Future Uses for Former Mine Land


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Future Uses for Former Mine LandFinal ReportDecember 2007

Murchison Mine, Loddon Valley Highway, Eaglehawk

Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump, Green Street, California Gully

Needle Mine Site, Eaglehawk Rd / Loddon Valley Highway,California Gully

Viola Rd / Deeplead Rd,Huntly

Specimen Hill Road,West Bendigo

Red Calcine Sands / Former Speedway Site, Calder Hwy / Marong Road, West Bendigo

Chum Street Crown Land,Bendigo

Lazarus St / Harvey St / Happy Valley Rd, West Bendigo

Former Dai Gum San Area, Long Gully / California Gully

Central Nell Gwynne, Happy Valley Road, Ironbark

Future Uses for Former Mine Land











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Future Uses for Former Mine Land

Overview Report Final Report December 2007

Sinclair Knight Merz ABN 37 001 024 095 590 Orrong Road, Armadale 3143 PO Box 2500 Malvern VIC 3144 Australia Tel: +61 3 9248 3100 Fax: +61 3 9248 3460 Web: www.skmconsulting.com COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Sinclair Knight Merz constitutes an infringement of copyright.

LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd’s Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between Sinclair Knight Merz and its Client. Sinclair Knight Merz accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



1. Introduction 1 1.1 Aim of Project 1 1.2 Project Background 1 1.3 Report Content 2

2. Investigation Sites 4

3. Project Management 6

4. Project Approach 7

5. Priority Investigation Areas 9 5.1 Site Selection 9 5.2 Resident and Community Survey 9 5.3 Assessment of Sites 9 5.4 Comparative Constraints Ranking 10 5.5 Resident and Community Feedback on Draft Report 13 5.6 Recommendations 13

6. Next Steps 23 6.1 Implementation Actions 23

References 26

Appendix A Residents and Community Survey 28

Appendix B Site 1 Murchison Mine 29

Appendix C Site 2 Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump 30

Appendix D Site 3 Needle Mine 31

Appendix E Site 4 Viola Road/Deeplead Road 32

Appendix F Site 5 Specimen Hill Road 33

Appendix G Site 6 Red Calcine Sands/Former Speedway 34

Appendix H Site 7 Chum Street 35

Appendix I Site 8 Lazarus Street/Harvey Street/Happy Valley Road 36

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report


Appendix J Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area 37

Appendix K Site 10 Central Nell Gwynne 38

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report


Document history and status Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type

5 18/12/2007 M O’Doherty R Ducker 18/12/2007 Final Report

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5 1 1 City of Greater Bendigo

Printed: 18 December 2007

Last saved: 18 December 2007 05:34 PM

File name: I:\SBAP\Projects\SB18227\Final Draft Reports\Overview Report\Overview_Report_v.4 FINAL.doc

Author: Glenn Kell

Project manager: Glenn Kell

Name of organisation: City of Greater Bendigo

Name of project: Future Uses For Former Mine Land

Name of document: Overview Report

Document version: 5

Project number: SB18227

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



1. Introduction

1.1 Aim of Project The City of Greater Bendigo (City) initiated the Future Uses for Former Mine Land project to identify and consider future land use options for ten former mine sites within the Bendigo urban area which are currently vacant Crown Land. The project assesses the constraints and opportunities of these sites and recommends future land use options which respond to site features (including heritage, ecological) and conditions (including contamination and geotechnical) and the land use and zoning pattern of surrounding areas.

This project has been undertaken by Council in partnership with the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). It is being funded through Sustainability Victoria’s Sustainability Fund and through contributions from the project partners. The project was overseen by a Project Steering Group comprising membership from the project partners, the Environment Protection Authority and the Department of Primary Industries.

Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) was appointed as planning and environmental consultants to undertake this project.

1.2 Project Background The City of Bendigo was founded in the 1850’s in response to the gold rush in the surrounding region. The City grew up around the mines which dotted the landscape and the current built form and street pattern reflects this heritage. Historically, gold mining involved the use of cyanide and arsenic and much of the soil around old gold mining sites that still dot the city landscape is contaminated with mercury residue.

The City of Greater Bendigo has a current population of almost 100,000 people. By 2030, the Victorian Government projects that the population will grow to around 130,000 people. The city is surrounded by Box Ironbark forest, which has been included in National and Regional Parks. This forest essentially forms a natural urban growth boundary for the outward growth of Bendigo. As a result, there is pressure to identify areas within the existing city area which are suitable to accommodate the demand for future urban development.

