(FOR 3-YEAR Ph.D . . of thereg.upm.edu.my/reg/etc/biasiswa/lampiran8.pdf · research proposal 1.7...


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Pleaare make sum vou can all the elieibilitv cntena of the . . Proemme by tickinn oniv "Yes" on all ~oints below:

1.1 My age is between 25 and 35

1.2 I have an M.Sc degree in the field of science or technology related to o r listed under the Programme

1.3 I have a minimum of 2 years of worWresearch experience in the same neld )yes No

1.4 My overall academic standinglgrades are at least "Very Good''

1.5 I have suitable record of publIcatlonslresearch in the same fleld

1.6 My proposed field of study is as listed under the Programme and I can n ~ e s No Demonstrate its scientific and flevelo~mental relevance clearly in my research proposal

1.7 My application is sponsored by my Institution and page 7 (seven) of my Application Form is signed by the Head of my Institution

1.8 My application is being submitted tbrough the Office of the IDB Governor for my country

If you do not full3 all the eligibility criteria mentioned above, your application will be consided ineligible and will not be processed.

Please do not detach this page from your Application Form. Thank you.

Also available on:

h@:/%mw.Isdb. org

can be requested by email from: (rchokbGJisdb. ow)




Please wite in BLOCK L E T T m only note thut your appliation is arsessed on point system so lfyou knowingly leave any item/part incomplete or ignore p e n imtructiom, p u may either lose points or your application be considered ineligble.


1. Name in firll: Mr/Mls/Ms/ (circle appropriate title; writeJirst, second and th i rdmi ly name, in that order)

2. Nationality now : ¶- atbu-th: ; Religion:

3. Passport number: ; Vdd From to

4. Exact age: years; Date of birth: ; Country of buth (please do not apply fyour age is not within the required age bracket)

Married: Yes ; No 0; Without chrldren: ; With chddren: ;

Number of chddren: ; Age of ciuldren: From to years.

6. Home addms: No: ; Street name: ; Apt No:

P.O. Box: Town/City :

Province/S tate: ; Postal Code:

Telephone: Country code ; City code: Phone number:

7. Contact information ( p t your own other telephone/fax/telex number where you can be reached; you must complete this item, in case of urgency):

Town/City : ; Country/city tel. code: Tel : ; Fax: ; e - d :

. Name of contact person: ; Relationslup:

8. Do you have any relative/friend/acquaintance at the IDB? yes NO; ifyes:

Name: ; Office: ; Relationslup :

9. Have you ever applied before? Yes No; ifyes, in what year:

Were you: Not eligible? Not selected? Gve reasons:

Note: The LDB keeps a computer record on all applications since 1413/1992-93. Ifyour answer is at variance with the record, your application will be considered ineligible and will not be processed.


M.Sc studv: Name of University: Town/City : ; Country:

Field of study: ; Length of study: - years;

Degree obtained: ; Date of graduation: 7

Grades: - Very Good;- Excellent; Indicate actual letter grade: -; point average: - (out of maximum ); or - %; Indicate location in your document where the grade you gave can be read:

Gradng system used - to - Excellent; t o - Very Good.

B.Sc Studv :

Name of University:

To wn/C~ty: ; Country:

Field of study: ; Length of study: - years

Degreesbtained : ; Date of graduation: 7

Grades: Very Good; Excellent; Indcate actual letter grade: ; point average: (out of maximum ); or %; Indicate location in your document where the grade you gave can be read: Gradng system used: to - Excellent; to - Very Good

Note: Grades must be provided. Do not ask the WB to get your grades from your institution of - study. If you cannot provlde (at least your B.Sc ones), please explain in the space above or your application will be considered in eligible and will not be processed.

Masters' Thesis title:

Field : Year approved: , Published: - Yes - No

Language Proficiency &ou must tickfirst three columns, as relevano:

Engllsh French G e m Other (Spec@):

Reading Writing Certificate

Note: On 4thllast column (Cerhificate): enter TOEFL or British Council cerfificate for English; enter equivalent cerhjkate for Frenchlother languages; enter "None" i f you do not have it or you think you do not need it butyou must explain why, below:

5. Give number of pubhhed work [excludinn above thesis; and if-vou have no published work, please do no1 send vour application, it will be considered ineli~ible and will not be processed):

In proposed field of study In other science In other fields

Journal articles


Cod. papers

Reports, etc.

