Full Economic Costs (fEC)



Full Economic Costs. Staff presentation. June 2008. overview of fEC and link to TRAC to review fEC - the Government costing model for HEIs (in place as since September 2005) introduce recent changes to fEC and potential impact to department budgets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Full Economic Costs (fEC)objectives of presentation

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• overview of fEC and link to TRAC

• to review fEC - the Government costing model for HEIs (in place as since September 2005)

• introduce recent changes to fEC and potential impact to department budgets

• to discuss how fEC is handled at QMUL

• pre-award considerations

• post-award matters and reporting

TRACFull Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

what is TRAC?It isn’t:

TRACFull Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

Uses standard methodology for costing our main activities• teaching• research• other

Uses staff surveys to allocate academic time

Use of cost drivers to allocate space costs and all other overhead costs e.g. Finance Department

Introduced to look at the cost of undertaking research.

Now it has been expanded to calculate the cost of teaching

Transparent Approach to Costing

TRACFull Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

why is it important?

It enables the College to calculate the cost of its major facilities in a uniform way

It enables the College to calculate the cost of teaching

It is likely to be used by the funding council to determine our annual grant

It is used to calculate the rates for full Economic Costing

TRACFull Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

why is it important?

If we do not follow TRAC guidance this is what could happen:

TRACdefinition of fEC

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

“A price which, if recovered across an institution’s full programme, would recover the total costs (direct and indirect) of the institute including an adequate recurring investment in the institution’s infrastructure”

TRACwhat makes up the fEC?

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

fEC is made up of:• directly incurred costs• directly allocated costs• indirect costs• exceptional costs

Research councils will pay a fixed percentage of 80% of these costs as the total grant (excluding exceptional costs)

Charities are exempt from fEC and continue to pay full direct costs only

Other sponsors have adopted a partial-fEC approach

Government organisations have been instructed to pay out at 100% fEC

TRACwhat makes up fEC?

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

DI Costs DA Costs Indirect Costs

Exceptional Items

RAs PI & Co-I costs

full indirect costs

equipment > £50k

lab technicians

estates costs PGR stipends

travel pool technicians

PGR tuition fees

consumables & equipment < £50k

TRACdirectly incurred costs

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• research assistants• travel and subsistence• consumables• new equipment – 100% of costs will be paid above a threshold of £50,000 (but only 80% of the £50K below the threshold) Actual costs; can vire between headings

TRACdirectly allocated costs

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• PI & Co-Investigator costs• estates costs• pooled laboratory technicians• use of major research equipment/facilities

These are based on estimated costs, not actual costs

Directly allocated costs cannot be vired


Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• use 1650 hours per year as 1.0 FTE (220 days x 7.5 hours)• include time for project management, writing papers, dissemination & final report writing• use ‘salary bands’• individual PI time charged to RCs/public funders is not to be double charged, i.e. <100%• need systems for accurate estimating of time required and simple record of time spent e.g. notes/log book, meetings, etc.

TRACestates cost

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• separate from indirect costs• the £/fte charge applies to PI, PDRA, Co-I, visiting & PGRA (weighted)• there are different rates for type of space: Estates - classroom rate per fte Estates - laboratory rate per fte – excludes cost of laboratory technicians and Major Research Facilities (MRFs) Three MRFs have been identified – BSU, Genome Centre and Nanovision• will not change over life of project but is indexed for inflation

TRACindirect costs

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• includes all central service departments including their estates costs and support time of academics• is a set charge per FTE, recalculated annually• the £/fte charge applies to PI, PDRA, Co-I, visiting & PGRA (weighted)

pre-awardeligible and ineligible costs

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

Eligible costs are “project specific, based on actual costs and auditable”This must be explicit within the application/justification of resources

Included within the estates/indirects:• redundancy costs• maternity costs• maintenance and insurance costs of existing equipment

Need to avoid double counting

Facilities costs – QM only just setting up to handle Major Facilities Centres. Running costs of all other facilities already form part of our estates and indirects

pre-awardthings to note

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

Staff time on projects to ensure 100% DICProjects that run at a loss need to be signed off

Including technical and clerical support on grants• STFC have standard guidelines, other councils vary• departments must ensure that sufficient support costs are being requested• pooled staff and the use of DA vs DI

Emeritus status and contract staff• post must outlast project and support given by department during period of grant

Joint projects• costings provided by host institutions• costs must be approved by RGA prior to submission

pre-awardthings to note

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

EU grants are routinely being under-costed and not being passed for internal approvalAs with UK/OS funding these grants will not be accepted unless the department agrees to pay the shortfall

Use of “ball park figures” in outline proposals is not acceptable

Audit requirements• must have a complete paper-trail – costing to application form to award to post-award and final reports• PI/Co-I commitments

post-awardcalculation of internal budget

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

20% unfunded by the sponsor is supported by the PI/CoI time, estates and indirect costs

Residuals are transferred to the dept’s overhead account i.e. XXX1000

post-awardFull Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

  fec award Internal Budget

Direct Incurred Staff 129,777.55 113,477.00 129,777.55  

Studentship & Fees 48,029.00 48,029.00 48,029.00  

Travel & Subsistence 16,074.00 12,859.20 16,074.00  

Directly Incurred Costs 12,170.00 9,736.00 12,170.00  

Exceptional Items 0.00 0.00 0.00  

Equipment 43,743.00 34,994.40 43,743.00  

Consumables 0.00 0.00 0.00  

Recruitment costs 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,500.00  

Other DA - Technician - J Dupuy 2,395.00 1,916.00 2,395.00  

Tuition Fees 10,609.00 10,609.00 10,609.00  

TOTAL DIRECT 264,297.55 232,820.60 264,297.55  


allocated staff 19,967.00 15,973.60    

est 29,389.00 23,511.20    

idc 125,700.00 100,560.00    

totals for overheads 175,056.00 140,044.80    


Total awarded   372,865.40    

Overhead Budget     108,567.85  

Total Income     372,865.40  

Overheads as a % of directly incurred staff   82.14%  

post-awardfinancial management of project

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

• planning required by the PI – more accountability• virements between DI and DA costs are not allowed• funds provided for equipment costing more than £25,000 may not be used to buy other equipment, nor transferred to another heading, without prior written approval• DI Staff – Indirect and estates costs are driven by man months and not values as with pre-fEC grants• implications – any reduction in man power will result in a loss of income to the dept• support Staff – DI or DA costs?• DI – Project specific posts – time sheets required for appointments less than 1 fte• DA – Support staff who are appointed over several projects or pool technicians• studentships are funded 100%. It is expected that a student will be charged for the full term of the appointment. Partial studentships to use funds is not acceptable.

post-awardactivation of grant

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

No change – grant must be activated with the appt of DI staff

Non-staff expenditure must not be charged prior to this dateException – when DI staff costs are not awarded then the grant may be activated by ‘Other DA Costs’ e.g. support staff

Note: Starting Certificates must be submitted within 42 days of the start date. Failure to inform RGA that the grant has been activated will result in the grant lapsing

post-awardfinal reports

Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

Change – From 1 April 2008 you will need to attach an accompanying document as part of the JeS validation. You will provide a short statement describing whether there was any significant difference between the planned and actual expenditure on the grant, and providing reasons for the difference if this is the case.


Full Economic Costs

Staff presentation

June 2008

fEC is here to stay – need to recognise implications

Loss of income is not an option!
