


Citation preview

April 2015

Awakens our faith…with a

A Write… Kind of Heart

Resurrection on the


Pg. 5

A Write Kind of Heart

Pg. 6-7


Pg. 10

Burn the Burgers…Not

the Bridges

Pg. 13-15

Stop Dieting!

Pg. 16-17

The Real Beauty

Pg. 18

Grow on Purpose

Pg. 20-21

Got Cake?

Pg. 35

No. 6



Is a menu of inspirational articles, and information to encourage a deliberate lifestyle

physically, emotionally, but most important spiritually. Food For Soul serves up recipes for

the kitchen, as well as for life! The contributing writers come from all different

backgrounds, professions, and experiences that contribute much inspiration! We

currently have over 180,000 viewers via internet.

The magazine is a ministry tool to raise funds both globally and locally for causes such as,


CENTERS, Non-kill pet shelters, T.E.A.M., CitImpact, and the like.

We sponsor advertising for these organizations to encourage giving, and inspire

communities to get involved as we spread the gospel.

Our goal is to one day open up a crisis center that provides training, and resources for

women of domestic abuse. It will be staffed with professionals to teach skills for a variety

of jobs so that these women can support themselves and their children and be free from

welfare and being forced to live in dangerous conditions and lifestyles. The center will

include volunteer counselors for both the women and children to help mend from abuse.

There will be regular study classes offered to encourage a continued walk in Christ to

enable them to in turn help others. We pray to have a huge selection of professional

clothing to give these women starting out in their job search.

We pray you will join us on this mission to mend and to help enable a community broken

to become bold and bring out the beauty from ashes by sponsoring an ad in this


Isaiah 61:3 (NIV)

…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning,

and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness,

a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

Along with your sponsorship, we match the same ad space for your organization, and

or company, which runs for 30 days. We feature a link that would easily with one click

bring customers to you!

To find out more please call: 281-906-1597 or email:

You can sponsor by visiting our website or mailing check to:

P.O. BOX 304 TOMBALL, TX 77377


A Word from the Editor

Greetings and a warm welcome to our sixth issue of Food for

Soul Magazine! We couldn’t be more excited to have the

opportunity to bring to our reading audience pages of awe-

inspiring articles, information, and recipes for the soul and the

kitchen. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our

magazine. You will notice each page is filled with material to

enhance, encourage, and provide practical ways to grow

spiritually, mentally, and physically.

You can look at one category at a time, or examine the articles

page by page to choose which to read first. Just as with any

paper magazine, you can choose to sit and read the whole thing

at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the

articles more leisurely.

We established this on-line magazine to promote a strong

deliberate life-style of giving and a heart to serve. What you will

find in the pages of Food for Soul Magazine, is a collection of

inspiring, educational articles written by actual, honest, down-

to-earth folks who work hard to live deliberately, but who are

not afraid to admit the struggles that we often sometimes


We are honored to share the work of committed people who

live their lives with a purpose and a plan to promote a work that

will help many lives. Feel free to leave comments and share your

thoughts or ask the authors a question.

We appreciate your support and are so pleased to have you as

a reader of Food for Soul Magazine.

With warmest thanks,

Brenda A. Graff

Being a former news reporter sparked a

great desire in me to continue writing

and researching, but with a purpose to

help others. Being a wife, and mom of

six has had its challenges, but it has

taught me much along the journey and

to utilize the experience to ignite a

passion for positive change in our

communities. Much time is spent on

projects, and ministry. At other times

you will find me in the kitchen creating

new dishes. Currently, I am a busy

homeschooler, Grandmother of two,

and when I’m not wrapped up with

family or community…spend many

hours working on my God-given

passion, which is pen to paper with a


Seeking contributing writers

Send comments, recipes, photos, articles, or poems to: INSPIREME@FOODFORSOULMAGAZINE.COM


Brenda A. Graff FOUNDER

Food For Soul Magazine



The day before Easter, we had been scheduled for a road trip to College

Station, Texas to celebrate my father-n-laws eighty-fourth birthday. We live quite far,

but the scenery on the way up there can be breath-taking when the bluebonnets

are in full bloom. In anticipating to see a display of splendor, I made sure my camera

was ready to grab some pics. Not only were there some bluebonnets, but another

favorite of mine are the side-roads covered with the Castilleja flowers, also known as

Indian paintbrush or prairie-fire.

