Forming Meaningful Partnerships through Embedded Librarianship in Information Literacy (2015 CT IL...


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Forming Meaningful Partnerships through

Embedded Librarianship in Information Literacy

(2015 CT IL Conference at CCSU)

Presenters: Kathy Gavin, Assistant Professor Child Study & Christina Deptulski, (Embedded)

Librarian Hoffman Family Library


Think-Pair-Share-Debrief (Know & What)

Kathy and Christina present an overview of

their embedded experience

Small Group - Learn & How

Who’s in the audience






Think-Pair-Share1. Please think and write your answers to the following questions: K-How have you presented information literacy (in different subject areas)? W- What are your goals today?2. Pair 3. Share

KWLH Chart

Large Group Debrief

K-How have you presented information literacy (in different subject areas)?

KWLH Chart

Large Group Debrief

W- What are your goals for today?

Embedded LibrariansCollaboration is key. Share syllabi. Make tutorials/handouts readily available to students. Touch base throughout the courseBuild meaningful relationships.Providing & Receiving feedback is helpful.Be mindful of subject standards

Outcomes Building positive relationships Kathy’s students came to the library in person to: Asked reference questions that directly related to their

assignments for their classes, Used the computers to access databases and write papers,

APA guidance & assistance (avoid plagiarism), Used study rooms to meet in groups and create Read Aloud

assignment, Asked for technical assistance in creating/consolidating

Power Points, Guidance in selecting children’s books for assignments, How to select/evaluate appropriate resources to complete


*All of these classes were hybrids. I believe some students felt more comfortable coming to me in person versus online (public- whole class can see). A number of students appreciated the technical assistance as well.

Embedded Librarian TimelineFall 2013

ECE 231 Language & Literacy Development (Hybrid) 9/11/13-12/18/13

Marilyn Nowlan (Library Director), Kathy Gavin, & I (Christina Deptulski) met to discuss my involvement in ECE 231 (Language & Literacy Development) class.

ECE 231 Language & Literacy Development (Hybrid) 9/11/13-12/18/13

In syllabus Week 2 (mini-research paper) & Week 5 (in charge of Discussion Board question)

Put handouts in BB prior to the in-person class to discuss mini-research paper.

In addition, I posted: PPT on Read louds tips and websites, Author websites, handouts on age level and genre suggestions, (book) center suggestions, suggested supplemental YC: Young Children articles etc.

Spring 2014(Kathy, Marilyn, and I met to discuss my involvement in the ECE 320 technology class.)

ECE 320 Technology & Education (Hybrid) 1/13/2014-4/27/2014Week 8 (was in charge of Discussion Board question)Also, I created and posted Power Points for: tutorial on how to use databases and find a journal article form YC: Young Children, Media Literacy using the Common Sense Program © Digital Citizenship ,Information Literacy/Media Literacy (Standards for 21st Century Learners American Association of School Librarians, CT State Department of Education, National Educational Technology Standards, & The ADDIE Model of instructional design)Suggested 2 articles in The Reading Teacher, resources the reviewed the latest apps, recommended websites based on the American Library Association…

Summer 2014(Kathy, Marilyn, and I met to discuss my involvement in the ECE 330 Social Studies class.)ECE 330 Teaching Social Studies in Early Childhood (Hybrid) 5/11/14- 8/23/14Created Power Point tutorials on how to find a peer-reviewed article from the Hoffman Family Library databases, How to cite in APA format, and How to find & cite using APA for the Current Events project- newspapers, web resources, etc.Marilyn and I compiled a list of resources the students could use for their Current Events Discussion Board posts. This included how to evaluated sources.

Week 10- Kathy referred students to Ask Your Librarians section in BBFor the following information my Power Points on:

Peer Reviewed Journals and

APA Citation PPT I gave APA citation feedback for this


Week 13 Discussion Board- Current Events assignment- I was in charge of providing APA citation feedback, as well, & (I also recommended children’s books that would correspond with the students’ themes for this assignment.)

Fall 2014ECE 231 Language & Literacy Development (Hybrid) 9/8/14-12/20/14 *This was structured differently from the ECE 231 last year.Week 2- Went to the on ground class to show the students how to find an article in one of our databases, and show them how to cite their summary using APA citations. (Tech. Diff.) I gave APA citation feedback for this assignment.

Week 10-group Power Point presentations in a Discussion Board (These were based on the students’ early childhood center/school visits. They observed different components of how the teachers incorporated literacy into the curriculum & physically into the classroom.) Everyone was supposed to share positive feedback and provide feedback for change. This lead to a rich discussion about the different student experiences.

In addition, I posted: PPT on Read louds tips and websites, Author websites, handouts on age level and genre suggestions, (book) center suggestions, etc. in the Ask Your Librarian section of BB (Discussion Board).

ECE/Child Study ProgramAS & BS Degree

Approved POS by CT Office of Early Childhood – Early Childhood Teaching Credential (ECTC)

APA guidance and feedback critical How to evaluate the quality of resourcesWhat are peer reviewed articles and why are

they important to use Resources created for ECE 231 Early

Language and Literacy will also support ECE 402 Children’s Literature

Critical to embed these resources into the weekly unit folder for every ECE class for immediate accessibility

Created by Kathy 1/5/2015 15

Discuss & ReflectL- In your opinion, discuss 1 key

point that you will walk away with today.

H- Reflect about how you would incorporate yourself in an embedded librarian experience?

QuestionsChristina Deptulski

& Kathy Gavin Thank you!

Digital Commons

Christina J. Deptulski