Forward Planning of Evaluations European...


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Forward Planning of Evaluations


European Commission

For 2013 and beyond


This document provides an overview of evaluations planned by the Commission Services in the context of their Management Plans 2013 (Annex 4 of the Management Plan). It includes retrospective evaluations, i.e. interim evaluations of on-going interventions (mid-term evaluations and final evaluations towards the end of a programme) and ex-post evaluations. It also covers studies with evaluative character or studies/data collections foreseen to contribute to evaluations.

Ex-ante evaluations and impact assessments are not included.

The evaluations are listed by Policy Area.


2013 PERICLES programme


Agriculture and Rural Development 2013 Evaluation of the structural effects of direct support (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of apiculture programmes support (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of EU legislation on organic farming (carried over from 2012)

Synthesis of Sapard ex-post evaluations (carried over from 2012) (RO, BG, HR)

Evaluation of the school milk scheme (carried over from 2012)

2014 Evaluation of investment support under the rural development policy

Evaluation of market and trade implications of veal marketing standards (carried over from 2013)

Evaluation of the Economic Partnership Agreements (AGRI) (carried over from 2013)

Evaluation of measures applied under the CAP to the cotton sector (carried over from 2013)

2015 Synthesis of rural development ex-ante evaluation (2014-2020)

Evaluation of agricultural information policy (carried over from 2013)

Evaluation of environmental effects of CAP measures applied to the wine sector (carried over from 2014)

2016 Synthesis of RD ex-post evaluations 2007-2013

Evaluation of GIs in trade agreements

Evaluation of geographical indications of spirit drinks

Bureau of European Policy Advisers 2013 Ex post evaluation on European Strategy and Policy Analysis System pilot project and

preparatory action

Climate Action 2013 CO2 and cars regulation: improving the monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions

from cars and vans by designing a common EU data base (recital 26 CO2 from vans regulation) (carried over from 2012)

Fuel quality directive: facilitating the evaluation and approval of mechanisms for GHG reductions in the oil and gas sectors as regards transport fuels (carried over from 2012)

Study on draft amendment of Regulation 595/2009 Euro VI to include the measurement methodology for complete heavy duty vehicles and a draft decision on monitoring and reporting of heavy duty emissions data

2014 Review of the functioning of ETS Directive 2003/87/EC in relation to aviation activities

Review of the arrangements provided for in the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1031/2010 of 12 November 2010 on the timing, administration and other aspects of auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances pursuant to ETS Directive 2003/87/EC including the operation of all auction processes

Review relating to the achievement of the greenhouse gas emission target for 2020 referred to in Article 7a of Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC

2015 Review of the CCS Directive 2009/31/EC in the light of the experience gained in the early phase of its implementation with a view to make proposals for its revision as appropriate

Commission's Administration 2013 OIL: Satisfaction survey of the inter-institutional children's centre (CPE) in Luxembourg

Reader satisfaction with the new monthly magazine: satisfaction survey for a sample of readers

Reader satisfaction with MyIC (HR.D3): a focus group to be organised

OIB: Survey on mobility -Satisfaction survey - identification of areas for improvement - biannual survey

Gardiennage (HR.DS.4). Détermination de la satisfaction des demandeurs de prestations spécifiques de gardiennage (in house survey after the delivery of the services)

DS Bulletin (HR.DS2): Focus group to give feedback on quality and relevance of the DS Bulletin

Evaluate satisfaction with the received training (HR.DS.3): Staff who received security training (LSO, RCO and sensitive information courses) - In-house surveys after the delivery of the services

Satisfaction of customers of the Duty Office with the services provided (HR.DS.1)

Ongoing survey among "rapporteurs"/recruiting DGs and candidates (HR.A2) (ongoing)

2013 Staff Opinion Survey (incl. elements to follow up the DGs situation and progress against an Equal opportunities performance framework (Ref.: Strategy on equal opportunities for women and men at the European Commission (2010-2014))

2013 Staff Opinion Survey

Survey on the environmental awareness and behaviour of the European Commission staff (HR.D5)

Customer Satisfaction Survey with the recruitment and selection procedures (HR.B2)

Surveys related to Managing rights and obligations (HR.B1)

Employee survey among Cabinet staff (HR.R2)

Satisfaction survey on IAC/BPR work (03)

Staff satisfaction with Internal Information and Communication at central level: HR Administration, Management Matters

2014 Child-minding services- Satisfaction survey among users and non-users of the garderies services

Catering- Satisfaction survey among users and non-users of the cantines

PMO Contact- Satisfaction survey

RCAM - AssMal2 (PMO)- satisfaction survey

PMO: MIPS 2 User satisfaction survey - Satisfaction survey - identification of areas for improvement

Survey to measure the satisfaction of non-Commission staff with the services provided by the JSIS (PMO)

Competition 2013 Evaluation of customer benefits from antitrust (cartels) and merger enforcement

(Continuous activity)

Evaluation of the application of the Commission Communication on the application of the state aid rules to short term export credit insurance (carried over from 2011)

Survey of merchants' costs of processing cash and card payments (COMP/2012/003)

Broad merchant payment acceptance survey (COMP/2012/004)

Evaluation of the application of the state aid Block Exemption Regulation (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of the application of the Regional Aid Guidelines (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of the Community Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection

Evaluation of the Community guidelines on aid to the maritime industry (carried over from 2012)

Framework contract for economic advice in the assessment of aid for postal and aviation services

Framework contract for economic advice in the assessment of aid for postal and aviation services as well as the assessment of restructuring aid for the industrial and transport sector

Communication 2013 Interim evaluation of framework contract (FWC) PO/2010-24/A6 Information Events

for Journalists

Horizontal evaluation of the Management partnerships

Evaluation of the Management Partnership in Germany

Evaluation of the Management Partnership in Slovenia

Evaluation of the Management Partnership in Estonia

Evaluation of the Management Partnership in Slovakia

Evaluation of the Management Partnership in Hungary

Mid-term evaluation of the Europe Direct Contact Centre (EDCC)

