GCSE Art & Design Exemplar Material Textiles Personal Portfolio v6 and De… · 1 GCSE Art...


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GCSE Art & Design Exemplar materials Art & Design – Textile Design Personal Portfolio

2014-2015 Version 2.0



Contents .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3 Unit 1 – Personal Portfolio ....................................................................................... 4

78 Marks ............................................................................................................ 4



Welcome to the GCSE Art & Design exemplar materials, we are providing a range of exemplars and commentaries that we hope will be useful in helping you to develop your own teaching and assessment practice. We have included exemplars from a high achieving candidate, a mid-range candidate and a low achieving candidate so that all teachers can gain a better grasp of the standard required. All the work used here is real candidate work and we hope you’ll find it interesting to be able to see a variety of work from different schools which will give you ideas that can help you develop your own course. This set of materials will focus on the GCSE Art & Design Textile Design and will contain example work from the Personal Portfolio unit. The work shows the creative journey of development and experimentation all the way through to final outcome. Alongside this will be comments from the Chief Examiner explaining the value of each item included and how this contributed to the marks awarded. We hope that you find this a useful resource in approaching your assessment and delivery of GCSE Art & Design.


Unit 1 – Personal Portfolio

78Marks Theme: Egypt and Barriers

In the Egypt project the candidate carries out purposeful and relevant visual research including drawing, photography and visual analysis for assessment objective 3 using a range of materials with convincing technical control. The work of several practitioners is explored and supports the progress of research and the coherent development and refinement of ideas with persuasive evidence for assessment objectives 1 and 2. Evidence for assessment objective 2 is found in the coherent documentation of ideas considered for the final outcome. The final outcome delivers persuasive evidence for assessment objective 4. The skilful production of a well crafted personal response reveals effective connections with contextual exploration and purposeful research.











In a project concerned with Barriers the candidate carries out relevant visual research (underpinned by contextual exploration) and experiments with materials, techniques and final outcome ideas in sound evidence for assessment objectives 2 and 3 The candidate develops the project with a focus on considering ideas related to signs and symbols discovered in the urban environment. The work is informed by visual research and exploring contextual sources to provide persuasive evidence for assessment objectives 1 and 3. Ideas and ways of working with materials are explored and documented to make available credible evidence for assessment objective 2. The final coherent and skilful outcome evidences, for assessment objective 4, effective connections with relevant visual research and purposeful contextual exploration.











Summary In the two personal portfolio projects, ideas are supported by a thorough journey of perceptive, sustained investigations. Independent insights are supported by the skilful use of a wealth of material from which to develop ideas through thoughtful exploration. A rich resource bank is used, in the body of work, to support in-depth review. Comprehensive experimentation resulting in creative and imaginative development is evident. A far-reaching appreciation of the full potential of the materials, techniques and processes selected is evident in work for the personal portfolio unit. Genuine interest in, and perceptive engagement with, ideas is underpinned by the appreciation of the importance of gathering appropriate information accurately using convincing technical proficiency. The full potential of materials, techniques and processes is persuasively recognised and secure technical command ensures that intentions are fully realised. Personal outcomes reveal visually engaging and exciting qualities. Appropriate connections have encouraged a move forward to grapple with an authentic aspiration to understand and respond to artefacts. Final Mark: AO1 = 20 AO2 = 19 AO3 = 19 AO4 = 20 Total = 78
