Franklin Edgar - In and Out


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  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out


  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out


    The Project Gutenberg EBook of In And Out

    by Edgar Franklin

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    Title: In And Out

    Author: Edgar Franklin

    Illustrator: Paul Stahr

    Release Date: August 9, 2010 [EBook#33392]

    Language: English

  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out



    IN AND OUT ***

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  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out


  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out


  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out



  • 8/12/2019 Franklin Edgar - In and Out




    Frontispiece by PAUL








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    The girl weighed, perhaps,

    one hundred and twenty

    pounds, and handling thatamount of weight was a mere

    joke to Wilkins

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    CHAPTER I. The Great Unrecognized

    CHAPTER II. Theory's Victim

    CHAPTER III. Opportunity

    CHAPTER IV. The Reluctant One

    CHAPTER V. The Wee Sma' Hours

    CHAPTER VI. Johnson Boller Proposes

    CHAPTER VII. The ButterflyCHAPTER VIII. Scorned

    CHAPTER IX. Crime?

    CHAPTER X. The Web

    CHAPTER XI. The Other LadyCHAPTER XII. The Crash

    CHAPTER XIII. In the Box

    CHAPTER XIV. Concerning Thre


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    CHAPTER XV. Thick and Fast

    CHAPTER XVI. The Lie

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    The Great Unrecognized

    Up in the ring, the long-nosed person whhad been announced as Kid Horrigan wa

    having things much his own way with th

    smaller person billed as the Bron


    t was the wont of Kid Horrigan to step

    forward lightly, to rap the Tornado

    smartly on the bridge of the nose, anhereafter to step back as lightly and wai

    until the few wild blows had fanned th

    air and the Tornado had returned to hi

    meaningless and somewhat bewildere

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    Thereupon, in almost preoccupied fashion

    he Kid stepped forward once moreanwhen he had done it again and again th

    performance began to grow monotonou

    and, down in Box B at the ringside

    Johnson Boller yawned aloud.

    The yawn finished, he leaned ove

    wearily and addressed Anthony Fry.

    "If that little wheeze had the pep of a dea

    mosquito," said Johnson Bolle

    disgustedly, "he'd take that big stiff whe

    his hands are up like that and slip him auppercut that would freeze him solid!"

    Anthony Fry's intellectual features relaxe

    n a faint smile.

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    "He's had several chances, hasn't he?" h


    "Several? He's had fifty! He gets three minute andwell, look at that!"

    "Yes, he missed another opportunity then

    didn't he?" said Anthony. "Curious!"

    Johnson Boller's cigar rolled to the othe

    side of his mouth and he hunched dow

    farther in his chair.

    "And nine more rounds of it to go!" h


    Anthony Fry merely smiled morpensively and nodded, removing his nose

    glasses and tapping his teeth reflectivel

    and, among other things, causing th

    red-faced, partially alcoholized tri

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    behind them in Box B to wonder what h

    was doing at a prize fight anyway.

    As externals go, there was some grounfor the wonder. Anthony Fry at forty-five

    was very tall, very lean in his aristocrati

    way, and very, very dignified, from the

    crown of his high-held head to the tips ohis toes. In dress he was utterly beyon

    criticism; in feature he was thin, austere

    and impressive. At first glance one migh

    have fancied him a world-famous surgeoor the inscrutable head of the Steel Trust

    but the fact of the matter was that Anthony

    hese fifteen years gone, had inherite

    Fry's Imperial Liniment, with all that thamplied.

    t implied a good deal in the way o

    ncome, yet even among his friend

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    Anthony did not care to have the linimen

    phase of his quietly elegant existenc

    dwelt upon too insistently. Not that h

    regarded the businessrun by a perfecmanager and rarely visitedas a secre

    shame exactly, but unquestionabl

    Anthony would have preferred that his lat

    father and his two dead uncles, whestarting their original pursuit of wealth

    had corraled the world's diamond suppl

    or purchased Manhattan Island at


    Just now, perhaps, Anthony's more

    striking features were emphasized by th

    nearness of Johnson Boller, one of his fewreally intimate friends.

    Johnson Boller's age was just about th

    same, but there the similarity betwee

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    hem stopped short.

    Johnson Boller was plump, one migh

    almost say coarse. Where Anthony walkedwith slow dignity, Johnson swaggered

    Where Anthony spoke in a measured

    undertone and smiled frigidly, Johnso

    humped out the words and laughed with bark. About most things except food h

    was inclined to be gloomy an

    pessimistic, and this evening the gloo

    within was even thicker than usuabecause Johnson Boller's wife had lef


    She was a new wife and his firstbeautiful and spirited wife, all of fiftee

    years younger than Johnson Boller. Sh

    was in love with him and he with her

    remendouslyand now she was gone

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    After only six months of unalloye

    happiness in the five-thousand-dolla

    apartment on Riverside Drive, Mrs

    Johnson Boller had left for her annuavisit of one month to the sister whos

    accursed husband owned great chunks o

    Montreal, Quebec, and insisted on livin

    on one of them.

    One vast hour Johnson Boller had roame

    he vacuum that had been their ideal home

    hen he had packed his grip and gone tstay with Anthony Fry, in that utte

    ultimate of everything impeccable an

    expensive in the way of bachelo

    apartments, the Hotel Lasandeand evehe sight of the fight tickets, whe

    Anthony's invaluable Wilkins had returned

    with them, had failed to bring more than

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    flitting smile to Johnson Boller.

    ow they were watching the secon

    preliminary bout, and could he but havraded one thousand of these bouts for

    single hour with his beloved Beatrice

    Johnson Boller would have gladly.

    "In the main," said Anthony Fry, "tha

    absurd little chap up there typifies m

    whole conception of opportunity."

    "Huh?" Johnson Boller said.

    "The chance for that fatal uppercut is ther

    it was there a minute ago and it will b

    here a minute hence, and probably twminutes hence. Our Tornado hasn't seen i

    yet; he may go to the end of the ten round

    and never see it, and yet, unless thi

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    Horrigan chap changes his tactics, it wil

    be repeated again and again. Would he se

    t if the bout ran twenty rounds?"

    "How the dickens should I know?

    Johnson Boller muttered.

    "I'd be quite willing to wager," Anthony

    smiled thoughtfully, "that he wouldsee it!

    Johnson Boller surveyed his frien

    narrowly. It was obvious that Anthony'

    attention had strayed from the allege

    battleand small wonder! It was equall

    obvious that Anthony's mind wa

    wandering off into the abstract; and no

    nfrequently these little journeys

    provided they went not too farwer

    quite entertaining.

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    remendous capability, in many cases, fo

    hat matter. Taken by and large, we are al

    made of much the same stuff, you know

    The trouble lies in the failure of the plainaverage, reasonably stupid citizen t

    recognize opportunity's one solitar

    knock!" Anthony smiled, growing himsel

    more interested by the second. "Now, iopportunity were but decent enough t

    knock twice, at least double the number o

    striving humans would recognize he

    nearness and grasp her. If she could brin

    herself to knock three times, say, ou

    successes would be tripled. If"

    "And if she knocked a thousand times isuccession, everybody'd be a millionaire,

    Johnson Boller suggested.

    "Something like that," smiled Anthony

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    "The chap who does know opportunity

    recognizes her mainly by accident,

    honestly believe. Now, if we could bu

    ake each man and place opportunitbefore him and hold her there until he full

    understood that she was present, the wor

    failure would be omitted from th

    dictionaries a generation hence."

    Anthony Fry winked rapidly, which i

    tself was rather a bad sign because i

    ndicated that the theorizing portion of hicultured brain was growing quite rapt. A

    another time, very likely, Johnson Bolle

    would have heeded the warning an

    urned Anthony's attention gently back tohe fight; but to-night Boller sought refug

    from the haunting loneliness that Beatric

    had left behind.

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    "I don't agree with you!" he said flatly.


    "Nix!" said Johnson Boller. "Any guy whocan come face to face with a regula

    honest-to-goodness opportunity, Anthony

    and not know her inside of one second

    could have her tied to his right leg for tw

    hundred years and never know she wa


    "You really believe that?"

    "Oh, I know it!" said Johnson Boller. "

    have several millions of years of huma

    experience to prove that I'm right."

    Anthony leaned closer, causing the larges

    of the red-faced trio behind to grow

    senselessly as he was forced to shift for

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    view of the ring.

    "Let us assume, Johnson, the individua

    A," said Anthony. "A wished to become aawyer; he had his chance and missed it

    We will assume him to be peculiarly

    stupid; we will say that he had opportunit

    for the second timeand again failed tgrasp her. Can you think that, deliberatel

    ed up to his third opportunity of becomin

    a lawyer, A will turn his back for the third


    "Certainly," said Johnson Boller, withou

    hought and solely because Anthony'

    precise driveling interested him a littlmore than the affair of the ring.

