^FTfWI^V^ppPP W— »^»^^p»«ia NEW-YORK ETiEWING POST. 10/New York NY... · 2010. 7. 21. ·...


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— » ^ » ^ ^ p » « i a g g i » a , ,

WANTKD. a white American woman, to do tha houaewuak of a M M U family, Apply at SI

Liberty*- . . . , . ' - " * gTrANTED, a atom in Broadway, at a moderate V rent—not higher op than tbe Hospital. Apply

0 Mii ' l-" lane. «P •«••*•• •>*

WA N T E D • Taylor.

active lad. aa appraatlea to • Apply at No. 35 Joan treat, n It tf

ftOARDlNO.--Agenile«iaji*and hia wife, and three BU A K U i m tingle gentlemon, can be accommodated with board

at Wo. IK Pulton atreet. dl tf

M—"orieW 'i > LOAN —8*00, woo, ii.ooo, ii.soo,

82,000. f 3.500, 88.000. 81,000. and several •mall. .rim, on real eataie. Apply at 74 Naaaau street. nlS

TTlffi I.N » T . PAUL'S C H A P E L . NO. 88 middle male, near the pulpit.for aale. Apply at 108 Pearl

mat "»1 - T h o t S t K E E P E K — A respectable young woman ^ V wishee a situation In a gniileel private family aa housekeeper, aempaueaa or ladiea maid, and would be M!ling to make henelf uaeful, would have no objection

,,, go to any part of the United State*; the can/produce unexceptionable reference aa to character and qualifica­tion!. A hue addraaaed to 8 . G. at this office will be

laltertded to J27t«



If at WO handsome furnished Rooraa, one on the second I I floor, can be had, with Board, by applying lit No |13 Murray at. J* lw

'ILLlAMS <k WOOD,Copyi*ia,44Cedar*treei. All order* neatly executed with despatch, n i l

'ANTED, in a private family, a capable woman, who understands plain cooking, washing & iron-

ins;. Recomnriendalione of moral character and qualifi-aiiona, will be required. Such a person may hear of a ermenent situation, with liberal wagea. die by leaving

Erection* at tins office where to be seen, addressed to O | p E. dl4

WANTED—A gentleman competent to had a choir of aacred music, and one or two ladies to

11 itiit in the same are wanted in one of the churches of I thuciiy. For term* of cnmpvruation and other parti [ culirs, apply a»No. 107 Prince atreet. j7eodtf

• jdro^EY T O LOAN — 45,000 Dollars to Loan on 1 1 1 Bond and Mortgage or other good security, in

Isunm l" suit applicants. * pplv to dl04w LEW1N A PtTR^T, fiOt Wall st.

I a l K . ARNOLD, Surgeon Demist. Member of the | I * l Royal College of Surgeons. London, (late assist-

id li> Hr. Newton, Vesey street.) announce" tothe pub-Ihr that his Office is No. 195 Fulton street. North River Isirie, Hours of attendance lrom 9 to 5 o'clock. * |7 i f

A~FOV, WIG MAKER. No. 27 Ann-street below N'lssaii.— Returned trom Paris, is well known for

til ypar* for making the best Wigs and Scalps in New-VurH. informs the public, should any Wig and For. top mide by LA FOV not give enure satisfacli n to the purchaser, it may be returned and another w ill l>e made tree of additional expense, or the money w ill be returned

Transportation at the cost of the purchaser. n27Gm


A C A R D — T h e W a r n C O W A N respectfully avail themselves of the earliest opportiuuty to announce

to their friends and the public, that having arrived from London, they have now formed their establishment at No. 33 Fourth-street, Washington square, where they give instruction in the COMPOSITION OF MUSIC, and HARMONY, -upon the universally approved sys­tem of that highly gifted and eminent master, by which her pupil* will, at once, acquire a knowledge of the T H E O R Y aa well as of the PRACTICE of MUSIC.

The Misses C * rdethod of explaining the " Logerian System" is so perspicuous, that it is rendered perfectly comprehensible to persona of the moat ordinary capacity, and a greater knowledge of Music and its Theory mill is imparted to their Pupds in a fern lessons, than can be ac­quired by ;he common method of tuition by years of class application and practice.

The Misses Cowan give Lectures on Harmony. Ac to Classes of a select nnmber of their pupils. Such ladies as are desirous of taking instructions on the Harp, and who wouly not wish at the commencement to purchase an instrument, will be permitted to practice upon the Misses C's Harps.

For terms (which are moderate'1 and further particu­lar*, apply at the M1S8ES C O W A N ' S MUSIC ES­T A B L I S H M E N T . No. 32 F O U R T H S T R E E T -WASHINGTON S Q U A R E , and at No 78 MUR-R A Y - S T R E E T . ol56m»


ANATOMICAL MUSEUM —The public la rag epectfuil) informed that thta interesting Exhibition

Is removed to Masonic Hall, (Broadway,) ground floor, consisting of Anatomical Preparations in Wax. representing the must important parts of tha Human Structure, being the fruits of sis years labor. The first preparation exhibits the thorax laid open, exposing to view the heart, lungs, diaphragm arteries, and with part of the integument* removed from the head, showing the nerves, blood vessels, braki, membranes, die. Also, fourteen other preparation* of various part* of the hu­man form, together with natural preparations, the whole too occult to describe in advrritsemeiits— highly recom­mended by the medical faculty. None admitted under 18 year* of age except medical atudente. Ladiea may attend when accompanied by their family physn-mn, by

?living previous notice. Medical practitioners admitted ree ol expense. Persons, by visiting this exhibition,

can obtain a general knowledge of anatomy, without undergoing the unpleasant erlecis of a dissecting room. Open from 8 A. M. until9 P.M. Admittance 25 cents. Visiters by leaving their signatures can return as often aa they please, provided they on each visit introduce a friend. nSlf


TH E ATLANTIC 1NSURANCECOMPANYOF N E W-YORK having been organised, with a cash

capital of 9350,000. are now readv to receive applica­tions, and make Inauranccs on Vessels. Cargoes, and Freights. They are also ready to receive applications.

GRAMMAR SCtJt iOLolCOLU M B l A C O L L E G | * J and make Loans on Bond. Mortgage, and on Stocks.— in the Merchants Exchange ftCr This School has been removed to the new build­

ing, in Murray-st. TVrmi of Tuition p*r Quarter.

Latin and Greek, with the English course, t l S 90 English course, 10 00 French, (extra) ft 00 Fuel and Stationary, an extra charge. N. B. The Quarters will consist of twelve week* each,

allowing four weeks vacation—for which no charge is made. The Pupils entering after the commencement of the Quarter, the balance only wi(l be charged. A montii's notice is required previous loleav ing the School, or the lime to he paid for. Apply at the School to JOHN D OGILBY. the Master, between 9 A. M and 3 P. M. New-York. 16(1. October. 1839. n!6 tf

MR. E D W A R D KNlGHTrespectluliy announces to bis former pupils and the public, that from the


No. 15d to 119 Fulton street, four doors below Nassau •treat. c>26Cm

r j s j I E subscriber* have formed a connexion in hu»i-A aties.s. as Attornte* at IJIW and Solicitors iti Chan­

cery, under the firm of Bleeeker A Henry, office 57 State street. Albany, 6th Nov. I W .


