Genesis 39-40 Week Twenty-One: Freedom in Prison · Genesis 39:1-12. 2. Who had her eye on Joseph...


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    1. There is freedom in _______________

    2. There is freedom in _________ ___________________

    3. There is freedom in _______________

    4. There is freedom when __________________

    5. There is freedom in ______________

    Rescued – Genesis 39-40 Week Twenty-One: Freedom in Prison

  • How are you doing, friend? We are in the home stretch - literally. Only 5 more weeks before we finish our journey through Genesis. I hope you’re learning from the examples of so many who came before us how to live more godly lives for the glory of our King. We will spend this week back with Joseph. Trust me when I tell you you’re about to fall in love with this young man!

    Day One: Success

    Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery. He could have receded in defeat and self-pity. Instead, we will meet a young man who rose in the ranks giving glory to God, reminding us that no matter what happens to us, we can still overcome defeat and live in the land of joy and victory! Read Genesis 39:1-6. Exploring the Text

    1. Who bought Joseph when he got to Egypt? 2. Joseph quickly developed what looked like the Midas touch.

    What has his key to success as described in verse 2?

  • 21 3. What kind of testimony did Joseph maintain, despite being a

    slave? 4. How did Potiphar, Joseph’s boss,

    demonstrated that he valued Joseph? 5. Verse 5 says that the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for

    Joseph’s sake. What does that say about our God?

    The Lord was with Joseph and he

    became a successful man.

  • Application for your life?

    Record your thoughts here.



    Personal Application 6. How does the story of Joseph change your

    perspective on the key to success in the workplace?

  • 21 Day Two: Temptation

    Joseph was doing very well in Potiphar’s house. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us, then, that trouble was about to come his way. There is so much to learn from Joseph. Today we will glean some valuable lessons on how to fight temptation. Read Genesis 39:6-12. Exploring the Text 1. Describe Joseph – both outwardly and inwardly based on

    Genesis 39:1-12. 2. Who had her eye on Joseph and how did she make it known? 3. How persistent was she?

  • 4. What was the premise of Joseph’s refusal to give in to

    Potiphar’s wife as stated in vs.9? 5. How strong did Joseph appear to be?

    6. As Potiphar’s wife got more and more

    frustrated, she also got more and more aggressive. What did she do?

    7. How did Joseph respond when Potiphar’s wife became more

    aggressive and persistent in her pursuit?

    Too many people base their lives on

    “if and when”. Joseph never

    related to that mentality. He lived

    in the here and now.

  • 21 Personal Application 8. What kind of temptation are you facing right

    now? 9. List some principles from today’s reading

    about how to handle temptation when it chases after you.

    Application for your life?

    Record your thoughts here.



  • Day Three: Wrongly Accused

    Poor Joseph doesn’t seem to be able to catch a break! After escaping temptation, he gets wrongly accused and will land in prison for it. But through it all, God is still the unseen hand guiding every detail and step of Joseph’s life. Oh how he loves us! Read Genesis 39:13-23. Exploring the Text 1. How did Potiphar’s wife retaliate when rejected by Joseph?

    2. How did Potiphar respond to his wife’s

    claims? Did he even give Joseph a chance to explain himself?

    3. Where did Potiphar send Joseph?

    Genesis 39:21a

    But the Lord was with Joseph.

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    Application for your life?

    Record your thoughts here.



    4. In vs.21, we are given the secret to Joseph’s

    peace in the midst of the next wave of trouble. Write down the first 6 words of that verse.

    5. How fast did Joseph rise in the ranks in

    prison? Personal Application 6. Having the Lord on your side makes all the

    difference in the world! Do you sense God’s presence with you when you face unexpected trouble?

    7. How can you be regularly more aware of

    God’s presence in the dark times of your life?

  • Day Four: In the Prison

    Joseph is now in prison, but to Joseph, prison is simply a location. God is the anchor that remains with Joseph as he continues to succeed and do well. If you find yourself in a prison of your own difficult and unfair circumstances, I know the story of Joseph is a great encouragement to you! Peace becomes ours when we know that God sees us even in our darkest prison cells. Read Genesis 40:1-8. Exploring the Text 1. Describe this new situation in which Joseph now found himself. 2. Two interesting and important people joined Joseph in prison

    soon. Who were they? 3. Was it a coincidence that they ended up in the same prison area

    as Joseph’s?

  • 21 4. Something happened to both men in vs. 5. What was it?

    5. How could Joseph tell that something was

    wrong with these two men? 6. Joseph wasn’t daunted by the dreams of his new friends. Who

    did Joseph believe made it possible to interpret dreams?

    The very things Joseph could have

    resented as the cause of his

    troubles in life – his dreams and the dreams of others - turned out to be the

    amazing key that revealed God’s plan for Joseph.

  • Application for your life?

    Record your thoughts here.



    Personal Application 7. There is no coincidence with the Lord. His

    timing is perfect, and so is His work. Nothing about your life is a coincidence. God ordained every detail. How does that truth affect you today?

    8. Your countenance says a lot about your

    mood. What can people tell about you based on your countenance?

  • 21 Day Five: Forgotten

    We finish this week’s homework with a bittersweet episode. Joseph’s act of kindness and correct interpretation of the dream are unnoticed and forgotten by the cupbearer. Still…Joseph maintained his faith in the Lord. Read Genesis 40:9-22. Exploring the Text 1. The first to tell his dream was the cupbearer. What was his

    dream and what did it mean? 2. What did Joseph ask the cupbearer to do when released? 3. The baker then took courage and described his dream to

    Joseph. What was his dream and what did it mean?

  • 4. How accurate was Joseph’s interpretation of the dream? 5. What happened to the baker and the butler three days later?

    6. Did the cupbearer keep his promise and remember Joseph?

    Delays are opportunities in


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    Application for your life?

    Record your thoughts here.



    Personal Application 7. I’m not sure what worse: going to prison for

    something you didn’t do, or being forgotten in prison when deliverance seems so sure. Either way, Joseph’s trust in the Lord is unshaken. His eyes remain on a Sovereign God who knows exactly what he is doing and when. How does Joseph’s example encourage you to go on this week no matter what you are facing?

    8. Write down a brief prayer asking God to

    help you trust him more, not because of the answers he gives you but simply because of who He is!