6. Detailed ~ublications:

No. - Name of Journd Country Publisher where ~ublished

Year -

Note: Complete 41 items as requested; do not use abbreviations at all for the names of journals and courttries where published must be given; ifyou use additiortal paper, maintain same headings scrupulously. Ifyou use abbreviations or you deliberately ignore any one item, you will lose pointr!


1. Name of Institution/Ofice where you woric now:

(do not use abbreviations)

Type of institution: Government; Private: Semi-Government

Street Name: ; No: ; P.O. Box:

T o M i t y : ; ProvindS tate: >

Telephone: Country code ; City code: Phone number:

Fax: ; e-mad: ; Office dayshours:

Note The IDB will inform you on the status of your application o& through e-mail Uyou have no e- - mail address, please get one or give any e-mail address that can be rued for the purpose @elm@:

2. Your current position: ; Identlijl if this position is:

U Middle level: U Senior: [ Date employment begun:

Name g-icJ title of immediate Supervisor:

Phone number: ;Fax: ; E-mail

5. Name of 1st Employer: (name of institutiovr/company, not individual)

Address (town/city/count~y): Position: ; Fieldltype of work: 7

Dates: fiom to ; Duration (in years): Years

Name of 2nd Employer: (name of institution/company, not individual) Address (townlcitylcountry): Position: ; Fieldhype of work: ; Dates: fiom to ; Duration (in years): Years

Name of 3nl Employer: (name of institutiodcompany, not individual) Address (town/city/country): Position: ; Fieldhype of work: ; Dates: fiom to ; Duration (in years): years

4. Number of yeam you have been working: In general: years; In your proposed field of study: Years

5. Number of Professional Training/Coumes/Upgrading takedreceived: ; None

List all (iimore, use aakhtional paper but maintain same headings; will not be considered ifproofs are not attached):

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Location: ; Dates:

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Locatiox ; Dates:

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Location: ; Dates:

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Location: ; Dates:

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Location: Dates:

6. Number of awards/mognitions for academic or professional excellence

None (will nor be considered I/letter/evidence is not attached) received: ,

Title: For what:

Given by whom ; Year gven:

7. Membership in Scientific/Professional Organizations (do not claim ifyou have no copy

of letter/evidence toprove with; do not use abbreviations):

Name of Organization

International Position

8. Three (3) referees: (please refer to Reference Form (Section G). Ifthe three letters are attached now, indicate: - Yes; -No (later).

NamdTi tle Position Relationship



D. PLAN OF STUDY AND RESEARCH PROPOSAL . 1. Give your current area or field of expertise:

2. Proposed duration of study (Maximum J years onid:

Indicate proposed country of study (Exact country, upon/ajIer selection):

Kong/Singapore; ) lDB Member Countries (which: );

4. Summarize the research ~roposal you intend to write when reauested later (your proposed area of study must be directly related to your academic background current area of experrise oryour application will be considered ineligible):

Exact title: ; Short title: Name of the field of study (and its Number) under the 16 approved fields:

Write below (not in a separate sheet), one brief paragraph giving the gist of what you are proposing' to study andlor research (or a brief summary of the research proposal you intend to write and submit later):

Im~ortant: If this suace i3 leff blank, your applkdon will be considered inelipibk arui will not be processed FuIVmmalefe research proposal

[Section H ) i3 attached now: 6

5. Do you have admission abeady? Yes; No; possible; From where:

If not yet, fiom whch University/research institution are you planning to obtain adrmssion?

Note: Do not tick "Yes" f you cannot name the institution! A copy ofadmission letter or correspondence must be attached lfyou tick "Yes" or your claim will not be considered.


1. I certfi that all information given in this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I have never been convicted of any criminal behavior or wrongdoing in my life.

I f either or both of the above two statements or any other statement in this Application Form is false, I may be declared ineligrble or dsqualified or my scholarship be terminated instantly.

