Future Internet Research, Services and Technology Subproject 4.4



Future Internet Research, Services and Technology Subproject 4.4. International Workshop 29 November 2013 Debrecen Márta Virágos. Future Internet Research, Services and Technology. Subproject No 4: customized content management ( led by András Hajdu) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Future Internet Research, Services and Technology Subproject 4.4

International Workshop29 November 2013

DebrecenMárta Virágos

Future Internet Research, Services and Technology

Subproject No 4: customized content management ( led by András Hajdu)

Main objectives of the project: • Customized and effective processing of high quantity data (led by András


• Development of collaborative data mining system (led by András Lukács)

• Preparation of a user platform supporting multimodel human-machine communication (led by Attila Fazekas)

• Availability and dissemination of digital library content (led by Mária Chernoch)

• Semantic multimedia search algorythms (led by Gábor Szűcs)

Subproject 4.4.The intelligent library

The project has two aims:

1. Development of a search methodology based on natural languages

2. Mapping out the 3D possibilities in a library (virtual presentation of valuable collection items)

Project team members:Gy. Bujdosó, I. Boda, M. Bényei, E. Dani, M. Borbély, M. Csernoch,

L. Balázs, K. Koltay, A. Gilányi, E. Tóth, M. Virágos

(1) LibSearchNet: search techniques visualization

The priority of thinking in images is effecting a radical shift in communicational, learning, information-search, and information-processing habits.

Library should develop visualized catalogues: 3D visualization of authority data could become an easy to use and quick tool of surfing among concept hierarchies.

LibSearchNet will based on three cornerstones:

1. the analysis of the online activities of library users and systems recorded in library log files,

2. the representation of the users’ searches in the mental lexicon,

3. and the standardization of library log files.

Analyses of Library Log Files

Goal: Identifying Search Flows and Searcher types The success of the analysis depends on the

Background knowledge of the human analyzers Mental competencies of the human analyzers

Results: Identification of the metacognitive processes Identifying the contents coming from errors of the

library system Classifying the searchers into user types

LibSearchNet: Library Log File Initiatives

Goal: Developing Library Log File Initiatives for making possible the collaboration between online systemsFor general library log file processes standardization is necessary

Need to identify and label the searching flows

Initiatives, new tags into the log files:sessionflow-id

The ID of session-flow, field has type <integer>

sessionflow-from The beginning of an estimated session-flow, field has type <time>

sessionflow-toThe end of an estimated session-flow, field has type <time>

New dimensions of an ancient library

In the project a three-dimentional model of a virtual library will be created by exploiting the capabilities of the Virtual Collaboration Arena (VIRCA)system developped by the Technical University of Budapest.

Based on the classification system elaborated by Callimachus the project focus on the field of old Greek poetry and drama in the 3rd century BC, and select some illustrious ancient authors and texts for the content of a virtual library.

In addition to the three diemensional virtual library model, the project created the hypertext representation which can further emphasize the additional features that the three dimentional representation provides for us.

Library of Alexandria

Technics of Virtualization

Library treasures in a virtual world

Traditional libraries often contain, in addition to their main holdings, special collections which are normally not open for the general public.

Digitization projects have been part of library activities for some decades now and were aimed at developing local tools to facilitate in-house mamagement of the collections.

The University and National Library has an Early Printed and Rare Book Collections which includes nearly 30.000 items.

The hole collection can be found in one special room which is closed to the library patrons.

The aim of the project is to develop a three-dimensional system, which makes the most cherised and carefully guarded treasures of the library, together with the room, virtually available.

The Virtual Realization

The system is constructed in such a form, that the user can ask a robot or a „virtual librarian” to guide him/her in the room.

One can move in the virtual space as one would do it in a real one.

Obviously, a very important part of our system is the presentation of the books of the collection.

We can take out a book and we can open it. For this „opening” the project has several tools in the system.

Project in European partnership

Europeana Cloud

Europeana Cloud

Europeana Cloud
