FSI - Fula Basic Course - Student Text


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'\):((j~ l 1 l 1 l 1 t ~ ~~ " - ~ t ( t i R ~ -£This work was compiled and pub.

lished with the support of the Office

of Education, Department of Health,

Education and Welfare, United States

of America.







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Fula (also known as Peul, Fulani , etc . ) is wide-

ly spoken throughout the grassland areas of West Africa

from the Atlantic to Cameroun. I t has been extensivelystudied by scholars interested in i t s l inguis t ic st ruc-ture or in the ethnography and culture of i t s s p ~ a k e r s .Few of these studies are of much assistance to the be-ginning stu de nt o f the language. The present brief in-troduction to the essentials of Sene-Gambian Fula is de-signed to prov id e th e basic grammatical structures l ike-

ly to be needed early in the student 's experience w ithFula, plus a more generalized ' f ee l ' for the s tructureof the language, in t he c on te xt of a l imited vocabulary,l ikely to prove useful in everyday si tuat ions.

This text is one of a series of short Basic Courses

in selected African languages being prepared by the For-e ign Servi ce Ins t i tu te under an ag reement with the Unit-

ed States Office of Education, Department of H ealth, Ed-

ucation and Welfare, under the National Defense Educa-

t ion Act.The l inguis t in charge of the project has been

Lloyd B. Swift, Chairman of the Department of Near East-ern and African languages. Fula texts , dr i l l sentences

and vocabulary were provided and checked, and the tapesvoiced by Kalilu Tambadu, L an gua ge Ins tructor . Major

assistance in the selection of dialog si tuat ions, the i r

el ici tat ion, the construction of dr i l l s and the tape re-cording of the text has been provided by Paul G. Imhoff,

Scient i f ic Linguist. The tapes were recorded in thelanguage laboratory of the Foreign Service Ins t i tu te un-

der the direction o f Gabriel Cordova.

Howard E. Sollenberger, DeanSchool of Language and Area Studies

Foreign Service Insti tute

Department of State

i i i

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L1sted are t hose por t1ons of each un1t 1n wh1ch new mater1al 1S 1ntroduced.Un11sted sect10ns of the un1ts prov1de systemat1c p ract1 ce o f the prev10usly1ntroduced mater1al.











Morn1ng Greet1ngs

Order of Noun and Pronoun ObJects of Inf1n1t1ves

Reference Note on the Sound System of Fula and the

Transcr1pt10n Employed 1n these Mater1als

Long and Short Vowels





UNIT 2 - Afternoon Greet1ngs

2.2 Reference Note on Consonant Alternat10n

2.4 The stop Sounds







Add1t1onal Morn1ng Greet1ngs

Sh1ft of Root-F1nal Long Vowel to Vowel plus Con

sonant before Vowel-In1t1al Suff1Xes

The Act1ve Inf1n1t1ve Verbal Noun

Reference Note on Phrase Stress





UNIT 4 4.2


Add1t1onal Afternoon Greet1ngs

Short -Form Person SUbJect Pronouns

Reference Note on Verbal Forms

Long-Form Personal SubJect Pronouns w1th Imperfect1ve

Verb Forms - th e Progress1ve Form







Useful Classroom Express10ns

Spec1f1c or Demonstrat1ve Pronoun Part1cles

PosseSS1ve Suff1Xes, the Possess1ve or Mod1fy1ng


ObJect Personal Pronoun Forms





UNIT R 1 - Rev1ew of Un1ts 1-5 63



Even1ng Greet1ngs

Act1ve Perfect1ve Verb Forms - Stat1ve Verbs

and Act10n Verbs

Optat1ve and Imperat1ve Verb Forms - Act1ve V01ce




UNIT 7 - A Remedy for a Headache

7.2 Negat1ves to Date

7.4 Noun C lasses (I)





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UNIT 8 - Yompats W ~ f e S ~ c k8.2 Sentences w ~ t h ko ~ s ' ; th e E m p h a t ~ c

Pronoun Forms 113

8.4 A c t ~ v e P e r f e c t ~ v e R e l a t ~ v e Verb Forms 115

8.6 The ' R e t r o s p e c t ~ v e ' Pronoun S u f f ~ x [-(V)n] , ' theone prev10usly ment10ned' 125

8.8 Narrat1ve 128

UNIT 9 - An A c c ~ d e n t on the Road

9.2 A c t ~ v e P o t e n t ~ a l Verb Forms

9.4 A c t ~ v e Imperfect1ve Relat1ve Verb Forms

9.8 N a r r a t ~ v e





UNIT 10 - I n q u ~ r ~ n g about a Job

10.2 R e v ~ e w of S t a t ~ v e and Act10n Verbs

10.4 S1mple Imperfect1ve and I n J u n c t ~ v eAct1ve Verbs

10.8 N a r r a t ~ v e

UNIT R 2 - R e v ~ e w of U n ~ t s 6-10

Forms of










V ~ s J . t o r sPassJ.ve Verbal Forms

I n t e r r o g a t ~ v e Sentences






UNIT 12 - What Day WJ.ll He Be Here? 18912.2 Imperfect1ve NegatJ.ves 194

12.4 Verbal E x t e n s ~ o n [-an] ' B e n e f a c t ~ v e ' or ' A p p l 1 c a t ~ v e ' 198

12.8 N a r r a t ~ v e 201






The M1ddle VOJ.ce

The Verbal ExtensJ.on r -oy] 'D1sp lac1ve '






