G and D lecture


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  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


    Pediatrics I

    Module on Growth and Development

    Dr. Rosalina Q. De Sagun

    Dr. Noemi T. Salazar

    Dr. Rosalia M. Buzon

  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


    Growth And Development

    Growth - refers to physical

    development and measured with theweight, height, etc .

    Development - refers to maturation,acquisition of competence or changein childs behavior

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    1. Physical Growth

    - weight

    - length / height

    - head circumference

    2. Development

    Motor- gross and fine

    Language - comprehension

    - expression


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    0 - 2 months

    Physical development

    - newborn weight decreases 10% below BW inthe 1st wk

    - regains or exceeds BW by 2 wks

    - Wt gain = 30 gm/day during the 1st month

    - BW doubled = by 4-5 months

    - BW 3x = 1 year- BW 4x = 2nd yr

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    0 2 months

    Cognitive Development

    - Recognizes human face and smiles

    - Increased attention when stimulus changesEmotional Development

    - Basic trust vs mistrust 1stEricksons

    Psychosocial stage- develops as infants learn that their urgent

    needs are met regularly

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    2 - 6 months

    Physical development

    - By 3-4 months - rate of growth = 20 gm/day

    - Early reflexes disappear

    - Voluntary movements appear

    Cognitive Development

    - More interested socially

    - Becomes distracted with stimuli

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    6 - 12 months

    Physical development- Increased mobility and exploration

    - Growth slows wt gain of 15g/d (6-9mos),

    12g/d (9-12mos)- Tooth eruption usually starts with themandibular central incisors maxillarycentral incisors mandibular lateral incisors maxillary lateral incisors cuspids 1stmolars 2nd molars- Tooth development partly reflects skeletalmaturation and bone age

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    Emotional Development

    - Starts to have emotions of fear,

    anger, joy

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    6 - 12 months

    Cognitive Development- Increased cognitive understanding &


    - Complex plays- Object constancy starts at 9 months

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    6 to 12 months

    Emotional Development- Separation anxiety- Tantrums startOthers

    - Language development

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    12 18 months

    Physical development

    - Growth rate decreases further in the 2nd year

    (8g/d for 1-3 yrs old)

    - Appetite decreases

    - Baby fat burned up with increased mobility

    - Exaggerated lumbar lordosis

    - Brain growth & myelination continues

    - Motor development

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    12 18 months

    Cognitive Development

    - Mastery of reaching, grasping & releasing

    - Imitates elders- Make- believe play centers on his body

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    Emotional Development

    - Attachment to parents

    - Temperament depends on attachment to& comfort given by parents


    - Receptive language precedes expressive

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    18 - 24 months

    Physical development

    - Improved balance & agility i.e. running /climbing stairs

    - Weight/height increase at a steady rate

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    Cognitive Development

    - 18 months end of sensorimotordevelopment

    - Object permanence firmly established

    Emotional Development- Increased awareness of possibility of


    Others- Start asking What is this?

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    2 - 5 years (Pre-school yrs)

    Physical development

    Somatic & brain growth slows with decrease

    in nutritional requirement & appetite

    By 2-5 years, child gains 2 Kg in wt/yr., 7 cmin height/ year

    Abdomen flattens-

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    2 5 yrs

    All 20 primary teeth haveerupted by 3 years

    Handedness established by 3

    years old; bowel/bladdercontrol established by average3 years.

    Bedwetting normal up to 4 yearsin girls ; 5 years in boys

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    Cognitive Development

    - Pre-school magical thinking

    - Egocentricism

    - Play complex, imaginative

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    2 5 years

    Emotional Development

    - Acceptance of limits, interacts with

    adults & peers

    - They learn what behaviors are

    acceptable and not

    - Learn how to adapt to new rules- Control is a central issue

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    -Visual acuity: 20/30 by 3 years

    20/20 by 4 years

    -Language development:occurs most rapidly 2-5 yrs.

