Food Report Just Some Facts About Inflation and Food Prices. India


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  • 8/6/2019 Food Report Just Some Facts About Inflation and Food Prices. India.


    What we see in these times that the


    The major factors that I see in the

    inflation growth process is basically

    related to the net national income and

    their consumption practices; the

    comparison of normal consumption

    practices ranging from normal essential

    products like dal to extra wanted

    products like milk, fruit . Government

    minimum support prices to weather

  • 8/6/2019 Food Report Just Some Facts About Inflation and Food Prices. India.


    conditions to increase in exports of

    grains etc. have also infected the inflation

    process to touch more height.1)income facing growth but agriculture

    products (demands) going down.

    We notice

    Farm productivity has lagged income growth

    Per capita net national Income has grown from Rs 24,095 in 2004-05 to Rs 43749 in

    2009-10 , a compounded average annual growth rate of 13%. Agricultural

    productivity has lagged this rapid growth in incomes , growing less than 2% per

    annum for most of the last decade. The higher incomes have encouraged greater

    consumption of richer foods -- pulses, fruit and vegetables , milk and meat products.

    This has put pressure on prices. In the recent years, large transfers of purchasing

    power through the rural employment guarantee scheme have also added to

    demand pressure.

    Production strategies still focused on staples

    Our production is focused largely on basic food grain such as rice and wheat,

    demand for which is not so income elastic. The per capita availability of pulses has

    remained almost stagnant, while supply of fruit and vegetables , milk and meat

    prodcuts is falling short of demand. Not surprsing, at a given time prices of one or

    more of these is always rising sharply, keeping the overall inflation high. The

    relatively risk-free wheat and rice cultivation because of the government supported

    prices has discouraged cultivation of other market crops.

    High support prices create a floor for prices

    Minimum support prices (MSP), or the price for government purcahses, have

    increased sharply in recent years. Compouned average growth in wheat MSP in the

    last four years was about 15%. This year the increase was marginal, but that of

    winter pulses is up 20%. The economic costs of procurement for rice and wheat

  • 8/6/2019 Food Report Just Some Facts About Inflation and Food Prices. India.


    have gone up by 40% and 36% since 2005-06 . These high prices set a floor on

    market prices.

    Seasonality in food prices not so stark

    The government had pitched its hopes on good monsoons to lower food prices, butover the past few years the relationship has weakened. Earlier, food prices dropped

    after monsoons, as winter crop arrived. But since 2005, there has been a secular

    rise in inflation regardless of the time of the year. Incidentally , Indian economy took

    off from 2004-05 , indicating that other drivers of inflation had become stronger

    than seasonal effects.

    Monetary intervention may not help

    Nearly every input into prodcuiton of farm goods from fertiliser to labour has seen a

    sharp escalation in prices. The key issue, however, is supply falling short of demand

    . In such a situation monetary policies will not help too much in bringing down food


    India food exports to rise 12%
