Food Truck HC Main



It helps in you starting up a food truck of your own.

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7/17/2019 Food Truck HC Main 1/29

Entrepreneurship Management and Small

scale business

Creation of Fast Food Industry – Food Trucks


7/17/2019 Food Truck HC Main 2/29

Submitted by:

Name oll No!

Aboli Ambardekar 71

Anuja Ayre 73

Prateek Dabholkar 81

Urvi Nair 103

 Nikita Sawant 119

emant !ai"war 1#1

$"hi%ra &iwatane 1##

&anveer 'okhandwalla 1#(


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7/17/2019 Food Truck HC Main 5/29

We would like to thank Rahul sir for

 providing us with an opportunity to

work on the project and also for his

help and guidance throughout…


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A )ood tru*k i" like re"taurant on wheel"+ ,t ha" "everal

di"tin*t advanta-e" over a traditional re"taurant+ A )ood

tru*k *an -o to where the *u"tomer" are+ ,t ha" %retty low

overhead/ *om%ared to a re"taurant/ and reuire" )ar le"" "ta)) 

&he )ood tru*k *an *arry any number o) )ood"/ and in "ome

*a"e"/ more "o%hi"ti*ated eui%ment )or "torin-/ "ervin-/

*ookin- and %re%arin- )ood"+ ood.indu"try ob"erver" *laim

that the )ood.tru*k bu"ine"" i" in*rea"in- lar-ely in re"%on"e

to the "low.-rowin- e*onomy+ Peo%le are "eekin- ine2%en"ive

 break)a"t" and lun*he"+ Al"o/ em%loyee" today are o)ten

 %re""ed )or time/ with more work and "horter lun*h hour"+

&he"e )a*tor" make the mobile.)ood *on*e%t more a%%ealin-

than ever+ rom an entre%reneurial "tand%oint )ood tru*k"

have a lower overhead than re"taurant" and *an be moved i)

one lo*ation doe" not -enerate enou-h bu"ine""+ ather than

havin- to determine where to o%en a re"taurant and worry

about the old real.e"tate ada-e 4lo*ation/ lo*ation/ lo*ation/4

the owner *an a*tually drive to a new lo*ation/ lo*ation/

lo*ation i) bu"ine"" i" %oor+


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or *u"tomer" at '5'/ we add the *onvenien*e o) havin-

)ood )avorite" ri-ht out"ide a %arti*ular lo*ation and meet

"everal need" by "ervin- mobile )ood+ ir"t/ we o))er )ood that

i" *o"t )riendly be*au"e you need not %ay wait "ta)) + we al"o

o))er the *onvenien*e o) ui*k "ervi*e+ ,n many *a"e" we

 %rovide )ood *hoi*e" that *an "ave tho"e on a bu"y "*hedule

)rom the need to "it down+ &y%i*ally *u"tomer" *an eat "treet

)ood" while en route to their ne2t de"tination+ inally/ mobile

)ood i" o)ten )un to eat and -reat to talk about


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"bout us

ealthy a"t ood

6e"/ healthy )a"t )ood i" a %o""ibility 5ur vi"ion i" to brin-

deli*iou" and healthy )ood to you by way o) the '' )ood

tru*k+ e have been workin- on thi" *on*e%t )or lon-/

develo%in- a menu/ writin- a bu"ine"" %lan/ %ur*ha"in- a "te%

tru*k/ makin- renovation"/ and the dream i" )inally

mani)e"tin-+ 5ur $i*k "tarter %roje*t i" to %ut the )inal

tou*he" on our )ood tru*k+

'5' re"h a"t ood i" a %roje*t aimed at %rovidin- )re"h/

lo*al/ and healthy )ood o%tion" to %eo%le who are bu"y and onthe -o+


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Mission # $ision


  5ur mi""ion i" to maintain the uality o) our %rodu*t" and

*ontinually im%rove our "ervi*e"/ e2*eed e2%e*tation" and

need" o) our *u"tomer"/ allowin- u" to %ro"%er a" bu"ine""+


  5ur vi"ion i" linked to our dream"+ e identi)ied a" the

 bi--e"t brand in )ood tru*k" o) ,ndia and re*o-ni:ed )or the

uality ; ta"te o) our %rodu*t" and "ervi*e" worldwide+


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io.oodie i" our innovation in the )ood tru*k by )ittin- io

-a" %lant under the tru*k that "u%%lie" bio -a" )or kit*hen

u"a-e+ Due to "*ar*ity o) %etroleum and *oal it threaten"