Signature: ; Date:


(If this section is not completed or without a signature, your application will be considered ineligible and will not beprocessed):

All the particulars provikd in this application are genuine and correct. I f the applicant is awarded the IDB Merit scholarship, he/she will be treated like all beneficiaries of scholarships (whether @om the Government or international institutions), i. e., that:

2.1 he/she will be regarded as being under a study leave during the tenure of the IDB Merit scholarship;

2.2 hisher salaryAallavance(s) will continue to be paid while on said study leave;

2.3 hisher right to return, resume duties as before or as deemed necessary and undertake @rther) research will be respected and$acilitated;

2.4 every effort will be made to ensure that the outcome of the training and research undertaken will be&& absorbed and utilized.

NamelTitle of HeadJDimctor

Signatum: Date:

Please append your Institution's official stamp hem:


1 Submit one (1) c o ~ v of each requilled documents below (tick lf you have them and have included them in your package):

Application Form

Curriculum vitae or CV

B. Sc and M. Sc diplomas

B. Sc and M. Sc transcripts

Face copy and surnmarylabstract of M.Sc thesis

Two (2) Passport-size pictures (put in a transparent/plastic pouch) Yes No

Copy of passport (not all pages, only relevant ones)

Birth certificate

Face copieslabstracts of publications, reports, conference papers

Copies of training certificate(s) (if any)

Language certificate or test score (if any) . Letter or evidence of pre-admission (If any)

Copies of award(s) (if any)

Evidence of memberslup in professional organization(s) (if any)

Three letters of reference in sealed envelopes (later)

Conlplete (5-page) research proposal (if any or Ifdesired) D y e s NO

2. Organize your documents so that each item is separated by a whitdcolor separator. Clip or staple, number them (1.1 - 1.16) and write the titles as above on the separators. If anv item is missing. explain on the seuarator.

If any of your documents are not in English, French or Arabic, please have them translated or describe the content(s) briefly in English

Your three Reference letters and complete @-page) research proposal (1.16) are not required at this time but .if you can secure your three reference letters and do your research proposal now, you may include them Your three Reference letters and complete research proposal WIN be requested later along with five (5) additional copies of the Application Form and all other documents (except pictures, passport and birth certificate) after you have been informed of your eligibility for Mher processing. So lease k e e ~ copies of all your documents including your com~leted A~plication Fom.

5 . Send your application and its required documents toithrough the Office of the IDB Governor for your country to arrive at the IDB before the deadline (September 30). Late applications are processed for the next year.

If you have not heard about your applicxd~on by the end of December, contact the Office of the IDB Govemor for your country or the IDB.

T b k Application F ~ n n has 10 pages. Do not detach this page but detach pages 9 and 10 and submit only 8 pages (1 -8).

You may inquire through e - d : <scholar@isdb.org>. Thank you and good luck.


Dear ADDIicant: 7% section is not required to be submitted with your Application Form and other documents now. It will be requested liter fhhen your application is considered eligible for further processing and after you have been informed as such. So please detach thk section now and keep it with you. But ifyou can secure them now, it is up to you, you may amch them now.

How to com~lete this Section: Complete the section below (A-D), make 3 copies and submit them to three referees (two of whom must be your (ex)teachers/professors) and receive the completed ones in sealed envelo~es and enclose with all other documents which will be requested later if the above condition applies to you.

A Scholar's name: C. Nominating Institution:

B. Country: D. Proposed field of study:

Dear Referee: Ple~se complek the rest of this form (below) and provide, to the best of your ability. the most acclrrate and up-to-date information on the scholar:

How long have you known the scholar: In what capacity (as student, colleague, stafT, etc): How do you rate the scholar's:

3.5 %&k ,tki&.ks. Top 1Ph Top25% Above 50%; Below 50%

3.2 Personality: m o d ; Other (Spec$):

3.3 Commitment to hisher Institution:

3.4 Ability to get along with others:

3.5 Communication skills (Excellent, Good, Fair):

High Medium m o w

High Medium m o w

Excellent [? Good mair

Language(s) :

3.6 Verbal communication: Excellent Good mair 3.7 Writing skill (report writing, letter writing, etc): Excellent Good nair

3.8 Research ability and slalls: Excellent Good mair

Do you recommend the scholar to receive the IDB Merit Scholarship? Yes Unsure Maybe NO (Please explain):

Any other comments you wish to add:

Your name: -------- ------------- Position :-------- ------- Addms: Tell ---------- -------------- f Fax: ...................... E-mail: ------------me------------- - ----- -

%nk wu;ad please knuUv ma in an envelop, seal and sign or stam-v the envelope for confidentialitv and aiw back to the scholar for onward dispatch to the IDB.


