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Information Supplied by the South African Government

The South African import control regulations were amended by GovernmentNotice No. R.1328 on 26 July 1972, and the CONTRACTING PARTIES have been informedof the essence of the changes (see C/M/79 and L/3730/Add.1). The South AfricanGovernment has now supplied the attached lists of products falling within thedifferent licensing categories under the amended regulations. The brief descriptiongiven below of the import control system showing the treatment accorded to thevarious categories of products is based on information previously supplied by theSouth African authorities.

1. The import restrictions of the Republic of South Africa are applied pursuant tothe powers conferred on the Minister of Economic Affairs by Section 2(1) of the Importand Export Control Act No. 45 of 1963. This provides that the Minister may, wheneverhe deems it necessary or expedient in the public interest, by notice in the GovernmentGazette, prohibit, restrict or regulate imports into or exports from the Republic ofSouth Africa.

2. Only one type of import permit, valid for imports from all sources, is issued inrespect of all imported goods subject to import permit. The issue of an import permitcarries with it the assurance that the foreign exchange to effect the importation inquestion will automatically be made available by the commercial banks againstpresentation by the importer of the appropriate shipping documents.

3. The South African import policy distinguishes generally between the followingbroad categories of imports:

(a) Goods which may be imported without an import permit (Annex A);

(b) goods which may be imported only under permit and for which quotas aredetermined from time to time (Annex B); and

(c) goods which may be imported only under permit and for which specific permitsauthorizing the importation of these goods individually are issued (Annex C).

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Goods Which may be Imported Without an Import Permit

I. Goods exempt from import permit or import licensing

(a) Goods in transit through South Africa.

(b) Goods being household or personal effects (excluding motor vehicles)imported by any person who arrives or who has arrived in South Africa for atemporary period or to settle therein if the goods are to be used by the saidperson in South Africa and are not for resale.

(c) Goods being a bona fide gift not exceeding R 10 in value.

(d) Samples of no commercial value received free of charge.

(e) Goods imported from Rhodesia, Zambia, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland orBotswana, if such goods were grown, produced or manufactured in the countriesmentioned, with the exception of sugar, unrefined or refined (Customs TariffItem No. ex 17.01. imported from Swaziland, and also goods grown, produced ormanufactured in the Republic of South Africa, but excluding a motor vehiclaassembled or manufactured in the Republic of South Africa, other than such avehicle which is the personal property of an individual and is intended for hisown use, exported to Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi andbrought back to the Republicof South Africa by him.

(f) Goods imported for repair or processing in South Africa, and returnprovided ownership remains vested in the original exporter to South Africa.

(g) Empty containers which originally contained goods exported fromSouth Africa and returned free of charge to the original exporter in South Africa.

(h) Goods, the property of a South African resident, returning toSouth Africa after an absence of not less than fourteen days and required for hispersonal use or the use of his family, provided the total value thereof does notexceed R 200 and provided the goods accompany the South African resident on hisreturn.

(i) Printed bona fide advertising matter supplied free of charge.

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II. Other goods which may be imported without permit import licensing

Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Animals and birds, live

Sausage casings (animal)

Animal semen


Sausage casing (other)

Petrol and aviation spirit


Distillate fuels and residual fuel oils

Crude oil

White spirit

Lubricating greases and lubricating oils

Petroleum jelly

Benzene, toluene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane

Additives for mineral oils and petrol not prepared forretail sale

Life-saving rockets and flares


























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Description of goods Tariffheading No.

X-ray plates and film ex 37.01ex .. c~~~~~~~~~~~~937 "02

Sensitized photographic paper, but excludingdiazo-coated paper for dry and moist developmentprocesses for plan reproduction and office copying

Rubber bands


Hardwood, in the rough or roughly squared

Railway or tramway sleepers of wood

Lifebuoys and lifebelts

Printed pattern paper for the clothing industry

Stencil sheets for duplicating

Record binders

Telephone indexes and refills

Pocket diaries and refills

Deak diaries and refills

Offset duplicating masters

Belt backing; plain paper patterns, or thosewith printed instructions, for dressmaking, andprinted envelopes in which such patterns are imported

Printed books, booklets, brochures, pamphlets andleaflets

ex 37.03

ex 40.14

ex 40.14

ex 44.03ex /4.04ex 44.05


ex 45.03ex 45.04ex 70.21

ex 48.07ex 48.21

ex 48.07ex 48.13

ex 48.18

ex 48.18

ex 48.18

ex 48.18

ex 48.13

ex 48.21

ex 49.01ex 49e11

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TariffDescription of goods heading No.