UNIT 14 - At the Market

14.2 Noun Classes (II)

14.4 The [-d] Verbal Extens10n - 'Assoclat1ve'

14.8 Narra t1ve

UNIT 15 - Weather

15.2 Agent Verbal Nouns - the Doer

15.4 ComparJ.son

15.8 Narrat1ve










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UNIT R 3 ReV1ew of Un1ts 11-15


UNIT 16 At the Butcher 's

16.2 Verbal Extenslon f-ondlr] - the 'Reclprocal' Form

16.4 The 'Transformatl0nal ' Verbal Extensl0n [-w/-n]

and t he 'Causat1ve' Verbal Extensl0n [-( l )n]

16.8 Narra tlve





UNIT 17 Kumba's Chl1d lS Cold 273

17.2 The Negatlves of the Mlddle and PaSSlve VOlces (I) 279

17.4 The Negatlves of the Mlddle and Passlve VOlces (II) 284

17.6 The [-ante] Constructlon - ' for you' etc . 291

17.8 Narratlve 293




Fatu Returns from Market

The Perfectlve Form of the Verb wlthout SubJect

as an Imperatlve

The f - ( l ) t ] Verbal Extensl0n - I te ra t lve , Revers1ve





and Reflex1ve

Spatlal Relatl0nshlps









UNIT Cook thlS F1ShJ

The Instrumental / Locatlve Verbal Extenslon [-(V)r]

Noun Derlvatlon from Roots






UNIT 20 Frank Learns the Values of Money

20.2 Numbers, Addltlon and Subtractlon

20.4 Measurements

20.8 Narratlve

UNIT 21 Koba, the Okra Salesman

UNIT 22 What's for L u n c h ~

UNIT 23 A Snack and an Errand

UNIT 24 Lots to Do

UNIT 25 Qalfa Does Some Chores

UNIT 26 Asklng Dlrectlons

UNIT 27 Frank's Car Has a Breakdown

UNIT 28 Kumba's Baby was Slck














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UNIT 29 Frank 1S Interested 1n Farm1ng 388

UNIT 30 Kumba's Daughter 18 Gett1ng Marr1ed 394

UNIT 31 Ramadan 1S Com1ng 400

UNIT 32 BUy1.ng Cloth 406

UNIT 33 A V1.S1.t to the D1.spensary 411

UNIT 34 G01.ng to the Bantanto V1.11age 417

UNIT 35 The Teacher M1.sbehaves 423

UNIT 36 Frank Does Some Vocabulary Learn1.ng 429

UNIT 37 The Case of the M1.staken Drunk Dr1.ver 436

UNIT 38 Dgay Wants to Reg1.ster H1S Ch1.1d 1.n School 441

UNIT 39 News of Fr1ends and Fam1.1y 447

UNIT 40 Rent1.ng a House 452



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The Fula Language and People

Fula (va rl ous ly a lso called , ln European languages, Fulanl , Peul, Poular,Toucouleur, Fulfulde) lS the language of the Ful5e (slngular Pullo), cat t lerals lng and farmlng p eoples of Senegal, Gambla, GUlnea, Mall, Nlger, Nlgerla ,Cameroun and adJacent areas ln other s ta tes . The people are general ly referred

to by the term applled to thelr language.In none of the countr1es where they l lve do the Fula people form a maJorlty.

The pr1nclpal concentrat10ns are In the Fouta Toro ang adJacent areas of Senegal,Mall and Gambla, ln the Fouta D1allon area around Labe ln GUlnea, and 1n th eNorthern Reg10n of N1gerla and adJacent par ts of N1ger and Cameroun. Smallerconcentrat1ons, prlmarl ly of cat tl e-he rd1ng Fu15e, occur a l l across the Savannahareas of West Afrlca.

The Fu15e are predomlnantly Musllm. In Nlger1a they have a re la t lve ly recent hls tory of pol1t1cal hegemony over other t r lbes . Many 1mportant leaders lnGU1nea, Northern Reglon of N1gerla, and Federal Nlger1a,are Fu15e.

The language lS d lv ls1 ble l nto d1alects on var10US bases. The pr1nc1paldla lec ts accord wlth the maln concent ra tl ons o f speakers, be1ng the Fouta Dlallond1alect of GU1nea, the Senegamb1an d1alects known to the French as Peul, the Fulaof Masslna 1n Mall, and the Eastern Fula dlalects known general ly as F ulan l 1n

Northern Nlgerla , of WhlCh the speech of Adamawa lS the best known.

