FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF MMS IN · PDF fileb) Photo 2, b. Lever of Zhukovsky (from the...


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Dr. Sc., Prof. Umnov N.V., Dr. Sc., Prof. Glazunov V.A. Mechanical Engineering Research Institute,

Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The participation of Russian scientists in the development of the theory of mechanisms and machines is considered. The most attention is paid to the efforts of scientists worked in the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.


The role of academician I.I. Artobolevski in development of IFToMM is well known. This scientist was one of the founders of the theory of mechanisms and machines. Nevertheless we would like to note that in Russia there exist many other scientists that applied their efforts in area of machine science. Of course it is impossible to make exhaustive analysis of their results. Therefore we consider mostly the results obtained by the scientists that worked in the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute or had relations with this institute because academician Artobolevski founded the department of machine mechanics and control of this institute and was the head of this department. Accordingly, the references [1-25] mostly correspond to these authors.

1. Formation of MMS in Russia. The thorough development of mechanisms science as a part of applied

mechanics began in Russia in the XIX century. Let’s dwell on the most outstanding scientists in this area, and on their results.

P.L. Chebyshev (1821-1894) developed a structural formula of plane mechanisms, and also stated the principles of mechanisms’ synthesis [24].

N.E. Zhukovsky (1847-1921) is known not only for his work in the area of aerodynamics, but also in the area of mechanisms science. Thus, he proposed “Zhukovsky’s lever”, interpreting the general dynamics equation for plane mechanisms in graphic-analytical form.

a) Photo 1, a. Chebyshev P.L.

b) c)

Photo 1, b, c. Chebyshev’s mechanism (b), Chebyshev’s walking machine (c)

a) Photo 2, a. Zhukovsky N.E.

b) Photo 2, b. Lever of Zhukovsky (from the book of Artobolevski I.I. [1])

L.V. Assur (1878-1920) along with Franz Reuleaux developed theory of

structural groups (Assur’s groups), the degree of mobility of which is equal to zero. This notion became fundamental for a structural synthesis and a synthesis of mechanisms.

The followers of these researchers were Professors V.P. Goryachkin, N.I. Mertsalov, A.P. Malyshev, G.G. Baranov, V.V. Dobrovolsky, L.N. Reshetov and many others, who made great contribution to investigation of structure, kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms. Thus, A.P. Malyshev developed theory of structure for space mechanisms, and L.N. Reshetov studied questions of gearing geometry and later – problem of redundant constraints.

Photo 3, a. Assur L.V.

Photo 3, b. Assurs’ groups (from the book of Kraynev A.F. [16])

2. Efforts of Soviet Scientists in the Area of MMS

An important event in the development of mechanisms and machines science in Russia in 1939 was creation of Mechanical Engineering Research Institute in the system of Academy of Sciences. This Institute became a coordinating centre of all the investigations in the area of mechanisms and machines science in Russia.

Photo 4. Chudakov E.A.

Academician E.A. Chudakov (1890-1953) became the Head of the Institute; he made great contribution to development of the theory of strength and reliability, and also theory of automobiles. Mechanisms and machines science, friction and wear of machine parts, dynamical strength of machine parts, metal cutting became the development trends of machines science. The main problems of mechanisms and machines science were (and in many aspects remain) classification of machines and mechanisms, synthesis of mechanisms according to different criteria, development of effective techniques of kinematical and dynamical analysis, taking into account possible variable and impact loads, accuracy problems of mechanisms and measuring systems. Later these development trends were supplemented with a number of new problems. Let’s indicate only some of fundamental results, obtained by Soviet and Russian scientists in the area of mechanical engineering, and only the most known scientists among them.

Great contribution to development of Soviet mechanical engineering was made by the second Head of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Academician A.A. Blagonravov (1894-1975). His works belong to the area of automatic systems dynamics, ballistics of spaceships. He was a chairman of Committee on cosmic space investigation of Academy of Science of USSR, was an active participant of international conferences on disarmament. Afterwards the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute was named after A.A. Blagonravov.

Photo 5. Blagonravov A.A.

Theory of mechanisms accuracy was developed by Academician N.G.

Bruevich (1896-1987) and his followers. The linear theory of accuracy is based on the idea of a transformed mechanism, in which real input links are fixed [7], but there are fictitious input links, corresponding to errors of the mechanism. The analysis of the output link location errors can be carried out by relations, typical of velocities and infinitely small displacements. Further non-linear theory of accuracy was also developed together with V.I. Sergeev.

Photo 6. Bruevich N.G.

