Friends of the Mississippi River 2015 Annual Report: Our River. Our Community



Friends of the Mississippi River works to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities region. Check out our 2015 accomplishments! Learn more and get involved at

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Our River. Our Community.




DEAR FRIENDS, During a recent hike in Patagonia South America, my guide, who spoke little English, asked, “Where are you from in the USA?” “Minnesota” I replied. He shook his head indicating unfamiliarity. A few minutes later he suddenly inquired, “Mississippi River?” “Yes,” I said, “the Mississippi River begins in Minnesota.”

This was a powerful reminder that our local Mississippi is one of the world’s great rivers. Back here at home, it’s exciting to see this recognition increasingly take hold. More and more, communities that once turned their back to the river now turn their gaze towards the river’s majestic beauty. Thanks to all of you — Friends of the Mississippi River members, donors volunteers and advocates — who have fueled this river renaissance.

Project by project, community by community, we are building momentum for a healthier, more vibrant metro Mississippi River. In 2015:

• A record 7,142 people helped restore habitat or learned about the river with FMR.

• Ecological restoration progressed on 21 sites totaling a record 1,014 acres.

• The upper St. Anthony Falls Lock was closed preventing invasive Asian carp from progressing upstream.

Now, as new river parks and projects emerge at a quickened pace, FMR is also working to ensure equitable access to river amenities for all, especially in North Minneapolis. We also remain dedicated to protecting the river’s health, advocating for innovative new policies to reduce the biggest threat to the river today, agricultural pollution.

While much work remains, we look forward to continuing to restore and enhance our world-class treasure — together, and stronger than ever.


Forrest FlintChair, FMR Board of Directors



Healthy habitat.Healthy wildlife.

Healthy river.Healthy people.

Healthy communities.

Thank YOU!

In 2015, FMR began work on the documentary “Rebirth: The Mississippi’s National Park.” Produced for FMR by award-winning local filmmakers John Kaul and Tom Reiter, and narrated by Minnesota Public Radio’s Steve Seel, this 30-minute documentary tells the story of how one man’s vision — combined with smart citizen advocacy and effective political leadership — created the Mississippi River’s first and only national park right here in the Twin Cities.

This designation, initiated locally by self-proclaimed “river rat” Tom Kelley and championed at the federal level by Sen. David Durenberger and Rep. Bruce Vento, sparked the local river renaissance we enjoy today — a river that is thriving with fish and bald eagles, a river increasingly connected to our communities via parks and trails, a river seen as an asset instead of a convenient dumping ground.

“Rebirth” premiered to a packed house at the Guthrie Theater and aired on Twin Cities Public Television in spring 2016. We look forward to getting the film into classrooms and libraries and continuing to spread this inspiring stewardship story throughout 2016.

See the film online or request a DVD for your group, school or library at


Cover photo and all photos on this page by Tom Reiter

FMR’s Water Program seeks to protect and enhance the Mississippi River’s water quality. It’s a simple goal, but one that requires a flexible, multi-level approach.

We work with citizens, communities and local governments to shape public policies at the local, state and even the national level. We maintain strong relationships with local and national water quality experts, helping us identify and focus on the key issues facing today’s river. Thanks to robust partnerships and a growing base of FMR members and advocates, we can make an impact on essential education and policy efforts.


Since 2010 FMR has coordinated the Minnesota Environmental Partnership’s Water Cluster, a coalition of more than a dozen conservation organizations

working to shape state and local water policy. Despite the challenging 2015 legislative session, the coalition had several key victories, including passage of Gov. Mark Dayton’s buffer law that will improve water quality throughout the state. The coalition also secured the governor’s veto of a bill that would have rolled back longstanding water protections and successfully advanced programs to address agricultural runoff pollution. (See “Advancing Biofuels.”)


For eight months of the year, many Minnesota farm fields sit barren, prone to erosion and runoff pollution. Deep-rooted perennial plants and cover crops significantly

reduce these problems, but farmers have had little incentive to grow them. In 2015, FMR and our allies successfully worked with the state Legislature to incent advanced biofuel production companies to set up shop here. In spring 2016, we advanced the supply-side of the equation, creating the Working Lands Watershed Restoration Program to support farmers to grow these new perennial crops. FMR and our allies also successfully secured

full funding for the U of M Forever Green Initiative to continue researching and developing crops that support both Minnesota’s water quality and farm economy.


sent to citizens to help support clean water



now have water-friendly stormwater practices



Our Brewing Clean Water program connected several local breweries with FMR’s Water and Stewardship programs in 2015, hosting four water

quality education events at three Twin Cities breweries. Participants learned how they could impact the health of the Mississippi River, both politically and personally.


Fridley, St. Anthony Park and Elk River earned their Blue Star Awards in 2015 and early 2016! FMR created the Blue Star Award Program to recognize cities that excel in stormwater management, and provide a forum for water managers to support one another in reducing runoff pollution. Learn more at

“FMR helps advance public understanding of water quality issues by translating complex scientific research into terms that policy makers and regular

Minnesotans can understand and act on.”

— Dan Engstrom, Director of the St. Croix Watershed Research Station

LOOKING AHEAD: Seeking to answer the common question, “So how is the Mississippi River?”, FMR partnered with the National Park Service to create the award-winning State of the River Report in 2012. Now we’re hard at work on the updated version, due in late-September 2016. In addition to the popular policy and stewardship guides that accompany the report, the new version will also include a companion teacher’s guide to help bring the report into the classroom. For updates visit and sign up for our e-newsletter, “Mississippi Messages”.


Photo by SuperVolunteer Rich Wahls

In the 1970s, we lived near a different river. Pollution laws were lax and land-use guidance minimal. But as the nation began to change course, so did Minnesota. In 1976, the state designated the lands along the 72-mile metro-area stretch of the river as the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area and set up a program to guide development within it.

Since that time, this 72-mile stretch of the river has been designated a national park and many communities and developers have come to recognize its worth as both a cultural amenity and economic driver. However, as we move to embrace the river and capitalize on its exceptional value, we risk degrading or even destroying the very qualities we seek to enjoy.

Strong state standards and community-based advocacy for a healthy and vibrant River Corridor are now more important than ever. On a regional and state level we work to strengthen state Critical Area standards. Locally, we partner with residents and institutions to support river-positive development, helping people protect the river’s unique cultural, scenic and natural features as our communities turn towards the Mighty Mississippi.


FMR has long worked towards a greener vision of the industry-dominated Minneapolis riverfront north of St. Anthony Falls. Many FMR-advocated changes

came to this stretch in 2015, such as the closure of the downtown lock and increased public ownership of riverfront lands. These changes make it possible for new park and trail development to progress at a relatively rapid pace. To ensure that North Minneapolis residents, long separated from the river by a wall of industry and Interstate 94, will be able to access new, local amenities, FMR began researching ways to overcome these barriers and ensure that equitable access is not relegated to the sidelines. In 2016, we are working with North residents and organizations to identify, prioritize and advocate for solutions that will improve their physical connections to the river. These include better pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, landscaping and wayfinding signage and maps.



Founded to bring citizen voices to bear on decisions that affect the river, FMR has a long history of engaging both community groups and individuals to protect and restore the Big River. In 2015, we shored up this base and fortified our grassroots advocacy program. Significant investments were made in strategic planning, fundraising and communications infrastructure to allow us to better connect members and advocates with the issues that matter most to them and further sharpen the effectiveness of our policy work.

Lend your voice to the River Protectors program by getting involved in 2016 at!


invasive carp held back in downtown

Minneapolis 5

“I love living in the heart of the city while being near water and wildlife. FMR is instrumental to protecting this rare combination and making it accessible to everyone. FMR advocacy helps everyone understand the issues that need to be

addressed, and connect area activists like myself, other organizations and the legislature to make our visions a reality.”

