Full moon new moon ritual




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The Lunar Cycle

THE Lunar Cycle is one of those cycles of nature that vibrates right through us, even if we are not aware about it. Lunar cycle starts with “New Moon” which denotes “New beginnings, a fresh start, a blank page to fill on according to your wishes, hopes & intentions leading to the “ Full Moon” which tells us more of our belief being strengthened, new ideas and situations with people to fulfill our manifestations, one more step taken towards success.

Thus, both the new moon as well as full moon ritual is important in manifestation.

Why are “The New Moon” & “Full Moon” important for Manifestation?

Manifesting happens when we are ready and, we are ready to manifest only when we feel it deep down within our cell level. To feel the manifestation is to bring it to your physical world which requires us to vibrate at a certain frequency far above the negative and closed thoughts and emotions of anger, depression, jealousy, frustration, self-depravation, antagonism, hatred and likes.

“Love” and “Compassion” is the highest vibration in this universe and many experiments, like that of Masaru Emoto have proved it. To know how to let one vibrate at this level of happiness takes time and deep understanding, except that the new moon and full moon rituals slowly establishes your light body to have a vibration that can manifest dreams for you.

These rituals are a way to connect to your inner power and be there a while. While doing them each month, you take a step towards manifesting and working with magical energies. Many of us have encountered miracles with the ritual.I am here giving away to all of you a ritual that works like magic and raises your vibration, heal the negative and much more. As we become more tuned in with natures magic through this ritual, we become intuitive, clear of our self and our life, and more receptive as we open up more than ever to possibilities.

About the Ritual

This ritual makes sure that with everything being so fast around us, we ground our reality and let the universe do the talking. It helps us set clear and strong intentions of our dreams that lead to affirmations, which in turn works just right for us, and changes our dreams to realities we love. Both the full moon and new moon ritual begins with the energetic clearing of the space and our self. We also need to have a sacred space for this ritual. Having an alter is just fine but if you don’t have it try to create it as instructed here. Then we move on to the second part of ritual where we ground and let our deep selves talk to us, we receive the intuition, the help. Then only we are able to put a crystal clear intention which renders us to receive more from the universe in the form of ideas, people, and situations thrown in.

The Ritual

Setting the Sacred Space

The first step to start the ritual is to set up a space, known as the sacred space, and slowly it becomes an extension to you and the ritual, and also summons the energies of angels, light beings, ascended masters. Whenever you go to this space, you will find that the effects of the energies will help you keep grounded and peaceful. So it’s advisable to create a space with cleansed energies which I will discuss next.This space will be the place where you held your full moon and new moon rituals. If you already have an altar, no need to build a new one if you don’t have one, then you will need a cloth, mostly violet, white or golden, yellow colour will do. On this draw a pentagram with just your fingers. Move your hands over the piece of cloth and it’s done.

If you want to place a sacred prayer, figurines of ascended masters, angels, you can go ahead. Keep them to your left and any cleansing symbol like salt, smudge stick keep in the middle. You can burn a candle if you like and that too adorn your left side or the middle.

Since we are talking about abundance which manifestation brings, we can put a photo of “Horn of Plenty” on the alter.This alter serves as a reminder of everything holy and sacred with which we connect to, so make it worthwhile. You can decorate it with Angel wings, dolphin and water figurines too. Crystals are also an integral part of the alter.


Whenever we are working with energies, we need to make sure that the energies are cleansed and healed. With the purified energies only we will be able to work properly. So the second step of this ritual is to cleansing and healing the energies present.Sage burning is an ancient Native American technique of cleansing and works really fine. It works with the air and the energies and rendered them cleansed. You can also clear your energy with smudging which is beautiful to do.

Let’s do smudging then

Set a clear intention: What do you want from the smudging? Be clear about it and repeat it 3 times before starting it.Clear the energy: Now move the smokes around you first with your palms or some feather. Visit each chakra or the area of your physical body which you think needs cleansing.Focus a little more on the “Ajna chakra” as it helps not only to strengthen the will power but also in manifestation due to various reasons.After you finish cleansing yourself move to the space that is to become the “Sacred Space” for this process and your alter. Smudge them in the same way; only be mindful of the 4 directions, “East, West, North and South”.

Tarot readers and practitioners can place “Three of Cups” along with “The Empress” or “The Magician” card on the alter.


The next step is aligning with one self and for this the best practice being meditation. Meditation will clear your mind, soul and spirit of all blockages that can effect manifestation in a negative way. When you sit for meditation bring in pen and paper with you because at the end of the meditation I will tell you to set your intentions.Listen to the meditation here. =the youtube link to meditation


Intention setting is very important as it is our direct communication to the universe/angels/ascended masters. Without being clear about them one can’t manifest anything. Writing is also an important part of the intention setting, as it communicates directly to our subconscious to help us manifest quickly and easily. Write your intentions for you future and then for each intention write an affirmation.After you finish take a fresh sheet and write only the affirmations on it.


For empowering the affirmations, we need to perform a ritual of sending sacred energy to them. For it you need to know about the effects of important colors (refer to my book “Manifest the Life you Love”). Close your eyes and connect to your heart chakra. Ask the heart chakra to send the required colored energy to the concerned affirmations. The effects are magical.


Keep these written affirmations/intentions close to you. It can be kept in your handbag throughout the day and under the pillow or at the bedside table at night. The more you keep them near and read them along with blessing them with energies; you will start creating the right time for you to have your dreams manifested.

SOUL INNOVATIONS with Paulami R Mukherjewww.paulamirmukherje.com

copyright soulinnovations 2016