Evaluation of the European Year of Citizens 2013

Evaluation of material on teachers corner

Evaluation of visits to the Commission

Economic and Financial Affairs 2013 Evaluation of Ameco internal database (Carried over from 2012)

Interim evaluation of the project bond pilot initiative

Interim evaluation of the Marguerite Fund

Evaluation of Treasury & asset management

Evaluation of MFA operations in Armenia (Carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of MFA operations in Moldova (Carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of MFA operations in Serbia (Carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of BoP assistance operations (country(-ies) to be decided) (Carried over from 2012)

2014 Evaluation of DG ECFIN's economic research activities

Evaluation of the ELENA programme

Evaluation of economic surveillance activities related to third countries - EU enlargement

Evaluation of economic surveillance activities related to third countries - EU Neighbourhood Policy

Evaluation of activities related to euro area enlargement

Evaluation of euro communication

2015 Evaluation of Economic Service Function of DG ECFIN

Evaluation of DG ECFIN's forecasting services

Final evaluation of the project bond pilot initiative

Evaluation of Guarantee Fund

Evaluation of fiscal surveillance activities

2016 Evaluation of external representation

Education and Culture 2013 Interim evaluation CEDEFOP (Carried over from 2012)

Interim evaluation on Communication and Valorisation

Interim evaluation on the Agenda for Culture (Carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on Early School Leaving

Evaluation of the Common Quality Assessment Framework for Vocational Education and Training – EQAVET

Evaluation of the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training


Ex-post evaluation of European Capitals of Culture 2012 (Carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of European Capitals of Culture 2013, including a meta evaluation covering the action 2007 - 2013

Evaluation of the European Qualification Framework for Lifelong Learning

Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Policy (Open Method of Coordination) + comprehensive evaluation of policy area, including Multilingualism

Evaluation of the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership and the European Youth Forum

Interim evaluation on the EU Strategy on Youth + comprehensive evaluation of policy area

Evaluation of Mobility of Young Volunteers (to be combined with the evaluation of the EU Strategy on Youth)

Interim evaluation on the Traineeship Scheme

Interim evaluation on the Central Library

2014 3rd evaluation of EACEA

3rd evaluation of Europass

Ex-post evaluation of the European Capitals of Culture 2014

Interim evaluation of the European Training Foundation

2015 Interim evaluation of CEDEFOP

Ex-post evaluation of the European Capitals of Culture 2015

Evaluation of the Council Recommendation on Learning Mobility

2016 Interim evaluation of Creative Europe + ex-post evaluation of the Culture and MEDIA 2007 programmes

Ex-post evaluation of ECOC 2016

Interim evaluation of the EIT

Interim evaluation of Erasmus for All + ex-post evaluation of LLP (incl. University-Business Dialogue), YiA, EM2, Ext. Coop. agreements

Contribution to the interim evaluation of Marie Curie 2014-2020 + ex-post of Marie Curie under FP7

2017 Ex-post evaluation of ECOC 2017

Evaluation of the Community action for the European Heritage Label

Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 2013 Evaluation of Directive 2002/14/EC (Information and consultation), Directive

98/59(collective dismissals) and Directive 2001/23 (transfer of undertakings) (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of Directives 98/23 (Part time work) and 1999/70 (fixed term work) (carried over from 2011)

EGF ex-post evaluation first phase

Ex-post evaluation of the EURES programme covering the period 2009-2013

Evaluation of the EURES jobs network covering the period 2003-2012

Follow up and evaluation of preparatory action Your First EURES Job

ESF 2007-2013 Ex-post evaluation

Evaluation of the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 (carried over from 2012)

Interim evaluation of PROGRESS MICROFINANCE in 2014

Evaluation of the Mutual Learning Programme (carried over from 2012)

PROGRESS preparation to the ex-post evaluation and launch of PROGRESS' successors programmes (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the European Strategy on safety and health at work 2007-2012 (carried over from 2011)

Legislation evaluation- Report on practical implementation Directive 2009/104/EC 16 September 2009 minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second individual Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC) (codified version of Council Directive 89/655/EEC, as amended by Directives 95/63/EC and 2001/45/EC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Report on practical implementation of Directive 2006/25/EC 5 April 2006 minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (artificial optical radiation) (19th individual Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Directive 2009/148/EC 30 November 2009 on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work

(codified version) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Directive 2004/40/EC 29 April 2004 minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC), as amended by Directive 2008/46/EC (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Directive 2003/10/EC 6 February 2003 minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) ('Seventeenth individual Directive' under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Directive 2002/44/EC 25 June 2002 minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (sixteenth individual Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC) - Joint Statement by the European Parliament and the Council (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Directive 99/92/EC 16 December 1999 minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres (15th individual Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/58/EEC 24 June 1992 minimum requirements for the provision of safety and/or health signs at work ((ninth individual Directive( under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/57/EEC 24 June 1992 implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites ('eighth individual Directive' under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 90/270/EEC 29 May 1990 minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment ('fifth individual Directive' under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 90/269/EEC 29 May 1990 minimum health and safety requirements for the manual handling of loads where there is a risk particularly of back injury to workers ('fourth individual' Directive under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 89/656/EEC 30 November 1989 minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the workplace ('third individual directive' under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 89/654/EEC 30 November

1989 minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace ('first individual directive' under Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation - implementation of the Directive 98/24 chemical agents and Directive 00/39/EC (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation - implementation of the Directive 00/54 biological agents and 04/37/EC carcinogens (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 2004/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (sixth individual directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC - Codification of Directive 90/394/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/85/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (tenth individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/91/EEC of 3 November 1992 concerning the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in the mineral-extracting industries through drilling (eleventh individual directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC ) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/104/EEC of 3 December 1992 on the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extracting industries (twelfth individual directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 93/103/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for work on board fishing vessels (thirteenth individual directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed- duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 92/29/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 89/391/EEC 12 June 1989

measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work (carried over from 2012)