"u%%ly o) )uel throu-hout the world al"o

 %roblem o) their *ombu"tion led" to re"ear*h in di))erent

*orner" to -et a**e"" the new "our*e" o) ener-y/ like

renewable ener-y re"our*e"+ Solar ener-y/ wind ener-y/

di))erent thermal and hydro "our*e" o) ener-y/ bio-a" are all

renewable ener-y re"our*e"+ ut/ bio-a" i" di"tin*t )rom other

renewable ener-ie" be*au"e o) it" *hara*ter"ti*" o) u"in-/

*ontrollin- and *olle*tin- or-ani* wa"te" and at the "ame time

 %rodu*in- )ertili:er and water )or u"e in a-ri*ultural irri-ation+

io-a" doe" not have any -eo-ra%hi*al limitation" nor doe" it

reuire" advan*ed te*hnolo-y )or %rodu*in- ener-y/ al"o it i"very "im%le to u"e and a%%ly+ De)ore"tation i" a very bi-

 %roblem in develo%in- *ountrie" like ,ndia/ mo"t o) the %art

de%end" on *har*oal and )uel.wood )or )uel "u%%ly whi*h

reuire" *uttin- o) )ore"t+ Al"o/ due to de)ore"tation ,t lead" to

de*rea"e the )ertility o) land by "oil ero"ion+ U"e o) dun-/


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)irewood a" ener-y i" al"o harm)ul )or the health o) the ma""e"

due to the "moke ari"in- )rom them *au"in- air %ollution+ e

need an e*o )riendly "ub"titute )or ener-y +

$it*hen wa"te i" or-ani* material havin- the hi-h *alori)i*

value and nutritive value to mi*robe"/ that=" why e))i*ien*y o)

methane %rodu*tion *an be in*rea"ed by "everal order o)

ma-nitude a" "aid earlier+ ,t mean" hi-her e))i*ien*y and "i:e

o) rea*tor and *o"t o) bio-a" %rodu*tion i" redu*ed+ Al"o in

mo"t o) *itie" and %la*e"/ kit*hen wa"te i" di"%o"ed in land)ill

or di"*arded whi*h *au"e" the %ubli* health ha:ard" and

di"e"e" like malaria/ *holera/ ty%hoid+ ,nadeuate

mana-ement o) wa"te" like un*ontrolled dum%in- bear"

"everal adver"e *on"euen*e"> ,t not only lead" to %ollutin-

"ur)a*e and -roundwater throu-h lea*hate and )urther

 %romote" the

 breedin- o) )lie" / mo"uitoe"/ rat" and other di"ea"e bearin-

ve*tor"+ Al"o/ it emit" un%lea"ant odour ; methane whi*h i" a

major -reenhou"e -a" *ontributin- to -lobal warmin-+&hu"

*reatin- a bio-a" %lant under the tru*k i" innovative but al"o

"avin- 70? o) the ener-y and -a" u"ed while *ookin-+it al"o

hel%" in %reventin- throwin- o) the -arba-e in the


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land)ill"+,n"tead in u"ed in an e))i*ient and e*o )riendly way+

&hu" makin- our tru*k uniue


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5ur tru*k i""i-ned )ood tru*k/ kit*hen bein- e))i*ient

and "a)e+ @are)ul %lannin- i" done while de"i-nin- the

kit*hen /thu" "avin- our money and time durin- the build.out

 %ha"e and in*rea"in- the %ro)itability o) our tru*k+

5ur )ood tru*k=" kit*hen de"i-n i" %rimarily di*tated by the

minimal "%a*e a" well a" the reuired eui%ment and bud-et+hen de"i-nin- our )ood tru*k=" kit*hen/we *on"idered

er-onomi*"/ a" thi" wa" a%%re*iated by the *he) and tru*k="

other on.board em%loyee"+

&'& Food Truck E(uipments

e *reated a *om%lete li"t in*ludin- detailed mea"urement"B

o) all eui%ment whi*h were reuired )or on board )ood %re%/

re)ri-eration/ and "tora-e+ <very "in-le item o) eui%ment met

*ommer*ial health *ode reuirement"+ &he "i:e and amount o) 

eui%ment/ %lu" )ood %re%aration *ounter "ur)a*e/ di*tate the

amount o) "%a*e our )ood tru*k kit*hen have+

e -ave "%e*ial attention and made note o) "ervi*e window"/

doorway"/ and ele*tri*al outlet"+ e "ket*hed about the

)loorin- material/ wall and *eilin- "ur)a*e and all heatin-/


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e2hau"t or air.*onditionin- vent"+ or our tru*k/ we al"o drew

out a rou-h "ket*h o) the dimen"ion" and "%e*ial )eature" o)

the %ro%o"ed *on"tru*tion o) our mobile kit*hen+ 5ur kit*hen

i" de"i-ned )or ma2imum labour e))i*ien*y/ "a)ety and

)un*tionality+ e made "ure that there i" %lenty o) room to

move about )reely when *arryin- hot %ot" and bulky "u%%lie"+

&hu" hel%in- u" redu*e wa"te time and e2tra movement

*om%letin- a ta"k/ and in*rea"in- e))i*ien*y and redu*in-

)ati-ue and work%la*e injurie"+


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• 5ur route will be )rom @hur*h-ate to Andheri