The Language of th ls Manual

Th1S book lS based on the speech of Khal1lu Tambadu, a Gamblan, whose FulalS tha t of the F1rdu Ful5e, but conta1ns a number of ltems akln to the Masslnaand Fouta D1allon dlalects . H1S speech lS qU1te general ly representat1ve of theSenegamblan dla lec t of Fula. H1S speech also contalns some usages,and borrowedwords from Engl1sh, WhlCh probably have l l t t l e currency outslde Gambla. Slncehe speaks 11t t le French, l t lS probable that French borrow1ngs 1n h1S speech areltems most general among Fula sp eake rs over a fa l r ly wlde area. Efforts havebeen made to check espec1ally ltems of vocabulary aga1nst eXlst1ng glossar lesand, where Mr. Tambadu accepted al ternat lve forms, to use the form mos t w1delyattes ted 1n the l l te ra ture . However, thls process was not carrled to the extremeof puttlng words 1n the mouth of the natlve speaker.

The student user of thlS manual should, of cou rse, f oll ow h1S 1 n s t r u c t o ~even l f hlS pronunclatlon, cho1ce of vocabulary, or ' turn of p hr as e' d 1f fe rsfrom what appears on these pages. I t lS hoped that , even In d1alect areas wheremaJor reV1Slons are requ1red to ad ap t thes e lessons to local speech, the formatof the course may prove suggest1ve, and tha t , wlth approprlate Subst1tutlons tof l t local usage, the dlalogs, drl l l s and narrat1ves may be used.

Mr. Tambadu's speech 1S , of course, represented wlth complete accur acy onlyon the accompanylng tape record1ngs of Wh1Ch th e p r1nte d text lS merely a t ranscr1ptlon.

Structure of the Course

Th1s course conslsts of forty numbered unlts , three reV1ew un1ts , and aglossary.

The f1rs t twenty un1 tS have a reV1ew un1t af t e r each of the f1rs t three of

four flve-un1t groups. Th1S portlon contalns most of the grammat1cal expos1t10nIn the course and also the maJor1ty of the man1pulatlve dr111 mater1al. Theremalnlng un1ts (21-40) conta1n re la t1vely 11tt le grammatlcal explanatlon andd r l l l , be1ng devoted to dlalog and narrat1ve texts w1th exerClses malnly basedupon them.

UNITS 1-20

Each un1t In th1S sect lon of the course conta1ns the f l r s t two, and some,but not necessar11y a l l , of the rema1nder of the follow1ng subdlvls10ns, anda l l subd1vlslons are numbered, af t e r the dec1mal pOlnt Wh1Ch follows the un1tnumber (here sYmbol1zed ' n ' ) , accordlng to the follow1ng scheme.

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n.O Dlalog (or other 'BaS1C Sentences')

n . l Varlat l0n Drl l ls on Baslc Sentences ( lncludlng cer ta lnnew vocabulary)

n.2 Grammar Note

n.3 Drl1ls on the grammar pOlnt of n.2

n.4 Grammar Note

n.5 Drl11s on the pOlnt of n.4

n.6 Grammar Note

n.7 Drl1ls on the pOlnt of n.6

n.8 Narratlve (commenclng w lth Unlt 8)

n.9 Questl0ns and TOP1CS for D1Scussl0n (commenclng wlth Unlt 7)

Thus, ln general, th e even-numbered subdlvlslons present lesson materla land th e odd-numbered subdlvlslons provlde structured or re la t lve ly ' f r ee ' pract l ce .

In Unlts 1-3 the notes and drl11s lnclude matters of pronunclatlon. Thereaf t e r they are prlmarl ly grammar, more narrowly deflned.

The Dlalog (n.O)

Each dlalog conslsts of ten to f l f teen short utterances. These are present ed to the class a t no rma l s peed1 by the lns t ruc tor . The class (wlth books closed)repeats thA utterances In lmltat lon of the lns t ruc tor , ln chorus and lndlvldually,un t l l the lnstructor lS sa t ls f led that each student can lmltate hlm accuratelyand a t norma l speed . Under no clrcumstances should a student repeat a sentence

. af t e r another student , but always af ter the lnstructor .

After the lns t ructor lS persuaded that each student can lmltate hlm accura te ly , the students open thelr books and practlce readlng the t ranscr lp t l0n ofthe utterances. At thlS pOlnt th e students encounter for the f l r s t tlme theEngllsh ' equlvalents ' glven for each new word and for each sentence. I f readlnglS not a cc ur ate a t normal speed, further lmltat l0n of the lns t ructor ' s rendl t l0nof th e sentences lS requlred un t l l a l l students can read each sentence properly.

Such f ur th e r lml ta tl 0n lS, agaln, done wlth books closed and books are openedonly for attempts a t r ead lng wlthout the lns t ructor as a model.

When readlng lS accurate, books are a ga ln c lo se d, and the lns t ruc tor presents the d la log aga ln , employlng el ther or both of th e fo llowlng te chnlq ue s tof ac l l l t a te memorlzatl0n.

1. The lnstructor takes one par t and prompts the students, Indlvldually or collect lvely, as they attempt to recal l thel n t e r v e n ~ n g sentences. I f recal l p a r t ~ a l or ~ n a c c u r a t e ,the sentences are agaln repeated by the stu de nts In lmltatlonof th e lns t ruc tor .

