.4 where these subtrees are the blue/green trees in the islands separated by red paths.

Lemma 4.9. Let K be a subtree of GXrζ,ηs and let x and y be two distinct vertices of K. Assume thatneither strictly dominates the other in the coordinatewise ordering, that is, both coordinatewise strictinequalities x ă y and y ă x fail. Then the entire rectangle Jx ^ y, x _ yK is a subset of the vertexset of K.

In particular, if for some integers tt, k, `u, level-t lattice points pk, t´kq and p`, t´ `q are verticesof a subtree K, the entire discrete interval tpi, t ´ iq : i P Jk, `Ku is a subset of the vertex set of K.Similarly, points on horizontal and vertical line segments between vertices of a subtree K are againvertices of K.

Lemma 4.10. Let K be a subtree of GXrζ,ηs. There is at most one vertex x in K such that tx´ e1, x´e2uXK “ ∅. Such a point x exists if and only if inftt P Z : KXLt ‰ ∅u ą ´8. In that case K liesin ty : y ě xu.

Note that Lemma 4.10 does not say that a subtree has a single leaf. Both x and x´ei can be leavesof a subtree when the edge px´ ei, xq is not present in GXrζ,ηs.

For the remainder of this section assume the jump condition (3.5), in order to give a sharperdescription of the subtrees of GXrζ,ηs. Let Drζ,ηs “ tz P Z2 : ξ˚pTzωq P rζ, ηsu. By Theorem 4.4(a),z P Drζ,ηs if and only if z ` pe˚1 is a branch point of the instability graph S˚

rζ,ηs. It follows then thatboth z ˘ pe˚2 are also rζ, ηs-instability points.

Assume for the moment that Drζ,ηs ‰ ∅. By Theorem 3.8, under the jump condition (3.5) this isequivalent to rζ, ηs X V ω ‰ ∅.

The graph GXrζ,ηs has no outgoing up or right edges from a point z P Drζ,ηs because geodesicssplit: γ z,ξ˚pTzωq´ and tγ z,ξ˘ : ζ ĺ ξ ă ξ˚pTzωqu take the e2-step at z, while γ z,ξ˚pTzωq` andtγ z,ξ˘ : ξ˚pTzωq ă ξ ĺ ηu take the e1-step at z. For each z P Drζ,ηs, let the tree Kpzq consist of alldirected paths in GXrζ,ηs that terminate at z. Kpzq can consist of z alone.

These properties come from previously established facts:

• Each x P Z2zDrζ,ηs lies in a unique Kpzq determined by following the common path of thegeodesics tγ x,ξ : ξ P rζ, ηs, P t´,`uu until the first point z at which a split happens. Asplit must happen eventually because for any u P Drζ,ηs the two geodesics γ u,ξ˚pTuωq˘ separateimmediately at u, while by Theorem 3.5 the geodesic γ x,ξ˚pTuωq coalesces with γ u,ξ˚pTuωq

for both P t´,`u.

• If ζ ă η then each tree Kpzq is finite. Same holds also for the case ζ “ η “ ξ under theno bi-infinite geodesics condition (4.2). This follows from Theorem 4.4(b) because the rζ, ηs-instability points z˘pe˚2 that flank z have a common descendant u˚ in the graph S˚

rζ,ηs. The twodirected paths of S˚

rζ,ηs that connect z ` pe˚1 to u˚ surround Kpzq.

The final theorem of this section decomposes GXrζ,ηs into its connected components.

24 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Theorem 4.11. Assume the jump condition (3.5).

(a) GXrζ,ηs is a single tree if and only if rζ, ηs X V ω “ ∅.

(b) If rζ, ηs X V ω ‰ ∅, the connected components of GXrζ,ηs are the trees tKpzq : z P Drζ,ηsu.

We finish by reminding the reader that all the hypotheses and hence all the conclusions hold in thecase of i.i.d. exponential weights. The results of Section 4.3 are proved in Section 8.3.

5 Statistics of instability points in the exponential model

Under condition (3.7), i.e. when the weights are exponentially distributed, we derive explicit statisticsof the instability graphs. For ξ P riU , k P Z, and P t´,`u, abbreviate Bξ

k “ Bξ`

ke1, pk`1qe1


and write Bξk when there is no ˘ distinction. For ζ ĺ η in riU let

¨ ¨ ¨ ă τ ζ,ηp´1q ă 0 ď τ ζ,ηp0q ă τ ζ,ηp1q ă ¨ ¨ ¨

be the ordered indices such that

Bζ´k ą Bη`

k if and only if k P tτ ζ,ηpiq : i P Zu. (5.1)

If Bζ´k ą Bη`

k happens for only finitely many indices k, then some τ ζ,ηpiq are set equal to ´8 or8.By Theorem 3.11, under condition (3.7), (5.1) is equivalent to

zζ´pke1, pk ` 1qe1q ‰ zη`pke1, pk ` 1qe1q.

It is worth keeping this geometric implication of (5.1) in mind in this section to provide some contextfor the results that follow.

It will be convenient in what follows to parametrize directions in riU through the increasingbijection

ζ “ ζpαq “



p1´ αq2 ` α2,

p1´ αq2

p1´ αq2 ` α2


ðñ α “ αpζq “

?ζ ¨ e1

?ζ ¨ e1 `

?1´ ζ ¨ e1


between ζ P riU and α P p0, 1q. Recall the Catalan numbers Cn “ 1n`1




for n ě 0. By (C.6) from

Appendix C, the conditioning event in the theorem below has probability PpBζ0 ą Bη

0 q “αpηq´αpζq

αpηq .Since ζ ă η are fixed, with probability one no ˘ distinction appears in the Busemann functions.

Theorem 5.1. Assume (3.7). Fix ζ ă η in riU . Conditional on Bζ0 ą Bη

0 ,

τ ζ,ηpi` 1q ´ τ ζ,ηpiq, Bζτζ,ηpiq


: i P Z(

is an i.i.d. sequence with marginal distribution


τ ζ,ηpi` 1q ´ τ ζ,ηpiq “ n, Bζτζ,ηpiq


ą rˇ

ˇBζ0 ą Bη



“ Cn´1αpζqn´1αpηqn


αpζq ` αpηq˘2n´1 e

´αpζqr , @ i P Z, n P N, r P R`.(5.3)

Geodesics in LPP 25

Abbreviate τ ξpiq “ τ ξ,ξpiq. Our next goal is to describe the joint distribution of processes ptτ ξpiq :

i P Zu, Bξ´τξpiq


q of locations and sizes of jumps in direction ξ, conditional on tBξ´0 ą Bξ`

0 u.

However, for a fixed ξ, Bξ` “ Bξ´ almost surely and so this conditioning has to be understood inthe Palm sense. This is natural for conditioning on a jump of a point process at a particular location.

In the theorem below, Lebesgue measure on U refers to one-dimensional Lebesgue measure(length of a line segment). The Lebesgue-almost every qualifier is in the theorem because the Palmkernel is defined only up to Lebesgue-null sets of the points ξ. We denote Palm conditioning with twovertical lines || to distinguish it from ordinary conditioning. The definition of the Palm conditioningused in (5.4) below appears in equation (9.5) at the end of Section 9.1. For references, see [38, 39].

Theorem 5.2. Assume (3.7). For Lebesgue-almost every ξ P riU , under the Palm kernel, conditionalon Bξ´

0 ą Bξ`0 , tτ ξpi ` 1q ´ τ ξpiq, Bξ´

τξpiq´ Bξ`

τξpiq: i P Zu is an i.i.d. sequence with marginal



τ ξpi` 1q ´ τ ξpiq “ n,Bξ´τξpiq


ą r ||Bξ´0 ą Bξ`



“ Cn´11

22n´1e´αpξqr, @ i P Z, n P N, r P R`.


Equation (5.4) connects the Palm distribution of the locations of jumps of the Busemann processwith the zero set of simple symmetric random walk (SSRW). Let Sn denote a two-sided SSRW,that is, S0 “ 0 and Sn ´ Sm “

řni“m`1 Zi for all m ă n in Z where tZiuiPZ are i.i.d. with

P pZi “ ˘1q “ 12. Set ρn “ 1tS2n“0u and let P be the distribution of ρ “ tρnunPZ on the sequencespace t0, 1uZ. That is, P is the law of the zero set of simple symmetric random walk sampled at eventimes. The classical inter-arrival distribution of this renewal process is (eqn. III.3(3.7) on p. 78 ofFeller [23])

Ppρ1 “ 0, . . . , ρn´1 “ 0, ρn “ 1q “ Cn´11

22n´1. (5.5)

Comparison of (5.4) and (5.5) reveals that for Lebesgue-almost every ξ, the Palm distribution of thelocations of ξ-instability points on a line is the same as the law of the zero set of SSRW sampled ateven times. (We record this fact precisely as Lemma 9.2.) The next result applies this to show that anytranslation invariant event which holds with probability one for the zero set of SSRW holds for all ofthe instability graphs simultaneously almost surely.

Theorem 5.3. Assume (3.7). SupposeA is a translation-invariant Borel subset of t0, 1uZ that satisfiesPpAq “ 1. Then


@ξ P V ω :`

1tBξ´` ą Bξ`

` u : ` P Z˘

P A(

“ 1. (5.6)

From (5.6) and known facts about random walk, we can derive corollaries. From [46, equation(10.8)], we deduce that


@ξ P V ω : limnÑ8

řni“0 1tBξ´

i ą Bξ`i u?

8n log log n“ 1


“ 1. (5.7)

From [46, Theorem 11.1] we also find that for a nonincreasing δn,


@ξ P V ω : n´12nÿ


1tBξ´i ą Bξ`

i u ě δn for all sufficiently large n)

“ 1 (5.8)

26 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen


n δnn ă 8 and


@ξ P V ω : n´12nÿ


1tBξ´i ą Bξ`

i u ď δn infinitely often)

“ 1 (5.9)

otherwise. Similar statements hold for the sumsř0i“´n. This implies that for P-almost every ω and any

ξ P V ω, the number of horizontal edges pke1, pk` 1qe1q with ξ P suppµke1,pk`1qe1 and´n ď k ď n

is of order n12. It suggests the number of such horizontal edges (and thus also vertical edges andξ-instability points) in an nˆ n box should be of order n32. The next theorem gives an upper bound.The lower bound is left for future work.

Theorem 5.4. Assume (3.7) and fix i P t1, 2u. Then for any ζ P riU


Dn0 : @ξ P rζ, e2r ,@n ě n0 :ÿ


ξ P suppµx,x`ei(

ď 2n32a

log n)

“ 1.

The same holds when J0, nK2 is replaced by any of J´n, 0K2, J0, nKˆ J´n, 0K, or J´n, 0Kˆ J0, nK.

This completes the presentation of the main results. After a list of open problems, the remainingsections cover the proofs. The results of Section 5 are proved in Section 9.

6 Open problems

The list below contains some immediate open questions raised by the results of this paper.

1. Find tail estimates for the coalescence points zξpx, yq.

2. Theorem 3.7(b) showed that the jump process condition (3.5) implies that V ω “ tξ˚pTxωq :x P Z2u. Is this implication an equivalence?

3. Prove the jump process condition (3.5) for any model other than the exactly solvable exponentialand geometric cases.

4. Does the web of instability have a scaling limit?

5. Does the web of instability, with branching and coalescing in exceptional directions, have anyanalogue in stochastic equations in continuous space and/or continuous time?

6. Extend the statistics of instability points in the exponential model beyond a single line on thelattice.

7 Busemann measures: proofs

The rest of the paper relies on Appendix A where prior results from the literature are collected. Thereader may wish to look through that appendix before proceeding; in particular, we will work on theT -invariant full-measure event Ω0 constructed in (A.7).

Fix a countable dense set U0 Ă D of points of differentiability of the shape function g (recall(2.2)). These play a role in the definition of the event Ω0 in (A.7). Recall the definition (3.3) of the

Geodesics in LPP 27

coalescence point zξpx, yq. When zξpx, yq P Z2, equation (2.15) leads to the following identity,which is fundamental to the analysis that follows:

Bξpx, yq “ G`

x, zξpx, yq˘


y, zξpx, yq˘



ωγ x,ξi




ωγ y,ξi

, (7.1)

where k “ x ¨ pe1, ` “ y ¨ pe1, and n “ zξpx, yq ¨ pe1. By Theorem A.4(b), for all ω P Ω0, all ξ P U0,and all x, y P Z2, both zξ`px, yq and zξ´px, yq are in Z2.

We begin with results linking analytic properties of the Busemann process and coalescence points.

Proposition 7.1. For all ω P Ω0, for any ζ ă η in riU , and any x, y P Z2, the following statementsare equivalent.

(i) |µx,y|p sζ, ηr q “ 0.

(ii) Bζ`px, yq “ Bη´px, yq and zζ`px, yq, zη´px, yq P Z2.

(iii) zζ`px, yq “ zη´px, yq P Z2.

(iv) There exists z P Z2 such that the following holds. For any π P tγ x,ξ : ξ P sζ, ηr , P t´,`uuand any π1 P tγ y,ξ : ξ P sζ, ηr , P t´,`uu, π X π1 ‰ ∅ and z is the first point where π andπ1 intersect: z ¨ pe1 “ mintz1 ¨ pe1 : z1 P π X π1u.

Proof. (i)ùñ(ii). Under (i) the functions ξ ÞÑ Bξx,y match for P t´,`u and are constant on the

open interval sζ, ηr. Bζ`px, yq “ Bη´px, yq follows by taking limits ξ Œ ζ and ξ Õ η.Since on sζ, ηrXU0, ξ ÞÑ Bξ

x,y is constant and zξpx, yq P Z2 (Theorem A.4(b)), (7.1) and con-dition (A.5) imply that zξpx, yq is constant in Z2 for all ξ P sζ, ηrXU0. Since U0 is dense in sζ, ηr ,limits (3.4) as ξ Œ ζ and ξ Õ η imply that zζ`px, yq, zη´px, yq P Z2.

(ii)ùñ(iii). Set k “ x ¨ pe1, ` “ y ¨ pe1. With both zζ`px, yq and zη´px, yq in Z2, we also setm “ zζ`px, yq ¨ pe1, and n “ zη´px, yq ¨ pe1. By (7.1),

Bζ`x,y “ G


x, zζ`px, yq˘


y, zζ`px, yq˘



ωγ x,ζ`i




ωγ y,ζ`i

and Bη´x,y “ G


x, zη´px, yq˘


y, zη´px, yq˘



ωγ x,η´i´



ωγ y,η´i.