— Carletta SweetAbove the Falls Citizen Advocacy Committee

member helping to guide the redevelopment of the Mississippi River north of St. Anthony Falls

STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIESPROTECTING PUBLIC PROCESS, BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS Widely supported community plans developed with public input are often deviated from or ignored when riverfront development proposals come forward. FMR is the go-to group for river corridor residents seeking assistance to influence decisions that impact the river and their neighborhood. In 2015, an oversized development was proposed for the bluff-top overlooking the Mississippi and Minnesota confluence in St. Paul. FMR worked with community partners to successfully convince the city council to rescale the project, and preserve iconic scenic river valley views and community character while making reasonable accommodations for the developer. FMR also worked with city planners and local citizens to move publicly supported plans forward to revitalize the North and Northeast Minneapolis riverfront, St. Paul’s West Side Flats and other riverfront locations.


In addition to growing the River Protectors program and collaborating with North Minneapolis communities, FMR staff will be working hard to support new Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area rules. Spurred by FMR advocacy efforts, these new rules will govern land-use throughout the Twin Cities river corridor and are likely to be put into place late in 2016. Visit to become a River Protector and stay in touch.


Photo by Jim Hudak

From government agencies to families, FMR partners with landowners to protect, restore and enhance important natural areas throughout the metro-area Mississippi River watershed.

Many local landowners want to care for the health of their land and our waters, but need support and guidance through the complex protection and restoration process. FMR not only helps them understand their protection options — often resulting in new conservation, wildlife and park areas — but also oversees the planning and restoration of protected sites to return them to a state of ecological health.

Caring for both the land and the relationships that support it, FMR’s approach is unique and highly successful. Since our founding, FMR has assisted in the protection of more than 2,200 acres; developed management plans for over 8,570 acres at 79 sites, and conducted restoration on over 1,476 acres at 53 sites.


FMR ecologists help parks departments and landowners throughout the metro restore and enhance natural areas in our watershed. In 2015, we developed five natural resource management plans (NRMPs) representing 459 acres of future ecological restoration work. In addition to detailing what plants and animals live on each site and the steps necessary to protect them, NRMPs build a new, shared vision for each location, helping to create more natural areas in parks, converting former farmlands into prairies, and re-establishing native plants to create local pollinator and wildlife habitat.


Working with professional crews and 297 volunteers, FMR restored or enhanced 1,014 acres at 21 sites. Activities ranged from installing over 60 acres of prairie to controlling invasive brush in woodlands. Public restoration sites include state Scientific & Natural Areas, such as Pine Bend Bluffs and Hastings Sand Coulee, as well as city and regional parks like Spring Lake in Nininger/Rosemount and Ole Olson in North Minneapolis, among many others. Restoration also advanced on privately owned woodlands and prairie with several Dakota County families and Flint Hills Resources, 3M and Northern Tier Energy.



to native prairie and woodlands7

“We’ve always wanted to protect the land that my great grandfather plowed up 150 years ago. It’s always been a dream of mine to see prairie growing here once

again. Now, thanks to the time, effort and guidance of FMR, it’s protected forever and we have a 25-acre restored prairie.”

— Carolyn EmrickDakota County landowner, Mississippi

bluffland conservation partner(Pictured with husband Dennis Emrick)


FMR ecologists work with teachers and schools near important restoration sites, developing long-term relationships that benefit both the natural area and the students’ educational experience. At Hastings High School, FMR is working with biology teacher Joe Beattie and his students to help restore the nearby Vermillion Linear Park. Students planted 52 shrubs and 292 wildflowers and woodland sedges in fall 2015, helping to stabilize soil and provide ecological diversity. Another planting is set for fall 2016. Starting in 2017, students will experiment with prairie planting methods, investigating which lead to the best-established native wildflowers and potentially influencing future FMR restoration methodologies.

LOOKING AHEAD:In 2016, FMR is helping to permanently protect the new Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area in the heart of Dakota County. FMR ecologists are now developing plans to restore this oak forest. We’re also leading the restoration of the William H. Houlton Conservation Area in Elk River, installing 160 acres of prairie at this 347-acre riverfront natural area that FMR helped permanently protect in 2014. Visit and sign up for our e- newsletter, “Mississippi Messages,” for updates.


for future restoration8

Photo by Tom Reiter

Since FMR secured its protection as a state Scientific & Natural Area in 2002, Pine Bend Bluffs has been a perennial favorite amongst our habitat restoration volunteers.

Outreach and Stewardship

Many people care about the river, but how can we actively help restore and protect it? The FMR Outreach and Stewardship team organizes events and outings for people who want to restore important natural areas or make their homes or yards more river-friendly, for teachers who want to engage students in water quality issues, and for youth who want to educate local community members about water pollution.

All volunteer and education events benefit the river and are directly tied to our program areas. Hands-on volunteers work in special places being protected, restored and enhanced by FMR Land Conservation and River Corridor staff. Presentations and workshops educate individuals to reduce polluted runoff and embrace river-friendly practices.

In turn, volunteers and education participants are provided additional ways to stay involved in local river protection work. And with every rain barrel and native plant installed, we use our social influence to encourage more neighbors and communities to protect the river.


FMR is proud to have engaged 7,142 participants in 210 river stewardship events in 2015. Through 72 presentations and workshops, 3,469 people learned to better connect their actions in their homes, yards and streets to the river. Another 3,671 people pitched in at 138 volunteer outings — marking storm drains, monitoring water quality, cleaning up litter and restoring habitat for our local wildlife and waters.


After years of advocating for the revitalization of the mostly industrial stretch of the Mississippi River, FMR officially established its first habitat restoration

site in North Minneapolis: Ole Olson Park. Located near the Broadway Bridge on the western riverbank, the park is home to woodland terraces and grassland slopes. In 2015, FMR completed plans to restore an oak savanna to the upland riverbanks and river terraces, and worked with 26 volunteers in October to install over 1,940 showy native prairie plants along the bike trail, beautifying the park and providing pollinator habitat.




learned about, restored, cleaned up and helped

protect the river


engaged in outings and hands-on river-service projects

“Thank you Friends of the Mississippi River for letting us help you paint. It was very fun and I would ♥ to do it again. Keep ‘em clean! Save the Mississippi! Don’t kill the little fishies!”

— Taleaha Wilsonstorm-drain stenciling volunteer



In 2015, FMR amped up its youth programs, both broadening our reach and deepening our relationships with more schools along the Mississippi River. FMR stewardship staff conducted 62 events and outings with 1,765 youth. We strengthened relationships with 13 schools and youth groups in special focus areas including the East Side of St. Paul, the Mississippi River Gorge in St. Paul and South Minneapolis, North and Northeast Minneapolis, and Hastings. With selected partners, we expanded the range and types of educational outdoor and classroom experiences we offer teachers and youth groups, fostering more meaningful relationships while connecting young people to the wonders of the Mississippi River.

LOOKING AHEAD:In 2016, FMR continues to expand its programs throughout the Twin Cities, including new locations in Inver Grove Heights and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District in the southwest metro.

To find out about opportunities of interest to you, contact Volunteer Coordinator Amy Kilgore at or 651-222-2193 x31, or sign up for our e-newsletter, “Mississippi Messages,” at to receive calendars of upcoming stewardship events.

Many thanks to all the young folks who work with FMR to educate our communities on the connection between our storm drains and water quality. “Keep ‘em Clean – Drains to River”!

Foundations $325,513Government 416,426Corporations 298,626Individuals 440,470Workplace Giving 33,082Other 32,821Total Revenue $1,546,938

Programs Land Conservation $613,561River Corridor 323,341Water Protection 231,050Fundraising 281,256Management 94,059

Total Expenses $1,543,267


Assets Current Assets $1,539,829Fixed & Other Assets 90,741

Total $1,630,570

Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities $75,087Net Assets 1,555,483

Total $1,630,570




Individuals 29%


Government 27%

Corporations 19% Workplace Giving



Land Conservation40%

River Corridor Advocacy


Water Protection15%


Management 6%

SuperVolunteersThose volunteers who restored habitat at four or more hands-on events or otherwise contributed 20 hours or more of volunteer time.