The flowers of Indian paintbrush are edible, and were consumed by various Native

American tribes as a condiment with other fresh greens. The Ojibwa, or Chippewa,

a large group of Native Americans used a hair wash made from Indian paintbrush

to make their hair glossy and full bodied, and as a treatment for rheumatism.

Nevada Indian tribes used the plant to enhance the immune system, but before you

go out and pick a hand full of these to consume, read up on them. They can be

very toxic if eaten in large quantities or consuming the root. Back to the road trip. As

I was enjoying the breeze through the window, and ironically listening to Third Day

on my CD player, and viewing patches of these spreading splendors, I was

overcome at the timing that these flowers begin to bloom. Remembering that

Sunday was coming the very next morning where families would gather in great

numbers all over the world to celebrate our risen Savior. It would be Easter. It brought

what I call an “ah-ha” moment. I thought of the magnitude of how God, our Creator

in heaven and earth had planted flowers all over creation. He chose the colors,

shape, size, and timing for blooming. I am always amazed as I experience the

display of artistry with each passing byway. Just months before on a Thanksgiving

trip through the area it was dry, and barren, with the whisper of bitter, cold, and

lonely winds blowing through the hills. Here it is spring, the rising up of the dead, the

buried, and sleeping…singing in full bloom the praises of our Eternal King as they

sway in the breeze. The trees in the fields clap their hands to Him, the birds in the sky

sing their praise to Him, the flowers in the fields bloom with passion towards their

Creator for all the world to witness as they celebrate the living, One and Only

Begotten Son of God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and our Savior. It was no

accident the petals were displayed in glory the weekend of the crucifixion and the

rising of the Son! God wasn’t placing flowers on the graveside of this sinful earth to

mourn His sacrifice of His only Son, He was planting life through His sacrifice as a sign

to never be forgotten, while giving ours back. Life eternal.

Isaiah 55:12-13 (NIV) You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”

-Brenda Graff


A Write… Kind of Heart

What if I really am honest and it doesn’t help anyone? What if I don’t write what God wants? What if, like when I have shared my heart before, people stare at me blankly with the kind of pity that reminds me of how he would look at an injured puppy? I hope that doesn’t happen, and I pray that my words will glorify God and encourage you. Despite the fact that I have attended Christian schools all of my life, my salvation story is nothing like that of the traditional youth group altar call. When I was fourteen, I surrendered myself to God late one night while I sat, weeping in the floor in the bathroom of my house. This surrender didn’t come easily either. It was the result of a broken person who had spent months wrestling with God, and like Jacob, I am still trying to recover from my dislocated hip, metaphorically speaking. Before this transformation, I lived with the comfortable and warped view of God as a genie. I thought I could keep Him locked away in my little lamp, rub it when I needed something, and have Him grant my wishes. This view of mine was completely shattered when I was thirteen. After countless prayers that God would heal my mom of her mysterious sickness, she passed away. I discovered that my faith was nothing but a foundation of sand, and my house collapsed quite easily when the rain and winds came. Grief is a weird thing. It feels a lot like suspense, like you are just sitting around and waiting for something to happen. You can’t start anything new. You can’t settle down. You have this constant restless feeling and an overabundance of time to think and feel. For me, this manifested itself in my trying to understand God. I couldn’t wrap my head around what had happened. God was supposed to be good. He was supposed to take care of those who loved Him and listen to our prayers. Why didn’t He take care of my mom? Why hadn’t He answered my prayers? This lack of understanding soon turned to anger. It turned into restless nights of screaming at God, telling Him that He didn’t know what He was doing, and asking Him where He was. For months I was depressed, hurt, and angry. Everyone around me attempted to help by telling me about how I needed to turn to God, and that only made me even angrier.

