Friday 21st May 2021 -


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Friday 21st May 2021

Dear families,

Thank you to everyone who came to school last Friday afternoon to enjoy a coffee or hot chocolate whilst their children

played after school. This was a great suggestion from one of our amazing parents and we look forward to engaging the

coffee van once a month throughout the year. What a great way for us all to re-connect after such an unusual 2020 COVID


All P-6 classes have been working extremely hard on learning different musical numbers for our school production. The main

focus has been learning ‘Be Our Guest’, where all classes have a moment on stage and make their way into the audience to

sing and dance with families and friends. All classes have come together to share their learnt sections of the song and it was

marvellous to hear all of the different parts together. Well done everyone and keep up the good work!

We are incredibly proud of our grade 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN last week. The resilience, hard work and

effort shown by all students is to be commended. We encourage students and families to see this assessment as just one

small part of their child’s learning journey which will be used alongside all assessments throughout the year to determine

students’ learning progress.

Thank you to all those students who represented Queenscliff Primary School at our recent Lightning Premiership. Our foot-

ball team was made from a mix of grade 4, 5 and 6 students. They fought hard for the day and came away with two wins

which secured a spot in the second final. We unfortunately lost that and finished fourth overall. Special mention to Jai who

played tremendously well all day and came away with 10+ goals throughout all the games. The netball team stayed focused

and had an amazing day also. They played a total of 5 games and came away with one win. Special mention to Indi who

didn’t stop running all day and showed great sportsmanship. It was a wonderful experience for our students to be able to

get out for some school sports as well as a wonderful cheer squad made of dedicated parents sticking out in the rain. Thanks

to Mr Brown for organising this and everyone else involved.

As of next Monday 24th of May, I will be on long service leave until the beginning of term 3. I’m looking forward to a restful

break, moving house and undertaking some regional travel. During this time, Mrs Fitzgerald will be acting principal and will

undertake all of the duties I would normally do. I look forward to seeing everyone again in July.

Enjoy the rest of term 2 and have a safe mid-year break.

Richard Buckingham


School Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4pm

School Office Hours Monday - Friday 8.30am to 4pm

Phone: 5258 1696

Local Bylaws :

The Local Bylaws Officers have contacted the school in regards to the parking

of cars at the front of the school in no parking zones and while the crossing

flags are displayed. They are also concerned why the children are crossing at

the front of the school with the roundabout so close and the bus zone, when

there is a supervised flagged school crossing at the front of the school.

The officers have advised that they will be monitoring this crossing area and

the no parking zones.

The safety of your children is important to us and we request that your chil-

dren please use the crossing morning and afternoons. Please remember that

at the front of the school there is a ‘No Standing’ area and an ‘Accessible

Parking’ zone.

Tuesday 25th May : Gr 5 attending Koorie Performance at the Geelong Library

Thursday 27th May : The Biggest Morning Tea at the Senior Citizens Hall Queenscliff

Friday 28th May : Whole School Assembly at 2.15 pm

Monday 1st June : BCH Dental School Program

Richard Buckingham (DET, Executive) Melissa Fitzgerald (DET), Helene Cameron (DET)

Naomi Grillinzoni, Chris Bramwell,

Lisa Golightly, Mark Lang, Heidi Volders-Boyd, Kim High

On Thursday the 13th of May, our Grade 4-6 students participated in the Lightning

Premiership for Football and Netball. It was a cold and rainy day, but that didn’t stop

the students trying their absolute best and performing amazingly.

The Football Team won two games, coming fourth overall. Special shout out to Jai for

playing like a champion!

The Netball Team won one game, coming fourth overall as well. Special mention to Indi

for playing like a superstar!

Our students had a lovely visit from the author, Martine Murray on Thursday the 13th of

May. During these sessions with QPS classes, Martine read her picture story book, ‘The

Wanting Monster’. In this reading, students were given the opportunity to act out differ-

ent characters throughout her story, which created lots of entertainment, excitement and

joy within these classes.

After her reading, students had a chance to ask Martine many questions that were on

their minds; varying from the physical making of a book to the creativity that is involved

when coming up with ideas for different stories.

Help Wanted We are hosting Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday 27th May

at Citizens Hall, Symonds St, Queenscliff 11am – 1pm. Thank you to everyone who have offered to make something for our morning tea. Plates of food will need to be dropped off to Citizens Hall before 9.30am, there will be someone there from 8am. We are requiring some help please this week to help with a letterbox drop of invitations to the houses close to the school and also to houses close to the hall. If anyone would like ex-tra invitations to drop in to neighbours letterboxes, please see Helene. We desperately need some helpers on the day please. Anytime from 8.30 am – 2pm is greatly appreciated and it can be for any length of time throughout the day. Please let He-lene know if you can assist. Thanks in advance QPS Fundraising Team

Help Wanted There are only two markets left for this season, May 30th & June 27th. The 2021/2022 season will start in September. We require volunteers for both markets please. The shifts are: 7.30am – 9am Set up 9am – 11am Roving 11am – 1pm Roving 1pm – 3pm Roving & pack up 2pm – 3pm Pack up Please write your name on the roster in the foyer if you are able to volunteer. If anyone is interested in joining the fundraising team or market admin, please see Lisa Golightly or Naomi Grillinzoni.

A reminder to our grade 4/5/6 families, we require the permission slips for the attitude to

school survey 2021, to be returned to school by Monday the 24th of May. This permission slip

was emailed to families on the 11th of May. We need these slips to be returned at the latest on

this date so we are able to participate as a school in this survey.

We encourage all students to participate as the data from this survey will assist the school in

future planning of programs for students learning.

We are proud of all our students who represented Queenscliff Primary School at the District Cross Coun-try Championships on Friday 30th April.

Congratulations to the following six students who qualified for the next round, Division Cross Coun-try, taking place next Tuesday, 25th May.

We wish you all good luck for the Division Cross Country Championships. Our school community will be thinking of you on Tuesday and are excited to share your successes.

Age Group Girls Boys

9-10 Scarlett

Zoe Aryan


11 Jack

12-13 Oscar
