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How lonely I feel!

I want a boyfriend…

Hi, is this the music

class?Oh yes, are you new?

Yes, yes. Im on an

Exchange course.

Today is my first day in


Oh, good. I think we should go to the class. Later we are having a


Justin and Nicole go into the class, meanwhile she can´t take him out of her head.

I think I fell in love..

They have a break and Nicole goes with her friends to tell her what happened.

Girls! I have something important to tell you. Before going to class I talked with a new boy

Great! What`s

his name? Justin

And what happened?

Yes, we were talking and he said me that he was argentinian

The girls went on talking. Suddenly Justin arrives and asks Nicole if she wants to go for a walk to get to know each other better.

Hi girls, hi Nicole would you go for a ride to school?

Oh right, come on!

The time went by, and both fell in love and got engaged. They were inseparable and there love crew bigger.

I don’t know what i’ll do without you.We’ll see

later. Let’s enjoy the moment.

You’re the best that

happened to me in all my


You too! You’re the

most beautiful and lovely

person I have ever met.

She didn’t know, but it would be the last time she would see Justin.

With the passing of the days, Nicole starts to see that Justin isn’t attending classes, he doesn’t call her and she doesn’t know anything about him.This is the moment when Nicole starts to find out about Justin’s life, so she asks to her friends.

Girls! Justin hasn’t come to the school for a few days, I don’t know anything about

him and I’m worried. Do you know anything about him?

Emm.. no, the last time I

saw him was the last week.

Haven’t seen him this week. It’s weird.

Maybe he’s ill.

It’s strange he hasn’t called me. I hope it isn’t what I’m


A week later…

Nicole is in her house very sad, watching TV. She receives a message, it was Justin, so she runs quickly. After reading that message she is sadder than she was. The news was very hard for her, as she was interested in his lover’s life.

In that moment, she calls her friends and asks for to come to her house. Suddenly, the bell rings, and her friends were there.

Do you know

anything of Justin?

Yes, was the worst news I.

could have ever received!

Nicole, what


Why? What


No, he is okey, but he isn’t here in USA. I received a

message from him, in which he told me he had

to come back to Argentina.

Maybe you can go to visit him at the end of

the year.

That’s a good idea!

That’s a good idea!

Fantastic! I think you are

right, I have to go to visit him.

After three months Nicole travels to Argentina to visit Justin. Her arrival surprised Justin since he didn’t expect her. They had a very romantic meeting and decided not to split up again.


Barlassina JuliaBerrino María Florencia

Bischoff AgnesCarollo SofíaKarl Bárbara

Participación especial: Ciappini Augusto