From the Shattered Pieces: Shattering the Perceptions


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  • 8/14/2019 From the Shattered Pieces: Shattering the Perceptions


    From the Shattered Pieces: Shattering the perceptions of reality.

    "For every truth there is a lie waiting to be told; for every love there is a fire growing cold. Forevery life there is an eventual death; for some there is love, but pain for all the rest"

    In life there are always decisions to be made. Sure it's easy to say that but most of us follow thepath of least resistance. Most employers pay enough so that their employees won't quit, and mostpeople work just hard enough they won't get fired. What kind of life is that? What ever happenedto pride? You always have a choice in life, you decide what happens to you. Nobody can forceyou to do anything and the sooner society learns that What is good for me is more important thanwhat is good for you, the sooner this planet will finally join the ranks of other respected planets inthe universe. Come on there are UFO sitings constantly, what do you think their waiting for? OK

    just kidding but I got your attention.

    The greatest injustice we do to people is telling lies and "half truths" What perversion of logic isthat. There is no such thing as a "Half Truth" there is true, and there is false. Whoever inventedthat phrase should be roasting in the seventh circle of hell right about now. Honesty is always avirtue. Why lie?? It takes to much time and effort. Be honest, with yourself first, and with otherssecond.

    Would you rather have someone tell you, I like this about you, I don't like that about you; or wouldyou rather have someone blur the truth so that you never really know where you stand?Perception is what the world is based on. At least those middle east fanatics tell you where youstand. I can respect them for that. Of course, I hate you, you're weak minded, short sighted, andabove all else, you're lying to yourself. These people attack America because we're destroyingtheir country? Because we're responsible for the decline of their civilization, we're responsible forall their hardships!! That's bullshit. Everyone is responsible for themselves. the sooner we allrealize this the better off we'll be. I can't force you to do anything. Oh I can kill you and do itmyself, but I can't force you.

    America has never stolen anything. OK, Chrissy Boy borrowed money set sail not knowing wherehe was going, and landed on an "undiscovered continent" that had millions of people on it. But hedidn't force anyone onto his boats, he didn't force anyone to give him money.

    Fast foward to the american revoloution and the colonist didn't "steal" America from the British wefought them for it and in the end they gave up. History is written by the champions of will. Thenwe moved west and "stole" the red mans land. . . he gave it to us, both in word and in deed, hecould have fought, but chose not to. Today the children of those red men live in a society betterthan they could have created on their own.

    "I know not what course others may take, but as for me give me liberty or give me death." if that'snot a statement of will I don't know what is. To sum it another way: I don't know what you plan todo, I can't make you do what I'm going to do, but like it or not I will do what I want, and the onlyway to stop me is to kill me.

    when a man falls he has two choices in the matter. One he can tell himself the truth, "I got myself

    into this situation, I don't like the situation I'm in, I need to find a way out of it." or two he candelude himself with any number of lies "Society made me what I am, I didn't have enough to workwith, I was tricked" or any number of lies to keep the blame off of his own shoulders, where theblame belongs.

    Blaming others leads to hate, blaming others leads to war, blaming others leads to the failing ofcivilization. Nobody has ever gotten anywhere by blaming others. Those who are successful don'tsay, "it's your fault I have what I want. Why did you give me all these things I have." Thesuccessful man says I made myself what I am. The successful man places the "blame" where itbelongs on his shoulders. the problem is that we never want to find fault in ourselves. It's easier

  • 8/14/2019 From the Shattered Pieces: Shattering the Perceptions


    to find fault in others, easier to place our fault on others. It helps us sleep better at night.

    A man at war with himself does not sleep, "happy are the sleepy ones, for they are about to dropoff" - Nietzsche. But what Nietzsche only partially realized is that sleep is found in two individuals,he who places blame, and he who accepts himself. If you accept your weakness, your faults, thenyou know what you have to work on. you don't have to be at war with yourself, just say this iswhat I don't like about myself and change it. It's true of the individual and it's true of society.These millitant fanatics shouldn't blame others for their problems, The Nazi's proved that if youblame others for your problems, and then wipe them out, the problem remains.

    For EVERY TRUTH there is a lie waiting to be told, the trick is not to tell it. See the truth behindthe lies, not only in the lies you tell yourself, but in the lies others tell you as well. Nobody canmake you believe their lies, you believe them because you do not want to see the truth. Black isalways black, add all the white you want to it, the black is still there.