I 1 itti OK S A L E , a good neat second hand Buggy, hut

tile the worse for warn, made of the best materials, with a stout »un top. For particulars apply at the Liv­ery SuSle of J. BROCHWAY, Varick street, opposite the Richmond hill hnu»e. n6

ILLIA.MS KT WOOD.Copistae et Traductenrs Francaia. Anglais. Espanols, Alleraatid*, Itali-

env *c No 44 Cedar-st. New-York. rt!8

1 S.URSALE—The stock Slid fixtures of a Grocery 8i>re well established in the business, and 13 years

unexpired lease ol the above store. Also, 15 years un­expired leisenfthe lot adjoining, with buildings there­on For particulars, apply ou tho premises 226 Mul­berry street, of


first of January, 1830, he intends to devote his time to iving instruction in thuscienceof Music, and the Piano " >rte. Mr Knight having made New York his perma­

nent residence, no interruption to the studies of his pu­pils can possibly take place.


Office No. 23, JOSlAH L. H A L E . Pres't.

W A L T X * R. JONES. Vice Pres't. DIRECTORS.

George Griawold, Jonathan Goodhue, Peter Crary, William W. Woolsey. Henry Kneelaud, George T. Trnnbla, O. Mauran, George Coggeshall, Silas Hick*, Thomas G.Cary, Perez Jones, Thomas Tileston,

n l 8 T:

Gold Hoyt, Silas Holmes, Henry Parish, Caleb Baratow, Henry Coit. Frederick A. Tracy, George llussey, Elisha Rigga. Crtorgo T . Elliot, Wm. W. Do Forest, Jacob Brouwer.



M per cent and $' 0 000. in sums to sou applicants, at 7 per cent on real estate tu this city. Applv to

d3l J M'KSON <k CO 74 Nassau st.

j - i O P A R T N E R S H I P WILLIAM CRIPP<Tof l y t h e l s t e f t r i n o f C R I P P S A WILLOUGHBY.hsv . ng counseled himself with Lstmard J. ll'yefh and (I'-rgt C'<pps. under the firm ofCKIPPS & WYETH, in \ wY,rk.and WILLIAM CRfPPS & CO in New-p-irl. Paanel, Buckinghamshire, Kngland, will continue the business of importing British Lace Goods, at the it .re lately occupied by f'rippe St WiUoughby, No 133 PeaiUst WILLIAM CR1PPS,


New York. Dec 9. I«"9. d 10 end if


n 1-r, n t-

'. A rf li­ra *


>d •o • I ft.

•r th et d

JO f, C «•• ne M 00 11, its s>.. or 01 •d of or 74 A m m :h h* th «1 r»n fly !t-HI he lit J

ith j|» ni­di t»0 lie. \t* lsr in* i,.l •ed Ith 10,

in hi. in*


r. iav \s*

f *>VIr. Prvsnleot, Director* ai I onipaii) ol the Bstik 1 ol America, will apply to the Legislature of the

R»«t*\ as its next Session, for an Act to renew and ex-leu*1 their Charter. By order of tlie Hoard of Director*,

GEO N E W B O L D , Cssl.'r. Aov .81 . 1329 n21 dfiw

K. S E B A S T I E N JACLARD. reepectf.dly rr~ turn* his sincere thanks for the encoiiragempnt he

las received from the public, ami will endeavor to do-rrve in continuance by the most strict attention that ks will devote to the perfection in ornamental hair »nrks. at lfi3 Broadway, between Courtlandt and l.i-kfrty street, wliere he has removed his old eatablishment. ff' also leiorms the ladies and gentlemen of New York lod it* victnilv. that he has formed a co-partnership Vlth Mr C H A 8 MARTEL. lately from Pnris,where he « as known as one of ihe most celebrated hair dre»*ers. Indies wishing to be attended at their own houses, may depend upon their endeavors to please. At their new Mtiblishment, they have appropriated separate rooms for ladies and gentlemen! hair dressing and cutting.

A general assortment of the most fashionable goods of every kind in thrir line of businea*. brought from France by Mr Martel, are to be had at the above es­tablishment, where country merchants and others are invited to call d2SI5t


liant toned Organized Horizontal Grind Piano Forte, wuh flute, flagoltft, drum, cymbal, and other accompa­niment*, forming a band of music of itself. Apply at the Mi**, s Cowans' Music Establishment, 32 Fourth •lr»ei. Washington Square d9

MRS E D W A R D KNIGHT respectfully announ­ces to her friends and patrons, that fur a season, com­mencing Jan 1st, 1330, having relinquished theatrical engagements, khe will he enabled to devote her»elf exclu-•ively to teaching the science of singing, in the EnglUh style, together with Sacred Music, to the select classes who will honor her with their patronage

For terms apply at Mrs. Knights, 201 Hudson-st. d l 5 t f


JUDAH A LEE. A.M , and WM GOODRICKE. respectf illy inform their pal runs, an.l the communi­

ty in general, that they have opened a Boarding School, for the education of young gentlemen, in the elegant and comm>sjions mansion tormerly known as tho residence of Judee Watts and William Turpin, Esq , and lately occupied by Mr J. T. Weyman. The situation is on » fine eminence, near the steam boat landing, and is sur­passed by no place in the state for its healthfulnes* and the beauty of its scenery.

The course of instruction will embrace all the studies necessary to prepare youth for admission into any col­lege or counting house, or to enter immediately upon the studv of any ol the learned professions.

Every attention will be paid, not only to the instruc­tion of the pupils, hut to their morals and manners, diet, cleanliness, sod health. The dormitory u an extensive ranejo of l>ed rooms, ami only two pupila will be allow­ed to occupy the same apartment. The pleasure grounds and gardens are extensive ; and it ia the intention of the prop-ietors t" mtrtsliicea regular svstem ofgymnastical exercises, and to instruct the pupils in agriculture and botany.

The useful and elegant studies of Gencraphy and As­tronomy wiU be scientifically illustrated by appropriate transparent diagrams, which will render those sciences familiar am! intelligible U< the youthful mind.

Pupils who have a desire to obtain a knowledge of Drawing. Mapping, and Planning, will, with the con­sent of ttreir parents, receive instruction in these accom­plishment*.

For further particulars, and references, apply to Mr John Pearson. 109 Broadway; Wm. Sherwood, Dey •treet; Wm. W. Holme*, 3*/9 Pearl at; and Wm. Brad-ford. 72 Maiden lane—of whom the published circulars rels l iv tn the institution may be obtained, containing the terms, references, &c Letters addressed to Mr. J A. Lee will receive unmtSliate attention/ d2 tf

TW\0 T H E LADIES.— Mr*. / W * e > i l l commence JL giviinT lessons in Penmanship, for the ensuing sea­

son, on Tuesday the first of Dccembeg, at her residence No 5 Chamber* street. j

Mrs D having.with unparalleled aWcea*. for many preceding years, instructed in her favornV art in this city, and having been so long and so liberaHy patronized, deems it totally unnecessary to make an atWerlisemenl the organ ol her claims to the continuance ofrtvs4ki.or and patronage of the public. Sl>e is well aware that many of her own *ex have neglected to accomplish themselves in this graceful as well as necessary and use­ful art; and she is happy to be able to announce to la­dies, of whatever age. that, let their former attainments and acquirements in this branch be as deficient as possi­ble, she can, in one tknrt cnurse ifleston*, enable them to vv rtte a neat and legible hand.

As Mrs. D. will receive a limited number only, an ear­ly application from those who are waiting and wishing to commence u particularly desirable, to ensure admit­tance.

For further information, ladies are respectfully solicit­ed to call a* the room. n2;.