Newspapers and periodicals

Childrents picture books and painting books

Music, printed or in manuscript

ex 49..02


Maps, charts, atlases and terrestrial andcelestial globes

Transfers (decalcomanias)

Catalogues; price lists and trade publications;paper dressmaking pattern catalogues ;printers' proofs


Wool noils

Wool tops

Waistbanding in the piece

Belt backing; eyeletted tape and hook-and-eyetape

Elastic, tape, braid, webbing, ribbon andbindings; cloth labels and tabs withwoven inscriptions

Dressing gown cord; narrow woven textilefabrics with woven fringes; ornamental trimmingsin the piece; loops and loopings for the overalland clothing industry

Buttonhole gimped yarn

Tracing cloth

Elastic trouser bindings, elastic trimmings, notknitted or crocheted

Second-hand overcoats



ex 49.08

ex 49.11

53.01ex 53005

ex 53.03

ex 53.05

ex 58.05ex 61.11

ex 58.05ex 83.09

ex 58.05ex 58.06ex 58.07ex 59.13

ex 58.07

ex 58.07

ex 59.07

ex 59.13

ex 63.01

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Description of goods

Edgings, knitted, not elastic or rubberized;pyjama girdles

Suspender ends and grips

Shoulder and other pads; dressing gown girdles

Elastic trouser bands; adjustable shoulderstraps for women's underwear

Head-bands and chevrettes of leather orimitation leather, for headgear; peaksDiamonds, unworked and synthetic

Diamond powder and dust

Clocks and watches and parts thereof, excludingwatch straps

Shaving brushes

Drawing pins

Typewriter and office machine empty ribbon spools (metal)

Caps, rivets and eyelets, eyelets

Needles, excluding knitting needles

TariffTariff heading No.

ex 60.05







ex 65.07

ex 71.02ex 71.03

ex 71.04


ex 99.06

ex 71.13ex 96.02

ex 73.31ex 74.14

ex 73.40

ex 83.09

ex 39.07ex 76.16ex 84.38ex 84.41ex 95.04

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TariffDescription of goods Tariffheading No.

Pins, including safety pins ex 73.34ex 74.19

Metal fasteners for buttons ex 73.40

Banding machines and tools ex 82.04ex 84.19

Safety razors ex 82.11ex 85.07

Scissors ex 82.12

Hair clippers ex 82.13ex 85.07

Manicure sets ex 82.13

Tower and turret bolls, and parts thereof ex 83.11

Needles and spare parts for all domestic ex 84.4sewing machinesDomestic knitting machines ex 84.37

Domestic sewing machines ex 84.41

Cheque writing machines ex 84.51

Typewriters ex 84.51

Calculating machines ex 84.52ex 84.53

Cash registers ex 84.52

Accounting machines ex 84.52ex 84.53

Postage-franking machines ex 84.52

Ticket-issuing machines ex 84.52

Adding machines ex 84.52

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Description of goods

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Continuous stationery processing machinesfor use in conjunction with electronic dataprocessing machines, if connectable

Computer disc packs

Electronic data processing machines and ancillaryand peripheral equipment and parts therefor


Bookkeeping machines

Change-giving machines

Coin-counting and coin-sorting machines

Addressing machines

Electronic stencil cutters

Data encoders

Collating, folding, inserting and closing machines

Perforators (for office use)

Automatic typewriting equipment, when importedseparately from typewriters

Punches (for office use)

Watch-cleaning machines

Primary batteries of a type ordinarily used for deaf-aids

Inter-office communication sets and equipment

Tape recorder head phones

Tape recorder microphones


heading No.

ex 84.53

ex 84.55

ex 84.53ex 84.54ex 84.55.

ex 84.53

ex 84.53

ex 84.54

ex 84.54

ex 84.54

ex 84,54

ex 84.53

ex 84.54ex 84.32ex 84.54

ex 84.54

ex 84.54

ex 84.59

ex 85.03

ex 85.13

ex 85.13

ex 85.14

Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Amplifiers and loudspeakers

Invalid carriages, and invalid carriages fitted withmeans of mechanical propulsion motorizedd or not) andparts and accessories thereof