• Conday to edne"day> @hur*h-ate to Dadar

• &hur"day to Saturday> Dadar to Andheri

and vi*e ver"a B

ariou" %oint" we will be *overin- throu-hout the week and


&he route "tart" )rom>

 Nariman %oint> S+N+D+&+ @olle-e/ Sydenham @olle-e/ ++

@olle-e/ Eovt+ 'aw @olle-e

Carine line"> il"on and induja @olle-e

Erant road> Erant road "*hool/ Cinova *inema

Cahalak"hmi> St !o"e%h" "*hool/ Cahala2mi ra*e *our"e

Dadar> u%arel @olle-e

Cahim> Paradi"e *inema/ S++ Earden


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andra> S=elia" i-h S*hool/ i:vi @olle-e

Santa*ru:> S+N+D+&+ @olle-e/ Canekji @oo%er S*hool

ille%arle> Cithibai/ UPE and N+C+ @olle-e

Andheri> !uhu ut%al "an-hvi hi-h "*hoolB

'okhandwala ba*k road


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Target Market

&hi" %a%er will e2%lore )a"t )ood and how it i" e))e*tin- the

eatin- habit" o) *olle-e "tudent"+ F<ver "in*e C*Donald="

"tarted with their )ir"t )a"t.)ood re"taurant in 19G8/ the )a"t.

)ood indu"try ha" been *ree%in- into our "o*iety le)t and

ri-ht+H a"t.)ood lo*ation" are on the ri"e/ whi*h re"ult" in ari"e o) )a"t.)ood *on"um%tion+ ,t "eem" around every

inter"e*tion/ there i" a )a"t.)ood lo*ation+ F&he -lobali:ation

o) )a"t )ood brin-" new )ood" into new *ulture"+H &he )a"t

)ood indu"try tar-et" all a-e"/ "tartin- with the toddler" and

move" ri-ht to adole"*en*e with adulthood around the *orner

and al"o the elderly+ &he )a"t )ood e"tabli"hment" attra*t all

a-e -rou%" with the u"e o) toy"/ low %ri*e"/ variety o) "i:e

*hoi*e" in )ood and "enior *iti:en di"*ount"+

FStudie" "how that mo"t o) the )a"t )ood *on"um%tion i"

*olle-e "tudent" at the a-e" o) 18.#G re%re"entin- a total o)

39? o) the %o%ulation+H 5ne rea"on )or *olle-e "tudent"

makin- u% a lar-e %er*enta-e i" that their daily li)e "*hedule i"

)illed with *la""e"/ and "tudyin-/ yet time i" not a lu2ury+

Cany *olle-e "tudent" look )or a )a"t/ *hea% and *onvenient


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way to *on"ume )ood+ &he *olle-e %o%ulation vi"it" the take.

out window many time"+ F&ake.out=" a**ount )or more than

hal) o) all re"taurant meal"+H &hi" i" evident in today=" "o*iety

in Ameri*a a" we "ee a ri"e in )a"t.)ood *on"um%tion mainly

due to the idea o) a bu"y li)e"tyle+

,t wa" di"*overed that the majority o) the %o%ulation o)

)emale" and male" %olled like" to vi"it )a"t.)ood %la*e" about

on*e or twi*e a week and they -o around lun*htime+ Co"t o)

the *olle-e "tudent" like to -o throu-h the window

rather than eat in"ideI thi" %rove" that many *olle-e "tudent"