By condition (A.5), the vanishing ofBζ`x,y´B

η´x,y forcesm “ n, γ x,ζ`

k,m “ γ x,η´k,m , and γ y,ζ`

`,m “ γ y,η´`,m ,

and hence in particular zζ`px, yq “ zη´px, yq.

(iii)ùñ(iv). With m “ zζ`px, yq ¨ pe1 “ zη´px, yq ¨ pe1, uniqueness of finite geodesics impliesγ x,ζ`k,m “ γ x,η´

k,m and γ y,ζ``,m “ γ y,η´

`,m . Then monotonicity (2.13) gives γ x,ζ`k,m “ γ x,ξ

k,m “ γ x,η´k,m and

γ y,ζ``,m “ γ y,ξ

`,m “ γ y,η´`,m for all ξ P sζ, ηr and P t´,`u. The point z is γ x,ζ`

m “ γ y,ζ`m “ γ x,η´

m “

γ y,η´m .

(iv)ùñ(i). Letm “ z ¨pe1. It follows from uniqueness of finite geodesics that all of the paths γ x,ξ˘k,m

must be the same, for all ξ P sζ, ηr, and similarly all of the paths γ y,ξ˘`,m must be the same. Sending

ξ Œ ζ and ξ Õ η, we obtain that for all ξ P sζ, ηr, γ x,ζ`k,m “ γ x,ξ˘

k,m “ γ x,η´k,m and γ y,ζ`

`,m “ γ y,ξ˘`,m “

γ y,η´`,m . Recall that (7.1) applies for any ξ P U0. Thus, the functions ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘

x,y match and are constant,

28 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

when restricted to the dense set U0Xsζ, ηr. Combining this with the left-continuity of ξ ÞÑ Bξ´x,y and

the right-continuity of ξ ÞÑ Bξ`x,y, we see that the functions ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘

x,y match and are constant on sζ, ηr.This implies (i).

Proposition 7.1 has a counterpart in terms of fixed directions lying in the support of µx,y.

Proposition 7.2. For all ω P Ω0 and all x, y P Z2, the following are equivalent:

(i) ξ R suppµx,y.

(ii) zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq P Z2.

(iii) Bξ´px, yq “ Bξ`px, yq and zξ´px, yq, zξ`px, yq P Z2.

Proof. Let x ¨ pe1 “ k and y ¨ pe1 “ `. Take sequences ζn, ηn P U0 with ζn Õ ξ and ηn Œ ξ. Sinceζn, ηn P U0 we have zζnpx, yq, zηnpx, yq P Z2 for all n. Furthermore, Bζnpx, yq Ñ Bξ´px, yq andBηnpx, yq Ñ Bξ`px, yq as nÑ8.

(i)ùñ(ii). If ξ R suppµx,y, then ζ ÞÑ Bζ˘px, yq is constant on some neighborhood of ξ. Then(i)ùñ(iii) from Proposition 7.1 gives (ii).

(ii)ùñ(iii). Let m “ zξ´px, yq ¨ pe1 “ zξ`px, yq ¨ pe1. Then uniqueness of finite geodesics impliesthat γ x,ξ´

k,m “ γ x,ξ`k,m and γ y,ξ´

`,m “ γ y,ξ``,m . (2.14) implies that for sufficiently large n, γ x,ξ´

k,m “ γ x,ζnk,m ,

γ x,ξ`k,m “ γ x,ηn

k,m , γ y,ξ´`,m “ γ y,ζn

`,m , and γ y,ξ``,m “ γ y,ηn

`,m . For these large n,

Bζnpx, yq “ G`

x, zζnpx, yq˘


y, zζnpx, yq˘



ωγ x,ζni




ωγ y,ζni



ωγ x,ξ´i




ωγ y,ξ´i



ωγ x,ξ`i




ωγ y,ξ`i



ωγ x,ηni´




“ G`

x, zηnpx, yq˘


y, zηnpx, yq˘

“ Bηnpx, yq.

Taking nÑ8 gives Bξ`px, yq “ Bξ´px, yq. Claim (iii) is proved.(iii)ùñ(i). The assumption zξ´px, yq, zξ`px, yq P Z2 allows us to use (7.1). This and convergence

of geodesics (2.14) implies that Bζnpx, yq “ Bξ´px, yq “ Bξ`px, yq “ Bηnpx, yq for sufficientlylarge n. The equivalence between (ii) and (i) in Proposition 7.1 implies that for such n, both processesare constant on the interval sζn, ηnr . Therefore ξ R suppµx,y.

With these results in hand, we next turn to the proofs of our main results.

Proof of Theorem 3.1. Fix ω P Ω0, x, y P Z2, and ξ P riU . Suppose that (i) does not hold, i.e. ξ Rsuppµx,y. By Proposition 7.2, we have zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq P Z2, in which case both γ x,ξ´Xγ y,ξ`

and γ x,ξ` X γ y,ξ´ include this common point and thus (ii) is false. This proves that (ii) implies (i).Now, suppose that ξ P suppµx,y and that γ x,ξ´ X γ y,ξ` ‰ ∅ and γ x,ξ` X γ y,ξ´ ‰ ∅. Without

loss of generality assume that x ¨pe1 “ k ď m “ y ¨pe1. Let z1 denote the first point at which γ x,ξ´ andγ y,ξ` meet and call z2 the first point at which γ x,ξ` and γ y,ξ´ meet. Let `1 “ z1 ¨pe1 and `2 “ z2 ¨pe1.We denote by u the leftmost (i.e. smallest e1 coordinates) of the three points γ x,ξ`

m , y,γ x,ξ´m and by v

the rightmost of these three points. Note that if u “ v, then zξ`px, yq “ zξ´px, yq “ y, which wouldimply that ξ R suppµx,y. Thus u ‰ v and there are two cases: either y P tu, vu or not. We show acontradiction in both cases.

Geodesics in LPP 29

First, we work out the case y “ v, with the case of y “ u being similar. See the left picturein Figure 7.1 for an illustration. In this case we have, for all n ě m, γ x,ξ´

n ĺ γ x,ξ`n ĺ γ y,ξ`


and γ x,ξ´n ĺ γ y,ξ´

n ĺ γ y,ξ`n . In words, γ y,ξ` is the rightmost geodesic and γ x,ξ´ is the leftmost

geodesic among the four geodesics γ x,ξ˘, γ y,ξ˘. By the path ordering (2.13) and planarity, z1 must lieon all four geodesics. Then by the uniqueness of finite geodesics γ x,ξ`

k,`1“ γ x,ξ´

k,`1and γ y,ξ`

m,`1“ γ y,ξ´


It follows that z1 “ zξ`px, yq “ zξ´px, yq, contradicting ξ P suppµx,y.


y “ v








Figure 7.1: Proof of Theorem 3.1. ξ` geodesics are in purple with medium thickness. ξ´ geodesics are ingreen and thin.

If y R tu, vu, then u “ γ x,ξ´m ă y ă v “ γ x,ξ`

m (right picture in Figure 7.1). The geodesics γ x,ξ`

and γ x,ξ´ have already split and so cannot meet again by the uniqueness of finite geodesics. For alln ě m, γ x,ξ´

n ĺ γ y,ξ´n ĺ γ y,ξ`

n ĺ γ x,ξ`n . Due to this ordering, the meeting of γ x,ξ´

n and γ y,ξ`n at

z1 implies that γ x,ξ´n and γ y,ξ´

n coalesce at or before z1. By the uniqueness of finite geodesics again,γ y,ξ´ and γ y,ξ` agree from y to z1. The same reasoning applies to z2 and gives that γ y,ξ´ and γ y,ξ`

agree from y to z2 and that γ y,ξ` and γ x,ξ` coalesce at z2. Thus now γ y,ξ´ and γ y,ξ` agree fromy through both z1 and z2. The coalescence of γ x,ξ´ with γ y,ξ´ and the coalescence of γ y,ξ` withγ x,ξ` then force γ x,ξ´ and γ x,ξ` to meet again, contradicting what was said above. We have nowshown that (i) implies (ii).

(ii) implies (iii) by the directedness in Theorem A.4(a). It remains to prove the reverse implicationunder the regularity condition (2.4). Without loss of generality we can assume that x ¨pe1 ď y ¨pe1 “ k.If πxk ă y, then the extremality of the geodesics γ ‚,ξ˘ in Theorem A.7 and the fact that πx X πy “ ∅imply that γ x,ξ´ X γ y,ξ` “ ∅. Similarly, if πxk ą y, then we get γ x,ξ` X γ y,ξ´ “ ∅.

Proof of Theorem 3.2. The equivalence (i)ðñ(iv) of Proposition 7.1, together with the uniqueness offinite geodesics, gives Theorem 3.2.

Proof of Lemma 3.3. For ξ P U0, almost surely zξ`px, yq “ zξ´px, yq “ zξpx, yq P Z2. Proposition7.2 implies that ξ lies in the complement of the closed set suppµx,y.

Next, we prove Theorem 3.4 about the relation between the coalescence points and properties ofthe support of Busemann measures.

Proof of Theorem 3.4. Take ω P Ω0. Equivalence (a) follows from Proposition 7.2. Equivalence (b)follows from the equivalences in (a) and (c).

The two equivalences of (c) are proved the same way. We prove the first equivalence in this form:Dη ą ξ such that |µx,y|p sξ, ηr q “ 0ðñ zξ`px, yq P Z2.

30 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

The implication ùñ is contained in (i)ùñ(ii) of Proposition 7.1.To prove ðù, let k “ x ¨ pe1 and ` “ y ¨ pe1, suppose zξ`px, yq P Z2, and let m “ zξ`px, yq ¨ pe1.

Take a sequence ηn P U0 with ηn Œ ξ as n Ñ 8. For sufficiently large n, γ x,ξ`k,m “ γ x,ηn

k,m and

γ y,ξ``,m “ γ y,ηn

`,m , and hence zηnpx, yq “ zξ`px, yq. Implication (iii)ùñ(i) of Proposition 7.1 gives|µx,y|p sξ, ηnr q “ 0.

When the jump process condition (3.5) holds, call the event in the statement of that conditionΩ5

0. As noted when it was introduced, Theorem 3.5, which gives the equivalence between (3.5) andcoalescence of ξ geodesics, is essentially an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.4.

Proof of Theorem 3.5. Assume the jump process condition (3.5). Fix ω P Ω0 X Ω50, x, y P Z2, and

ξ P riU . If ξ R suppµx,y, then Proposition 7.2 says that zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq P Z2. In particular,γ x,ξ` coalesces with γ y,ξ` and γ x,ξ´ coalesces with γ y,ξ´. If, on the other hand, ξ P suppµx,y,then it is an isolated point and now Theorem 3.4 says that zξ˘px, yq P Z2 (although now the twopoints are not equal). Again, γ x,ξ˘ coalesces with γ y,ξ˘, respectively. Statement (ii) is proved.

Now, assume (ii) holds and let Ω60 be a full measure event on which the statement (ii) holds. Let

ω P Ω0 X Ω60, x, y P Z2, and ξ P suppµx,y. The fact that γ x,ξ˘ and γ y,ξ˘ coalesce, respectively,

says that zξ˘px, yq P Z2. Since we assumed ξ P suppµx,y, Proposition 7.2 implies that the twocoalescence points zξ˘px, yq are not equal. Theorem 3.4 implies that ξ is isolated.

The proof of Lemma 3.6 is delayed to the end of Section 8.1. When the jump process condition(3.5) holds, define

Ωjump0 “ Ω0 X Ω5

0. (7.2)

Proof of Theorem 3.7. Part (a). Take ω P Ω0. Let x ¨pe1 “ k and ξ “ ξ˚pTxωq. Take Txω in place of ωin (2.17), let ζ Ñ ξ˚pTxωq, and use (2.6), (2.7), and (2.11), to get Bξ´px, x` e2q ď Bξ´px, x` e1q

and Bξ`px, x` e1q ď Bξ`px, x` e2q. Then by definition γ x,ξ`k “ γ x,ξ´

k “ x, γ x,ξ`k`1 “ x` e1, and

γ x,ξ´k`1 “ x` e2. Therefore we cannot have zξ`px, x` eiq “ zξ´px, x` eiq P Z2 for either i P t1, 2u

by uniqueness of finite geodesics. By Proposition 7.2, ξ P suppµx,x`e1 X suppµx,x`e2 .For the converse, for ζ ă ξ˚pTxωq ă η we have Bζ˘px, x` e2q “ ωx “ Bη˘px, x` e1q. Thus

suppµx,x`e1 Ăse2 , ξ˚pTxωqs and suppµx,x`e2 Ă rξ˚pTxωq, e1r.

Consequently, suppµx,x`e1 X suppµx,x`e2 Ă tξ˚pTxωqu.

Part (b). It remains to show V ω Ă tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u. Assume the jump process condition (3.5)and that ω P Ωjump

0 . Suppose ζ P suppµx,y. By Theorem 3.4(b) the coalescence points zζ˘px, yqare distinct lattice points. Hence the geodesics γ x,ζ` and γ x,ζ´ separate at some point z where thenξ˚pTzωq “ ζ.

The next results relate V ω to regularity properties of the shape function g.

Lemma 7.3. The following holds for all ω P Ω0: for all ζ ă η in riU , sζ, ηrXV ω ‰ ∅ if and only if∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q.

Proof. If ∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q, Theorem A.8(c) says that sζ, ηr contains some ξ˚pTxωq, which byTheorem 3.7(a) is a member of V ω.

If ∇gpζ`q “ ∇gpη´q, then by concavity, ∇gpζ`q “ ∇gpη´q “ ∇gpξq for all ξ P sζ, ηr and P t´,`u. By Theorem A.1(d), Bξpx, y, ωq is constant over ξ P sζ, ηr and P t´,`u, for any

Geodesics in LPP 31

x, y P Z2 and ω P Ω. Consequently, for any given x, the geodesics γ x,ξ match. By Theorem A.4(b),all these geodesics coalesce on the event Ω0. Hence the coalescence points zξpx, yq also match. ByTheorem 3.4(a), no point ξ P sζ, ηr is a member of V ω.

Proof of Theorem 3.8. Part (a). Let ξ P D. Theorem A.4(b) says that almost surely zξ˘px, x`eiq P Z2

for x P Z2 and i P t1, 2u. Theorem A.1(k) says that there is no ˘ distinction. Hence Ppzξ´px, x `eiq “ zξ`px, x ` eiq P Z2q “ 1 and therefore Ppξ P suppµx,x`eiq “ 0 by Proposition 7.2. A unionbound implies that PpDx P Z2, i P t1, 2u : ξ P suppµx,x`eiq “ 0. The cocycle property (2.7) impliesthen that Ppξ P V ωq “ 0.