Soviet and Russian scientists made great contribution to the area of

gearing science formation, development of new gears and mechanisms on its basis. It is sufficient to mention the founder of analytical theory of gearing Russian scientist H.I. Gohman, who published in 1886 “Theory of gearing, generalized and developed by means of analysis”. The names of M.L. Novikov, who proposed a new type of gearing, named after him later, N.I. Kolchin, V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.A. Gavrilenko, K.I. Zablonsky, A.I. Petrusevich, E.L. Airapetov and many others, who influenced greatly the development of theory and practice of gears and gearbox industry, are known all over the world. And, certainly, Russia is proud of the large contribution, made to the theory of gearing by an outstanding scientist F.L. Litvin, who up to now remains one of the most cited scientists in this area of mechanisms and machines science.

The achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the area of oscillation and vibration investigation are rather great. Academician V.O. Kononenko (1918-1975) developed theory of interaction of non-linear

oscillating system with source of energy of limited power. Academician R.F. Ganiev (he was born in 1937) created a theory of non-

linear oscillations in continuums and developed a number of manufacturing vibrational-wave technologies.

Photo 7. Kononenko V.O. Photo 8, a. Ganiev R.F.

Photo 8, b. One picture from the book [8]

The role of Academician K.V. Frolov (1932-2007) in the development of Soviet and Russian mechanical engineering should be mentioned especially. The area of his scientific interests is non-linear oscillations of biomechanical systems man-machine-environment [23]. He was the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute for many years and carried out large-scale organizing work on investigations in this area, he supervised the publications of fundamental works on machine-building, theory of oscillations, a number of textbooks for technical higher educational institutions.

Photo 9. Frolov K.V.

In the beginning of 1960-s, soviet scientists began studying robotics [3]

and achieved great success. One of the first functioning biomechanical artificial hand appeared in USSR. Automatic cosmic probes (essentially they are robots too) were first to realize soft landing on the Moon, investigate its surface by means of a ship Lunokhod (the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute took part in investigations of friction in the wheels of the Lunokhod), deliver the moon soil. Soviet machines carried out investigation of Venus and Mars. The most contribution for development of soviet space robots was made by academician G. N. Babakin (1914-1971).

One of the most important problems in machine-building is strength of machine parts under dynamical variable loads. Academician Yu.N. Rabotnov (1914-1985) and his followers productively worked in this area. This scientist developed theory, describing processes of deforming of different materials, including plastics and composite materials [19]. He

made important contribution to the theory of elastic plastic mediums, failure processes, combining theoretical investigations with experimental ones.

Photo 10, a. Babakin G.N.

b) c) Photo 10, b, c. The Lunokhod (b), the robot to deliver Moon soil (c)

Photo 11. Rabotnov Yu.N.

General theory of design units’ reliability, based on application of methods of random processes theory and on application of probabilistic-statistical methods of mechanics, was developed by Academician V.V. Bolotin (1926-2008). In addition to it, he investigated properties of flaky and fibrous mediums, proposed methods of prediction of technical objects’ lifetime on the design stage [6].

Photo 12. Bolotin V.V.

It should be noted, that Soviet scientists made large contribution to

development of theory of friction and wear, or tribotechnics. Here the scientific schools, created by Professors I.V. Kragelsky and M.M. Khrushchov, can be mentioned. They and their followers investigated the questions of metrology of parts’ surface quality, creation of new antifriction materials, mechanism of wear, development of friction theory. In particular, when investigating wear processes, fundamental relationships of relative wear resistance on load, sliding velocity, abrazive grain size, correlation of hardness were found out.

We would like to note great contribution to development of mechanics and control of machines which is made by academicians A.Yu. Ishlinsky (1913-2003), K.S. Kolesnikov (he was born in 1919), D.M. Klimov (he was born in 1933), F.L. Chernousko (he was born in 1938).

The significance of some results becomes visible only after a number of years. In particular, the effectiveness of application of screw calculus in mechanisms science keeps increasing more and more. One of the first, who proposed it, was F.M. Dimentberg (1908-1999) after he got acquainted with the book of D.N. Zeiliger, where the properties of surfaces, generated by a motion of straight line, were investigated on the basis of screw calculus. Then F.M. Dimentberg [9] met with one of founders of screw

calculus A.P. Kotelnikov [15] (the second founder was E. Study). A.P. Kotelnikov indicated, that application of that instrument for problems of continuum mechanics was not reasonable, and it evidently would be effective for mechanisms investigation.

