

essay english

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FORGIVEN.I stood motionless and looked at the solid, dark brown wooden door. The house was painted white, and black on the wooden beams and window panes. It looked huge and expensive from the outside. I had to make my mind up whether to knock or press the bell. I turned to face the garden. I thought about going back to my car and drove home. Home. That was where I wanted to be; or was it where I would be after I knocked the door? I sighed and walked to the side where there was a wooden bench by the beautiful garden. I could see that the woman in the family loved the garden. The smell of white lilies reminded me of the florist down the road on Sixteenth Street. I sat on the sturdy looking wooden bench, trying to figure out what I would say if someone was to open the door. I wished I did not find out where she was so that I would not have three sleepless nights thinking of why she left me, whether she was looking for me or whether I should be angry.

I was abandoned at Bliss Home when I was barely four. They said they found me playing joyfully in the playground, innocently thinking that I was sent to school. After three years, I found out that my mother left me at the orphanage because she had to go and find my father who left us when I was two. I was devastated, knowing that my mother left me to strangers. Funny, I thought, how manipulative and contradictory adults could be when it comes to giving advice. Those at Bliss Home took good care of me and made me realise that I was still lucky to be able to enjoy life. Sister Lisa was one of those who managed to make me see that I should make the most of myself than being miserable, grieving my unfortunate life; thinking nobody loved me. I stayed there till I was 12, when I was then transferred to Rouston Public School. Well, Sister Lisa thought it was a good school. Spurred by Sister Lisas determination to give me life, I did my best in Rouston and would go back to Bliss Home during semester breaks or Christmas to be part of the family. Well, I was not sure whether I knew the meaning of that word, but Sister Lisa convinced me that I was part of them when my presence was usually welcomed by freshly baked apple pie and mince meat. Then we would all sit in our warm huge and rather aromatic dining hall. I could still smell Marthas mouth-watering Yorkshire pudding and roast beef in the kitchen whenever I visited Bliss Home.

It was 8 years ago when I started digging files and tailing endless documents to find out who my biological parents were. Blessed, I found where my mother lived but was reluctant to go and see her. I knew it would shake her down to her knees and she would beg forgiveness for leaving me; that she was young and naive; that she would not have managed looking after me on her own. Even worst, my presence would stop her heart; that she would collapse unconsciously, leaving me feeling guilty instead. Sister Lisa was the one who insisted. At the end of the year, I eventually gave in but forbade her from calling Mom to inform that I was coming; in case I changed my mind. She gladly agreed and even packed me cheese and tomato sandwiches for the journey. I was skeptical when she said that Mom would be waiting for me. If mom knew where I was, why didnt she come and find me?

My thoughts were interrupted by a butterfly flying right in front of my nose. I looked back at the house to see if anyone noticed my presence. Silence. I glanced at my watch but I forgot what time I arrived, so I did not know how long I was there. I stood up and walked back to the sandy path leading to the house. I stopped at the wooden door again wishing it was an automatic door so I did not have to decide. Spotting a shadow by the window on my left, my heart pumped. Somebody was at the window and was walking towards the door. I found it very hard to swallow a big lump in my throat as my heart thumped against my chest. I thought that I was the one who would be unconscious.

Hi, can I help you? asked the girl who was standing in front of me with a huge grin. I swallowed hard while admiring her curly blonde. Seeing that, I knew she must be Moms daughter. She looked 15, lean and has beautiful brown eyes. Pretty.Yess.. Ermm yeah.. I was looking for Mrs Collins. Hmm well, is this Mrs Collinss house by any chance? Ohh yeahh.. Hmm..Moms upstairs. And I think shes expecting you. Aunt Lisa told mom this morning. She smiled pleasantly holding the door. Despite the dazzling big smile, I could see the quizzical frowns on her forehead. I wondered whether it was because I frowned first. Obviously Sister Lisa must have had said something to Mom. I waited. Looking for words, I folded my arms unintentionally and looked away at the lilies, biting my lower lips. I thought of saying that it was a big mistake and should just walk back to my car. After all, it had been 25 years since she left me. It would not change anything, would it?Owh well, you must be freezing. Please come in, shell be down in a minute.She opened the door and took my left hand, looked at me in the eyes as if to ask for permission and pulled me inside. As I dragged my feet down the hallway, I could see a family picture on the wall. Something stabbed me, right on my chest. Deep. I could feel the pain that I felt years ago when I found out I was left on my own, and was on the verge of tears. Again, I thought of walking back to the door but I brushed the thought away when I heard the footsteps. It happened so quickly, I was not sure whether I was actually there. My stomach tightened when I saw the hopeful look in her eyes.