Legislation evaluation- Implementation of Council Directive 94/33/EEC of 22 June 1994 on the protection of young people at work (carried over from 2012)

Energy 2013 Mid-term evaluation of the Covenant of Mayors Initiative (carried over from 2012)

Mid-Term evaluation on European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR) - Amending regulation 1233/2010 (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation Report of the ELENA Facility (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation study - on Financial Support for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (carried over from 2012)

Mid-term evaluation on the impact of EU funded research in FP 6 and FP 7 funded projects (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation study of the Energy Labelling Directive (2010/30/EU) and specific aspects of the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC)

Evaluation study on the transposition of the Nuclear Waste Directive (2011/70/EURATOM)

2014 Evaluation Study for the assessment of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans as required by the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU)

Evaluation Study to assess the implementation of the Nuclear Safety Directive (2009/71/Euratom).

Evaluation study on Nuclear safeguards

Enlargement 2013 CARDS Western Balkans - Ex post CARDS

Support to Refugees (Serbia, Croatia, BiH & Montenegro)

Evaluation of SIGMA (internal)

Croatia 3rd CPiE (contracted by Croatia ) (carried over from 2012)

TurkeY: Agriculture

Turkey: Support to private sector (also pre-IPA assistance)

Turkey: Customs Union

fYRoM: 2nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by fYRoM )

fYRoM: SME development


Montenegro: 1st CPiE - Country Programme interim evaluation

Albania: 1st CPiE - Country Programme interim evaluation

Albania: Sector evaluation

BiH: 1st CPiE - Country Programme interim evaluation

BiH: Sector evaluation

Kosovo: 1st CPiE - Country Programme interim evaluation

Serbia: 1st CPiE - Country Programme interim evaluation

Serbia: Sector evaluation

All IPA beneficiaries: IPA interim evaluation (CBC + meta-evaluation of all interim evaluations)

All IPA beneficiaries: Evaluation of the monitoring systems (internal)

All IPA beneficiaries: Mapping of donor interventions

All IPA beneficiaries: Mapping of sectoral strategies

All IPA beneficiaries: Meta-evaluation cooperation modalities (supplies, works)

All IPA beneficiaries: 3rd Meta-interim evaluation of IPA (or 2014)

PHARE (EU 12) National/CBC

Mid-term evaluation – Overall Programme Turkish Cypriot community

Evaluation of assistance in the field of education Turkish Cypriot community

Evaluation EU funded intervention to support Civil Society Turkish Cypriot community

Capacity building for Water, Waste Water and Solid Waste Turkish Cypriot community

Product Market Analysis Turkish Cypriot community

Rural Development Sector Programme evaluation Turkish Cypriot community

CMP Evaluation Turkish Cypriot community

Audit of the QA procedures for contract 215-825 Turkish Cypriot community

Turkish instrument - Ex post Turkish instrument

2014 Croatia Ex-post evaluation (contracted by Croatia)

Turkey: 3nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by Turkey)

fYRoM: 3nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by fYRoM)

Montenegro: 2nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by Montenegro if Conferral granted)

Albania: 2nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by Albania if Conferral granted) (ELARG)

BiH: 2nd CPiE

Kosovo: 2nd CPiE

Serbia: 2nd CPiE (to be contracted/managed by Serbia if Conferral granted)

All IPA beneficiaries: Capacity building M&E (with the World Bank)

All IPA beneficiaries: Sectoral approaches Governance

All IPA beneficiaries: Governance

All IPA beneficiaries: P2P

Enterprise 2013 Evaluation of business transfers (carried over from 2012)

Fitness check on the oil refinery sector

Evaluation of GMES Initial operations regulation and GMES preparatory actions (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Memorandum of understanding signed by mobile phone manufacturers on a GSM common charger

Evaluation of the European IPR help-desk (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation on the internal market for industrial goods (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of national measures to enhance SME rating practices (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the impacts on SMEs of the European space policy

Evaluation of tourism best practices (carried over from 2012)

Fitness check on the type-approval framework for motor vehicles (carried over from 2012)

2014 Evaluation of the export refund system

Evaluation of the Regulation on mutual recognition

Evaluation of the Late payment directive

Evaluation of projects for public procurement of innovative solutions

Evaluation of support to EU SMEs in markets outside the EU

Ex-post evaluation of the FP7 Space and Security research actions

Evaluation of the Directive 2009/43/EC on defence related products

2016 Final evaluation of GMES regulation and ex-post evaluation of GMES preparatory actions

Interim evaluation of H2020 innovation actions

Interim evaluation of H2020 Space research actions

Interim evaluation of H2020 Security research actions

2017 Interim evaluation of GNSS programmes EGNOS and Galileo

2018 Interim evaluation of COSME

2021 Ex-post evaluation of H2020 innovation actions

Ex-post evaluation of H2020 Space research actions

Ex-post evaluation of H2020 Security research actions

Environment 2013 Eco-label Regulation (EC) 66/2010

EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulation 1221/2009/EC

Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.

LIFE+ Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of INSPIRE. Directive 2007/2/EC.

Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution & Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC Directive

2004/107/EC (carried over from 2012)

Revision of the targets of the Waste Framework Directive, the Landfill Directive and possibly other related waste management targets. Landfill of waste (1999/31/EC),Waste Framework (2008/98/EC), Packaging (94/62/EC), (carried over from 2012)

Fitness Check of Waste Stream Directives (carried over from 2012)

2014 Biodiversity. "An EU biodiversity strategy to 2020" COM(2011) 244 final

Birds Directive 2009/147/EEC

Habitats Directive 1992/43/EC

EuropeAid Development and Cooperation 2013 Evaluation of the EDF support through the Intra-ACP Programme (carried over from


MTS Final evaluation (carried over from 2012)

Bizclim II final evaluation (carried over from 2012)

Final evaluation of the ARIAL programme

Final evaluation JPA 10 ACP TPS 6 (foreseen in FA)

Final Evaluation of "All ACP Agricultural Commodities programme " (AAACP) (carried over from 2012)

Assessment of the agriculture and rural development sectors in the EaP countries (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the impact of DEVCO's biodiversity related activities and lessons learned for the implementation of the EUBLI flagship programme



Joint evaluation ACP Films and ACP Cultures (carried over from 2012)

Delegated co-operation

Research & Development (carried over from 2012)

Burundi (carried over from 2011)

DR Congo (carried over from 2012)

Kenya (carried over from 2012)

Pacific Region (carried over from 2012)

Tanzania BS (carried over from 2011)

BS Mozambique (carried over from 2011)

BS Sierra Leone

Cameroon (carried over from 2012)

Madagascar (carried over from 2012)


Rwanda (Joint Evaluation)

Mali (Joint Evaluation)

Haïti (Joint Evaluation)




Central Asia

Asia Region (carried over from 2012)

Private Sector (carried over from 2011)

Yemen (carried over from 2012)


BS Morocco (carried over from 2012)

BS Laos

Palestine (carried over from 2012)

Timor Leste (Joint Evaluation)



Mid Term Review of the Heroin Route Programme (carried over from 2012)

Mid Term Review of the Cocaine Route Programme (carried over from 2012)

ACP Connect for Research and Education Networks


Capacity-Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in ACP Countries (carried over from 2012)


Gender equality mainstreaming in Development Cooperation


Evaluation of the ESF FWC (carried over from 2012)

Integrated border (carried over from 2011)

Mid-Term Evaluation of Cross Border Cooperation Programmes under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (CRIS 270-271) (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of Support to farmers' Organisations and Policy Processes (carried over from 2012)

Mid-term evaluation of the Programme STRENGHTENING FOOD SAFETY SYSTEMS THROUGH SPS MEASURES INACP COUNTRIES (carried over from 2012)

Food Security (carried over from 2012)



Evaluation of the EU-EFI FLEGT Facility

Mid-term evaluation of the Programme PIP Qualité et conformité Fruits et légumes phase 2 (PIP2) (carried over from 2012)

Global Index Insurance Facility (carried over from 2012)

Mid-Term evaluation of the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Latin-america Investment Fund (LAIF)

Evaluation of the Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA)

Evaluation of the support for FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership)

Erasmus Mundus Classical ACP Window


Final Evaluation of the Thematic Programme "Cooperation with Third countries in the Area of Migration and Asylum"


Facilité intra-ACP pour les migrations

Final Evaluation of ACP-EU Natural Disaster Facility (carried over from 2012)

Contrib Agreement Monitoring Illegal Killing of Elephants (carried over from 2012)

Nuclear Safety

Regional programmes in Central America (carried over from 2012)

ACP Sugar Research Programme (carried over from 2012)

Mid Term Review CT Sahel

Trade related assistance (carried over from 2010)


Water Supply

Evaluation of Water Facility

2014 Agriculture

EU-ACP support programme to cultural sectors (ACP Cultures+)

Linking Relief Rehabilitation & Development





Bangladesh (Joint Eval)


Vocational and Tertiary Education

Gender mainstreaming

Migration and Asylum

Eurostat (Statistics) 2013 Business statistics (STS)

Social statistics (unemployment)

Social statistics (job vacancies)

Environmental accounts (economic accounts)

General (carried over from 2012)

Agriculture statistics (fishery)

Government statistics (carried over from 2012)

GDP and Beyond

Purchasing Power Parities

Public finance statistics (fiscal data)

Science and technology statistics

Tourism statistics rolling review (carried over from 2012)

Environment statistics (waste)

Environment statistics (waste rolling review)

2014 Agriculture statistics (aquaculture)

Business statistics (SBS)

Business and trade statistics (MEETS)

2015 Social statistics (labour force)


Social statistics (migration)

2016 Business statistics (business registers)

Agriculture statistics (pesticides)

Tourism statistics

Health and Consumers 2013 Evaluation of the EU Strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related

harm (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of Consumer Protection Cooperation (Reg. 2006/2004) (carried over from


Evaluation of measures on injury prevention and promotion of safety (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of financial contributions to consumers' representations in European Standardisation/to European Consumer Organisations. (carried over from 2012)

Interim evaluation of the benefits of the Better Training for Safer Food training activities 2006-2010 (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (evaluation managed by the Agency with DG SANCO's support) (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the use and impact of indicators developed by the Joint Action for European Community Health Indicators and Monitoring (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation on the implementation of the "Commission communication on combating HIV/AIDS in the EU and neighbouring countries, 2009-13" and the HIV action plan (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the expenditure in the veterinary programmes field (carried over from 2011)

2014 Evaluation of the 2007-2013 Consumer Policy Programme (ex post)

Evaluation of the Consumer Policy Strategy 2007 - 2013 (ex post)

Evaluation of operation of Directive on application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare to inform report to Parliament and Council due in 2015

Evaluation of HEIDI health wiki

Evaluation of the Public Health Programme 2008-2013 (ex post)

2015 Evaluation of serious cross-border threats to health

Evaluation on the operational functioning and the added value of the databank (medical devices)

2016 Evaluation of the directive on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and of the regulation on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes

Evaluation of cosmetic products legislation

Evaluation of Regulation on establishing a Health for Growth Programme, the third multi-annual programme of EU action in the field of health for the period 2014-2020


Final Evaluation of the strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015

2017 Evaluation of the Regulation on the consumer programme 2014-2020 (ex post)

Evaluation of the medicinal products for human use

2018 Evaluation of EFSA

2020 Evaluation of EMA

Evaluation of Regulation on establishing a Health for Growth Programme, the third multi-annual programme of EU action in the field of health for the period 2014-2020

Home Affairs 2013 Final evaluation of the "Prevention and Fight against Crime Programme" (ISEC)