Mary AdamskiAli AhmedAmy AndersonGordon AnderssonJohn AnfinsonGary AverbeckBob BartlettJoe BeattieFred BertschingerMichele BevisBarbara BorRonnie BrooksJim BrozowskiLaurie BrunoRalph ButkowskiEdward CarrollMaya ChristensenStewart CrosbyChadwick Dayton

Maria DeLaundreauJeff DischPatti DoyleAlexandra DrivasGeorge DunnGary EllisJeff EvansSarah FellowsElizabeth FleckForrest FlintArlys FreemanMary FurthJennifer GastBarbara Ann GibsonJulie GlantonPeter GoveMichele GressmanLinda GrundtnerSarah HarperDiane HermanChris HigginsMary HilfikerPatsy HubertyKaren JenkinsElaine JervisTrystan JohnsonCourtney Jones

Lori KnosallaWayne LeBlancCathi Lyman-OnkkaKatherine MajkrzakDarrell MajkrzakCatherine MalavePerry McGowanKarla McKenzieDavid McKenzieHokan MillerJo Ann MorseKelly NealVanessa NguyenTere O’ConnellEdward OliverKala PeeblesJackie PrinceDana RainesMike RauschDella Schall YoungBea SchneiderRob SchroederJuliette SchroederDwight SmithKaren SolasJoann SparkmanJohn Steinworth

Jim StengelWarren StortroenAnnika TaylorCarol TaylorKelsey ThurowRobin TurnerBill TurnerJanine TyskWalter TyskRod VentereaSusan VentoMaggie VothSteve WardellValerie WereRoss WhitmoreDeanna WienerKristin WilletteSusan YoungTom Ziegler

Board of Directors

Mary AdamskiDr. John Anfinson, ex officioMarcia AvnerRonnie BrooksStewart CrosbyChad DaytonGeorge DunnJeff Evans, TreasurerForrest Flint, ChairPeter Gove, SecretaryDiane HermanChris HigginsJulia KaemmerPerry McGowanRyan MalleryHokan MillerEdward OliverSue Vento, Vice-chairDeanna WienerDella Schall Young

Advisory Board

Paul AasenShirley Hunt Alexander Michelle Beeman Peter Bell Charles K. Dayton David Durenberger George Latimer Ted MondaleLynn Moratzka Dr. Michael Osterholm Phil Riveness Tina Smith Dr. Deborah Swackhamer Liz Wielinski


Michele Bevis Administrative AssistantJohn Briel Development OfficerWhitney Clark Executive DirectorKate Clayton Youth CoordinatorSara DeKok Development DirectorAdam Flett Stewardship Events CoordinatorBruce Freidson Finance DirectorBarb Heintz BookkeeperJeanine Holden Senior Development OfficerIrene Jones River Corridor Program DirectorAmy Kilgore Volunteer CoordinatorEric King CURA ResearcherTom Lewanski Conservation DirectorLinda Moua Outreach & Development Assistantsue rich Communications ManagerAlex Roth EcologistTrevor Russell Water Program Director Karen Schik Senior EcologistAlicia Uzarek Policy Advocate



CONTACT US:Friends of the Mississippi River360 North Robert StreetSuite 400Saint Paul, MN 55101Phone:

Mississippi Riverkeepers

Mississippi Riverkeepers is a special group of individuals and families who contribute annual gifts of $1,000 or more to FMR. We’re grateful for their leadership and investment in the protection of our treasured river and its watershed.

River Enthusiast ($1,000 - $2,499)Anonymous (2)Susan & Joel BarkerJohn & Mary BeattieDavid J. Chizek, M.D. Page & Jay CowlesAustin & Rachel DamianiBruce* and Ruth Ann DaytonJohn & Arlene DaytonMae & Toby DaytonDan Gjelten & Lisa BurkeGail & Stuart HansonHayden Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationDiane & John HermanChris & Julie HigginsMary L. HilfikerPenny HuntSylvia JohannesonShotsy & Ward JohnsonThe Johnson Foundation at WingspreadThomas & Marlene KayserGarrison Keillor & Jenny Nilsson James & Kate KnappJoan KreiderKathy & Al LenzmeierThe Longview Foundation - Lucy & Robert MitchellThe Longview Foundation - Ellie CrosbyKatherine & Darrell MajkrzakMargery H. Martin & Daniel H. FeidtPerry McGowan & Sheila SmithHokan & Penny MillerNandale Family FoundationFord & Catherine NicholsonRichard & Nancy NicholsonKate & Stuart NielsenJim T. NystromDave PolaschekRick Pool/ Custom Sound and VideoSusan Davis PriceConstance PriesPaul and Mary Reyelts FoundationRiver Road FoundationMatt & Anne SchuergerDouglas & Ann Scott DumasTina & Archie SmithJohn & Marsha SoucherayStone Pier FoundationScott TerryJoanne Von BlonDavid Washburn & Meg AndersonCynthia Whiteford & David D. NelsonFrank & Frances WilkinsonWindsor Community Foundation

River Conserver ($20,000+)Chad & Maggie DaytonPeter & Mary GoveLeuthold Family FoundationW M FoundationHelen C. Wilson*

River Defender ($15,000 - $19,999)Goodale Family FoundationThomas J. Reiter & Sharon K. Miyamoto Charitable Trust

River Protector ($10,000 - $14,999)Sharon & Terry AventEllen Butler & Harlen Hegdal Judson Dayton & Shelley Mydra-DaytonKaren Sternal & Lowell Pickett

River Guardian ($5,000 - $9,999)AnonymousTessa Gunther & Scott HaggRuth & John HussJulia Kaemmer Fund of HRK FoundationRyan & Denise MalleryThomas Reiter & Sharon MiyamotoPaul & Mary ReyeltsSEBA FoundationKathy Stack

River Enhancer ($2,500 - $4,999)Susan Boren & Steve KingRonnie & Roger BrooksStewart & Lesley CrosbyCharlton DietzHawkins Family FoundationArt and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK FoundationLa Crosse Community Foundation’s Bob and Jean Marck Family FundAmy & Chip PearsonBob & Sandy TilsenSusan VentoDeanna Wiener & Jim Tilsen

Friends of the Mississippi River extends our deepest thanks to everyone that made a contribution in 2015. You are our inspiration and the driving force that makes our work possible. Together, we’re protecting, restoring and enhancing the Mississippi River for this and future gen-erations. Please know that every gift you send is valued and directly benefits our mission, and we’ve worked hard to ensure the accuracy of this list of 2015 donors. If you identify errors or omissions, please let us know by contacting Sara at

Whitney & Sarah ClarkFrancine CorcoranPeter & Mary GoveMary L. HilfikerMarjean Hoeft & Lisa VecoliArdes M. JohnsonPatricia L. KoorsDwight Malcom*Kathy StackHelen C. Wilson*Richard Zgodava*

Mississippi River Legacy Society

Thank you to the following donors who have provided a future gift to FMR through their estate plans.


*In remembrance

‘Rebirth’ Funders

FMR is grateful to the following donors who provided support for the making of our documentary film, “Rebirth: The Mississippi’s National Park.”

Major funding provided byBruce F. Vento Science Educator Scholarship Fund of the Saint Paul FoundationThe Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationThomas J. Reiter & Sharon K. Miyamoto Charitable Trust

Additional funding provided byRuth & John HussMississippi National River and Recreation Area, National Park ServiceFriends of Bruce VentoNational Parks Conservation AssociationSusan VentoWendy Bennett & Ken PowellBill & Judy WalterRick Pool/ Custom Sound & VideoNancy Jacobson & Brad BruetteMississippi Park Connection

Institutional Funders

A very special thank you to the institutions whose support sustains our work to protect and restore the Mississippi River.

Private and Corporate Foundations and Businesses

$75,000+Flint Hills ResourcesMcKnight Foundation

$25,000 - $74,9993M CorporationBruce F. Vento Science Educator Scholarship Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationPatrick and Aimee Butler Family FoundationLaura Jane Musser FundLeuthold Family FoundationW M Foundation

$10,000 - $24,9993M FoundationThe Katherine B. Andersen Fund of the Saint Paul FoundationAveda CorporationGoodale Family FoundationThe Edith H. Hahn Animal and Wildlife Protection Fund of InFaith Community FoundationMAHADH Fund of HRK FoundationMinnesota Environmental Fund (MEF)The Mortenson Family FoundationThe Pentair FoundationRBC Foundation - USARBC Wealth Management REIWinter Wheat FoundationXcel Energy Foundation

$1,000 - $9,999Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen FoundationThe Beverly FoundationBurns and McDonnell FoundationCoca Cola RefreshmentsCustom Sound and VideoGreat Lakes BrewingH.B. Fuller Company FoundationHawkins Family FoundationThe Johnson Foundation at WingspreadJulia Kaemmer Fund of HRK FoundationArt and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK FoundationLa Crosse Community Foundation’s Bob and Jean Marck Family FundThe Longview FoundationMedtronic FoundationNandale Family FoundationThe Nash FoundationThe National Environmental Education & Training FoundationNew Belgium BrewingNicholson Family FoundationNorthern Tier EnergyPatagonia, Inc.