2. Two (o r more) s tudent s a re asked to take the parts and recl tethe dlalog wlth the lns t ruc tor ' s promptlng and ass1stance. Asentence lS not l e f t unt1l the student rendlt10n lS accurate

a t normal speed.I t lS des1rable that the class program be so arranged that aperl0d of practlce of the d1alog w1th the tape record1ngs 1nthe language l abo ra to ry lnt ervenes between the f1rs t presentat lon and readlng and the ' role-play1ng' , WhlCh thus becomesa ' t es t1ng ' of the s tudents ' control and memor1zat10n of thed1alog.

These procedures are cont1nued unt1l each student can reproduce any or a l lth e s en te nc es of the d ~ a l o g accurately a t normal speed from memory.

1 Normal speed 1S def1ned as no slower than the 1nst ructor WOUld, 1n a matterof-fact conve rsat 1on, add re ss ano ther nat1ve speaker of Fula.


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Orthographlc Conventlons Employed In P re se ntl ng Dlalogs

In the n.O por t lon of each un l t , new words a re p re se nte d as ' bu l ld -ups '

above the s en ten ce s In whlch they occur . Faml l l a r words occur r lng In new forms(no t ye t exp la lned In the grammar notes ) or In phrases whlch are l1k&ly to be

lncomprehenslble fo r the s tuden t , are also lncluded 1n the bUlld-ups 1n the

new forms or env1ronments . Fula appears 1n the l e f t -hand column and Engl lsh tothe r1gh t . The Engl1sh glosses of bU1ld-up l tems are as 'llteral' as poss lb le ,

those o f sen tences In the d la lo g are genera l ly l e ss I l t e r a l , approxlmat1ng whatmlght appear In a normal Engl lsh sentence 1n the same con tex t . In the Engl lsh

column paren theses , ( ), enc lose t r ans la t10n o f l tems whlcn occur 1n theFula bu t fo r whlch a d l r e c t Engl lsh t r ans la t lon lS not needed, square bracke t s ,

[ J , enclose por t lons requl red fo r a smooth Engl lsh t r an s l a t l on but not

t ra n s la tl n g d l re c tl y any p a rt lc u la r p a rt of the Fula . Thus , In genera l , a smoothe r Engl1sh t r ans la t10n can be obtalned by readlng por t lons In square bracke ts andomlt t lng those In pa ren these s . Where necessary , more l l t e r a l t r an s l a t l on s a re

enc losed In s ln g le q u ot at lo n marks wlthln pa ren these s , ( , , ) .

Use o f the Tape Recordlngs o f th e D la log s

On the tape record1ngs each dla log 1S recorded three t lmes . The f 1 r s t re

cord1ng, ca l led 'Dlalogue fo r L1s ten1ng ' , 1S a t norma l sp ee d w1thout spaces o r

r epe t1 t lon . The s tuden t I l s t en s to th1S record1ng severa l t lmes w1th h1S bookopen ( o f course a f t e r the d1alog has been ln t roduced by the l n s t r u c to r as

descr1bed above and ge ts the genera l ' f l a vo r ' and mean1ng of the d 1a lo g e xchange. He then proceeds d1rec t ly to the second record1ng, ca l led 'D1alog fo r

Learn1ng ' . In th1S por t lon , each sentence lS repeated and spaces are provldedfo r s t u d e ~ t r epe t1 t lon .

Thls ' d la logue fo r l e a r n l ng ' lS used In two d l f f e r en t modes, both wlth thes tuden t ' s book c losed.

1 . As a model fo r d 1rec t lm 1tatlon . In t h l s mode, each sentence1S heard and repea ted In the space fol lowlng 1 t . The secondrend1t1on of th e s en te nc e serv es as r e1nforcement o f the cor

r ec t s tudent r epe t l t l on or as c or re ct lo n o f the l ncor r ec t one,and as model fo r a second a t tempt to 1m1tate cor r ec t ly . Thls1S the appropr1ate mode fo r memorlz1ng the d la log .

2. As an a1 d to prac t lc1ng the sequence. In th1S mode the s tuden t

uses each sentence on the tape as h ls cue fo r p ro du ct lo n o f

th e f ollowln g s en te nc e In the d1alog. He says each sentence1n the space before the V01ce on the tape says I t , I l s t en s to

the taped VOlce fo r conflrmatlon o r cor rec t1on, r epea t s the

sentence cor r ec t ly 1n lm1ta t lon o f the taped V01ce and I l s t en saga ln . In the space fol lowlng the second re nd lt1 0n o f thesentence , he p ro du ce s th e next sentence In the d1alog, e t c .

The f l na l rec ord ln g o f the dla log lS ca l led 'Dlalogue fo r F luency ' . Thesentences are recorded once each wlth spaces between. Th1S recordlng lS a l so

used In two modes wlth books c losed.

1 . Repeat lng a f t e r the taped VOlce fo r lncrease In f luency.

2 . Produclng each sentence before the taped V01ce to t e s t

memorlzat lon.

Afte r each dla log lS thoroughly memor1zed I t lS of ten des l rab le to re tu rnto the Dlalog f or L ls te nln g and a t tempt to speak the dla log In u nlso n wlth thetaped vOlce, a ga ln w lth c losed book.