You will be requested to prepare a detailed research proposal ijhhen your appliidation is considered eligble for further processing and after you have been informed as such. But i f you can do it now or vou have it alreadv, you ma?, include it in your apvlication documents now and send it accordinpl~ -

Please detach this sheet now and do not attach to your Application Form at this time. Tne sheet is for your preview and reference only but you must keep it with you as you will need to refer to it ghhen you are requested to prepare your detailed proposal.

Instruction (how to ~ r e ~ a r e Your detailed meamh ~roposal when ~ u e s t e d later):

Prepare in separate sheets of paper (maximum 5 type-written pages, in English or French only). Please follow the outline (below) strictly, do not slup any heading, number every heading as given and give exact (long) title, short title, name of the field of science it is under and listed (numbered) under the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme.

Give detailed description of your pro~osed research: State the problem(s) andlor issue(s) involved, the scientific background of the problems (by citing relevant studies) and the urgency and the need to research them.


2.1 Give at least 3 reasons why this research will help the development of your country (or the "developmental relevance") and support with some relevant data (number of scientist in your area of specialization in the country; your country's budgetary and policy commitment to the field of study you propose; priorities in national development plans; development projects in progress

andlor industries in existence needing your expertise; etc).

Give at least 3 reasons why this research will help the advancement of science (or the "scientific relevance") and indicate research andlor other facilities available in your institution to support the continuation andlor the application of your research upon your return fiom your study.

The goal andlor obiective(s1 of the research

Research results/outcome(sk Give the exact outcome(s) you expect to achieve fiom your study/research (such as publications, scientific papers, research breakthroughs, solution to some scientific problems, etc.).

Methodoloerv/research method to be used in this research

Research schedule or schedule of activities

Bibliwra~hy (Cite 2-3 major and relevant studies in this area that you are familiar with).

Note: This proposal must be certzjled true and original--signed and oflcially stamped on each page-by the - Head ofyour institution or i f will not be accepted.

a:\MSP PhD Application [ENG] \(April 2006)




Please make sure you can met all the elinibilitv criteria of the Promamme by ticking onlv llYes" on all noints below:

1.1 My age is between 25 and 40

1.2 I have a Ph.D degree in the tleld of science or technology related to or listed under the Programme

1.3 I have a minimum of 5 years of worWresearch experience in the same field

1.4 I havemot had any Post-Doctoral research experience in the last @revlous) two (2) years

1.5 My overall academic standinglgrades are at least "Very Good''

1.6 I have suitable record of publications/research in the same field

1.7 My proposed field of study is as listed under the Programme and 1 can demonstrate its scientific and develo~mental relevance clearly in my research proposal

1.8 My application is sponsored by my Institution and page 8 (eight) of my Application Form is signed by the Head of my Institution

1.9 My application is being submitted through the Office of the TDB Governor for my country

If vou do not fulfd all the eliaibilitv cdteria mentioned above. your aa~lication will be considend inelimle and will not be ommsed.

Please do detach this page from your Application Form Thank you.

Also available on: h # P : / M * Isdb. olg


can be requested by e-mail from: "dt0lul(@sdb* uqp)




Please write in BLOCK LETTERS only a d note that your application is assessed on point system so vyou knowingly leave any i t edpr t incomplete or ignore Dven instructions, p u may either lose points or your application be considered ineligible.


1. Name in fuk Mr/Mls/Ms/Dr (circle appropriate title: write first, second and thirdfamily name, in that order)

2. Nationality now : ; at birth : ; Religion:

3. Passport number: ; Valid From to

4. Exact age: years; Date of birth: ; Country of blrth: . (please do not apply ifyour age is not within the required age bracket)

Mallied: Yes ; No Without children: ; With children: ;

Number ~f children: ; (Note: Family allowance not included under Post-Doctoral research).