The Residential Development Strategy adopted by the City of Greater Bendigo in 2004 identifies future development areas. Some of the identified sites may not yield the development opportunities anticipated in the strategy due to the need to protect significant remnant vegetation within these areas.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Former mine affected land in the City of Greater Bendigo now represents an important land resource for the municipality provided that contaminated soils and other issues such as capping mine shafts can be addressed.

Potential end uses for former mine areas include residential, commercial, mixed use development or environmental/conservation uses. Other potential future land uses include mine ventilation sites for Bendigo Mining Limited (Bendigo Mining). Bendigo Mining has been granted a planning permit to construct and operate two ventilation shafts on Site 7, Chum Street and intend to finalise plans and the location of the shafts in the future. Bendigo Mining has also indicated that two further sites (Site 8 Lazarus Street and Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area) may be suitable locations for future mine ventilation shafts and that future drilling to identify the preferred location of the shafts may be undertaken and subsequent planning permits sought.

1.3 Report Content This Overview Report presents background information about the project including:

Overview of investigation sites

Project management

Project approach

Assessment of identified sites

Comparative constraints ranking


Next steps.

Site specific reports are included for each of the ten (10) sites as Appendices B-J of the Overview Report. The site specific reports contain the following information for each site:

Site description and features

Opportunities and constraints

End Use Options

Appendices comprising:

- Crown Land Status Reports

- Town Planning Assessment

- Geotechnical Assessment

- Ecological Assessment

- Heritage Assessment

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



- Resident and Community Survey Results

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



2. Investigation Sites Ten (10) were identified by the Project Steering Group (PSG) at the start of the project for investigation. These sites included:

Site 1 Murchison Mine, Loddon Valley Highway, Eaglehawk

Site 2 Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump, Green Street, California Gully

Site 3 Needle Mine, Eaglehawk Road, California Gully

Site 4 Viola Road / Deepleed Road, Huntly

Site 5 Specimen Hill Road, West Bendigo

Site 6 Red Calcine Sands / Former Speedway Site, Marong Road, West Bendigo

Site 7 Chum Street, Bendigo

Site 8 Lazarus Street / Harvey Street / Happy Valley Road, West Bendigo

Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area, Long Gully / California Gully

Site 10 Central Nell Gwynne, Happy Valley Road, Ironbark

The location of each site is shown in Figure 1 on the following page.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Figure 1- Location of Investigation Sites

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



3. Project Management A Project Steering Group (PSG) guided this project and provided advice to the consultant project team. Membership of the PSG included:

Name Title Organisation

Cr David Jones Chair


City of Greater Bendigo

Jan Boynton Project Manager

Director – City Strategy

City of Greater Bendigo

Alex Malone Manager Presentation and Works,

City of Greater Bendigo

Adam Melis Manager Crown Land Services - Public Land Stewardship

North West Region

Department of Sustainability and Environment

Paul Ratajczyk Regional Services Officer North-West Region

Environment Protection Authority

Paige Byrne Strategic Planner City of Greater Bendigo

Dale Sampson Consultant Planner City of Greater Bendigo

Kathy Friday Minerals Development Manager

Department of Primary Industry

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



4. Project Approach This project was undertaken in eight (8) stages. These stages are detailed below.

Stage 1 Inception Meeting

An inception meeting was held with the PSG to confirm the study methodology and to exchange background information. The meeting also confirmed the ten (10) sites to be investigated as part of this study.

Stage 2 Review Background Documentation

A review of background documentations was undertaken to inform site assessments. Key reference documents reviewed during the course of the project are included in the ‘References’ section of this report.

Stage 3 Technical Assessments

Technical assessments of each site were undertaken. Assessments considered town planning, geotechnical, ecological, and heritage issues and comprised desktop review of mapping information and verification through site inspection. No detailed investigations, including site survey or testing, were undertaken given the “high level” strategic nature of the project.

Stage 4 Resident and Community Survey

A resident and community survey was sent to all residences within 150m of each investigation site. A copy of the survey is included in Appendix A. The survey results are included within each Site Report (included as Appendices B-J).

Stage 5 Overview Report

An Overview Report which outlines background information generic to all sites was prepared. This report includes the project aim, nominated sites, study methodology and a summary of recommendations for all ten sites.

Stage 6 Site Reports

Site reports were prepared for each investigation site. Each site report includes descriptions and characteristics, opportunities and constraints, assessment of potential end use options, and preferred end use options.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



The Project Steering Committee provided input into the preferred end use option identified for each investigation site.