Paul and Mary Reyelts FoundationRahr CorporationRiver NetworkRiver Road FoundationSeagate TechnologySEBA FoundationSplit Rock Coffee CompanyStone Pier FoundationSymantecUnitedHealth GroupWindsor Community FoundationXcel Energy

Under $1,000Above the Falls SportsAmazonSmile FoundationAmeriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching ProgramThe Anchor Fish & ChipsBarr EngineeringBest BuyBremer BankBuck Hill, Inc.Carolyn FoundationCF Industries Enterprises, IncEcoTrustFriends of Shepard Davern, LLCThe Dante Moreira Gilbert Fund at the Renaissance Charitable FoundationHRK Group, Inc.IBM Corporation Matching Grants ProgramIzzy’s Ice Cream, LLCThe Lilja Family Foundation of The Saint Paul FoundationLoop Holes Jewelry, LLCMedtronicMinnesota Native LandscapesMississippi Market Natural Foods Co-opMother Earth GardensPatagonia St. PaulPiper Jaffray Employee Giving ProgramPizzaRev-EdinaSpiral Natural Foods CooperativeThomson Reuters My Community ProgramUnited Way of Goodhue, Wabasha & Pierce CountiesU.S. BankVermillion State BankWalter C. Rasmussen - Northeast Bank FoundationWander North Distillery

Government Support

$100,000+Outdoor Heritage Fund

$25,000 - $99,000City of St. PaulDakota CountyEnvironment & Natural Resources Trust FundVermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization

Under $25,000Capitol Region Watershed DistrictCity of Cottage GroveCity of Elk RiverCity of Rosemount

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Conservation Partners Legacy GrantHastings Public High SchoolRice Creek Watershed District - SHEPUniversity of Minnesota

In-Kind Contributions

Whitney & Sarah ClarkSteward & Lesley CrosbyChadwick & Margaret DaytonBeth & Kevin DooleyDuluth PackFair State Bewing CooperativeFlint Hills ResourcesFontlove StudioFulton BeerDan Gjelten & Lisa BurkePeter & Mary GoveGreat Lakes Brewing Co.Diane & John HermanHoigaard’sJoe Romero’s Vacation RentalsLoop Holes Jewelry LLCParkway PizzaPerry McGowan & Sheila SmithMinnesota Native LandscapesPatagonia St. PaulREITilsenbilt Homes LLCTin Whiskers Brewing Co.Upper River ServicesSusan VentoDeanna Wiener & Jim TilsenWander North DistilleryWilderness Inquiry

River Sustainer ($500 - $999)

Anonymous (2)Mary Adamski & Lance IhingerJohn AnfinsonPeter Bachman & Janet RiceGerry & Patricia BalderThelma B. BoederEdna BrazaitisCharles & Alice BresnahanClifton Brittain & Peggy LadnerEllen & Peter BrownBrown Family Foundation Terry Brueck & Kathryn MitchellRobert Bruininks & Susan HagstrumJohn BryanCandace Campbell & Jerry SeckCarolyn FoundationBruce Chamberlain & Melissa MrachekSteve Christenson & Lisa HondrosLeonard ChuBill & Sharon ClappWhitney & Sarah ClarkDavid & Kitty CrosbyEllie CrosbyTerry Devitt and Michael Hoffman Family Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationDavid Durenberger & Susan FooteEcoTrustJeff & Linda EvansForrest & Lisa FlintNancy Gibson & Ron SternalKatherine GoodalePeter Goss & Karma WalkerTony & Diane HofstedeLori HoldridgePatsy & Bob HubertyVincent Hyman & Mary Brennan

Nancy Jacobson & Brad BruetteSylvia & Sam KaplanMiriam & Erwin KelenMartin & Esther KelloggRon Kroese & Kimberly ColburnSteven E. LandbergTom & Phyllis MahanElizabeth MalkersonBrian Martinson & Melissa PartinHeather N. MeixBrad Palecek & Michael KorbyKit & Bill PrendergastPeter & Mindy RechelbacherMike & Toni RosenDella & Will YoungDavid Schreiber & Kimball FosterMichael & Gretchen SiebenAnne D. SimpsonKate Smith & Mark GillenKaren & Nathan SolasMaya & Peter TesterMark ThomasKatherine Tilney & Fred KaemmerFrank & Nancy VentoScott Vreeland & Lorie BergstromPhilip WillkieEleanor & Fred WinstonFrancis Wright

River Supporter ($250 - $499)

Anonymous (4)Bill & Nancy AlthoffFrederick & Catherine AsherMarcia Avner & Wy SpanoJoseph Bagnoli & Barbara Cox Michelle Beeman & Barbara TrethewayMichele Bevis & Steve WardellErin Bowley & Jeremy SzopinskiPeter Braude & Becca GetzMary Katherine BrittonKris Brodersen & Sharon KimbleLinda BruemmerLaurie BrunoRalph Butkowski & Janet BenekeRoger CarlsonCarolyn Chalmers & Eric JanusLeslie Cohan & Todd NorstenMary Jo CosioGrant Crosby & Petra WilmSara & Sean DeKokJeff & Charlotte DischLisa Doerr & Ron EricksonGeorge Dunn & Donna HarrisLeo & Jeanne FeeneyNancy FeldmanGlen Fladeboe & Stephanie McCleereySusan HandwerkElizabeth DeBaut & David HartwellLisa & James HeymanEric & Sarah HoggardJeanine & Zachary HoldenCameron M. JohnsonLouise JonesPhyllis KahnThomas & Kari KlevenJanet KrauseKristine & John Legler KaplanBruce Lemmons & Anna BeluKaren M. LeonardThe Lilja Family Foundation of The Saint Paul FoundationPeggy & David LucasTina & Jeff MartinAndrew J. MartinsonMatthew MassmanH. Mead & June S. CavertJessica MillerJoel W. MillerNathan R. MitchellLynn & Tim MoratzkaJoshua MorkMichael K. NationAudrey J. & David A. NelsonMark & Mary NissenSally L. Noll


*In remembrance

Michael NystuenEdward & Charlotte OliverGabe S. OrmsbyBenjamin A. OsmondKristin PardueJames A. PaynePatricia PloetzMark PopovichSusan PrastAbigail & Paul PribbenowAllen M & Ruth Ann RechtzigelStephen RiceJohn & Pamela RitchhartPhil RivenessPaul RothRoberta Rott & Larry HankeIrene & Melville SahyunTerry & Marie SchlinkDiane SchroepferCorinne ShindelerHarry A. & Ginny Sieben, Jr.Katie Simon-Dastych & Jerry DastychEllen SkogFaye SleeperNancy SpeerJudy SventekTeresa Thews & Paul ScobieCathy TobiasMary Trettin & Michael MillerJulian WallaceEileen & Robert WeberMarilyn A. WeisJacob & Jennifer WellerDavid Wheaton & Michele M. MoylanDavid WhitneyJoanna S. Winship

River Sponsor ($100 - $249)

Anonymous (15)Berny Ackley & Barb PokelaAlberta AdamsMartin AdsonAlfred & Dorothee AeppliVeronica AhernJames E. AlmendingerBrian & Bonnie AltonTim AndersonMartha & Renner AndersonDwight & Elaine AndersonGordon AnderssonNancy E. AndrewsCindy K. AngerhoferAnne ArchboldMary Kay ArthurMelissa Avery & Randy ShnoesMichael BahrGordon & Joanne BaileyWalter & Virginia BaileyJulie BakerFaith BalchVivian Bardwell & David ZarkowerJanet Bartels & Phillip BohlNancy BealsDonald BeckHarrison & Patti BenjaminCharles & Estelle BennettJason BensonAmy BergeronLisa & Eric BerglundFred BertschingerCharlie Betz & Sue MagdaleneDave & Sue BetzlerTonia BockPeggy & Glen BoothGinny & Rich BorncampAndrew BostromGretchen BratvoldDavid W. BreedenAndrea L. BreitungKelly BremerJohn & Mary BrielErnest BrodyPhyllis & Sanford BrodyPaul D. BrownElliot & Lisa BruhlKristeen Bullwinkle & Alex Barnes