6. Home addmss: No: ; Street name: ; Apt No:

P.O. Box: , TownICity: Province/S tate: ; Postal Code: Telephone: Country code ; City code: Phone number:

7. Contact information (put your own or other telephondfax/telex number where you can be reached; you must complete this item, in case of urgency):

To wn1City: ; Countrylcity tel. code: Tel : ; Fax: ; e-mad: Name of contact person: ; Relationship:

Do you have any relative/friendlacquaintance at the IDB? Yes NO; ifyes:

Name: ; Office: ; Relationship:

Have you ever applied before? Yes No; ifyes, in what year:

Were you: 0 Not eligble? Not selected? Give reasons:

Note: The IDB keeps a computer record on all applications since 1413/1992-93. Ifyour answer is at variance with the record, your application will be considered ineligible and will not be processed.



Last Post-Doctoral: DatesNear: From to 7

Name of University y

Town/City : Country:

Field of



Ph.D study: Name of University: Town/City : 7

Coun6ry: -

Field of study: ; Length of study: years;

Date of graduation: Degree obtained: , 7

Grades: - Very Good;- Excellent; Indicate actual letter grade: -; point average: - (out of maximum ); or %; Indicate location in your document where the grade you gave can be r e a d - Grading system used: to Excellent; t o - Very Good.

M.Sc studs: Name of University: TownICity:


Field of study: ; Length of study: - years;

Date of graduation: Degree obtained: 7

Grades: - Very Good;- Excellent; Indicate actual letter grade: ; point average: - (out of maximum 3; or %; Indicate location in your document where the grade youpgave can be read: - -

to Grading ystem used: Excellent; to - Very Good.

4. B.Sc study: Name of University: To wnfCity : y


Field of study: ; Length of study: - years

Degree obtained: ; Date of graduation: y

Grades: - Very Good;- Excellent; Inhcate actual letter grade: -; point average: - (out of maximurn 3; or %; Indicate location in your document where the grade you gave can be read- Grading system used: to Excellent; - to - Very Good.


Note: Gmdes must be provided. Do not ask the IDB to get your grades from your institution of study. Ifyou cannot provide (at least your B.Sc ones), please explain in the space above or your application will be considered in eligible and will not be processed.

3. Ph.D thesis, title:

- Field: Year approved: , . Published: Yes No

Language Proficiency &ou must tickfirst three columns, as relevant):

LanrmaPe(s) Reading Writing Certificate

Enghsh French German Other (Spec@):

Note: On 4thAast column (Certr>cate): enter T O E or British Council certificate for English; enter equivalent certr'cate for Frenchlother languages; enter "None" gyou do not have it or you think you do not need it but you must explain why, below:

Give number of published work (excluding above theses; and ifyou have no published work, please do got send your application, it will be considered ineligible and will not be processed):

In D ~ D O S ~ ~ field of study In other science In other fields

Journal articles


Conf. papers

Reports, etc.

8. Detailed publications:

No. Title - Name of Journal/ Country - Year Publisher where published

Note: Complete al[ items as requested; do not use abbreviations at all for the names of journals - and countries where published must be given; if you use additional paper, maintain same headings scrupulously. Ifyou use abbreviations or you deliberately ignore any one item, you will lose points!


1. Name of InstitutiodOffice where you work now: (do not use


Type of institution: Government; Private: Semi-Government

Street Name: ? No: . P.O. -> Box:

To wn/City: ; Province/State: 3

Telephone: Country code ; City code: Phone number:

Fax: ; e-mail: ; Office daydhours:

Note nte IDB will inform you on the status of your application o& through e-mail Ifyou have no - e-mail &ess, pleare get one or give any e-mail *ess that can be wed for the purpose (below):

Your cumnt position: ; Ident@ if this position is:

JuniorIAssistant; Middle level: Senior: Date employment

begun: ; Name title of immediate Supervisor:

Phone number:


(name of institutiodcompany, not individual)


; Field/type of work: .i



Dates: fiom to ; Duration (in years): years

Name of Employer:

(name of institution/company, not individual) Ad dress (to wn/city/country) :

Position: ; Fieldltype of work: y

Dates: &om to ; Duration (in years): years

(name Name of

Employer: institution/company, not individual)

Address (to wnlcitylcountry) : Position: ................................... ; Field/type of work: ------------------ a


Dates: from to ; Duration (in years): years

Number of years you have been working: In general: years; In your proposed field of study: Years

5. Number of Professional Trainhg/Courses/Upgrading takenJreceived: ; u None

List all (ymore, use additional paper but maintain same headings; will not be considered if proofi are not attached):

Field: ; Sponsored by: ; Location: 5


Field: 3

Dates: -e.

