From Tragedy to Triumph: A Story of Second Chances



From Tragedy to Triumph: A Story of Second Chances . Kelsey Twist Schroeder Roland Park Country School . “Everywhere , everywhere, children are the scorned people of the earth .” -Toni Morrison . The Tragedy of the Breedlove Family. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Tragedy to Triumph: A Story of Second Chances

Kelsey Twist SchroederRoland Park Country School

“Everywhere, everywhere,

children are the scorned people of the earth.”-Toni Morrison

The Tragedy of the Breedlove Family

“There is really nothing more to say-except why. But since why is difficult to handle, one must take

refuge in how.”


The All-Knowing Master

“It was as though some mysterious all-knowing master has

said, ‘You are ugly people.’ They had looked about themselves and

saw nothing to contradict the statement; saw, in fact, support

for it leaning at them from every billboard, every movie, every glance. ‘Yes,’ they had said.

‘You are right.’”

“Education” in the Movies

“Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another—physical

beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human


How does this story connect to your own stories?


What does “the master” say to you?

What do you learn about the world from the movies and other elements on popular culture?

How do these messages shape your choices and your sense of self?


Critical Analysis1.What do you see? A formal visual analysis.

2.What do you think the intended message of this image is?

3.How do you think people feel when they see the image?

4.What do you think the motivation was of the person or people who created the image?

What does beauty look like to you?

What does a healthy romantic relationship look like to you?

Sources: Photo of book cover: http://

Photo of Ginger Rogers:

Source for Toddler Photo: Marcus, Lilit. "‘Toddlers and Tiaras’ Star Eden Wood Announces Her Retirement At Age of 6 ." Crushable. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 February 2012.