Electrostatic automatic document reproducers and peripheraland ancillary equipment and parts therefor


Surveying instruments

Drawing and mathematical sets; set squares; protractors;compasses and dividers

Medical dental, surgical and veterinary instruments andappliances and electro-medical apparatus and ophthalmicinstruments

Gas masks and other life-saving equipment, including minerescue apparatus

Orthopaedic appliances, surgical belts, trusses and the like;Artificial limbs, eyes and other artificial parts of the body(excluding artificial teeth)


X-ray apparatus and accessories

Scientific and laboratory instruments, parts or accessoriestherefor

Air pressure gauges, exluding non-metric

Time registers and recorders

Clock movements and parts therefor

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ex 85.14

87.11es 87.12ex 87.13

ex 90.10

ex 90.11ex 90.12

ex 90.14

ex 90.16


ex 90.18

ex 90.19

ex 90.19

ex 90.20

ex 90.22ex 90.23ex 90.24ex 90.25ex 90.28ex 90.29

ex 90.24

ex 91.05

91.08ex 91.11

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Description of goods

Dictating machines

Tape recorders

Sound recorders

Tape recorder foot controls

Magnetic recording tapes, cassettes and discs

Empty spools

Verey light pistols, line-throwing guns and the like forlife-savingTime recorder metal card racks

Charting and planning boards

Hair combs and brushes (toilet)

Tariffheading No.

ex .92.

ex 92.11

ex 92.11

ex 92.13

ex 92.12

ex 39.07

ex 93.04







Whalebone supports used in clothing

Typewriter brushes

Button moulds; snap-fasteners; press-buttons on tape;plain single shirt studs, other than those of metal,generally used in the clothing industry


Marking pens

Pen nibs

Pencil leads; tailors' chalks

Numbering machines (hand)

Plastic carbon ribbons Lors typewriters


















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TariffDescription of goods heading No.

Plastic, silk and cotton computer ribbons 98.08

Corset busks and similar supports for articles of apparel or 98.13clothing accessories

Vacuum flasks and glass inners for vacuum flasks ex 98.15ex 70.12

Note 1: The articles appearing inPart II of this annex shall also be exempt fromthe production of permits when they are imported under rebate of customsduty under the Third, Fourth and Fifth Schedules to the Customs andExcise Act, No. 91 of 1964.

Noe2: The menig to be assigned toanydescriptionofarticlesinPart II ofthis annex shall be the meaning attached to similarly numbered items inthe First Schedule to the Customs and Exccise Act, No. 91 of 1964.

Note 3: All goods mentioned in Part II of this annex shall include maintenancespares therefor, provided such spares do not fall under the items inrespect of which a specific permit is required.

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I. Goods which may be imported only under permit and for which permits aregranted to meet the full reasonable requirements of merchants and


(i) Raw materials, components, consumable stores and maintenance sparesother than those specified in Annex C;

(ii) plant, machinery, equipment and spares therefor, other than thosespecified in Annex C;

(iii) agricultural tractors, machinery and spares therefor, other than thosespecified in Annex C;

(iv) motor cycles, motor scooters, mopeds, components and spares therefor;

(v) components and sub-assemblies for passenger motor vehicles coveredby a currently valid manufacturing programme approved by or on behalfof the Minister of Economic Affairs;

(vi) aircraft and gliders and spares therefor;

(vii) professional electronic equipment and spares therefor;

(viii) artisans' and mechanics' hand tools, including portable power toolsand spares therefor, other than those specified in Annex C;

(ix) ships, boats and all other types of vessels and spares therefor.

Note 1: Permits issued for a particular class or kind of goods in Part I of thisannex will not be interchangeable for any other class or kind of goodsspecified in Part I of this annex.

Note 2: Import permits issued in terms of Part I of this annex wll not be validfor the importation of the goods specified in Part II of this annex andAnnex C.

II Qoods whichmay be imoorted only under permit and for which quotasaredetermined from time to time

(i) Pharmaceutical products and requisites in the finished form otherthan those specified in Annex C;

(ii) fungicides, pesticides and insecticides in the finished form otherthan those specified in Annex C;

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(iii) textile piece goods imported by merchants, other than those specifiedin Annex C;

(iv) wines, all types, including champagne, liqueurs., cordials, mixedpotable spirits and other potable spirits exceeding 3 per cent ofproof spirits; malt liquors;

(v) paper and board imported by merchants, other than these specified in

Annex C;

(vi) commercial motor vehicles and spares therefor;

(vii) all classes and kinds of goods not specified elsewhere in Annexes A, Bor C.