    "Pah!" Mr. Fry said angrily.

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    Just here Mr. Horrigan slipped whil

    making his nth jab at the Tornado's nose

    slipped and fell upon the Tornado's fis

    and thereafter reeled about for a fewseconds. Johnson Boller emitted his firs

    real laugh of the evening; Anthony Fry

    who had not seen the incident, failed eve

    o smile.

    "It would be interesting," he said crisply

    "to select a subject, Johnson, and try th


    "What experiment?"

    "That of learning just how many time

    opportunity must be presented to th

    average individual to secure ful

    recognition of her presence and he


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    "Wouldn't it?" mused Johnson Bolle


    "I mean, to reach haphazard into the simillions that go to make up New York, to

    pick just one individual and segregat

    him, and then show himopportunity! To

    ake him aside, where there is nothing elso distract him, and thrust opportunity i

    his very facethe opportunity, whateve

    t might be, that he has always desired. I

    seems to me, Johnson, that watching thaexperiment might be distinctly wort


    "Aha!" yawned Johnson Boller.

    "So, therefore," Anthony said placidly

    "we will find our subject and make th


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    This time, and with a considerable jar

    Johnson Boller awoke to the fact tha

    danger was at his elbow!

    He sat bolt upright and stared at Anthony

    Fry, and in the queerest way his fles

    crawled for a moment and his hand

    urned cold, for he knew that expression oAnthony's all too well. Intent, wholl

    absorbed, that expression indicated that

    however ridiculous the proposition migh

    be, its fangs had fastened in Anthony'very soul!

    This was the expression which recalled

    oh, so clearlythe dread time wheAnthony Fry had become obsessed wit

    he idea that crime is a matter of diet an

    external impression, when he had secure

    he two yeggmen and established the

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    where he could watch and feed them

    when, eventually, he had been forced to

    pay for their crowning crime or go to jai

    as an accomplice!

    This was the expression that brought bac

    he period in which Anthony had

    cherished the theory that music's true geray in the negro race, properly guided an

    separated from all outside influences an

    well, this was the expression, fas

    enough, and Boller's throat tightened. Hhad not even found words of protest whe

    Anthony pursued:

    "And upon my soul! See how the thing habeen prearranged for us!"


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    "To that man," said Anthony, "I shall offer


    "What d'ye mean? Money?" JohnsoBoller asked incredulously.

    "It will involve money, doubtless; I ca

    afford a little."

    "Well, you go and poke a handful of bill

    nto a man's face and all you're going t

    prove is that"

    "I have no idea of doing anything of th

    sort," Anthony said impatiently. "What

    purpose doing is simply this: I shall"

    Johnson Boller had recovered from th

    first shock. He drew a long, deep breath

    and, leaning over to his old friend, place

    a firm, strong hand on his knee and looke

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    "My dear chap!" Anthony laughed.

    "Don't laugh; I know what I'm talkin

    about," Mr. Boller went on, feverishlalmost. "You wait till we get home

    Anthony, and we'll talk over all this abou

    opportunity and get it settled. For th

    matter of that, I can see now that you'rdead right!" Johnson Boller said, an

    here was something almost pathetic in hi

    voice. "You're dead right, Anthony! Al

    you have to do is to stick opportunitbefore a man long enough and he's boun

    o chuck a hammerlock into her and sla

    her down to the mat for keeps! So that'

    settled, and we don't have to do anexperimenting with human subjects. Or i

    you do have to have a live one to work on

    wait till we get home and we'll tak

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    Wilkins, Anthony! That'd be better


    He paused, eying his old friend with deeanxiety. Anthony Fry, having thrown back

    his head, laughed heartily.

    "Johnson," said he, "the whole troubl

    with that poor old head of yours is that i

    s absolutely without the power o

    visualization! It knows the wool business

    t makes thousands and thousands odollars out of the wool business; but t

    save its very life it cannot reach out int

    he abstract!"

    "It doesn't want to reach into the abstract!

    "Well, it should, because it will grow

    more and more stodgy if it doesn't," Mr

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    Fry said complacently. "Good gracious

    Johnson! Coming to life! Just conside

    what may be coming to this seat!"

    "I don't dare!" Johnson Boller sai


    "An old man, perhapsone who fancie

    his opportunities all past and done for

    What more vitally interesting tha

    hrusting opportunity upon such a man


    "So far as I'm concerned, anything unde

    he sun and"

    "Or perhaps a middle-aged failure,Anthony rambled on. "A man just past th

    age when hope is richesta man who ha

    seen his chances come and go. I don

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    know, Johnson, but I rather believe tha

    'm hoping for a middle-aged man."

    "Yes, one that's weak enough to gagbefore he can yell for the police," Johnso

    Boller grunted. "Now, Anthony, before


    "Or best of all, perhaps, an average youn

    man," smiled the experimenter. "Tha

    would really be the most interesting sor

    of subject, Johnsonjust a plain chap, nofully matured, not soured b

    disappointment nor rendered to

    sophisticated by contact with the world

    On the whole, I really hope that a younman is coming!"

    And now, for a time, Johnson Boller said

    nothing at all. There was always th

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    chance that Anthony might work it out o

    his system in talkthere was the othe

    chance, growing rosier and rosier by th

    minute, that the odd chair had not beesold at all.

    t was rather queer, when one considered

    hat seats for this particular star bout habeen at a premium for a week, but it wa

    nevertheless the fact that the preliminar

    arguments were over and the announce

    spinning his megaphoned tale for the bibattle, and the seat still unoccupied. To

    Johnson Boller it even hinted at th

    existence of a special Providenc

    designed to watch the doings of such aAnthony Fry.

    The minutes were wearing along, too. Th

    cheering was done with and th

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    megaphone had left the ring. Seconds an

    rainers were climbing down through th

    ropes, and the principals were listenin

    boredly to the final words of instructionAnd now the gong had struck and the

    were at itand still the odd chair in Bo

    B remained unoccupied.

    "Opportunity!" mused Anthony Fry. "The

    Great Unrecognized!"


    "The Great Unrecognized," Anthon

    repeated complacently. "Not a bad ter

    for her, eh?"

    Johnson Boller made a last survey of th

    neighborhood, permitted himself a sigh o

    relief, and grinned broadly at his ol

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    "Great term, Anthony!" he agreed genially

    "He isn't coming!""He'll be here yet," Anthony smiled.

    "Not now," Boller chuckled. "No ma

    gives up ten or fifteen dollars for one ohese seats and then stays away for an

    reason save death. Your victim was hit by

    a motor-truck on the way hereand at tha

    he may be getting off easier than if you'

    caught him and tried some psychologica

    experiments on him."

    And here Mr. Boller stretched andremoved his cigar, so that his grin migh

    spread from ear to ear.

    "It only goes to show you, Anthony, tha

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    here's some power watching over peopl

    ike you and governing their affairs, that i

    past our understanding. Now, if that poo

    unknown devil had ever turned up an"

    He stopped short.

    n Anthony Fry's eye the blue-white fire o

    enthusiasm glinted out suddenly. Hal

    rising, Mr. Fry gazed down the vast place

    and then, with a smile, sat back again aneyed his friend.

    "Something's wrong with your power

    Johnson," said he. "Here he comes now!"

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    Theory's Victim

    Johnson Boller looked. And, looking, thpleased grin which had so lately suffuse

    his features faded out swiftlybecaus

    he unknown really seemed to be wit


    Far down the mob, an attendant of th

    place was indicating their genera

    direction to a shortish man in a lonstorm-coat; and now he of the coat ha

    nodded and was pushing his way down th

    narrow aisle toward them, staring at th

    sea of faces as he moved along slowly an

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    seeming a little uncertain in hi


    "Anthony!" Johnson Boller said suddenly.


    "Don't speak to this guy! I don't like hi



    "And this gang behind us is doineverything but watch the fight," Mr. Bolle

    whispered on. "If you try anything funn

    on this fellow that's coming, he's likely t

    put up a yell of some kindand once fight starts in this box these three behin

    are coming in."

    "Johnson, don't be absurd," Anthon

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    smiled. "Get over in the odd seat; I wan

    he chap next to me so that I can have

    good look at him."

    "Will you remember that I said you wer

    going to start trouble?" Johnson inquire


    "I'll remember anything you like, only ge

    over into that odd seat," Mr. Fry muttered

    as the stranger came closer. "Ah, he'

    hardly more than a boy."