William, ohh its you. Ive been waiting for you for years? I knew you would find me. See, its in your nature. Being curious, that is.Well, as if it was my mistake that she had to wait so long. I thought I was supposed to wait for her to find me, or at least she should have gone to Bliss Home to find out. Silence. I could not say anything looking at her fragile face. I noticed that her daughter was standing by the small coffee table, looking out of the window expressionlessly, pretending we were not there.

I looked at Mom pityingly and sighed. I was unsure of what to say. As if to wait for me to invite her in her own living room, she stood by the door and smiled awkwardly. Despite the quivered smile, I could still vaguely recognise those beautiful brown eyes when she smiled. Then, she looked down at her hands, which she clenched and unclenched nervously. I presumed that she was as uneasy as I was. After a moment, I cleared my throat and forced a weak smile. Seeing that, she ran towards me and hugged me. Sobbing. Tears welled in my eyes. I closed my eyes, afraid that anyone would see me, but I knew she was forgiven.


1) I was motionless when I saw the stranger.2) I made up my mind to run as fast as I can. 3) I sighed when I saw the gate closed. (sai ght)4) The gate is sturdy, impossible to break open.5) I need to figure out my escape soon.6) Nightmares make me sleepless. I have insomnia. 7) It was an abandoned house.8) A cat was barely alive. 9) Devastated, I gave up.10) Sometimes, the nightmares are manipulative, full of twisted stories.11) Dreams are contradictory and untrue.12) I need to make the most of my life.13) Feeling miserable, I sat at a corner grieving about my results. (me se re bel) 14) I was spurred by mum to learn dancing.15) I can do it with determination.16) She was convinced to take drug. (dra..g)17) She was shocked by my presence. 18) Mum prepared an aromatic dinner.19) She is (sally) salivating. It was a mouth-watering dessert. Look at her saliva. (sliver)20) She is digging the truth and tailing her husband. Why is she tailing/following me? (ta el ling)21) I am reluctant to see him.22) The accident will shake Peter to his knees.23) Find money on your own. 24) Peter collapsed unconsciously after hearing it. (pengsan)25) Mum insisted that I go.26) Eventually, I went.27) She forbade me from telling you. (tidak membenarkan) 28) I dont believe you. I am skeptical about this.29) We are interrupted by a loud noise.30) I glanced up and saw him.31) Spotting a car tailing me, I sped/ speed up.32) My heart pumped when the lights went out.33) The insult is very hard to swallow.34) The nightmare made my heart thumped against my chest.35) The mad man has a huge grin on his face,36) By any chance, are you Jenny?37) I am expecting a small dog.38) She has a dazzling diamond on her ring finger.39) She has quizzical frowns during the test40) Dont frown. You look old.41) Obviously, she took it. 42) Mum folded her arms.43) I bumped into her unintentionally.44) The weather is freezing cold.45) Do I have the permission to marry your daughter? (doa ter)46) I dragged my feet to school.47) No one is helping me. I am left on my own.48) Hearing the sad news, I am on the verge of tears.49) You need to brush negative thoughts away.50) My stomach tightened at the sight of snake. 51) She has a hopeful look. 52) It is in animals nature to hunt and kill. 53) Dont be curious. Curiosity kills the cat.54) Dont break the vase. It is fragile. (fre gile)55) She is thin and fragile. 56) Why are you looking so expressionlessly?57) Dont pity me. Stop pitying me. 58) This is awkward. No one is talking. He is standing awkwardly in a corner.59) Despite being rich, he is friendly.60) The leaves quivered and fell. 61) The mouse is quivering.62) I vaguely remember this girl. Is she Jenny?63) He clenched his teeth. I clenched my fist.64) I presumed you are her mother. suim65) The boy cleared his throat before singing. (thro t) 66) She forced a smile during the contest.67) Dont hug me so tight. (hag)68) She is sobbing after losing in the game.69) Tears welled in my eyes when I saw the news.

