GATE Heat Transfer Book


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  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book




    Mechanical Engineering


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  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Syllabus Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d

    Syllabus for Heat Transfer

    Modes of heat transfer, one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept, electrical analogy,

    unsteady heat conduction, fins; dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat

    transfer, various correlations for heat transfer in flow over flat plates and through pipes;

    thermal boundary layer; effect of turbulence; radiative heat transfer, black and grey surfaces,

    shape factors, network analysis; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods.

    Analysis of GATE Papers

    (Heat Transfer)

    Year Percentage of marks Overall Percentage

    2013 10.00


    2012 6.00

    2011 4.00

    2010 2.00

    2009 9.00

    2008 6.00

    2007 8.00

    2006 4.67

    2005 6.67

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Content Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30thCross, 10thMain, Jayanagar 4thBlock, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P i

    C O N T E N T S

    Chapters Page No.

    1. Conduction 1 - 50

    Introduction 1 2

    One Dimensional Heat Conduction 2 8

    Unsteady Heat Conduction 9 11

    Critical Radius of Insulation 11

    13 Heat Transfer Through Fins 13 17

    Solved Examples 18 30

    Assignment 1 31 34

    Assignment 2 34 38

    Answer Keys 39

    Explanations 39 50

    2. Convection 51 - 97 Introduction 51 52

    Convection Fundamentals 52 56

    Forced Convection 56 66

    Nusselt Numbers 67 68

    Natural Convection 68 71

    Solved Examples 72 85

    Assignment 1 86 88

    Assignment 2 88 90

    Answer Keys 91 Explanations 91 97

    #3. Radiation 98-137

    Introduction 98

    Blackbody Radiation 98 100

    Radiative Properties 100 102

    The View Factor 102 104

    Radiation Heat Transfer 104

    110 Solved Examples 111 123

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Content Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30thCross, 10thMain, Jayanagar 4thBlock, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d P ii

    Assignment 1 124 128

    Assignment 2 128 129

    Answer Keys 130

    Explanations 130 137

    4. Heat Exchanger 138-168

    Introduction 138

    Types of Heat Exchangers 138 139

    The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 139 140

    Analysis of Heat Exchanger 140 143

    The Effectiveness

    NUT Method 143


    Solved Examples 148 158

    Assignment 1 159 160

    Assignment 2 160 161

    Answer Keys 162

    Explanations 162 168

    Module Test 169 184

    Test Questions 169177

    Answer Keys 178

    Explanations 178 184

    Reference Books 185

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 1




    Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the

    adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interactions between the particles. Conduction can

    take place in solids, liquids, or gases. Conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion of the

    molecules during their random motion. In solids, it is due to the combination of vibrations of the

    molecules in a lattice and the energy transport by free electrons. The rate of heat conduction

    through a medium depends on the geometry of the medium, its thickness and the material of the

    medium, as well as the temperature difference across the medium.

    Consider steady heat conduction through a large plane wall of thickness x and area A, asshown in Figure 1. The temperature difference across the wall is . The rate of heatconduction through a plane layer is proportional to the temperature difference across the layer

    and the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to the thickness of the layer. That is,


    WWhere the constant of proportionality k is the thermal conductivity of the material, which is a

    measure, of the ability of a material to conduct heat in the limiting case of , the equationabove reduces to the differential form

    Figure 1: Heat conduction through a large plane wall of thickness

    and area A

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 2

    Which is called Fourier s law of heat conduction after J. Fourier, who expressed it first in his heat

    transfer text in 1822. Here dT/dx is the temperature gradient, which is the slope of the

    temperature curve on a T-x diagram (the rate of change of T with x). at location x. The relationabove indicates that the rate of heat conduction in a direction is proportional to the temperature

    gradient in that direction. Heat is conducted in the direction of decreasing temperature and the

    temperature gradient becomes negative when temperature decreases with increasing x.

    Thermal Conductivity

    The rate of conduction heat transfer under steady conditions can also be viewed as the defining

    equation for thermal conductivity. Thus the thermal conductivity of a material can be defined as

    the rate of heat transfer through a unit thickness of the material per unit area per unit

    temperature difference. The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of the ability of thematerial to conduct heat. A high value for thermal conductivity indicates that the material is a

    good heat conductor and a low value indicates that the material is a poor heat conductor or


    Thermal Diffusivity

    The product , which is frequently encountered in heat transfer analysis, is called the heatcapacityof a material.

