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From the Editor..

Welcome to the April edition of the NL Veteran’s Newsletter, coming to you from the Land of Sun, Snow, Sun, Fog, Sun, Snow, Sun and “studded tire removal” extensions. We did not have a regular business meeting in April, so there are no minutes to publish this time around. However, we hope that information in the following pages will bring everyone up to date on recent and upcoming events.

Once again, a reminder on behalf of Treasurer Leo O’Brien, to check you membership status and submit your dues if you have not already done so.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to this edition.



District Reports –

Clarenville District

(by Doug Hyde – for District Rep. Joe Lowe)

The Clarenville and area Vets held their monthly meeting at Robin's Coffee Shop on Thursday April 21. The following Vets were in attendance, Len Stratton, John Wells, Herb Goldsworthy, Gerry Parsons, Elmer Ryzuk, Hanson Dalton, John Butt, Rupert Baker and Doug Hyde. It was good to see that BAKER is doing

well and out and about. A lot of discussion on local happenings and of course Weather and Politics. Next meeting will be at same place on May 19th. We will discuss having a breakfast at the local detachment for our final get together before summer recess. Doug

Gander District

(by Ken Chatman for District Rep. Paul Hitchcock)

The Gander area Vets gathered once more on April 4th at The Country Kitchen. A number of the regulars were MIA due to being away in warmer climes on cruises, etc. We did share a few stories and jokes. We had a visit from Furby’s Cove resident, Vet Don Jackman who was visiting family

in Gander. Once he and Dick Dionne discovered they were both stationed at Port aux Basque, there were stories involving the same families, decades apart. It reinforces the saying about apples and trees… is still true.

Eric Murray, Claude Elliott, Joe McGuire, Dick Dionne, Don Caravan, Don Jackman and the undersigned were in attendance. Joe picked up the tab. Thanks.

Grand Falls District

(by Roger Hansford for District Rep. Artie Daye)

Artie reports there is not much in the way of News happening in the District. Veterans did not have an opportunity to get together for the morning breakfast at A&W this month, but hope to get the troops together in May, along with members from the Detachment and Town Police.

Artie has visited the Detachment on a couple of occasions to keep open the long relationship between the vets and the active members. On a happy note, Veteran Lloyd Goodyear will celebrate his 94th. Birthday on April 29th. Artie will pass along best wishes from the troops on the occasion.

From National President…

Dear Members of the National Council – Bill C-7 - President’s Update April 20, 2016 As you should be aware, we met with Deputy Commissioner Dubeau and a number of his senior staff on March 31st at which time, it was agreed that a working group would be established to do a full review of Benefits. The following two (2) weeks have involved Hearings by the House of Commons’ Public Safety and National Security Committee on Bill C-7. On behalf of the Association and its members, our Executive Officer, Mark Gaillard with assistance from our Chief Advocate, Ron Lewis, presented our objections to two (2) Sections which in our opinion (and that of other witnesses) are not required for the main purpose of the Bill – to provide for collective bargaining in the Force. These two sections would place members under the Provincial Workers Compensation regimes and the other section repeals what was put in the RCMP Superannuation Act in 1998 under Bill C-12. Without any details of the consequences of these amendments and consultations, no one has any idea what the impacts might or would be on serving, retired and/or former members; thus, the need for strong objections to these proposed amendments. So far, the Government witnesses were unable to provide those details and the other witnesses have all voiced objections. The Hearings continue and we all await the report of this Committee on Bill C-7 – whether it will be amended or proceed to the next Reading. Discussions are underway to get the Working Group with the Force started on the review of Benefits and I will provide further update when the details are known. We expect to provide an update to all our members in May or when the final Bill C-7 is known. Thank you, Dave Leblanc

(National – cont’d. next page)

(National – cont’d)

Dear President: - Roger Hansford

After today’s (April 21st) Public Safety and National Security Committee Hearing on Bill

C-7, our Executive Officer provided the following report:

Sections 40 and 42 were unanimously removed from Bill C-7 as well as redundant s. 74.

Liberal members voted against the Government's own legislation.

These are the only amendments made by SECU to Bill C-7.

C-7 as amended will now be tabled in the House for vote at third reading.