Let ξ P riUzD. Theorem A.8(d) implies that ξ is among tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u, and these lie in V ω

by Theorem 3.7(a).

Part (b). By definition, the complement of H is the union of the (at most countably many) maximalopen intervals sζ, ηr such that ∇gpζ`q “ ∇gpη´q and their differentiable endpoints. Lemma 7.3together with part (a) proved above imply that PpV ωXHc ‰ ∅q “ 0. Hence almost surely, tξ˚pTxωq :x P Z2u Ă V ω Ă H.

For the density claim it is enough to prove that tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u is dense in H. Suppose firstthat ξ P H X D. Then ξ is not on a closed linear segment of g, and hence for any ζ ă ξ ă η wehave ∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q. By Theorem A.8(c) the open interval sζ, ηr contains a value ξ˚pTxωq. Theother case is ξ P HzD. Then ξ P tξ˚pTxωq : x P Z2u by Theorem A.8(d).

The next proof, of Theorem 3.9, identifies UzV ω in terms of directions in which (Busemann)geodesic uniqueness holds.

Proof of Theorem 3.9. Part (a). Fix ω P Ω0 and ξ P riU . Suppose first that there exists an x P Z2

with the property that γ x,ξ` ‰ γ x,ξ´. These geodesics separate at some point z where then ξ “ξ˚pTzωq P V ω. If, on the other hand, γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´ for all x P Z2, but there exist x and y for whichγ x,ξ and γ y,ξ do not coalesce, then Proposition 7.2 implies that ξ P suppµx,y Ă V ω.

Conversely, suppose ξ P V ω and let x, y be such that ξ P suppµx,y. Then by Theorem 3.1,possibly after interchanging the roles of x and y, we have γ x,ξ` X γ y,ξ´ “ ∅. In particular, thesetwo geodesics do not coalesce. Part (a) is proved.

Part (c). Assume the jump process condition (3.5) and let ω P Ωjump0 . Suppose that γ x,ξ` “

γ x,ξ´ “ γ x,ξ. By Theorem 3.5, γ y,ξ coalesces with γ x,ξ for all y P Z2 and both signs P t´,`u.By the uniqueness of finite geodesics γ y,ξ` “ γ y,ξ´. Now all these geodesics coalesce. Part (a)implies ξ R V ω.

Parts (b) and (d) follow from (a) and (c), respectively, because under the regularity condition(2.4), Theorem A.7 implies that the uniqueness of a Uξ-directed geodesic out of x is equivalent toγ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´.

The next lemma completes the proof of Theorem 3.10. Recall the event Ω0 defined in (A.7).

Lemma 7.4. Assume the regularity condition (2.4). If ω P Ω0 and ξ P V ω, then Uξ “ tξu.

Proof. Take ω P Ω0 and suppose Uξ ‰ tξu. Recall the dense set of differentiability directions U0

introduced just before (A.7). Because Uξ is a line segment in U , there exists a ζ P U0 X Uξ. Byits definition, Ω0 Ă Ω3

ζ , where Ω3ζ was introduced in Theorem A.4. Theorem A.4(e) then implies that

zζ´px, yq “ zζ`px, yq P Z2 for each pair x, y. Since ζ, ξ P Uξ and we assumed (2.4), Theorem A.1(d)implies that for all x, y P Z2, Bζ´px, yq “ Bζ`px, yq “ Bξ´px, yq “ Bξ`px, yq. Consequently,zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq P Z2 for all x, y P Z2 and Theorem 3.4(a) shows that ξ R V ω.

32 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Proof of Theorem 3.11. Part (a). Theorem A.9 implies that for ξ P V ω, γ x,ξ´ and γ x,ξ` are the onlyξ-directed geodesics out of x.

Part (b). Consider any three geodesics with the same asymptotic direction ξ P riU . If ξ PpriUqzV ω then by Theorem 3.10(c) all three coalesce. If ξ P V ω then by part (a) at least two ofthese three geodesics must have the same sign ` or ´. By Theorem 3.10(d) these two coalesce.

Part (c). Consider a sequence vn as in the first part of the statement and call k “ x ¨ pe. From anarbitrary subsequence, extract a further subsequence n` so that γ

x,vn`k,8 converges to a semi-infinite

geodesic πk,8 vertex-by-vertex. Let ζ ă ξ ă η. Using the fact that vnn Ñ ξ and directedness ofγ x,ζ` and γ x,η´, for all sufficiently large n, we must have γ x,ζ`

n ă vn ă γ x,η´n . By uniqueness of

finite geodesics, we must then have γ x,ζ`m ă γ x,vn

m ă γ x,η´m for all m ě x ¨ pe and all such n. It then

follows by sending ζ, η Ñ ξ that π must be ξ-directed. Therefore, by part (a), π P tγ x,ξ`,γ x,ξ´u.Let r “ sξpxq ¨pe and let n` be sufficiently large that γ

x,vn`k,r`1 “ πk,r`1. By definition of the competition

interface, since vn` ă ϕsξpxqn` we must have πr`1 “ sξpxq ` e2, which identifies π as γ x,ξ´. As the

subsequence was arbitrary, the result follows. The second claim is similar.Part (d). By Theorem A.4(d), any semi-infinite geodesic emanating from x is ξ-directed for some

ξ P U . Combining part (a) and Theorem 3.10(c), the only claim which remains to be shown is thatγ x,ei is the only ei-directed geodesic. This comes from Lemma A.6.

8 Webs of instability: proofs

Recall again event Ω0 constructed in (A.7) and fix ω P Ω0 throughout this section. Unless otherwiseindicated, an assumption of the form ζ ĺ η includes the case ζ “ η “ ξ.

8.1 Instability points and graphs

Proof of Lemma 4.1. Suppose x˚ is a rζ, ηs-instability point. Then there exists a direction ξ P rζ, ηsXsuppµx`e1,x`e2 , which by Theorem 3.1 implies γ x`e1,ξ´ X γ x`e2,ξ` “ ∅. Then the ordering ofgeodesics implies γ x`e1,ζ´ X γ x`e2,η` “ ∅.

If x˚ is not a rζ, ηs-instability point, then combining Propositions 7.1 and 7.2 we have that

z “ zζ´px` e1, x` e2q “ zζ`px` e1, x` e2q “ zη´px` e1, x` e2q “ zη`px` e1, x` e2q P Z2,

γ x`e1,ζ˘ and γ x`e1,η˘ all match until z is reached, and γ x`e2,ζ˘ γ x`e2,η˘ also all match until z isreached. In particular, z P γ x`e1,ζ´ X γ x`e2,η`.

The following is immediate from the definitions and monotonicity.

Lemma 8.1. Let ζ ĺ η in riU . A directed path in G˚Yrζ,ηs can never cross a directed path in Gη` from

right to left (i.e. along a dual edge in the ´e1 direction) nor a directed path in Gζ´ from above tobelow (i.e. along a dual edge in the ´e2 direction).

The next lemma characterizes the ancestors of an instability point in the graph G˚Yrζ,ηs.

Lemma 8.2. Let ζ ĺ η in riU and x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs. The following statements (i) and (ii) are equivalent

for any point y˚ P Z2˚.

(i) There is a directed path from y˚ to x˚ in the graph G˚Yrζ,ηs.

Geodesics in LPP 33

(ii) y˚ ě x˚ and y˚ is between the two geodesics γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`, embedded as pathson R2.

Proof. (i)ùñ(ii). By Lemma 8.1 no directed path in G˚Yrζ,ηs can go from y˚ to x˚ unless y˚ lies

between γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`.

(ii)ùñ(i). We prove this by induction on |y˚ ´ x˚|1. The claim is trivial if y˚ “ x˚. Supposey˚ ě x˚ is such that y˚ ‰ x˚ and y˚ is between γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`. If y˚ points to bothy˚ ´ e1 and y˚ ´ e2 in G˚

Yrζ,ηs, then since y˚ ´ ei is between the two geodesics for at least onei P t1, 2u, the induction hypothesis implies that there is a directed path from y˚ to x˚ through thisy˚ ´ ei.

Suppose next that y˚ points to y˚ ´ e1 in G˚Yrζ,ηs but y˚ ´ e1 is not between the two geodesics.

Then, on the one hand, y˚ ´ e2 must be between the geodesics and the induction hypothesis impliesthat there is a path from y˚ ´ e2 to x˚. On the other hand, y˚ ´ pe˚1 must point to y˚ ` pe˚2 in Gζ´to prevent y˚ ´ e1 from falling between the two geodesics. This implies that y˚ points to y˚ ´ e2 inG˚Yrζ,ηs. Now we have a path from y˚ to x˚ through y˚ ´ e2. See the left plot in Figure 8.1. The case

when y˚ points to y˚ ´ e2 and the latter is not between the two geodesics is similar.

The next lemma characterizes rζ, ηs-instability points as the endpoints of semi-infinite directedpaths in G˚

Yrζ,ηs. Furthermore, such paths consist entirely of instability points.

Lemma 8.3. Let ζ ĺ η in riU .

(a) Let tx˚kukěm be any semi-infinite path on Z2˚ such that x˚k`1 points to x˚k in G˚Yrζ,ηs for each

k ě m. Then tx˚kukěm Ă S˚rζ,ηs and as k Ñ 8, the limit points of x˚kk lie in the interval

rζ, ηs.

(b) Let x˚ P Z2˚ and m “ x˚ ¨ pe1. Then x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs if and only if there is a path tx˚kukěm on Z2˚

such that x˚m “ x˚ and for each k ě m, x˚k ¨ pe1 “ k and x˚k`1 points to x˚k in G˚Yrζ,ηs. When

this happens, the path tx˚kukěm satisfies part (a) above.

Proof. Part (a). For each k, Lemma 8.1 implies that the geodesics γ x˚k`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚k´pe

˚2 ,η` are dis-

joint because they remain forever separated by the path tx˚kukěm. Since the backward path tx˚kukěmis sandwiched between the geodesics γ x˚m`pe

˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚m´pe

˚2 ,η`, Theorem A.4(a) implies that as

k Ñ8 the limit points of x˚kk lie in the interval rζ, ηs.

Part (b). The if claim follows from part (a) of the lemma. To prove the only if claim, supposex˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs. Then the geodesics γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η` are disjoint. At every level k ą x˚ ¨ pe1

we can choose a point y˚k between the geodesics γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`, that is, a point y˚k P Z2˚

such that y˚ ¨ pe1 “ k and γx˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´k ă y˚k ă γ

x˚´pe˚2 ,η`k . By Lemma 8.2 there is a directed path in

G˚Yrζ,ηs from each y˚k to x˚. Along some subsequence these directed paths converge to a semi-infinite

directed path to x˚.

Proof of Theorem 4.3. Step 1. We show that S˚ξ ‰ ∅ for any ξ P V ω. Since ξ P suppµz,y for somez, y P Z2, the cocycle property (2.7) implies that ξ P suppµx,x`ei for some nearest-neighbor edgepx, x` eiq. Since µx`e1,x`e2 “ µx`e1,x ` µx,x`e2 is a sum of two positive measures there can be nocancellation, and hence ξ P suppµx`e1,x`e2 and thereby x` pe˚1 P S

˚ξ .

Step 2. We show that every edge of G˚Yrζ,ηs that emanates from a point of S˚

rζ,ηs is an edge of

S˚rζ,ηs. Take x˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs. Then γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η` are disjoint. Suppose x˚ points to x˚ ´ e1

34 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

y˚ ´ e1

y˚ ´ e2

y˚ ` pe˚2

y˚ ´ pe˚1

x˚x˚ ´ e1 ` pe˚2

x˚ ´ e1

x˚ ´ pe˚2x˚ ´ pe˚1

x˚ ` pe˚2

Figure 8.1: The proofs of Lemma 8.2 (left) and Theorem 4.3 (right). ζ´ geodesics are in green and thin. η`geodesics are in purple with medium thickness. Directed edges in G˚

Yrζ,ηs are in red/thick. White circles arepoints in Z2 while points in Z2˚ are filled in (red).

in G˚Yrζ,ηs. Then x˚ ´ pe˚1 points to x˚ ´ pe˚2 in Gη`. The geodesic γ x˚´pe˚1 ,η` takes first an e1 step

and then follows γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`. Since γ x˚´e1`pe˚2 ,ζ´ must always stay to the left of γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´, it is

prevented from touching γ x˚´pe˚1 ,η` “ γ x˚´e1´pe˚2 ,η` and we see that x˚ ´ e1 P S

˚rζ,ηs. See the right

plot in Figure 8.1. The case when x˚ points to x˚ ´ e2 in G˚Yrζ,ηs is similar.

Step 3. We conclude the proof. Combining Lemma 8.3(a) with Step 2 implies that every bi-infinitedirected path of the graph G˚

Yrζ,ηs is in fact a directed path of the graph S˚rζ,ηs.

Conversely, let x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs. Lemma 8.3 together with Step 2 implies that x˚ is the endpoint of a

semi-infinite directed path in S˚rζ,ηs which is inherited from G˚

Yrζ,ηs. Step 2 implies that by followingthe edges of G˚

Yrζ,ηs from x˚ creates an infinite down-left directed path in the graph G˚Yrζ,ηs, and this

path is a directed path also in S˚rζ,ηs. In other words, every instability point x˚ P S˚

rζ,ηs lies on abi-infinite directed path of the graph S˚

rζ,ηs that was inherited from G˚Yrζ,ηs.

The rζ, ηs-directedness of these paths comes from Lemma 8.3(a).

Proof of Theorem 4.4. Part (a). Let x “ x˚ ´ pe˚1 . If x˚ is a branch point in S˚rζ,ηs, then γ x,ζ´ goes

from x to x` e2 and γ x,η` goes from x to x` e1, which is equivalent to Bζ´px` e1, x` e2q ď 0 ďBη`px` e1, x` e2q, which in turn is equivalent to ξ˚pTxωq P rζ, ηs.

Conversely, suppose ξ˚pTxωq P rζ, ηs. Reversing the above equivalences we see that x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs

and points to both x˚ ´ e1 and x˚ ´ e2 in G˚Yrζ,ηs. By Step 2 of the proof of Theorem 4.3 above these

edges are in S˚rζ,ηs, and hence x˚ is a branch point.

