Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Speech, Press, and Petition


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Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Speech, Press, and Petition

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

No quartering of soldiers in people’s


No Illegal Search or Seizure• Must have probable cause to

issue a warrant

• Protects persons, houses, papers, and effects

Guarantees life, liberty, and property

• No Double Jeopardy - can not be tried for the same crime twice

• Eminent Domain - government can not take private property without compensation

Rights of the Accused• An attorney

• Speedy Trial

• Told of charges

• Hear witnesses against him/her

Right to a trial by jury

No excessive bail or unusual punishment

for a defendant

All other rights and powers are reserved for the people

People have more rights than those listed in the


All rights not given to the federal government are

reserved for the states and the people

A state can not sue another state in

federal court

Revised the procedure for electing the

President and Vice-President

Abolished slavery in all of the US

Gave former slaves rights as citizens of the United States

Gave all black males the right to


Established the right of Congress to collect

a tax on income

Provided for direct election of Senators


Illegal to purchase, manufacture, or transport


Granted women the right to vote

“Lame Duck” Amendment

• President term begins January 20

• Congress begins January 3

Repealed the 18th (Prohibition) Amendment

Limits the President to two terms or ten


Gave three electoral votes to

Washington, D.C.

Abolished poll taxes for voting

Describes Presidential succession if the

President is removed, dies, or resigns

Gave 18 year olds the right to vote

If Congress votes itself a pay raise it can

not go into effect immediately