Mark BundgaardCharlie BurdenGayle Burdick & John JensenMary BuschetteDonna & Allan ButlerAnn E. CalvertWinston Cavert & Carol WitteDr. Frank & Kathie CerraDi ChapdelaineLaurie A. Chasteen & Gary Douglas LaurentDon & Rachel ChristensenMary Lou ChristensenKatie Clapp & Mark WardJay J. ClarkLaura A. Clay & David B. ColbyBarry Clegg & Roberta SwansonJohn CollinsJonathan E. CookElisabeth CorsaroPaul & Georgia CrockettJohn R. & Eva F. CrossAlan J. & Susan CrouseJohn Curry & Susan NemitzMichael & Judith CurtisPat & Jack DaviesRichard DaviesMerry DavinNoah & Heather DayDouglas & Wendy Dayton FoundationPaula & Cy De CosseLaurel Bradley & Sam DemasTom & Kathy DiffleyKatharine DonaldsonBeth & Kevin DooleyDavid & Sharon DordalDot DrakeJim & Carole DrakeCharles P. DriscollRachel DrukerChristine Eaton & Tim WillsonLois EberhartEric EdwaldsRobert G. EllisCynthia EllsworthJohn, Ann, & Luke ElwardJohn W. EnblomDaniel Engstrom & Barbara CoffinBill & Kay EricksonDawn & Mike ErlandsonJoseph & Georgiann ErrigoRichard & Shirley ErstadTom & Lorraine EvansDoug EverlingThomas EversPatricia FerrianRon & Terry FerrissVivian & Victor FicklingCatherine Fitch & Evan RobertsBeverly Fitz GeraldEamonn FitzmauriceAnnika Fjelstad & Heather FergusonPierce Fleming Delores FohlmeisterKathryn FoleyMeg Forney & Jon FagersonClare FossumKatie & Rick FournierFrederick & Joann K. FrankenaGarnet FranklinHillary FrazeyArlene M. FriedJoan Furlong & Randy StrobelBruce & Laurel GaardKatie Galloway Thoele & Owen ThoeleAnne GanglWilliam GarnerPamela L. GatesCathy GeistRandy GillenwatersBarbara L. GoldenSiana GoodwinJames GraupmannMatthew GrigalAmanda GrimmMichael GuestDavid GustafsonMary Jane HaemigGreg & Mary Ann Haley Janis Hall & Terrence Gahan

Jon Hallberg & Diane Bruck-HallbergDana HallstromLaurie HalvorsonJodi Hanson MurphyEric HartDick & Rowena HartmanSabina HashmiMarguerite & James HassettJonnie L. HauswirthSteve & Terry HawkinsHeather Haynes & Daniel KalalPeter HedbergBarbara & Douglas HedinDavid & Shirley HegdahlSteven & Merry HeilmannSusanne & Steven HeimGwen Ellen HenrichGail HesselbrockThomas R. Hiendlmayr & Jan OrmasaMarjean Hoeft & Lisa VecoliAnthony C. HoffmanSteven HoffmanGina HoljeJeff HoogerhydeMichael HuberPeter & Bronwen HudlestonJudith HunderKate Jaycox & Mike HattingKaren JensenLaura JesterEdith L. JohnsonKen W. JohnsonMargaret & Kenneth JohnsonRebecca A. JohnsonTimothy JohnsonTrip Johnson & Nara ToppWalter & Harriet JohnsonLaurie K. JonesCharles JorgensenFrank JossiMary Junge & Mark MatasovskyJohn Kaul & Gloria GunvilleJake & Lucretia KeelerSusan & Chris KentTodd Kerkow & Amber SetterPatricia & Ken KernConstance KerrinsJohn W. KirchnerSheila & Richard KiscadenHelen Klaers BentrudAnn & Paul KlothDoug KnowltonPatricia L. KoorsDrs. Linda Krach & Robert KrielJames KracheAmy J. KuebelbeckValerian & Carolyn KuechleJames KuglerJudith Kurtz & John Relf, JrKarla LadwigBeth LandahlBert W. & Mary LarsonCatherine LawrenceBarbara & Rolfe LearyAnn LedyJeff Lee & Esther DerbyPeter & Sarah LeeteGregory & Mina LeierwoodJohn & Mary LeoneRoss & Bridget LevinRand & Petrina LevyBill LewisNorman D. LigtenbergJohn Linc StineJennifer LindbergJean R. LjungkullElizabeth Lofgren & Lee ClausenLisa R. LundstenTrevor MaiersCatherine MalaveTom & Sandra MallonLarry & Karin MargolisMichele & Thomas MarrinanMargaret MarshallEd & Betty MartinJeffrey C. MascoVivian M. MasonBonnie MatterTim MattesRobert MayrandMike & Kay McCarthy

Malcolm McDonaldPeg McKeeJim & Kim McKenzieMichelle McMarzitelliChristine McVayMargaret G. McVayTracey MeathEdie A. MeissnerGene MerriamJohn MertensTimothy & Carolyn MetcalfSusan S. MeyersAmie & Jane MillerJim MillerVirginia & Duff MillerWalter MondaleAlma Rotto MorganPatricia & John MorrisonMichael & Miriam MossCraig MuntiferingAlex & Jodi MurphyPatrick T. Murphy & Lynn MorascoJack & Nylce MyersMason & Gwen MyersAnn E. & Stuart NelsonAdam & Kelly NelsonChuck NelsonOwen L. NelsonRobert & DeeAnne NelsonGwen & Frank NeumannElizabeth NeuvarLucia B. NewellRaymond M. Newman Jr.David Niemi & Sherry CoatneySasha Odermann-KarrMegan OgdahlDale & Mary OliverPeggy Ann O’NealMarjorie & Mark PallerDavid A. PalmieriPaul ParkerDavid Patterson & Polly RoachWalter PearsonJill Pennie & Mark PearsonJanet Peters & Alan TorborgDan PetrikTom Pfannenstiel & Danielle DartAnne PharesMary Jo PhillipsJackie & Edward PhilpotLeslie Pilgrim & Ned RukavinaSally PolkGregory & Pat PrattThomas ProbstHolly Rene Puk JettDoreen PurpurBrad & Linda QuardererGeorge RabasaThad RadelBill & Marilyn RadmerDonald RasinenJoAnn RautioGene & Judy RayburnDavid & Laura RedishErik & Brooke ReselandJohn & Rickie ResslerJonathan Riehle & Angela BohmannLouise Robinson & Neal CuthbertDonna Rodel & Bernie WaibelMichael & Cecilia RohrerRebecca Rom & Reid CarronDorothy A. RossingEdwin & Jennifer B. RyanDeb RyunMary SavinaDr. Jack & Janet SchafferJames Schaldach Peter & Denise SchlesingerBruce SchmidtKen & Renee ScholenShawn SchooleyJeffrey SchrockJohn SchroederMartin SchubMichael SchwabCatherine ScottDennis & Susan SearleGary Seim & Lee PfannmullerRenate M. SharpRebecca & John ShockleyRebecca Siegle