Part (b). Start with the case ζ ă η. Let ξ P rζ, ηs X U0. Then Ω3ξ Ă Ω0 and parts (b) and (c) of

Theorem A.4 imply that Gξ is a tree that does not contain any bi-infinite up-right paths. (Recall thatfor ξ P U0 there is no ˘ distinction.) This implies that G˚ξ is a tree as well, i.e. all down-left pathsof G˚ξ coalesce. Since G˚ξ Ă G˚

Yrζ,ηs, one can follow the edges e.g. in G˚ξ starting from x˚ and fromy˚ to get to a coalescence point z˚ that will then be a descendant of both points in S˚

rζ,ηs. The sameargument can be repeated if ζ “ η “ ξ P V ω when condition (4.2) holds, since then both G˚ξ˘ aretrees. Claim (b) is proved.

Part (c). Observe that for any x˚, y˚ P S˚rζ,ηs, Theorem 3.5 says that under the jump process

condition (3.5), if ω P Ωjump0 (defined in (7.2)), then the geodesics γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ and γ y˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ co-

Geodesics in LPP 35

alesce, as do γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η` and γ y˚´pe˚2 ,η`. By Lemma 8.2, any point in S˚rζ,ηs that is between the

two ` and ´ coalesced geodesics is an ancestor to both x˚ and y˚. Such a point exists. For exam-ple, take a point z on γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´ above the coalescence levels, in other words, such that z ¨ pe1 ě

pzζ´px˚`pe˚2 , y˚`pe˚2 q ¨pe1q_ pz

η`px˚´pe˚2 , y˚´pe˚2 q ¨pe1q. Since γ z,η` coalesces with γ x˚´pe˚2 ,η`,

which does not touch γ z,ζ´ (because this latter is part of γ x˚`pe˚2 ,ζ´), γ z,η` must separate fromγ z,ζ´ at some point z1. The dual point z1 ` pe˚1 is then in S˚

rζ,ηs and is an ancestor to both x˚ and y˚.Part (c) is proved.

Part (d). The assumption is that ζ ă η and sζ, ηrXV ω ‰ ∅. By Lemma 7.3, ∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q.For any z P Z2, Theorem A.8(c) gives a strictly increasing sequence z ă z1 ă z2 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ such thatξ˚pTzkωq P sζ, ηr for each k. Then by (2.17), Bζ`pzk ` e1, zk ` e2q ă 0 ă Bη´pzk ` e1, zk ` e2q,which implies that z˚k “ zk`pe˚1 is a rζ, ηs-instability point. Each such point is a branch point in S˚

rζ,ηsbecause zk points to zk ` e2 in Gζ`, and hence also in Gζ´, and to zk ` e1 in Gη´, and hence also inGη`.

The proof of the existence of infinitely many coalescence points in S˚rζ,ηs follows from this and the

first claim in part (b) in a way similar to the proof below for the case of S˚ξ (but without the need forany extra conditions) and is therefore omitted.

Part (e). Fix ξ P V ω for the duration of the proof. Assume the jump process condition (3.5). ByTheorem 3.1 there exist x, y P Z2 such that γ x,ξ´ X γ y,ξ` “ ∅ and then Theorem 3.5 says thatfor any z P Z2, the two geodesics γ z,ξ˘ must separate at some point z1 (in order to coalesce withγ x,ξ´ and γ y,ξ`, respectively). Uniqueness of finite geodesics implies that γ z1`ei,ξ˘, i P t1, 2u,cannot touch. Thus, z1 ` pe˚1 P S˚ξ . Now define inductively zn`1 to be the point where the geodesicsγ zn`pe1,ξ˘ separate. Then for each n, zn`1 ą zn coordinatewise and z˚n “ zn ` pe˚1 is a point in S˚ξ .

Next, assume both the jump process condition (3.5) and the no bi-infinite geodesic condition (4.2).We prove the second claim of part (e) about infinitely many coalescence points by mapping branchpoints injectively into coalescence points as follows.

Given a branch point x˚, let π˚ and π˚ be the two innermost down-left paths out of x˚ along thedirected graph S˚ξ , defined by these rules:

(i) π˚ starts with edge px˚, x˚ ´ e1q, follows the arrows of S˚ξ , and at vertices

where both ´e1 and ´e2 steps are allowed, it takes the ´e2 step;

(ii) π˚ starts with edge px˚, x˚ ´ e2q, follows the arrows of S˚ξ , and whenever

both steps are available takes the ´e1 step.


By part (b), x˚ ´ e1 and x˚ ´ e2 have a common descendant (this is where assumption (4.2) isused). By planarity, the paths π˚ and π˚ must then meet at some point after x˚. Let z˚ be their firstcommon point after x˚, that is, the point z˚ P pπ˚ X π˚qztx˚u that maximizes z˚ ¨ pe1. This z˚ is thecoalescence point that branch point x˚ is mapped to.

We argue that the map x˚ ÞÑ z˚ thus defined is one-to-one. Two observations that help:

• There cannot be any S˚ξ -points strictly inside the region bounded by π˚ and π˚ between x˚ andz˚. By Theorem 4.3 such a point would lie on an S˚ξ path that contradicts the choice of π˚ andπ˚ as the innermost paths between x˚ to z˚.

• The last step that π˚ takes to reach z˚ is ´e2 and the last step of π˚ is ´e1. Otherwise π˚ andπ˚ would have met before z˚.

36 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Suppose another branch point y˚ P S˚ξ distinct from x˚ maps to the same coalescence point z˚.Let the innermost paths from y˚ to z˚ be γ˚ and γ˚, defined by the same rules (8.1) but with x˚

replaced by y˚. As observed, γ˚ and γ˚ cannot enter the region strictly between π˚ and π˚.











Figure 8.2: Illustration of the proof that the map x˚ ÞÑ z˚ is one-to-one.

Since γ˚ uses the edge pz˚`e2, z˚q, it must coalesce at some point with π˚. Point x˚ itself cannot

lie on γ˚ because otherwise (8.1) forces γ˚ to take the edge px˚, x˚´ e2q and γ˚ cannot follow π˚ toz˚. This scenario is depicted by the left drawing in Figure 8.2. Thus γ˚ meets π˚ after x˚, at whichpoint rule (8.1) forces them to coalesce (right drawing in Figure 8.2).

Similarly, x˚ cannot lie on γ˚, and γ˚ meets π˚ after x˚ at which point these coalesce (rightdrawing in Figure 8.2).

Paths from y˚ cannot meet both π˚ and π˚ while avoiding x˚ unless y˚ ą x˚ holds coordinate-wise. It follows now that x˚ must lie strictly inside the region bounded by γ˚ and γ˚ between y˚ andz˚, as illustrated by the right drawing in Figure 8.2. But we already ruled out such a possibility. Thesecontradictions show that the map is one-to-one.

Since we already proved that under the jump process condition (3.5) there are infinitely manybranch points in S˚ξ , it now follows that there are also infinitely many coalescence points and part (e)is proved.

Proof of the claim in Remark 4.5. It suffices to consider the case where sζ, ηrXV ω “ ∅ but tζ, ηu XV ω ‰ ∅. By Theorem 3.8(a), the differentiable endpoints of the (countably many) linear segmentsof g are all outside V ω. By Theorem 3.8(b) we know sζ, ηr must be inside a linear segment. Thus,it must be the case that tζ, ηu X V ωzD ‰ ∅. Suppose, without loss of generality, that ζ is in thisintersection. Then Theorem A.8(d) implies the existence of infinitely many x P Z2 with ξ˚pTxωq “ζ P V ω and part Theorem 4.4(a) says that the corresponding dual points x˚ are all branch pointsin S˚ζ Ă S˚

rζ,ηs. The claim about coalescence points follows from the just proved infinite number ofbranch points, combined with the first claim in part (b), similarly to the way the claim is proved inTheorem 4.4(e).

In words, the next result says that there are no semi-infinite horizontal or vertical paths in any ofthe instability graphs S˚

rζ,ηs. The idea behind the proof is that the existence of such a path would forcethe existence of a semi-infinite horizontal or vertical path in one of the geodesic graphs Gξ for some P t`,´u and ξ P riU . This is ruled out by the law of large numbers behavior of the Busemannfunctions.

Lemma 8.4. For any ω P Ω0, ζ ĺ η, and i P t1, 2u, there does not exist an x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs such that

x˚ ´ nei P A˚rζ,ηspx

˚ ´ pn ` 1qeiq for all n P Z` and nor does there exist an x˚ P S˚rζ,ηs such that

x˚ ` pn` 1qei P A˚rζ,ηspx

˚ ` neiq for all n P Z`.

Geodesics in LPP 37

Proof. We prove the result for i “ 1, i “ 2 being similar. We also only work with paths of the firsttype. The other type can be treated similarly.

The existence of a path of the first type, with i “ 1, implies that x˚´ne1´pe˚1 points to x˚´pn´1qe1 ´ pe˚1 in Gη` for all n P Z`. But this implies that Bη`px˚ ´ ne1 ´ pe˚1 , x

˚ ´ pn´ 1qe1 ´ pe˚1 q “ωx˚´ne1´pe˚1 , for all n P Z`. Take any sequence ηm P U0 such that ηm Œ η. Then (2.10) and (2.7)imply that



ωx˚´ke1´pe˚1 “ Bη`px˚ ´ ne1 ´ pe˚1 , x˚ ´ pe˚1 q ě Bηmpx˚ ´ ne1 ´ pe˚1 , x

˚ ´ pe˚1 q.

Divide by n and apply the ergodic theorem on the left-hand side and (A.3) on the right-hand side to getErω0s ě e1 ¨∇gpηmq for all m. Take mÑ 8 to get Erω0s ě e1 ¨∇gpη`q. It follows from Martin’sestimate of the asymptotic behavior of the shape function near the boundary of U , [41, Theorem 2.4],along with concavity that this cannot happen.

Proof of Lemma 3.6. A general step of the path can be decomposed as xi`1 ´ xi “ř

kpyk`1 ´ ykqwhere each yk`1 ´ yk P te1,´e2u. Then each µyk,yk`1

is a negative measure, and consequentlysuppµxi,xi`1 “


k suppµyk,yk`1. Thus we may assume that the path satisfies xi`1´xi P te1,´e2u

for all i.One direction is clear:


iPZ suppµxi,xi`1 Ă V ω.For the other direction, take ξ P V ω. By Theorem 4.3, there is a bi-infinite up-right reverse-directed

path x˚´8,8 through x˚ in S˚ξ with increments in te1, e2u. By Lemma 8.4 this path must cross anydown-right lattice path x´8,8. This means that there exists an i P Z such that either xi`1 ´ xi “ e1

and xi ` pe˚1 points to xi ´ pe˚2 in S˚ξ , i.e. xi points to xi ` e2 in Gξ´, or xi`1 ´ xi “ ´e2 and xi ´ pe˚2points to xi´pe˚1 in S˚ξ , i.e. xi points to xi`e1 in Gξ`. In the former case, γ xi,ξ´ goes from xi to xi`e2

and from there it never touches γ xi`1,ξ` “ γ xi`e1,ξ`, since xi`pe˚1 P S˚xi. Consequently, in this case

Theorem 3.1 says that ξ P suppµxi,xi`1 . The other case is similar and again gives ξ P suppµxi,xi`1 .This proves Lemma 3.6.

8.2 Density of instability points on the lattice

For ζ ĺ η in riU , x P Z2, and i P t1, 2u let

ρixpζ, ηq “ 1

rζ, ηs X suppµx,x`ei ‰ ∅(

. (8.2)

We write ρixpξq for ρixpξ, ξq. By definition, x` pe˚1 P S˚rζ,ηs if and only if ρ1

xpζ, ηq and ρ2xpζ, ηq are not

both 0. By Lemma 8.6 below, ρixpζ, ηq “ 1 is equivalent to x`pe˚1 pointing to x`pe˚1 ´ e3´i in S˚rζ,ηs.

Also, ρ1xpξq “ ρ2

xpξq “ 1 if and only if ξ˚pTxωq “ ξ. Let

κipζ, ηq “ Ptρi0pζ, ηq “ 1u.

Since suppµx,x`ei is by definition closed, κi is left-continuous in ζ and right-continuous in η. Fur-thermore, by Theorem 3.8 κi is continuous in each argument at points of differentiability of g. Again,we write κipξq for κipξ, ξq. We thus have

κipξq “ limζÕξ,ηŒξ

κipζ, ηq.

By Theorem 3.8, ξ P D if and only if κipξq “ 0 for any (and hence both) i P t1, 2u. Let

κ12pζ, ηq “ Ptρ10pζ, ηq “ ρ2

0pζ, ηq “ 1u “ Ptξ˚ P rζ, ηsu

38 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

and write κ12pξq for κ12pξ, ξq. The last equality above follows because if ξ˚ R rζ, ηs, then by recovery(2.8) and by the Busemann characterization (2.17) of ξ˚, one of the processes ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘p0, eiq fori P t1, 2u is constant for ξ P rζ, ηs.

The next result essentially follows from the ergodic theorem and gives the density of horizontaland vertical edges, instability points, branch points, and coalescence points.

Lemma 8.5. Assume the regularity condition (2.4). There exists a T -invariant event Ω10 Ă Ω0 withPpΩ10q “ 1 and such that for all ω P Ω` 01, i, j P t1, 2u, a, b, a1, b1 P t0, 1u with pb´aqpb1´a1q ‰ 0,and for all ζ ĺ η in riU , we have



|b´ a|n



ρjkeipζ, ηq

“ limnÑ8


|pb´ aqpb1 ´ a1q|n2



ρjxpζ, ηq “ κjpζ, ηq,




|b´ a|n



1tkei ` pe˚1 P S˚rζ,ηsu

“ limnÑ8


pb´ aqpb1 ´ a1qn2



1tx` pe˚1 P S˚rζ,ηsu

“ κ1pζ, ηq ` κ2pζ, ηq ´ κ12pζ, ηq,




|b´ a|n



ρ1keipζ, ηqρ2

keipζ, ηq

“ limnÑ8


|pb´ aqpb1 ´ a1q|n2



ρ1xpζ, ηqρ

2xpζ, ηq “ κ12pζ, ηq,





|b´ a|n



ρ1keipζ, ηqρ2

pk`1qei´e3´ipζ, ηq

“ limnÑ8


|pb´ aqpb1 ´ a1q|n2



ρ1x´e1pζ, ηqρ

2x´e2pζ, ηq “ κ12pζ, ηq.


All of the above limits are positive if and only if ∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q.