Note 1: Permits issued for a particular class or kind of goods under Part II ofthis annex will not be interchangeable for any other class or kind ofgoods specified in Part II of this annex, with the exception of importpermits issued under item (vii), which will in fact be valid for theimportation of all other items appearing in this annex, but excludingagricultural tractors, machinery and spares therefor (Part I, item (iii)),components and sub-assemblies for passenger motor vehicles (Part I,item (v)).

Note 2: Import permits issued in terms of Part II of this annex will not be validfor the importation of the goods specified in Annex C.

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Goods Which may be Imported only Under Permit and for WhichSpecific Permits Authorizing the Importation of These Goods

Individually are Issued

Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Raw materials, components, consumable stores and maintenancespares for new industries and expansion of existing industries

Plant, machinery, equipment and spares therefor for new industriesand expansion of existing industries

Agricultural tractors, machinery and spares therefore, in respectof which after-sales services are not adequately provided for inthe Republic of South Africa

Fish (fresh, frozen, salted, in brine or dried), but excluding fryand roes, anchovies, caviar, lax, lobster, fish paste, saltedherrings and zippered herrings

Fruits (bottled, tinned or otherwise preserved, including candiedpeel and dried fruit)

ex 03.01ex 03.02


ex 16.05

ex 08.01ex 08.02ex 08.04


ex 20.0120.03

ex 20.04ex 20.06

Coffee, not roasted, roasted or ground; mixed coffee substitutes

Crude and/or processed fish oil., including refined deodorized andhardened fish oil, but excluding fats and oils imported under rebate

ex 09.01ex 21.01ex 21.02

ex 15.04ex 15.12

Tung oil and oiticica oil ex 15.07

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TariffDescription of goods heading No.

Sugar, including loaf and cube sugar and glucose 17.01ex 17.02ex 17.05

Confectionery, including slab chocolate, ice-cream mixes made with ex 17.04sugar, sweetened cocoa or chocolate, sweetmeats, crystallized fruits, ex 18.06chow-chow, but excluding ice-cream, ginger preserved in syrup or ex 20.04brine or in some other manner and candied ginger ex 21.07

Paste, pulp, puree, extract or concentrate of tomato ex 20.02

Glacé cherries ex 20.04

Mercury ex 28.05

Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution 28.16

Unwrought gold in the form of bars, ingots, buttons, wire, plate, ex 28.49granules or in solution or in any other form whatsoever ex 71.07Perchloroethylene ex 29.02

Trichlorodi (chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) and insecticides with ex 29.02trichlorodi (chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) as active ingredient ex 38.11

The following items shall include raw materials as well as thefinished product in dosage form (of tariff heading 30.03):

Ethyl chloride ex 29.02Acetylsalicylic acid and preparations thereof ex 29.16

ex 30.03Salicylic acid and preparations thereof ex 29.16

ex 30.03Methylsalicylate (raw material) ex 29.16Dicyclomine hydrochloride ex 29.23Amylobarbitone and its salts ex 29.25Pentobarbitone and its salts ex 29.25Quinalbarbitone and its salts ex 29.25Lignocaine and its salts ex 29.25Phenylbutazone ex 29.35Furazolidone ex 29.35Nitrofurazone ex 29.35Nitrofurantoin ex 29.35

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TarrifDescription of goods heaig No.headubg No.

Piperazine saltsPhenolphthaleinCalcium methanesulphonate of isonicotinic acid hydrazide in rawmaterial or finished dosage form

Injections (in finished dosage and ampoule form): vitamin B12 andvitamin B complex

Hyaluronidase in raw material and/or in finished dosage form

DigoxinQuinineand quinidine and their salts

Narcotics derived from opium (in raw material and/or in finisheddosage form)

Injections containing salts of penicillin and/or salts ofstreptomycin

Aerosols (containing in finished dosage form): polymixin and/orneomycin and/or bacitracin

Dental anaesthetics in cartridges

Suture materials, surgical, sterile

Gold and any alloy of gold which is used for dental purposes


Diazo-coated paper for dry and moist development processes for planreproduction and office copying