Stage 7 Public Comment

An opportunity was provided for interested members of the community and authorities / agency stakeholders to comment on the reports before they were finalised. Key opportunities for resident and community feedback were the registration of interest process at the start of the project, the Resident and Community Survey and feedback provided on the Draft Report.

This resident and community feedback provided information regarding the history of various sites, current land uses and preferred future land uses. This will also assist Council and authorities / agencies to determine the level of support for the potential development of land in line with the assessments and recommendations of this project.

Stage 8

Implementation Actions

Over the next ten (10) years it is envisaged that Council and other relevant authorities and agencies will consider future planning and implementation of recommended end use options to improve the land use and development arrangement of Bendigo Former Mine Areas. Further opportunity will be provided for members of the public to participate and comment on potential development plans and approvals.

Depending on the preferred end use and findings of more detailed investigations, a range of implementation actions are likely to become available. Brief accounts of these are provided in Section 4 of the Site Reports.


Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



5. Priority Investigation Areas

5.1 Site Selection The PSG identified ten (10) sites for priority investigation as part of this project. Site selection was based on the following criteria:

Level of public support

Level of interest form the development sector / market

Development costs

Council and infrastructure priorities for the Bendigo region

Proximity to city centre

Size of site

Type of land in surrounding area

5.2 Resident and Community Survey A resident and community survey was prepared as part of the Future Uses for Former Mine Land project and was mailed to approximately 1500 residents living within a 100m radius of the ten nominated former mine land sites. Council received over 277 survey responses which provided valuable information regarding the history of each site, current land uses and preferred future land uses. The information gained as part of the survey process was used to input into the preparation of the Draft Future Uses for Former Mine Land Report.

5.3 Assessment of Sites A separate report (Appendices B-K of this report) has been prepared for each site which includes an overview of:

Site characteristics.

Technical assessments including town planning, geotechnical, ecological and heritage considerations.

Broad opportunities / constraints.

A preferred end use option.

Resident and Community Survey results.

The following table presents a brief assessment of each investigation site to assist Council in the prioritisation of their implementation strategy based on the opportunities and constraints identified throughout this project.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



It is noted that other considerations will also influence the priority given to sites during the implementation stage. These will include, but not be limited to:

Level of public support.

Level of interest from the development sector / market.

Development costs.

Council and infrastructure priorities for the Bendigo region.

5.4 Comparative Constraints Ranking The following rankings were used to determine the level of constraints that applied to each site. In turn these rankings were used to assist in identifying priority areas to be investigated for further development as presented in the constraints ranking and priorities included in Table 1.

1 Low

2 Medium

3 High

* Unviable

Table 1 Constraint Rankings and Priority

Geotechnical Ecological Heritage Comment Priority

Site 1

Murchison Mine

2 1 1 A sewerage pipe crosses the north-western of the site and the eastern portion of the site is low-lying and poorly drained.


Site 2

Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump

* (Unviable) 2 1 Red calcine sands render this site unsuitable for development due to the costs associated with site remediation.


(Unviable Constraint)

Site 3

Needle Mine

1 1 1 Mine shafts are located to the north of the site and existing fill characteristics are unclear and require further investigation.


Site 4 1 2 2 Potential heritage Medium

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Geotechnical Ecological Heritage Comment Priority

Viola Road / Deeplead Road, Huntly

significance should be further investigated with DSE – Heritage Victoria (David Bannear).

Site 5

Specimen Hill Road, West Bendigo

1 3 1 A drainage pipe transverses the site from north to south. This accounts for approximately 15% of the land area.

Approximately 25% of the site is affected by high quality vegetation, 20% medium quality vegetation and 10% low quality vegetation (55% affected in total).


Site 6

Former Speedway

* (Unviable) 2 1 Red calcine sands render this site unsuitable for development due to the costs associated with site remediation.

Approximately 25% of this site is affected by low – medium quality vegetation.


(Unviable Constraint)

Site 7

Chum Street Crown Land

2 1 2 Mine shafts traverse the site centrally in a north-south orientation and present potential instability issues for 25% of the site.

A drainage pipe transverses the site from east to west. This accounts for approximately 10% of the land area.

A powerline and sewerage easement / infrastructure also traverse shafts the site.

Heritage features are likely to require protection.