    "Yes, he's a young thug!" Johnson Bolle

    nformed him in parting. "He's a youn

    gang-leader, Anthonylook at the walk

    Look at the way he has that cap pulle

    down over one eye! Look at"

    Anthony Fry, obviously, would have hear

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    him as well had he been seated on th

    steps of Colorado's State capito

    ntellectual countenance alight, the mildl

    eccentric Anthonyreally the sanest andmost delightful of men except when thes

    abstract notions came to himwas wholl

    absorbed in the newcomer.

    Rather than stare directly he turned towar

    he ring as the young man in the long coa

    crowded into the box and settled dow

    with a little puff, but one who knew him awell as Johnson Boller could fee

    Anthony's eyes looking past his lean righ

    cheek and taking in every detail of theory'

    prospective victim.

    ot that he was a particularly savage

    ooking creature on closer inspection

    however. The cheap cloth cap and th

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    shabby long coatheavy enough for

    yphoon when there was the meres

    suggestion of drizzle outdoorsgave on

    hat impression at first, but seconexamination showed him to be reall

    rather mild.

    He seemed to be about twenty. Hiclothing, from the overcoat to the trouser

    and the well-worn shoes, indicated that h

    came from no very elevated plane o

    society. His features, which seemeddecidedly boyish among some of the face

    present, were decidedly good. His hai

    needed cutting and had needed it, for som

    ime, and he was tremendously interesten the star bout. Elbows on the rail, cap

    pulled down to shade his eyes, th

    youngster's whole excited soul seeme

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    centered in the ring.

    So at a rather easy guess Mr. Bolle

    concluded that he was a mechanic or anitor's assistant or an elevator boy o

    something like that. The buyer of his seat

    finding himself unable to come at the las

    moment, had given the kid his ticket anhe was having the time of his life.

    Johnson Boller hunched down again wit

    a sad little grunt. He had meant to enjohis star bout; only a week ago, in fac

    before the Montreal horror loomed up, h

    had been considering just how an evenin

    might be snatched from the happy homife without disturbing Beatricewho

    gnorant of modern pugilism, disapprove

    prize-fighting on the ground of brutality

    And now it was ruined, because Johnso

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    Boller's next half hour would have to go t

    he devising of means by which Anthon

    could be steered from his idioti

    experiment, whatever it might be iconcrete form.

    Anthony meant to offer this youngste

    opportunityhow or in what forAnthony himself doubtless did not know

    as yet. But he did intend to speak to hi

    and, unless Johnson Boller's faculty fo

    guessing was much in error, he meant toead the youngster hence, perhaps to fee

    him in a restaurant while he talked hi

    full of abstract theory, perhaps even to

    ake him home to the Lasande.

    But whatever he intended, it wouldn't do

    Johnson Boller really needed Anthony thi

    night. He needed Anthony to listen whil

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    he talked about the absent Beatrice, an

    recalled all her beauty, all her fire, all he

    adorable qualities; he needed Anthony a

    he other side of the chessboard, ovewhich game Johnson Boller could grow s

    profoundly sleepy that even Beatrice e

    route to Siam would hardly hav

    disturbed him. And he needed no thirdperson!

    Toward the end of the fifth round

    however, Johnson Boller grew painfullconscious that he had as yet concocted n

    very promising scheme. Indeed, the lon

    nspiration so far included whispering t

    he kid that the gentleman on his other sidwas mildly insane and that flight wer

    best, should the gentleman address him

    but Anthony persisted in leaning so clos

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    o the youngster that whispering wa


    Also, it occurred to Johnson Boller that hhimself might be taken violently illtha

    he might clutch his heart and beg Anthon

    o lead him to the outer air. There wa

    ittle in that, though; the chances wermore than even that Anthony, if hi

    enthusiasm as to the victim still persisted

    would request the youngster's assistanc

    n getting him out.

    And the enthusiasm seemed endurin

    enough. They were in the tenth and las

    round now and Anthony, with his strangesmile, was turning to the young man and

    ah, yes, he was speaking:

    "Pardon me!"

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    The boy started with undue violence an

    stared at him, drew back a little and eve

    ooked Anthony up and down as he said:

    "Speaking to me?"

    "I am speaking to you, young man,

    Anthony smiled benignly. "May I speak to

    you a little more?"

    This, very evidently, was a sensitive boy

    unaccustomed to chatting with reall

    elegant, palpably prosperous strangers

    The startled eyes ran over Anthony agai

    and a frown came into them.

    "What's the idea?" he asked briefly.

    "There is a very large idea, which

    should like to make clear to you," Mr. Fr

    went on smoothly. "I should like to have

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    alk with you, young mannot here, o

    course, but when the fight is overand i

    will be to your considerable advantag


    "I don't want to buy anything," the cann

    young man informed him.

    "And I don't want to sell you anything,

    Anthony laughed, "but I do wish to presen

    o you a proposition which will be o

    much interest."

    This time, possibly not without warran

    he boy shrank unmistakably from him

    hitching his collar a little higher and hi

    cap a little farther down.

    "It wouldn't interest me," he said wit

    some finality. "I'mjust a poor lad, you

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    know, and I haven't a cent to invest i


    "But you have an hour to invest, perhaps?Anthony smiled.


    "Oh, yes, you have," the owner of Fry'mperial Liniment persisted. "It is for n

    purpose of my own, save perhaps t

    ustify a small contention, but I wish yo

    o come home with me for a little while."

    "What?" said the boy.

    As Johnson Boller observed, sighinheavily and shaking his head as h

    observed it, the young man was downrigh

    scared now. An older citizen would have

    spoken his candid thoughts to Anthon

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    Fry, doubtless, and chilled him back to

    reason; but this one drew away fro

    Anthony until he bumped into Johnso

    Boller, turned hastily and asked the latter'pardon and then gazed at Anthony wit

    eyes which, if not filled with terror

    certainly held a quantity of somewha

    amused apprehension.

    He shook his head determinedly an

    seemed to be seeking words, and as h

    sought them a new element entered thsituation. The red-faced person jus

    behind Anthony Fry, having gazed

    suddenly from the youngster to the make

    of theories, lurched forward suddenly anspoke:

    "Let that kid alone!"

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    "Eh?" Anthony said amazedly.

    Johnson Boller leaned forward quickly.

    "Stop right there, Anthony!" he hissed"Don't answer him!"

    "Why on earth shouldn't I answer him?

    Anthony snapped.

    "You keep out of it, young feller!" the red

    faced one told Johnson Boller, and on

    saw that his honest rage was rising fast"He's gotter let that kid alone!"

    "Well, confound your impudence, sir!

    Anthony began. "I"

    "None o' that stuff!" the total stranger sai

    hotly. "You cut out picking on the kid o

    'll step on your face."

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    And here his redder-faced companio

    eaned forward and demanded thickly:

    "Woddy do ter kid, Joe? Huh? Wozzermatterhuh? Wozzer trouble 'th you


    Johnson Boller was on his feet and in th

    aisle, perturbed and still able to see how

    he unexpected had been planned for hi

    especial benefit.

    "This is where we get off, Anthony," he

    said briefly, "I could smell it coming

    Come along."

    "Is there going to be a fight here?" the bon the chair between asked, with a quantit

    of eager excitement.

    "If I know the signs, ten seconds hence thi

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    spot is going to look like a detail of th

    Battle of the Marne," said Mr. Boller

    "And you want to get out of it quick o

    you'll be hurt, kid. You scoot right downhat way, the way you came, and get clea

    of the crowd before it starts."

    He pointed. He waited. But the boy dinot start.

    Who, in the calmer afterward, shal

    explain just how these gunpowdesituations develop, grow instantaneousl

    ncandescent, and explode?

    The atmosphere was one of physica

    battle; the red-faced gentlemen were fille

    with alcoholic spirits; yet who shall sa

    ust why the red-faced man, his frien

    stumbling against him, gained th

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    mpression that Anthony Fry had struc

    him a coward's blow from behind? O

    why, with a roar of incoherent fury, he

    aimed a dreadful punch at Anthonhimself, standing there quite collected i

    somewhat paler?

    That is what happened, although by nmeans all that happened. The unfortunat

    spot came three seconds later whe

    Anthony, side-stepping the alcoholized

    ab, threw up his hands to fend off thabber's whole swaying personthrew

    hem, all unwittingly, so that his right fis

    settled squarely on a red nose, drawin

    herefrom a magic spurt of blood!

    After that, for a little, nothing was ver

    clear. Three sets of fists began to hamme

    n Anthony's general direction; thre

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    hroats shoutedand three hundred too

    up the shout.