-o to the"e )a"t.)ood %la*e" )or a ui*k lun*h+ emale" and

Cale" both "aid they ate at )a"t.)ood %la*e" be*au"e o) the

*onvenien*e )ollowed by be*au"e their )riend" eat there+

 Now more than ever *olle-e "tudent" rely on the *onvenien*e

o) )a"t )ood to -et throu-h the day+ A**ordin- to

 boundle""+or- and their *am%u" *ulture "urvey/ it i" e"timated

*olle-e "tudent" eat an avera-e o) "i2 to ei-ht )a"t )ood meal"

a week+

&he"e hi-h number" are more than likely due to *onvenien*e

and %ri*e/ both o) whi*h are hi-hly im%ortant to *olle-e



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 Not only *olle-e "tudent"/ we al"o tar-etin- the *or%orate

em%loyee" in the town area+ &he main rea"on thi" i" the lar-e

number o) *or%orate o))i*e" town "ide+ &he"e em%loyee" do

not -et mu*h time in their break to vi"it other re"taurant"+

en*e takin- the advanta-e o) the term JAS& 55D= we

hel% them to "ave their time a**ordin- to their *onvenien*e+

A-ain not only durin- break"/ al"o a)ter their workin- hour"/

way to their home"+ ,t i" mu*h ea"ier to -et %ar*el and

*on"ume it on their way while travellin- lon- di"tan*e"+

And by de)ault there i" no "%e*i)i* rea"on why we are

tar-etin- the "treet )ood lover"+ ,t i" obviou" due to the

in*rea"in- number o) )a"t )ood lover" and *on"umer"+


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Marketing Strategies

• eb"ite. www+lol)oodtru*k+*om

,n today" world o) ra%id in*rea"e in "*ien*e n te*hnolo-y

u"e o) internet ha" be*ome not only *ommon but al"o the

mu"t or ne*e""ity+ ,t i" not ea"y to run a bu"ine"" without

internet+ en*e we have our own web"ite to -et

 %o%ularity and widen our bu"ine""+ 5ur web"ite hel%" the

 %eo%le to know more in detail about our )ood tru*k '5'+

 Not only thi"/ we hel% and "olve the uerie" o) our

*u"tomer"/ take order"/ take *om%laint"/ re"olve them "o

a" to have *ontinuou" im%rovement+ e al"o do take

"u--e"tion" o) variou" re*i%ie" )rom our *u"tomer" and

"ometime" al"o %rovide -i)t vou*her" to our advi"or"+

• eb %a-e" on )a*ebook and twitter to )ollow

@urrently a*ebook and twitter are the mo"t %o%ular

"o*ial networkin- "ite" with the major number o) u"er"all over the world+ or more adverti"ement" and

e2%o"ure in )ront o) ma2imum %o""ible %o%ulation

in*ludin- *elebritie" and lar-e *or%oration" we take hel%

o) )a*ebook n twitter+

• Auto u%date" o) menu" and route" on the internet


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Sin*e we *ome under mobile )a"t )ood %rovider" it i"

very ne*e""ary )or u" to %rovide a *ontinuou" and

on-oin- in)ormation about our tru*k and it"

*urrent -eo-ra%hi*al "ituation+ &hi" i" obviou" to avoid

*on)u"ion about the route" to our *u"tomer" "o that we

don=t lo"e them and hel% in maintain *u"tomer loyalty+

And due to the te*hnolo-y it i" now very ea"y to kee%

"u*h u%date" automati* and *ontinuou"ly online+ &hi" i"

not only ea"ier to "ur) and -et to know the *urrent

"ituation but al"o hel%" in "ave time o) both. *u"tomer"

and em%loyee" o) '5' )ood tru*k+

• Di"*ount" to "tudent" on their *olle-e ,D *ard"

a"t )ood i" majorly *on"umed by the *olle-e "tudent"+

e %rovide the"e "tudent" "%e*ial di"*ount" on their ,D

*ard" to maintain and in*rea"e number o) *u"tomer"+

@aterin- on Sunday"+

@aterin-" on Sunday" to %rovide "%e*ial "ervi*e" )or

"%e*ial o**a"ion"+


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avin- the advanta-e o) bein- the only %layer in the

market in the )ood tru*k *ate-ory/ it will be the dominant

leader in thi" *ate-ory+

Providin- -ood uality )ood at *om%arably lower %ri*e"

than the other )a"t )ood %rovider" in the market/ it ha" a -reat

*om%etitive advanta-e+

A new idea o) a mobile re"taurant/ the -eneral %ubli* will

 be attra*ted toward" the innovative a"%e*t o) )ood tru*k+

Due to it" mobility/ even i) the *rowd i" not "ati")a*tory

at one %la*e/ the tru*k *an alway" move alon- ahead on it"

route/ thu" not in*urrin- any o%%ortunity lo""+


Due to the new idea o) a mobile re"taurant/ there *an be

 %o"itive a" well a" ne-ative rea*tion" re-ardin- it"

a**e%tability in the market by the -eneral %ubli*+


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e-ardin- it" %arkin- *ondition"/ there i" %o""ibility o)

hara""ment and trouble by muni*i%al o))i*ial" in"%ite o)