The proposed Bendigo Mine Ventilation Shaft may


Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Geotechnical Ecological Heritage Comment Priority require buffer protection from the encroachment of potentially sensitive land uses.

Residential development may be appropriate in several locations located to the south of the watercourse and commercial/mixed use development may be more suitable to the north-western corner of the site.

Site 8

Lazarus St/Harvey St/Happy Valley Road, West Bendigo

1 1 2 Mine shafts affect approximately 2-0% of the southern portion of the site.

A drainage pipe transverses the site from north to south.

Heritage significance appears to be confined to a restricted area of the site.

Several electricity / sewer easements / infrastructure services traverse this site.

There is potential to use some of the land for residential development or car parking in association with the Schweppes Recreation Centre.


Site 9

Former Dai Gum San Area

3 1 2 Mine shafts are located across the majority of this site and appear to present significant stability / risk considerations to future development. This site is heavily constrained by geotechnical and heritage


Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Geotechnical Ecological Heritage Comment Priority features.

Heritage significance appears to be confined to a restricted area of the site.

Site 10

Central Nell Gwynne

2 1 2 Mine shafts affected approximately 60% of this site.

This site is heavily constrained by geotechnical features (mine shafts). Heritage significance appears to be confined to a restricted area of the site.


5.5 Resident and Community Feedback on Draft Report On 7 October 2007, Council endorsed the release of the Draft Future Uses for Former Mine Land report for public feedback. The Draft Report was made available for public comment for six weeks. During that time, the report was available for inspection in Council offices and on the Council website. A total of five submissions made by Bendigo Mining Limited, The Bendigo Arts, Culture and Heritage at Fortuna Villa (BACH Centre), the Property Manager at the City of Greater Bendigo and by two individuals.

In general the submissions raised issues regarding site history, local knowledge, and provided additional information on potential locations of future vent shafts for Bendigo Mining. The BACH Centre requested that no decisions be made prior to consideration of the development of the BACH Centre. The project team has considered all submissions and have made changes to the report in response to the majority of feedback received.

5.6 Recommendations Recommendations for the end use of each site are listed in Site Reports for each of the ten sites. A copy of the final Site Report for each site is included as Appendices B-J in this report.

A summary of the recommendations made for each of the ten sites is included in Table 2 below.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Table 2 End Use Summary Recommendations

The following table comments on a range of potential end uses for this site.

Site 1 Murchison Mine

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The area surrounding the site is used for residential purposes. The unconstrained land in the east and west of the site (excluding the area with ecological values and the Bendigo Mining water pipeline) is suitable for residential uses. The area with ecological values could be integrated into the layout and design of the residential area and used for open space or environmental/conservation purposes.

Commercial Commercial use of the site is inconsistent with the land use and zoning of the surrounding area.

Environmental/conservation The central portion of the site which has geotechnical constraints (mine shafts) is suitable for environmental/conservation purposes which includes the protection of heritage features, mine shafts and could potentially be re-vegetated.


Consider the feasibility of the western portion of site for future residential land use (subject to environmental and planning assessment and approvals) with access from Dunstan Street including retention and protection of Box Ironbark vegetation and the Bendigo Mining water pipeline.

Consider the feasibility of the eastern portion of the site for residential development with access provided from Lester Street (subject to environmental and planning assessment and approval).

Consider the central portion of the site for environmental/conservation purposes including the protection of heritage features, mine shafts and the potential for re-vegetation.

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts located throughout the site.

Site 2 Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The site is not suitable for residential development due to the large areas of contaminated red calcine soil (which is currently capped), limited road access and incompatibility with surrounding land use and zoning.

Commercial The site is not suitable for commercial development due to the site constraints and incompatibility with surrounding land uses and zoning.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 2 Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump

Potential End Use Comment

Environmental/conservation The site is suited for environmental/conservation purposes which would enable protection of the heritage and ecological features of the site. Environment and conservation uses would also enable extension of the forested area to the west of the site.

Further consideration needs to be given to the long-term management of contaminated land in sites nominated for environmental/conservation (including open space and recreational areas), to ensure that any contaminated material which has the potential to cause a health risk is adequately capped or excluded from public access.

In 2003, Parks Victoria indicated an interest in having the site added to the Jobs Gully Bushland Reserve upon satisfactory completion of the rehabilitation. Further discussions could be undertaken with Parks Victoria regarding future management of this land.


Use the site for environmental/conservation purposes while protecting the heritage and ecological features of the site.

