From Technical Dependencies to Social Dependencies


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From Technical Dependencies toSocial Dependencies

Cleidson de Souza1,2 Paul Dourish1 David Redmiles1 Stephen Quirk1 Erik Trainer1

1Donald Bren School of Information and Computer ScienceUniversity of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA, USA – 92667

2Departamento de InformáticaUniversidade Federal do Pará

Belém, PA, Brazil – 66075

AbstractThis paper describes Ariadne, a Java tool for the EclipseIDE, that links technical and social dependencies. Ariadneis based on the observation that technical dependenciesamong software components create social dependenciesamong the software developers implementing thesecomponents. We describe our approach for creatingtechnical, socio-technical and social dependencies from asoftware project. We describe possible uses of ourapproach and tool, as well as, briefly discuss related work.

1. IntroductionOne of the most important and influential principles insoftware engineering is the idea of information hidingproposed by Parnas [1]. According to this principle,software modules should be both “open (for extension andadaptation) and closed (to avoid modifications that affectclients)” [2]. Information hiding aims to decrease thedependency between two modules so that changes to onedo not impact the other. Parnas had also recognized thatinformation hiding also brings managerial advantages: bydividing the work in independent modules, it is alsopossible to assign the implementation of these modules todifferent developers that can work on them independently.However, a consequence of decomposing the system intopieces, is the eventual need to manage the integration ofthese pieces to create the whole software. This work ofbuilding the whole software from its parts requires a lot ofcoordination effort in both collocated and distributedprojects [3] [4] [5]. The reconstruction of the system fromits pieces is necessary during the development, testing, andmaintenance phases. Despite the advantages of the modulardecomposition, software engineering research has alreadyfound out that one module can not be implementedcompletely independently of its clients; somehow onemodule needs to know some of the requirements that itsclients have [6].

These two aspects - the frequent need to recompose thesoftware and the dependency among its components -suggest that software developers working on theimplementation of these components need to interactregularly to ensure that their work is aligned, so theintegration flows smoothly when necessary. In other words,because software components need to interact, this createsa similar need of interaction among the software developersimplementing them. In short, technical dependenciesbetween components create social dependencies betweenthe software developers implementing them [3, 4]. Based

on this observation, we argue that the source-code itself canbe an important resource to identify social relationships thatneed to be maintained among software developers tofacilitate the integration process. This is possible becausethe software itself contains information about the technicaldependencies among pieces of software. This paperdescribes our approach and associated tool – Ariadne – thataims to uncover this relationship among technical andsocial dependencies. Ariadne is currently being developedat UC, Irvine and supports the analysis of Java programs toidentify the technical dependencies. Authorshipinformation of the software components is used to createthe web of social dependencies. This is done by collectinginformation from a configuration management repositoryassociated with the Java program.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The nextsection describes how from the technical dependenciesexisting in a software development effort, it is possible touncover the social dependencies among the softwareengineers involved in the project. The following sectiondescribes our tool and some of its implementation details.After that, we describe some related work. Finally,conclusions and ideas for future work are presented.

2. From Technical to SocialDependencies

Our approach combines source-code analysis and collectionof information about the software developers in order toappropriately identify the relationship between thetechnical and social dependencies. In this section, we willdetail the technical aspects of the source-code analysis aswell as the collection of (social) information about softwaredevelopers.

Technical DependenciesOur approach is strongly-based on the concept ofdependencies. Dependencies among pieces of code existbecause components, inevitably, make use of servicesprovided by other components. For example, component Auses the services of component B, as a result, A depends onB. That is, in order to component A to be able to perform itsfunctions, it relies on services provided by component B. Adata structure containing all the dependency relationshipsof a program is called a call-graph, because it containsinformation about which components call the servicesprovided by other components in the system. Figure 1presents an example of a call graph of an open-sourceproject hosted at sourceforge. A directed edge from a

method A to another method B indicates a dependencyfrom A to B. Because Java is an object-oriented language,the call-graph describes the relationship between methods

being invoked by other methods in the context of theirrespective classes and packages.

Figure 1: An example of a call graphBy describing dependencies in the source-code, this graphpotentially describes dependencies among softwaredevelopers responsible for those software components.Using the previous example, where component A dependson component B, assuming that A is being developed bydeveloper a and B is being implemented by developer b,since A depends on B, we similarly find that developer adepends on developer b. Hence, to be able to describe thesesocial dependencies, it is necessary to populate the call-graph with social information, i.e., information about whichsoftware developer wrote which part of the code. This isexplained in the next section.

Socio-Technical DependenciesAuthorship information about each node of the call-graphcan be extracted from configuration management (CM)repositories, which usually store revision informationdescribing each and every change made to the softwaresystem being analyzed [7]. Typical revision information foreach change includes: the changes applied to the software,date and time of these changes, the author of the changes,the files where the changes were applied. Combininginformation from the call-graph with authorshipinformation from the CM repository can then create a“social call-graph”, that describes which softwaredevelopers depend on which other software developers fora given piece of code. Figure 2 presents an example of a“social call-graph” from an open-source project. A directededge from package A to B indicates a dependency from Ato B. Directed edges between authors and packages indicateauthorship information. Every node of the call-graph mighthave different options for the associated authorship

information: for example, in a company, one might decideto use information about the last person who committedchanges in the file because the last committer is sometimesconsidered an expert on it [8], in another company,ownership architectures could be used since it expresses therelationship between developers and source code [9]. Theinformation of a “social call-graph” can be translated into atwo-mode network. The “social-call graph” diagrampresented in Figure 2 was created using our tool, Ariadne.This tool is described in more details in the followingsection.