First ex-post evaluation of the External Borders Fund (for the period of 2007/8-2010) (carried over from 2012)

First ex-post evaluation of the European Refugee Fund III (carried over from 2012)

First ex-post evaluation of the European Fund for the Integration of third-country (for the period of 2007/8-2010) nationals (carried over from 2012)

First ex-post evaluation of the European Return Fund (for the period of 2007/8-2010) (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of Directive 2002/90/EC defining the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence (and possibly of Framework Decision 2002/946/JHA on the strengthening of the penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence)

Evaluation on the impact of the EASO on practical cooperation and the CEAS

Final evaluation of the "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-Related Risks Programme" (CIPS)

Evaluation of the implementation of the Visa Code (Regulation (EC) No 810/2009)

Evaluation of the common policy on return and on its future development including the report on the implementation of the Return Directive 2008/115/EC

Evaluation of the transposition, added value and impacts of Framework Decision 2008/919/JHA of 28 November 2008 amending FD 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism in the Member States

2014 Evaluation of FRONTEX

Evaluation of the VIS

Evaluation of the Regional Protection Programmes

Evaluation of the Directive 2004/81/EC on the residence permit issued to third-country nationals who are victims of trafficking in human beings or who have been the subject of an action to facilitate illegal immigration, who cooperate with the competent authorities

2015 Second ex-post evaluation of the External Borders Fund

Second ex-post evaluation of the European Return Fund

Second ex-post evaluation of the European Refugee Fund III

Second ex-post evaluation of the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals

Evaluation of the Qualification Directive

Humanitarian Aid 2013 Evaluation of the Civil Protection Financial Instrument and 2007 Civil Protection

Mechanism legislation

Evaluation of enhanced response capacity (ERC) funding

Evaluation of the European Commission Integrated Approach to Food Security and Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Implementation of the EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of European Commission Humanitarian Action in the Shelter sector (carried over from 2012)

Study on Advocacy Aspects Humanitarian Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the European Commission's Humanitarian Activities in Indonesia (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of pilot projects towards the EU Aid Volunteers

Evaluation of DG ECHO Fleet Management (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of DRR Interventions in the Horn of Africa (carried over from 2012)

2014 Evaluation of children related humanitarian assistance

Informatics 2013 Interim Evaluation of ISA program (carried over from 2012)

Communication Networks, Content and Technology 2013 Second Interim Evaluation of the ARTEMIS and ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs)

(carried over from 2012)

Future impact of ENIAC and ARTEMIS - SMART 2012/0050 – IAV (carried over from 2012)

Commission Communication reviewing the scope of universal service

Final Evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP)

Evaluation report on the experience acquired as a result of the operation of BEREC and the Office – including: Study on the evaluation of BEREC and the BEREC Office - SMART 2011/0009 – IAV (carried over from 201)

Commission Recommendation 2009/387/EC on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by radio- frequency identification, including the Study on the monitoring of the implementation of the RFID Recommendation in the EU Member States –SMART 2011/0047 (carried over from 2012)

Study for the mid-term evaluation of the eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 implementation - SMART 2012/0060 – IAV

Assessing impact of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - SMART 2012/0065 – IAV (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of the Competitiveness and Information Programme - ICT Support programme (CIP ICT-PSP) - SMART 2013/0058

Support to the ex-post evaluation of the ICT research in the Seventh Framework Programme, including the study SMART 2013/0049

Report on Communication and Recommendation on mobilising Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy COM(2009) 111 & C(2009) 7604: including 1) pilots run with the industry ( and 2) the study: Towards an overall measurement methodology of the carbon and energy foot prints of the ICT sector - SMART 2011/0073 (carried over from 2012)

Framework Contract for the Provision of Data gathering , impact Assessment and ex-post evaluation related services - SMART 2013/0065 – IAV

Evaluation of the Safer Internet programme (2009-2013)

Communication (2009)278 on the Internet of Things

Analyse the feasibility of the long term sustainability of the Large Scale Pilots, including an ex-ante evaluation - SMART 2012/0059 – IAV (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the pertinence and impact of the EU support actions to research infrastructures in the 7th Framework Programme - SMART 2012/0045 – IAV (carried over from 2012)

Report on the implementation of the RFID Recommendation - including: Study on the monitoring of the implementation of the RFID Recommendation in the EU Member States -SMART 2011/0047 – DC (carried over from 2012)

2014 Interim Assessment of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership

2017 Final Evaluation of ARTEMIS and ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs)

Internal Market 2013 Evaluation of E-money directive. (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the European Financial Supervision System (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of IFRS

Evaluation of the Information Society Directive (2001/29/EC) (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Cross Border Merger Directive

Evaluation on the regulation on cross-border payments in the Community (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Payments Services Directive (carried over from 2012)

Postal service directive (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of the Resale rights directive 2001/84/CE (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of specific elements of the Short Selling Directive (carried over from 2012)

2014 Evaluation of the Internal Market Information System (IMI)

Investment funds (UCITS IV) Directive (2009/65/EC) and its implementing measures

Evaluation of the prospectus directive (2003/71/EC)

Joint Research Centre 2013 Annual report from the Bioeconomy Observatory Publication of first Annual Report

from the Bioeconomy Observatory. These annual reports will be the flagship medium to communicate selected results and major findings from the data collection

Report on evaluation of online models within AQMEII (Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative) phase II

Technical Report on data and information layers for the evaluation of urban, regional and territorial cohesion.

Contribution to the preparation, review and evaluation of the Annual Implementation Plan 2013 and of other policy documents expected in 2013 (this deliverable belongs to the JRC - FCH JTI collaboration agreement 2013)

Evaluation of S&T progress and achievements of FCH JTI projects according to the reviewing process set up by the FCH JU Programme Office

Final report on the 'Low carbon farming practice project'

FP7 AMPERE project on comparison of mitigation costs, and ADVANCE project "Advanced Model Development and Validation for the Improved Analysis of Costs and Impacts of Mitigation Policies ": Related interim reports and policy briefings to DG RTD and DG CLIMA.