Continue discussions with Parks Victoria regarding adding the site to the Jobs Gully Bushland Reserve upon satisfactory completion of the rehabilitation.

Investigate the feasibility of reassessing the depth and adequacy of existing capping of the contaminated red calcine sands to ensure that any contaminated material which has the potential to cause a health risk is adequately capped or excluded from public access.

Site 3 Needle Mine

Potential End Use Comment

Residential Residential land use may be suitable for land to the north-east and south with convenient access available from the surrounding road network

Commercial Not consistent with uses or zones within surrounding area.

Environmental/conservation The northern portion of the site which contains mine shafts is suitable for environmental/conservation uses which include open space and could potentially include re-vegetation


Consider the feasibility of the north-east and southern portion of the site for residential development (subject

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 3 Needle Mine to environmental and planning assessment and approvals).

Undertake more detailed site investigations regarding the opportunities and constraints for future redevelopment of the site and changes to the planning framework required to support future development of the site.

Use the northern part of the site for environmental/conservation uses and investigate re-vegetating this part of the site.

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts in the northern part of the site.

Site 4 Viola/Deeplead Road

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The eastern portion of the site is suitable for low density residential development given limited constraints, consistency with land use and zoning in the surrounding area and convenient access from Viola Road.

Commercial Commercial uses of the site would not be consistent with land uses or zoning in the surrounding area.

Environmental/conservation Use the western part of the site for environmental/conservation uses including retention of ecological features, open space and potentially re-vegetation is consistent with the ecological values of this portion of the site.


Consider the feasibility of the eastern portion of the site for residential development (subject to environmental and planning assessment and approvals) with access from Viola Road.

Undertake more detailed site investigations regarding the opportunities and constraints for future redevelopment of the site and changes to the planning framework required to support future development of the site.

Consider western portion of site for environmental/conservation uses including open space, protection of ecological values and potential for future re-vegetation.

Site 5 Specimen Hill Road

Potential End Use Comment

Residential Residential use of the western part of the site is considered appropriate

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 5 Specimen Hill Road

Potential End Use Comment given limited geotechnical constraints, opportunity to incorporate ecological features and compatibility with surrounding land use and zoning. Convenient access can also be provided from Specimen Hill Road.

Commercial Commercial use of this land is not consistent with the land use and zoning of the surrounding area. While there is potential to expand the existing commercial facility on the corner of Marong Rd and Specimen Hill Rd the demand for such an expansion would need to be justified and the area would need to be rezoned.

Environmental/conservation The central part of the site contains a watercourse and needs to be retained for this use. The eastern part of the site contains ecological features that need to be retained. The most appropriate use of this part of the site is environmental/conservation uses including retention of ecological features, open space and potentially re-vegetation.


Consider the feasibility of the western portion of the site for residential development (subject to environmental and planning assessment and approvals) with access from Specimen Hill Road.

Consider developing a link between the western and eastern part of the site as part of any future residential development to improve access between any future residential area and environmental/conservation areas.

Retain the eastern portion of site for environmental/conservation uses including open space, protection of ecological values and potential for future re-vegetation.

Retain the watercourse in the centre of the site.

Site 6 Former Speedway

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The site is not considered suitable for residential development due to the large areas of contaminated red calcine soil (which is currently capped).

Commercial The site not considered appropriate given presence of red calcine soils and the lack of access to the southern portion of the site which adjoins the Specimen Hill Reservoir.

Environmental/conservation The western part of the site contains ecological features that are of low to medium significance and may need to be retained. The most appropriate use of this part of the site is environmental/conservation uses including

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 6 Former Speedway

Potential End Use Comment retention of ecological features, open space and potentially re-vegetation.

The remainder of the site should also be used for environmental/conservation purposes due to the presence of red-calcine soils, mine shafts and the location of heritage features in the north-eastern corner of the site.

Further consideration needs to be given to the long-term management of contaminated land in sites nominated for environmental/conservation (including open space and recreational areas), to ensure that any contaminated material which has the potential to cause a health risk is adequately capped or excluded from public access.


Use the site for environmental/conservation purposes including open space, protection of heritage features and protection of ecological values and potential for future re-vegetation.

Investigate the feasibility of reassessing the depth and adequacy of existing capping of the contaminated red calcine sands to ensure that any contaminated material which has the potential to cause a health risk is adequately capped or excluded from public access.

