Fri. April 15, 9 am until 2 pm Sat. April 16, 9 am until 2...


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Friendship Meal April 1 Parish Hall 6 pm

Celtic Eucharist April 10 Parish Hall 5:30 pm

Theology Pub April 12 Papa Joe’s 6 pm

Finance Committee April 14 Office Noon

Education Committee April 14 Library 5:30 pm

Yard/Bake Sale April 15-16 Parish Hall 9 am - 2 pm

Vestry April 19 Library 6 pm

Book Club April 26 Office 6:30 pm

All Saints Episcopal Church

is a Community of Faith, welcoming all God’s People

to share in ministry with…

Hearts opened in Christ

Hands offered in Service

Voices lifted in Praise


April 2016

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All Saints Spring All Saints Annual

Fri. April 15, 9 am until 2 pm Sat. April 16, 9 am until 2 pm

Details can be found inside this issue!!!

Dear People of All Saints:

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

As I write this, it is Easter morning. The weather is a touch overcast and, with the wet ground, we have worked out the Easter Egg Hunt challenge. All Saints flexibility at work, the Sanctuary was chosen for the different levels of the search…one more opportunity for the children to explore anew the different parts of our worship space.

Our worship space welcomes us all… even for our temporary Easter Egg Hunt. The eggs on Easter are an interesting follow-up to the “empty” egg found in the Palm Sunday baskets. Yes the tomb is empty, but the gifts we receive as a result of God’s great action… Jesus’ resurrection…are innumerable.

This past week concluded our Lenten journey… a time we spent together in contemplation, action, and worship. We could feel the excitement of our expressions at last of the formerly bottled-up “Alleluias!” The celebrations of Easter and the beginning of the Easter season itself invite us into the joy of these next seven weeks as we head toward Pentecost.

So our greatest celebration of the year has now come to an end. Nevertheless, activities continue apace during the Easter season. The beginning of April gets underway immediately with the Friendship Meal being served on Friday, April 1 (yes, really…April Fools’ Day!!). Come and enjoy the company and the ministry.

Our Recharge Day comes together the next morning, April 2, beginning in the am. See the Junior Warden’s report later in this issue for details. All are invited to scrub, weed, clip, dust, you name it. I would make a special request for assistance from the team that cleans up and clears back the ground cover in the Memorial Garden. Thank you so much.

The Annual Yard/Bake Sale is happening on April 15 and 16. Help with setting up, pricing, and, on

Saturday, cleaning up are definitely needed in addition to the volunteers who will staff the sale itself. You can find information in this issue as well. Sherrill Geddes is the main contact for this sale.

The fundraiser close to my heart is the Trivial Pursuit-a-Thon to be held from 9 am – 3 pm on Saturday, May 21 in the Parish Hall. Registration forms are available in the narthex (lobby) of the Sanctuary. This gathering is always a lot of fun. Thanks to those who pledge to support the players and thanks to those who help out with food, scoring and questions. I am the primary contact for the Trivial Pursuit-a-Thon.

Bible Study resumes on April 7. And the online courses will be changed around once more. Please do look at the catalog at and see if any of these online courses is something YOU would like to explore. I will be adding courses for the post-Easter season and again for the summer, both times when schedules get busier and exploring courses on one’s own becomes a better choice. Ask me about our churchnext “school” if you have any questions.

Book Club and other formation possibilities continue as interest demands. With summer coming, Popcorn and a Movie will return. If you have topics or movies for consideration, please talk to me. Our summer schedule is a little more wide open so there are lots of opportunities to plug new things into our schedule. In my time at All Saints, I have found openness to possibility to be a part of our life together. If you have a topic you want covered, let’s see together what we can build into the schedule.

As you continue into the Easter season, I wish you joy and time for self-reflection about what Easter means for us all.