    There is no such thing as philantropy. All these people who give money to various causes do it forone reason, to help themselves. There are numerous ways, but it's always to help themselves.Either they did things in the past they they are ashamed of and are trying to buy their conscienceclean, or they want to be seen as a better person than they really are.

    Ayn Rand said it best. Selfishness is a virtue. Nobody ever got anywhere by giving things away,sure, billionares can afford to give things away now, but that's not how they got their billions. BillGates didn't make his money by giving away his plans for microsoft. He made his money bycharging for it. Vince MacMahon didn't make all his money by giving WCW his best wrestlers andhis best writers, he made his money by using them. There is an old adage "give a man a fish youfeed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - so, why should I carewhether or not that man eats fish? The strong should not cater to the weak. "The weak ones arethere to justify the strong" - Marilyn Manson.

    The weak are there to show us what the champions of will can accomplish. The weak ones arethere because they didn't have the will or the resolve to pull themselves out of a slump. There hasnever been any idea that could not have been thought of by another individual. What one mancan do, another can do.

    Something given has no value. "of all that is written I value highest that which one writes in hisown blood." - Nietzsche.

    If a man can not feed himself it is not my job to do so. I didn't put that man where he is, whyshould I help him out of it. People who are ex-cons, shouldn't cry and complain because theycan't find a job in society, they shouldn't complain because people won't give them a secondchance.

    The bottom line is, most often they don't deserve a second chance, you've already proven thatyou can't be trusted. Why should I give you a chance to prove it again. I didn't force you to dowhatever you did to go to jail, why should I be burdened with getting your life back on track?

    Further evidence of this truth is found in the American prison system. It is a little known fact(supposedly) that there exist an executive order that states should the country fall into anarchythe first order of business is to sumarily execute state and federal prisoners.

    Pity is for the weak, we pity those who we think don't deserve the tragedy's that befall them. Butthey do deserve it, they got themselves into the situation, they should get themselves out of it. Hewho hits rock bottom, and climbs back to the top has my deepest respect. As long as you'recapable of working, you're capable of improving your situation, and if you're not capable ofworking then you're of no use to society and the only thing you're capable of doing is draggingothers down with you.

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    I'm a soldier, I fought for my country, and if needed I would have died for it. But I would rather bedead than a vegetable. Keeping people alive who have no use for it is an injustice, both to them,and those who keep them alive. What use is life if all you're able to do is lie in a bed? what goodis life if all you're capable of doing being a burden to all those who care for you? Which would yourather be: someone remembered as they were, or would you rather be remembered as theperson in a coma, the one I had to change bedpans for, the one I had to spend all this moneykeeping on life support. Where's the justice in that?

    All those who cannot fend for themselves should be done away with. You don't see loins huntingand killing gazelles on the Serengeti only to drag them back to the helpless? Help no-one whocannot help you. A symbiotic relationship is the worst you can ask for.

    Those handicapped who can still serve a purpose i.e. Stephen Hawking have a place in society.They may not be able to run the 40 yard dash, they may not be able to go patrolling down-townBahgdad but their strenths lie in other endevors.

    All science was once witchcraft, and all religion was once heresy.

    Mellinia ago, somebody thought of hitting something with a tree limb ... today E=MC2 ... Yeah I

    know E always equaled MC2, and sometimes hitting someone with a tree limb is still a good idea.The ideas are always there, they always were, fact is fact... and often stranger than fiction.

    So to all you why me people ... get over it. You have the cards you were dealt, make a winninghand out of it ... or bluff. To all those people who complain about the shape society is in a greatman once said "Step up or step aside, you don't get to bitch unless you're willing to step up anddo something about it, or step aside and let someone else handle it" And that great man was KenTitus.

    "For every love there is a fire growing cold."

    Everybody in this world has that one regret. That one torch that we refuse to allow to go out. Theone person that we pine away for. Sure we may move on, we may find love... sometimes many

    loves, but there is still that one person that we just can not let go of.

    Some say that a heart that is not used, is wasted. That if you do not allow your love to shine, ifyou allow your insecurities and doubts to keep you from investing in a healthy relationship is todoom yourself to a lifetime of unhappiness. Perhaps that is true. I myself have been guilty ofcondemning myself to a relationship that I knew would end badly.

    There have been many reasons throughout the years. To torture myself, because I thought I wasunworthy of a good womans love and affection... to keep myself locked in truly lovelessrelationships for the simple fact that any relationship is better than none at all. The underlyingcause however always remained the same. I wanted these relationships to fail.