Proof. As explained in Remark A.3, under the regularity condition (2.4), the Busemann process isa measurable function of tωx : x P Z2u. Thus, by the ergodic theorem, there exists a T -invariantevent Ω10 Ă Ω0 with PpΩ10q “ 1 and such that for ω P Ω10 the limits (8.3-8.6) hold for all ζ, η PU0 Y



.To justify the equality of the limit in (8.6) with the one in (8.5) observe that since every instability

point must have at least one descendant and at least one ancestor, we have

Pt´pe˚1 P S˚rζ,ηsu “ Ptρ1´e1pζ, ηq “ 1u ` Ptρ2

´e2pζ, ηq “ 1u ´ Ptρ1´e1pζ, ηq “ ρ2

´e2pζ, ηq “ 1u


Ptpe˚1 P S˚rζ,ηsu “ Ptρ10pζ, ηq “ 1u ` Ptρ2

0pζ, ηq “ 1u ´ Ptρ10pζ, ηq “ ρ2

0pζ, ηq “ 1u.

Geodesics in LPP 39

By shift invariance, the first three probabilities in the first display match the corresponding threeprobabilities in the second display. Thus,

Ptρ1´e1pζ, ηq “ ρ2

´e2pζ, ηq “ 1u “ κ12pζ, ηq.

We now prove the first limit in (8.3), the rest of the limits in the statement of the lemma beingsimilar. Take ω P Ω10 and any ζ ă η in riU . Suppose first g is differentiable at both ζ and η. Takesequences ζ 1m ă ζ ă ζm ă ηm ă η ă η1m with ζ 1m, ζm, ηm, η

1m P U0 and use monotonicity and the

continuity of κj to get

κjpζm, ηmq “ limnÑ8


pb´ aqn



ρjkeipζm, ηmq

ď limnÑ8


pb´ aqn



ρjkeipζ, ηq ď limnÑ8


pb´ aqn



ρjkeipζ, ηq

ď limnÑ8


pb´ aqn



ρjkeipζ1m, η

1mq “ κjpζ

1m, η


Taking mÑ8 and using continuity of κj at ζ and η gives that the above liminf and limsup are equalto κjpζ, ηq. The same proof works if ζ “ η is a point of differentiability of g. In this case, we can use0 as a lower bound and for the upper bound we have κjpζq “ κjpηq “ 0.

Next, suppose ζ is a point of non-differentiability of g, but η is still a point of differentiability. Wecan repeat the same argument as above, but this time only using the sequences ηm and η1m and theintervals rζ, ηms and rζ, η1ms for the upper and lower bounds, because ζ has been included in the setU0 Y



. A similar argument works if ζ is a point of differentiability but η is not. When g isnot differentiable at both ζ and η, the claimed limits follow from the choice of Ω10.

Proof of Proposition 4.6. The claim follows from Lemma 8.5

8.3 Flow of Busemann measures

Proof of Theorem 4.7. The vertex set of B˚rζ,ηs is by definition the same as that of S˚

rζ,ηs. That theedges also agree follows from Lemma 8.6 below.

Lemma 8.6. For i P t1, 2u, rζ, ηs X suppµx,x`ei ‰ ∅ if and only if px ` pe˚1 , x ` pe˚1 ´ e3´iq is adirected edge in the graph S˚


Proof. We argue the case of i “ 1. Assume first that rζ, ηs X suppµx,x`e1 ‰ ∅. From µx`e1,x`e2 “µx`e1,x ` µx,x`e2 and µx´pe2,x “ µx´pe2,x`e1 ` µx`e1,x (sums of positive measures) we see that bothx` pe˚1 , x` pe˚1 ´ e2 P S


Suppose ξ P rζ, ηs X suppµx,x`e1 . By Theorem 3.1, x must point to x` e2 in Gξ´, which forcesthe same in Gζ´. Thus x` pe˚1 points to x` pe˚1 ´ e2 in G˚ζ´ and hence also in G˚

Yrζ,ηs.Conversely, if x`pe˚1 P S

˚rζ,ηs then γ x`e2,ζ´ and γ x`e1,η` do not intersect. If furthermore x`pe˚1

points to x` pe˚1 ´ e2 in G˚Yrζ,ηs, then x points to x` e2 in Gζ´ and hence γ x,ζ´ joins γ x`e2,ζ´ and

does not intersect γ x`e1,η`.Let ζ 1 ă ζ and η1 ą η. By geodesic ordering (2.13), γ x,ζ1` and γ x`e1,η1´ are disjoint. In particu-

lar, the coalescence points zζ1`px, x` e1q and zη

1´px, x` e1q cannot coincide on Z2. By Proposition7.1, sζ 1, η1r intersects suppµx,x`e1 . Since this holds for every choice of sζ 1, η1rĄ rζ, ηs, it followsthat also rζ, ηs intersects suppµx,x`e1 .

40 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Proof of Proposition 4.8. Suppose xrζ,ηs„ y. Since suppµx,y is a closed subset of riU and rζ, ηs a

compact set, we can find ζ 1 ă ζ and η1 ą η such that |µx,y|p sζ 1, η1r q “ 0. Then by Proposition 7.1,there exists z P Z2 such that all geodesics γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ for ξ P rζ, ηs and P t´,`u meet at z.Thus x and y are in the same subtree of the graph GXrζ,ηs.

Conversely, suppose x and y are two distinct points in the same subtree K of the graph GXrζ,ηs. Inthis tree the following holds.

In K there is a point z and a path π from x to z and a path π1 from y to zsuch that z is the first common point of π and π1. For each ξ P rζ, ηs andboth signs P t´,`u, all the geodesics γ x,ξ follow π from x to z,and all the geodesics γ y,ξ follow π1 from y to z.


Consequently each ξ P rζ, ηs satisfies zξ´px, yq “ zξ`px, yq “ z. By Proposition 7.2 each ξ P rζ, ηslies outside suppµx,y.







Figure 8.3: Proof of Lemma 4.9.

Proof of Lemma 4.9. The hypotheses imply that, by switching x and y around if necessary, x ¨ e1 ď

y ¨ e1 and x ¨ e2 ě y ¨ e2. Let z, π, π1 be as in (8.7). Let u be any point of Jx^ y, x_ yK. By planarity,each geodesic γ u,ξ for ξ P rζ, ηs and P t´,`u must eventually intersect π or π1 and then followthis to z. See Figure 8.3. By uniqueness of finite geodesics, all these geodesics γ u,ξ follow the samepath π2 from u to z. Thus π2 is part of the graph GXrζ,ηs, and since it comes together with π and π1 atz, π2 is part of the same subtree K.

Proof of Lemma 4.10. Suppose x is such a vertex but K Ă ty : y ě xu fails. We claim that then therenecessarily exists a vertex y P K such that x and y satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 4.9 and one oftx´ e1, x´ e2u lies in Jx^ y, x_ yK. This leads to a contradiction.

To verify the claim, pick y P K such that y ě x fails. If y ă x also fails, there are two possiblecases:

(i) y ¨ e1 ă x ¨ e1 and y ¨ e2 ě x ¨ e2, in which case x´ e1 P Jx^ y, x_ yK Ă K;

(ii) y ¨ e1 ě x ¨ e1 and y ¨ e2 ă x ¨ e2, in which case x´ e2 P Jx^ y, x_ yK Ă K.

If y ă x does not fail, follow the geodesics tγ y,ξ˘ : ξ P rζ, ηsu until they hit the level Lx¨pe1 atsome point y1. The assumption that neither x´ e1 nor x´ e2 lies in K implies that y1 ‰ x. Thus y1 isa point of K that fails both y1 ě x and y1 ă x. Replace y with y1 and apply the previous argument.

We have shown that the existence of x P K such that tx ´ e1, x ´ e2u X K “ ∅ implies thatK Ă ty : y ě xu. That such x must be unique follows since x lies outside ty : y ě x1u for any x1 ‰ xthat satisfies x1 ě x.

Geodesics in LPP 41

Assuming that inftt P Z : K X Lt ‰ ∅u ą ´8, pick x P K to minimize the level x ¨ pe1.

Proof of Theorem 4.11. Part (a). If rζ, ηs X V ω “ ∅ then the interval rζ, ηs is strictly on one side ofξ˚pTxωq at every x. Hence the graphs tGξ : ξ P rζ, ηs, P t´,`uu are all identical. This commongraph is a tree by Theorem 3.5.

Conversely, if ξ P rζ, ηs X V ω, then there exist x, y such that ξ P suppµx,y and by Theorem 3.1there are disjoint geodesics in GXrζ,ηs.

Part (b). It follows from what was already said that tKpzq : z P Drζ,ηsu are disjoint subtrees ofGXrζ,ηs and their vertex sets cover Z2. Suppose px, x ` eiq is an edge in GXrζ,ηs. Then all geodesicstγ x,ξ : ξ P rζ, ηs, P t´,`uu go through this edge. Thus this edge must be an edge of the treeKpzq that contains both x and x` ei. Hence each edge of GXrζ,ηs is an edge of one of the trees Kpzq,and no such edge can connect two trees Kpzq and Kpz1q for distinct z and z1.

9 Instability points in the exponential model: proofs

We turn to the proof of the results in Section 5, beginning with a discussion of Palm kernels, whichare needed in order to prove Theorems 5.2 and 5.3.

9.1 Palm kernels

Let MZˆriU denote the space of locally bounded positive Borel measures on the locally compactspace Zˆ riU . Consider Zˆ riU as the disjoint union of copies of riU , one copy for each horizontaledge pke1, pk ` 1qe1q on the x-axis. Recall that Bξ

k “ Bξpke1, pk ` 1qe1q. We define two randommeasures ν and n on Zˆ riU in terms of the Busemann functions ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘

k attached to these edges.On each subset tku ˆ riU of Zˆ riU we (slightly abuse notation and) define the measure νk by


tkuˆsζ, ηs˘

“ νk`

sζ, ηs˘

“ Bζ`k ´Bη`


for ζ ă η in riU . In terms of definition (3.1), νk “ µpk`1qe1,ke1 is a positive measure due to mono-tonicity (2.10). On Zˆ riU , define the measure ν “


k νk. In other words, for Borel sets Ak Ă riU ,ν`Ť

ktku ˆAk˘


k νkpAkq.Let nk denote the simple point process on tkuˆ riU that records the locations of the jumps of the

Busemann function ξ ÞÑ Bξ˘k : for Borel A Ă riU ,

nkptku ˆAq “ nkpAq “ÿ


1tBξ´k ą Bξ`

k u.

We describe the probability distributions of the component measures νk and nk, given in Theorem3.4 of [22]. Marginally, for each k, nk is a Poisson point process on riU with intensity measure


sζ, ηs˘

“ λk`

sζ, ηs˘

“ E“

nkp sζ, ηs q‰

ż αpηq



s“ log


αpζq. (9.1)

In particular, almost every realization of nk satisfies nkrζ, ηs ă 8 for all ζ ă η in riU .Create a marked Poisson process by attaching an independent Exppαpξqq-distributed weight Yξ to

each point ξ in the support of nk. Then the distribution of νk is that of the purely atomic measuredefined by


sζ, ηs˘


ξPriU :nkpξq“1

Yξ 1sζ,ηspξq for ζ ă η in riU . (9.2)

42 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

The random variable νkp sζ, ηs q has distribution Berp1 ´ αpζqαpηqq b Exppαpζqq (product of a Bernoulli

and an independent exponential) and expectation



sζ, ηs˘‰




αpηq. (9.3)

Note the following technical point. The jumps of Bξ˘k concentrate at e2 and Be2´

k “ 8. To defineν and n as locally finite measures, the standard Euclidean topology of riU has to be metrized sothat se2, ηs is an unbounded set for any η ą e2. This point makes no difference to our calculationsand we already encountered this same issue around definition (3.1) of the Busemann measures. Withthis convention we can regard n “


k nk as a simple point process on Z ˆ riU with mean measurerλ “ pcounting measure on Zq b λ.

For pk, ξq P Z ˆ riU , let Qpk,ξq be the Palm kernel of ν with respect to n. That is, Qpk,ξq is thestochastic kernel from Zˆ riU into MZˆriU that gives the distribution of ν, conditional on n havinga point at pk, ξq, understood in the Palm sense. Rigorously, the kernel is defined by disintegrating theCampbell measure of the pair pn,νq with respect to the mean measure rλ of n (this is developed inSection 6.1 in [39]): for any nonnegative Borel function f : pZˆ riUq ˆMZˆriU Ñ R`,



ZˆriUfpk, ξ,νqnpdk b dξq






fpk, ξ, νqQpk,ξqpdνq rλpdk b dξq. (9.4)

Now we consider the indices τ ξpiq “ τ ξ,ξpiq of jumps at ξ, defined in (5.1). In terms of the randommeasures introduced above, for pk, ξq P Zˆ riU ,

νtpk, ξqu ą 0 ðñ ntpk, ξqu “ 1 ðñ Bξ´k ą Bξ`

k ðñ k P tτ ξpiq : i P Zu.

We condition on the event tnp0, ξq “ 1u, in other words, consider the distribution of tτ ξpiqu underQp0,ξq. For this to be well-defined, we define these functions also on the space MZˆriU in the obviousway: for ν P MZˆriU , the Z Y t˘8u-valued functions τ ξpiq “ τ ξpi, νq are defined by the orderrequirement

¨ ¨ ¨ ă τ ξp´1, νq ă 0 ď τ ξp0, νq ă τ ξp1, νq ă ¨ ¨ ¨

and the condition

for k P Z, νtpk, ξqu ą 0 if and only if k P tτ ξpi, νq : i P Zu.

Since ν is P-almost surely a purely atomic measure, it follows from general theory that Qp0,ξq is alsosupported on such measures. Furthermore, the conditioning itself forcesQp0,ξqtν : τ ξp0, νq “ 0u “ 1.Thus the random integer points τ ξpi, νq are not all trivially ˘8 under Qp0,ξq. Connecting back to thenotation of Section 5, for each k P Z, ξ P riU , each finite A Ă Z and ni P Z`, ri P R` with i P A,the Palm kernel introduced in that section is defined by


τ ξpi` 1q ´ τ ξpiq “ ni, Bξ´τξpiq


ą ri @i P A ||Bξ´k ą Bξ`




“ Qpk,ξq

ν : τ ξpi` 1, νq ´ τ ξpi, νq “ ni, νtpτξpi, νq, ξqu ą ri @i P A



9.2 Statistics of instability points

We turn to the proofs of the theorems of Section 5. These proofs make use of results from AppendicesC and D.