FIRE I N S U R A N C E COM 53 Wall-street, New-York,

incorporated with a Capital of Half a Million of Dollars, for the sole purpose of Insurance against loss or damage by FIRE, Dwelling Houses, Ware Houses, Buildings, in general. Merchandize, Ships in Port and their Car-

5oes, Household Furniture, Wearing Apparel, and every escnption of personal property.

Applications made from any part of the United State*, accompanied by a particular description of the Buildings, occupation*, how (ltuated.&c.wiUbe promptly attended to. The rale* of premium and condition* of Insurance are uniform with all tlie other Fire Insurance Compa nies in this city.

JONATHAN L A W R E N C E , Pres't N A T H A N I E L W. STBOMO, Sec'ry

8E A M 1 N S BANK FOR 8 A V I N G . - T b . Trustees of this Bank have this day ordered, that an interest

at the rate of t\ve par et, per annum be allowed to aach ofiha depositor* a* shall he entitled to Interest, agreea­ble to the By-Law* of tlua institution, which will be paiatd to the credit of *uch depositors as do* lbs 1st inst or will be paid to aach depoaitora at tha Bank, No. M» Maiden lao*. corner of Front -el. up stairs.

N TAYLOR, President. . j7eBdtm O. H. HICKS, rsscretary.


TM . l>ee.«9, ItW. J

H E Beard of Director* of the Bank of America have this day dealared a nett dividend of two dollars and fif­ty cents psraharasjr C months, ending on the Slat ittet. payable to the •tockholdera on the 6th day of January next. By order of tha Board of Director*.

d29 1m GEO. NEWBOLD. Cashier ¥ ^ R A h K L I N FIREINSURAN'CECOMPANY.— X The rihnusj election for Director* of this Company will beheld at tha Office of the Company. No. 33 Wall street, on Monday, the 1 Ith day of January next, between the hour* of IS and 8 o'clock By order.

d«9tJls J. WORTHINGTON. Sec'y.

PHEP-IX BANK D l V l b E N D . - ' T h e President & Director* of the Phenix Bank have declared a divi­

dend ol tkrtt and a half per cent on the capital stock of the bank for the current *ix mouth*, ending on the 3l*t inst. and w iihout any deduction for the tax. The stock-•liolders may reouve their div idend* on and after the se­cond day of January next. The transfer books will be closed from the 24th mat. to the 3d of January. By or­der of the Board.

d*4 2w J DELAFIELD, Cashier.

1*1 EW-YORK GAS LIGHT COMPANY - N o t i c e 1 * is hereby given, that an Election for thirteen Direc­tor* of the Nev» York Ga* Light Company, for the en-auingyear, will be held on Monday, tha 11th day of January next, at the office of the Company, in Centra-street The poll will open at 11 o'clock, A. M and close at 1 o'clock P M.

The transfer book »ill be closed from the S6th inat. until after the Election. By order

d213w E. E W E E D S e c y

h W YORK INSURANCE COMPANY.—the Stockholder* are hereby notified that the annual

election for twenty-one Director* will be held at the office of the Company. 31 Wall-»treet. on Monday, the 11th January next, t h e poll will open at JO o'clock in the forenoon, and close at 2o'clock 2l«t Dec 1889.

TI1EO B 8 A T T E R T H W A 1 T E , d8I Secretary.

NO. 49 WlLI*IAM-8TKfiKT«.


S C O T C H *9 P t t J Ball, Br, the U . h tn*t. for the

Theitsoal srrang.ai.nls have bean aniaraal sase. ta insure th* coin fort of those who may botaar aha M with theh p'assjnea.


Jonathan Lawrcncs James I>>vett Frederick De Pcyster Samuel Betts Henry Kneeland Thomas Blixxlgood John A. Stevens Robert Chessbrotigh Francis H. Nicoll Thomas Lawrance Jumea Bovd, Junr. William W. Fox

Michael Buraham Jeromus Johnson JamesStrong John Flack Jacob P. Giraud Joseph Hudson Charles Town George Barclay John P. Stagg John I. Thehald Peter A. Jav BavidM. Prall.

NOI'ICE.—An election for tune Director* ol th* New York Dry D irk Company will be held at the

Bank, corner of Avenue D and 10th street, from 9 to 3 o'clock, on Monday the I lib day of January next. The transfer books will be closed from the 87th December until after the election. 19th Dec 1839.

d!9tJII WM STEBBIN8 . Cash'r.

"VI OTICE — All person* buying demand* againat th* I™ estate of Can it B. A heel, deceased, will plea«e pre­sent them for settlement; and all those indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate paymet to

GEORGE A REEL, ) Administnitors, ADRIAN II. MULLER. I 30Q!FroWtreet.

d31 tf

r j I H E JEFFERSON INSURANCE COMPANY X OfHce No. 108 Chatham at. corner of Pearl street

continue to insure against loss or damage by fire on dwelling houses, stores and buildings in general; also, on vessels building, merchandise, furniture, and other personal property ; also, on vessels navigating the waters of the state. ALLEN CLAPP, President.


Richard Riker, Allen Claop, Thomas W. Thorne, Obadiah W. Jones, Samuel Webb, John C. Merrill. John Clapp, George S. Watkin*, Samuel M. Fitch, C C. Trmis,

William W . Winana, John Wo»»d, Benjamin R. Robaon, Elijah Humphreys, David Roger*, Isaac Frost, James Dusenhury, David Brooks, Charles O'Neil. William Bradford.

Mtrcun'.Ue Insurance Company rif New York, I id January, 1830. (

THE Stockholder* are hereby notified that the an­nual election for twenty-one Director* of said Com­

pany, will be held at their office No. 43 William (treet, on second day the 1 Ith inst. The poll to be opened at 12 o'clock, and cloaed at 2 o'clock, by order

j3 ROBERT BARKER Secretary

EW-YORK INSURANCE C O M P A N Y — T h e President and Directors have tht* day declared a

dividend of Ave par cent, on the capital stock of the company, for the last six months, payable to the stock­holder*, or their legal representatives, on and after th* 11th inst. at the office 31 Wall st

J4Jm THEO. B. S A T T E R T H W A I T E , 8ec'y._

A G L I T F I R E COMPANY OF N E W YORK — The Board of Director* have this day declared a

dividend of four per cent upon the capital atock for the last six month*, payable on or after the 15th instant.

THOMA8 GLOVER, Secretary. New York. 4th January, 1330. j 5 S w



M A Y O R ' S OFFICE. Jsnuary t d . 1830.

9T The following mentation o f the New-York Mnsary htm been handed to me. 1 have) directed it to be published for tha informatfon of the public, and 1 cannot bat earnestly urge upon the community to use every endeavor to pursuade those who have not passed through t be disease of the Small Pox to receive the bene­fit of vaccination, and thus check ihe .preading of that ktuhaoma and mortal disease, which is sgam making iia appearance among us. The names of the Phvsicianeof the District and their residence will be found below, and i l l* to be understood that they perform the service grati*.

Etimet from the minute* ol a meeting of the Board of Trustees of tha New-York Dispensary, held tha Slat December, 1889.

" Resolved, f/hat the attending Physician* be request­ed to pay particular attention to the vaccination of the poor; and that public notice be given urging all those who have not yet been vaccinated to apply for that pur­pose at the Dispensary, or to the Physician* of the Dis­trict in which they reside, so that the progress of the Small Pox may b* arrested as speedily a* possible. Signed JAMES P. DE P E Y S T E R . l e e r y

New-York.8«thDec. 1889" Resident Physician* of the New-York Dispensary CLARK WRIGHT. 63 Chamber at. JNO. J. GRAVES. 525 Broadway. ABM. VAN GELDER. M Heater at. D L M. PE1XOTTO. 94 Elm *t. J. D W I G H T HARRIS, College. JOSEPH W DUVALL. 198 Church at BENJAMIN COIT. 74 Nassau *t. GEORGE GRISWOLD. 78 Chamber at. JAMES T. CROMWELL. SO Howard*!. A R T H U R BRONSON. 154 Hudson st.