    Men came tumbling toward Box B annto it. A large person in bright blue shirt

    sleeves, with a derby on the back of hi

    head, received the third blow intended fo

    Anthony and returned it with interest, jusas that startled person was jammed agains

    he rail.

    From three different points, high-helnight-sticks were pushing through th

    surging crowd; and Johnson Boller

    ooking quickly at the storm center

    counted no less than eleven separatcouples pounding one another, and smiled

    as he jerked Anthony bodily over the rai

    and hissed:

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    "Come on, you poor lunatic! Come on!"

    "Johnson, upon my soul" Anthon

    began."Never mind your soul! Get your body ou

    of here before the cops find it and club i

    o death for starting this rumpus!" Mr

    Boller cried agitatedly. "Look at tha

    sergeant, Anthony! He's got his eye on yo

    and he's fighting his way over here! Now

    you scoot down there, kid! Move! Quickbefore"

    "No! Come with us, boy!" Anthony said

    somewhat disconcertingly.

    "What for?" the boy inquired. "I want t

    watch this."

    "You stay and watch it by all means!

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    Johnson Boller smiled quickly. "You're

    perfectly safe, youngster; I was onl

    fooling. Now you come this way, Anthony


    Anthony, unperturbed, laid a kindly hand

    on the youngster's shoulder.

    "You'd better come with us, my son," said

    he. "They'll run you in for a witness an

    you may be locked up for a week unles

    you have friends to get you out."

    This time he had startled the young man

    Wide eyes turned and stared at him and

    here was a distinct note of fright in th

    voice that said:

    "What do you mean? Arrest me?"

    "Of course, if you stay here," Anthon

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    said. "Come with me and I'll take care o


    And then Johnson Boller had caught hiarm and was dragging him away; an

    Anthony, catching the willing arm of th

    boy, was dragging him after. Around the

    side of the ring they sped, where anterested group of fighters and trainer

    watched the mle; and, veering, o

    hrough a small side door and into th


    "Here's where the taxis wait," Mr. Bolle

    said quickly. "Now, you beat it straigh

    down the street, kid, and"

    "We'll take this one," Anthony interrupted

    as he jerked open the door and thrust hi

    bewildered charge inward. "Tell the man

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    o take us home, Johnson."

    Johnson Boller complied with a grun

    slamming the door viciously as hplumped into his own seat. The kid

    prospective victim of Anthony's lates

    notion, was still with themand h

    seemed contented enough to be there fohe present. The possibility of arrest ha

    arred the youngster more than a little, an

    he hunched down on the little forward sea

    and breathed quite heavily. And nowAnthony's deep, kindly voice wa

    addressing him with

    "You'll come home with me for a littlewhile, youngster?"

    Mr. Boller drew a long, resigned breat

    and prepared to back the boy in ever

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    objection his doubtless normal min

    should offerbut they chanced to paus

    by an arc lamp just then and he caught th

    boy's expression.

    t was really a queer thing to see. No fea

    was there at all now, but only th

    overwhelming, innocent curiosity of youthmingled with an inscrutable somethin

    else. One might have called it a daredevi

    ight, breathing the young craving fo

    adventure, but Johnson Boller, with aunaccountable shudder, felt that it was no

    ust that.

    To save him, he could not have named thequality; he sensed it rather than actuall

    saw it, but it was there just the samea

    ominous, mocking, speculative amusemen

    hat had no place at all in the eye of a

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    elevator boy when looking at the wealthy

    dignified Anthony Fry. The boy's fine teet

    showed for a moment as he asked:

    "Pardon me, but what's it all about? Wh

    under the sun should I go home with you?"

    "Because I want to talk confidentially t

    you for an hour."

    "You're not judging from these togs tha

    'm a criminal, are you?" the boy grinned

    and it seemed to Johnson Boller that th

    one was far too cultivated for the clothes


    "I mean, you don't want any one murdered

    or anything of that kind?"

    Anthony laughed richly.

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    "By no means, my dear boy. As to what i

    s all about I'll tell you when we get there

    You'll come?"

    "I think not," the boy said frankly.


    "Nix! I don't know why, but I don't like thdea. I think it's a little bit too unusua

    Who are you, anyway?"

    "My name is Fry, if that tells yoanything," smiled its owner.

    "Fry?" the boy repeated.

    "Anthony Fry."

    "Eh?" the youngster said, and there was

    peculiarly sharp note in his voice.

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    "He makes Fry's Liniment," Johnso

    Boller put in disgustedly, yet happil

    withal because it was plain that the bo

    would have no part in spoiling his chesgame and the little chat about Beatrice

    "He has a lot of theories not connecte

    with the liniment business, kid, and h

    wants to bore you to death with some ohem. They wouldn't interest you any mor

    han they interest me, and you're perfectl

    right in refusing to listen to them."

    "Umum," said the boy oddly.

    "And now I'll tell you what we'll do,

    Johnson Boller concluded quite happily"You tell me where you live, and when th

    man drops us I'll pay your fare home

    Some class to that, eh? Going home in

    axicab after sitting in a ten-dollar seat a

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    a big fight! You don't get off on a

    amboree like that very often, I'll bet!"

    "No," the boy said thoughtfully."So here's the little old Hotel Lasand

    where Mr. Fry lives," Mr. Boller finished

    cheerfully, "and where shall I tell the ma

    o set you down, kid?"

    He had settled the matter, of course

    ever in this world could the littl

    ragamuffin resist the temptation o

    returning to his tenement home, o

    whatever it was, in a taxi. Johnson Boller

    rising as the vehicle stopped, laid a kindl

    hand on his shoulder.

    "Now, you sit over in my seat and stretc

    your legs while you ride, kidand here

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    Have a real cigar and feel like a rea

    sport! Don't you know how to bite off th


    "II don't want to bite off the end yet,

    he boy muttered.

    "Sink your teeth in it. Now I'll get you


    He felt for one, did Johnson Boller, and

    hen ceased feeling for one. That sudde

    ow laugh of the young man's was one o

    he oddest sounds he had ever heard

    moreover, as the Lasande doorma

    opened the door of the taxi, he caught th

    same odd light in the boy's eyeand now

    he, too, had risen and pulled th

    disreputable cap a little lower as he said:

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    "I won't smoke it now, thanks. I'm goin

    upstairs and listen to Mr. Fry for a while


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    The Hotel Lasande deserves a word owo. In the strict sense it is no hotel at all

    being merely a twenty-story pile of fou

    and fiveand even seven and eight

    room bachelor suites of the very highesclass. Moving into the Lasande an

    assuming one of its breath-stopping lease

    s a process not unlike breaking into th

    most exclusive sort of club. One i

    nvestigated, which tells it all. Th

    Lasande, catering to the very best an

    most opulent of the bachelor class, ha

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    nothing else beneath its roof.

    Silent men servants, functioning perfectl

    despite their apparent woodenness, flieverywhere, invisible until needed

    disappearing instantly when the task of th

    moment is done. There are dining-room

    for the few who do not dine in the privacof their own apartments, and there is

    ong, comfortable lobby where, under th

    eagle eye of the clerk in the corner, only

    enants or guests of tenants may lounge.

    nto this latter area came Anthony Fry and

    Johnson Boller and the boy, and as th

    peculiarly intelligent eyes of the lattedarted about it seemed to Mr. Boller tha

    heir twinkle turned to a positive glitter.

    t was absurd enough, it hailed doubtles

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    "That's just my last name," the boy smiled

    "First name's David."

    "David Prentiss, eh?" Anthony murmuredwith some satisfaction, for it had

    substantial sound. "Well, Davider

    Hitchin, how are you? Mr. Hitchin, m

    young friend, Mr. David Prentiss."

    The boy's hand went out and grippe

    Hitchin's heartily enough. Mr. Hitchin hel

    t for a moment and peered at Davidanone saw what a really penetrating stare h


    t bored, as a point of tempered ice

    wordlessly accusing one of murder

    counterfeiting, bank burglary and plai

    second-story work. Frequently dee

    students of the higher detective fictio

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    you, Fry?"

    "My guest," Anthony said annoyedly; and

    hen the car came down and the dooopened and they left Mr. Hitchin, but th

    boy cocked an eye at Anthony and asked


    "What was the idea of thatstaying wit

    you? I'm not staying with you."

    "You may decide to stay for a little."

    "Not me," said David.

    "We shall see," Anthony chuckled. "This

    s our floor."