Geodesics in LPP 43

Proof of Theorem 5.1. By Corollary C.2, the process tBζk ´ Bη

kukPZ has the same distribution astW`

k ukPZ defined in (D.6). An application of the appropriate mapping to these sequences producesthe sequence


η0 , τ

ζ,ηpi`1q´τ ζ,ηpiq, Bζτζ,ηpiq


: i P Z(

that appears in Theorem 5.1

and the sequence tW`0 , σi`1´σi, W

`σi : i P Zu that appears in Theorem D.2. Hence these sequences

also have identical distribution. (W`σi “ Wσi by (D.9).) The distributions remain equal when these

sequences are conditioned on the positive probability events Bζ0 ´B

η0 ą 0 and W`

0 ą 0.

It will be convenient to have notation for the conditional joint distribution that appears in (5.3)in Theorem 5.1. For 0 ă α ď β ď 1 define probability distributions qα,β on the product spaceZZ ˆ r0,8qZ as follows. Denote the generic variables on this product space by ptτiuiPZ, t∆kukPZq

with τi P Z and 0 ď ∆k ă 8. Given an integer L ą 0, integers n´L ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă n´2 ă n´1 ă n0 “

0 ă n1 ă n2 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă nL, and positive reals r´L, . . . , rL, abbreviate bi “ ni`1 ´ ni. The measureqα,β is defined by


τi “ ni and ∆ni ą ri for i P J´L,LK, ∆k “ 0 for k P Jn´L, nLKztnjujPJ´L,LK(

ˆ L´1ź



pα` βq2bi´1



ˆ Lź




To paraphrase the definition, the following holds under qα,β: τ0 “ 0, ∆k “ 0 for k R tτiuiPZ, and thevariables tτi`1 ´ τi,∆τiuiPZ are mutually independent with marginal distribution

qα,βtτi`1 ´ τi “ n,∆τi ą ru “ Cn´1αn´1βn

pα` βq2n´1e´αr for i P Z, n ě 1, r ě 0. (9.7)

Abbreviate qα “ qα,α which has marginal qαtτi`1 ´ τi “ n,∆τi ą ru “ Cn´1p12q

2n´1e´αr. Asβ Ñ α, qα,β converges weakly to qα.

Theorem 5.1 can now be restated by saying that, conditional on Bζ0 ą Bη

0 , the variables


tτ ζ,ηpiquiPZ, tBζk ´B



have joint distribution qαpζq,αpηq. Consequently, for a measurable set A Ă ZZ ˆ r0,8qZ,


Bζ0 ą Bη

0 ,`

tτ ζ,ηpiquiPZ, tBζk ´B



P A‰

“ P`

Bζ0 ą Bη




tτ ζ,ηpiquiPZ, tBζk ´B



P Aˇ

ˇBζ0 ą Bη


“αpηq ´ αpζq

αpηq¨ qαpζq,αpηqpAq.


The first probability on the last line came from (C.6) and the second from Theorem 5.1.

Proof of Theorem 5.2. Define ZYt˘8u-valued ordered indices ¨ ¨ ¨ ă τ ζ,η´1 ă 0 ď τ ζ,η0 ă τ ζ,η1 ă ¨ ¨ ¨

as measurable functions of a locally finite measure ν PMZˆriU by the rule

νptku ˆ rζ, ηsq ą 0 ðñ k P tτ ζ,ηi : i P Zu. (9.9)

If νptku ˆ rζ, ηsq ą 0 does not hold for infinitely many k ą 0 then τ ζ,ηi “ 8 for large enough i, andanalogously for k ă 0. Definition (9.9) applied to the random measure ν “


k νk reproduces (5.1).

44 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Fix integers K,N P N and `´N ď ¨ ¨ ¨ ď `´1 ď `0 “ 0 ď `1 ď ¨ ¨ ¨ ď `N and strictly positivereals r´K , . . . , rK . Define the event

Hζ,η “ Hpζ, ηq “č


ν : τ ζ,η´i ď `´i and τ ζ,ηi ě `i(


ν : νptkuˆsζ, ηsq ă rk(


on the space MZˆriU . Note the monotonicity

Hζ,η Ă Hζ1,η1 for rζ 1, η1s Ă rζ, ηs. (9.11)

Abbreviate Hξ “ Hξ,ξ. Recall the measures qα,β defined in (9.6). The analogous event under themeasures qα,β on the space ZZ ˆ r0,8qZ is denoted by

Hq “

ptτiuiPZ, t∆kukPZq P ZZ ˆ r0,8qZ : τ´i ď `´i and τi ě `i for i P J1, NK,∆k ă rk for k P J´K,KK



Fix ζ ă η in riU . We prove the theorem by showing that

Qp0,ξqpHξq “ qαpξqpHqq for Lebesgue-almost every ξ P sζ, ηs. (9.13)

This equality comes from separate arguments for upper and lower bounds.

Upper bound proof. Define a sequence of nested partitions ζ “ ζn0 ă ζn1 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă ζnn “ η. Foreach n and ξ P sζ, ηs, let sζnpξq, ηnpξqs denote the unique interval sζni , ζ

ni`1s that contains ξ. Assume

that, as n Õ 8, the mesh size maxi |ζni`1 ´ ζni | Ñ 0. Consequently, for each ξ P sζ, ηs, the intervals

sζnpξq, ηnpξqs decrease to the singleton tξu.The key step of this upper bound proof is that for all m and i and Lebesgue-a.e. ξ P sζ, ηs,

Qp0,ξqpHζmi ,ζ

mi`1q “ lim


ν P Hζmi ,ζmi`1


ˇn0p sζnpξq, ηnpξqs q ě 1


. (9.14)

This limit is a special case of Theorem 6.32(iii) in Kallenberg [39], for the simple point process n andthe sets Bn “ t0u ˆ pζnpξq, ηnpξqs Œ tp0, ξqu. The proof given for Theorem 12.8 in [38] can alsobe used to establish this limit. Theorem 12.8 of [38] by itself is not quite adequate because we use thePalm kernel for the measure ν which is not the same as n.

If we take ξ P sζmi , ζmi`1s, then for n ě m, sζnpξq, ηnpξqs Ă sζmpξq, ηmpξqs “ sζmi , ζ

mi`1s. Con-

sidering all ξ in the union sζ, ηs “Ť

i sζmi , ζ

mi`1s, we have that for any fixed m and Lebesgue-a.e.

ξ P sζ, ηs,

Qp0,ξqpHζmpξq,ηmpξqq “ lim


ν P Hζmpξq,ηmpξqˇ

ˇn0p sζnpξq, ηnpξqs q ě 1


ď limnÑ8


ν P Hζnpξq,ηnpξqˇ

ˇn0p sζnpξq, ηnpξqs q ě 1



The inequality is due to (9.11).Interpreting (9.8) in terms of the random measures ν and n and referring to (9.10) and (9.12) gives

the identity


ν P Hζnpξq,ηnpξqˇ

ˇn0p sζnpξq, ηnpξqs q ě 1


“ qαpζnpξqq,αpηnpξqqpHqq.

Geodesics in LPP 45

As pζnpξq, ηnpξqs Œ tξu, the parameters converge: αpζnpξqq, αpηnpξqq Ñ αpξq. Consequently thedistribution qαpζ

npξqq, αpηnpξqq converges to qαpξq. Hence



ν P Hζnpξq,ηnpξqˇ

ˇn0p sζnpξq, ηnpξqs q ě 1


“ qαpξqpHqq.

In summary, we have for all m and Lebesgue-a.e. ξ P sζ, ηs,

Qp0,ξqpHζmpξq,ηmpξqq ď qαpξqpHqq.

Let mÕ8 so that Hζmpξq,ηmpξq Õ Hξ, to obtain the upper bound

Qp0,ξqpHξq ď qαpξqpHqq (9.15)

for Lebesgue-a.e. ξ P sζ, ηs.

Lower bound proof. Let ζ “ ζ0 ă ζ1 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă ζ` “ η be a partition of the interval rζ, ηs and setαj “ αpζjq.

In order to get an estimate below, let m “ pmiq1ď|i|ďN be a 2N -vector of integers such thatmi ă `i for ´N ď i ď ´1 and mi ą `i for 1 ď i ď N . Define the subset Hm

q of Hq from (9.12) bytruncating the coordinates τi:

Hmq “

ptτiuiPZ, t∆kukPZq P ZZ ˆ r0,8qZ : m´i ď τ´i ď `´i and `i ď τi ď mi

for i P J1, NK, ∆k ă rk for k P J´K,KK(


On the last line in the following computation, c1 is a constant that depends on the parameters αpζqand αpηq and on the quantities in (9.16):



ξqλ0pdξq “`´1ÿ



sζj ,ζj`1s






sζj ,ζj`1s

Qp0,ξqpHζj ,ζj`1qλ0pdξq “




n0p sζj , ζj`1s q ¨ 1Hζj ,ζj`1 pνq‰





n0p sζj , ζj`1s q ě 1, ν P Hζj ,ζj`1(



αj`1 ´ αjαj`1

qαj ,αj`1pHqq ě



αj`1 ´ αjαj`1

qαj ,αj`1pHmq q




αj`1 ´ αjαj`1

qαj`1pHmq q ¨


1´ c1pαj`1 ´ αjq˘


The steps above come as follows. The second equality uses the characterization (9.4) of the kernelQp0,ξq. The third equality is from (9.8). The second last inequality is from Hm

q Ă Hq. The lastinequality is from Lemma 9.1 below, which is valid once the mesh size maxpαj`1 ´ αjq is smallenough relative to the numbers tmi, `iu.

The function α ÞÑ qαpHmq q is continuous in the Riemann sum approximation on the last line of

the calculation above. Let maxpαj`1 ´ αjq Ñ 0 to obtain the inequalityż


ξqλ0pdξq ě

ż αpηq


q qdα




q qλ0pdξq.

46 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Let mi Œ ´8 for ´N ď i ď ´1 and mi Õ8 for 1 ď i ď N . The above turns intoż


ξqλ0pdξq ě


sζ,ηsqαpξqpHqqλ0pdξq. (9.17)

The upper bound (9.15) and the lower bound (9.17) together imply the conclusion (9.13).

The proof of Theorem 5.2 is complete once we verify the auxiliary lemma used in the calculationabove.

Lemma 9.1. Let the eventHmq be as defined in (9.16). Fix 0 ă α ă α ă 1. Then there exist constants

ε, c1 P p0,8q such that

qα,βpHmq q ě qβpHm

q q ¨`

1´ c1pβ ´ αq˘

for all α, β P rα, αs such that α ď β ď α ` ε. The constants ε, c1 P p0,8q depend on α, α, and theparameters `i,mi and rk in (9.16).

Proof. Let

A “

p “ ppiq´NďiďN P Z2N`1 : p0 “ 0, pi ă pj for i ă j,

m´i ď p´i ď `´i and `i ď pi ď mi @i P J1, NK(

be the relevant finite set of integer-valued p2N ` 1q-vectors for the decomposition below. For eachp P A let Kppq “ tpi : i P J´N,NK, pi P J´K,KKu be the set of coordinates of p in J´K,KK.Abbreviate bi “ pi`1 ´ pi. Recall that, under qα,β , τ0 “ 0, that ∆k ă rk holds with probabilityone if k R tτiu, and the independence in (9.7). The factors dk ą 0 below that satisfy 1 ´ e´αrk ěp1 ´ e´βrkqp1 ´ dkpβ ´ αqq can be chosen uniformly for α ď β in rα, αs, as functions of α, α, andtrku. Now compute:

qα,βpHmq q “ qα,β

mi ď τ´i ď `´i and `i ď τi ď mi @i P J1, NK, ∆k ă rk for k P J´K,KK(


p PAqα,β

τi “ pi for i P J´N,NK, ∆k ă rk for k P J´K,KK(


p PAqα,β

τi`1 ´ τi “ bi @i P J´N,N ´ 1K(


k PKppqp1´ e´αrkq


p PA

ˆ N´1ź



pα` βq2bi´1



k PKppqp1´ e´βrkq


1´ dkpβ ´ αq˘


p PA

ˆ N´1ź







k PKppqp1´ e´βrkq



1´ c1pβ ´ αq˘


p PAqβ

τi`1 ´ τi “ bi @i P J´N,N ´ 1K, ∆k ă rk for k P J´K,KK(


1´ c1pβ ´ αq˘

“ qβpHmq q ¨


1´ c1pβ ´ αq˘


To get the inequality above, (i) apply Lemma B.2 to the first factor in parentheses with ε chosen sothat 0 ă ε ă αbi for all p P A, and (ii) set c1 “

řKk“´K dk.

Geodesics in LPP 47

In the proofs that follow, we denote the indicators of the locations of the positive atoms of ameasure ν PMZˆriU by ukpν, ξq “ ukpξq “ 1rνtpk, ξqu ą 0s for pk, ξq P Z ˆ riU . Applied to therandom measure ν this gives ukpν, ξq “ nkpξq.

Lemma 9.2. For Lebesgue-almost every ξ P riU and all m P Z,


ν : tum`kpν, ξqukPZ P A‰

“ PpAq (9.18)

for all Borel sets A Ă t0, 1uZ.

Proof. For m “ 0, (9.18) comes from a comparison of (5.4) and (5.5). For general m it then followsfrom the shift-invariance of the weights ω.

Proof of Theorem 5.3. Take A Ă t0, 1uZ as in the statement of Theorem 5.3. Fix ζ ă η in riU andlet N P N. We restrict the integrals below to the compact set r´N,N s ˆ rζ, ηs with the indicator

gpk, ξ, νq “ 1r´N,Nsˆrζ,ηspk, ξq

and then define on Zˆ riU ˆMZˆriU

fpk, ξ, νq “ gpk, ξ, νq ¨ 1tpu`tξu:`PZq PAupξ, νq.

By the definition (9.4) of the Palm kernel,


ZˆriUfpk, ξ,νqnpdk b dξq


r´N,Nsˆrζ,ηsQpk,ξqtpu`tξu : ` P Zq P Au rλpdk b dξq


r´N,Nsˆrζ,ηsQpk,ξqtpuk``tξu : ` P Zq P Au rλpdk b dξq



rλpdk b dξq “ E„ż

ZˆriUgpk, ξ,νqnpdk b dξq


The second equality used shift-invariance of A and the third equality used (9.18) and PpAq “ 1. Theleft-hand side and the right-hand side are both finite because the integrals are restricted to the compactset r´N,N s ˆ rζ, ηs. Since n is a positive random measure, it follows that


ZˆriUfpk, ξ,νqnpdk b dξq “


ZˆriUgpk, ξ,νqnpdk b dξq


“ 1.

