From Microsoft July 2015


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July 2015

This week’s featured driver is Rene Rivas of Oscar squad! In the relatively short amount of time Rene has spent here, he has proven himself to be a very strong driver and a great addition to the program.

Rene was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and grew up in Long Island New York. In January 2015 Rene and his wife, Sonia, moved to Las Vegas, Nevada to begin a new chapter in their life.

Sine 1995 Rene has been an OTR Truck Driver hauling everything from dog food to heavy machinery. When Rene saw an opportunity to join the Bing Streetside program he jumped. On May 11, 2015 he started his training in Reno Nevada. Upon completion of training he was assigned to Oscar Squad.

For the last moth Rene has been collecting in North Dakota which has proved challenging. From being so close to the Canadian Border, to no cell reception, and the vast majority of roads being dirt it has been a test. Being a safe and aware driver has allowed Rene to do his job correctly.

When not driving Rene has his cell phone glued to his ear talking to his wife or he can be found at any steakhouse enjoying a great dinner. He dedicates 100 UKM’s per week to one great meal.

The most memorable experience Rene has had was being confronted by the Yakima Nation Tribal Police in the State of Washington. Though he was not on their reservation he was warned with a $50,000 fine and jail time (plus vehicle confiscation) if he was to enter their Reservation. Lesson learned.

Rene’s Driver Tip of the Week

“Remember that you are a part of a team. This is not a contest to see who can do the most UKM’s, rather a job in which needs to be done correctly and safely. Communicate at all times with your teammates and Squad Leader. If everyone is on the same page, everyone will have an easier time doing their job.”