    Wilkinsthe priceless, faultless Wilkin

    who had been with Anthony for sixtee

    yearsopened the door and, even thoug

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    he were Wilkins, started a trifle at th

    sight of David and his cap. He flushed fo

    he start, to be sure, as his master move

    nto the big living-room with his superdignity, but when he had taken cap and

    coat and examined the suit beneath

    Wilkins shook his head mentally. One

    shock had come that evening in thknowledge that Johnson Boller, who

    Wilkins did not approve, was to be wit

    hembut this young ruffian!

    "Make yourself at home, David," Anthon

    smiled. "We'll shed our coats and find ou

    smoking jackets."

    Johnson Boller with him, he moved to th

    corner bedroom, to face his old frien


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    "Well, what do you think of him?"

    "He's a bad egg," Johnson Boller sai

    readily. "I don't like his eye and the wahe swaggers would get him six months i

    any court in town. Say whatever it is th

    devilish impulse prompts you to say an

    hen fire him before he pinches the silver.

    "Bosh!" Anthony said testily. "The boy'

    awed and self-consciousthe swagger i

    assumed to cover that, of course. I meawhat, in your decidedly inferior judgment

    s his fitness as a subject for experiment

    Will he know opportunity when she is firs

    set before him or will it be necessary tpresent her repeatedly?"

    Johnson Boller laughed harshly and stare

    hard at his old friend. Under certai

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    conditions, even the empty apartment o

    Riverside Drive might not be so bad.

    "Say!" he demanded. "Are you going tkeep that little rat here and argue with hi

    ill he admits that he recognizes whateve

    opportunity you're going to thrust at him?"

    "Essentially that."

    "Well, if it's an opportunity to earn an

    honest living, he'll never see itand if th

    chatter takes more than an hour I'm goin

    home!" Johnson Boller snapped. "I'd hav

    stayed there if I'd known you were goin

    off into the abstract, Anthony. I wanted to

    alk to you and have a little game of ches

    and a bottle of ale and"

    Anthony smiled serenely.

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    "And the mere fact that a train of thought

    only slightly unusual, has entered you

    evening, has upset your whole being

    hasn't it? Well, it'll do you good to heaand watch something different. This bo

    will see opportunity before I'm done wit

    him, Johnson, and the longer it takes th

    sounder my general hypothesis will havbeen proven."

    Curiously enough, David had lost much o

    his grinning assurance when they rejoinehim. The impudence had left his eye an

    he boy seemed downright uneasy. H

    started and rose at the sight of them, an

    his quick, nervous smile lingered only moment as he said:

    "I think I'd better be going after all, Mr

    Fry. It's pretty late and"

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    and shut them again and ended with a mer

    erk of a nod.

    "How about schooling, David? You'vebeen through high school?"


    "And have you a profession?" Anthonpursued.

    "No, I haven't any profession?" the bo


    "But you're working, of course?" Mr. Fr

    asked sharply.

    "What? Oh, yes," said David.

    "At some mechanical line?"

    "Oh, yes," David said.

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    "In just what line, then?"

    And now, had Anthony but been watching

    some of Johnson Boller's suspicions mushave seemed justified. There was n

    question about the way David's ver

    ntelligent eyes were acting now; the

    darted furtively, wildly almost, from sido side, as if the boy were seeking escape

    They darted toward Anthony and awa

    from him and back to David's shabby sui

    and worn shoes.

    "I'm aplumber's helper!" the boy sai


    "Wait a second, kid!" Mr. Boller put in

    "Let me see those hands!"

    "Well, theythey haven't had time to ge

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    roughened up yet!" David said quickly. "

    ust went to work yesterday."

    "The boy's lying, Anthony!" Mr. Bollesaid bluntly.

    "I don't lie, Mr."

    "Boller," Anthony supplied. "And pleasedon't badger the boy, Johnson."

    "I'm not badgering him," said Johnso

    Boller; "only that kid's hands look morike a society queen's than an hones


    "They may be hands designed for bettehings. David! Tell me, are you quite

    satisfied to be a plumber's helper, or wa

    t the only thing you could find in the wa

    of employment?"

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    "It was all I could find," David muttered

    glancing at the door. And then, with hi

    quick smile, he rose again. "I'd like to si

    here and answer questions, Mr. Fry, bu'll have to run along and"

    Anthony beamed at him over his glasses

    fidgeting there with the impatience oyouth, standing on one foot and then on th

    other. Anthony turned and beamed at the

    bookcase beside him, and selecting

    volume, beamed at that, too.

    "David," said he, "will you be seated lon

    enough to hear a little poem?"


    "It is a very short poem, and one of m

    favorites," Anthony mused, and his stare a

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    David grew quite hypnotic. "Ah, here it i

    a little, wonderfully big poem by th

    ate Senator John Ingalls. It is calle


    "Aha!" David said rather stupidly.

    "And now, listen," said Anthony, clearing

    his throat.

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    "Master of human destinies am I!"

    He paused and sent the hypnotic smil

    drilling into David."'Master of human destinies!'" h

    repeated. "That, in itself, means a ver

    great deal, does it not?"

    "I guess so," David muttered dazedly, and

    however briefly, Johnson Boller almos

    iked him for the look he directed a

    Anthony's bowed head.

    "Fame, love, and fortune on my

    footsteps wait,

    Cities and fields I walk; Ipenetrate

    Deserts and seas remote, and

    passing by

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    Hovel and mart and palace, soon

    or late

    I knock unbidden once at every


    "Once," concluded Anthony, "at every

    gate. Once, David!"

    "Yes, I've heard that poem before," said

    David, who was examining the rug.

    Johnson Boller laughed in a ric

    undertone. Anthony flushed, and his voic

    rose a little as he continued:

    "If feasting, rise; if sleeping,

    wake beforeI turn away. It is the hour of


    And they who follow me

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    Condemned to failure, penury, or


    Seek me in vain and ceaselessly

    implore;I answer not and I returnno


    Almost reverently the book closed.

    "Have you quite assimilated the ful

    meaning of that little poem, David?" h

    asked gravely.


    "Quite?" Anthony persisted.

    "Why, I guess so," David said, eye

    opening again. "Yes, I know I haveonly

    don't look at me like that and"

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    "Then hear the rest of what I have to say,

    Anthony went on quickly an

    mpressively, "for now we come to my

    reason for bringing you here. David, yoare poor. You are without a profession

    without a business of your own. You

    brightest hope at present is to become


    "Say" David began.

    "I should have said, your brighteschance," Anthony corrected. "But you

    ambition, David, is altogether differen

    Your ambition is to becomewhat?"

    And now, before the penetrating, hypnoti

    eye, David seemed, not without warrant

    o have grown downright frightened. H

    glanced swiftly at Anthony and at th

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    "I don't know," he said breathlessly

    "What's the answer?""Well, what do you want to become? A

    doctor? A lawyer? A teacher? An

    electrician? A journalist? A clergyman? A

    painter? An architect? A mining engineer?

    A civil engineer? A"

    t was plain to Johnson Boller that th

    situation was getting beyond David'

    doubtless nimble, doubtless crimina

    mind. The boy held up an unsteady han

    and stayed the flow.

    "That's it!" he said hoarsely. "A civi

    engineer! You got it out of me, didn't you?

    And now I'd better go and"

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    His quick, scared grin showed all hi

    eeth, and he nodded in the most ridiculou

    fashionreally much in the fashion on

    might nod at a hopeless lunatic wheagreeing that, as a matter of course, he i

    he original Pharaoh. His mental stat

    fairly glowed from him; all that Davi

    wanted was to leave the Hotel Lasande.

    David, in short, was doing just wha

    ninety-nine per cent. of the human rac

    nsists on doing; even at the hint oopportunity, he was trying to face abou

    and escape. But more than that, David

    obviously one of the lower classes, wa

    reating Anthony Fry with a tolerance thawas more than mere disrespect. He wa

    causing Johnson Boller to chuckle wearil

    over his cigarand in spite of his purel

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    abstract interest, Anthony's color grew

    darker and his voice decidedly sharper.

    "Sit still," he commanded, "and listen tme. David, up to this evening you had n

    real hope of attaining your ambition. I

    fine, opportunity to make the goal was no

    yours. Now opportunity is yours!"

    "Is it?" David said throatily, albeit he did

    not resume his seat.

    "Because this is what I mean to do fo

    you, David; I mean to take you out of you

    present humble situation and educate you

    mean to have you here to live with me."

    "What?" David gasped.

    "From this very evening!" Anthony said

    firmly, and also astonishingly. "I shal

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    outfit you properly and supply you wit

    what money you need. I shall have yo

    prepared for the best engineering colleg

    we can find, and entered there for the moscomplete engineering course. If you ar

    helping in the support of your family,

    shall pay to them a sum equivalent to you

    wages each monthor perhaps a littlmore, if it be essential to removing al

    anxiety from your mind. You follow me?"

