From the Volunteer Office Gwyn Balch · 2019-08-14 · Page 1 From the Volunteer Office – Gwyn...


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From the Volunteer Office – Gwyn Balch

Volunteer Ambulance Shifts

If volunteers wish to do an observer shift or be on the Ambulance roster they must have prior permission from the Deputy Operations Managers and place their names on the roster.


ECOP forms must be completed at the end of each month for member’s availability for the following month and submitted to the Volunteer Office. This information is also used when additional volunteer ambulance crews are required on the weekend.

First Aid Competition Guidelines

New adult and cadet first aid competition guidelines have been developed and are now available on the national website. Copies can also be obtained from the Volunteer Office

Update on casual uniforms on divisional nights

The Commissioner has advised that all members should wear uniform on divisional nights; however it can be at the discretion of Superintendents whether their members can wear casual clothes on occasions. We are a uniformed organisation and should all be proud to wear the black and white uniform. If members regularly attend public duties additional uniforms items can be issued.


Daniel Macmillan has put a lot of work into the St John NT website and the Volunteer Website now redirects to the new site. It is important that Operations Branch has up to date information including information on all the divisions. We would like everyone to look at the site and provide some information, photos, comments or ideas to Gwyn or email Daniel at All issues of the Outback Ambulance have now been put into the History section on the website. The address is

Slide Show for Public First Aid Courses

Amy McKay has completed a 10 minute slideshow that will be shown in all NT public first aid courses.

Reunion Dinner

Will be held at the Casuarina Club on Friday 29th May (the day after the St John Graduation). All welcome

St John Ambulance Australia (NT)

Weekly Newsletter Thursday 02 April 2009

This week:

From the Volunteer Office


Child Protection Training

Alice Springs Cadet Camp

Humpty Doo

National Youth Week

Bits & Pieces

Coming events

Finke Desert Race

Member Development



Gwyn Balch 08 8922 6205

Volunteer Coordinator

Frank Dunstan 08 8988 6751

Vollie News editor


St John Ambulance Australia (NT)

St John Ambulance Australia

Members’ website

Order of St John

Contact Gwyn to subscribe to an

email copy of this newsletter

Vollie News Thursday 2nd April 2009

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Cadets at Public Duties

At a recent meeting of Cadet Officers the subject of Cadets at Public Duties was discussed:

No cadets can attend more than an 8 hour duty in a 24 hour period without prior approval from TOC

Senior cadets are 14 yrs + with a SFA

Senior’s only – go karts, motor sports where they may need to go near the track

No cadets – speedway, drags v8’s (public side only)

Seniors only after 8pm

Cadets wear safety vests – where adults would wear vests

Adult members to inform cadet superintendents when they have had any problems with cadets on duties.

Commissioner/Territory Superintendent (or delegate) may choose to stipulate the acceptable Cadet age to attend specific duties (example: Bass in the Grass, Crusty Demons, etc)

All cadets must have their superintendent’s permission (a duty card) to attend duties.

NT Cadet Camp and Competition

Saturday 26th September to Thursday 1st October and Competitions will be held on Sunday 27th September. Geoff Kain is the camp manager and Paul Berry is the competition manager.

Youth Week Stall –Casuarina Shopping Square

Sunday 5th April 10am to 3pm

Heartstarts Missing

Have you seen any of these Heartstarts? 6 machines were purchased last year so volunteers can use them when attending public duties and were to be located at Casuarina Centre – they are numbered 1 to 6. We are currently missing 3 machines.

Please contact Gwyn at the Volunteer Office if you know of their location.


Child Protection

Thursday 14 May, 1830 – 2130 Palmerston – open to all Darwin adult members

Saturday 23 May, 0900-1200 Alice Springs

Clinical 1

Lynda McMeekin will be travelling to other centres in April.

Tennant Creek on Easter Monday (13th April 2009).

Alice Springs for Saturday & Sunday (18th & 19th April)

Lynda is available to assist at divisional meetings.

Contact Lynda at

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Megacode Kelly Training

SJA (NT) has recently been provided with funding from the Federal Government for the purchase of advanced training equipment.

As part of our funding agreement, there is a need for SJA (NT) to deliver training in the use of the equipment and report on outcomes of this training. This must be achieved throughout all regions of the NT by 31 May 2009.