Ethylene polymers and copolymers in liquid, paste, blocks, lumps,powders and similar bulk forms

ex 29.35ex 29.35ex 29.35

ex 29.38ex 30.03

ex 29.40ex 30.03

ex 29.41

ex 29.42

ex 29.42ex 30.03

ex 29.44ex 30.03

ex 29.44ex.30.03

ex 30.03




ex 37.03

ex 30.02

ex 39.02

Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Polyvinyl chloride polymers and copolymers in liquid, paste,blocks, lumps, powders and similar bulk forms

Polypropylene polymers and copolymers in liquid, paste, blocks,lumps, powders and similar bulk forms

Plastic containers for the collection of blood for blood transfussion

Jute bags (lined or unlined) and bags made from plastic or othermaterial, of a kind used for the packing of goods

Medical tubes for endotracheal, tracheostomic and urologicaldrainage as well as for anaesthesia and for veterinary purposes

All clothing (including infants' napkins), excluding second-handovercoats, infants' knitted outerwear not exceeding 50.8 cm. chestmeasurement, infants' nightwear not exceeding 68.6 cm. in length,infants' petticoats not exceeding 45.7 cm. in length, bibs, feedersand saris

Natural rubber

Rubber latex

Synthetic rubber

ex 39.02

ex 39.02

ex 39.07ex 90.17

ex 39.07ex 62.03


Latex camelback

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ex 39.07ex 40.13ex 42.03ex 43.03ex 43.04ex 60.03

60.04ex 60.05ex 60.06


ex 61.0361.04

ex 61.09ex 61.10ex 63.01ex 64.06ex 68.13

ex 40.01




Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Latex seamless tubing

Rubber transmission belts

Ladies' handbags

Wood of coniferous species (in the rough, whether or not strippedof its bark or merely roughed down, roughly squared or half-squaredor planed, but not further manufactured) boxes and shooks.

Basketwork and wickerwork, excluding ladies' handbags and children'shandbags made of rattan or similar materials

40.06ex .40.09

ex 40.10

ex 42.02

44.01ex 44.03ex. 44.04ex 44.05ex 44.13ex 44.21

ex 46.03

Printing and writing paper and board, in rolls or sheets, including ex 48.01paper and board far the manufacture of stationery, envelopes and 48.05

continuous business forms (excluding newsprint paper and paper . ex 48.07

containing 60 per cent or more mechanical wood pulp - percentage of.the fibrous content), with a basis mass not exceeding 250 grs. per

square metre and of an f.o.b. price per 1,000 kgs. not exceeding R 425for uncoated and of an f.o.b. price per 1,000 kgs. not exceeding R 375for coated, impregnated, surface-decorated, surface-coloured or printed

Postage stamps 49.0799.04

Polyester fibres ex 56.01ex 56.02ex 56.03ex 56.04

Jute fibre, Jute bagging and sacking and hessian 57.03ex 57.10

Woven fabrics in which synthetic fibres (continuous and discon-tinuous) predominate, of a mass per m2 of not less than 142 grs.,and woven fabrics in which cellulosic fibres (continuous and dis-continuous predominate and which contain not less than 30 per centof combed wool or other combed animal hair or synthetic fibres ormixtures thereof, of a mass per m2 of not less than 142 grs., butexcluding fabrics imported under rebate of duty and used in themanufacture of boys' shorts, women's and girls' outergarments andinfants' wear


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Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Worsted fabric containing more than 50 per cent wool or animal hair ex 53.11or wool and hair mixed

Sisal, raw or processed, and twine, rope and cordage produced from ex 57.04sisal ex 59.04

Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of woven ex 68.06fabric, of paper, of paperboard or of other materials, whether or notcut to shape or sewn or otherwise made up of emery or corundum

Graduated or calibrated pharmaceutical glassware 70.17

Any article or substance consisting of gold or containing gold which, ex 71.07although manufactured, is not as such an article of commerce

Coins 72.0199-05

Galvanized sheet steel in corrugated, flat, coil or strip form and ex 73.12cold-rolled steel, in sheet, coil or strip form, but excluding stain- ex 73.13less steel ex 73.15

Wrought iron or steel tubes and pipes, not riveted, of a kind ex 73.18commonly used as pipelines for water, gas, steam, drainage andsewerage (excluding down pipes and gutter pipes, light-weight quick-coupling tubas and pipes of steel, and stainless steel tubes andpipes)

Light-weight quick-coupling pipes of the kind used with portable ex 73.18spray irrigation systems

High tensile bolts and nuts ex 73.32

Pressure stoves (Primus stove type) ex 73.36ex 74.17

Cables, cordage and ropes of aluminium ex 76.12

Zinc ex 79.01

Serrated saw banding ex 82.02

Pliers - all types ex 82.03

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Description of goods Tariffheading No.