    David merely clutched the edge of his coaand gulped, staring fascinatedly a


    "I am reasonably wealthy, and I shall beaevery expense that you may incur, David

    When you have graduated, and everythin

    hat can be taught you has been taught you

    shall establish you in proper offices an

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    use my considerable personal influence t

    see that you are supplied with work, an

    again until you are self-supporting I shal

    bear all the expense. In short, David,Anthony concluded, "I am holdin

    opportunity before youopportunity t

    do, without trouble or worry or delay, th

    hing you most desire. Well?"

    Even Johnson Boller was mildl

    nterested, although only mildly, and wit

    a deprecatory smile on his lips. He knewexactly what the boy would do, of course

    but it had no connection with Anthony'

    crack-brained notion.

    David would grab with both hands at thi

    kind of opportunity and settle down to

    ife of ease, and the chances were that he'

    get Anthony to sign something that would

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    cost him thousands when he had waked up

    and lost interest in the opportunit


    To Johnson's sleepy and suspicious eye

    David looked like a crafty little devil, i

    one ever walked.

    Yet after a silent thirty second

    opportunity, in her gaudiest and mos

    conspicuous form, had made no visibl

    mpression on David Prentiss. Hibewildered eyes roved from Anthony to

    Johnson Boller. Once he seemed about to

    augh; again he seemed about to speak; h

    did neither.

    And the clock struck twelve.

    And had a bomb exploded between hi

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    poorly shod feet, the effect on Davi

    Prentiss could hardly have been mor

    striking. He started, and his eyes, dilating

    ost their bewilderment and showed plainoverwhelming horror. His mouth opened

    with a shout of:

    "Was that midnight?"

    "Very likely," Anthony said impatiently

    "But as to"

    "Where's my cap and coat?" Davi


    "Never mind your cap and coat. I"

    "But I do mind 'em!" David cried. "I'v

    got to have themquick! Where are they

    Where's the man who took them?"

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    Anthony merely smiled with waxin


    "So you are really rejecting opportunity ahe first knock, eh?" he mused.

    And now David stilled his risin

    excitement only with a huge effort. H

    gripped his chair and looked Anthony i

    he eye.

    "Opportunity behanged!" he crie

    shrilly. "Give me my cap and coat! I wan

    o go home!"

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    The Reluctant One

    One knew Anthony Fry for two or thredecades before quite understanding him

    David's great disadvantage, of course

    was that he had met Anthony only an hou

    or so before. To David, doubtless, thequiet, mysterious, speculative smil

    seemed sinister, for he repeated thickly:

    "I want mymy cap and my coat an"

    "Well, what are you going to do if you

    don't get them?" Anthony laughed.

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    "What did you say?" David asked quickly

    "What if you don't get your coat?"

    "Does that mean that you're going to keeme here, whether I want to stay or not?

    he boy asked quickly.

    "Not just that, perhaps, but it does meahat I'm going to keep you here for a littl

    while, David, until you've come to you

    senses and"

    "I'll yell!" David stated.


    "If you try to keep me here I'll yell unti

    everybody in the house comes in to se

    what's happening!"

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    Anthony laughed quietly.

    "Don't be ridiculous, David," he said

    "I've lived here for years, and they wilknow perfectly well that I'm not injurin

    you in any way."

    "Oh!" gasped David.

    "So just sit down again and consider wha

    have offered you. Sit still for just on

    minute and considerand then give m

    your answer."

    Finger-tips drumming, benevolent gaz

    beaming over his glasses, the unusua

    Anthony waited. David's scared eyeroved the room, wandered over Johnso

    Boller, reading his paper, and finally

    settled so steadily on that gentleman tha

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    he looked up and, looking, read David'

    mind and shrugged his shoulders.

    "Your own fault, kid," said he. "I wantedo give you a free ride, but you had t

    come up and hear what he had to say."

    "Johnson!" Anthony said sharply, "Just le

    he youngster's mental processes work th

    hing out in their own way."

    Half a minute dragged alongyet befor

    t was gone one saw clearly that th

    mental processes had taken their grip. A

    extremely visible change was coming ove

    David Prentiss. He gulped down certai

    emotions of his own, and presentl

    managed to smile, uneasily at first an

    hen with a certain confidence. He cleare

    his throat and, with a slight huskiness

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    addressed Anthony:

    "Erdo I understand that you want me t

    stay here until I fully appreciate all you'voffered me, Mr. Fry?"

    "Virtually that."

    "Well, I appreciated that all along; butbut I was sort of worried about it gettin

    so late, you know," David said brightly. "

    certainly do appreciate it, and I thank yo

    very much. Now can I have my coat?"

    "Really decided to grip the opportunity

    eh?" Anthony asked keenly.

    "You bet!"

    Johnson Boller laid aside his paper.

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    "Now chase him, Anthony!" he said. "He'

    standing up and holding the sugar on hi

    nose. Slip the kid a five-dollar bill and le


    "Do you really imagine that I'd rouse al

    he boy's hopes and then play him

    shabby trick like that?" Anthony askedsharply.


    "Most emphatically not!" Mr. Fry said

    "I'll play no such shabby trick on th

    youngster. He shall have exactly th

    chance I promised, and I shall watch th

    working out of the idea with the mos

    ntense interest. David, I'm going to keep

    you here from this minute!"

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    "Keep me here?" David echoed blankly.


    David gazed fixedly at the electrolier.

    "Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Fry," he said. "I'd

    ike to stay to-night, but I can'tnot to

    night. You see, I have to go home to myfather. He's anan invalid."

    "We'll telephone the good news to him,

    Anthony smiled.

    "You can't," said David. "We're too poor

    o have a telephone."

    "Very well. Then we'll wire him."

    David shook his head energetically.

    "That wouldn't do, either," said he

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    "Father's sick, you know. His heart's ver

    weak. Just the sight of a telegram migh

    kill him."

    "Unfortunate!" Anthony sighed and

    shrugged his shoulders. "Very well

    David. Then you shall write him a note

    and I'll have Wilkins take it to him."

    David swallowed audibly and smiled

    wild little smile.

    "Oh, no! Not that, sir!" said he. "Tha

    might be even worse than a telegram,



    "Well, father would be likely to think tha

    'd beenbeen injured and taken int

    some swell home, you know, and that

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    was writing like that just to reassure him

    o," David said firmly, "that would be th

    worst possible thing. I'll have to go mysel

    and talk it over with father andnow if can have my cap and my coat?"

    t came as a familiar refrain. It cause

    Anthony's eye to darken suddenly as he saback and stared at the boy.

    "Confound your hat and coat!" he rappe

    out. "See here, David. You write the noteand I myself will take it to your father an

    explainand be sure that he will rejoice

    There is the desk. Where do you live?"

    His tone was not nearly so benevolent

    Opposition, as always, was rousin

    Anthony's unfortunate stubbornness; wit

    or without reason, had David but know

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    t, every mention of that cap and coat wa

    diminishing his chances of walking out o

    he Lasandeand it is possible that h

    sensed something of the kind, for his smildisappeared abruptly, and the assuranc

    hat had been with him was no more.

    "I can't tell you where I live!" he saihoarsely.

    "In the name of heaven, why not?

    Anthony snapped.

    "Becausebecausewell, you may no

    understand this, sir, but I promised father

    wouldn't tell any one where we live."


    "I did, and I can't break a promise!" Davi

    nsisted. "You see, father was rich once

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    and he's terribly proud. He doesn't wan

    any one to know we live in such a poo

    place, because somebody he used to know

    might hear of it and try to help him, anhat would break father's heart."

    "His heart's in pretty bad shape, isn't it?

    Johnson Boller muttered.

    "Frightful!" said David. "And that's wh

    'll have to go now and explain to him an

    hink it all over and"

    "Why think it over?" Anthony rasped

    "Isn't your mind made up now?"

    "Of course it is," the boy said hastily"Only I'll have to tell father and then com

    back here in the morning, Mr. Fry; only

    have, to go home now!"

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    hat she was there.

    Well, then, heshouldsee her!

    Anthony's square chin set. He rose with erk and stood surveying the nervou

    David, a tall, commanding, rathe

    fearsome figure. Some little time h

    ransfixed the lad with his cold, hard eyes

    while David grew paler and paler; then h

    walked down upon David, who cringe

    visibly, and seized his shoulders.

    "David," he said sternly, "you have no

    conception at all of what I am trying t

    offer you. I'm going to keep you here unti

    you have."

    "Keep mehere?" David faltered.

    "Just that."