The meaning of life:

Life is a cycle of ups and downs. Not everyday is a sunshine. And after the rain, there is a rainbow. Every cloud has a silver lining. (kla ud)

Waking up in the morning, what do you feel? Dragging your feet to work? This must be devastating. A huge grin or a forced smile on your face? Are you expecting good things to happen or have quizzical frowns on your face? Happiness is intentional. Make the most of your day. So, decide to be happy. When life throws you a lemon, make a lemonade.

There are endless worries if you count. So, brush those thoughts away. Stop grieving and feeling miserable. It is in our nature to want the best. So, do our best with determination. Clench your teeth when things are hard to swallow. Convince yourself that you live once. Make up your mind to work things around. What makes your heart pump? Career, travel, love? Then, go for it. (ke real)

Happiness is as easy as ABC. All it takes is a step. A step to make things better. A step to make life easier. Your presence will be pleasant when you are happy. Be spurred by excitements in your daily life. Tell yourself, It is a good day. It is a good life. There is no second chances. This is it. Seize the moment. Dont count the days. Make the days count.

An Amusing Story

It was just before bedtime. Serena was reading a hair-raising ghost story. She loved the excitement and thrill of scaring herself silly before a good night's sleep. She was reading the story halfway when she suddenly heard the squeaky opening of her front door. She was startled by the eerie sound. she felt something was wrong and decided to see what it was all about.Serena gently pushed the warm blanket aside and slowly crept out of her bed. She walked down the stairs. Even her very own footsteps on the creaky stairs scared her. She heard the soft sound of footsteps in the kitchen and she stopped to listen. It was surely a ghost from the past since everyone she knew was in their beds fast asleep at this hour. The darkness sent shivers down her spine but she wanted to find out what was making the strange noise. She stepped off the last step of the stairway and turned to enter the kitchen where the noises seemed to be coming. Suddenly, she walked right into a dark figure. She screamed her lungs out at the impact that gave her a rude shock.The dark figure stretched out a hand and quickly turned on the bright kitchen lights -- it was Serena's elder brother Ken! He could not help laughing at poor Serena sitting most unladylike on the ground. He had gone out late that night with his friends and had just returned home. Serena felt silly to have thought it was a ghost. She had a good laugh too.

The Hero Within The sun warmed my face, giving my pale complexion a tint of pink as if it had been pinched. My feet moved swiftly beneath me. I was on my way to school. Fear had started to build up inside of me as if I were a geyser ready to burst. I knew what waited ahead for me at school, but I just let my feet carry me forward. I had been very sick the last two years. Grave's disease had taken over my life, just as alcohol takes over an alcoholic. This disease ate away at my immune system, reeking terror on my physical being and leaving it feeling and looking like a train wreck. Thanks to this disease, my once light coco skin now held a pale, volcanic ash -like color. My sickly body held a mere fifty pounds, which is way under the average weight for an eight- year old. The hair on my head, once flowing like a long river of chestnuts, now was short and thin, and sometimes fell to the floor like rain drops. Eyes that used to be small and a beautiful brow n now were a dull coffee color, so enlarged that they looked as if they were going to pop out my head. Worst of all was a large scar, laid upon my neck, which looked like someone had cut me with a knife.

