Gapper Anatomy Final Review Questions Fall 2012


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  • 7/30/2019 Gapper Anatomy Final Review Questions Fall 2012


    1. What is Homeostasis? Keeping your bodys internal environment the same temp, despite exterior

    environment.2. 3 parts of a feedback system:

    Effector Receptor Control center

    3. Which plane divided the body into equal right and left halves? Mid-sagital

    4. Which type of connective tissue isnt well supplied with blood? Cartilage

    5. 4 types of tissue found in body? Connective, epithelial, nervous, and muscle

    6. Which type of Tissue has poorest capacity to rebuild itself? Nervous tissue

    7. T or F: Cells in connective tissue have little space and are close together. False

    8. How to classify epithelial tissue? Size and shape

    9. Which of the 4 types of tissue is avascular? Epithelial

    10.How would you describe your elbow in proportion to your wrist using direction terms: Distal

    11.What is anatomical position? Palms facing out, straight arms and legs ect.

    12.T or F: a solution with the pH of 8 is Acidic. False, Basic.

    13.4 major organic molecules: Carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids.

    14.What type of tissue lines body cavities? Epithelial

    15.Why is an enzyme specific? It is like a key, only catalyzes one reaction.

    16.Skin, hair, and nails belong to which system? Integumentary system

    17.What is the Lunula? Crescent shaped area on base of thumb nail.

    18.Technical name for excessive sweating? Hyperhydrosis

    19.What are freckles? Build up of melanin

    20. T or F: Every person has the same number of melanocytes. True

  • 7/30/2019 Gapper Anatomy Final Review Questions Fall 2012


    21.What is a mole? Overgrowth of melanocytes

    22. What is vitiligo? Dark skin patches

    23.What do sebaceous glands produce? Sebum

    24.What percent of skin burden equals a 2nd Degree burn? 25%

    25.From which layer does dead keratinized squamous cells continuously slept off from thebody?

    Stratum Corneum26.Which glands produce wax?

    Ceruminous glands27.When erector pilli contract they give you what?

    Goose bumps28.What layer does skin come from?

    Epidermis29.New Cell growth occurs from which layer of the epidermis?

    Stratum basil30.Which type of sweat gland is temp regulation?

    Eccrine31.Which part of nail isnt attached?

    Free edge32.

    What is the outermost layer of bone?

    Periosteum33.Ends of longe bones called?

    Epiphysis34.Epiphysis of bones are covered in what?

    Cartilage35.Soak bone in vinegar what do you remove?

    Calcium36.Deficiency in what vitamin causes rickets?

    Vitamin D37.Which type of bone has trabeculae?

    Spongy bone38.Vitamin building molecules?

    Osteoblasts39.Which type of fracture protrudes from skin?

    Compound fracture
  • 7/30/2019 Gapper Anatomy Final Review Questions Fall 2012


    40.Ribs, vertebrae, skull, sternum, make up which skeleton? Axial

    41.What makes up the pelvic gurdle? Ilium, sacrum, and coccyx

    42.Common name for C1 vertebrae Atlas

    43.Only moveable bone in skull? Mandible

    44.Immoveable bone in skull Suture

    45.4 curves in spinal column? Lumbar, thoracic, sacrum, cervical.

    46.Long bones grow from where? Epiphyseal plate

    47.Which bone contains the elecranon process? Ulna

    48.Hormone is released from Ca+ level is too high Calcitonin

    49.Wolfs law? Bones modeled according to stress put on them

    50.What covers muscle and bone? Fascia


    Longest and thinnest bone in body52.Which protein is long and thick?

    Myosin53.Contractile unit in myofibril?

    Sarcomere54.Neurotransmitter releases what?

    Acetylcholine55. Stroma does repair and then what can form?

    Scar tissue56.Which tissue stores fat?

