FUE and its benefits


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FUE and its Benefitshttp://www.hairsg.com

One of the most common problem people face today is hair loss and FUE hair transplant turned out to be an effective solution. This is a beneficial technique which is quite used today. In the following sections, we will take a look at how this procedure works and its benefits.

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE or generally known as Follicle Unit Extraction is one of the non-stitch technique in which grafted follicular units are implanted in the balding area. The advantage of this procedure is that it gives the best result in terms of hair density gained and it reduces possibility of scars. This method is precisely useful in cases of pattern baldness which is popularly known as Androgenic Alopecia.

What is the Procedure?

The FUE hair transplant procedure is performed by qualified surgeons where the person is injected with anaesthesia and begins by extracting follicular units out of

donor area. These grafts are kept in a holding solution up to the time recipient area is prepared. The last step consists of implantation of these extracted follicles to create the hairline as per case of patient.

After the procedure, the patient is provided with necessary instructions from exercising to showering. Patient is also provided topical medications as well as antibiotics and mild painkillers as needed.

Wounds will tend to go away within seven days of the procedure and scabs will fall off in about 14 days. Up to the 8th week, the shedding process will continue and new hair growth will start around 4 months. By the time 12 months is reached, more results will be achieved. The hair growth will continue up to 18 months and with that amount of time, the new hair will thicken and completely cover the region of the bald hair.

Who can undergo for transplant?

Ideal persons for this procedure where only head hair is used are those who have not yet suffered complete depletion of donor hair in the scalp area. Yet, it is still possible to body hair for transplant when scalp hair is not enough for the procedure.

Is there any chance of complication?

Patients who want to have this treatment has a good chance since it is a minimally invasive technique and completely safe for use. The only risks that can be considered is when the patient will not follow the instructions of the physician about pre and post-operative care. The following are also some of the factors that may be inherited with risks:

1. Physiology of the patient2. Treatment procedure is performed by unlicensed physician3. Use of flawed machines or robotic techniques that do not have claims yet

Who are those poor candidates for the treatment procedure?

The procedure is not appropriate with the following situations:

1. Head or beard hair have lack of supply2. Patients who are still young3. In cases of curly follicles, for African descents, will have to undergo a test

procedure to find out whether they are suitable for the treatment4. People who have scar hypertrophy or an abnormal tendency for scarring5. Patients with clotting abnormalities.

Before proceeding with this treatment procedure, make sure the patient is qualified and do not have the above factors.