    Another material property that appears in the transient heat conduction analysis is the thermaldiffusivity. Which represents how fast heat diffuses through a material and is defined as

    Note that the thermal conductivity k represents how well a material conducts heat, and the heat

    capacity represents how much energy a material stores per unit volume. Therefore, thethermal diffusivity of a material can be viewed as the ratio of the heat conducted through the

    material to the heat stored per unit volume. A material that has a high thermal conductivity or a

    low heal capacity will obviously have a large thermal diffusivity. The larger the thermal

    diffusivity. The faster the propagation of heat into the medium. A small value of thermal

    diffusivity means that heat is mostly absorbed by the material and a small amount of heat will be

    conducted further.

    One Dimensional Heat Conduction

    Heat transfer has direction as well as magnitude. The rate of heat conduction in a specified

    direction is proportional to the temperature gradient, which is the change in temperature per

    unit length in that direction. Heat conduction in a medium, in general, is three-dimensional and

    time dependent. That is,

    and the temperature in a medium varies with position

    as well as time. Heat conduction in a medium is said to be steady when the temperature does not

    vary with time, and unsteady or transient when it does. Heat conduction in a medium is said to

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 3

    be one-dimensional when conduction is significant in one dimension only and negligible in the

    other two dimensions, two-dimensional when conduction in the third dimension is negligible

    and three-dimensional when conduction in all dimensions is significant. The governingdifferential equation in such systems in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate

    systems is derived in below section.

    Rectangular Coordinates

    Consider a small rectangular element of length , width and height , as shown in Figure 2.Assume the density of the body is and the specific heat is C, an energy balance on this elementduring a small time interval can be expressed as

    x y z + x xy yz z , , y ,Noting that the volume of the element is the change in the energy content ofthe element and the rate of heat generation within the element can be expressed as



    Substituting into equation we get

    xyzxyz Dividing by xyzgives yz x xz y xy z

    Figure 2: Three-dimensional heat conduction through a rectangular volume element

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 4

    Nothing that the heat transfer area of the element for heat conduction in the directions are

    respectively and taking the limit as


    yields ( * ( * ( * S vv F w . ( * ( *

    ( * ( * ( * ( *In the constant case of constant thermal conductivity

    Where the property is again the thermal diffusivity of the materials and aboveequation is known as the Fourier-Biot equationand it reduces to these forms under specifiedconditions:1. Steady-State: (called Poisson equation) 2.

    Transient, no heat generation: (called the Diffusion equation)

    3. Steady state, no heat generation: (called the Laplace equation) Note that in the special case of one dimensional heat transfer in the direction, thederivatives with respect to y and z drop out.

    Cylindrical Coordinates

    The general heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates can be obtained from an energy

    balance on a volume element in cylindrical coordinates, shown in Figure 3, by following the

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 5

    steps just outlined. It can also be obtained directly by coordinate transformation using the

    following relations between the coordinates of a point in rectangular and cylindrical coordinate


    After lengthy manipulations we obtain







    Spherical Coordinates

    The general heat conduction equations in spherical coordinates can be obtained from an energy

    balance on a volume element in spherical coordinates, shown in Figure 4, by following the steps

    outlined above. It can also be obtained directly by coordinate transformation using the following

    relations between the coordinates of a point in rectangular and spherical coordinate systems

    Again after lengthy manipulations, we obtain

    ( * ( * ( * Conduction through a cylindrical wall

    For a cylinder at steady state, with no internal heat generation, the equation becomes

    O b B. w b equation as

    Figure 3: A differential volume element in cylindrical coordinates.

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book


    Chapter 1 Heat Transfer

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 6

    Q = ( where

    Comparing the above equation to that of heat transfer through a wall

    Q = KA (T1T2 (T1T2) / (r2r1)Where is the logarithmic mean area = (A2A1) / log (A2/ A1)The above equations are applicable to any general heat conduction problem. The one

    dimensional heat conduction is out particular area of interest as they result in ordinary

    differential equations.

    Conduction through sphere

    Steady state, one dimensional with no heat generation equation in spherical co-ordinates is

    ( * O b B. w b equation as [ ]

    Figure 4: A differential volume element in spherical coordinates.

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Heat Transfer Book