    Once I figured that out, the reason behind it struck me so violently and unexpectedly that like the

    great Prometheus, I wept with the sorrow of the path I had chosen.

    I condemned myself to these emotional and sometimes psychological war zones because I waswaiting for the day that the person I truly wanted would decide that they wanted me. I torturedmyself with loveless, and sometimes violent relationships because I didn't know how to loveanyone else, and I didn't want to learn.

    When choosing for myself the latest victim of my planned unhappiness, I would intentionally buildthe relationship on the weakest possible foundation.

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    I would intentionally choose someone who would either,

    A: Not be interested in attempting a relationship with me.

    B: Find a flaw in my personality, lifestyle etc. that would eventually cause them to break off therelationship.

    or C: Choose someone in whom I knew a flaw already existed that would cause me to eventuallybreak off the relationship.

    In retrospect I know I did these things because I knew if the relationship was doomed to fail fromthe beginning... it would all work out for the best. I knew that the other person would one day beable to look back on our relationship as a learning experience. I considered it doing a favor formy counter part.

    However, it would be cowardace... a characteristic that no Nietzschean is allowed to possess notto say that I also did so because it would justify breaking the relationship off at a moments noticeshould the object of my affection decide they wanted to be with me.

    There are those that would say a heart that is not used, may as well not exist. I say these people

    are wrong. A heart that is not used... doesn't exist.

    There are those that would say that you always hurt the ones you love. I say more often timesyou hurt the one you hate... and most often that is yourself.

    There are those that would say the only way to judge your growth as a person is to not committhe same mistakes over and over again. I say it's been proven since the Garden of Eden thatman is incapable of learning from his mistakes... and woman is no better.

    For EVERY LOVE there is a fire growing cold. The trick is to let the fire burn out. To look the oneyou love with so much passion that you can't sleep at night square in the eye, and tell them: Thisis your chance, the last open door, today is the day you decide to be with me... or that you willnever be with me. Then, after they walk away get on with your life, take that hurt and the rest of

    your emotional baggage and bury it with the rest of your soul.

    As it's hurting, quell the desire to climb the bell tower with a sniper rifle, remember that "Whatdoesn't kill me makes me stronger," and take your heart that's been forged in the fires of thegreatest agony of your life and give it to someone that will appreciate it.

    Sure, they may not be the person that you envisioned yourself with... but chances are you wereso blinded by love you never noticed all the faults in your "perfect love" to begin with.

    "For every life there is an eventual death." Death, is the ying to life's yang. The predator thatstalks us until the day we are finally caught and devoured. It can be stated no truer than this. Themoment you're born you begin to die. Some are taken before their time, and others languish foryears, sometimes decades after their light should have been extinguished.

    Todays society has over inflated life. The superfluous have declared themselves master of ourdomain. Every day we walk the path twards the last man because we have lost the will to decidefor ourselves.

    How many among us hear about the latest flu, or pandemic without panicing? How many amongus live in our peaceful little world assuming that nothing bad will ever happen to us... and thenstare, slackjawed when it does?

    Michael Wincott once said, "Childhood is over the moment you know you're gonna die."

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    They say that in the beginning man and woman were kicked out of a garden because they atefrom the tree of knowledge of right and wrong. Why would that be so bad?

    I say that IF there ever was a garden and we were kicked out.. it was either because A: we atefrom the fruit of of knowledge.. and that the moment we ate it we knew the one thing God lied tous about... we knew that some day we were going to die.

    We knew that God lied, and the weight of that knowledge shamed us. we felt that ourconsciousness our consciences would never again be clean. and that our uncleanliness had tohidden from the devine. Therefore when God came to as and asked "Where are you," We wereashamed and hid ourselves behind the tree in the garden,

    Or B: We ate from the tree of knowledge that allowed us thought, and once we could think forourselves we saught a way to get away from our Gods, the Persians, the Romans, TheEgyptians, The Greeks, the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims.. These Gods have beenpersecuted, or nearly destroyed in one form or another since the beginnings of our recordedhistory.

    The fundamental essence of any control mechanism be it political, ecconomical, racial, religious,

    regardless of the overpowering, power sucking vices we have had forced upon us we havesomething that is pressed down on us.

    Nobody wants us to know anything much less everything. The apple gave us knowledge of whatright and wrong was. OK why the hell is that bad. What was right and wrong? What about us wasso bad that we had to hide ourselves from God.

    "For some there is love, but pain for all the rest"