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    t was in Johnson Boller's mind to rise an

    deliver a little speech of his own, pointin

    out the legal rights of David Prentiss an

    he chance that, at some later datenterested parties might hear of thi

    evening and use it in moving Anthon

    oward an insane asylum. Yet he did no

    speak, for he grew interested in Davihimself.

    That bewildered youngster was shrinkin

    and shrinking away from Anthony. He wawilting before the stem eye, and he wa

    smiling in the sickliest, most ghastl

    fashion. And now he was noddin

    submissively and speaking:

    "Yes, I'll stay, Mr. Fry."

    "Ah!" said Anthony.

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    "II'm glad to stay," David assured him.

    Then, looking at Anthony, he contrived

    another smile and yawned; and havinyawned once, he yawned again, vastly

    and stretching the second time.

    "Thethe trouble with me is that I'

    sleepy," David stated, in a strange, low

    voice. "I get that way because I'm not use

    o late hours, and when I do get sleepy I

    can't think or talk or do anything. I'll bmyself in the morning, Mr. Fry; but if I'

    going to stay here, I'd like to go to be


    He yawned again and still again, quit

    noisily and eying Anthony in an odd

    expectant, pleading way. Anthony, after a

    puzzled moment, shrugged his shoulder

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    and smiled.

    "Go to bed if you like, David," he said

    "There are one or two things I want to sao you first."

    "Yes, sir," David said obediently.

    "To-morrow, when you have slept on it'm confident that you will see the hug

    opportunity that I have offered you, an

    hat you will stay with me as one of m

    ittle household. It is not an exactin

    position, but there are one or two law

    you must remember. For the firstno

    dissipation. You don't drink, David?"

    "Not a drop, sir."

    "And for another," Anthony said gravely

    "no women!"

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    "Eh?" said David.

    "Absolutely no women in this Hote

    Lasande!" Anthony repeated, with fanatic force that caused Johnson Boller t

    snort disgustedly and throw up his hands

    "This is, perhaps, more strictly than an

    other house in New York an all-manestablishment. There are not even wome

    servants here, David, and other sorts o

    women don't run in and out of here. I

    fact, the ladies who do comerelatives ohe tenants, of courseare so very few

    hat they're all known to the clerks. So

    while you may have a sweetheart, David

    and while she may be all very well in heplacekeep her out of here!"


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    "That's the unwritten law of the house, an

    t makes for profound peace," Anthon

    concluded. "You'll appreciate it more

    fully when you have lived here for ime."

    David, facing Mr. Fry, gazed at the floo

    and yawned again.

    "I guess I'll go to bed," he said weakly.

    "And before that we'll start you on th

    right track," Anthony said with a gentl

    smile. "You'll take a good, hot bath."

    He pressed the button and Wilkin


    "The guest-chamber for young Mr

    Prentiss, Wilkins," said Anthony. "You

    will outfit him with pajamas of my ow

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    and the gray bathrobe I used last year. To

    morrow we'll get you something that fits


    David nodded numbly.

    "And, Wilkins," said his master, "you wil

    assist Mr. Prentiss with his bath."

    David's nod broke in two.

    "I don't want any help," he said.

    "But Wilkins"

    "Wilkins or anybody else; I don't want an

    help with a bath. I know how to take

    bath, at least. I don't know how you swell

    ake yours, but I take mine alone; I don

    want any one pottering around me, and

    won't have it!"

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    His countenance flushed angrily, and

    Anthony favored him with an indulgen

    smile. After all, he was very young.

    "As you please, David. Show him to th

    north bathroom, Wilkins. That is all."

    But he tapped Wilkins's shoulder and held

    him back a moment to add:

    "And get his wretched togs, Wilkins. I'l

    dress him properly to-morrow; but ge

    hose rags away from him."

    "Very good, sir," said Wilkins, as he

    glided down the corridor after David.

    The proprietor of Fry's Imperial Linimen

    watched him go and smiled softly

    returning to his chair to grin at Johnso

    Boller in a perfectly human fashion

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    with his friends, he'll have you pinche

    for detaining him here against his wil

    and I'll give you ten to one that he collect

    not less than twenty-five hundred dollarbefore he's through. You scared him stif

    with your eagle eye and your craz

    notions, and he pleaded guilty so he coul

    go to bed and get away from you. I'll havo testify to that if he calls on me."

    "Fiddlesticks!" said Anthony Fry.

    "Is it? Wait and see, Anthony," Johnson

    Boller said earnestly. "That kid spell

    rouble. I can feel it in the air."

    "You can always feel it in the air,

    Anthony smiled.

    "Maybe so; but this feeling amounts to

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    pain!" Boller said warmly. "This is

    huncha premonitionone of thos

    prophetic aches that can't be ignored

    Why, he had a fight started before you hadspoken ten words to him, and"

    "Oh, rot!" Anthony said.

    Johnson Boller drew a deep, concerne


    "On the level," he said, "are you going t

    keep this kid imprisoned here?"

    "By no means," Anthony laughed. "As

    matter of fact, all I want to do is to talk t

    him in the morning. I want to knowJohnson, whether he will actually persis

    n fighting off the chance I'm offering hi

    because it's so confounde

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    characteristic of the whole human race. I

    he's as obstinate in the morning as he i

    nowwell, I suppose I'll turn him loos

    with a ten-dollar bill, and look around foanother subject. I'd really like to approac

    a dozen men, picked haphazard, and writ

    a little paper on the manner in which the

    greet opportunity."

    "Yes, but not while I'm with you," Johnson

    Boller said. "Anthony, do thisget the ki

    aside in the morning and tell him you'been drinking heavily all day and didn

    know what you were doing to-night. See

    Make a joke of it and slip him fifty to kee

    quiet, and then"

    "Ah, Wilkins," Anthony smiled. "Got hi

    ogs, did you?"

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    The invaluable one bowed and held th

    shabby garments at a distance from hi


    "He passed them out to me through a crac

    n the door," he reported disgustedly

    "What shall I do with them? They'r

    hardly worth pressing, sir."

    "Of course not. Don't bother with them,

    Anthony smiled, and waved his man away

    "Johnson, turn intelligent for a momenwill you?"

    "Why? Intelligence has no place in thi


    "Oh, yes it has. Let's examine the case o

    his David youngster and try to reconstruc

    his emotions and his mental impression

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    when confronted with opportunity such a


    "Damn opportunity!" said Johnson Bollerrising with a jerk. "I'm going to bed!"

    Only once had Johnson Boller tarried i

    Montreal, and on that occasion th

    hermometer had ranged about ninety ihe shade. Yet now, as he slumbered

    fitfully in Anthony's Circassian guest

    chamber, childhood notions of Canad

    came to haunt his dreams.

    He saw snowlong, glistening roads o

    snow over which Beatrice whizzed in

    four-horse sleigh, with driver and footma

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    on the box, and beside her a tall, foreign

    ooking creature with a big mustache an

    flashing eyes and teeth. He talked t

    Beatrice and leaned very close, devourinher beauty with his eyes; and Johnso

    Boller groaned, woke briefly, and drifted

    off again.

    He saw ice; they were holding an ic

    carnival in Montreal, and everybody wa

    on skates. Beatrice was on skates

    ravishing in white fur, leading some sorof grand march with the Governor Genera

    of Canada, who skated very close to he

    and devoured her beauty with his bold

    official eyes, causing Johnson Boller tgroan again and thresh over on his othe


    He saw a glittering toboggan slide

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    aughing people in furs were there at th

    head of the slide, notably Beatrice

    chatting shyly with a blond giant in

    Mackinaw, who leaned very close to heas they prepared to coast and devoure

    her beauty with his large, blue eyes. Now

    hey settled on the toboggan, just thes

    wo, although Johnson Boller's astral selseemed to be with them. The blond gian

    whispered something, and they slid dow


    And they struck something, and Johnso

    Boller was on his feet in the middle of th

    Circassian chamber, demanding:

    "What's that? What was that?"

    Somewhere, Anthony was muttering and

    moving about. Somewhere else, Wilkin

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    was chattering; but the main impressio

    was that the roof had fallen inan

    Johnson Boller, struggling into hi

    bathrobe, stumbled to the door and bursnto the brilliant living-room.

    n the center of the room, flattened upo

    he floor, was Anthony's substantial littledesk. Papers were around it and blotter

    and letters without number, and the old

    fashioned inkwell had shot off its top an

    set a black streak across the beautifuOriental carpet.

