Genie, the Magic Pencil



children's bok

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There was a magic pencil named Genie. He was very generous and loved to help others.

One sunny Spring, Genie saw a Woodpecker crying while he was walking around the town.

“Woodpecker, Woodpecker,

why are you crying?”

“I fell from a tree and I broke my leg.”

“Don’t worry Woodpecker, I will help you.”

Genie drew a bandage on his notebook.


Suddenly, the bandage popped out of a notebook. Woodpecker used the bandage to wrap around her broken leg.

“Thank you, Genie. Thank you.”

One sunny Summer, Genie saw a Bunny crying while he was walking around the town.

“Bunny, Bunny, why are you crying?”

“There is a carrot on the cliff but I can’t reach it.”

“Don’t worry Bunny, I will help you.”

Genie drew a spring on his notebook.


Suddenly, the spring popped out of a notebook. Bunny used the spring to go up the cliff.

“Thank you, Genie. Thank you.”

One sunny Fall, Genie saw a Kitty crying while he was walking around the town.

“Kitty, Kitty, why are you crying?”

“I climbed up too high. I am too scared to climb down.”

“Don’t worry Kitty, I will help you.”

Genie drew a ladder on his notebook.


Suddenly, the ladder popped out of a notebook. Kitty used the ladder to climb down the tree.

“Thank you, Genie. Thank you.”

One sunny Winter, Genie saw a Mole crying while he was walking around the town.

“Mole, Mole, why are you crying?”

“I lost my lantern. I can’t go into the mine.”

“Don’t worry Mole, I will help you.”

Genie drew a lantern on his notebook.


Suddenly, the lantern popped out of a notebook. Mole used the lantern to go into the mine.

“Thank you, Genie. Thank you.”

“I will get graphite from mine” said Mole.

“I will grind the graphite.” said Kitty.

“I will get wood.” said Woodpecker.

“I will trim the wood.” said Bunny.

Genie was getting shorter and shorter. He became too short to help others. Woodpecker, Bunny, Kitty and Mole got together and decided to make a new pencil for Genie.

After making a new pencil they brought it to Genie. He was very surprised.


Genie transferred into a new pencil and became long again. He became very happy.

“Thank you, everyone.Thank you.”