Our aim of providing this training will be to:

afford members the opportunity to:

o feel more confident when responding to a negative cardiac event;

o ensure members do not feel ‘confronted’ when attending such an event, as hopefully they have done all they can do given their level of training; and,

o train using the most current state-of-the-art equipment which may have a positive impact in retaining members within the organisation.

Training should take about 2 hours in duration.

Training is for adult members and cadets over the age of 14 years.

If you would like more information contact your Superintendent.

TAA Training Update

Congratulations to Kelly Raven, Angie Butler, Yvonne Cole, Daniel Macmillan, Rob Rudland, Christine Turner who have all completed the TAA


Apply First Aid Courses – Darwin 10th April (flexible learning)

Apply Advanced First Aid Courses -

27/28/29 March (Darwin),

3/4/5 April (Katherine),

9 /10 May (Darwin- new flexible learning course conducted by the National Training Manager, Steve van Gerwen)

All participants on the Apply Advanced First Aid must have a current Apply First Aid certificate and complete the pre course workbook. If you are a First Responder and haven’t completed an Apply Advanced First Aid Course you are encouraged to complete one of the courses available.

Frank’s website

One thing about being retired is that you have a lot of time on your hands. This is how I can work on your

newsletter and why I have been able to put together my own website.

It’s a bushfire theme – naturally – with NT rural areas as the target audience, but town residents may find

one or two items of interest.

It lacks the sophistication of the St John website, but it’s affordable and that’s important when you’re


Anyone interested may want to have a look at:

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MAY, 2009

6.30PM TO 9.30PM





MAY, 2009

9.00AM TO 12.00PM



A pre course workbook must be completed prior to the course.

Courses are open to all adult members and are compulsory for all adults working with cadets.

Participants will receive a St John Statement of Attendance upon successful completion of the


Participants will be given the option of completing an additional workbook and can obtain the

following certificate.

CHCCHILD1C Identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm

Contact the Volunteer Office for bookings and to obtain a copy of the workbook

TA 17’s are required

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Saturday 26th September to Thursday 1st October

Just a note to let you know what’s happening in the planning for cadet camp and comps, and drill comps for 2009. Accommodation: MacDonnell Range holiday park cost is $100.00 per person. This doesn’t include the additional camp cost. Camp Teams: All cadets will be put into a team (4 teams in total), and throughout the camp you will be participating in challenges to gain points for your team; these challenges will be both fun and challenging. Activities: Canoeing Challenge – gain your canoeing badge but will have to do all the theory before coming to camp, so ask your superintendent to get the relevant details prior to camp. Other ideas we are looking at but still to confirm are: Camel ride and breakfast YMCA - rock climbing, self defence, dodge ball Feeding rock wallabies Beach volleyball Camp challenge involving peddle power go-karts, swimming challenges, puzzle solving Star gazing Movies Quiz challenge Ten pin challenges Theme disco night (super heroes)

We are looking for suggestions and we are also planning to do a time capsule where you bring something that you will not miss to place into this capsule. Anything to do with you and St John in 2009 which can be opened at a date to be decided upon at camp. These are just a few of the things we have come up with so far. I’m hoping that your drill practice is coming on well and the fundraising is also going well. Hope to see you all on camp See Ya in September, cheers Geoff Kain Camp Manager

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Humpty Doo-ings – Greg Payne

Humpty Doo is getting back into the swing of things with

the new Car 107. A few things to get used to, like secure

stowage for Public Duty stuff and the way people love to

open the rear door when you’re trying to rest a patient.

Did the Taminmin Cross country run last Friday and for

one person it was hectic as they started coming in.

Called one ambulance and survived the rest.

Humpty Doo was well represented at the Fishing Expo

on both days. Had two Humpty Doo cadets on the

Saturday who were well behaved and helpful. Not too

much trauma at that one.

This coming Saturday the 4th we will be setting up at

Coolalinga for some more recruiting. Visitors welcome

0900 - 1300. Have a couple of very interested potential

members already. Keep you posted.


Greg P

Humpty Doo Cadet Latna doing a kit check

Greg and Latna at the Fishing Expo

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National Youth Week – Kimberlee McKay

The NT Young Achiever Awards function was held on Saturday 28 March at the Holiday Inn Esplanade Darwin.

Two Cadets from Cadet Band Division were nominated and attended the function. Yuliana Pascoe was

nominated for the Charles Darwin University Arts Award and Sarah McLaughlin for the Somerville Community

Service Award.