W A L T E R B O W N E , Mayor. The papers employed by the Corporation will publish

this until slopped. J8 tf

An Act in relation to the Criminal Court* in tbe city of New York, paased April 14. 1829.

The people of the slate of New York, represented in Seriate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

yl It shall and may he lawful for the Common Coun­cil of the city of New York, to assign such place in tha •aid city, other than the City Hall, as may to them seem most conducive to the public convenience, for the hold­ing of the Courts of General Sessions, Special Sessions, and of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol delivery, to he held in and forsaid city and county : Provided, that such al­teration of the place of holding said Courts, shall, before the same lake* effect, be notified in one or more of the public newspapers printed in the said city, for tha period of not less than four weeks.

A IJIW, rotating to tha Criminal Court*, passed Dae S*. 1829.

The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New York, in Common Council convened, do ordain aa follows:

y 1. In pursuance of the authority given by tha Act of the Legislature, in relation to the Criminal Court* in thia city, passsed April 14, 1839. the edifice usually called the Rotunda, in the "ear of the City Hall, ia hereby as­signed aa th* place for tbe holding of the Courts of Ge­neral Sessions, of Special Sessions, and of Over and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, to be held in and for the

\ c j l v and county of New York. v 2 . Th* (aid edifice, so designed aforesaid, shall here­

after be known and designated by the nam* of the " Ses­sion's Hall;" and from and after the first Monday in February next, all the courts aforesaid shall bo held therein, and not in the City Hall.

y3 The Clerk of the Common Council shall causa th* aforesaid alteration of the place of holding the said court* to be notified in the public newspapers employed by the corporation, for the period of not l**a than four week* before the same takes affect. By order of the Common Council. J MORTON. Clerk.

Printer* tn the Corporation will copv this. J5 4w


Ticket* use dollar two fodiss. may he bad at; Music Si .re, 167 Broadway; l _ Arts. 346 Broadway; E. Riley'. Musicetofa,tVCS ham at.; Firth * Hall*. Mu*it> Saota, M l Pa*rl and at the bar of tht Mmamw Bal i .

Door, open at halt past 6, and dancing to osraraence precisely at 8 o'clock. i77t

A U X MhUHfEUK* DU B A K R E ^ U , S o T A i k i l , MARCHANDS, E T AUTRES.

LE S sous-tine., d .pre* I'mperxence quils ant eo quiM dans un long exercic* do f a n detreaaerim**

traduire las divers documsra*,^»>caa at papier* oat seal du reason d« l'homme de roi, dit marchand at da pubH-ciste, prennent la liberie d'offrir fours •arvioaa dan* lo merheempioi. ConvaincuadelaiieceMted'tinsrelotma totale dona la pratique d u n art auaat important. Mirtout depui* que taut de main* inhabile* at profanes out felt presque diaparaiirs jusqua l'*vidence de son etdite, i l l it* negligeroiit rian qui puisse cuntribuer a y intredulm cette scrupuleiiss exactitude dunt la plus Were devia­tion eat souvent stiivie da* plua funeaies reaultats

La ponctualit* at neoasaaiie aux



la* embarras auxquela Us aa trouvant si souvent axpoeaa •artselk-, ont fait prendre aux soussignr*la resobjtuonda remplir leura engagt lea bottom d* Uur t

san* elk-, ont fait prendre aux soussignr*la rasojpuonda eiigagementa, en vers oeox qui voudront bsaa

. jiagement, avec tout i et la jusiesse possibles. Cetia condition set ausait tiethf qu'elle est plus vivement arntie par cenx dont P*k> perience leur donna taut da •ujet* d'en rcgreuer rinfrac-Uon.

Lea aouaaignea s'euacheront a t

LA C K A W A N N A COAL. VIA D E L A W A R E * HUDSON CANAL— Edward Punsrmih has for

sale at his yard Fmnt-st, near the Navy Yard Ferry, this fine description of Coal in quantities to suit pur­chasers, by the ton of 2240 lb*

Order* left at Ihe Office No 7 Broad-st, oral No 300 Fmnt-st, will have due attention j4 t3l

I^AMILY VAULTS—For sale, sit vaults, in ihe Episcopal Cemetery in Hudson at., 8 feet by lOeach,

fnmished on the plan of the safety vault*. Inquire *t the Triniiy Church Vestry Office, comer of Pulton urtd Crmrch st.. from 10 A M to 2 P. M. d«l dtf

1 RATHER.—8000 side* rioie ILeslher. lUOO do * Skirting do 150 side* Harness Leather DO do Russet Bridle do ISO do Black do do

1WQ do Waxed Upper do S">0 do Upper in stuff 100 .! .gen W*ted Calf Skin* 2no do Sheep Skin*. 30 do HOST do With a variety of other articles in tbe line, for sale by Jl lot GIDEON LEE & CO 20 Ferry st.

•JTiMvVGE—Good* will be received on storage on CJ snplication at 43


implication at 43 Pine at R Counting rooms, lofts and cellars to let as a

n i l

I E V r i L lor sale, at it French Store, Franklin st. and Broadwav.

corner of n!2

All rus-sea liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Mo­ney to loan on bond and mortgage on unincumbered property in the city of New-York. n!4

A NEW LAW BOOK. U S T PUBLISHED, by ihesnbsc-nbeT.and for sale

at his Ware-Room, 45 John-st. New-York—A Digest of the reported Decisions of the Supreme, Circuit and Dt* trict Courts of tbe U. States, from the commencement of the Reports, to January term of 1829—being a continu­ation of Wheaton's Digest, tbe most complete work on the subject ever published. Price for the 2 vols, bound in one, 86. Usual discount to bmiksellers.

R DONALDSON. For sale, at said place, Wheaton's Reports of the De­

cisions of the Supreme Court of the U. Stale*, in 12 vols. Likewise. E. Paine's Reports of cases argued and deter­mined in ihe Circuit C\>urt of the U. States, of the 2d Circuit, comprising the districts of New-York, Con­necticut <fe Vermont. These invaluable law books should not only be found in every lawyer's library in the U. States, hut in all ihe commeicial cities & towns in Eu-lopo connected with the commerce of those states— otherwise, he is aa a Bhip at sea without a rudder, his clients are liable to be cast ashore without a wreck bo-hind. Tbe pride of the profession forbid it

N. B Said Digest will be sold in 1 or 2 vols or ex­changed for lhat now in use. R. D.

d5 3m

N ]

FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—A dividend of three per cent on the capital stock of

this company for the last six months has been declared this day, payable to the a'ockholderaor their legal repre­sentatives on and after the l.Vh inst. By order,

s J62w C. ZABHISKIE. Secretory.

EPTUNE INSURANCE C O M P A N Y — T h e Directors have this day declared a dividend of six

per cent on the capital atock for the laat six months, payable on demand at the office of the Company No. 25 Merchants' Exchange. By order,

J4 8w A B. NEILSON. Secretary.

flAireM'nCt.Je.it eneVlkesetnrs of the Ocean Insurance M. Company have this day declared a regular dividend

of six per cent, and an extra dividend of ten per cent, making together sixteen per cent, on their capital stock tor tbe last six months, payable on and after Monday next, ihe ]lth inst _J42wt JAS. 8. SCHERMERHORN, S e c y .