Field: Y


Field: 7


Field: Y


Sponsored by:

Sponsored by:

; Location: J

; Location: 7

Sponsored by: ; Location: 3

Sponsored by: ; Location: 7

6. Number of awardslmcognitions for academic or professional excellence

None (will not be considered if letter/evidence is not attached) received: , Title: For what:

Given by whom: ; Year gven:

7. Membership in Scientific/ProfessionaI Organizations (do not claim ifyou have no copy of letter/evidence to prove with; do not use abbreviations):

Name of Omanization

International Position

8. T h m (3) refem: (Please rejkr to Reference Form (Section G). Zfthe three letters are attached now, indicate: - Yes; N o (later).



1. Give your current area or field of expertise:

2. Proposed duration of research (6-12 months cmly):

~roposed country of study :

D h i n & o r e a / ~ a i w a n / ~ o n ~ Kong/Singapore; IDB Member Countries (which:

) ; D t h e r (which: ).

4. Sumnmke the nxeamb ~ r o ~ o s a l vou intend to wlite when muested later (your proposed area of study must be directly related to your academic background current area of expertise or your application will be considered ineligible):

Exact title: Y

Short title:

Name of the field of study (and its Number) under the 17 approved fields:

Write below (not in a separate sheet), one brief paragraph giving the gist of what you are proposing to study andlor research (or a brief summary of the research proposal you intend to write and submit later):

_ Im~ortant: If his svace is left blunk, vow awlication will be considered ine-le and will n d be processed FulUcomuCete research promsal

JSedion I) is attachetinow: u Yes; u No.

5 . Do y 0" have admission h d y ? Yes; No; possible; From where:

If not yet, fiom which Universitylresearch institution are you planning to obtain admission?

Do not tick "Yes" if you cannot name the institution. A c o w of admission letter or correspondence must be attached gyou tick "Yes" or your claim will not be considered.


I certifi that all information given in this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I have qever been convicted of any criminal behaviour or wrongdoing in my life.

I f either or both of the above two statements or any other statement in this Application Form is false, I may be declared ineligible or disqualiJied or my scholarship he terminated instantly.

Signature: ; Date:


(If this section is not completed or without a signature, your application will be considered ineligible and will not be processed):

All the particulars provided in this application are genuine and correct.

I f the applicant is awarded the IDB Merit scholarship, hdshe will be ~eated l i b all beneficiaries of scholarships (iuhether #om the Government or international institutions), i. e., that:

2.1 he/she will be regarded as being under a study leave during the tenure of the IDB Merit scholarship;

2.2 hisher salary/allowance(s) will continue to be paid while on said study leave;

hisher right to return, resume duties as before or as deemed necessary and undertakz brther) research will be respected and facjlitated;

every efort will be made to ensure that the outcome of the training and research undertaken will be fully absorbed and utilized.

Signature: Date:

Please append your Institution's official stamp hem:


Submit one (1) copy of each required documents below (tick if you have them and have included them in your package):

Application Form

a Cumculum vitae or CV

B. Sc, M. Sc, Ph. D and Post-Doctoral diplomas

B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D transcripts

Face copies summaries/abstracts of M. Sc and Ph. D. theses

Two (2) Passport-size pictures bu t in a transparentlplastic pouch)

Copy of passport (not all pages, only relevant ones)

Birth certificate

Face copies/abstracts of publications, reports, conference papers

Copies of training certificate@) (if any)

Language certificate or test score (if any)

Letter or evidence of pre-admission (if any)

Copies of award(s) (if any)

Evidence of membership in professional organization(s) (if any)

Three letters of reference in sealed envelopes (later)

Complete (5-page) research proposal (if any or if desired)

Organize your documents so that each item is separated by a white/colour separator. Clip or staple, number them (1.1 - 1.16) and write the titles as above on the separators. ~f & item is missing. explain on the separator.

If any of your documents are not in English, French or Arabic, please have them translated or describe the content@) briefly in English.

Your thee Reference letters and complete (5-page) research proposal (1.16) are not required at ths time but if you can secure your three reference letters and do your research proposal now, you may include them Your three Reference letters and complete research proposal will be requested later along with five (5) additional copies of the Application Form and all other documents (except pictures, passport and blrth certificate) after you have been informed of your eligibility for further processing. & please keep copies of all your documents includiw your comple4ed Application Form. - 5. Send your application and its required documents tolthrough the Office of the

IDB Govemor for your country to anive at the IDB before the deadline Jse~tember 30). Late applications are processed for the next year.