In Christ’s love,


Message from the Rector

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori told me that this recentering [in common prayer and praise] is the very DNA of the Episcopal Church: “We encourage people to love God and God’s creation (human and otherwise) with the same attention and passion with which we love ourselves. It’s about learning that none of us as individuals occupy the center of the universe, and that a holy and whole and healed life seeks the flourishing and well-being of the rest, not ourselves alone.”

from My Church is Not Dying by Greg Garrett. New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2015. p. 23

Financial Picture of the Parish

Pledges this month were down by about $3000 but were offset by the larger than normal pledges in January. Pledges remain a little under what we promised. Some of our expense by this time is because we paid the second 1/2 of the stove cost ( a little over $2000) in February but as of the end of this month, we had not received the reimbursement from the IEF We paid the annual Fire Extinguisher inspection. In addition we are in the 2nd of 3 months of dividing the quarterly payments for Pension and Fire/Liability insurance made in January. A $280 reimbursement was made to a parishioner who paid the extra electrical costs to install the new stove. Thank you all for your continuing support of our ministries here at All Saints!


Pledges $11,295.00 $27,579.00 $28,666.66

Receipts $16,946.28 $44,410.89 $44,663.30

Expense $21,799.75 $51,675.19 $45,551.92

Operating Income $11,668.28 $29,531.55 $32,183.32

Operating Expense $14,946.06 $35,224.16 $32,572.24

Net Surplus (Deficit) $(4,853.47) $(7,264.30) $(888.62)

This is no joke, the Friendship Meal will be April 1st! We will need volunteers for the following shifts:

Friday: April 1st from 3:00-5:30; 5:00-7:30 (or until cleanup is done.) Monday, May 2 at 5:30 to help unload food for next month’s Friendship Meal (May 6)

Wed. April 13, 5 - 7 pm: Help move chairs, set up tables, drop off donations, pick up large donations Thurs. April 14, 9 am until 5 pm: Drop off donations, help with pr icing, and organize the sale floor Fri. April 15, 9 am until 2 pm: Come meet our customers (many are r egulars) Sat. April 16, 9 am until 2 pm: Bargain day and always busy 2 pm: Volunteers to take items to local charities

Your gently used furniture, pictures, dishes, small appliances, books, movies, games, music, clothing (please no undies), gardening tools, toys, costume jewelry, and other once-treasured items are needed for the All Saints Yard Sale. Candy, cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, and plant cuttings are some other ideas.

Proceeds of the sale support the various All Saints’ ministries.

Call Sherrill Geddes (371-5130) to pick up your donations before Sunday, April 10 Drop your donations off at the Geddes’ garage (2525 Hayden Way) by Tuesday, April 12 Drop your donations at the church on April 13 and 14

For questions and offers of help, please call or text Sherrill Geddes at 371-5130 (, Holladay or Tammy in the office 344-2537.


Senior Warden Report

We have a vision. We have a mission. We have Passion.

Recently the Clergy, Vestry, Ministry Leaders, and interested Parishioners met to discuss our way forward at All Saints Episcopal Church. The Visioning Workshop, led by Holladay, took place on Saturday March 12, was well attended, and generated a lot of passion and ideas.

You may have noticed all of the sheets of paper hanging up in the Parish Hall over the past few weeks. What you see there are the results of the Visioning Workshop. We broke ideas into topics such as “What is All Saints Episcopal Church good at?”, “How are our facilities used?”, and “What would we like to do?”, and “What will it take, in Time, Talent, and Treasure to get us there?”

As far as Time and Talent go, we have no shortage of that at All Saints. The amount of heart and soul that our parish gives to their individual callings is astounding. As I said at the beginning, we have a vision of what we want our Church to be in our community. We have a mission to spread the Word and good works. We have the passion to get it done.

In the coming months, we will be interpreting the input we generated, classifying the ideas, and with input from the Parish, prioritizing our approach. This will take some time, so please be patient, but we are eager to share with you. Ultimately, we’ll get to the Treasure part as we designate our goals and mount a capital campaign to help us get there.

Please stay tuned as exciting things are coming.

I would also like to extend a personal thanks to all of those who made the Easter season special this year. It takes an enormous amount of effort by our Clergy, the Altar Guild, Servers and Acolytes, Readers, the Choir, Ushers, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Group, and everyone else who participated to make these services happen.

In fact, if you look at the schedule of services, there were nine services starting with Palm Sunday and culminating in the Easter Sunday services. That doesn’t include the Pancake Supper, Lenten Lunches, Stations of the Cross, Wizards and Wonders, and other study opportunities. Easter is a huge effort in the Church calendar, and it takes a lot of planning and effort for us to be able to proclaim loudly, “Alleluia, The Lord is Risen!” on Easter Sunday. Those who make it happen deserve our recognition and thanks.