Recently, a friend of mine, Kevin Adams, asked

me to write a guest post for his blog. I almost turned it

down because I felt like the kind of Christians who

write…were close to perfect, and I knew that wasn’t

me. I thought that I was far too damaged to share

anything helpful. But I have realized lately that we are

all damaged. We humans are reckless creatures with

fragile hearts, and because of this, I know that you have

been hurt too. I am so genuinely sorry that you have

been through tough circumstances, but I have good

news. This news is actually something that God showed

me while I was reading in 1 Samuel 13. In this chapter,

a battle is about to take place between Israel and the

Philistines. It says that the Philistines had 30,000

chariots, 6,000 horsemen, and people as abundant as

sand on the seashore. Israel, on the other hand, had

around 600 men who didn’t even have swords because

there was no blacksmith. Instead of giving up, the

Israelites sharpened what they had, and went into

battle with axes, mattocks, and hoes. The Israelites

won the battle, and it obviously wasn’t because they

were the strongest or the most well prepared. The

Israelites won because they had God on their side, and

a faith in Him so strong that they were willing to go into

battle without swords.

So, whenever you feel like you can’t do good things for

God because circumstances have set you back,

remember that Christians aren’t called to perfection.

We are called to be faithful, and use everything God

has given us to fight our battles. That is what I tried to

do with this article. I wanted to use my experiences to

help you. I certainly don’t have a sword, but I did my

best to sharpen my axe.

When Kevin asked me to write about my faith, I realized

I am very inadequate for this task. I can’t even get

myself to consistently read the Bible. I will talk about

God’s love as long as you let me, but I am constantly

allowing fear and pride to keep me from showing His

love. For these reasons and many more, I didn’t feel like

I had anything to share except for maybe a few nice

words plated with a thick layer of hypocrisy.

By Jordan Sylar


Kevin’s story has given me an example of a real life

person who does more than just talk about the heroes

of the Bible; He emulates them. He listens to God’s

voice and faithfully obeys. He has built his ark with no

sign of rain, and that is something that has inspired

and challenged me more than I can put into words.

This inspiration could not have come at a better point

in my life. Right now, when I am trying to sort through

colleges and careers, is when I will make the choices

that affect the rest of my life. From Kevin’s story I have

learned that I don’t have to have it figured out, that

instead of pressuring myself to take action, I just need

to listen and obey. I’ve learned that I won’t find God’s

purpose for me unless I seek Him “not only above all

things, but instead of all things.” This means that I have

to let go of areas of my life that God doesn’t approve

of. I have to take responsibility for my careless sinning

and selfish ambitions, even though it makes me

uncomfortable. Growing up and taking responsibility

for my life and actions is really scary, but I have learned

that all success really requires is that I keep a loose grip

on my plans and my ears trained to hear God.

When you follow God, your story is only sad if you stop

before it is complete. Yes, throughout life we are

challenged and hurt. We have moments of feeling

worthless, unloved, and inadequate, but because of

God that is all temporary. What is eternal is laughter,

joy, redemption and triumph. Our stories will never be

somber tales of tragedy, but triumphant ones of God’s

unrequited love and faithfulness. All that’s required

for this happily ever after is a wise God and a willing


Jordan is a 17 year old high school junior. When she isn't

doing homework, she likes to read, play sports, play guitar,

and tell cheesy jokes. She especially loves her family, and is

one of a set of triplets. She is passionate about people, and

filled purpose and desire to help them.

