From Our Senior Pastor TT IISSUESSUEIn fact, in celebration of the LWML 75th Anniversary, a new mite...


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An Offering for the King How do you decide what gift to give someone? That can be a difficult question. An equally, if not even more, difficult question is: What do you get someone who has everything? And I mean everything! With those questions in mind, I wonder how the Magi decided what gifts to bring Jesus, the Son of God. The account of their gifts to Jesus is recorded in the Second Chapter of Matthew:

And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:9-11 ESV)

How did they know what to bring? We have no account of a divine intervention that gave them a clue. According to The Lutheran Study Bible, their expensive gifts were not uncommon gifts for a king. They gave what was appropriate…what was fitting for a king! As you look at your life, what is a fitting gift for you to offer to the King of kings and Lord of lords? Gold, frankincense and myrrh are not things most people just have lying around the house. However, God does give us clues about the kinds of gifts that are appropriate to give to Our Lord and King. Some of these are listed below, excerpted from God’s Holy Word.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. (Romans 12:1 ESV)

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. (Malachi 3:10 ESV)

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV)

For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6 ESV)

January 2017 Edition


Pastor Krueger Article 1-2

Mite Box Sunday 2

Pastor Albers Article 3

Prayer Guide 4

Classes for All Ages 5

Senior Adults Worship Birthdays for the Month


Texas CEF Rates Offering/Attendance Official Acts


Healthier You Travel-Sized Toiletries


Valentine Banquet Young Couples Event Higher Things Conference


Music Notes 10

Children & Youth Activities 11

Calendar/Servants Insert

5th Sunday Potluck Back Cover


Sunday Worship 8am & 10:30am

Bible Class/Sunday School 9:15am

From Our Senior PastorFrom Our Senior Pastor Rev. Larry Krueger


This list could go on. These are representative, though, of the kinds of gifts we can offer the King…gifts of the way we live our lives in response to what He has done for us. We offer ourselves, and our possessions, to Him out of love for God. As the Apostle Paul wrote: “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph. 5:2). Isn’t it interesting that we offer gifts to a king that gave himself up for us and offered Himself as a sacrifice to God for us? But that is the nature of our relationship to our God. “We love because He first loved us.” We offer ourselves to God because offered Himself to us as Savior and King. It is my prayer that as we begin this New Year, we do so with the resolve to offer ourselves to Christ the King that He may be honored and glorified. What offering will you give the King? Love God and love your neighbor, Pastor Krueger

An Offering for the King continued:

Mite Box Sunday ~ January 1, 2017 LWML will begin having regular Mite Box Sundays, the first Sunday of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). Please bring the contents of your mite box and place it in the display located in Mission Central in the church foyer. We suggest that you place your donations in a Ziploc bag. This way you can keep your mite box. Don’t have a mite box? You can pick up one at our display. In fact, in celebration of the LWML 75th Anniversary, a new mite box has been created. As always, all monies collected will be sent to LWML Texas District for Mission Grants. Check out our Misson Grants at Thank you for your participation! If you have any questions, please contact the church office or one of our LWML members.

When you end one adventure and begin another,

it’s time for reflection… or remembering. As our

year draws to a close, we look back over 2016 in

our church family… and it is a most pleasant

sight… seeing more people than ever faithful in

their worship life… Bible classes growing with

more sharing in the victories God has given

them… giving, both financially and physically, that

has exceeded our expectations… new families

becoming brothers and sisters in our church…

confirmations… children baptized… broken

relationships rebuilt… ladies and men’s groups

carrying on the work of the Lord… the youth

growing in their faith… people laughing in the hall

and foyer and over coffee, sharing love… people

at home in ministry visiting… calling… caring… all

God’s people serving Him in various ways.

Some of the sights were not always pleasant…

families that were torn and divided… people

losing their jobs… families facing crisis with a

major illness… empty chairs around tables

because a loved one has been called home…

hurting people… but finding help and hope in the

promise of the Lord… and in the love and support

of their church family.