In Christ’s Love, Leslie Penney

If the world exists within God – if in the lovely words of Julian of Norwich, God holds the world as one holds a hazelnut in one’s hand – then God is everywhere. God is either everywhere or nowhere. God cannot be in “one place” and not “another place”; a “being” might do that, but not God. God is right under the surface of everything. God “accompanies” us when we travel to the ends of the earth – we

may have to leave loved ones behind, but not God….God is always present.

from A New Climate for Theology by Sallie McFague. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008. p. 162-3

Parish Life

The next Parish Life Committee Meeting will be held on Sunday April 3rd, after the 10:00 am church services. Subjects will include coffee hours, updating the SOP Manual, and regular maintenance on the coffee maker.

Patty Rowett-Matlock is our new Vestry Liaison for the Parish Life Committee. She will be present for our monthly meetings and report back to the Vestry about our discussion.

Special thanks are due this month to Chris Kaetzel and Mike Ritthaler for servicing the coffee maker for coffee hour.

Respectively submitted, Lori Edwards

After a the shortening days of Fall, the Winter Solstice, the joyous remembrance of Christ’s Birth, and the long, cold, dreary, rainy, days of winter, the time has arrived for the world to renew itself. Flowers are pushing out of their winter cocoons, plants are springing up again, the Community Garden dirt has arrived and it is time once again for


Spring Recharge Day!Spring Recharge Day!Spring Recharge Day!Spring Recharge Day!

April 2 @ 8:30April 2 @ 8:30April 2 @ 8:30April 2 @ 8:30 It is during Recharge Day that the members of All Saints gather to clean away winter’s detritus and prepare the grounds for the coming days of warmth. And it has already begun. Robin and Doug Finch have mowed the lawn, Community Garden dirt has been delivered and the Water Turn’er-on’er has been contacted. We are preparing for the

lengthening days to come.

� � � � Some jobs in need of an owner: � � � � Flower beds � � � � Window washing � � � � Clip greenery away from South Wall � � � � Kill weeds in the parking lot � � � � Smooth ground by sewer pump, NW corner of Parish Hall � � � � Clean hard water marks from drinking fountain catch-basins � � � � Dust and clean cob-webs from Parish Hall and classrooms � � � � Pot Luck – any pet projects you wish to see completed

So join with a group of your fellow parishioners for a morning of both personal and church-ground rejuvenation followed by a delicious pot-luck as we

welcome Spring at All Saints!

Recharge Day

God is the liminal presence in all things.

The divine presence announces itself in a breeze rustling through leaves, in the sound of a bird’s call, in the face of a starving child (or a happy one), in a clear-cut forest.

God is in all things because all things are in God – in all shapes and shades, all conditions and crises, all joys and sorrows. God is in birth and death and

everything in between. God is ubiquitous: God is wherever I am, wherever each and every iota of creation is... God is the Spirit, the breath, the ether, the atmosphere in which each and every

thing grows and flourishes. from A New Climate for Theology by Sallie McFague. Minneapolis:

Fortress Press, 2008. p. 163

Junior Warden Report



Now, I can't remember if I have shared this 'wisdom' with you before. And since I am not an Either/Or kinda gal, I'm happy to say that here at All Saints, we have projects for both. You are aware that the final (as in final) patch of asphalt is removed from the garden area, and a pile of road mix is being spread to fill in low places and help with leveling the bed areas. Barb Tool worked hard helping me extend the drain pipe and move the drain box. She's my March hero. Vestry has plans for repainting parking stripes. ‘Twill be an ongoing activity this spring as we get prices for paints and other supplies. I will keep you posted as time gets closer to call for sweepers and hose-rs and painters. The weather will need to settle a bit as well. Volunteers will be welcomed, and possibly fed. Also outdoors - the bike-parking rack has arrived. I've made arrangements with Sir Ed the-father-in-law who will bring his magic cement drill to help clamp the rack down. Keep riding those bikes to church, All Saints families and Clinic helpers - it's great to see. In conversations initiated with Sunday School folks, we are exploring the creation of a half court style basketball area just outside the playground area. We're gathering costs for materials, and a parishioner has stepped up to cover that. I'm especially seeking information about a 'local' sports store which might carry these items. You keep me posted, and I will keep you in the loop.