6. If you have not heard about your application by the end of December, contact the Office of the IDB Governor for your country or the IDB.

7. This ~Gplication Form has 1 1 pages. Do not detach this page but detach pages 10 and 1 1 and submit only 9 pages (1 -9).

8. You may inquire through e-mail: ~ c h o l ~ s d b . o r g ~ . Thank you and good luck


Dear Applicant: This section is not required to be submitted with your Application Fonn and other documents now. It will be requested later ifwhen your application is considered eligible for further processing and after you have been informed as such so please detach this section now and h e p it with you. But ifyou can secure them now, it is up to you, you may attach them now.

How to complete this Section: Complete the section below (A-D), make 3 copies and submit them to three referees (two of whom must be your (ex)teachers/professors) and receive the completed ones in sealed envelopes and enclose with all other documents which will be requested later if the above condition applies to you.

A. Scholar's name: C. Nominating Institution:

B. Country: D. Proposed field of study:

Dear Referee: Please complete the rest of this fonn (below) and provide, to the best ofyour abili&, the most accurate and up-to-date information on the scholar:

How long have you known the scholar: In what capacity (as student, colleague, sm etc): How do you rate the scholar's:

3.1 Overall academic capabilities: Top 10% Top 25% Above 50%; Below 50%

3.2 Personality: m o d ; Other (Spece):

3.3 Commitment to hisher Institution:

3.4 Ability to get along with others:

Medium m o w

High Medium m o w

3.5 Communication skills (Excellent, Good, Fair): Excellent Good m a i r

Lw9wF@): 3.6 Verbal communication:

3.7 Writing skill (report writing, letter writing, etc):

3.8 Research ability and skills:

~ x c e ~ e n t GOOCI m a i r

~ x c e ~ e n t [7 ~ o o d mair

Excellent Good D a i r

Do you recommend the scholar to receive the IDB Merit Scholarship? Yes Unsure Maybe No (Please explain):

Any other comments you wish to add:

Your name:


Tel: ( Fax:



Thank vou and please kindly vut in an envelope, seal and sinn - or stamp the envelope for coPlfidentialig and pive back to the scholar for onward dispatch to the D B .


* You will be requested to prepare a detailed research proposal fhhen your application is considered eligible for &rther processing and afer you have been informed as such. But if-vou can do it now or you have it alreadv, vou may include it in your application documents now and send it accordinnly.

Please detach this sheet now and do not attach to your Application Form at this time. The sheet is for your preview and reference only but you must keep it with you as you will need to refer to it ifwhen you are requested to prepare your detailed proposal.

Instruction (how to ore~are vour detailed research urooosal when requested later):

Prepare in separate sheets of paper (maximum 5 type-written pages, in Enghsh or French only). Please follow the outline (below) strictly, do not skip any headmg, number every heading as given and gve exact (long) title, short title, name of the field of science it is under and listed (numbered) under the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme.

Give detailed description of vour proposed research: State the problem(s) andlor issue(s) involved, the scientific background of the problems (by citing relevant studies) and the urgency and the need to research them.


Give at least 3 reasons why this research will help the development of your country (or the "developmental relevance") and support with some relevant data (number of scientist in your area of specialization in the country; your country's budgetary and policy commitment to the field of study you propose; priorities in national development plans; development projects in progress andlor industries in existence needing your expertise; etc).

Give at least 3 reasons why this research will help the advancement of science (or the "scientific relevance") and indicate research and/or other facilities available in your institution to support the continuation andlor the application of your research upon your return from your study.

The goal andlor obiective(s) of the research

Research results/outcome(s): Give the exact outcome(s) you expect to achieve from your studylresearch (such as publications, scientific papers, research breakthroughs, solution to some scientific problems, etc. ).

Methodoloevlresearch method to be used in this research

Research schedule or schedule of activities

Biblio~raphy (Cite 2-3 major and relevant studies in this area that you are familiar with).

Note: This proposal must be cerhped true and original--signed and oflcially stamped on each page--by - the Head oSyour institution or it will not be accepted.