I had learned to live with these life changes to my body, but other people had not always been so accepting. Even though I was now ten, these symptoms still plagued my body. So on this beautiful, enchanted day, I headed for school and steeled myself for the day's events. I was used to the daily taunts and teasing from my fellow peers, but two girls in particular could always get to me. No matter how high I built up my armor-like protection, those two girls could always break through as if they were trained burglars. Kim, the feisty leader of the two, made people at school fear her piercing brown eyes and quick, insulting tongue. She walked with confidence, as if she owned the school. Anyone in their right mind would not dare stand up to her, in fear that they might be slain as if they were the dragon and she the slayer. Gracie, on the other hand, was quite different from her counterpart. She followed Kim but never led the militia. Gracie was very beautiful. Black, shining ringlets framed her heart-shaped face. Boys bent over backwards for her attention. When Gracie and Kim walked together, Gracie always trailed a few steps behind with her head held down, as if somewhere deep inside she was like some of the kids she helped to terrorize. On command, though, she would join Kim in the insults and pain she spread. As I entered the school that beautiful day, they were right there inside the school, as if they had been waiting for me all morning. Kim stood with her arms crossed over her chest like she was a secret service agent. Her eyes were fixed on me as if she was the hunter and I was the deer frozen helpless in her sights. She leaned very slowly over to Gracie, whispering something in her ear. Then, with wild eyes, Gracie started to approach me. At that moment, I thought that I should run, scream, or do something besides stand there. Instead, I just stood with my feet super glued to the floor. When Gracie was face to face with me, she sternly spat out, leaving hot drops of hate on my face, " Kim wants to see you, now!" I did not know what to do. Head down and a few steps behind, I followed Gracie as she always followed Kim. As we approached Kim, I knew this was going to be a very dark day for me. Kim's eyes scanned me up and down, and a look of disgust came over her face. Hate filled her eyes as if she were the devil himself. Her mouth opened with the words, "So what do we have here?" I tried to stutter out a response, but only unrecognizable sounds escaped my quivering lips. This brought them both so much pleasure, seeing mefear them. Then they both let out shrilling, witch-like laughs that sent shivers through my already trembling body. My mind kept shouting out signals to be as still as possible and this would be over soon, but little did I know this was just the beginning. With a megaphone-like sound, Kim started shouting, "Hey everybody, look! It's Frankenstein!" Gracie added her two cents in by yelling, "It's the freak! Frankenstein!" As those hate filled messages echoed through the school, Kim and Gracie started pushing and punching me with all their strength. My body started to ache from the blows, and red marks began to form all over me. My ears burned like they were on fire from the hateful shouting. Warm, salty tears poured freely from my eyes. Fellow classmates became bystanders of this degradation, and some started to join in with the prayer-like chants. My shame and embarrassment stung me like a bee, and I was praying for it all to end. A moment later, my prayers were finally answered when a teacher broke in to the middle of the commotion. I didn't even wait to hear what she said. I just let my feet carry me from that spot with high speed, and I did not stop until I reached home and the safety of my mother's arms. I let my mother cuddled me like an infant for what seemed like hours. Once enough time had passed and my tears began to dry up, I repeated in detail the terror that had occurred earlier that day. As I told my story, I could see my mother's heart literally break in two. Tears welled up in her beautiful, caring, blue eyes. A clown-like frown showed on her lips. After my account of the story was complete, she put my small, frail-like hands into hers. With an angel- like sigh, she told me that not everyone was good or nice. Some people miss the true beauty of a person because they look for what they can see. She told me the true beauty of a person is what lies within us; in the love we give ourselves, and most of all, the love we give to others. At that moment, I knew what she meant. As I have gone through life, I have met many victims like myself. When I see these victims on the streets, at school, and at other such places, and observe the stares and hear the snickers they receive, I just stop. I hold my head up high. Then I give them an extra big smile, a friendly "Hello," or lend a helping hand. In my own way, I let them know I am just like them.