In worship we are meeting more than our fellow congregants; we are meeting Christ face to face. The liturgy of beautiful words and significant symbols builds part of the bridge between us. Our communal participation, our prayers and gestures, builds the rest. When we find a church and a tradition that resonates with our own emotional and spiritual makeup, we meet God in that place with the people around us. Sometimes we don’t know we’ve found such a traditions until we blunder into it – I didn’t know how much I would love Episcopal liturgy until I gave myself up to it week after week. And lots of people with whom I interact don’t know what I’m talking about –

until they experience it too.

from My Church is Not Dying by Greg Garrett.

New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2015.


Recharge Day ~ Apr il 2

Theology Pub ~ Apr il 12

Yard Sale ~ Apr il 15-16

Trivial Pursuit-a-Thon ~ May 21

Adult Christian Education

Sunday morning adult education is still meeting in the Library, Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Professor Bart Ehrman’s lectures on the New Testament will prompt the discussions through April. New members are welcome at every meeting, Come when you can.

Book Club

In April, the Book Club will be reading My Church is not Dying by Greg Garrett, a priest in Austin, Texas. In this new release from Church Publishing Company (an Episcopal company), Garrett speaks eloquently of the characteristics that make the Episcopal Church distinct in our individualistic American culture. The amazon review states: “He reveals a church that values intellect, beauty, diversity, and community, and promotes thoughtful engagement with questions of faith, ethics, and community. This church espouses a generous orthodoxy.” For Book/Kindle, the cost is $11.05/$9.99. For Book/Nook, the cost is $10.82/$9.99.

The May selection is This Land is Their Land by Barbara Ehrenreich. Ehrenreich is a renowned social critic and author of several books. This month’s selection is a series of essays that explore the divisions in our nation that have become more

challenging over the last decade. Nevertheless, she remains hopeful and closes her introduction, “But I like to think we will find in our hearts some true ground for unity, some awareness of a common condition and collective aspiration.” You are invited to explore with her the frustration and the hope found in the divisions we are all too aware of in our country. For Book/Kindle, the cost is $16.98/$10.99. For, the cost is Book/Nook $17.94/$10.99.

Our April Celtic Eucharist will be celebrated in the Parish Hall at 5:30 pm on Sunday, April 10. In this Easter season, we celebrate new life and resurrection as we ponder who is God calling each of us to become? All around we see nature fulfilling its call. With the miracle of Easter, we, too, are called into new life. All are

invited to this joyous Easter celebration.

Celtic Eucharist

Bible Study

Bible Study resumes in Holladay’s office on Tuesday, April 7 at 6:30 pm. The text for this six-week session will be The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggeman. Dr. Brueggeman is an eminent Old Testament scholar. His book examines the issue of power as taught by God, as critiqued by the prophets, as poorly exercised by the dominant culture of Old Testament Israel. As with all Bible study, our challenge will be to explore the implications for our present world. The cost of the text is as follows: amazon Book/Kindle, $16.98/$10.99 and

barnesandnoble Book/Nook $17.94/$10.99.

Stewardship Committee

Thank you to everyone who participated in "Wizards and Wonders" and made it so much fun. So many people helped in so many ways: sending out invitations, planning and leading activities, decorating, playing character roles, providing soup and bread, and cleaning up at the end of the evening. Thanks to Penny and Shaun Sites, Aidan Sites, Dan and Sharon Aalbers, Maria Manning-Floch, Chloe Manning-Floch, Sue Nims, Bonnie Pilcher, Barb Tool, Kirstin Nielsen, the youth group, Jim Thomas, Ruth Andrews, Bob Andrews-Bryant, Al and Mel Borg-Borm, and Mike, Morgen, and Willow Ritthaler. Thank you to Holladay for supporting the Lenten program and

leading discussions with the kids after the movie.

A BIG THANK you to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade

class for painting a chalk board

for us!