It’s been a good year… not everything happened

the way we all wanted… not all the changes took

place in life that we had expected… but a good

year… because it’s been another year of grace…

God’ s grace… a year of rich blessings and

undeserved kindness… a year of forgiveness by

a loving Savior and a year of patience by a

compassionate God… a year of love… God’s love…

perfect love… that has touched us all in so many

ways… in the manger… at the empty tomb… in

Word and Sacrament… in the daily living of our

lives. How fitting to say with the Psalmist: “Praise

the Lord, O my soul; and forget not all His benefits.

He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.

He redeems my life from the pit and crowns me

with love and compassion.” (Ps. 103:2)

As we begin another year, we can do so with

confidence and hope… for the same God who has

led us through the past, goes with us into the

future. “Lo, I am with you always…” (Matt. 28:20)

And living under His guidance, I pray that He will

richly bless you; giving you the happiest and most

blessed New Year.


A Message From Our Pastor EmeritusA Message From Our Pastor Emeritus

Rev. Walter F. Albers Email:

Lord, Hear Our Prayers:

A complete list of all prayer needs is available through the church office. Please contact the church office if you, someone in your family, or a family friend is in need of prayer. If you have a friend or relative listed as those serving in the Armed Forces, please keep the church office advised of their status. If

you have any questions, please contact the church office.

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm34:17



Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week: Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week: Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week: Adult Bible Class, in the Family Center This group will studying Various Topics on the Bible/Faith/Life. Men’s Bible Class, in the Men’s Bible Study Classroom (next to the Chapel) This group will be studying various topics through the end of the year. Ladies Bible Class, in the Conference Room This group is going through a study titled, Raw Faith, by Kasey Van Norman, who chronicles

her courageous battle with cancer. What happens when God picks a fight? Drawing on a wide variety of Bible stories and characters, Kasey distills truths that have existed since time began: while change and uncertainty are inevitable, God is always unchanging; he is always faithful; and he is always fighting for us, even when our circumstances tempt us to think otherwise.

Nursery thru Sixth Grade, in specified areas Each grade level (Nursery through 6th) has a unique theme every quarter that teaches a mix

of classic and uncommon Bible stories that kids haven't heard before–which impacts their faith and changes their lives.

Grades 7-8, in specified areas This group is utilizing an exciting LIVE Bible study with technology based aids.

High School Youth, in the Youth Room This group is utilizing an exciting LIVE bible study with technology based aids, led by Jerry Tucker. College/Post-High School, in the Young Adult Classroom This group is scheduled begin in the spring semester. Watch for more information coming soon!

Other Bible Study Opportunities: Other Bible Study Opportunities: Other Bible Study Opportunities: Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Class, in the Parish Hall This group works through selected studies, meeting every Tuesday morning at 6:30am

followed by a shared breakfast and fellowship. College Student Evening Bible Study/Fellowship This group will resume on January 10. They meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm, on the Baylor

campus at Teal Hall, Room 102 (Seminar Room). This group also engages in community service projects throughout the year.

Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Class, in the Conference Room This group is studying the epistle of 1st Peter. They meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 9:30am.

Youth Confirmation/Catechesis Training These classes will resume on January 4. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings: Confirmation Classes for 7/8 Grade, 6:30-7:45pm Midweek School for 5/6 Grade, 6:30-7:30pm

There’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed in There’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed in There’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed in God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians! God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians! God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians!



If your name has not been included in this list and you would like it be, please call the church office.

Don’t see your special day listed? We may not have that information on file. Please call the church office today so we can include you in our monthly birthday list!!


ST. PAUL SENIOR ADULTS will come together for a

Communion Worship Service on Wednesday, January 11, at 11:00am,

followed by a fellowship luncheon. All are welcome to join us for this time

of fellowship!