President and Directors have this day declared a divi­dend of three and one half per ct. on the capital stock of the Company, payable at iheir Office, No. 53 Wall­et, on and alter the ]5th mat.

}i NATH'L. W. STRONG, S e c y .

MANHATTAN COMPANY —The Company have this day declared

C^HEVP DRY GOODS—S. r\ Bement, would in-•> firm his friends and ihe public, thai he has received

ffotnancti.in an extensive assortment of Staple and Fan-'» Drv Goods, consisting in part of bleached and un-Mesehfd sheetings and shirtings of all qualities, from 3 tn 5 4 wi I... which will be sold at reduced prices, toge­ther W 1 l n „ nr^pfgi assortment of London and American Prim*. rUnnel*. bomhaxinea. Circassians, crapes, crape j'sse, cashmere, barege and silk dresses, hdkfs. Swiss col­lars and prints, hlk lace veils, book, Swiss, cambric, Willi, jaconet nnd India muslins, corded cambrics and "'"till"*, hirdicvuniul Knssia dinners, linen damask, da-

India muslins birdseyeand Russia diaper*

"ink napkins. Imen cambrics, satin*, satin levantine, l^s de xeiio*, In,|ie» cambist, and a splendid assortment °j garniture, lustring and satin ribbons, hosiery and fwns, perfumery, fancy sonp. <tic. j4

AT PRIVATE S A L E — T h e stock of the Livery Stable, No. 34 Cherry »t. consisting of horses,

'mage*, R , j , buggies, sleighs. Ac Apply to . E. A. BR1NCKERHOFP, Assignee.

J M t f 828 Fulton street.

f U M R R I C SHIRTING. Ac.—Superfine power y loom cotton shirting, round wire thread, linen style; **>. eitrn superfine cambric shirting, done up as linen, • w f pieces, superfine white fl -nnel; best doublen»se •*|Vet«, mt thread white cotton stockings, patent ^"ped warranted, for winter t)m; plain and ribbed ™>Wr*nd thtbet wool hose, together with a Urge as-•^rnent of hosiery, gloves, dtc. for sale at wholesale or 7 ' 1 "V R. ox A LANE, No. 10dt 18 Maiden lane, r*st Arcade

It B to

A large assortment Linen Goods, all kinds.

I «I*H LINEN—Justus Enrle. 29 Maiden Lane, ha* this day opened, 1 case of soft finished mill spnn

tirf 'l"*"1, 'be same style that gave auch universal sa-**"*''on last year—also, j t*t received pink Aemphane "J 1'alian crape, of a most elegant shade—heat quality

tote hnrseskin gloves. 3a (hi pair—an extensive assort-"•MJmen cambric and linen cambric hdkf*. j5

BONE—1500 Ihe for sale by l y j & F I S H . f l R I N N E L L A CO, 134 ft rontst K A ' ' T E T R E — 8 0 0 bags E. I. Crude, for sal* by ^ dia P mtMUKN * CO, Hanov.r aquam

MR. <k MRS. S A N T A N G E L O S STUDY —The last winter classes for the Spanish and French

Language* will commence, for gentlemrn. on the first Monday of January next. Hours—from 6 to 10 in the evening. Terms—SlO per quarter for either language, or 912 for both , for 30 private lessons, §15.

The instruction of ladiea. duy scholars, six hours eve­ry mominf, Saturdays excepted is divided in'o three sections. In tbe first are taught Writing. English Gram­mar, Arithmetic, Geography. History, Mithnlogy, and Kmhroidery. at $10 per quarter; in the second, either the French, the Spanish, or the Italian, at 910; in the third, Singing and Music, either on the Piano or the Goi sr, at 912. The ladies studying in one section may study in the others at half price. Drawing and Paint­ing separately charged.

The education of voting laditsj. boarders, in know­ledge, morals, nnd piJiimeti. will be the most accom­plished. Terms—fSO per quarter, fi»r hoarding, wash-lug, fuel, use of the piano, and instruction in all the above branches.

B ^ Twelve gentlemen, over 15 ypar* of age, and ac­quainted with ihe English Grammar, will be instructed by Mr. Santsngplo in the LATIN, upon the same plan pursued by him with the utmost success in teaching for­eign languages. That pronunciation will be taught which is common to almost all the European continent, where th* Anglo-Latin pronunciation ia quite unintelli­gible. By these mean* they will know the Latin at the end of one year, to as to he understood throughout the learned world, and be able to acquire, by themselves, both the pronunciation and the general principles of se­veral living languages, the most useful for literature, arts, commerce, and diplomacy. This will not prevent them from using, aa occasion may require, the Latin pronunciation prevalent here. For conditions and term* apply early to Mr, Santangclo, No. 302 Broadway.

New York. 8lWDecembeT. 1829. d 2 2 4 w _

I ECTURKS A L E S S O N S IN ELOi 1 i ' l lO.V A By D. Barber. 33 Vandeweter atreet. The course

of inat ruction consists of public Lecture* developing t lie powers of the voice, accompanied by diagrams end vo­cal illustration*, and a series of Readings nnd Recita­tions, or Uith, (with Dr. B.) in which thepriart'/Jes arc applied to the purpose* of a clear <$- imprssrive drtixrry in all the various descriptions of reading, in the pulpit at the bar. and amid tbe social circles of bfe.

Upward* ol forty testimonial*, unsolicited, received by Dr. B from < .'ollegc*. Theological Semirinnet, and the most respertahln Schools, of both sexes in various parts of the United States, expressive of the value o( his course of elementary instruction ; among which arc some from Princeton, Auburn, New-York. Mrs. Wil-lard'a,Troy, Ac Ac. Dr. Beech, Albany, Dr Turner, Theo. Seminary, N. Y. and many other literary charac­ters, will lie given with pleasure.

Private lessons given to individuals, (ladiesor gentle men) or classes, at their respective abodes .or at Dr. B's residence. The most respectable references, if re mired, will be given, in this city.—Schools attended on liberal terms Further particular* may be known on applica­tion to Dr. B. by letter (post paid) or personal applica­tion.

" Barber's Exercises in Elocution" may ha obtained as above. til2 tf

DOZEN CHINCHILLA SKINS, and a lot prime Seal £ktn*. for *ale by

LUKE DAViF.S. l o t William st. 200 G LOVES AND HOSIERY—20 canon* boraaekin

gloves, lailtes and gentleman* silk, worsted and cotton hosiery—also, silk and gingham umbrellas, para­sols, carved shell enmbs, Parisian fan*. Ac. For sale by P, BANCROFT A CO. at No 193 Broadway, cor-ner D-y sireet, where the entire stock of piece goods, will he sold at redoced price*. j4

A C H E A P AND USEFUL BOOK—Just publish­ed, and for sale by the b.iokseller* generally, the

COOK'S ORACLE A N D H O U S E K E E P E R S MANUAL, containing receipts for cookery, direction* for carving, and a vast fund of other useful information for housekeepers, by William Kitchener, M. D improv-ed by a medical gentleman of New-York, in one vol. 19mo.

" This is a neatly executed volume, and contain* in­structions on subject* in whichall mankind, except "Old Bachelor*,' have a direct and important interest. We think this book would make a solid present for the ap­proaching holidays."—Doily Advertiser. Dec 2.

"This book not only contains much valuable infor­mation, but is also vary amusing."—Morning Herald, Dec 2.