As ζ, η, and N were arbitrary, we conclude that P-almost surely pn`tξu : ` P Zq P A for all pk, ξq PZˆ riU such that ntpk, ξqu “ 1. Lemma 3.6 applied to the x-axis (xi “ ie1) then shows that ξ P V ω

if and only if ntpk, ξqu “ 1 for some k.

Lemma 9.3. Assume (3.7). Then for any δ P p0, 1q, n P N, and ζ P riU we have


Dξ P rζ, e1r : npJ0, nKˆ tξuq ą 2δn` 1)

ď 2pn` 1q´

p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


Proof. Let t∆jujPN be i.i.d. random variables with probability mass function ppnq “ Cn´121´2n forn P N. For k P J0, nK and ξ P riU use a union bound, translation, and (5.4) to write





uipξq ą 2δn` 1)

ď Qpk,ξq




uipξq ą 2δn` 1)

48 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

“ Qp0,ξq




uipξq ą 2δn` 1)

ď Qp0,ξq




uipξq ą δn)





uipξq ą δn)

ď 2P!



∆j ď n)


Using the generating function fpsq “ř

ně0Cnsn “ 1


1´ 4s q of Catalan numbers we obtainfor 0 ă s ă 1,




∆j ď n)

ď s´nErs∆sδn “ s´n´



Cn´1 ps4qn¯δn

“ s´n´ s




Ck ps4qk¯δn

“ s´n`


1´ s˘δn


Take s “ 4p1´δqp2´δq2

ă 1 in the upper bound above to get





uipξq ą 2δn` 1)

ď 2´

p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


Apply (9.4) to write



riU1tξ P rζ, e1r u ¨ 1

npJ0, nKˆ tξuq ą 2δn` 1(



riU1tξ P rζ, e1r uQpk,ξq




uipξq ą 2δn` 1)


ď 2´

p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


riU1tξ P rζ, e1r uλkpdξq

(9.1)“ 2


p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


To complete the proof, add over k P J0, nK and observe that


riU1tξ P rζ, e1r u1

npJ0, nKˆ tξuq ą 2δn` 1(




ě 1!

Dξ P rζ, e1r : npJ0, nKˆ tξuq ą 2δn` 1)


Proof of Theorem 5.4. The result follows from Theorem 9.4 below and the observation that for anyε ą 0, δn “ 2


n´1 log n satisfies the summability condition in that theorem.

Theorem 9.4. Assume (3.7) and fix i P t1, 2u. Consider a sequence δn P p0, 1q withř

n2e´nδ2n ă 8.

Then for any ζ P riU


Dn0 : @ξ P rζ, e2r,@n ě n0 :ÿ


ξ P suppµx,x`ei(

ď n2δn


“ 1. (9.19)

The same result holds when J0, nK2 is replaced by any one of J´n, 0K2, J0, nKˆ J´n, 0K, or J´n, 0KˆJ0, nK.

Geodesics in LPP 49

Proof. Apply Lemma 9.3 and a union bound to get that for any j P t1, 2u, δ P p0, 1q, n P N, andζ P riU ,


Dξ P rζ, e1r :ÿ

xPJ0,nK2ρjxpξq ě p2δn` 1qpn` 1q


ď 2pn` 1q2´

p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


A Taylor expansion gives


p1´ δ2q2´δ

p1´ δq1´δ


“ ´δ24`Opδ3q.

Thus, we see that for any ζ P riU , for any sequence δn P p0, 1q such thatř

n2e´nδ2n ă 8, we have


Dn0 P N : @ξ P rζ, e1r ,@n ě n0 :ÿ

xPJ0,nK2ρjxpξq ď n2δn


“ 1.

The result for the other three sums comes similarly.

A The geometry of geodesics: previously known results

This appendix states the properties of Busemann functions, geodesics, and competition interfaceswhich were discussed informally in Section 2.2. Theorem A.1 introduces the Busemann process withits main properties. It combines results that follow from Theorems 4.4 and 4.7, Lemmas 4.5(c) and4.6(c), and Remark 4.11 in [36] and Lemmas 4.7 and 5.1 in [27].

Theorem A.1. [27, 36] Let P0 be a probability measure on RZ2under which the coordinate projec-

tions are i.i.d., have positive variance, and have p ą 2 finite moments. There exists a Polish probabilityspace pΩ,F ,Pq with

(1) a group T “ tTxuxPZ2 of F-measurable P-preserving bijections Tx : Ω Ñ Ω,

(2) a family tωxpωq : x P Z2u of real-valued random variables ωx : Ω Ñ R such that ωypTxωq “ωx`ypωq for all x, y P Z2,

(3) real-valued measurable functions Bξ`px, y, ωq “ Bξ`x,ypωq and Bξ´px, y, ωq “ Bξ´

x,ypωq ofpx, y, ω, ξq P Z2 ˆ Z2 ˆ Ωˆ riU ,

(4) and T -invariant events Ω10 Ă Ω and Ω1

ξ Ă Ω10 for each ξ P riU , with PpΩ1

0q “ PpΩ1ξq “ 1,

such that properties (a)–(k) listed below hold.

(a) tωx : x P Z2u has distribution P0 under P.

(b) For any I Ă Z2, the variables

pωx, Bξpx, y, ωqq : x P I, y ě x, P t´,`u, ξ P riU


are independent of tωx : x P Iău where Iă “ tx P Z2 : x ­ě z @z P Iu.

(c) For each ξ P riU , x, y P Z2, and P t´,`u, Bξpx, yq are integrable and (2.9) holds.

(d) For each ω P Ω, x, y P Z2, and P t´,`u, if ζ, η P riU are such that ∇gpζq “ ∇gpηq,then Bζpx, y, ωq “ Bηpx, y, ωq.

50 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

(e) For each ω P Ω10, x, y, z P Z2, ξ P riU , and P t´,`u properties (2.6), (2.7), and (2.8) hold.

(f) For each ω P Ω10, monotonicity (2.10) holds.

(g) For each ω P Ω10, one-sided limits (2.11) hold.

(h) For each ω P Ω10 and each x P Z2,

Bξpx, x` eiq Ñ 8 as ξ Ñ e3´i, for i P t1, 2u. (A.1)

(i) If Ppω0 ď rq is continuous in r, then for all ξ P riU , ω P Ω1ξ , x P Z2, and P t´,`u,

Bξpx, x` e1q ‰ Bξpx, x` e2q. (A.2)

(j) For all ξ P riU , ω P Ω1ξ , and P t´,`u,




n´1|Bξp0, xq ´ x ¨∇gpξq| “ 0. (A.3)

(k) For all ξ P D, ω P Ω1ξ , and x, y P Z2

Bξ`px, y, ωq “ Bξ´px, y, ωq “ Bξpx, y, ωq. (A.4)

(l) If ξ, ξ, ξ P D then for all ω P Ω1ξ , the Busemann limit (2.5) holds.

Remark A.2 (Weak limit construction of the Busemann process). Both articles [27, 36] on which werely for Theorem A.1 construct the process B as a weak limit point of Cesaro averages of probabilitydistributions of pre-limit objects. This gives existence of the process on a probability space Ω that islarger than the product space RZ2

of the i.i.d. weights tωxu. Article [27] takes the outcome of the weaklimit from existing literature in the form of a queueing fixed point, while [36] builds the weak limitfrom scratch by considering the distribution of increments of point-to-line passage times, followingthe approach introduced in [17].

To appeal to queueing literature, [27] assumes that Ppω0 ě cq “ 1 for some real c. A payoff isthat each process tBξpx, yq : x, y P Z2u is ergodic under either shift Tei [27, Theorem 5.2(i)]. Theconstruction in [36] does not need the lower bound assumption but gives only the T -invariance statedabove in Theorem A.1(a).

Theorem A.4 below quotes results from [27] that were proved with the help of ergodicity. RemarkA.5 explains how the required properties can be obtained without ergodicity.

Remark A.3 (Strong existence and ergodicity of the Busemann process). The regularity condition(2.4) is equivalent to the existence of a countable dense set D0 Ă D such that ζ, ζ P D for eachζ P D0. When (2.4) holds, [28, Theorem 3.1] shows that for ζ in D0, Bζpx, yq “ Bζ˘px, yq can berealized as an almost sure limit of Gx,vn ´ Gy,vn when vnn Ñ ξ. The remaining values Bξpx, yqcan be obtained as left and right limits from tBζpx, yquζPD0 as ζ Ñ ξ. This way the entire processtBξpx, yq : x, y P Z2, ξ P riU , P t´,`uu becomes a measurable function of the i.i.d. weightstωx : x P Z2u. We can take Ω “ RZ2

and the Busemann process is ergodic under any shift Tx forx ‰ 0.

Geodesics in LPP 51

We record a simple observation here, valid under the continuous i.i.d. weights assumption (1.1):there exists an event Ω2

0 with PpΩ20q “ 1 such that @ω P Ω2


for every nonempty finite subset I Ă Z2 and nonzero integer coefficients taxuxPI ,ř

xPI axωx ‰ 0.(A.5)

This condition implies the uniqueness of point-to-point geodesics mentioned under (2.1).The following theorem summarizes previous knowledge of the structure of semi-infinite geodesics

under assumption (1.1). These results were partly summarized in Section 2.3.

Theorem A.4. [27, Theorems 2.1, 4.3, 4.5, and 4.6] There exist T -invariant events Ω30 and Ω3

ξ Ă Ω30

for each ξ P riU , with PpΩ30q “ 1, PpΩ3

ξq “ 1, and such that the following hold.

(a) For every ω P Ω30, for every x P Z2, P t´,`u, and ξ P riU , γ x,ξ is Uξ-directed and every

semi-infinite geodesic is Uξ-directed for some ξ P U .

(b) For every ξ P riU , for every ω P Ω3ξ , x, y P Z2, and P t´,`u, γ x,ξ and γ y,ξ coalesce, i.e.

there exists an integer k ě x ¨ pe1 _ y ¨ pe1 such that γ x,ξk,8 “ γ y,ξ

k,8 .

(c) For every ξ P riU , ω P Ω3ξ , x P Z2, and P t´,`u, there exist at most finitely many z P Z2

such that γ z,ξ goes through x.

(d) If g is strictly concave, then for any ω P Ω30 every semi-infinite geodesic is ξ-directed for some

ξ P U .

(e) If ξ P riU is such that Uξ “ r ξ, ξ s satisfies ξ, ξ, ξ P D, then for any ω P Ω3ξ and x P Z2 we

have γ x,ξ` “ γ x,ξ´. This is the unique Uξ-directed semi-infinite geodesic out of x and, by part(b), all these geodesics coalesce. By part (c), there are no bi-infinite Uξ-directed geodesics.

Remark A.5 (Ergodicity in the proof of Theorem A.4). As mentioned in Remark A.2, [27] usesergodicity of cocycles. But the results quoted above in Theorem A.4 can be obtained with stationarity,which comes from [36] without the restrictive assumption ωx ě c.

The proof of directedness (Theorem A.4(a) above) given in [27, Theorem 4.3] uses the shape the-orem of ergodic cocycles stated in [27, Theorem A.1]. This shape theorem holds also in the stationarysetting, as stated above in (A.3). This result comes from [36, Theorem 4.4] and it is proved in detailin Appendix B of [35]. Now the proof of [27, Theorem 4.3] goes through line-by-line after switchingits references and applying [36, Lemma 4.5(c)] to identify the correct centering for the cocycle.

Similarly, the non-existence of directed bi-infinite geodesics (Theorem A.4(c) above) proved in[27, Theorem 4.6] needs only stationarity after minor changes. Essentially the same argument is givenin [36, Lemma 6.1] in positive temperature, assuming only stationarity.

We next record an easy consequence of the previous results, ruling out the existence of non-trivialsemi-infinite geodesics which are either e1- or e2-directed.

Lemma A.6. For ω P Ω10XΩ2

0XΩ30, if γx is a semi-infinite geodesic emanating from xwith γxnnÑ ei

for some i P t1, 2u, then γx “ γ x,ei .

Proof. We consider the case of i “ 1, with the case of i “ 2 being similar. Call x ¨ pe “ k andfix a sequence ζn P riU with ζn Ñ e1 as n Ñ 8. By Theorem A.4(a), γ x,ζn is Uζn-directed.[41, Theorem 2.4] implies that e1 R Uζn . Then, by (A.5), if γx is as in the statement, we must haveγ x,ζn` ĺ γx` ĺ x ` pk ´ `qe1 “ γ x,e1

` for all n P N and ` ě k. But Theorem A.1(h) implies that foreach fixed ` ě k, γ x,ζn

` “ x`pk´ `qe1 “ γ x,e1` holds for all large enough n. The result follows.

52 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

Under the assumption that g is differentiable on riU , Theorem A.4(e) holds for all ξ P riU .An application of the Fubini-Tonelli theorem gives that the claims in Theorem A.4(b) and TheoremA.4(c) in fact hold on a single full P-measure event simultaneously for Lebesgue-almost all directionsξ P riU . It is conjectured that the claim in part (c) holds in fact on a single full-measure event,simultaneously, for all ξ P riU .

The next result is a small extension of Lemma 4.4 of [27], achieved by an application of themonotonicity in (2.13).

Theorem A.7. Assume the regularity condition (2.4). For any ω P Ω10 X Ω2

0, (2.16) holds.

The next theorem says that there are multiple geodesics that are directed in the same asymptotic di-rection ξ˚ as the competition interface, which itself can be characterized using the Busemann process.See Figure 2.3.

Theorem A.8. [27, Equation (5.2) and Theorems 2.6, 2.8, and 5.3] There exists a T -invariant eventΩ4

0 such that PpΩ40q “ 1 and the following hold for all ω P Ω4


(a) There exists a unique point ξ˚pωq P riU such that (2.17) holds.

(b) For any ξ P riU , Ppξ˚ “ ξq ą 0 if and only if ξ P priUqrD.

(c) For any ζ ă η in riU with ∇gpζ`q ‰ ∇gpη´q, for any x P Z2, there exists y ě x suchthat ξ˚pTyωq P sζ, ηr. Consequently, any open interval outside the closed linear segments of gcontains ξ˚ with positive probability.

(d) For any ξ P priUqrD and for any x P Z2, there exists y ě x such that ξ˚pTyωq “ ξ.

If the regularity condition (2.4) holds then the following also hold.