Attendance and Offering for December 2016

December 4 Worship

Attendance 8am: 165

Attendance 10:30am: 218

Sunday School

Attendance: 148

December 7 Advent Worship

Attendance: 106

December 11 Worship

Attendance 8am: 146

Attendance 10:30am: 195

Sunday School

Attendance: 63

December 14 Advent Worship

Attendance: 66

December 18


Attendance 8am: 100

Attendance 10:30am: 145

Sunday School

Attendance: 87

December 24 6:30pm Children’s

Attendance: 363

10:30pm Candlelight

Attendance: 72

December 25 Worship

Attendance 9am: 125


Texas District Church Extension Fund: How can you save for tomorrow and help save souls for God with the same dollar? Invest that dollar with the Texas District Church Extension Fund (CEF). Every dollar you invest with CEF earns a competitive rate of return and provides low-cost construction loans to Texas congregations for buildings that help enlarge God’s kingdom of believers. Your investment is a wise personal savings plan that allows CEF to make loans that serve others and show God’s love actively. January Rates (Fixed) (Floating) One Year CD 1.26%APY .75%APY Three Year CD 1.76%APY 1.26%APY Five Year CD 2.02%APY 1.51%APY Flex Savings .50%APY Cong. Savings 1.00%APY

For more information call Texas CEF at 1.800.951.3478, online at or you can contact Gene Bode at 254.896.5821.

Official Acts for December 2016


Well, here we go again. A New Year—2017. That generally means one needs to declutter, re-organize, shape-up and make resolutions. But, realistically, I never seem to be able to declutter, my organization lasts for a few months, I never keep my resolutions more than a few days, and my shaping up, well that’s another story. Are you like that? There are really good reasons why one should reconsider shaping up or at least get moving out of a routine of sedentarism. Less than 60% of adults are physically active on a regular basis and 25% are not active at all. Inactivity can lead to an increase of heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and even death. The same could be said for sedentarism of the mind. If we do not exercise our minds, it can lead to increased confusion, forgetfulness, dementia, and to becoming introverted. This leads me to believe that not only our bodies need to shape-up but our minds as well. To establish a routine is to make it deliberate, make it measurable, plan other activities around, it, and break it up into obtainable amounts. Find the best time of the day that works according to your body’s internal clock. Early morning people might be best exercising in the morning, while evening people or night owls will find it better to exercise later in the day. One must be consistent. The reasons to exercise are beneficial to one’s health. It can make you feel younger, live longer, enhance your sleep, prevent weight gain, reduce your blood pressure, and help depression. It may help relieve some health symptoms, improve your quality of life, and help those who are recovering from diseases. Exercise does not have to be strenuous, but needs to be what is best for you. Most of all make it a habit. Whether exercising one’s body or one’s mind, it must be done safely. The proper attire and equipment must be used for the body. The same goes for the mind. Books that sharpen up the mind or games on the cell phone are great. The Bible is the best way to keep your mind and soul intact. Every time you pick up the Bible and read it, you can learn from it. Exercising our brain cells on Jesus keep focused on our salvation and our eternal life. “My eyes are ever toward the Lord…” Ps. 25:15.

Your Sister in Christ, Dcs. Suzanne Krahn


Those travel-sized toiletries are a very real need for the homeless community! Those without homes do not have space to carry full-size products with them, but still have the same sanitary needs as you and me. Please consider collecting all of your un-used travel-sized hygiene products and donating them to the Tri-Cities Ministry to help the homeless in our community. You can place your donations in the cradle outside the Family Center.

Did your Family Travel during the Holidays?


HIGHER THINGS CONFERENCE: June 27-30, 2017, at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Douglas & Hannah Galler have volunteered to chaperone a youth trip to this conference this summer! Anyone attending would need to pay their own way (cost: by 1/31/2017 $355, by 4/30/2017 $385, anything after 5/1/2017 $410). What’s included in registration: 3 nights of on-campus housing, double occupancy; 9 meals; printed materials; and all conference programming. For more information about the conference you can visit: Please call (254.799.3211) or email ( the church office as soon as possible if your family has an interest in attending this conference! The earlier a group is registered, the less the cost for each family!

Saturday, January 14, 2017 5:00 pm

The Young Couples will enjoy an evening of food and fun at the Vicha,

Hutchison, and Breton homes. Please reserve your spot by Tuesday, Jan. 3, by calling Angel (number available through the church office), or you can respond on the Young Couples Facebook page to RSVP or to ask questions.