Not only was God ignoring me, but He was the One who had cut me open. Why would I want Him to help stitch me up? This awful cycle came to a head one night when my inner turmoil became too much to bear. I was just sitting on a staircase in my house because I didn’t know where to go. I began to pray, but this time it was different. It wasn’t accusatory. I wasn’t angry. I just told God that I needed Him. I told Him that I had been hearing rumors that He provided rest for the weary and that His burden was light, but all I could feel was exhaustion and heaviness. It was then when I finally understood what Christians mean by “God’s still, small voice.” God spoke to me gently and told me that He had always been there. His heart was aching because mine was. He said He had always been ready to take my heavy load, but I had to be willing to give it to Him. I understood what He meant and began to cry. I hurriedly locked myself in a bathroom so my family could not see my tears. In the floor of that bathroom God explained His process to me. Following God doesn’t mean saying a prayer and receiving a magic lamp that will solve your problems. It means daily surrender and trust. God wants us to surrender our dreams, desires, and ideas of what we want our life to look like to Him, and trust that what He has in store for us is so much better, even if the process is painful. That’s exactly what I did that night, and it was the best decision I have ever made. However, just because it is a good decision, doesn’t mean it is an easy one. Following God is a never-ending process of obedience, which honestly, I have never been good at. I’ve always marveled at the courageous, faithful people in the Bible. I’ve always desired a faith like David’s or Abraham’s. I’ve wondered how anyone could possess a belief so strong in God that they would boldly fight giants; That they would be willing to sacrifice their own son, knowing that God’s plan is always best. Even though I desired it, this kind of blind devotion was always something that I shrugged off. I thought that it was impossible to fully rely on God in a world that teaches you to rely on yourself. That’s why I feel so blessed to have been able to read “The Extravagant Fool.”


Kevin Adams is a fresh voice among today’s best Christian writers.

What he’s not, however, is a pastor, theologian or pulpit preacher; he doesn’t have a church, a fan

club, or a flock. He’s just a regular guy with a powerful story, and a God given gift for sharing it that

will challenge the faith of even the most seasoned, veteran believers.

His transparency and intentional, elevated writing style has earned him a trusted reputation across

the online Christian community. His work escorts readers through his own challenging experiences

of loss, betrayal and impossible odds, to just beyond the comfort level of most Christians–the place

where absolute faith is required.

Kevin takes a genuine approach to modern Christianity that would rather tear away empty pockets

than fill them with empty promises. Yet, his story is filled with indisputable proof of our Heavenly

Father’s better-than-we-can-imagine desire for each of us, and the delight He takes in our learning

to rest in His arms like happy children.

Kevin is the author of The Extravagant Fool: A Faith Journey That Begins Where Common Sense Ends,

Released May of 2014, and founding partner in a new discipleship ministry being developed around

the book. He is also the founder of the Wake up My Faith blog, which has garnered a social media

following of over 100,000, reflecting varied backgrounds and locales.

Kevin’s life verse is Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all

these things shall be added to you”. (NKJV)

And his philosophy on life can be summed up in a single thought:

“Only when God becomes all that we want do we truly see that He is all we need.”

–Kevin Adams 2014

Kevin is husband to Holly, his beautiful partner in faith, father to three wonderful children, and a

compelling new author for Zondervan.

Website: Extravagant Fool Book Trailer


Twitter: @wakeupmyfaith

9 817.267.4211 x 7500


A couple waits anxiously for the first ultrasound.

They want to make sure everything is perfect.

Measurements are taken.

And the measuring of our kids just keeps going.

As soon as this child enters the world, another

measurement is taken - the Apgar score gives

necessary information but when a child does

not reach the highest number, steps are taken

and parents worry. And the measurements just

keep coming. Our kids are compared to

others in their age range to find out if they

meet percentile standards. Parents proudly

boast of great percentiles, while others worry

endlessly over numbers that do not seem


And the measuring continues.

My children never presented on the percentile

chart. They were all small. Very small. But now

my daughter towers over me in height. I knew

when my first was born that I had small kids.