(e) We have the limit

ξ˚pωq “ limnÑ8

n´1ϕ0npωq. (A.6)

(f) ξ˚pTxωq is the unique direction ξ such that there are at least two Uξ-directed semi-infinitegeodesics from x, namely γ x,ξ˘, that separate at x and never intersect thereafter.

Remark A.5 applies here as well. Ergodicity is invoked in the proofs of parts (b), (c) and (d) in[27, Theorem 5.3(iii)–(iv)] to apply the cocycle shape theorem. In our stationary setting this can bereplaced with the combination of Theorem 4.4 and Lemma 4.5(c) of [36].

The following result for exponential weights, due to Coupier, states that there are no directions ξwith three ξ-directed geodesics emanating from the same site.

Theorem A.9. [16, Theorem 1(2)] Assume that under P, the weights tωx : x P Z2u are exponentiallydistributed i.i.d. random variables. Then there exists a T -invariant event Ωno3geo

0 with PpΩno3geo0 q “ 1

and such that for any ω P Ωno3geo0 , any ξ P riU , and any x P Z2, there exist at most two ξ-directed

semi-infinite geodesics out of x.

Fix a countable dense set U0 Ă D. The following event of full P-probability is the basic settingfor the proofs in Sections 7–8:

Ω0 “ Ω10 X Ω2

0 X Ω40 X




ξ X Ω3ξs





ξPpriUqzD Ω3ξ


. (A.7)

When additional assumptions are needed, Ω0 will be further restricted.

Geodesics in LPP 53

B Auxiliary lemmas

The next lemma follows from the shape theorem for cocycles (A.3).

Lemma B.1. Suppose g is differentiable on riU . For any ω P Ω0, ξ P riU , and any v P R2,n´1Bξ˘p0, tnvuq both converge to v ¨∇gpξq as nÑ8.

Proof. The claim is obvious for v “ 0. Suppose v P R2`zt0u, the other cases being similar. Take

ω P Ω0 and ζ, η P U0 with ζ ¨ e1 ă ξ ¨ e1 ă η ¨ e1. Let xn “ tnvu “ mne1 ` `ne2. Then

Bξ`p0, xnq “ Bξ`p0,mne1q `Bξ`pmne1, xnq

ď Bηp0,mne1q `Bζpmne1, xnq

ď Bηp0,mne1q `Bζp0, xnq ´B


Divide by n, take it to8, and apply the (A.3) to Bζ and Bη to get


n´1Bξ`p0, xnq ď pv ¨ e1qe1 ¨∇gpηq ` v ¨∇gpζq ´ pv ¨ e1qe1 ¨∇gpζq.

Take ζ and η to ξ to getlimnÑ8

n´1Bξ`p0, xnq ď v ¨∇gpξq.

The lower bound on the liminf holds similarly and so we have proved the claim for Bξ`. The sameargument works for Bξ´.

The lemma below is proved by calculus.

Lemma B.2. Fix c ą 0. Then for all n ě 1 and all a, b such that c ď a ď b ď a` cn ,


pa` bq2n´1ě





. (B.1)

C M/M/1 queues and Busemann functions

This appendix summarizes results from [22] that are needed for the proofs of the results of Section 5.Fix parameters 0 ă α ă β. We formulate a stationary M/M/1 queue in a particular way. The inputsare two independent i.i.d. sequences: an inter-arrival process I “ pIiqiPZ with marginal distributionIi „ Exppαq and a service process Y “ pYiqiPZ with marginal distribution Yi „ Exppβq. Out ofthese inputs are produced two outputs: an inter-departure process rI “ prIkqkPZ and a sojourn processJ “ pJkqkPZ, through the following formulas. Let G “ pGkqkPZ be any function on Z that satisfiesIk “ Gk ´Gk`1. Define the function rG “ p rGkqkPZ by

rGk “ supm:měk


Gm `mÿ




“ Gk ` Yk ` supm:měk



pYi`1 ´ Iiq. (C.1)

The convention for the empty sum isřk´1i“k “ 0. Under the assumption on I and Y , the supremum in

(C.1) is almost surely assumed at some finite m. Then define the outputs by

rIk “ rGk ´ rGk`1 (C.2)

54 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen


Jk “ rGk ´Gk “ Yk ` supm:měk



pYi`1 ´ Iiq. (C.3)

The outputs satisfy the useful iterative equations

rIk “ Yk ` pIk ´ Jk`1q` and Jk “ Yk ` pJk`1 ´ Ikq

`. (C.4)

In particular, this implies the inequality rIk ě Yk.It is a basic fact about M/M/1 queues that rI and J are i.i.d. sequences with marginals rIk „

Exppαq and Jk „ Exppβ ´ αq. Furthermore, the three variables pYk, Ik, Jk`1q on the right-handsides of equations (C.4) are independent. (See for example Appendix A in [22].) But rI and J are notindependent of each other.

The queueing interpretation goes as follows. A service station processes a bi-infinite sequenceof customers. Queueing time runs backwards on the lattice Z. Ii is the time between the arrivals ofcustomers i`1 and i (i`1 arrived before i) and Yi is the service time required by customer i. rIk is thetime between the departures of customers k`1 and k, with k`1 departing before k. Jk is the sojourntime of customer k, that is, the total time customer k spent in the system from arrival to departure. Jkis the sum of the service time Yk and the waiting time of customer k, represented by the last memberof (C.3). Because of our unusual convention with the backward indexing, even if Gk is the moment ofarrival of customer k, rGk is not the moment of departure. The definition of rG in (C.1) is natural in thepresent setting because it immediately ties in with LPP. The convention in [22] is different because in[22] geodesics go south and west instead of north and east.

The joint distribution of successive nearest-neighbor increments of two Busemann functions on ahorizontal or vertical line can now be described as follows. This is a special case of Theorem 3.2 in[22].

Theorem C.1. Let ζ ă η in riU with parameters α “ αpζq ă αpηq “ β given by (5.2). LetI “ pIiqiPZ and Y “ pYiqiPZ be two independent i.i.d. sequences and define rI “ prIkqkPZ as abovethrough (C.1)–(C.2).

(a) Let Ii „ Exppαq and Yi „ Exppβq. Then the sequence pBζke1,pk`1qe1

, Bηke1,pk`1qe1

qkPZ has the

same joint distribution as the pair prI, Y q.

(b) Let Ii „ Expp1´ βq and Yi „ Expp1´ αq. Then the sequence pBζke2,pk`1qe2

, Bηke2,pk`1qe2


has the same joint distribution as the pair pY, rIq.

Next we derive a random walk representation for the sequence tBζke1,pk`1qe1

´ Bηke1,pk`1qe1


of (nonnegative) differences. By Theorem C.1 this sequence is equal in distribution to trIk ´ YkukPZ.Define a two-sided randon walk S with positive drift ErIi´1 ´ Yis “ α´1 ´ β´1 by

Sn “




´ř0i“n`1pIi´1 ´ Yiq, n ă 0

0, n “ 0řni“1pIi´1 ´ Yiq, n ą 0.


Then from (C.4) and (C.3),

rIk ´ Yk “ pIk ´ Jk`1q` “





pIi´1 ´ Yiq



pSn ´ Skq(`.

Geodesics in LPP 55

From above we can record that for r ą 0,


ą Bη0,e1q “ P pIk ą Jk`1q “

β ´ α

β. (C.6)

Corollary C.2. Let ζ ă η in riU with parameters α “ αpζq ă αpηq “ β given by (5.2). Let S bethe random walk in (C.5) with step distribution Exppαq´Exppβq. Then the sequence tBζ



ukPZ has the same distribution as the sequence `


Sn ´ Sk˘`(


D Random walk

Let 0 ă α ă β and let tXiuiPZ be a doubly infinite sequence of i.i.d. random variables with marginaldistribution Xi „ Exppαq ´ Exppβq (difference of two independent exponential random variables).Let θ denote the shift on the underlying canonical sequence space so that Xj “ Xk ˝ θ

j´k. LettSnunPZ be the two-sided random walk such that S0 “ 0 and Sn ´ Sm “

řni“m`1Xi for all m ă n

in Z. Let pλiqiě1 be the strict ascending ladder epochs of the forward walk. That is, begin with λ0 “ 0,and for i ě 1 let

λi “ inftn ą λi´1 : Sn ą Sλi´1u.

The positive drift of Sn ensures that these variables are finite almost surely. For i ě 1 define theincrementsLi “ λi´λi´1 andHi “ Sλi´Sλi´1

. The variables tLi, Hiuiě1 are mutually independentwith marginal distribution

P pL1 “ n,H1 ą rq “ Cn´1αn´1βn

pα` βq2n´1e´αr, n P N, r ě 0. (D.1)

Above Cn “ 1n`1




for n ě 0 are the Catalan numbers. A small extension of the proof of LemmaB.3 in [22] derives (D.1).

LetW0 “ inf

mą0Sm. (D.2)

Note that W0 ˝ θn ą 0 if and only if Sn ă infmąn Sm, that is, n is a last exit time for the random

walk. Define successive last exit times (in the language of Doney [19]) by

σ0 “ inftn ě 0 : Sn ă infmąn


and for i ě 1, σi “ inftn ą σi´1 : Sn ă infmąn


Proposition D.1. Conditionally on W0 ą 0 (equivalently, on σ0 “ 0), the pairs tpσi ´ σi´1, Sσi ´Sσi´1quiě1 are i.i.d. with marginal distribution

P pσi ´ σi´1 “ n, Sσi ´ Sσi´1 ą r |W0 ą 0q “ Cn´1αn´1βn

pα` βq2n´1e´αr (D.4)

for all i P N, n P N, and r ě 0.

Proof. Let 0 “ n0 ă n1 ă ¨ ¨ ¨ ă n` and r1, . . . , r` ą 0. The dual random walk S˚k “ Sn` ´ Sn`´k

for 0 ď k ď n` (p. 394 in Feller II [24]) satisfies pS˚k q0ďkďn`d“ pSkq0ďkďn` and is independent of

W0 ˝ θn` .


@i “ 1, . . . , ` : σi ´ σi´1 “ ni ´ ni´1 and Sσi ´ Sσi´1 ą ri, W0 ą 0˘

56 Christopher Janjigian, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppalainen

“ P`

@i “ 1, . . . , ` : σi “ ni and Sσi ´ Sσi´1 ą ri, W0 ą 0˘

“ P`

@i “ 1, . . . , ` : Sk ą Sni ą Sni´1 ` ri for k P Kni´1, niJ , W0 ˝ θn` ą 0


“ P`

@i “ 1, . . . , ` : S˚j ă S˚n`´ni ă S˚n`´ni´1´ ri for j P Kn` ´ ni, n` ´ ni´1J , W0 ˝ θ

n` ą 0˘

“ P`

@k “ 1, . . . , ` : λk “ n` ´ n`´k and Hk ą r`´k`1


P pW0 ą 0q

“ P`

@k “ 1, . . . , ` : Lk “ n`´k`1 ´ n`´k and Hk ą r`´k`1


P pW0 ą 0q.

The claim follows from the independence of tLk, Hku and (D.1).

From σ0 as defined in (D.3), extend σi to negative indices by defining, for i “ ´1,´2,´3, . . . ,

σi “ max

k ă σi`1 : Sk ă Sσi`1


. (D.5)

For each k P Z setWk “ inf

n:nąkSn ´ Sk. (D.6)

Then one can check that σ´1 ă 0 ď σ0, and for all i, k P Z,

Sσi “ infn:nąσi´1

Sn, (D.7)

Wσi “ infn:nąσi

Sn ´ Sσi “ Sσi`1 ´ Sσi , (D.8)

andWk ą 0 ðñ k P tσi : i P Zu. (D.9)

Theorem D.2. Conditionally on σ0 “ 0, equivalently, on W0 ą 0, tσi`1 ´ σi,Wσi : i P Zu is ani.i.d. sequence with marginal distribution


σi`1 ´ σi “ n, Wσi ą rˇ

ˇW0 ą 0˘

“ Cn´1αn´1βn

pβ ` αq2n´1e´αr (D.10)

for all i P N, n P N, and r ě 0.

Proof. Define the processes Ψ` “ tσi`1 ´ σi,Wσi : i ě 0u and Ψ´ “ tσi`1 ´ σi,Wσi : i ď ´1u.Ψ` and the conditioning event W0 ą 0 depend only on pSnqně1, while W0 ą 0 implies for n ă 0that infm:mąn Sm “ infm:nămď0 Sm. Ψ` and Ψ´ have been decoupled.

Define another forward walk with the same step distribution by rSk “ ´S´k for k ě 0. Let λ0 “ 0,pλiqiě1 be the successive ladder epochs andHi “ rSλi´

rSλi´1the successive ladder height increments

for the rS walk.We claim that on the event σ0 “ 0,

λ´i “ ´σi and Wσi “ H´i for i ď ´1. (D.11)

First by definition, λ0 “ 0 “ ´σ0. By the definitions and by induction, for i ď ´1,

λ´i “ mintk ą λ´i´1 : rSk ą rSλ´i´1u “ mintk ą ´σi`1 : S´k ă Sσi`1u

“ ´maxtn ă σi`1 : Sn ă Sσi`1u “ ´σi

where the last equality came from (D.5). Then from (D.8),

Wσi “ Sσi`1 ´ Sσi “ ´rS´σi`1 `

rS´σi “ ´rSλ´i´1

` rSλ´i “ H´i.

Geodesics in LPP 57

Claim (D.11) has been verified.Let Ψ1 “ tλ´i ´ λ´i´1, H´i : i ď ´1u, a function of pSnqnď´1. By (D.11), Ψ´ “ Ψ1 on the

event σ0 “ 0.Let A and B be suitable measurable sets of infinite sequences.

P pΨ` P A,Ψ´ P B |W0 ą 0q “1

P pW0 ą 0qP pΨ` P A,Ψ

1 P B,W0 ą 0q

“P pΨ` P A,W0 ą 0q

P pW0 ą 0qP pΨ1 P Bq “ P pΨ` P A |W0 ą 0qP pΨ1 P Bq.

The conclusion follows. By Proposition D.1, conditional on W0 ą 0, Ψ` has the i.i.d. distribution(D.10), which is the same as the i.i.d. distribution (D.1) of Ψ1.

Acknowledgments. The authors thank Yuri Bakhtin for helpful conversations. C. Janjigian was partially supported by Na-tional Science Foundation grant DMS-2125961. F. Rassoul-Agha was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1407574and DMS-1811090. T. Seppalainen was partially supported by National Science Foundation grants DMS-1602486 andDMS-1854619, and by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

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