Site 7 Chum Street

Potential End Use Comment

Residential Residential development may be appropriate in several locations of the site located to the south of the watercourse near Ophir and Mackenzie Streets. These locations are free from constraint with the exception of the proposed Bendigo Mining Limited ventilation shaft. Further discussion is needed with Bendigo Mining Limited to assess the implications of the proposed ventilation site for any future residential or commercial development of this site.

Commercial The area to the south of Chum Street in the north-western corner of the site may also be suitable for commercial or mixed use (combined residential/commercial development) or some form of community use due to the mixed use character of the area (i.e. proximity to the hospital, Tafe and TV/radio station, proposed cultural centre at Fortuna Villa and other residential uses).

Environmental/conservation The existing watercourse provides valuable opportunity for open space and linkages through the site connecting the Thistle and Palett Street

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 7 Chum Street

Potential End Use Comment residential areas.

The site includes two large sites which contain heritage features and mine shafts. The heritage site to the north of the site will be further constrained by a proposed Bendigo Mine Limited ventilation shaft. Land to the north and south of the watercourse is also affected by mine shafts.

The most appropriate use for parts of the site which contain heritage features and mine shafts is for environmental and conservation uses. This could include retention of ecological features, open space and potentially re-vegetation.


Consider the feasibility of using the north-west portion of the site for commercial land use or a mixed use area (combination of commercial and residential uses). Consideration should also be given to compatibility with proposed future uses of Fortuna Villa.

Retain existing watercourse and proposed retardation basin and consider developing pedestrian and bicycle linkages alongside the watercourse (subject to appropriate capping and rehabilitation of mine shaft sites).

Consider the feasibility of using the western portion of the site for residential development (subject to planning and environmental assessment, rezoning and approvals and further discussion with Bendigo Mining Limited to assess the implications of the proposed ventilation site for any future residential development of this site) with access being provided from Rowan Street (west).

Undertake further discussions with Bendigo Mining Limited regarding the location, infrastructure and buffer distances required for the proposed mine ventilation shaft.

Consider the feasibility of using the southern portion of the site which is unconstrained by heritage sites and mine shafts for residential development (subject to planning and environmental assessment and approvals and further discussion with Bendigo Mining Limited to assess the implications of the vent site for any future residential development of this site) with access being provided from Shamrock Street.

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts on the site located in environmental/conservation areas.

Consider retaining the remainder of the site for a mix of environmental/conservation uses including open space, protection of heritage features and protection of ecological values and potentially for future re-vegetation.

Site 8 Lazarus Street/Harvey Street/Happy Valley Rd

Potential End Use Comment

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 8 Lazarus Street/Harvey Street/Happy Valley Rd

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The south-eastern corner of the site adjacent to existing residential areas in Harvey and Wells Streets could be used for residential purposes. This area has some constraints associated with heritage and ecological features. However, opportunities for residential development could still occur provided these features of significance are protected.

The western area of the site located between Harvey, Inglis and Lazarus Streets could be used for residential purposes. However, a watercourse runs through this portion of the site and may affect feasibility of developing the northern portion of this site for residential purposes. There is also potential to use some of this land for car parking to support the nearby Schweppes Recreation Centre.

The land to the south of the watercourse to the west of Harvey Street is relatively unconstrained and would be suitable for residential uses with the exception of the area adjoining mine shafts which would be more appropriate for environment/conservation purposes. The feasibility of capping mine shafts and rehabilitation of the area around the mine shafts could also be investigated.

Commercial There is potential to use some of the land to the south of Inglis Street for car parking to support the nearby Schweppes Recreation Centre.

Environmental/conservation The eastern portion of the site (north-east of Harvey Street and north of Wells Street) is constrained by vent sites, mine shafts, heritage features, water courses and ecological values. This portion of the site should be used for environmental/conservation purposes and has potential for more formal open space linkages adjacent to the drainage line which improve connections between the residential area and the Schweppes Recreation Centre. The unformed road could also be investigated as a potential pedestrian route to improve access.

Consideration could be given to capping the mine shafts and considering options to re-vegetate areas around the mine shafts and the area with significant ecological values.


Consider the feasibility of future development of the south-eastern corner of the site adjacent to existing residential areas in Harvey and Wells Streets for residential purposes

Consider the feasibility of future development of the western part of the site adjacent to Harvey, Inglis and Lazarus Streets for residential purposes.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 8 Lazarus Street/Harvey Street/Happy Valley Rd

Potential End Use Comment Investigate the potential of using some of the land in the western part of the site adjacent to Inglis Street for car parking to support the nearby Schweppes Recreation Centre.