Engineering and machinists' files, but excluding body files, ex 82.03needle files and rasps

Vices - mechanics', fitters', engineers', bench type (spindle- ex 82.04operated, with or without quick release), woodworkers' orcarpenters' (excluding table, leg, swivel and pipe vices, includingthe combination type)

Hammers of base metal, being carpenters', claw, ballpein, club, ex 82.04sledge, joiners', telephone and brick hammers

Screwdrivers, excluding the ratchet, screw-holding and jewellers' ex 82.04types

Trowels ex 82.04

Twist drills - all types (excluding tungsten carbide drills and ex 82.04wood-boring bit-stock drills) ex 82.05

Milling cutters, all types ex 82.04ex 82.05

Tungsten carbide tips ex 82.07

Miners' safety lamps (cap lamps), electric ex 83.07ex 85.10

Steam boilers and boiler tubes ex 84.01

Pumps of the kind commonly used for the delivery of petrol or ex 84.10lubricating oil, fitted with measuring devices

Air-conditioning machines, excluding machinery containing a heatingelement

Household refrigerators and cabinets therefor of a nominal storagecapacity exceeding 340 litres

Ice-cube-making equipment

Weighing machinery, including weighing machine weights of all kinds

Conveyors and parts thereof

ex 84.12

ex 84.15

ex 84.15

ex 84 20

ex 84.22

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TariffDescription of goods Tarriffheading No.

Scrapers ex 84.23

Road graders ex 84.23

Milling machines ex 84.45

Guillotines (excluding hand guillotines for use in the paper ex 84.45industry)

Plate bending rolls ex 84.45

Presses ex 84.45ex 84.59

Radial and pedestal drilling machines ex 84.45Press brakes ex 84.45Centre lathes ex 84.45

Concrete mixers ex .84. 56

Single row radial ball bearings (excluding angular contact ball ex 84.62bearings) and single row tapered roller bearings, with an outsidediameter of not less than 31 mm. but not exceeding 90 mm.

Electric floor polishers, including vacuum cleaners/floor polisher ex 85.06combinations

Television apparatus and equipment ex 85.15

Graphite electrodes ex 85.24

Built-up passenger motor vehicles in S.U.P. form ex 87.02

Engines, chassis, body parts, sub-assemblies and other materials in ex 87.02C.K.D. or S.K.D. form for the assembly of passenger motor vehicles ex 87.04other than those specified in Part I of Annex B ex 87.05

ex 87.06

Coin-operated projectors ex 90.08ex 90.09

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Description of goods heading No.

Balances of a sensitivity of 5 centigrams or better, with or without 90.15their weights

Metal levels - straight-edged, exceeding 300 mm. in length, of an ex 90.16f.o.b. price not exceeding R 10 per level

Gas supply meters ex 90.26

Water supply meters for use with piping with an inside diameter ex 90.26not exceeding 25.4 mm.

Coin-operated sound reproduction machines (juke boxes), pintables, ex 92.11novelty tables, coin-operated machines and amusement machines ex 97.04

Firearms and ammunition 93.0293.0393.0493.0593.0693.07

Note 1. The classes and kinds of goods specified in this annex, includingmaintenance spares and components therefor, may be imported into SouthAfrica only if the goods are specifically described in the relevantimport permit.

Note 2: Import permits issued in terms of this annex will not be valid for anyof the classes and kinds of goods specified in Annex B.

Note 3: Where applicable, the meaning to be assigned to any description ofarticles in this annex shall be the meaning assigned to similarlynumbered items in the First Schedule to the Customs and Excise Act,No. 91 of 1964.

Note 4: Applications for plant, machinery, equipment and raw materials for newindustries or expansion of existing industries, as specified in thisannex, must be submitted on the relevant form prescribed by theDepartment of Industries. This form is obtainable from the Secretaryfor Industries, Private Bag X342, Pretoria.