Registration, Rules and Pledge Forms are available for the Trivial Pursuit-a-Thon!! Trivial Pursuit is returning on Saturday, May 21, from 9 am – 3 pm. The Pledge Forms have been prepared so that players have plenty of time to gather pledges. Pledges can be made for the number of correct answers, the number of hours played (the entire session is 6 hours), or just a general pledge that can be earned by playing the entire time.

Players generally bring numerous editions of Trivial Pursuit for variety’s sake. We will need volunteers to keep score, to keep time, and to feed the players. Players will play 53 minutes of every hour.

The more players, the more pledges we can raise. Consider who among your friends beyond these walls you can ask to pledge. All pledges assist the mission and ministries of All Saints.

Thank You...Thank You...Thank You... Trivial Pursuit-a-Thon

Happy Easter!

A few weeks ago members of the Vestry and Stewardship committee gathered in the parish hall with others for a visioning meeting. Holladay guided us through the process by posing a series of questions which gave us the opportunity to see what we valued and what hopes we had for the future of All Saints. You may have noticed the outcome of that work posted on the walls of the Parish Hall and you will see and hear more about this process in the future.

We just finished Holy Week. Listening to the lessons and hearing the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and all the events that followed is always informative and inspiring to me. What resonated with me this year were the lessons Jesus taught the disciples as he prepared for what he knew was coming - crucifixion. Between the lessons and the music that we sang I found myself on a journey of my own. I felt the joy of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the confusion following his arrest and the crushing sense of loss as he was tried and then crucified, culminating with the resurrection. As Holladay noted in her Easter sermon, Jesus’ absence from the tomb was disorienting until the disciples remembered what Jesus had been teaching them.

I juxtaposed the visioning meeting and Holy Week together because I came to a realization about Christianity, Stewardship and All Saints. We remember the experiences and lessons of the past, but that is not where we dwell. Rather, with hope and joy we focus on the future by doing what we must to prepare for it. As good stewards of God’s creation that means doing the work he has given us to do.

We finally made it to the top of Facebook!!!

The link is: Join US!

Come visit us for upcoming activities at:


DEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINE Our May deadline for articles for the May

Outreach is April 20 at 10:00 am.

Email your attachment to

Thank you!!!

Don’t Forget….. Blood pressure and glucose monitoring by Parish Health Committee, 1st Sunday of each month after the 10 am service.

PetPetPetPet----FoodFoodFoodFood----Pantry Pantry Pantry Pantry

Collection Tub Collection Tub Collection Tub Collection Tub

Donations for the Humane Society are being taken in the Narthex.

Thank you for your generous offering.

5 Steps for

Coffee Hour Hosts

~ Anyone can offer to do it! ~ Choose 1 Sunday at a time ~ Sign up with friends and family ~ Provide snacks for 35-50 people ~ Clean up afterwards w/ others ...Clean dishes, Take out trash, Wipe tables, sweep and/or mop if needed

Contact: Lor i Edwards, Par ish Life Chair , 789-5260 or Penny Sites, Coffee Hour Coordinator, 447-7001

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Events & Activities.

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It’s that EASY to Stay Connected!

We appreciate your input & advice! If you can’t find something or want to know

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704 S. Latah

Boise, Idaho 83705


Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (closed on holidays) Telephone: 208-344-2537 Web address: Email:

Church Staff

Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Brian Thom

Rector: The Rev. Holladay Sanderson Assisting Priests: The Rev. Robin Finch and The Rev. Michael Case Deacon: The Rev. Mary Ellen Gallagher Office Manager: Tammy Torres Bookkeeper: Donna Giles Children’s Center Director: Casse Wright Choir Director: Shauna Emara Organist: Teresa Ruth

Officers of the Parish

Senior Warden: Leslie Penney Junior Warden: Bonnie Pilcher Vestry Members: Bob Andrews-Bryant, Betty Croghan, Maria Manning-Floch, Patty Rowett-Matlock, Penny Sites, and Jim Thomas Vestry Clerk: Kirstin Nielsen Treasurer: Sherrill Geddes Friendship Clinic: Marie Blanchard Parish Nurses: Ruth Andrews, Marie Blanchard, and Anita Wallinger
