Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) An Introduction to FSC-certified Paper FSC-certified forest -Nova...



Introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council

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Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)An Introduction to FSC-certified Paper

FSC-certified forest -Nova Scotia. © Jeff Amos 2006. Prints available through TREES Gallery

This presentation will cover:

Introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council

What is FSC-certified paper?

Why use FSC-certified paper?

Links and Resources

An Overview of FSC Paper

Introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council

Who is the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)?

The FSC is an international certification and labeling system that guarantees that paper and wood products carrying the FSC label come from an environmentally and socially responsible source.

The FSC’s mission is to promote the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests through standards development and certification

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

Who is the Forest Stewardship Council?

Voluntary, market based tool for forest conservation.

Forest managementcertification

Chain of Custodycertification

The FSC label

Tracking of products from forest to shelf.

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

1. Compliance with Laws and FSC Principles

2. Tenure and Use Rights and Responsibilities

3. Indigenous Peoples' Rights

4. Community Relations and Worker's Rights

5. Benefits from the Forest

6. Environmental Impact

7. Management Plan

8. Monitoring and Assessment

9. Maintenance of High Conservation Value Forests

10. Plantations

Our 10 Guiding Principles

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

What does it mean for forests? Waterways are protected; Wildlife habitat and species are protected; High conservation value forests are preserved; Forest management practices are monitored annually; Genetically modified trees are not used; Local people are involved in forest mgmt.; The rights of Indigenous Peoples are respected.

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

What is FSC Certification?

Forest certification is a market-based, non-regulatory forest conservation tool designed to recognize and promote environmentally-responsible forestry and sustainability of forest resources through the verification of forest management practices and product labeling.

By certifying forest lands to FSC standards and tracking all wood fiber coming out of these certified forests, final products like paper, furniture, lumber and so forth can be labeled, recognized and demanded by consumers who want to support sustainable forest management.

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

1. Forest Management certification

2. Chain of Custody certification

It is a voluntary, market based tool for forest conservation. It tracks products from forest to shelf. Responsibly produced forest products are identified with the FSC


3. Product Labeling

How Does FSC Certification Work?

Introduction to the FSC What is CoC

Certification? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

What is FSC-certified Paper?

What is FSC-certified Paper?

FSC Certified Forest Manufacturing FSC Certified Paper

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

FSC-certified papers are tracked from forest to final product. The FSC label is your guarantee that the paper has come from a responsibly managed forest, verified recycled source, or other controlled forest friendly sources.

What are FSC-certified Papers Made From?

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

FSC-certified papers can contain FSC-certified wood fibre from well-managed forests, post consumer recycled content, or a combination of FSC-certified wood fibre, recycled content and other controlled forest friendly sources.

What are FSC-certified Papers Made From?

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

1. FSC-certified Fibre

A minimum of 10% of fresh wood fibre used in FSC-certified papers comes from FSC-certified forests.

What are FSC-certified Papers Made From?

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

2. Fibre from Controlled Sources

The fresh wood fibre used in FSC-certified papers can also come from forest friendly, or controlled, sources. Controlled fibre means that it has been verified and cannot come from:

• Areas of social conflict and illegal logging;

• Genetically modified trees;

• High-conservation value forests; and

• Large scale conversions which replace native tree species with faster growing

non-native species.

What are FSC-certified Papers Made From?

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

3. Post Consumer Recycled Content

FSC also certifies the recycled content of paper. The recycled/post-consumer waste content for FSC papers is verified, guaranteeing that is has come from recycled sources.

Introduction to the FSC

What is FSC Paper? Becoming Certified Links and Resources

Look for the LabelThe FSC check tree logo identifies papers that are FSC-certified.

Why Use FSC-certified Paper?

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Why Use FSC-certified Paper?Responsible Use of Forest ResourcesGlobal paper consumption increased by twenty times in the past century, and has more than tripled over the past 30 years.   Consumers are becoming more aware of their personal paper consumption, and are seeking ways in which they can consume paper in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. Consumers and stakeholders are also demanding that companies use paper products that come from a sustainable and responsible source. Industry leaders are delivering by printing on FSC-certified papers, and changing their purchasing policies to specify FSC-certified product

Why Use FSC-certified Paper?Wide Environmental and Social SupportFSC is the only forest certification system supported by the following groups:

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Why Use FSC-certified Paper?Beyond Recycled Although recycled fibres are often considered the only alternative for responsible papers, they can only meet 35% of current paper consumption, and not all paper can be 100% recycled. In fact, not all recycled fibre is good.  Where does the recycled fibre come from, and if a paper is only partially recycled, where does the fresh fibre come from? With FSC-certified paper you are guaranteed that both fresh and recycled fibre come from forest-friendly sources that meet the highest international standards.

•There are over 100 lines of FSC-certified papers and envelopes available in Canada

Uncoated Free SheetCoated Free Sheet

Coated CoversFine Text & Covers

Bonds & WritingDigital


Copy Paper

What is Available as FSC-certified?

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

FSC papers are available through the following retailers and merchants:

Where Can I Buy FSC Paper?

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Baldwin Paper Companywww.baldwinpaper.comBuntin Reid PaperJBR La Maison du Papierwww.epaperhouse.comConcept Paper Inc. www.conceptpaper.caDye and Durhamwww.dyedurham.caGould Paper (Canada) Ltd. www.gouldcanada.comGrand and

Paperlinx Canada Limitedwww.paperlinx.comPaper Mill Store, The www.thepapermillstore.comSTAPLES Business Paper Inc. Unisource Inc.www.unisource.caWest World Paperwww.westworldpaper.comXpedx Canada

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Printing with FSC PapersIf you would like to promote your use of FSC papers by including the FSC product label, you will need to print the materials with an FSC-certified printer.Part of the Chain of Custody, certified printers are authorized to apply the FSC logo and product label to printed materials such as annual reports, brochures, invitations, business cards etc.There are over 500 certified print locations across Canada.

Links and Resources

Links and ResourcesFSC Canada Website:• Find FSC-certified

• List of FSC Papers and Suppliers:

• List of FSC

• Develop a Green Procurement

Introduction to the FSC What is FSC Paper? Why Use FSC Paper? Links and Resources

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)The Standard for Healthy Forests

FSC-certified forest -Nova Scotia. © Jeff Amos 2006. Prints available through TREES Gallery