Undertake more detailed site investigations regarding the opportunities and constraints for future redevelopment of the site and changes to the planning framework required to support future development of the site.

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts and using the area around the mine shafts for environmental/conservation uses. Consideration could also be given to investigating re-vegetating this part of the site.

Consider developing improved open space and pedestrian linkage interfacing within the existing drainage reserve.

Retain the remainder of the site for environmental/conservation purposes. Investigate opportunities for formal pedestrian and cycle linkages adjacent to the drainage line and through the unformed road on the south-eastern corner of the site to improve access between the residential area and the Schweppes Recreation Centre.

Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The whole site is constrained by heritage and ecological features, mine shafts and ventilation shafts and is unsuitable for residential development.

Commercial The western corner of the site is included in Special Use Zone 6 to provide for tourism uses associated with the Deborah mine. There is potential for this portion of the site to be used for purposes associated with the Deborah Mine tourist attraction.

Environmental/conservation The site is suitable for environmental/conservation uses which include open space, retention of ecological and heritage features and potentially future re-vegetation.

Consideration should also be given to capping the mine shafts and rehabilitating the land surrounding the mine shafts.


Consider retaining the site for a mix of environmental/conservation uses including open space, and protection of ecological values and potentially for future re-vegetation.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area Consider potential expansion of the tourism land use activities associated with mining such as interpretive displays.

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts on the site located in environmental/conservation areas

Site 10 Central Nell Gwynne

Potential End Use Comment

Residential The majority of the site is affected by heritage features and mine shafts. Only small pockets of land are not affected by these constraints and it is considered unlikely that these areas could be economically redeveloped for residential uses. Some consideration could be given to selling land which is unaffected by constraints and is adjacent to existing residential areas to neighbouring property owners.

Commercial The majority of the site is affected by heritage features and mine shafts. Use of the remaining land for commercial uses would not be compatible with surrounding land uses or the zoning of the area.

Environmental/conservation The majority of the site is affected by heritage features and mine shafts. There is potential for the site to be used for a mix of heritage and environmental/conservation uses which would ensure that the heritage features of the site are retained and protected.


Consider retaining the site for a mix of heritage and environmental/conservation uses. This could include open space, protection of heritage features and protection of ecological values and potential for future re-vegetation

Investigate the feasibility of capping and rehabilitating mine shafts located throughout the site.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



6. Next Steps 6.1 Implementation Actions

Recommended future land use options identified through the current project may take many years to implement due to potential site remediation requirements, changes to the Crown land status, planning controls in the Bendigo Planning Scheme and the need for environmental approvals. These actions may be led by various parties including project partners and specific land owners and in some cases by private developers.

Implementation of the end use recommendations may be guided by the following implementation actions.

Action 2 - Prioritise Development Opportunities

Council and authority /agency stakeholder should confirm priority sites for development.

Section 5 of the Overview Report has been prepared to provide some high level guidance to further prioritising, land use planning and land management.

Action 3 - Detailed Environmental Investigation and Development Plan

Priority sites should be nominated for the preparation of a more detailed site development plan. The work program for these plans could be undertaken in the following two parts:

Environmental Investigation – to undertake detailed environmental testing to determine the level of constraints (including but not necessarily limited to geotechnical, potential contamination, ecological and heritage considerations); and

Development Plan – to investigate the opportunities and constraints associated with the development of the land based on a more robust investigation of site conditions. This development plan should consider the following matters to assist authorities / agencies to plan:

Ultimate land use arrangement and relationships

Potential subdivision layout

Impacts of drainage lines and basins

Location / design of pedestrian linkages

Location of existing and future infrastructure

Relationship / integration with capital works priorities within the surrounding area

Views and priorities of the existing land owners and interested parties

Views of nearby land owners and occupiers

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Market response to ultimate end use

Refined implementation stage

Action 4 - Commence Site Remediation Works

Environmental investigations will provide a greater understanding of the level of remediation works likely to be required to achieve the preferred end use development of the land.

Action 5 - Secure Approvals

Upon confirming a preferred end use option and site development plan, a range of planning and environmental approvals will be required to facilitate development of the land.

These approvals are likely to include, but not be limited to:

Amendments to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme under the Planning and Environment Act 1987

Planning permits under the relevant zone / overlay provisions of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme

Environmental approvals

Infrastructure service provided approvals and consents.