*In remembrance

Susan SimonRhonda Simonson & Rob MeyerRichard & Sarah SimpsonAl SingerAnn & Thomas SinkulaPaul & Erika SitzGlenn & Nancy SkutaNell SmithClarence & Mary SmithHowell K. Smith IIElizabeth SolemBen S Tste SontagRon SorensenMatthew Spector & Lisa VincentCindy & Herb StahnkeLinda SteingerDaniel Stewart & Angela DhruvanClaire StokesStephen & Cecilia StraussRoss & Deborah Ann SublettPeter & Erin SurdoTom & Tina SuttonJim & Pearl SwearingenMichael Swift & Anne WalterRob & Anita TabbMegan Genest Tarnow & Tom TarnowCarol TaylorTyler Teggatz & Amy SchwarzMark Ten Eyck & Laraye OsborneLeisa ThompsonMichael TierneyRich TollefsonLyndon TorstensonAndrea Trimble Hart & Patrick HargartenJanine & Walter TyskBonnie & Gary Van ErpAaron & Barb Van MoorlehemDorle E. VawterJohn W. VegterShirley Venard DiercksSusan VikseGreta L. WagleRich WahlsDavid WaldemarMichael WallJoe W. WaltonMaureen Walton & John SmetanaDavid WarnerAnna WaughDee WeaverCarol J. WeberJohn J. Weitz, MDKaren WeiumAbe WelleCharles Welling & Barbara ThomanMarvin & Connie WenzelCynthia WernerRichard & Sandra WestbyKaren WestphallPaul WhiteJanice K. WhitneyBeverly B. WickstromElizabeth & Andrew WielinskiTom & June WienerAina M. WiklundScott & Joan WilenskyStephen R. WileyStephen J. Willett & Diane PikeJoan M. WilliamsAudrey & Don WilliamsChester Wilson & Suzanne DonskyJohn & Judith WinslowMargaret Wirth-Johnson & James JohnsonLaura Wolf & Bruce HendricksonSusan T. WolfSara & Doug WolffStephanie WolkinBrad & Julie WoodstraDavid Wright & Deborah Smith- WrightSteven YetterRussell YttriJohn M. Zakelj & Bonnie WatkinsSteve & Michelle Zwicky

River Steward (under $100)

Anonymous (30)Jean AbbottJames E. AdamsDon Aggerbeck & Jane PedersonRoger & Sue AikenTeri AlbericoBeth M. AlbertsonCindy AmundsenCarole AndersenAnita M. AndersonCharles & Patricia AndersonElwood & Judy AndersonEvelyn A. AndersonGary W. AndersonLauren AndersonLinda AndersonNorma AndersonPhilip AndersonAndrew LillyWendy ArmitageJim & Judy ArnoldJudy A. AubertHeidi AuelCharlene AuldAnne E. AutenRyan BackmanGhislaine Ball & Joe HooverCharles BankeySteve BarnesCarol E. BarnettMarte E. BaroSara E. Barsel, Randy Neprash & Hannah NeprashJames R. Barth Bob BartlettLizabeth BartlettAnne & Sherman BartzJohn BaumgardtBill & Shirley BaxterKenneth BearmanJoe, Jean & Alicia BeattieRichard BeckerTim & Anna BehnenToni BeitzLynnette & Earl BeitzelElizabeth & Tom BellMark & Karen BeltzDaniel & Susan BembenekRobert B. BenjaminAnn C. BensonSidney & Lola BergSarah BergerDan R. BergesonDawn Bergman & Douglas ElleAnn BernsteinFrank BertalanKeith BesekeMichael & Ruth BettendorfJack & Janis BibeeEric BiedermanChristopher & Carolyn BinghamJudy & Bob BjorkeAnn BlochBarbara BlumerGina Bonsignore & Rick GarberPeter A. BordenFrank BowdenJean Brandes & Larry BeckelA.M & M. BrandtElizabeth BrandtErik & Hanna BrandtPatti BraseDeirdre Brennan & Vincent SkempJohn BrielJoanne M. BroadyJane BromaghimVirginia & Jeff BrooksPatricia BrophyCynthia & Steven BrosteJames & Edith BrotenBeth BrownCalee BrownDick P. BrownRobin BrownChris & Lilly BubserPamela Buckingham

Robert BuleyGlenda BunkerCharles & Katharine BurkeLaura BurlisJudy L. BusseJeffrey ByersSally & Gary CagleClifford J. CaineRobert & Marjana CalleryNancy L. CarlsonGary & Louise CarpenterMark J. Carpenter & Ann KraemerJoseph & Alberta CarrollCynthia & Tom CarterJodi CarterPaul & Millie CaspersenGuy B. Chase Jr.Barbara ChenerySusan Jane Cheney & David ArbeitKent & Marilyn ChristensenKaren ChristensonSusan ChristopherAndrew G ChurchAnne ClarkDan R. ClarkinKaren ClearyMark & Kristine ClemengerDeborah Ann Clement McGillKatie ClowerCaroline Jo CochranBrian & Beth CohenDavid Collins & Ginny MoranJoe CollinsLinda & Bob ComstockBeverly ConertonDoug Connell & Gail MurtonJanet ConwayCarol E. CookBob CooleyFrancine CorcoranStewart Corn & Ellen FerrariArielle CourtneyStephen CoxTom & Endrene CramptonBrewster M. CrosbyWilliam CrosleyJared Cruz & Kristen BlueLu Ellen CurranJennie CurryMichael CustardBeth & Ernest CuttingClyde E. CuttingMarjorie DahlagerBrenda DahlheimerGrace Damio & Randall SemaginLouise DammannJulie DanielsKathleen & Dave DanielsJoanie M. DavisMary Ann DavisMollie M. DeanJohn E. DebeeMaryAnn DeegDave & Page DeLongJan DeLueDodd Demas & Stella GimmestadJohn & Dorothy DemmaDon & Marlene DempseyRachel DeVries Renee DeVriesJohn DeWittRobert DietzNeal DimickTimothy DirrRobert DjupstromDavid & Martha DobratzMegan DobratzNiki DobratzZac DockterGeorge & Francie DomstrandSteven C. & Terry L. DondlingerMargaret Donohue & Stephen HinzeOra & William DorganJerald DoschNeil DoughtyYvonne M. DovickMark Drutowski & Jean RudokasMarilyn & George DuffyRalph & Kathleen DumondTrudy C. DunhamVirginia P. Dunivan

Robert & Bette DunnCharles & Lois DurenbergerSherri DybdahlJessica EbertzEunice EckerlyLoye EckmanSuzanne EdwardsEli Effinger-WeintraubLori EggersHolly EinessJonathan EisenthalKristine EliasLinda Ell-EgermeierMark & Lucy ElliottScott & Rose ElliottSusan ElsnerMichael & Betty ElsonSusan & Bill EngelKen & Carol EngelhartRamon & Mary EnglishBetty EricksonRuth & Paul EricksonKriste EricssonMary L. ErnstJoe & Sue EschenbacherJames & Geraldine EslerBrett S. EvansCharles & Patricia EversmanTara FaheyKristina FahnestockNorma Jean FalinkDuane & Candis FancherSebastian FerrariGary C. FifieldLisa M. Filter & Joel MartinThomas M. FischerBruce FisherLisa FixRoxanne & Frank FlettLinda ForsbergJane FoxChristian FrankenKathleen S. FranzenPatricia R. FreeburgDennis & Georgia FreidelLan FreitagChris & Gail FrethemRobert FriedLisa Isenberg & Philip FriedlundNorma K. FriedrichsMary FurthStephen GangsteadKimberle A. Ganzer-WileyJacqueline GaustadJanice & Bruce GawtryKaty GaynorJudy M. Geck & John T. QuaifeJohn & Ronette George Tom GermscheidCheryl GibbonsBarbara Ann GibsonJoline Gitis & Steve MilesEnid Gjelten WeichselbaumJohn GlaeserMarge GoldbergAllen GoochGretchen GoodmanTim & Anne GoodmanAlbert GordonKim GordonGary & Elisa GormanErin GovrikStanley L. GrahamVance B. Grannis Jr.Noah GrayThomas & Deborah GrealyCarol M. GreeneyTheodore J GreenfieldBeth GreffinClare J. GrendlerFrank D. GriffinDenise E. GriffithJane GrohJohanna & Curtis GrothMark GruenLisa GruenebergKatie GumpertzWendy HaanHelene Haapala & Connie MartinEric HaiderConstance Halfpenny 16

