Formule Mem Ginecologie


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  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Oral contraceptive complications: warning signs

    ACHES:Abdominal painChest painHeadache (severe)Eye (blurred vision)

    Sharp leg pain

    Abdominal pain: causes during pregnancy

    LARA CROFT:LabourAbruption of placentaRupture (eg. ectopic/ uterus)AbortionCholestasisRectus sheath haematomaOvarian tumourFibroidsTorsion of uterus

    Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH): causes

    4 'T's:Tissue (retained placenta)Tone (uterine atony)Trauma (traumatic delivery, episiotomy)Thrombin (coagulation disorders, DIC)

    Ovarian cancer: risk factors

    "Blue FILM":Breast cancerFamily historyInfertilityLow parityMumps

    Prenatal care questions

    ABCDE:Amniotic fluid leakage?Bleeding vaginally?Contractions?Dysuria?Edema?Fetal movement?

    Asherman syndrome features

    ASHERMAN:Acquired Anomaly

    Secondary to SurgeryHysterosalpingography confirms diagnosisEndometrial damage/ EugonadotropicRepeated uterine traumaMissed MensesAdhesionsNormal estrogen and progesterone

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Vaginal pH

    Vagina has 4labia and normal pH of vagina is about 4.

    Gestation period, oocytes, vaginal pH, menstrual cycle: normal numbers

    4is the normal pH of the vagina.40 weeks is the normal gestation period.

    400 oocytes released between menarche and menopause.400,000 oocytes present at puberty.28days in a normal menstrual cycle.280 days (from last normal menstrual period) in a normal gestation period.

    CVS and amniocentesis: when performed

    "Chorionic" has 9letters and Chorionic villus sampling performed at 9weeks gestation."AlphaFetoProtein" has 16letters and it's measured at 16weeks gestation.

    Alpha-fetoprotein: causes for increased maternal serum AFP during pregnancy

    "Increased Maternal Serum Alpha Feto Protein":Intestinal obstructionMultiple gestation/ Miscalculation of gestational age/ MyeloschisisSpina bifida cysticaAnencephaly/ Abdominal wall defectFetal deathPlacental abruption

    Spontaneous abortion: definition

    "Spontaneous abortion" has less than 20letters [it's exactly 19 letters].Spontaneous abortion is defined as delivery or loss of products of conception at less than 20weeksgestation.

    Female pelvis: shapes

    GAP: In order from most to least common:

    GynecoidAndroid /AnthropoidPlatypelloidPelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): complications

    I FACE PID:InfertilityFitz-Hugh-Curitis syndrome

    AbscessesChronic pelvic painEctopic pregnancyPeritonitisIntestinal obstructionDisseminated: sepsis, endocarditis, arthritis, meninigitis

    B-agonist tocolytic (C/I or warning)

    ABCDE:Angina (Heart disease)

    BP highChorioamnionitisDiabetesExcessive bleeding

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Secondary amenorrhea: causes

    SOAP:StressOCPAnorexiaPregnancyPost-partum haemmorrage (PPH): risk factors

    PARTUM:Polyhydroamnios/ Prolonged labour/ Previous cesarianAPH/ ANTHRecent bleeding historyTwinsUterine fibroidsMultiparityFetus: cardinal movements of fetus

    "Don't Forget IEnjoy Really Expensive Equipment":Descent

    FlexionInteral rotationExtensionRestitutionExternal rotationExpulsionSexual response cycle

    EXPLORE:EXcitementPLateauOrgasmicREsolutionParity abbreviations (ie: G 3, P 2012)

    "To Peace And Love":T: of Term pregnanciesP: of Premature birthsA: of Abortions (spontaneous or elective)L: of Live births Describes the outcomes of the total number of pregnancies (Gravida).