" This is a very good book—not calculated, as many may suppose, to promote luxury and excess in eating, but imparting information that will enable many house­keepers to diminish their expense, while they add to their enjoyments It would be a fitting holiday present —for what more appropriate in a season of mirth and festivity, than a manual to direct these festivities in the right way."—N. Y. American, Dec. 2.

" Before the author set about -ecording the reunite of his own experiments, he carefully pioneered thro' mora than two hundred cookery books. Economy hea been studied throughout the work, and it is averred that ' the ttible of the mont economical family may. by the hrlp of this book, be entertained vnth as much rugance as that of a sovereign prince "—Gazette. Dec, 8.

' The merits of Dr. Kitchener's celebrated Oracle are too well known to require praise from us. We should think the work, both from tbe subject matter and tbe style in which it is printed and bound, would be a fit­ting holiday present, —Evening Poet, Dec. 4.

" We nave an ' Oracle.' whose responses all tend to good living, let the questions be multiplied as they may —living by weight and measure of food, prepared hy di­rection of Dr. rfitchener, and suited to this climate by an American M. D. of taste and science. It is suggest­ed that the hook will lie valuable for a holiday present. This is a happy thought."—Mercantile, Dec 5.

"Dr Kitchener's Manual, which combining, as it does, for every rank in life, all that ia useful in domestic arrangements, with much that isamusing. will, we ven­ture to say, bain possession of every one that ran possi-hly obtain it. The poor man will soon gain from its mstimsof frugality more than its cost, and the rich will find its p.ice tenfold in the increasing delicacies of hi* table "—Courier <y Enquirer, Dec. fi. t ' How valuable should not lhat book be considered which instructs the aminhle wife how to increase the enjoyments of that fire-side where love has ever built her throne, and innocence, temperance and piety have found their safest shelter! This book comes out in a style of typography and binding which will render a co­py of tbe work, not only a useful but an elegant holiday present '—Truth Teller, Dec 5.

" To all families, and toihose members particularly, who men ted If pride themselves on the skilful ami nest management of their houses, there could not be offered a more appropriate ami welcome present at the •pproech-ing holidays; far more valuable would it prove than most of th* annual trash that is so readily given, to be as readily laid aside or else laid aside as soon a* read." Neu>- York Mirror. Dec 5.

'• But if this work had no other recommendation than tlie almost total absence of rum and hrandy in the pre­paration of food, and the salutary restraints end rrmon-•trancea with which it abounds against prodigality, ex­cess, and intemperance, its claims to superiority would he found ample to entitle it to a preference over most of the multitude of cookery books already before the pub. he "—Commercial AJtrrtiser, Per ,«.. dlOD&Clm

Manhattan . dividend of

three and a half percent, which will be paid to the stockholder* on or after the 10th inat hy

j4 ROBERT WHITE. Ca«hier M C.

I^ R A N K L I N F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y — A Dividend of four per cent on the Capital Stock

of this Company ha* been declared for ihe laat sit months, payable at the office, No. 33 Wall street, on or after the 7th inat. J WORTHINGTON.

j4 2w Secretary.

OPERATIVE SURGEON-DENTIST, and manu­facturer of Incorruptible Teeth —DR. JONA­

T H A N DODGE, at hi* Establishment for Dental and Chirurgical Operations, No. 5 Chambers *treet. New York, continue* to insert in hia most beautiful atyle, which elude* the cloeest scrutiny in detection, elegant artificial, mineral paste, terre-metallic, porcelain, incor ruptible animal and natural human teeth. Gangrene of the teeth removed, and the decaying tooth rendered ar­tificially sound, by mopping with gold, metallic paste, or pint mum; teeth nicely cleaned of aahvary calculus, hence removing that peculiarly disgusting fetor ofa bad breath ; irretularitie* in children'* teeth prevented, in adult* remedied ; teeth extracted with the utmost care and *afety, and old stump*, fang* or root* remaining in the sockets, causing ulcer*, gumbilee and alvelor ab­scesses, and consequently an unpleasant breath, re­moved with nicety and ease; and, every Dental opera­tion performed on tbe moat modern, improved, and «eientiuc principles, with the least possible pain, and correct professional (kill. d l 2 t f

BISHOP H O R A R T ' S C H A R G E and for aale by T. A J Swords.

- Just published No. 187 Brotd-

way, the duty of the clergy with reference to inculcating the Doctrine of tbe Trinity. sat forth in a Fifth Charge. delivered at the opening of the Convention of tb»> Prot Epis. Church, in tlie State of New York. October 1st, 1829. by John Henry Hobart. D D . Bi*hop. Ac .

Al*f>. for sale as above. Man! A D'Oyley'* Bible, edi­ted by Bishop Hobart, 8 vol* 4to. in variou* bindings; Bishop Hubert's Sermons 8 vols. • Clergymen's Companion, 8 vol* • Festivals A Fasts

• Christians Manuel. — Companion to the Altar.

Together with all the other publications of the same author. J6 i«y

T H E MONOTESSARON. OR T H E GOSPEL HISTORY, according to the four Evangelists.

a new by tha

NOTICE.—The persons confined on the Li terries of the Goal of thscity and county of New York, are

required to appear at the Sheriff's Office, City Hsll, to-get her with their Sureties, on Monday, the 4th inst.

J8 2w JA8 S H A W Sheriff.

7VT OTICE i* hereby given to the holder* of Middle 1 H District Bank Notes that the time limited hy th* Chancellor for presenting the same will expire on the 20th of this month. The subscribers will continue lo buy the note* and certificates, for which they will pay more than is paid by any other p»rs<«n in tbe city until that day. KIMBALL A CO.

j2 2w fit Wall st first ofliee shove Pearl st.

DANCING SCHOOL, 169 Moll street, three doora above Broome street—Mr. C'ontrxry respectfully

informs his pupils and the public, that hi* 5th class for gentlemen, will commence on Tuesday evening the 6th ol January, at 7 o'clock, and the Sth class for ladies and pupils under the age of fourteen, on Wednesday the 6th at 3 o'clock. Person* desirous of joining either of those classes, will have the goodness to leave their name* on or before the above date. A ball on each Monday even­ing to commence at 7 o'clock. j4

IV OTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore^ under tlie firm of JOSI

existing •lAH b O W A CO is thia

day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the concern will be settled by either of the subscribers.— New York. Jan. 1, 1830. JOSI AH DOW,


harmonized and chronologically arranged, in tranalaiion from the Greek text of Griasbach-Rev John S. Thompson.

A new Map of the Land of Promise and the Holy City of Jerusalem, describing the mint important event* in the Old and New Testament*

Al*o, the Juvenile Philosopher, or Youth'* Manual of Philosophy, in four parts Natural Philosophy, As­tronomy, Chemistry. Physiology—adapted for the use of school* and juvenile reader*—inat received and for •ale by AMOS HAWLEY.

d30 2w Wall street Public Sale Room, No. 88.


THE undersigned proposes to slate and repair roofs, and (top leak*, in a permanent manner, being wail

experienced in the business. Also, smoking chimneys warranted to he made to draw. Orders veil] be promptly attended to. on application to

T H O M A S S H E R I D A N , Slater, JylO 145 I^eonard-strant, upstair*

NOTICE—Applications. Jo7 Interments in vault* in the Episcopal Cemetery in Hudson street, to be

made to the subscriber at his Coffin Warehouse, N*i. 403 Broadway, where he will furnish Coffin*, Shroud*, Scarfs, Gloves, Hearse, Carriagea, Ac . etc

J4 1m E. C O A T E S , Sexton A Undertaker

C O f T O N . hy

44 Broad at

| / h BALE8 NORTH CAROLINA A " " landing fr«m schr. So*an A Mary, for


JORIAH DOW ha* taken into Copartnership two of his sons. R W. A J. C DOW, and will continue

tbe Commission Business with them, under the firm ol JOSlAH DOW A CO


.12 J C DOW.