The V a r ~ a t ~ o n Dr l l l s (n . l )

These and the grammar dr l l1s are o f a conslderable va r l e t y . Bas lca l ly thethree t e c h n ~ q u e s employed In d r l l l are .

1 . Subs t l tu t lon

2. Transfo rm atlon

3. Response


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1. Substltutlon Drl11s are those ln WhlCh a sufflX, a word, or a phrase lS presented by the lnstructor as a cue for the stu den t to Subs tl tu te l nt o a prevlously presented pattern . In thlS text a l l Substl tut lon drl11s a re p re se nt ed ln twocolumns, headed Cue and Pat tern, wlth th e word for WhlCh the Substltutlon lS tobe made underl lned ln the p a ~ n sentence. The purpose of thls format lS to enable th e lns tructor ln class(where th e student books are , of course, closed) or

th e student worklng wlth th e tapes or revlewlng outslde of class , to s l lde anotched card down the page, exposlng the parts of th e drl11 ln order.

Thus, l f th e Slmple Substl tut lon Drl11 (a ) of 3.1 lS taken as an example,a card wlth a not ch about one-fourth lnch by one lnch cut ln th e upper lef t-handcorner -

placed over the drlI1 and SI1d downward, exposesf l r s t

the pattern andf l r s t





Ml wayrl yaade to saaremaa.

next the correct response sen tence wlth the Substl tut l0n of Bookarl f o r ~ ,WhlCh lS , TIn turn, the pattern for th e next Subst l tut lon, Demba -




Ml wayrl yaade to saaremaa.

Ml wayrl yaade to saare Bookarl.

and so on -

Cue Pa t tern

Ml wayrl yaade to saaremaa.Bookarl Ml wayrl yaade to saare Bookarl.

Demba Ml wayrl yaade to saare Pemba.


~ t p ~ ' \ )

In order to r a c ~ l ~ t a t e thlS procedure, each d r l l l WhlCh lS contlnued fromone page to th e next lS p r ~ n t e d wlth the l as t I1ne from th e prevlous page repeated a t the to p of the succeedlng page. Thls sentence lS not , of course, repeated on the tape recordlng.

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There are th ree maln types o f Subs t l tu t lon d r l l l s -

1. Slmple Subs t l tu t lon Drl l l s are those In WhlCh the cues a re a l lSubs tl tu te d f or the same g ramma tl ca l l tem , usua l ly In the verysame pos l t lon In the sen tence . An example lS 3.1 ( a ) , glvenas the example above.

2. Progress lve SUbStltUtlOLl Dr l l l s are those In WhlCh the cuesa re to be Subst l tu ted In order In d l f fe ren t s lo t s progres s lve

ly from l e f t to r l gh t ( or , o cc as lo n al ly , from r l gh t to l e f t ) .These a re a pp ro p rla te when, fo r some reas0n, the pos l t lon a tWhlCh a cue lS to be Subst l tu ted may not be lmmedlately apparen t to the s tuden t when the cue lS S';,pplled by the In s t r u c to r .

3. Random Subs t l tu t lon Dr l l l s are those In WhlCh lt lS c l e a r fromthe form o f the cue w here In th e se nte nc e lt must be SUbStltu ted and there lS no pa r t l cu l a r o rd er o r p ro gre ss lo n throughth e se nte nc e pa t te rn .

Any of these d r l l l s may be compllcated In any of three ways-

1. The cue may be presented In a ' c l t a t l on ' form r equ l r lng the

s tuden t to se lec t the form appropr l a t e to the use In thepa t te rn sentence presented. For example, the roo t o f a verbmay serve as cue fo r an l n f l ec t ed verb form. ThlS procedurelS ca l l ed , In the ear ly un l t s , ' Subs t l tu t lon -modl f l ca t lon ' .In l a t e r un l t s no d ls t lnc t lon lS made between tCls and o ther

Subs t l tu t lon d r l l l s Slnce by th lS tlme the s tuden t has become

accustomed to modlf lca t lon and almost a l l d r l l l s a re o f th lS

type .

2. A word or o ther form may be presented as a cue (wr l t t en lnSldeparentheses) WhlCh lS ln tended not to be l t s e l f Subs t l tu ted Inthe pa t t e rn , but r a t h e r to s lgna l the requl red Subs t l tu t lon .

For example, a persona l pronoun as cue mlght s lgna l the se lec

t l on o f the appropr la te pronomlnal suff lX fo r the same person.

3. The Subs t l tu t lon o f the cue may requlre the change of a form

elsewhere ln the sen tence . ThlS lS known as a ' Subs t l tu t lon

Corre la t lon Dr l l l ' . For e xamp le , the Subs t l tu t lon o f a p lu r a l

fo r a s lngu la r subJec t may requlre a cor r e l a t lve change ln theform o f the verb.

Subs t l tu t lon Drl l l s may also be comblned wlth Transformat lon Dr l l l s or wlth

Response Dr l l l s .