The Association’s representation on this Bill sought to have Sections 40 and 42 removed and they have been – a substantive successful effort. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend congratulations and “job well done” to Mark Gaillard and Ron Lewis who contributed many hours and effort to this outcome. Thank you. Dave Leblanc President

From Frank’s Facts…….RCMP Veterans on ALS April 5, 2016 A question surfaced today from an RCMP Vet on ALS. Therefore, would you kindly include the following info in your next newsletter for our RCMP Serving and Released Members. ALS is a disability pensioned condition under the Pension Act. Therefore, RCMP Members with ALS are strongly encouraged to contact Veterans Affairs Canada at (Eng) 866-522-2122 (Fre) 866-522-2022 or the Royal Canadian Legion if they have any questions when applying for VAC benefits. If you know of an RCMP member who has already passed due to ALS, the spouse can apply to VAC posthumously for recognition of this condition in his/her spouse, which would result in a full survivor pension under the Pension Act being paid to the spouse by VAC. If you know of someone who is in this situation, I would encourage you to make contact with him/her to ensure he/she is aware of this provision. Don't hesitate to contact VAC, your Legion Service Officer, or your RCMP Liaison Officer -Sgt. Kim Hendricken @902-370-4908 - should you have any questions. Thanks Kim Sgt. Kim Hendricken

Annual RCMP Cst. Amey & Hoey Memorial Hockey tournament donates $5430 to Fallen Members Fund

( by Helen Escott)

Michelle Thorne, Fallen Members Fund committee member

accepts the donation from Cst. Kenny Maher.

The Cst. Robert Amey and Cst. Terry Hoey Memorial Hockey Tournament is held every year in Gander to commemorate the deaths of these two RCMP Members and to raise funds for local charities. This year, teams chose the B Division Fallen Members Fund.

The “A” Division champions and recipients of the Cst.Robert Amey Memorial Trophy were theStephenville team. The “B” Division champions and recipients of the Cst. Terry Hoey Memorial Trophy were the “Dream Team” which is made up of RCMP Veterans.

Twelve teams took part in the tournament. Including one female team and a team from the Canadian Armed Forces Base Gander. A total of 141 people participated.

(continued next page)

(Tournament – cont’d)

This was the first year in the history of the tournament that the “Dream Team” not only made it to the finals but won their division.

During the tournament $5430.00 was raised and donated to the B Division Fallen Members Fund. This fund was created to assist those who want to attend the funeral of any peace officer/ Member whose death is duty related and who will lay a wreath on behalf of B Division. Guidelines and a selection priority process have been developed that is on par with other similar Divisional programs.

Cst. Kenny Maher proudly explained, “This was our largest donation since I have been

organizing the tournament. I believe that is in part because of the cause.” Maher says RCMP Veteran Jim HARE and the Dream Team organized a fund raiser during the tournament and they informed participants the money was going to the Fallen Members Fund. Maher offered “The wallets opened up a little wider once everyone knew what it was for.”

Next year will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Cst. AMEY and Cst. HOEY Memorial Hockey Tournament and organizers are planning on making it the biggest one yet!


Where Once they Stood…. (by Helen Escott – Fallen Members Fund)

The Kings call went out to all “Fighting Newfoundlanders” & they answered in droves. “Where Once They Stood” a Fallen Members Fund Benefit Night

The RCMP Fallen Members Fund presents “Where Once They Stood” Wednesday, June 15th at the Masonic Temple, 6 Cathedral Street, St. John’s. This dinner and a show charity event is a benefit for the Fallen Members Fund.

(Fallen- cont’d. next page)

(Fallen- cont’d.)

Tables are already starting to fill up. To reserve your seat or table, call Spirit of Newfoundland at 579-3023 or toll-free: (877) 661-3023. (Book for the “RCMP’s Fallen Members Fund night, June 15th.”)

Called the Best Show of the Year by critics. “Where Once They Stood” is a moving tribute to Beaumont Hamel and Newfoundland and Labrador’s involvement in the First World War (FWW). Join Peter Halley, Shelly Neville, Sheila Williams, Keith Power, John Williams, Claire Rouleau and the Spirit of Newfoundland band for dinner and a show.

Travel back in time and find out how we became Fighting Newfoundlanders through stories & music that explains the indomitable spirit of those brave men and women who gave all.

Tickets are $100 each and includes a three-course meal. Proceeds go to the RCMP Fallen Members Fund.