*In remembrance

Nils C. HalkerNora Nell HamburgeTom & Marcie HamelStephen & Kathy HammergrenJodi HamreRick & Suzanne HansenDan & Marta HansonElizabeth HansonNancy M. HansonVicki Lynn HarperWilliam & Trudy HarperMichael & Lucinda HarriageJayne M. & Frank HarrisNellie E. HarrisJim M. HarrisonKaren HarrisonKathleen T. HarrisonMary Carolyn HartmanKathleen I. HaskinsDennis HauckKathy HaugrudAlice HawksMary HayesWilliam HayesThomas C. HealyElisabeth HeefnerJohn Heintz & Monica HerreraJudy HelgenStefan & Lonnie HelgesonJohn & Linda HellandMary K. HeltsleyJohn & Melba HenselDarlene HerberJohn HersheyPaul Herwig & Jennifer IlseGerald Hess & Regina BergerPaul HestermanRichard W. HigginsSharon Hilberer & John CollierMaggie A. HillCurtis L. HillstromGlori HinckJudy & Walter HinckElizabeth HinzFred & Barbara HirsekornRussell & Cynthia HobbieBruce & Dorothy HoemMichael J. & Jo P. HoganEugene HogensonDavid HohleKarl HokansonGreg & Linka HoleyStacey Holland & Douglas BenidtKathy HollanderRobert Holley & Kelly SainzJim HollnagelDeborah Jean HolteChristopher & Joanne HoltmeierMark HoveJohn & Susan HoweJerrold Hromatka & Catherine SchoenerLucinda Hruska-ClaeysMarjorie HuebnerSusan HumistonMildred M. HuttenmaierThomas HysellEva HyvarinenChristopher IlesMarcia InginoZach IniguezDavid InmanVernon & Patricia IsaakWilliam & Ann IsaksenSteven and Constance IsaksonEdward J. JacksonRobert A. JacksonRichard JacobiEric Paul JacobsenJim & Marjorie JacobsenJanet JacobsonStan & Janet JacobsonEmily Jarrett Hughest & Elizabeth Jarrett AndrewElaine A. JervisAmanda JohnsonBernice M. JohnsonBritta JohnsonCharlyne & Dale JohnsonDuane & Ruth JohnsonGeorgann Johnson

Janet JohnsonKaren J. JohnsonLori JohnsonMargaret F. JohnsonMichele R. JohnsonPrudence JohnsonRobert & Joycelyn JohnsonSteven JohnsonMarilyn JonesMeredith JonesCatherine JordanJames L. JordanGayle Jorgens & Stanley WaiBJ JorgensonEmily & Leann JorgensonTerry JorgensonVirginia JufferDesiree Julian MuellerPaul J. JungquistMary KaedingFrederick KaiserPatricia KaluzaDavid B. Kane, Jr.Curtis & Anne Kanyusik YoakumShirley & Arnold KaplanTecla KarpenRebecca & Patrick KeenanMartin KellerCarol R. KellyJohn KemperLucy KennedyMike KennedyMarie KerbeshianRobert J. KinerGregory F. KingRobert KistlerKatherine L. KladstrupGlenn KlapperichKurt KlussendorfCharlotte M. KnocheSally & David KohlstedtKala KolkindKarla M. KomecPeggy KotilaJackie KovacsLynn R. KrafvePamela J. KrankAnna KruchowskiKurt KruegerDiane & Bill KuhlmannLaurel Kuhner BerkerTom & Sharon KunauDarlene M. KunzeAngi LackensDiane Kay LairEdward L. LandrusStephen & Vicki LangemoJudy LazarDonna LeakDon & Joann LeavenworthWayne & Cynthia LeBlancStephen LeeThomas & Mary Geraldine LeeSharon LencowskiDuane D. LengsfeldWalter & Susan Lenz & NixonJames H. LeslieBarbara LevieDeborah Levison & Joseph A. RitterJohn & Rachel LevittMonica M. LewisJohn & Phyllis LievenseNan P. LightnerKenneth T. LindSharon & Brian LindrothRaymond & Elizabeth LinsLawrence & Donna LiteckyJames LubyAnn LuceAlexis Ludwig-VogenAnn LuithlyChris Steller & Margaret LundRichard & Delores LundMarilyn D. & Don J. LundbergRaymond LundquistMary Kay LynchJohn & Barbara LynskeyLucy LyonWilliam S. LyonRoderick MacDonaldPierre J. MacGillis

Kelly MacGregorSusan MackenSusan MacMillanKevin Mahony & Wendy FassettTony & Alice MaistrovichVictoria MalaweyThomas & Peggie MalleryCraig MandelBojan ManojlovicGeorge & Florence MarksHoward & Lynne MarkusCathy MarquardtJim & Mary Lee MarshallMarion MarshallZach MarshallaDavid L & Donna M. MartensRex & Ann MartinJoseph MartyDebbie MastellaLaura G MathewsRonald & Jeanne MatrossMary Ann MattoxPhyllis V. MatzBonnie & Dale MaueSheila Maybanks & Jerry DohertySylvia McAlpineRichard McCormickWendy McCullenPatrick & Laura McDonellKaren & Bernard McGarrigleRichard P. & Tamara S.E. McGeheeRobert & Joanne McGregorWilliam Scott McKell & Ann HelmStuart McKernanAvangeline McKnightMichael L. McPhee & Amy J. OkayaJames A. McRaeMark MedvedCory MehanJoan & Richard MeierottoDebbie Meister & Gene ChristensonTrilva MelboMarc MelroseAndrew J. Meltzer & Esti M. KownKrista MenzelScott MerrillMargaret A. MichaelsonSandra & Darrel MichelsJill & Ernest MielAlice & Daniel MikelKenneth & Kathleen MillerMichael K. MillerRandy MirandaDean & Kelly MitchellPaul & Betsy MitchellLois & Carol Mizuno Amy MomsenAh-Li MonahanSonja Montgomery Paul & Susan MoreBradley MorisonTeresa MorrowJo Ann MorsePaul Moss & Craig MillerDaniel & Stacy MottWilliam & Imelda MuggliThomas & Anne MundahlSharon Murphy & Steve HechtSarah G. MurraySarah MusgraveKelly NealKaren & John NeenanJohn & Barb NeitgeBarbara NelsonClareyse E. NelsonDonna NelsonRoger M. NelsonRonald L. NelsonTerri L. NelsonJames NeppJulia & Brian NerbonneBob Nesheim & Marlys JohnsonPaula & Mark Neuman-ScottSara Newberger & Barbie LevineNancy NewmanGary NicholsTamara NiepritzkyEmily Nitti MaciasMichael W. NiziolekKarle & Diane NolteBarbara Nordstrom

Lucille K. NormanSarah & Matthew NormanDave NybergJames G. NybergJoseph Kunkel & Mary Beth NygaardMark G. NymanDavid C. O’BrienAnne ObstCatherine OcelDolores OhmansPeter M. OlofsonPatricia Olsen Maria OlsonA. Richard & Martha S. OlsonAudrey M. OlsonDiane OlsonJanet L. OlsonMark A. Olson & Norma Smith OlsonPhilip OlsonRoger & Verla OlsonPaul OmanCorrie Ooms BeckMark & Lynn OrlowskiRebekah, Isaac & Alma Ormsby & Dave LofquistRick OrmsbyCaroline OtisEric & Hayley OtternessElizabeth Ozman & Martha LaudertJoseph F. PalenVirginia PanschRon Parker & Janet HouckBrad & Lana ParrottBarbara PattersonTimothy PattockDr. John C. PaulsonKymn S. PaulsonShirley W. PearlKala PeeblesRuth & Joanne PeltonenJudy PendergrastMarjorie & Edward PennerEugene PershaDan PesoJennifer PetersonJune & Gene PetersonKenneth & Mary PetersonMerle A. PetersonKent PettersonAndy Phelan & Maggie DobbinEdward Piechowski & Sean RyanBarbara PillingDaniel PinkertonNora PlesofskyLouisa PolkSteve PoncinTeddie M. PotterDavid & Julie PouporeRobert W. Powell & Alvina E. PowellMarguerite PramannRobert & Ruth PremerJohn R. ProbstSteven PrusakAllison Quam & Andrew BloedornLouise QuinnCharlie & Nancy RaderBonnie L. RaeEric RamstadTimothy RandGeraldine Rang MooersPatricia A. RaschioRussell RathbunDoris Marie RauschClive & Karen ReecePatti ReganEmily RessegerJerry Meusburger & Dianne RevoirSuzanne RheesEliot RicciardelliTimothy A. Rice & Natalie A. C. RiceLynda & William RichardsonMarcia & Gary RichterRoger & Elizabeth RickettsRaina RiedeselCeleste RileyJohn & Shiela RobertsonShelley & Michael RobshawSteve W. RoeckleinDennis RogersJack & Mary RogersJames & Eugenia Rogers