2. Transformat lon Dr l l l s are those In WhlCh a pa t t e r n lS p re se nte d to ge th er w lth

l n s t ruc t lons fo r changlng the sentence ln some genera l lzab le way. For example,a pos l t lve sentence may be presented wlth l n s t ruc t lons to produce the nega t lve

' equ lva len t ' . Transformat lon Dr l l l s may g e ne ra ll y a ls o be done ln reverse - uSlngthe r lgh t -hand column as Cue to t r lgge r s tuden t response wlth the se nten ce of thel e f t -hand column. Many o f the Transformat lon Dr l l l s In thlS course are 'SUbStltUt lon-Transformat lon Dr l l l s ' In WhlCh a cue lS f l r s t Subs tl tu te d l nt o the l e f t

hand pa t t e rn and then the pa t te rn so p ro du ced lS subJected t o t ra ns fo rma tl on Inaccordance wlth the l n s t ruc t lons prov lded . In many cases these also may be doneIn severa l ways such as uSlng the cue p ro vld ed to Subs t l tu te not ln to Pat t e rn 1but ln to Pat te rn 2, as well as the ' s t r a lgh t ' t r ansformat lon d r l l l s whlch can be

done by 19nor lng the Subs t l tu t lon cues and uSlng the sen tences o f Pat te rns 1 and2 as cues fo r the o th e r t ra n sf o rma tl o n.

3. Response Dr l l l s are those 1n Wh1Ch a s ta tement o r q ue st lo n lS presented as

cue to the product1on of ano ther sentence a s re sp on se . The common form lS aques t lon , to WhlCh th e re sp on se requl red lS a pos1t1ve o r a nega t lve answer -or a f a c t ua l answer , lf the ques t10n con ta1n s a ' ques t1on word ' . However, o ther

types o f s t lmulus- response d r l l l s are also used. Response D r1 lls a re r1g1dlys t ructured so tha t only one response lS normal ly cor r ec t . Otherwlse these would

cease to be d r l l l s and become exerClses .

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other types of d r ~ l l also occur o c c a s ~ o n a l l y . Drll ls called 'Sample SentenceDr l l l s ' are used where student vocabulary and/or control of the grammar lSsuf f lc len t to permlt useful manlpulatlon of th e pat tern. These dr l l l s c o n s ~ s tslmply o f unr el at ed sentences l l l u s t r a t ~ n g th e pO ln t. These are practlced asoutllned below but are not 'operated ' as are the structured dr l l l s .

Cert al n Subst lt u tl on dr l l l s are called 'Phrasal Subst l tut lon Drl l l s ' . In

these, qUlte long parts of sentence s a re p re se nte d a s cues for Subst l tut lon.Otherwlse they do not dlffer from other subst l tut lon dr l l l s .

An occaslonal 'Expanslon Dr l l l ' occurs. In these the word or phrase pre-sented as cue lS not Substltuted but lS added to th e sentence. Thus, In an ex-panSlon dr l l l th e sen ten ce s tar ts short and lS gradually bUll t longer by th eaddl t lon of more words or phrases.

Use of the Drl l ls

Drll ls are normally done wlth s tudents ' books closed. The sentences ofdrl l l s are presented, and repeated several tlmes by the students In lml tat lonof the ~ n s t r u c t o r , unt l l l t lS clear th at th e s en te nc es are understood andaccurately produced by each student. The extent to WhlCh such repe t l t lon ofe ach sen tence In a d r l l l lS r e q u ~ r e d wll l , of course, depend on whether th edlfferences between sentences wlthln a dr l l l are slmple or complex, famll lar to

the students or unfamlllar, and th e l lke . The lnstructor mayw ~ s h

to checkstudent comprehenslon of th e sentences from tlme to tlme by asklng for a para-phrase or a t ransla t lon, or by asklng an appropr la te ques tlon .

A fte r th ere no fur ther doubt that a l l th e s en te nc es of a par t lculard r l l l are comprehenslble to and pronounceable by the students, the 'presentat lon 'of the dr l l l has been comple ted and th e d r ~ l l lS 'operated ' . That lS the pat-tern lS presented followed by the f l r s t cue (for Substl tut lon d r l l l s ~ , and astudent (selected a t random) lS asked to perform the operatlon and to producethe requlred response. The f ~ r s t tlme through a d r l l l the lnstructor may haveeach student repeat each correct response for extra pract lce before presentlngthe next cue. ThlS also avolds the confuslon WhlCh may occur l f the new pat ternlS not clear ly f ~ e d for each student before he lS asked to make a Subst l tut lonlnto I t . In a l l dr l l l th e lnstructor wll l take approprlate steps to se e tha tth e students are not 'so lv lng puzzles ' but are dr l l l lng qUlckly and accuratelyut terances WhlCh are completely comprehenslble to them. The procedures of such

d r l l l should be suff lc lently stereotyped tha t the technlque does not get In theway of the learnlng process and the s tudents ' attentlon can contlnually befocused on the communlcatlve value of th e sentences they are belng requlred tomanlpulate.