More from Frank’s Facts - FYI

The shooting deaths of Sgt. Schrader and Cst. Anson in the MacDowall, SK area in October 1970 April 4, 2016 Hello. I was given your name by Joe Healy. I am researching the shooting deaths of Sgt. Schrader and Cst. Anson in the MacDowall, SK area in October 1970. They were killed by Stanley Wilfred Robertson who fled the scene, sparking one of the most intense manhunts in Saskatchewan history. Robertson was found with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound the following spring. I am seeking any members who remember this case, may have been involved with the investigation and/or were posted in the area at the time. This would include Prince Albert Detachment, Blaine Lake Detachment and Rosthern Detachment. Thank you so much for your time. Kate Kading (306) 717-0101

Feeding the Hungry Gerry Moore* lives rough. He's been on the street for a while. He's lived in St. John's for most of his adult life but just smiles when asked where he grew up. He has problems with addictions and he readily admits that some of the choices that he has made in his life haven't been the best. Each Wednesday he makes his way over to Gower Street United Church for a chance to get a good meal and to get warm. This Wednesday he almost turns away when he realizes the cooks are retired police veterans. But hunger gets the best of him and he sits waiting to be served.

Gerry has had more than one altercation with the law and is shy when served a large hot helping of lasagne, roll, and freshly made salad. (Hungry – cont’d. next page)

(Hungry – cont’d.)

He asks for seconds and in no time his plate is empty and he is served his dessert. The chocolate cake is washed down with a cup of hot tea.

Lukas Fredrick* won't speak to the former cops. He is very much uncomfortable with their presence and never making eye contact with anyone. But he eats three helpings and gives a muffled thanks when he gets up to leave.

This Wednesday more than 60 people were fed their lunch by the dozen RCMP Veterans Association members and their wives who gathered in the kitchen of Gower Street United Church around 9 am to prepare a nutritious meal.

" It is so hard to believe that in this time and place there are so many hungry people in this city," said Randy Mercer, organizer of the lunch. " We make lunch at the Church twice a year and we always have a good turnout, both of association members and the people who avail of our lunches. There is good camaraderie."

He said that there is more need in our community than people realize. " People are hungry. We are here to feed them, not to judge them but to help out where we can. It is all about giving back to the community in which we live, with the skills and the abilities that we have with which we share. We feed the hungry because there is such a need."

The RCMP Veterans Association have been assisting with this outreach for the past couple of years and are always looking for people to give of their time. For more information or to assist in any way, please contact Randy at 745-8602. *Names has been changed to protect identities.

( Veteran Volunteers who prepared and served at the last event)


May 14th, 2016 – Lobster Dinner, Auction & Dance

August 29th 2016, – President’s Cup Golf Tournament

October 29th, Annual Dinner & Dance

November 29th, 2016 – President’s Dinner

December 7th , 2016 – Tom’s Lunch

Mark your Calendar – Event Details to Follow.

Congratulations!! Veteran Lloyd GOODYEAR, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL – Celebrating his 94th Birthday – April 29, 2016.

President Roger and Angela HANSFORD, CBS, NL who recently celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.


Lighter Side – (Stolen from Frank’s Facts)

A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called and asked to speak to his client, "Saul, I have some good news and, I have some bad news." The art collector replied, "I've had an awful day; let's hear the good news first." The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. I think she could be right." Saul replied enthusiastically, "Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You've just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. The lawyer replied, "The pictures are of you with your secretary."

ODD HOCKEY SCORE As a young fellow growing up in Appleton, we played Hockey in a small cove on Gander Lake near Bowater’s Depot. The cove was commonly referred to as Murphy’s Cove, where Murphy & Steele operated a Sawmill. There is still a Sawmill in the same location today. Occasionally the Glenwood guys from the other side of the river would come over for a game on the Cove. If there was open water at the entrance to the cove, we would never use our regular puck for fear of losing it over the edge of the ice. The compromise would be a nice piece of Birch, cut the same size as a regular puck. Two large rocks on each end served as goal posts (markers). Late on a Saturday afternoon….score tied 4-4. One of our guys takes a slapshot, the frozen Birch hits the goal post/rock, splits in half. One half goes through the goal and the other half over the edge into the open water. – Final Score: Appleton- 4 ½, – Glenwood- 4). (Editor’s true story)




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