Thankfully, my doctor assured me they were

fine. While I know that measures are necessary

for determining health, it becomes a little

overdone. Parents often turn a simple

standard growth chart into a comparison

game that brings unnecessary pride or

overwhelming worry. Many times for naught.

And the measuring continues.

Fast forward to school - tests and grades put

measures on our kids daily. Yes, these things

are important but not all kids test the same. As

an educational therapist, I work with struggling

learners. Many times these kids know the

material if it is presented to them in a way they

can grasp - usually not in textbook format. Yet

the material is presented in textbook format.

Then tested it textbook format.

And the measuring continues.

Another measure. Another missed

opportunity for true growth. The older our

kids get, the stricter the measures become.

However; something changes. They know

the measuring exists. When they feel

measured, they thrive or fail on that

measure. The situations become about the

measure. When that happens, true growth

is missed. For the child and the person

holding the measure. When you hold

someone to a measure, chances are, they

will fall short.

It’s time to drop the measure.

I see the importance of tests and results, and

know eliminating them would be

detrimental. How can you help someone if

there is no way to know they need help?

But as parents, there is one thing we can do:

Focus on the heart, not the measure.

If you nurture the heart, the measure loses its


Simple ways to do that are by asking these


1. Did you do your best? If not, what could you

do differently next time? If so, celebrate!

2. How do you feel about it? Value their feelings.

Our feelings aren’t wrong. When you, as a

parent, think your child’s feeling is inaccurate,

off, or something you don’t wish for them, it’s

really just a sign that attention needs to be given

to that area.

3. Did it honor the Lord? If not, go to Him for

forgiveness without shame. If so, praise Him, not

yourself. This is one that some children might not

see right away. Modeling this attitude helps. That

means sharing with your children when you

don’t honor the Lord. Model forgiveness without


MEASURE By Kimberly Vogel


Model praising Him instead of boasting in


For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

-Galatians 1:10

Before you can throw out the measure for your

children, you have to first lay down the

measure you have of yourself. That might just

be the hardest step of all.

But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

-2 Corinthians 10: 12


Kimberly shares God’s love for children through her

writing, and encourages moms through her blog. Ribbons

of Rainbows is Kimberly A. Vogel’s first children’s

storybook, published with Reflective Life Ministries. She

lives in Texas with her husband, Kevin, and four

daughters. The whole family enjoys serving God together

at church, where Kimberly leads the children’s ministry.

When she’s not homeschooling her girls, serving, or

writing, you can find her spinning words into stories or

twisting yarn or wire into crafty creations.

It wasn’t always that way. After a time of living for Him

when it was convenient and hoping our children just

caught on, God moved in our family bringing us to a place

where He is the center of our lives. I noticed in my family

a disconnect between my husband and me with our

children. Step by step, God grew our family together. I

guess you could say we’re still growing – always working

on our relationships, because it is a process, constantly

needing attention. We now walk with Him as a family –

serving, worshiping, and living life together.

Most days I stand amazed that God blessed me with an

amazing husband and trusted me to be the mom of four

beautiful daughters. Several years ago, I made the switch

from teaching in a classroom to teaching our children at

home. Besides being certified as an Early Childhood and

Elementary teacher, I’m certified as an Educational

Therapist through NILD. Just as life became comfortable,

God called our family from a large church where we

served as teachers in the children’s ministry to a small

church where I now lead the children’s program. Church

is taking on new forms and I’m learning what church

family really means. I write as an outpouring of my heart

and soul and in my small amount of free time, I craft.

Visit my Blog

Kimberly Vogel – Author of Ribbons of Rainbows

Ribbons of Rainbows tells the story of two young

Stones in search of God’s glory. Peeking through the

window, Jem and Jeweley notice Mama Stone reading

her Bible. Ribbons of rainbows flow from her. The

little gems want to shine like Mama, but don’t know

how. Jeweley hears Mama say something about a veil

and reflecting Jesus, so she runs to her room, finds a

veil, and covers her face. To her surprise she likes it!