I f the d r l l l comblnes Subst l tut lon wlth t ransformat lon or response, theproductlon of the f l r s t s tudent , l ncorpo ra tlng th e Subst l tut lon, lS l t s e l f cuefor the second student 's resp on se. G en erally l t lS advlsable for the lns t ruc torto repeat the f l r s t student 's respon se as cue for th e next student (a t l eas t Inthe ear l ler unl ts ) , to avold the pract lclng of one student 's mlspronunclatlonsby hlS classmates .

Most dr l l l s are deslgned wlth the l a s t sentence ldent lca l wlth th e f l r s t sothat they may be contlnued clrcular ly as long a s n ec es sa ry .

Use of th e Tapes of Drll ls

A d r l l l 2S normally done ln c lass several tlmes b efore th e student does l twlth the tape recordlng. On tape the dr l l l s are recorded wlth cues for 'opera-t lon ' and so should have been presented before the student f l r s t I ls tens to thetape. Space lS provlded on th e tape, however, for student repetl t lon of thecorrect response af ter the tapea VOlce has provlded relnforcement (or correctlon)to the student 's operatlon of the dr l l l . The f l r s t tlme a dr l l l lS done wlthth e tape, th e student may be permltted to open hlS book and use a notched card(as lndlcated above) to present th e pat terns and cues vlsual ly as well as oral ly .A d r l l l lS, however, not done properly unt l l l t can be operated correct ly wlthbooks closed.


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The Grammar Notes (n .2 , n .4 , n.b))

These notes are ln ten de d to be read outs lde of c l ass by the s tudents and to

be expounded, lf necessa ry , by a 11ngu ls t l c sClent l s t . D1Scussl0n of no tes (In

a European l anguage ) by nat lve-speaklng lns t ruc tor s lS dlscouraged . I n s t r uc to r s

should genera l ly conf lne t he l r ro l e In present lng grammar to p ro vld ln g (In Fula )add1 t lona l examples of the s t ruc tu res as r equ l r ed .

Slnce t h l s course lS , necessa r l l y , c l rcumscr lbed w lth regard to the breadth

of vocabula ry and of ' grammatlcal pa t t e rns presented fo r s tu de nts to master as

pa r t s of t he l r ac t lve r epe r t o r l e s , a ce r ta ln amount of the grammar presented lnthe no te s rep resen t s pa t t e rns occurrlng. 1n the d la logs , dr l11s an d n arr at1 ve s o f

thlS book, r a the r ln f r equen t ly . ThlS presen ta t lon 1S 1ntended to equlp the s tu den t to recognlze the pa t te rn when encountered and thus to preven t h1m frompuzz led a t tempts to flt r e l a t l ve l y ln f requent forms ln to the framework o f hlS ownproduct1ve command of the language, r a the r than to prov1de h1m wlth an ac t lvecommand of such ln f requent forms. Of course , no clalm lS made t ha t the grammat1cal t rea tment lS ln any sense comple te , e l the r fo r the d l a l e c t here t r ea t ed

o r , much l e s s , fo r the language as a whole.

The Grammar Drl11s ( n .3 , n .5 , n.7)

Grammar D rll1 s a re t r ea t ed exac t ly as were the var la t lon dr l11s on Baslc

Sentences . In t roduc t l0n of new vocabula ry In grammar dr l1 l s lS r a r e .

The Narrat lve ( n.B )

ThlS lS a sho r t expos l tory paragraph genera l ly fol lowlng close ly the sequence o f events In the dla log of the same un l t . The nar ra t lve lS normal lydr l l1ed w l ~ h closed books, sentence by sentence . S tud ents may also be asked

r e t e l l the s to ry , no t necessar l1y In the lden t1ca l words of the t e x t . Theya re l a t e r al lowed to open t h e l r books an d to read wlth c o rr ec t l nt on at l0 n and

phras lng . Occasl0nal ly 1 t may prove use fu l to ask s tudents to r e t e l l the s to ry

changlng the t lme or the per son( s ) . A usefu l homework asslgnment may be to pre

pare to t e l l a s lm l la r s to ry about some r e a l or lmaglnary happen lng .

The Quest lons fo r D1SCUSS10n ( n .9

These are genera l ly o f severa l types lnc ludlng 'Yes-No' ques t lons , 'Or '

ques t lons , and 'Quest l0n-Word ' aues t l0ns . They of t en r e l a t e bo th to the subJec t m atte r o f the dla log and/or t ha t of the nar ra t lve and to the d l r e c t exp erle nc e o f the s tuden t s . These are lntended as conversa t l0n -s t a r t e r s r a the r

than as response exerClses only , and the subJects suggested by t he se q u es tl on s

should be pursued as fa r as s tuden t ab l1 l t l e s perml t . An lmaglnat lve l n s t r uc to rcan eas l1y supplement th ese q ue st lo ns w lth many more equa ll y a pp ro p r la t e, bu t

should take care no t to venture outs lde t he v oc abu la ry a nd'g rammat lc al competenceof hlS s tuden t s .

Narra t lves and Quest lons fo r D1SCUSSlon are no t recorded and do no t occur Inthe e a r l l e s t un l t s . They should occupy an lncreas lng amount o f c l ass t lme as the

un l t s progress and a s stu de nt abl1 l ty to engage In mean1ngful narra t10n and conv e r sa t lo n l nc r ea s es .