Above: Sarah and Yuliana at the Young Achiever Awards

Right: Kimberlee McKay (Territory Officer Cadets) with

Sarah at the Young Achiever Awards

Boof the Barra was a popular celebrity at the opening of the new waterslides at Leanyer Recreation Park on

Sunday 29 March.


Kaitlin Durbidge (Humpty Doo),

Sarah McLaughlin (Band),

Boof the Barra,

Boof’s Personal Assistant,

Ben Chow (Band),

Kimberlee McKay

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On Monday 30 March, as part of National Youth Week, a number of Cadets and young adults (and a few old

adults!) from Palmerston and Band Cadet Divisions donated blood at the Red Cross. Natalie Blackall from

Palmerston Adult Division works at the Red Cross and encouraged everyone to join the “Young Bloods”

program which encourages students to get together and donate blood. A fantastic tour of the Red Cross Blood

Bank was topped off with biscuits, cake and lollipops – obviously this was after we paid our dues (about 500

mL of blood!).

Members of Palmerston and Band Cadet Divisions with Natalie Blackall after donating blood

Alex Rofe of the Cadet Band Division chilling out Caitlyn Darby of Palmerston Cadets being

interviewed before donating blood

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Bits & Pieces

Coming events


Contributions are wanted for your newsletter. Tell other

Divisions what is happening in your area.

Stories with photos are especially wanted and can be on almost

any topic, so long as it is of interest to other members.

Send all submissions to Gwyn or Frank.


2009 Defcom books and cards are

now available at the Volunteer


What: Palmerston Adult Division

Recruitment Night

Where: St John Centre, Palmerston

When: Thu 2nd April 2009

Time: 1800 – 2100 hrs

BBQ fund raiser – all welcome

What: Humpty Doo Adult Division

Recruitment Night

Where: Vietnam Veterans’ Hall

Bees Creek Road, Bees Creek

When: Tue 21st April 2009

Time: TBA

The Finke Desert Race 2009 is on again over the Queen’s Birthday weekend of 6th June -8 June

2009. We are looking for a special breed of person to help out at this great special event.

The Finke Desert Race runs from Alice Springs to Finke (some 240kms), and back, over some of the most

inhospitable terrain in Australia. St John proudly provides coverage at the Start/Finish lines in Alice Springs

and at Finke as well as four checkpoints along the course. We also provide Paramedics in helicopters and

on site communications at Race Control.

This is a voluntary event open to all volunteers; assistance with travel and meals will be provided to all

those who attend. All members attending will be required to camp out from Saturday afternoon until

Monday night and be self sufficient with camping equipment.

There is a MANDATORY pre-race briefing on Friday night the 5th June at 1900 followed by a BBQ (no show

– no go!!!)

If you are interested please seek authority to attend from your Divisional Superintendent and let me know

by email or phone me on the number below.

Race information is available from

Come along and join in on what has previously been a great weekend for all those involved.

Peter J Monks Phone: 9859 6630

Vollie News Thursday 2nd April 2009

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As a key component of the $50,000 grant that St John Ambulance (NT) received under the

National Volunteer Support Fund

for the project entitled

‘Practical Introduction to Basic Emergency Care of a Cardiac Event’,

Training is now scheduled for all members using the

Megacode Kelly Advanced Cardiac Life Support System.

ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to participate in the significant learning opportunity.

Workshops Currently Scheduled

Alice Springs Adult Volunteers & Cadet Leaders

Dates: 02 April 2009 Time: 6pm – 9.30pm (approx) Venue: Alice Springs Ambulance Centre Trainer: Robert Rudland Confirmation of Attendance to Robert Rudland: By 30 March 2009

Katherine Adult Volunteers & Cadet Leaders Dates: 9 & 16 April 2009 Time: 7pm – 9pm Venue: Katherine Ambulance Centre Trainer: Martin Scaife Confirmation of Attendance to Martin Scaife: By 02 April 2009

Palmerston & Humpty Doo Adult Volunteers & Cadet Leaders

Date: 23 April 2009 Time: 7pm – 9pm Venue: Palmerston Volunteers & Training Centre Trainer: John Rushton Confirmation of Attendance to Angie Butler: By 16 April 2009

Nhulunbuy Adult Volunteers

& Cadet Leaders Date: 01 May 2009 Time: 7pm– 9pm Venue: Nhulunbuy Ambulance Centre Trainer: Lynda McMeeken

Confirmation of Attendance to Mark Ferguson: By 24 April 2009

Other workshops will be scheduled so the project component is able to be completed by the end of May 2009.