    - As a rule, # of words in atypical sentence equals the

    childs age(2 by 2 years; 3 by 3years); 4 years old can use pasttense; 5 yrs old can use futuretense

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    6 - 12 years (School yrs)

    Physical development- Growth averages 3 - 3.5 Kg/yr and 6


    - Loss of deciduous teeth with eruption of 1stmolar (by 6 years) rate of replacementwith adult teeth approx. 4/yr

    - Lymphoid tissues hypertrophy

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    CognitiveDevelopment- Learning centers onreading, writing and

    math- Apply rules based onobservable phenomena

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    6 12 years

    Emotional Development

    - More and longer separation from home

    - Influence of peer group increases- Seeks acceptance from teachers

    - Self esteem a central issue with popularity

    as its central component

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    Formulas for Approximate Average Weight& Height of Normal Infants & Children

    Weight :

    - at birth: 3.25 Kg

    - for 3-12 months: age (mo) + 9 / 2- for 1-6 yrs: age (yr) x 2 + 8

    - for 7-12 yrs: age (yr) x 7 5 / 2

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    Height :- at birth: 50 cm

    - at 1 yr: 75 cm- at 2-12 yrs:

    age (yr) x 6 + 77

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    All 20 primary teeth haveerupted by 3 years

    - Handedness established by 3years old; bowel/bladdercontrol established by average3 years. Bedwetting normal upto 4 years in girls ; 5 years in


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  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


    Developmental Milestones


    lies in flex attitude, turns head from

    side to sidehead lags on pull

    can fixate face or light in line with vision

    Moro , grasp , stepping reflexes activeVisual preference to a human face

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 1 month:

    Holds head up momentarily

    Tonic neck posture predominatesFollows moving object

    Reflex smile

    Body movements in cadence with voice ofothers in social contact

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 2 months:

    Head sustained on ventral suspension

    Tonic neck posture predominates

    Follows moving objects past midline- 180degrees

    Smiles on social contact (social smile)

    Listens to voice and coos

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 4 months:Symmetric posture

    No head lag on pull to sit (good head

    control)When held erect, pushes with feet

    Reaches & grasps objects and brings themto mouth

    Laughs out aloud

    Shows displeasure when social contact isbroken

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 7 months:

    Rolls over; crawls or creeps

    Sits briefly with supportTransfers objects from hand to hand

    Polysyllabic vowel sounds

    Prefers mother

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 10 months:

    Sits alone; pulls to stand

    Cruises; walks holding on to furniturePincer grasp; looks for hidden toy

    Repetitive consonant sounds( mama,

    dada)Responds to sound of name

    Waves bye-bye; plays peek-a-boo

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 12 months:

    Walks with 1 hand held

    Obeys simple commands on requestor gesture

    Speaks few words besides mama, dada

    Makes postural adjustment to dressing

    Plays simple ball game

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  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


    Developmental milestones

    At 15 months:

    Walks alone; crawls up stairs

    Makes a line with crayonJargon; follows simple commands

    May name a familiar object (ball)

    Indicates needs by pointing

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 18 months:Runs stiffly; walks up stairs with 1 handheld

    Imitates scribbling and vertical strokeNames pictures; identifies 1 or more bodyparts

    Average of 10 words

    Feeds self

    Seeks help when in trouble

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    Developmental milestones

    At 24 months (2 yrs):Runs well; walks up & down stairs onestep at a time; climbs to furniture

    Circular scribbling

    Puts 3 words together ( subject-verb-object)

    Handles spoon well; listens to storieswith pictures

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 30 months:

    Goes upstairs with alternating feet

    Imitates circular strokeKnows full name; refers to self as I

    Helps put things away; pretends in play

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    Developmental Milestones

    At 36 months (3 yrs):Rides tricycle

    Copies a circle; imitates a cross

    Knows age and sex; counts 3 objectscorrectly

    Plays simple games with other children;helps in dressing

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    Developmental Milestone

    At 48 months (4yrs):

    Hops on one foot

    Copies cross and square; draws a manwith

    2 to 4 parts besides the head; names

    longer of 2 linesTells a story

    Goes to toilet alone.

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    Developmental Milestones

    At 60 months:


    Copies a triangle; names heavier of 2weights

    Names 4 colors

    Dresses and undressesAsks questions about meaning of words

    Domestic role-playing

  • 8/2/2019 G and D lecture


    Thank You