The Revlew Unl ts (Unl ts R- l , R-2, R-3)

These un l t s ,WhlCh

fo llo w Unlts5 ,

10, and 15r es pe ct lv ely , c on sls t p r l

marl1y of dr l11s WhlCh are used l lke the drl11s ln the r egu la r un l t s . In gene r a l th ese d rl1 1s pro vlde an o p po rt un lt y to p r ac tl ce p a tt er n s WhlCh may havebeen dr l l1ed In an ea r ly unl t ,Wlth the vocabula ry WhlCh has appeared In l n t e r venlng un l t s . These unl tS also conta ln shor t d la logs WhlCh a re recomblna t lonso f p re vl ou sl y l ea rned l tems. These are ln tended to be sugges t lve or such r e comblnatl0ns and no t necessar l1y to be memorlzed. Students should be encourageddur lng reVlew to make other recomblnat l0ns, bu t ca re fu l check1ng of such s tudent

' o r a l compos1t1on' 1S n ec es sar y to p rev en t t he p ra ct1 c1 ng of e r ror s o r u np ro f1 t

able t r a ns l a t l 0n from E ng llsh o r ano th er na t lve language of the s tudent .


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UNITS 21 - 40

These unlts are shor ter , conslst lng prlnclpal ly o ~ dlalogs, n ar ra tl ve t ex tsand exerClses. They do contaln, fo ll ow lng the dlalog, a ~ e w short varlat londr l l l s , but these serve prlnclpal ly as a medlum ~ o r the lntroductl0n and pract lce of new vocabulary ltems and as a sor t of 'warm-up exerClse ' before tackllngthe

exerClses proper.An exerClse lS a practlce WhlCh dlffers from a d r l l l In that there may be

more than one posslble correct response to the s tlmulus prov lded . Exerclsescan be o ~ a great varlety, lncludlng response exerclses , t ransla t lon exerClsesand conversatl0nal exerClses o ~ varlOUS klnds. The commonest exerClses In thlSpar t of th e course are 'Dl rected Conversatlon ExerClses ' . These consls t of ashort narra t lve paragraph (In Fula a t f l r s t and l a t e r In Engllsh) followed by adlalog. The narra t lve serves to ' set the scene' for t he f ol lowlng dlalog. Onestudent reads only the nar ra t lve , careful ly avo ld lng looklng a t t he f ol lowlngdlalog. He then attempts to play the prescrlbed role In the d la lo g w lt h thelns t ruc tor . or a no th er student , (who lS , of course, permltted to look a t theprlnted d la lo g) t ak ln g the other par t . T h l s ~ s e c o n d s t u d e n ~ (or the lns t ructor)' d l rec ts ' the conversatlon. Of course, he may have to depart from the prlnted' s c r ~ p t ' as approprlate to t he r esponses o ~ th e ~ l r s t student. After Unlt 32the narra t lve lS In Engllsh, p rovldl ng the s tudent w lth some t ransla t lon prac

tLce comblned wlth th e conversatlon.Exerclses are not recorded Slnce there lS no unlquely correct response

WhlCh can be provlded on tape.

The lns tructor , the students and the l lnguls t ( If any) wll1 ~ l n d theseunl t s far l es s 's tr uc tu re d' than the f l r s t twenty and thus more of a challengeto the l r lngenulty In uSlng the materlals provlded In lmaglnatlve ways. Ingeneral a l l of th e materla l should be conslder ed a s ' conversatlon s t a r t e r s ' .Occaslonal1y l t may be deslrable to return to manlpu1atlve d r l l l over pOlntslnadequately grasped. The 11ngu ls t o r th e lns t ruc tor , or both, can easl1y cons t ruct such drl11s on the models provlded In Unlts 1-20 but lncorporatlng th eenlarged vocabulary of l a te r unl ts .


The Glossary appears a t th e back o ~ the book and lS preceded by an ex

posl t lon o ~ th e conventl ons used In 11stlng th e words.

SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY (See the books clted longer blbl lographles)

Arnott , D.W. 'The Mlddle VOlce In Fula ' , Bulletln the School o ~ Orlental andA ~ r l c a n Studles, XVIII. 1 , pp. 130 - 144, Unlverslty of London, 1961.

'The SubJunctlve ln Fu1a' , Afrlcan Language Studles I I . London,SOAS, Unlverslty London, 1961.

Dauzats, Andre, Elements de L a n ~ u e Peule, 4lb l , Imprlmerle Alblgeolse, 1952.Labouret, H., La Langue Des Feu S ou Foulbe, Memolres de L ' Ins t l tu t Fran9als

d ' A ~ r l q u e NOlre, No. 16, Dakar, IFAN, 19$2., La Langue des Peuls ou Foulbe, Lexlque Francals-Peul, Memolres

d'IFAN, Dakar, No. 41, 1955.Taylor , F.W.,A Grammar of th e Adamawa Dlalect the Fulanl Language, secondedlt l0n, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953.

Fulanl-Engl lsh Dlc tl0nary, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1932.


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