GreenBuilding Annual Report and GreenBuilding Annual Award

Input to 2013 European Adaptation strategy, based on the results of the PESETA II project (Impact Assessment)

JRC Road map to integrated assessment of the urban dimension and urbanisation on environmental issues: Organisation and evaluation of a inter-institutional workshop on urban scale environmental issues as a cross-cutting issue in preparation for WP2014.

Report on the implementation of Regulation 994/2010 on security of gas supply

Report on workpackages attributed to GeoCAP of the CAPRESE (Soil Carbon Preservation and Sequestration) project

To evaluate the technical and scientific achievements of the FCH JTI projects according to the reviewing process set by the FCH JTI Programme Office (upon JTI invitation).

Annual Report of the dry- project

Annual report of the Metaphix collaborative project

Complete the analysis of the Metaphix 2 electrorefining experiment (optical microscopy and ICP-MS) in order to make the final evaluation. Treatment of An containing salt from electrorefining experiments. Annual report of the ITU/CRIEPI

pyrometallurgical collaboration

Evaluation report on performance of Member States' laboratories measuring radionuclides activity concentration in water by gross-alpha/gross-beta methods.

Evaluation report on performance of Member States' laboratories measuring radionuclides activity concentration in wild food (bilberry powder)

Final report on work-package-1 achievements of the JRC-RTD ANDES project (work package coordinator).

Annual Report on the implementation of the European Drought Observatory (EDO) including interoperability arrangements with water and drought national and regional information systems and as a contribution to a Global Drought Information System and climate change adaptation measures in general

Contribution to ad-hoc policy support documents related to the European forest mapping component of GMES initial operations, e.g. technical specifications, tender evaluations or technical annexes.

Contribution to technical specifications and evaluation of Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the 'broker' based Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data to Institutions and bodies of the EU.

Evaluation report of the Open Call for Tender, including technical and scientific support to its publication, within the procurement procedure for the next phase (2014-2020) of the operational MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (MARSOP4).

Final life cycle assessment report on the evaluation of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of two systems for recovering energy from waste-derived solid recovered fuels (SRF). (FP7 RECOMBIO project).

Project reports for ENV02

Project reports for ENV05

Project reports for ENV08

Report on impact evaluation of soil carbon mitigation scenarios (CAPRESE)

Final report on the work mandated by DG ENV on the evaluation of risk assessment dossiers and the development of technical guidance and new risk assessment methodologies of the Biocidal Products

Hand-over documents and knowledge to ECHA staff regarding all activities on the evaluation of risk assessment dossiers and development of technical guidance and new risk assessment methodologies in context of the implementation of the Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC), regulating the placing on the market of biocidal products.

JRC Scientific Report on the outcome of the evaluation of the performance of currently

commercially available immunochemistry methods for the quantification of gluten in comparison to a mass spectrometry based traceable method to be submitted to the Codex Alimentarius Committee for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS).

Report on activities carried out in 2013 within the context of the Competent Authority and Product Authorisation and Mutual Recognition Facilitation Group (Preparation, co-ordination and follow-up of discussions on scientific and technical issues raised during the process of evaluation of applications for product authorisation or during the process of mutual recognition of authorisations), including missions to ECHA.

Evaluation of human cell based assays for developmental neurotoxicity

Summary report about the submission, evaluation and prioritisation of test methods submitted to EURL ECVAM

Report with the statistical/methodological analysis for the new production cycle of the SBA Fact-Sheets (continuation of the 2012 activity).

Contribution to preparation, execution and validation or evaluation work for demonstrators developed under FP7 Security/Space projects I2C, SEABILLA and NEREIDS.

Annual report of the activities of EHRO-N

Annual Report on the activities of JRC-IET related to the implementation of the INSC projects and programmes in Asia (East and South East).

Annual Report on the activities of JRC-IET related to the implementation of the INSC projects and programmes in Latin America.

Annual Report on the activities of JRC-IET related to the implementation of the INSC projects and programmes in the European Neighbourhood East and Central Asia.

Annual Report on the activities of JRC-IET related to the implementation of the INSC projects and programmes in the European Neighbourhood South (Mediterranean and Middle East).

Annual Report on the activities of JRC-IET related to the implementation of the IPA projects and programmes in the European Accession countries.

Final report for the ERINDA project

In the framework of the reference centre for radioactivity measurements, report to DG SANCO and ENER on the evaluation of quick yet reliable measurement methods for screening of radioactivity in food

Report about the evaluation of the predictions of the amount, the chemical speciation and the isotopic inventory of some radionuclides that can be released to the environment from French nuclear power plants in the frame of the EVAST project.

Report to the OECD-NEA Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation concerning the status of the High Priority Request List for Nuclear Data.

Annual report on the operation of the work made at the two on site laboratories.

Field Support and data evaluation technical reports

Field support and data evaluation technical reports during reference acquisition in Pickering, Bruce and Darlington Nuclear Power plants in Canada.

Field Support and data evaluation technical reports.

Field Support and data evaluation technical reports.

In-field support and technical report on data evaluation for the 3D mapping of the Onkalo geological repository

Annual report on the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), including status of outsourcing of operational tasks, the coordination of operational EFAS centres, further user- and science driven development, dedicated hydro-meteorological data collection, model calibration, its support to disaster risk reduction and ad hoc support to the EU Emergency Response Centre as part of adaptation measure to climate risks

Annual summary of Tsunami warning activities and achievements of the national tsunami warning Centers (with who JRC has signed agreements in 2012 and is in the process of signing during 2012/2013) of the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean region

Technical and scientific input to the Food Security Information System Network global initiative led by DG DEVCO. Technical input to the Steering Group of Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). Upon request by EC services, inputs and advice to conception, technical monitoring and evaluation EC-funded food security projects. Scientific input in seminars organized by DEVCO on food security and rural development. Technical contribution to the WFP consultative group on food security information systems. Input to the foresight activities in food security.