Action 6 - Invite Expressions of Interest

An opportunity may exist to invite expressions of interest from the development sector to assist in facilitating the preferred end use of land. Depending on the preferred end use and arrangement that authorities / agencies may be willing to enter into a number of models may be considered to facilitate prepared development. These may include, but not be limited to:

Full sale of land

Part sale of land

Lease arrangement (short / medium /long term); and / or

Public / private partnership

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Action 7 - Consider / Commence Transfer Land Ownership

The majority of land investigated through this project is vested in the Crown / DSE ownership. Consideration should be given to and proceedings commenced to transfer land to a more suitable ownership arrangement to facilitate sale and development of the land.

Action 8 - Construction and On-going Monitoring

Upon securing approvals and entering into appropriate commercial arrangements construction may commence in line with approvals and statutory requirements. Consideration may be given to the need to continue monitoring the development, site conditions and relationship with the surrounding areas given the level of constraints associated with some of the investigation sites and the relationship end uses may have with the surrounding areas.

Depending on the preferred end use and Council’s preferred implementation approach, careful consideration should be given to the scheduling of tasks to assist in the timely delivery of development and the ultimate end use of the land in a manner that will contribute an overall net community benefit.

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



References ARUP Consultants, 2003, Bendigo Transport Interchange/Urban Design/Master Planning Study

ARUP Consultants, Conceptz, Millar and Merrigan, Planisphere, 2005, Northern Corridor and Huntly Local Structure Plan

City of Greater Bendigo, 2002, Heathcote Township Strategy

City of Greater Bendigo, 2002/03, Eaglehawk Township Strategy

City of Greater Bendigo, 2003, Health and Wellbeing Framework

City of Greater Bendigo, 2004, Council Directions 2005-2030

City of Greater Bendigo, 2005, Amendment C60 Panel Report

City of Greater Bendigo, 2005, Bendigo Industrial Land Strategy Amendment C41 Panel Report

City of Greater Bendigo, 2005, Greater Bendigo Community Plan’. City of Greater Bendigo, Victoria

City of Greater Bendigo, 2005, Open Space Strategy

City of Greater Bendigo, 2006, Community access and inclusion plan 2006-2009

City of Greater Bendigo, 2006, Council Plan 2005-2009

City of Greater Bendigo, 2006, Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme – Municipal and Local Planning Policies.

Connell Wagner, 2006, Bendigo Future Industrial Land Strategy

David McCubbin and Susan Milton Landscape Architecture 1997, Eaglehawk to Bendigo Open Space Link – Final Draft Issues Plan April 1997

DLA Phillips Fox, 2007, Contaminated Land Bulletin, Sydney.

EDAW, Sinclair Knight Merz and Sykes Humphreys Consulting, 2006, Greater Bendigo Cycling and Walking Strategy

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Environment Conservation Council, Box-Ironbark Forests and Woodlands Investigation

GTA Consultants, 2004, City of Greater Bendigo Central Business District Car Parking Study

Gutteridge Haskins & Davey, 2002, Bendigo Industrial Land Strategy

Hansen Partnership, 2006, Kangaroo Flat South Regional Centre Structure Plan: Final Report

Hogan, E. & Budge, T. 1992, Lake Neangar and Surrounds Environmental Assessment

Id Consulting, 2000, 2001-2021 population and household forecasts for City Of Greater Bendigo

Lerk, James, Various heritage articles

Mackenzie, S., 2007, City to reclaim mines, Bendigo Advertiser, 23 January, p.6

Maunsell Australia, 2003, East Bendigo Local Structure Plan – Final Report

Parsons Brinkerhoff, 2004, Bendigo Residential Development Strategy

Planisphere, 2005, Bendigo CBD Plan

Ratio Consultants, 2005, City of Greater Bendigo Commercial Land Strategy – Final Consultation Report

Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2005, Dai Gum San Uncommitted Crown Land Reserve – Interim Management Plan

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix A Residents and Community Survey

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix B Site 1 Murchison Mine

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix C Site 2 Leggo’s Calcine Sand Dump

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix D Site 3 Needle Mine

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix E Site 4 Viola Road/Deeplead Road

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix F Site 5 Specimen Hill Road

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix G Site 6 Red Calcine Sands/Former Speedway

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix H Site 7 Chum Street

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix I Site 8 Lazarus Street/Harvey Street/Happy Valley Road

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix J Site 9 Former Dai Gum San Area

Future Uses for Former Mine Land Overview Report



Appendix K Site 10 Central Nell Gwynne