She’s able to hide her feelings and her freckles too.

But, when she looks into the mirror, she isn’t shining

like Mama. Her disappointment leads her to a selfish

attitude. A picnic in the garden provides the perfect

opportunity for Grandma to talk to Jem and Jeweley

about Jesus. Jem’s search for Jesus leads him to his

closet where he realizes he wants to live for Him.

Jeweley also wants to shine and connect with Jesus.

But something is wrong – her veil is stuck! Will it ever

come off? Will she shine with ribbons of rainbows




Burn the Burgers, Not the Bridges By Nancy McDade

Have you ever had a day when everything you attempt to do seems impossible, a day

when nothing goes right and even the simple things are difficult? You are convinced that

the ceiling will probably come crashing down, any minute, on your head because that is

just the kind of day you are having. These are the days where you stop and think: "why did

I get up today? Maybe I should just go back to bed and try again tomorrow." I think we

have all experienced days like this at one time or another. Last weekend my husband,

Brain, took his truck into the shop because of a rattling sound. Nobody had been able to

diagnose the problem but, finally, the mechanic at this one garage said that this particular

make/model/year truck is known to have engine failure at around the number of miles

my husband's truck has. He said "the only solution is a new engine." Yeah, that's just what

we wanted to hear, a new engine. Both my husband and I saw dollar signs, dollar signs

that we did not have in the bank. Due to ongoing medical expenses, our finances have

been very strained the last few years. Having to replace an engine was not what we were

hoping for.

Then Sunday morning, just as we were about to head to church and with both our boys

already in my car, it decided to break down too. The car would not shift from park into

drive. My husband got out and tried pushing it but, ‘no-Sir-Ree-Bob’, it would not budge.

It was stuck in park and not going anywhere. At that very moment I had decisions to

make. Was I going to allow two broken down cars to ruin my day or not? I could have

gone into a fit of rage and allowed all the neighbors to see me in my church clothes, with

Bible in hand, having a tantrum in the front yard. I could have just fallen apart sobbing

and went back inside the house. Trust me, everything inside me wanted to do both and

many times, in the past, I have reacted that way. This time, in an instant, I said to myself:

"No way am I staying home from church today." It was as if the "warrior princess" inside of

me came to life. We helped both boys out of my car, put them into my husband's truck

and drove, with the rattling engine to church. Now we had a truck in need of a new

engine and a SUV that would not shift from park into drive and no idea where the money

to repair two vehicles was going to come from. Things were looking pretty bad from our

vantage point in the physical realm. Little did we know that God had a purpose for all of

this. I will say we felt pretty discouraged by all the expenses. Later that afternoon, as my

husband was weed eating our yard, our neighbor came out. We had been praying for

our neighbor although he was unaware of that.

I believe, with all my heart that my husband was meant to share the message of Christ to

this person. We had been waiting for the right opportunity. After talking for a while, my

husband decided to invite him to have burgers at our house for dinner. I had only bought

enough meat earlier that week to feed four people because having company for dinner

had not been our original plan. It's funny how God opens up doors that are not our

"original plan." In a hurry, I rushed to the store to buy more hamburger meat and a few

other things to be sufficient for all.


I had to, once again, drive my husband's truck with the rattling engine because, even

after my husband replaced six fuses, my car still would not shift from park into drive. Not

long after I returned home with the hamburger meat, our neighbor rang the front door

bell. Brian had everything prepared for grilling the appetizers: (jalapeño peppers stuffed

with cream cheese, sausage and wrapped in bacon). He was on a grilling mission. I have

eaten his appetizers before and, boy, they are mouthwatering! The last step was mashing

out the hamburgers into patties.