I .FASHIONABLE D R E S S MAKI,NO. 2H7 Broad­way, directly opposite Washington Hall—The

Indies of New York are respectfully informed, that all only* in the above busineaa will lie promptly executed in the heel manner, and according to the latest fashions, (under the management of an English lady of the first experience, who has for many years conducted lbs busi-

ULACK G K O S D E 5!AND—.1 caseshl»ck Oro* da /and rccon.d and will be sold, hy E. P.CLARK

A CO. 65 Maiden lane, comerol William st. J5

(COTTON—69 hate* tandimr. for sale hy j DUDLEY A S T U Y V E B A N T . 9«> Somh st

R A8H.—8 bales |*t sort Crash, for sale hv JOSIAH DOW A CO 119 Peatl *t

• FLAXSEED—20 eaaks Flaxseed, iuat ree'd and for Js? sale by H. WARING

d30 A 80*4.

173 Front at.

nee* of one ol ih* most fashionable at the following reduced-charges —

Plain Dress, Half Trimmed Drc**, Full do do

did 1m

ijuses in London.)

• 1 60 2 50 3 00

CRA 1«

BRANDY, Ac—50 pipe* Bordeaux Brandy; 40<'o Holland* Gin, entitlid to debenture, for *ale «t 15

N«s*«ust by (j71 It. ft GEO BARCLAY.

r i l A B I . E CllVF.RS— Just received. I bale •uper-JL fine bliss and green Table. Piano and Silnd Cov-

er*. for late cheap by SUYDAM A BOY D. J4 187 Broad way, opposite John st

C1A8H BUSINESS— Jrnrmet, Co continue ihebu / siness of negotiating Note*, Stock* and Exchange

et No. 43 Pine, third door above William-*tr**t.

M TO LET, and immediate possession given, the 2d floor of No. 41 Pine-alreet, with a neat counting room in the rear, and the 3d nnd 4th lorage of goods ; and two largeairy dry cellars

No 41 and 43. with safes in each to secure hooks and papers from fire, one of which having a handsome on trance is suitable for an office s29

tCHUYLKILL AV. LEIIK.lt C O A L — For sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Schuylkill A Lehigh

Coal of the beat quality, hv apply t.g to II A A. STOKES. 157 Broadway,

and 374 Washington t. Also for sale, Lackawanna and Liverpool Oriel Coal


hy tha auhseriher*. l/mhrh A Schuylkill Co*l ol 'he b sii quality, apply at the N. York A Schuylkill Coal Office. foot of Motri* st late Beaver lane

H. A A RTDKE8. Also for sale a* above, Lackawanna and Liverpool

Orrel C a l J7

foS H E E T I N G S — 30 bale* brown Russia Sheeting*, ™ landing, and for sale by

it GOODHUE A CO, 64 South at.

IRON. STEEL. CHAIN CABLES. A N C H O R S . Ac —200 tons Swedes Iron, ass'd, J to 2 in. square,

and I i to 9 in flat 150 ton* English Iron, assorted, 1 to 5 in. flat, I to 9 in.

square. » to 8 in. round 50 do American do do flat and square 50 do do round Iron, t to 5 in. made from the

best quality scrap Iron 50 do do hoop and hand do 1 to 4 inch wide

100 do Russia Iron, old and new sable 60 do English Boiler Plate, Hoop and Sheet Iron 50 do Spike, Deck, and Hon** Nail Rod*, ass'd sixes 20 do Brazier's Rod and Scroll Iron

100 do Pig Iron and Kentledge 20 do Plough, Crowbar and Axel tree Mould* 20 do Sheet. Cast. SheaT, German. Crawley, Engliah

and American Blistered Steel 10 do Cart and Wagon Roxe*

800 Anchors frnn 60 to 5000 lb* 100 casks Cm Nails. 3d to 30 50 do Spike*, florae A Wrought Nails, assorted sirs* 60 Cannon and Cannonades, 60 tons Shot to suit

Anvils and Vicea, assorted site*.best quality Chain Cable* from 3-8 to 1 1-8 inches; Coil Ch*in

from 1-4 to 9-16, cut to anv length required Forge Hammers A Smith Bellows, together with a

general assortment of Castings, for sale on liberal terms, by G B ABEEI. * SONS.

tt5 tf 3fi5 Water and 300 Front at*.



I ACKAWANNA COAL— E>tward Dunscombhns i now discharging at his yanl Front st. near the Na­

vy Yard Ferry, the Boat fjickawanna, containing 300 ton*. Orders will he taken either at tha yard, at the office No 7 Broad-st. or at No 300 Front at dgo

HY GOODS SELLING OFF— 150 patterna strip­ed, shad. d. plaid, leaf A vine Calicoes.

Company yellow Nankeen* Rjeh furniture Calicoes

4 - 1 Jn-h Linens, Gingham* Vjtlack Bomhaiine*. Lawn*

firm de Naples. Sincbew*. Nankin Crape* Jit * blue blaftk Italian Silks, Ac

For sale by \ E BANCROFT A CO. 193 Broadway, corner Day st.

Where the entire atock of Piece Good* will be dispoe->f at reduced price*. j7

COTCII A DUTCH HERRING—SO keg* Ncotch Lockfine" and Dutch Herring, tn large and *mall

ketr*. in fine order for family n«e For-ale hy j7 RICHARD W I L L U M S Q N . 19Maiden U n a

RU 8 S f A 7 ! o R D \ G E . — 1 0 0 coil* of superior qual­ity, entitled to debenture and for sale low, in or­

der to close the consignment, hy d88 FlMf. GRIN NELL A C Q 134 Front st.

MERINO CLOTHS.—A good sssertmsnt ofMari-no Cloths, for sal* cheap hy


diligence, et ponctualite toute* lea JMMpfa pour W J j j ou traductions dans las languaa FrencaJaa, Anglaisa, Ea-pagnole, Allemande, Italienne, Ac. qui aaroal laiesea* a leur bureau, No. 44 Cedar atraat.

« v v. « u W , L U A M 8 E T W O O D . New York, Novembre, 1889. x g j


OUR worthy President, in his message to the borgo-inasiers and sbepens in Congress assembled, M '

recommended to ibem to adopt a court* bordering on the cash system ; and, in re*peel to foreign nation*, say*, in a* many word*, that no mora than what is just shall be asked of them—and no tea* will be taken. Thia It honest hickory frankness; and like widow Jonas, la * Jor.ny Riddle's courtship, it ia " a •tump that ia neither , to be past over nor ploughed round." Charles Got, 44 William (treet, many months since originated tin* plan, and ha* found it to answer exceedingly wall. Ha baa not the least suspicion that the hint waa taken from his new system. It is a curious coincidence, however, that two great men, one leading tbe political and tha other the fashionable world, should have fallen almost pre­cisely upon tbe asms idea; and a convincing proof to bun. if further evidence ware wanting, that bu prei ice has been perfectly correct. It ia • pleasure to Cat to furnish elegant, excellent, and cheap gatmanu,/or cask only, exactly to auit public taste—hut equally gratify- , ing to have his arrangements embraced by one of tha greatest »t*tesmen of our country. If any thing could be more flattering to him, it would be to receive an or­der to dr*** this same Andrew Jackaon aad hi* whole cabinet.—which he would do, or tbe attempt should go bard, in such a style that they should come before tha world in a much mora respectable manner than that in which their opponents foal disposed to exhibit them.