Report on first workshop 2013: Human Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays

Report on second Workshop 2013: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Report on the third Workshop 2013: Situational Awareness Systems II

Evaluation report on wheat simulation at regional level in Morocco: Report on the evaluation of the models based within the Biophysical Models Application platform (BioMA) for regional wheat simulation in Morocco (FP7-ICT-2009-6 technology transfer project E-AGRI on “Crop Monitoring as an E-agriculture tool in developing countries”.

Proceedings of the International Workshop On water Resources Management in developing Countries (Africa – China – Latin America) organised in the context of the

ACE-Water (African Centres of Excellence in Water)

Report on progress towards a review of the state of soil in Africa including a new Soils Atlas for Africa, associated outreach material (posters) and integrated African soils information layer in the ACP Observatory for sustainable development.

Reports on the technical support to EU delegation and African stakeholders (AUC, RECs and RICs) during the implementation of the MESA project (steering commitees, evaluation panels, review panels...)

Progress report of the FP7 HIPAD project

Progress report on the FP7 BiORIGIN project

Multi-annual Report on the situation of Coexistence in EU Members States (2013 edition)

Progress report on the FP7 BIOMONAR project

Final reports of research projects on in vitro diagnosis of rare diseases conducted in 2012 and 2013

Progress report of the FP7 MARINA project

Progress report on the FP7 DEROCA project

Final report of the FP7 ITS-NANO project

Progress report of FP7 SMART-Nano project

Progress report on the FP7 NanoMILE project

Progress report on the FP7 NANoREG project

Progress report of FP7 RADAR project

Ex-post evaluation of FP7 JRC activities

Justice 2013 Ex-post evaluation report on the implementation and results of Decision 779/2007/EC

establishing the Specific Programme "Daphne III"

Ex-post evaluation report on Decision 1149/2007/EC establishing the Specific Programme "Civil Justice"

Report on the evaluation of the European Day of Civil Justice and Crystal Scales (carried over from 2012)

Report on the effectiveness of an assignment or subrogation of a claim (carried over

from 2010)

Report on the application of Regulation 861/2007 on Small Claims Procedure (carried over from 2012

2013 Consumer Awareness Campaign (Ex-ante evaluation)

Ex-post evaluation report on the Directive 2008/122/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on the protection of consumers in respect of certain aspects of timeshare, long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts

Evaluation Report on the implementation of FD 2008/909/JHA on "transfer of prisoners",, of FD 2008/947/JHA on "probation measures” and of FD 2009/829/JHA on "supervision measures" (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation report on Decision 2007/126/JHA establishing the Specific Programme "Criminal Justice"

Report on the implementation of Commission Decision 520/2000/EC on the adequate protection of personal data provided by the Safe Harbour (carried over from 2011)

Report on the application of Regulation 1393/2007 on the service of documents (carried over from 2011)

Evaluation of Council Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA of 25 October 2004 on illicit drug trafficking (carried over from 2011)

Ex-post evaluation report on Decision 1150/2007/EC establishing the Specific Programme "Drug Prevention and Information"

Report on the implementation of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (carried over from 2011)

Implementation report on Directive 2004/113 on equal treatment between men and women in the access to and supply of goods and services

Combined Report on the application of Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC (carried over from 2012)

EU Citizenship Report 2013: Progress towards eliminating obstacles to EU citizens' rights (carried over from 2012)

Study on the evaluation of EU rules on free movement of EU citizens and their family members and their practical implementation (carried over from 2012)

Study on the evaluation of the impact of free movement of EU citizens at local level

Study for the development of an e-training tool for local administrations on EU free movement rights

Study on how to facilitate the exercise of the right to free movement by solving problems encountered by mobile EU citizens in relation to identity and travel documents.

Study on challenges faced by institutional actors in the delivery of electoral rights of EU citizens and on options to improve and facilitate the delivery and exercise of these rights

Ex-post evaluation report on Decision 2007/252/JHA establishing the Specific Programme "Fundamental Rights and Citizenship"

Report on the implementation of Council Decision 2009/426/JHA on the strengthening of Eurojust

Report on Decision 568/2009/EC on the European Judicial Network

Report on the application of Regulation 1206/2001 on the taking of evidence (carried over from 2011)

Report on the application of Regulation 864/2007 (Rome II) (carried over from 2011)

Report on the application of Regulation 593/2008 (Rome I) (carried over from 2012)

Report on the application of the Regulation 805/2004 on the European Enforcement Order (carried over from 2011)

Report and evaluation on application of Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 (Brussels IIa) (carried over from 2012)

Report on the application of Regulation 1896/2006 on European Payment Order (carried over from 2012)

Study on the legislation adopted in the EU Member States on racist or xenophobic hate speech and hate crime based on a racist or xenophobic motivation, and on the application of such legislation (carried over from 2012)

Report on the implementation of FD 2008/913/JHA on racism and xenophobia (carried over from 2012)

2014 2013 Consumer Awareness Campaign (Ex-post evaluation)

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2013 Ex-post evaluation of the current Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreements

(FPA) between the European Union, the Republic of the Seychelles and the Union of the Comoros, and ex-ante evaluation including an analysis of the impacts of the future Protocols on sustainability. (carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation of a possible future FPA with Tuvalu (carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation of a possible future FPA with Cook Island . (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of the FPA with Sao Tome and the ex-ante evaluation and analysis of the impact of a new FPA. (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of the FPA with Cape Verde and the ex-ante evaluation and analysis of the impact of a new FPA. (carried over from 2012) Ex-ante evaluation for a possible new FPA with Sierra Leone. (carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation for a possible new FPA with Liberia.(carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation for a possible new FPA with Guinea Conakry. (carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation for a possible new FPA with Senegal

Ex-ante evaluation for a possible new FPA with Angola

Interim evaluation on the impact of the regulation of IUU fishing. (carried over from 2012)

Retrospective evaluation of scrapping and temporary cessation measures in the EFF (carried over from 2012)

Retrospective evaluation of the existing technical measures regulations and prospective study in support of the development of a new technical conservation measures framework within a reformed CFP. (carried over from 2012)

Interim evaluation of the scientific advisory process.