    Preeclampsia: classic triad

    PREeclampsia:ProteinuriaRising blood pressure


    Alpha-fetoprotein: some major causes for increased maternal serum AFP duringpregnancy

    TOLD:Testicular tumoursObituary (fetal death)Liver: hepatomasDefects (neural tube defects)

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB): 3 major causes

    DUB:Don't ovulate (anovulation: 90% of cases)Unusual corpus leuteum activity (prolonged or insufficient)Birth control pills (since increases progesterone-estrogen ratio)

    IUGR: causesIUGR:Inherited: chromosomal and genetic disordersUterus: placental insufficencyGeneral: maternal malnutrition, smokingRubella and other congenital infecton

    Early cord clamping: indications

    RAPID CS:Rh incompatibilityAsphyxiaPremature delivery


    Diabetic motherCS (caesarian section) previously, so the funda is RAPID CS

    Oral contraceptives: side effects

    CONTRACEPTIVES:Cholestatic jaundiceOedema (corneal)Nasal congestionThyroid dysfunctionRaised BPAcne/ Alopecia/ AnaemiaCerebrovascular diseaseElevated blood sugar

    Porphyria/ Pigmentation/ PancreatitisThromboembolismIntracranial hypertensionVomiting (progesterone only)Erythema nodosum/ Extrapyramidal effects

    Sensitivity to light

    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): causes, effects

    "PID CAN be EPIC": Causes:Chlamydia trachomatisActinomycetesNeisseria gonorrhoeae Effects:EctopicPregnancyInfertilityChronic pain

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    RLQ pain: brief female differential

    AEIOU:Appendicitis/ AbscessEctopic pregnancy/ EndometriosisInflammatory disease (pelvic)/ IBDOvarian cyst (rupture, torsion)

    Uteric colic/ Urinary stones

    Forceps: indications for delivery

    FORCEPS:Foetus aliveOs dilated

    Ruptured membraneCervix taken upEngagement of headPresentation suitableSagittal suture in AP diameter of inlet

    Delivery: instrumental delivery prerequisites

    AABBCCDDEE:AnalgesiaAntisepsisBowel emptyBladder emptyCephalic presentationConsentDilated cervixDisproportion (no CPD)EngagedEpisiotomy

    APGAR score components

    SHIRT:Skin color: blue or pinkHeart rate: below 100 or over 100Irritability (response to stimulation): none, grimace or cryRespirations: irregular or good

    Tone (muscle): some flexion or active

    Postpartum collapse: causes

    HEPARINS:HemorrhageEclampsiaPulmonary embolismAmniotic fluid embolismRegional anaethetic complications

    Infarction (MI)Neurogenic shockSeptic shock

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Multiple pregnancy complications

    HI, PAPA:Hydramnios (Poly)IUGRPreterm labourAntepartum haemorrhage


    Omental caking: likeliest cause

    Omental CAking = Ovarian CA "Omental caking" is term for ascities, plus a fixed upper abdominal and pelvic mass. Almost always signifiesovarian cancer.

    IUD: side effects

    PAINS:Period that is lateAbdominal crampsIncrease in body temperature

    Noticeable vaginal dischargeSpotting

    Labour: preterm labor causes


    SexExercise (strenuous)ActivitiesStressEnvironmental factor (job, etc)

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): first line treatmentTreat PCOSwith OCP's(oral contraceptive pills).Antepartum hemorrhage (APH): major differential

    APH:Abruptio placentaePlacenta previaHemorrhage from the GU tract

    Miscarriage: recurrent miscarriage causes

    RIBCAGE:RadiationImmune reaction

    Bugs (infection)Cervical incompetenceAnatomical anomaly (uterine septum etc.)Genetic (aneuploidy, balanced translocation etc.)Endocrine

  • 8/13/2019 Formule Mem Ginecologie


    Shoulder dystocia: management

    HELPER:Call for HelpEpisiotomyLegs up [McRoberts position]Pressure subrapubically [not on fundus]

    Enter vagina for shoulder rotationReach for posterior shoulder and deliver posterior shoulder/ Return head into vagina [Zavanelli maneuver] forC-section/ Rupture clavicle or pubic symphisis

    Labour: factors which determine rate and outcome of labour

    3 P's:Power: stength of uterine contractionsPassage: size of the pelvic inlet and outletPassenger: the fetus--is it big, small, have anomalies, alive or dead

    Post-partum examination simplified checklist


    UterusBowelBladderLochiaEpisotomySurgical site (for Cesarean section)

    Cardiotocogram (CTG) interpretation

    Dr. C. BraVADODefine RiskContractions (in 10 mins)Baseline Rate (should be 110-160)Variability (should be greater than 5)

    AccelerationsDecelerationsOverall (normal or not)