Photo 13. Ishlinsky A.Yu. Photo 14. Kolesnikov K.S.

Photo 15. Klimov D.M. Photo 16. Chernousko F.L. F.M. Dimentberg not only was the first to apply the theory of screws and

screw calculus to space mechanisms, but also could state, and also develop this mathematical tool not in analytical (as the most of researchers did), but in more illustrative and compact geometrical form. Now the method of screws attracts attention of more mechanical scientists, dealing with space mechanisms.

3. Academician I. I. Artobolevsky and IFToMM in Soviet Union and Russia

The role of Academician I.I. Artobolevsky (1905-1977) in the development of Soviet and Russian mechanical engineering is inestimable. He worked hard in the area of structure and kinematics of mechanisms, dealt with force analysis, theory of machines balancing, synthesis of mechanisms. He developed a system of mechanisms’ classification, that became the basis for the whole development of MMS in Soviet Union and all over the world. I.I. Artobolevsky together with his followers N.I. Levitsky and S.A. Cherkudinov developed fundamental theory of planar mechanisms’ synthesis [2].

Photo 17, a. Artobolevsky I.I.

He carried out large-scale organizing, educational and teaching work.

His textbooks on mechanisms and machines science were edited for many times and became classical. I.I. Artobolevsky was one of initiators of organizing International Federation on Theory of Mechanisms and Machines (IFToMM) and became its first president in 1969. He occupied this post for 8 years. Besides, he was the first chairman of National Committee of Soviet Union on MMS. After I.I. Artobolevsky, his follower Professor A.P. Bessonov was the chairman of the Committee, he made great contribution to the science of mechanisms with variable mass.

The activity of scientists in the area of mechanical engineering of Soviet Union and Russia always was closely connected with the activity of International Federation on Theory of Mechanisms and Machines (IFToMM). As it was noted, one of initiators of this organization creation

in 1969 and its first president during 8 years was I.I. Artobolevsky. After I.I. Artobolevsky, his follower Professor A.P. Bessonov was a representative of USSR and Russia in IFToMM, and he was rewarded with honourable medal of this organization during the work of XI World Congress on MMS in 2004. A scientific conference, devoted to the centenary of Academician I.I. Artobolevsky, was carried out in the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute in 2005. President of IFToMM Professor K. Waldron and general secretary of this Federation Professor M. Ceccarelli took part in the activity of this conference. Soviet and Russian scientists actively participated in many scientific events of IFToMM, in all World Congresses and Symposiums on robotics ROMANSY. Many Russian scientists are members of Committees and Editorial Boards of IFToMM.

b) c)

Photo 17, b, c. One page from the book of Artobolevsky I.I. [4] (b). The library of Artobolevsky I.I. given to Mechanical Engineering Research

Institute (c).

Conclusion Let’s note the following as a conclusion. Achievements of all modern

sciences – from physics of elementary particles, nanotechnologies, cosmic space investigation to genetic engineering and, further, to psychology and philosophy – are to more significant degree determined by achievements of modern mechanical engineering. For example tunnel microscope is a

machine having motor, transmission mechanism, actuator, control system with increased number of artificial intelligence elements. The man deals not with influence of the investigated objects to organs of sense, but with reactions of the created by him machines on influence of the investigated by him objects. In this sense it is absolutely necessary to study and develop the machines themselves, general principles of their design and functioning.

Modern mechanical engineering widely applies achievements of all progressive sciences. But mechanical engineering itself implements its methods in other sciences, that could seem to be far from it. In particular, the representation of protein structure and functioning as a machine is known, and technique of mechanisms science can be applied to investigation of internal mobility in crystals parts.

General fundamental problems of mechanical engineering are structural-parametric synthesis of mechanisms and machines, systematization of machines according to functional features in historical and logical aspect, kinematical and dynamical analysis of mechanisms, science of materials, tribology, biomechanics, complex investigation of machines influence on the man, oscillations and vibrations, wave technologies, development of drives and control algorithms, sensitization and artificial intelligence, and also robotics, strength of machines’ design units, construction of machines by analogy to living organisms and creation of prosthetics, and also medical instruments and robots, technological machines, and also investigation of interaction of mechanical engineering and progressive technologies, problems of reliability and safety of machines’ operation, diagnostics and methods of experimental machines’ investigation, problems of philosophy and psychology, connected with creation and evaluation of inventions, problems of teaching and popularization of investigation results in the area of mechanical engineering.

The stated above allows to say, that mechanical engineering is one of the most fundamental modern sciences, and Russian researchers continue to take efforts for development of this science.

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