Social DependenciesBecause of the information that they integrate, “social call-graphs” could easily be used to generate sociogramsdescribing the dependency relationship among softwaredevelopers without depicting dependencies among softwarecomponents. Figure 3 below presents an example of suchsituation. Currently we are investigating the use of socialnetworks algorithms to assess potential coordinationproblems in the software development process. Forexample, one could generate technical recommendationsabout how to reorganize the source code, or providemanagerial recommendations about how to change thedivision of labor to minimize the coordination effort ofsome developers that have to deal with too manydependencies. However, in order to do that, we need a toolthat is able to construct and analyze “social call-graphs”and social network graphs from software developmentprojects. In the next section, we describe Ariadne, a toolthat addresses this issue.

Figure 2: An example of a “social call graph”

Figure 3: An example of a social network graphdescribing dependency relationships among

software developers

3. AriadneAriadne is a Java-based tool that creates call-graphs,“social-call graphs”, and sociograms. Ariadne iscurrently implemented as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE(Integrated Development Environment). Eclipse is anopen-source project that aims to develop a powerful

IDE with an extensible architecture based on plug-ins.Therefore, one can create plug-ins to extend the IDEand still have access to all resources provided by thisIDE. And that is exactly what Ariadne does. Itanalyses Java projects being used in Eclipse andautomatically connects to the configurationmanagement repository associated with these projectsto retrieve authorship information about the project.Currently, we are supporting only CVS repositories. Inorder to construct call-graphs Ariadne uses anotheropen-source project called DependencyFinder, whichcreates the call-graph for any compiled Java project.Our current implementation can present call graphs atthree different levels of abstraction: methods, files,and packages. Basically, information from themethods is aggregated to generate information aboutfiles, and similarly information about files isaggregated to generate information about packages.Any of these call-graphs can be populated withauthorship information generating the equivalent“social call-graphs”. From those, sociograms aregenerated and displayed using JUNG (Java UniversalNetwork/Graph Framework). Note that call-graphsand social call-graphs are directed graphs, whilesociograms are undirected graphs. Ariadne is also ableto export all the information that it collects as Excelfiles for later analysis using other social-networkprograms.

We envision two types of users for our tool:• Software developers who would use it to identify

colleagues with whom they need to interact, thatneed to be informed about changes that are goingto impact them, or with similar interests. Forinstance, de Souza et al. [4] describes an example

where developers who shared a dependency wereperforming duplicate work because they were notaware of each other. In this case, we plan to usethe concept of equivalence.

• Project managers or researchers interested inunderstanding the interplay between the changesin the architecture of the software and its socialimpact. For example, by analyzing the density ofa social network or by identifying bridges in thisnetwork one can understand the key role playedby some software developers in the coordinationprocess or better understand their coordinationand communication needs.

4. Related WorkDespite this relationship between the technical and theassociated social dependencies, traditionally,interdependence relationships have been looked atfrom two perspectives, either as interdependencebetween people (work tasks (for example Mintzberg[10]: workflow, process, scale, and socialinterdependencies)) or as interdependence betweenartifacts (for example, program dependencies [11],building mechanisms in configuration managementtools [7], traceability tools). In separating people andartifacts, these perspectives provide only relativelynarrow and clear-cut views on what could be assumedto be a wide variety of forms and appearances.Furthermore, as the examples below recognize,software developers in their daily work recognize theintegration of those approaches and make use of themto get their work done. For instance, McDonald andAckerman [8] describe a field study where softwaredevelopers use information from their configurationmanagement tool to identify experts in the source codethat they are changing. Furthermore, researchprototypes have been recently created to explore thisrelationship: Expertise Recommender [12] andExpertise Browser [13] aim to facilitate the process ofidentifying, and recommending experts in parts of thesoftware being engineered.

5. Conclusions and FutureWork

This paper described Ariadne a software tool thataddresses the link between technical and socialdependencies. The ties between these two aspects arebased on the observation that software developers whodepend on each other often need to coordinate theirwork.Currently, Ariadne analyzes an Eclipse project linkedto a configuration management repository. If thisproject is dependent on another project, Ariadne willalso analyze this other project, therefore creating alarger graph of dependencies among different projectsand developers. By doing that, we expect to identifythe pieces of source code and the specific developerswho act as “bridges” between different projects.Indeed, we are currently analyzing different open-source projects to understand how developers slowly

move from a peripheral participation to a more centralone.

6. AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the U.S. NationalScience Foundation under grant numbers 0133749,0205724 and 0326105, the Intel Corporation, and bythe Brazilian Government under CAPES grant BEX1312/99-5. We also very much appreciate thecomments from Steve Abrams and Rogerio DePaulaon this paper.

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