    Two chairs were on their sides, also, bu

    he striking detail of the picture wafurnished by David Prentiss. That youn

    man was sprawled crazily, just beyond th

    desk, and beside him, holding him dow

    with both hands, was Wilkins, tastefull

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    arrayed in the flowered silk pajama

    Anthony had discarded last year as to


    "I've got him, sir!" Wilkins' pale lip

    reported, as his master appeared. "I hav

    him fast."

    "What'd he do?" Johnson Boller aske

    quickly. "Pull a knife on you, Wilkins?"

    "He'd not time for that, sir," Wilkins said

    grimly. "I think he stumbled over a chai

    and took the desk along with him, trying t

    get out. I always wake just as the cloc

    strikes two, and stay awake ten minutes o

    more, and that's how I came to hear hi

    and get him. He was just getting to his fee

    when I ran in and turned on the lights, an


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    "Let him up!" Anthony said sharply.

    "But don't let go of him!" Johnson Bolle

    said harshly. "I missed the time by ahour, but I was right otherwise, Anthony

    He's got the silver and your stick-pins an

    rings on him, andwhat the dickens is h


    Silence fell upon them for a little, a

    David struggled to his feet and looke

    about with a strange, trancelike starefohere was some reason for Mr. Boller'


    David, apparently, had dressed for th

    street. He wore shoes not less than fiv

    sizes too long; he wore a bright brow

    sack coat which came almost to his knees

    and blue trousers which were turned u

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    until they all but met the coat. He ha

    acquired a rakish felt hat, too, whic

    rested mainly on the back of his neck.

    "He got them clothes out of the junk-close

    at the end of the corridor, sir," Wilkins

    said quite breathlessly. "He must hav

    been roaming the place quite a bit, to havfound them, and"

    "What were you trying to do, David?

    Anthony snapped.

    "I don't know, sir," David said vaguely

    passing a hand over his eyes in a manne

    far too dramatic to be convincing.

    "Where did you get those clothes?"

    "I have no idea, sir," David murmured.

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    "Morning will do for father," Anthony

    said briefly.

    "But I have a feeling that somethinerrible's going to happen if I don't g


    Anthony Fry laid a kindly hand on hi


    "Get back to bed, youngster," he smiled

    "You're nervous, I suppose, being in a

    strange bed, and all that sort of thing. And

    ncidentally, get off those clothes and giv

    hem to Wilkins."

    David gulped audibly.

    "I'll pass them out to Wilkins, if I must

    sir," he said in the queerest, choking voic

    and he turned from them and shuffle

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    down the corridor to the north bedroom o

    Anthony Fry's apartment.

    "Curious kid!" Anthony muttered."Not nearly as curious as you are," sai

    Johnson Boller. "You didn't even go

    hrough his pockets and get out the stuf

    while he was here, and we could see jus

    what he'd taken! You let him go in there

    and dump the pockets before he gives u

    he clothes and"

    Anthony permitted himself a grin and


    "My dear chap, go back to bed and forget," he said impatiently. "The boy wa

    stealing nothing. He may have been tryin

    o escape; he may have been walking i

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    ime before it found her in th


    Behind thick palms, Beatrice sat with broad-shouldered person in the uniform o

    a field-marshal; he had a string of medal

    on his chest, and he was devouring he

    beauty with his hungry eyes. Nay, more, heaned close to Beatrice and sought to tak

    her hand, and although she shrank fro

    him in terror, there was a certai

    fascinated light in her own lovely blaceyes; she clutched her bosom and sough

    o escape, but

    "Oh, my Lord!" said Johnson Bollerawakening to stare at the dark ceiling.

    Somewhere a window slammed.

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    He listened for a little and heard nothin

    more; then, having the room nearest th

    elevators, he heard one of them hum u

    swiftly and heard the gate clatter openAnd then there were voices and some on

    knocked on the door of the apartment wit

    a club, as it seemed. Somebody els

    protested and pressed the buzzerand bhat time Wilkins had padded down th

    hall and was opening the door.

    Johnson Boller caught:

    "Police officer! Lemme in quick! You've

    got a burglar in there!"

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    The Wee Sma' Hours

    Wilkins, in his official black, was wonderfully self-contained person; rouse

    from slumber in pink-rosed silk, his self

    control was not so perfect, for as h

    struggled out of bed again Johnson Bollecaught:

    "God bless my soul, officer! What"

    "Hush!" interrupted an unfamiliar

    horrified voice. "Come inside quickly an

    close that door."

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    Anthony was in motion, too. Johnso

    Boller, stumbling out of his Circassia

    apartment, met him just entering the living

    room from his own chamber, and for annstant they stared at one another as the

    knotted bathrobe cords about them.

    "You see?" Johnson Boller said, with acidriumph. "I was right, eh?"


    "The cops have tracked the little devi

    down for his last job, whatever that ma

    have been, and they've found him here

    ow you've got a nice scandal on you

    hands, haven't you? A tenth-rate kid crook

    found hiding in the flat of Mr. Anthony

    Fry, with the full knowledge and consen


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    "Upon my word, Johnson, I think you'v

    ost your senses to-night!" Anthon

    snapped. "Whatever is wrong, Wilkins?"

    The silk-pajamaed one indicated thei

    visitors with a hand that was none to


    "It's Mr. Dodbury, the night manager, sir

    and this policeman that says"

    "I'm afraid you have a burglar in here, Mr

    Fry," the manager put in agitatedly. "I can

    understand how it occurred; nothing of th

    kind has ever happened to us before, an

    he mouth of that alley is constantly unde

    he eye of the firemen on that side of th

    boiler-room. Moreover, there is a hig

    gate from the street and I cannot believ

    hat any one"

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    The burly officer halted him.

    "Well, however he got there, he was on

    he fire-escape and coming down when see him from the street," he sai

    energetically. "When he seen me he turned

    nto this north window and closed it afte

    him, and my partner'd have given me thwhistle if he'd come out again. Whic

    room will it be, now?"

    Wilkins glanced significantly at himaster.

    "If it's the north room on the fire-escape

    sir, it must be the room young Mr. Prentis

    has to-night."

    "And the burglar is supposed to have gon

    n there?" Anthony said calmly.

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    "He ain't supposedhe went. I seen him!

    stated the law. "And the longer we stand

    here and talk about it, the more chance h

    has to kill whoever's in there!"

    "Well, as it happens, he isn't killing any

    one, because he isn't there," Mr. Fry said

    patiently and with just a touch ocontempt. "Any one entering that roo

    must have wakened Mr. Prentiss, and h

    certainly hasn't called for help. For tha

    matter, I should have heard the windowmyself, because I sleep very lightly

    evertheless, if you wish, we will go i


    mpressively dignified even in hi

    bathrobe, Anthony led the way down th

    side corridor, with the four trailing afte

    him. They came to the door, and th

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    officer pushed forward, club raised griml

    over his right shoulder as he laid his lef

    hand on the knob.

    "Where's the light-switch in there?" h


    "Right by the door," Wilkins supplied.

    "Duck in the second I turn the knob, throw

    on the light, and then dodge along th

    wall," the law commanded briefly. "Ar

    you ready?"

    The invaluable one muttered his assen

    The knob turned soundlessly and the doo

    flew open. Wilkins, with a distinctlerrified little wheeze, pushed in, jabbe

    at the button, and scurried down the roo

    on his hands and knees, eyes shut to shiel

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    his brain from the horrible impression.

    Yet there was no hint of anything horrible

    With all four corners of the room in plainsight, with the empty closet partly ope

    and its interior fully visible, no burgla

    crouched, pistol in handno maske

    malefactor leaped forward to stun thofficer with his padded lead-pipe. Onl

    David Prentiss was in the room, an

    David slumbered sweetly in the bed, th

    covers pulled tight up around his younchin, a gentle dream-smile upon hi

    regular features.

    "Well, wotter yuh know about" theofficer began.

    "Hush!" Anthony said gently.

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    "Don't wake the youngster!" Anthon

    whispered sharply. "There's no need fohat, officer. Look around if you like and

    hen let us get out of here."

    He folded his arms and waited, while th

    officer, visibly puzzled, poked about th

    room, and Wilkins, on his feet and smilin

    sheepishly, tip-toed to the doorwhil

    he night manager of the Lasande steppen and looked about with a mixture o

    perplexity and relief, and Johnson Bolle

    stood and stared at the sleeping David.

    "Are you quite sure it was this window

    officer?" the manager asked.

    "I am that, if this is the one next to th

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    corner of the house."

    "But are you quite sure that you didn

    magine it?" Anthony asked tartly.The policeman looked him over gravely.

    "Boss, when I can see a man in blac

    clothes staring down at me, letting off ittle howl of fright, and then turnin

    around and going into a windowwhen

    can see that and it ain't there, I'll turn i