Cockroach (es) cock cre ach cock crea ches1) The lipstick gives a tint of light pink.2) She chopped the onion swiftly. (sweef li) (ar nien)3) The cockroach is beneath my chair. (be nif)4) Excitement build up. 5) My heart ready to burst.6) Future waited ahead for me.7) Let my heart/feet/mind carry me.8) Malik taken over the company.9) She ate away my heart.10) She is reeking of alcohol.11) I looked ugly like a train wreck. (wrake)12) I have merely RM10. (mear li) 13) Her dress is flowing like a river of blue.14) My books are going to pop out of my bag,15) Worst of all, I lost my money.16) The necklace laid upon my neck.17) Pls be more accepting. 18) Do you have any symptoms? Sim tems19) This problem plagued me. Plak 20) He is enchanted by my beauty. N chan ted 21) She steeled before the headmaster. 22) Stop taunting and teasing me.ton ting, t zing.23) I hate sweets particularly choco flavour. Par ti q ler li24) Anger gets to me25) He wears something armor-like.26) The burglars break through the back door. Ber glers27) My brother is a little feisty and naughty. Fes ti28) He looks at me with piercing eyes. Pear cing 29) Stop insulting me. 30) I am not in my right mind.31) I am scared to stand up to my mum.32) We will be slain if we are caught. Slea n33) I dreamed of a dragon slayer.34) On the other hand, she is thinner.35) The team leader will lead the militia. 36) Beautiful hair framed her face.37) Billy bent over backwards to gain her attention38) Why are you always a few steps behind?39) Trailed behind, head down.40) They terrorize the kids. Ta re rize 41) The dog bites on command.42) She insults me. 43) His eyes fixed on me.44) I stood frozen and felt helpless 45) He leaned against the wall.46) I hear someone whispering we s pe ring 47) The tigers approach the fence.48) I cannot think at the moment.49) The phone is superglued to her ear.. 50) Tell me face to face.51) The teacher talks with stern face. 52) He spat out hate comments.53) Mum scanned the guy up and down.54) He has a look of disgust on his face. Des gast55) I stutter out, Ar. Sta ter 56) She is unrecognizable after makeup. An re ge nai ze bel57) Her lips are quivering. Kue ve ring 58) It is a pleasure to see you. Ple sure 59) I heard a shrilling scream shrel ling 60) I have shivers watching scary movie.61) She is trembling in cold. 62) Look at the road signals.63) This is just a beginning of my story.64) She scolded me. Lin added her two cents.65) I am not a freak. I am just sick.66) Loud scream echoed in the hall. A ko d67) My head aches. Ag s I have headache. Hae daek 68) The bystanders are just looking69) She is afraid of degradation by her classmates.70) They start chanting , Exo! Exo!71) Her hateful words stung like a bee72) This is shameful and embarrassing m bae re sing 73) I want all this to end.74) You are here. My prayers are answered. An ser ed75) What is this commotion about? Ko mou sen 76) I am in the safety of my car.77) I cuddled my little brother.78) I described my dress in detail.79) An accident occurred just now.80) I literally fainted.81) A frown shows on her face. Fraun 82) I tell my account of the accident.83) She is so frail and thin84) A secret lies within that smile85) You miss the real meaning86) Dont be a victim. Fight back.87) Please observe the hairstyles88) She is fine with stares now.89) They are snickering at her new hair.90) Please lend me a helping hand. 91) You have a healthy complexion kom plax sen Fair / pale / dark / sick 92) Who pinched me?93) He felt hot like a bursting geyser.94) I felt terror every time. Tae rer 95) I have a sickly looking face.96) The coins fell to the ground like rain drops.97) Your words cut me like a knife. 98) This is a life changing experience.99) I headed for the bank100) She kept scolding no matter what I say.101) I am used to scoldings.102) My peers like to gossip.103) I need protection.104) Dont spread bad news105) I have been waiting all morning106) Her arms are crossed over her chest.

Someone scolded you. Write how you felt and what you did.