*In remembrance

Susanne C. RohlandRobert & Joan RohlfRobert RosenbergMichael Rosenbloom & Anna DornbuschElizabeth RosenthalGregory RotterGinner RuddyLinda RueckerSusan Ryder & Jim MillsGretchen & Paul SabelKent SallAnn M. SandSamantha Marty & Darin SandbergRichard E. SandeenSuzanne Savanick HansenLony Schaff & Nadine Engbrecht- SchaffGaylord SchanilecKaren Schik & Jim MartinKaren L. Schleske & Joseph C. DickinsonAnn SchleyWilliam Schlichting & Stephen LeniusClarissa & Chris SchliefSusan SchmidtEd & Ruth SchneiderJerold J. SchneiderKen & Margaret SchoenbergJames & William SchoettlerLowell & Elizabeth SchowFred & Lorraine SchreiberJean E. SchroederSally SchroederPaul T SchumacherJulie SchwalbachRalph S. Schwartz & Dorothy GoldieJonathan SchwenkPatricia Flynn & Darryl SchwerzlerJanet L. ScottRobert & Betty ScottStephen & Sharon SegalJan SelbyJulian & Barbara SellersCharles & Carrie ShawDouglas Shaw & Lois WattmanMartha E. SheppardMargaret ShrefflerTracy Sides & Paul CameronBob SiegelKris Sigford & Raymond BorensJenzi SilvermanKari SimonsonJudy M. SimpsonCarol SingerHarriet A. SiskKeith & Nancy SjoquistLinda SkallmanHeather SkinnerCarla C. SkjongConnie SlatenDebbie A. SmithDwight SmithGabrielle SmithJames SmithJulie Smith & Mark GarnerMary & Doug SmithSusannah L. Smith & Matt SobekThomas & Mary SmithWilliam D. SmithClark & Linda SnyderRichard Snyder & Judith HarmatysLeif & Jeanne SolbergJoan M. SolomonGail SorensenRobert B. SothernChristine SoutterBob Spaulding & Becky KlaySandra L. SpielerCharles P. SpitzackKaren Spruth & John BaynesBarbara StampRobert Stanich & Jeanne SchlehEileen StanleyLyn SteffenJerry & Margy SteinRobert & Judy StellerJudith E. SteltznerJim Stengel & Sandy HeidemannPatricia Stephenson David Stewart

David Stewart & Jodi MartinRory StierlerDr. Loren StocktonCarol StoddartBen StoneWarren StortroenDavid W. StrickPaul Strickland & Carolyn RehnRuth Stryker-Gordon & Ken GordonLouise A. SundinMarcia & Burt SundquistDonald J. SwansonLois & Roy SwansonSuzanne SwansonGabriela SweetGregory T. & Jeanette SwensonKathy SwensonMerle SykoraAndrea SzondyMary T’KachKatherine & Jeffrey TaneChuck & Jennifer TatsudaCarol TauerMichael TegederJack & Jean TesmerSharon & Melvin ThelenMichael D. Therriault & Gayle GroebnerLisa ThomasSteven L. ThomasGary ThompsonDarrell ThorstensonMatt TietjeMary Tingerthal & Conrad SoderholmAlice & Anthony TobiasAnna Jefferson & Alan ToczydlowskiShirley TolonenThomas & Deborah TooheyMarilynn & Thomas TorkelsonIsaac & Katherine TownsendChuck & Anna TracyAlexis TroschinetzGary & Geri TrummelJoann C. TrygestadBill TurnerRobin TurnerMargaret TylerCarol UrnessKaren Utter & Steven WoletzDiana Van DeusenJoan Van WirtDavid & Lynn Vander HaarRoy & Sarah VanderwerfJill C. VecoliMary Ellen VetterNick VetterBruce WadmanSharlene WaleriusMichael B. WalkerCheryl WallKathleen WallentaGreg S. WallinJay T. WalljasperAlison WalshCael WarrenDeb WarrenKaryn & Nick WasylikJanet Watchman & Joel WeisbergAmy L. WattersYenny Webb VargasDavid J. WeeMichael Welch & Elaine EschenbacherAntoinette WellmanSteve WestonJohn Wetherall & Carrie ClarkMary & William WeverJohn & Kelly WheatonMary WhitcombTom & Denise WilkensLori & James R. WilliamsShawn J. WillyMary Lou & John WilmJane W. WilsonJo Anne M. WilsonJim WinslowBrian & Jodi WirthPaul WittMark Wojahn & Amy Patrick-WojahnRobert & Nan WoodburnChristine WoodsTeresa C. Workman

Marcia YanzVirginia YinglingKenneth C. YoderDavid YoungUte ZahnDr. Mahmood A. ZaidiSusan ZdonKirsten ZerhusenSusan ZietlowKarey L. ZmeskalCarol Zoff

FMR deeply appreciates receiving gifts that honor and remember people who love the river and believe in our mission. Thank you to the following donors who chose to recognize a loved one with a tribute gift.

IN HONOR OFIn honor of Alex - Kristin Pardue

In honor of all those who work for the river- Eli Effinger-Weintraub

In honor of volunteer Laurie Bruno- Renate M. Sharp

In honor of Charlie Burden’s 3rd birthday- Frank Bertalan- Zach Iniguez

In honor of Chad & Maggie Dayton - Bill Lewis

In honor of Bruce Eckldad- Eamonn Fitzmaurice

In honor of Janet Garlock- Deanna Wiener & Jim Tilsen

In honor of Magnolia Grace Matheson Gruen- Mark Gruen

In honor of Peggy Kotila- David J. Chizek, M.D.

In honor of Gordy Larson. “Happy Father’s Day!”- Jenzi Silverman

In honor of Dale Lindquest- Tonia Bock

In honor of Terri Miranda and Tyler Clay- Rany Miranda

In honor of Noah Mundahl- Stan and Janet Jacobson

In honor of Susan Nordin- Deanna Wiener & Jim Tilsen

In honor of Jim Rada- Karen Jensen

In honor of Judy Siegle- Rebecca Siegle

In honor of James Bruce Stewart- David Stewart

In honor of Deanna Weiner’s presidency- Katherine & Jeffrey Tane

In honor of Jeromey and Barbara Werle- Diane Kay Lair

In honor of John Zietlow’s birthday- Susan Zietlow

IN MEMORY OFIn memory of Steve Applebaum- Barbara Levie- Robert & Mary Mersky

In memory of Bill Brombach- Beth & Grace Brombach- Scott & Joan Wilensky

In memory of John Chapdelaine- Di Chapdelaine

In memory of Bruce Eckblad- The Eckblad Family

In memory of Raymond Fuller II- Ellie Fuller- Robin Turner

In memory of Juanita Garciagodoy- George Rabasa

In memory of Bunk Higgins- Lizabeth Bartlett- A.M & M. Brandt- Mark & Kristine Clemenger- Kathleen & Dave Daniels- Ramon & Mary English- Chris & Julie Higgins- Christopher & Joanne Holtmeier- Sharlene Walerius

In memory of Louise Huebner- Anonymous- Ann C. Benson- Caroline Jo Cochran- Carol E. Cook- Lu Ellen Curran- Grace Damio & Randall Semagin- George & Francie Domstrand- Kathleen I. Haskins- Russell & Cynthia Hobbie- Marjorie Huebner - Marcia Ingino- Joseph Kunkel & Mary Beth Nygaard- John & Phyllis Lievense- Marjorie & Edward Penner- Lyndon Torstenson- Kenneth C. Yoder

In memory of Lola- Barbara Levie- Barry Rubin- Amy Silvermann

In memory of Joseph and Joanne Murnane- Anonymous

In memory of Judd Person- Judy L. Busse

In memory of Jay Schoenberg- Ken & Margaret Schoenberg

In memory of Bruce Vento- Friends of Bruce Vento


FMR meets all the accountability standards of the Charities Review Council of Minnesota.

*In remembrance