Ex-post evaluation on establishing Community financial measures for the implementation of the CFP and in the area of the Law of the Sea 2007-2013.

Prospective evaluation of the Atlantic action plan. (carried over from 2012)

Evaluation of Data Collection Framework (DCF) in anticipation of the adoption of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). (carried over from 2012)

2014 Ex-post evaluation of the FPA with Mozambique and the ex-ante evaluation and analysis of the impact of a new FPA.

Ex-post evaluation of the FPA with Greenland and the ex-ante evaluation and analysis of the impact of a new FPA.

Ex-post evaluation of regulation concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea.

Ex-post evaluation of the control regulation.

Ex-post evaluation of European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013.

Ex-post evaluation of preparatory actions related to maritime spatial planning.

Ex post evaluation of the transitional financial programme of IMP.

Mobility & Transport 2013 Second interim evaluation report of the SESAR Joint Undertaking activities (2010-2012)

Final evaluation of the Loan Guarantee Instrumentfor Ten-Transort Projects (LGTT)

Evaluation of the implementation of the ITS Action Plan (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of Directive 92/6/EEC on the installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain categories of motor vehicles in the Community, as amended by Directive 2002/85/EC (carried over from 2012)

Report on the state of the Road transport market (as provided for by Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 on common rules for access to the international road haulage market)

Evaluation on road charging (carried over from 2012)

Review of the implementation of urban mobility Action Plan (carried over from 2012)

2014 Ex post evaluation of Marco Polo II programme

Ex post evaluation of TEN-T programme

Ex post evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme – Research related to transport

Publications 2013 CIBA systems and related services (carried over from 2012)

GESCOMX and related systems (carried over from 2012)

Analysis of risks

Evaluation of processes and tools applied in proofing of Official Journal-related content and general publications (carried over from 2012)


Evaluations of expiring or new contracts

Regional Policy 2013 Ex-post evaluation 2007 – 2013 (work package)

Country reports on the performance of Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013 (Expert Network)

Job creation as an indicator of outcomes in ERDF programmes

Appraisal of macroregional strategies added value (carried over from 2012)

Effectiveness of programming (carried over from 2012)

Ex-ante evaluation of 2014-2020 Cross border cooperation (CBC) programme Italy-Croatia as well as drafting of the programme

2014 Ex-post evaluation 2007 – 2013 (work package)

Research and Innovation 2013 Impacts of ageing working population on adaptation of business models and of

technical environment of production lines and supply chains (carried over from 2012)

Impact assessment of 5 JTIs (ENIAC, ARTEMIS, IMI, FCH, Clean Sky) (carried over from 2012)

Review of S&T cooperation between the European Union and China

Review of S&T cooperation between the European Union and Mexico

Review of S&T cooperation between the European Union and New Zealand

Ex-Post evaluation of the INCO Capacities Programme

Review of S&T cooperation between the European Union and South Africa (carried over from 2012)

Review of S&T cooperation between the European Union and Russia (carried over from 2012)

The role and participation of universities in the FPs

Interdisciplinary study on the benefits and limitations of nuclear fission for a low carbon economy (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of the Euratom Framework Programme (2007-13) - input studies

Study on the impact of EU funded energy research projects in FP7 (carried over from 2012)

Group(s) of external experts for policy relevant analyses and forward looking reflection on environment related research

Ex-post evaluation of FP7 funded research in the field of environmental (including climate change) research

Evaluation of the second phase of the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) (carried over

from 2012)

Ex post evaluation and impact assessment of funding in the Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies (NMP) area

Assessing research management performance

Assessment of the support for the development of a coherent development of Research Policies

Contribution of the FPs to major innovations

Network analysis of FP participation

Ex-post evaluation of the research and development programme undertaken by several Member States aiming at supporting research and development performing small and medium-sized enterprises (Eurostars)

Progress towards ERA analysis (carried over from 2012)

External Evaluation of the ERCEA (RTD-R4-2011-EERE) (carried over from 2012)

External Evaluation of the REA (RTD-R4-2011-EERE) (carried over from 2012)

The role and participation of research organisations in the FPs

EURAXESS Evaluation study

Mid-term evaluation on the impact of EU funded research and demonstration projects under FP6 and FP7

Ex-post evaluation and impact assessment of FP7 funded projects in Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology

Contribution of the FPs to development of human research capacity

Evaluation of the pertinence and impact of the EU support actions to research infrastructures in the 7th Framework Programme (carried over from 2012)

Enabling technologies and open innovation: Analysis of best conditions for transfer of knowledge. Lot 1: Analysis of EU-funded research projects in the field of industrial technologies (carried over from 2011)

The role and participation of industry in the FPs

Enabling technologies and open innovation: Analysis of best conditions for transfer of knowledge. Lot 2: Analysis of commercial successes induced by innovation in the field of industrial technologies (carried over from 2011)

Research and Innovation in Climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials: EU policies and programmes and related impact assessment methodologies (carried over

from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of Science in Society in FP7

Ex-post Impact Assessment on SME specific measures in FP7 (carried over from 2012)

Ex-post evaluation of the Transport (including Aeronautics) theme of the FP7 ‘Cooperation’ specific programme

Taxation and Customs Union 2013 Customs 2013 -Final evaluation

Evaluation of the scheme for the suspensions of the autonomous CCT duties (carried over from 2012)

Excise duties on tobacco products (carried over from 2012)

Fiscalis 2013 - Final evaluation

Trade 2013 Evaluation of the Civil Society Dialogue

Evaluation of DG Trade's communication policy and strategy, and on the planning and implementation of its communication activities (carried over from 2012)

Ex post evaluation of the EU's FTA with Mexico