This banquet is open to ALL, not just couples. This banquet is open to ALL, not just couples. This banquet is open to ALL, not just couples. Cost will be $12.00 per person. Cost will be $12.00 per person. Cost will be $12.00 per person.

Watch for more details coming soon! Watch for more details coming soon! Watch for more details coming soon!


The Choir in Lutheran Worship By Steve Randolph

I came across the following article by James Tiefel, which stated that it may be used in church newsletters. I thought that I would pass it along (with some minor editing). - Steve

This is a story about the church choir, but it's not a story only for present or potential choir members. It's a story for everyone who worships in a Lutheran Church. "Special thanks to the choir for beautifying our worship today." What a nice thing to say! Choir members are pleased when the pastor compliments them or, for that matter, when anyone finds their music to be beautiful. There is plenty of ugliness in our sinful world, and music in worship restores some of the beauty that was lost after the fall into sin. But is adding beauty the primary objective of the Lutheran choir? Actually, the choir has other functions that are equally if not more important. The music of the choir should not be less than beautiful, but it should also be more. When we gather for public worship, we worship our Savior God by proclaiming the good news about Jesus. This is the commission Jesus gave His people, and we show how much Jesus is worth to us when we carry out His commission. We cannot do all this work on our own, however; we call our pastor to proclaim the gospel on our behalf during public worship. But we can do some of this work ourselves in worship. When we confess our sins, when we speak the Creed, and when we sing Christian hymns, we are retelling the story of God's love. The Lutheran choir assists both the pastor and the members as they proclaim the gospel in worship. The choir assists the members by supplying rehearsed voices to help worshipers sing new and difficult songs and hymns. The choir heightens the joy of hymn singing by offering special settings of stanzas on festival days. The choir assists the pastor when it sings an anthem and, as it does, proclaims the good news - just as the pastor does in his sermons and the members do in their hymns. You'll often notice that the choir anthem often amplifies the worship theme of a particular Sunday as its text matches the focus of the lessons and sermon. The next time you want to compliment a member of your church choir, why not say, "Thank you for helping me worship today and for strengthening my faith."

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks to all of you who attended the choir cantata and who encouraged others to attend. It is our prayer that you were able to hear that timeless Christmas message again and that the Lord used our anthems and narrations to share that story in a way that was meaningful to you. As we begin another calendar year, please consider joining the choir and singing with us. You do not have to be especially “good” at singing; just be willing to make the commitment to attend rehearsals and do your best. Choir in the spring is not as demanding and not as busy as in the fall, but we will begin working on music for Easter very soon! - Steve

New Year’s Eve


Children & Youth ActivitiesChildren & Youth ActivitiesChildren & Youth Activities email: board_of_ed@splcwaco.comemail: board_of_ed@splcwaco.comemail:

Dec. 31 - Youth Lock-In

Spring 2017 - Garage Sale

Summer 2017 - Youth Trip to Galveston

We will also have exciting new volunteer

opportunities in the community coming soon!

Watch for more details.

If you have questions, would like to volunteer to

help with events, or have ideas to share for

possible future events… please send an email to:

WHO: Youth, 5th-12th grades WHEN: December 31st, 8 P.M. - January 1st, 7A.M. WHERE: SPLC Family Center WHAT: Bring a friend, a pillow & a sleeping bag*… & be

ready for food, games & fun! COST: $15.00 per child

Sign up in the Sunday School Office to attend! Permission slip required. Questions, call Darby Ehlers.

*Sleeping bag not representative of actual sleep to occur.

We will be starting Youth Bible Studies to meet monthly - we will kick this off at the lock-in which is scheduled for 12/31. Watch for details about other upcoming study dates and locations.

We’re on the Web:

Label Here


January 2017 Edition





Look for StPaulWaco

and like our page.

Phone: 254.799.3211

Fax: 254.412.0529

Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, January 29, 2017 for a 5th Sunday Congregational Potluck after the 10:30am worship service.

Everyone bring a dish to share and stay after worship to enjoy fellowship and fun with our church family!