MESIER'8 LITHOGRAPHIC4 M U s l C - t 3 y * » . tore to tha opera of La Dame Blanch: do Tancra-

di ; do John of Park; do II Barbiera de 8aviglia ; do Cable de Bagdnd.

Wuifion* — Oh no, we1 never mention her; Let ta haste to Kelvin Grove; Home, Sweat Home; Te leuva * du Tags ; Ross us Dream ; Scot* wha baa wi Wallace bled ; S wi** Walts Tuch a Tucb, Bugle Call; Hope told a flattering tele; Copenhagen Walts

Waltzes.—Bird Walts ; Bath do ; Echoe do ; Gallop do; II turcoin Italia do ; La Veetslcdo; La Cenerculola do ; Moxarti New-Orleans do ; Mad. D. VatrvelPa in; Panama do; Russian d o ; Stop d o ; Stop and Polish do ; Tivolian do ; Nahant do.

Rondos, d/c. qV — Circassian Rondo; Grecian d o ; Hayden's Gtpsey do ; Military do; „"!ightingale; White Bonaparte'* Return from Elba; do Grand March; Di Palpiti, arranged fur two performer*; Zitti Zitti, do do; March in Rossini's Oratorio of Moaea in Egitlo; March and Rondo in Der Frleacbuts; three celebrated pieces from do; Pa* Re Double, and Dance in Cherry A Fair Smr; Patridge'i'Quick Step; Russian do; do March : Rosalia's Grand March, from the opera of the Barber of Seville ; Swiss Guards' March ; Willi.'. Grapd March A Quirk Step; Cotillion'* from tha opera of La Dame Blanch ; eight sets of Cotillion* arranged with new fi­gures. Lithographed and published by

d!4 E D W A R D J MESIErl, 88 Wall at


. A I. COX, respectfully inform their friend* and tbe public, that they have remove*} to No. 1ft Maiden- v lane, first door below the Arcade, where they have fit­ted up a handsome Show Room, and have just unpack ed, atsd intend to keep regularly for sale, a moat choi< • selection of FRENCH GOODS, vis :—

Rich China Dinner Sets Tea, Coffee A Chocolate, a variety of pattern* Fruit flaskets, and Flower Vases, richly painted Flower Basket*, supported by richly gin I f area Bronze and gilt Candelabra* aad Candel»tirk*. vary

handsome, and a variety of other article*. Black and White Marble, Ebony, Alabaster A Ma­

hogany, Mantel Clocks, warranted to keep good time


Cake Baskets. Trays A Waiters, Candleiticke, Cas­tors, and Astral Lamp*, of tbe newest fashion

Tea Pots A Coffee Biggin* ; do. in sets CUTLERY—Ivory balance handle Knives A Fork*,

in sets; also, in dozens ; do, stag and bona handles; do. Carving Knives A Fork*.

LONDON A N D BIRMINGHAM LAMPS. They have just received per recent arrival*, an assort

ment of Lamps, Girandoles, A Lustre*, which with their former atock, it is presumed will comprise a mora elegant and extensive assortment than will be found ia anv similar establiihment in America.

Richly cut one A two light Glass lamps, raonnt ed with octagon brilliant*. Newtonian A Ro­man drops, splendid article*

Four, Ave, A six light Lustres Two, three. A four light Girandole* Three A four light Grecian Lamp*, superb pattern* Three A four light Gothic Lamps, with folitge leaves*

snoot* with union bead* Elegant Brass Bronzed Figures, with Lamps Rich gilt four and sis light Buhl Chandelier* A choice assortment of brans* and gilt Astral Lamps.

all sire* A great variety of bronze A gilt one and two light

Lamp*, with A without drop* Liverpool stand A suapending Lamp* Square A Hexagon lanihorns, glazed with plat*

glass, and one A two light lamps inside Clam Hall Lamps, richly cut, painted, engraved de

plain With every necessary appendage for tha use and fit­

ting iip of Lamps Their friends and the public am re­spectfully invited to call and inspect them

They have constantly for sale a general assortment of Lamp Shade*, wick*, and Glass**, of all size*. Oil Cans, from one to ten gallons. Feeders, An.

Pure winter pressed, and summer (trained SPERMA­CETI OIL. and extra P A L E OIL. for 61am Lamp*.

N. B. Parties supplied with China A Lamps in ssa-perior stylo. n l4 3uw8m

TO P R I N T E R S . - T h e subscriber respectfully bag* leave to inform his brethren of the profs—ion that

he will attend to order* for supplying all kinds of PRINTING MATERIALS, either new or second-hand, at the vary loweat price. From a thorough know­ledge and long experience in supplying these articka, ha feel* confident, hy hi* personal attention, to he enabled to make such selection* a* will give satisfaction, at tha shorter notice. Terms, for new material*, will be aig month*, with satisfactory acceptance*, and 7 | par cant, deduction for cash.

Order* received for the Washington. Franklin, and other Presses, Mather'* Ink. Rollers, and Type from all the respectable founderies.

On hand. 700 lb* White'* Minion, *carcely soiled, at 55 cents 60 day*, or f*4 cent* cash.

2001b*. Minion, 800do. Nonpareil, 300do. Long Pri­mer, 100 do. Brevier, need only in stereotyping, from which a handsome deduction will he made.

Two second-hand Washington Medium Presses, at • 125 each cash

One Super-royal do. 8130. cash. Printers favorable to the viawa of (he anhacriher. who

give the above four insertions, will be entitled to 88 ia materia*. I. HOIT,

d5 44 William street.

A i .L LICKY S Y L V K 8 l E R S ' a r * selling all tha Capitals. For 810 broken money, one of Sylves­

ter*' customer* obtained a 810.000 Prize—and the other day another gained 810.000 for 810, Middle District.

The following i* the drawing of lbs Now-York Lot­tery, clas* No 14, for 1829 i

42 83 3* 30 43 91 39 Yew York Consolidated Lottery, Extra Cleae, No, 19.

for IB29, to be drawn in the city of New York, on FRI­DAY, Jan. 15. 1830 fiOniiratier Lottery—9 drawn bal­lot*— higliest prize 85.000. Ticket*. 84— Halve*. i t -Quarters. 81 Ticker* A Sh*rea for aale at

8 Y L V E 8 T E R S ' , 130 Broadway, New York. Gold A Silver, and Bank of England Note* bought A

•old. Order* for all foreign Ticket* must ho aililnxfawl to


H S U Y D A M A B O Y D .

187 Broadway, opposite John *t

SYI.VRSTERS' . Philadelphia; but prisaa willbspaid at 130 Broadway. Naw-York.

S Y L V E S T E R S ' continue to buy for cash, or take in exchange for Ticket*, Broken Bank Bilk.

fey Those ladies and gentlemen who cannot call. will please •end their order* through tha Poet Ofies . They will meet tbe same attention a* ont cation. 'tf* CtOALS—800 chaldron, large and firs* quality N*w-

/ castle Coal*, f. rgratea. Jomt*e*ivad paraissyLord of the Isles and for sale hi tats to suit piiielssai n st 18 Naaaau atraat, by B . A O. BARCLAY.

AUo, 100 QbMiimtmttmCeamhsamlltiba'Wm. M

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