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  • 8/2/2019 Full Edited



  • 8/2/2019 Full Edited



    Presented by:

    Ahmed Yehia S.OrabySylvia Wagdi LotfiBasma Maher MahfouzDoha Mohamed Abdul-Rahi

    Under Supervision of:

    Prof.Dr. HoussamRoushdi

    Animal Production Dept.Faculty of Agriculture

    Cairo University

    Organic Milk Production

  • 8/2/2019 Full Edited



    Out lines Definition od Organic milk.

    Differences bet. Organic and Regular milk production.

    Consumers & Organic

    Organic milk supply Overview

    Organic vs. Conventional.

    Economics and Organic milk production

    Pasteur use in Organic milk production.

    Challenges of Organic milk production.

    The relationship bet. Organic experience and the Challenge of

    Organic production.

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    What is the definition oforganic milk ?

    Is a milk from cows that have beenexclusively fed organic feed, have not beentreated with synthetic hormones or otherchemicals, are not given certainmedications to treat sickness.

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    s e erencebetween Organic milk

    production and Regular milkproduction ?*Organic Mi

    lkOrganic milk is obtained from cows that feed on

    grass that is not sprayed with fertilizers or otherharmful chemicals. These cows are not injectedwith hormones to increase their milk production.On the contrary, the cows producing organic milk

    are left in the pastures to feed themselves in thenatural environment. In short, the milk isproduced in all natural conditions.

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    *Regular MilkContrary to organic milk, regular orconventional milk is obtained from cowsthat are fed on grass sprayed withfertilizers or chemicals. There may also bea possibility of the cows being treated with

    hormones to enhance their milk production.Regular milk is obtained from cows that arekept in sheds (barn) and are fed on grain.Regular milk contains antibiotics and

    synthetic hormones, and has a lower shelflife as compared to organic milk.

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    Consumers and Organic

    *Interest in organic is growing because more &more consumers aretaking a closer look at howtheir food choices impact their health

    75% of Americans believe diet is a better

    influence on health than medicineMore than 60% of consumers believe lowering

    their exposure to potentially harmful chemicalswill lead to better health

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    *Consumers buy organic foods because

    they believe they are healthier for themand their families

    Top Reasons Consumers Purchase

    Organic Foods

    Health&Nutrition 66%Taste 38%

    Food Safety 30%Environment 26%

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    *Consumers buy organic dairy productsbecause they are concerned about the

    affect on their health of added growthhormones, antibiotics and dangerouspesticides

    Top Reasons For Purchasing Organic Milk -Concerned about growth hormones 76%

    -Concerned about antibiotics 73%

    -Concerned about pesticides 68%

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    rgan c upp yOverview

    In some respects were not that different

    than conventional milkOrganic farmers are affected by increases in

    energy costs

    When feed costs go up, its harder for farmersto make money, so they feed less high qualityproteins, etc.

    We have spring flush, too

    In some respects, were very different fromconventional farmers

    Cost of raw milk supply rising due to increased

    competition and increased cost of production on

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    Organic Feed Costs are high

    Contributing to

    A slowdown in amount of land converting toOrganic

    Higher price of raw milk

    Combined with

    Competitive demand for supplyAdded challenges from regulation changes

    E i f Si i

  • 8/2/2019 Full Edited



    Economies of Size inOrganic Milk Production

    The emergence of large conventional dairyfarms and the continued shift of productiontoward such farms suggest that economies of sizeplay a major role in the structure of dairy farming.

    Economies of size and the role it takes in thestructural changes observed in conventional milkproduction were documented by MacDonald et al.

    This section reports on the relationshipbetween operation size and production costs inorganic milk production, including what size andcosts might mean for the structure of theindustry.

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    Thank You