 %o""e""in- reuired do*ument"+

Due to the mobile nature/ hi-h level o) *u"tomer

re*o-nition and brand loyalty i" reuired in the *our"e o) time+

&here i" hi-h maintainen*e n )uel *o"t o) the tru*k and

the eui%ment" therein/ whi*h *an %rove irk"ome durin- the"tart.u% laun*h+


Cutual under"tandin- with the muni*i%al o))i*ial" )or

o**u%yin- key %la*e" in the reuired area / i" ne*e""ary whi*h

*an %rovide lar-e *rowd a" well a" avoid ha""le" with the


State o) art @C i" ne*e""ary to build u% "o a" to have

in*rea"ed *u"tomer loyalty like a%%" and web"ite to

*ontinuou"ly in)orm the *u"tomer" re-ardin- the lo*ation and

new o))er"+


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Produ*t develo%ment i" ne*e""ary re-ardin- the addin-

o) new *ui"ine" and di"he" a**ordin- to the *han-in- trend"

and %re)eren*e" o) the *u"tomer"+

ith -radual %ro-re""/ more tru*k" *an be "tarted u% in

the di))erent %art" o) the *ountry by )ran*hi"in-+

<a"y *a%ital venture i" %o""ible on*e the )ood tru*k -ain"


&ie.u% with the )ood tru*k" abroad "o a" to brin- in the

international *ui"ine" and )a*ilitie" with time+


5n*e the idea o) a )ood tru*k -et" a**e%ted/ there *an be

re%li*ation o) the idea by %otential n a"%irin- *om%etitor"+

'abour turnover and ab"entee"m *an %rove lo""

in*urrin-/ a" any ab"enty o) one %er"on in the "ta)) *an betrouble"ome+

Due to bulk reuirement o) )ood material/ e2%en"ive raw

material" *an %rove irk"ome+


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Future *erspecti%es

ran*hi"in- K

,n )uture we are e2%e*tin- to -ive )ran*hi"in- to in*rea"e our

)ood tru*k" and bran*he"+ e will tar-et more *itie" in ,ndia

and alon- with time we are tar-etin- internationally too+

,nnovative tru*k.

,n )uture we are %lannin- to buyin- double de*k bu" where

down de*k will be u"ed a" re-ular )ood tru*k )or the lo*al

 bu"ine"" and the u%%er de*k will be u"ed )or *hildren %arty

e"%e*ially birthday %artie"+ &hi" kind o) tru*k will be very

attra*tive and innovative and will attra*t %eo%le toward" it+

@hildren %arty at de*k.

U%%er de*k whi*h we already di"*u""ed the u%%er de*k will

 be like an o%en terra*e area and "%e*iali:ed )or *hildren there

will be "%e*ial -amin- %la*e and toy" will be ke%t to entertain

the *hildren )or the "ame+


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!ui*e" and i*e *ream *ounter".

Alon- with in*rea"in- our "%a*e we will be tryin- to in*rea"e

our re"our*e" and *u"tomer like" by %rovidin- variou" ty%e"

o) ,*e *ream" with di))erent )lavor" will "erve thi" a" a de""ert

; %rovide them will *om%lete ha%%y meal+ And jui*e" *ounter 

will al"o be %rovided with variou" )ruit jui*e"/ there may be

*u"tomer who would not like i*e *ream "o *u"tomer may -o

)or "ome healthy ta"ty jui*e too+

 Non ve- tru*k".

,n )uture we are %lannin- to have non ve- )ood tru*k" to the

non ve- lover" with variou" innovative di"he"+ &hi" "e%arate

tru*k in )uture will attra*t them and will be %re)erable to them+

Sittin- arran-ement".

,n )uture we will %rovide "uitable "ittin- arran-ement" in the

"uitable %la*e or lo*ation "o that the *u"tomer *an )eel

*om)ortable and "it and have their )ood

&e*hnolo-i*ally advan*e order.

Sy"tem" will be u%dated where the *u"tomer will them"elve"

take a bill throu-h devi*e %rovided by u" and will %rovide that


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 bill with the re"%e*tive %ri*e o) the )ood "o n time will not be

wa"ted in the %ro*e""+


•  Lui*k "ervi*e to the bu"y "*hedule o) many %o%ulation+

•  Al"o many women are now %art o) the workin-

 %o%ulation/ "o there are le"" 4hou"ewive"4 home to *ook

 %ro%er meal"+

•  Deli*iou" and healthy )ood with *hea% *o"t+