As we worked on the final preparation, we talked with our neighbor who had joined us in

the kitchen. We shared some of the challenges we had been experiencing with our cars

and he told us about his new job. He seemed happy that someone had invited him over

to eat. We rarely see him around other people. After the crazy day we had with two

broken down cars, we were both excited about having our neighbor over, relaxing a little

and soon to be munching on some tasty stuffed jalapeños and hamburgers. God had

heard our prayers and opened this door for Brian to share Christ, we just knew it. After

placing all the food on the grill, my husband, came back inside, briefly, and I do mean

briefly. To our amazement, I kid you not, when he went back outside, he found the grill

on fire with flames almost reaching to the roof of our house. The bacon on the jalapeños

had caught fire and burned everything, including the burgers. Now what?

We had spent money buying extra food just to make friends with our neighbor who

seemed like he needed a friend. I had rushed out to the store earlier in a truck with a

failing, rattling engine because my car would not shift from park into drive. My husband

had spent time prepping a meal when he had a laundry list of other things that needed

to be done. Now the food was burned. Why on earth would God open this door to reach

out to our neighbor just to have the food go up in smoke? At that very minute, again, I

had decisions to make. Would I allow a few burned burgers and some stuffed jalapeños

which now looked more like flaming missiles ruin my day?

Would I have a meltdown in front of my neighbor who we had welcomed over for dinner?

The old me, would have probably threw her hands in the air and just went into "negative

mode " and decided, no way, let’s just forget dinner and any conversation too, thank

you very much!!! So there we were, was a few burned burgers going to cause me to

crash and burn when I was called to show the love of Christ to a lost and hurting world?

Not this time! This time, by God's grace, the "warrior princess" went to battle. I scrapped

off the crispy on the burgers and buns and we ate it anyway. I actually like my meat well

done. Our neighbor asked for some mayonnaise for his bun which, in hind sight, is kind of

funny. He was so polite and never even complained. It would have been so easy to

just say "I give up,” but then, instead of just burning the burgers, we would have burned

the bridge also. Our neighbor was a trooper. He did not care that the burgers were


We all enjoyed conversation over burned burgers with extra mayonnaise. I wonder how

many times God calls us to do something and we let "stuff" get in the way? I am the first

to say, I am guilty of this. How many times does a stranger or an acquaintance just need

someone to smile at them or show a tiny shred of interest in their life but we are too busy

or frustrated over the little stuff?


There is the grass that needs mowing, "if I stop now to speak to Mr. Jones, he will talk

forever and I will never finish."

I asked God why He allowed the burgers to burn that night after all the preparation to

make a nice meal for a person in need of The Lord and a friend. This is what God said

to me as He spoke into my heart: "I allowed the burgers to burn so that your neighbor

could see that you are human."

So many times, as Christians, we think we have to be perfect to win someone to Christ.

God does not need perfection, he needs a willing heart. Sometimes the appearance

of "perfection” can be a turn off to those who are lost and hurting. They need to see

that our cars break down, we struggle sometimes to make ends meet, and we burn

burgers at mealtime. When they see these things and, yet, see a joy that is

unexplainable in the midst of the struggles, then they see Christ in us. If we allow the

failures and disappointments in life to keep us from reaching out to others, then, in

addition to burning the burgers, we have burned the bridges too.

God showed me last weekend its ok to be real, no need to pretend life is perfect. Allow

the hurting to see you in your struggles. Don't burn the bridges by waiting until things

are smooth to share Christ with someone. Your struggle and how you deal with it may

be what wins them to The Lord. Amen and Amen.

Nancy McDade is a wife and mother of two boys,

ages 7and 3. She has been a registered nurse for 21

years and has worked in various areas including

orthopedics, general medical and surgical, home

healthcare and pulmonary specialty clinic. She

enjoys writing, reading, camping, and spending time

with family.


Counting calories is so old school. It’s not about the amount of calories. It is about the quality of the calories:

(quality over quantity) less calories from carbohydrates and more from protein sources. My heart pains me every

time I hear someone is counting or even cutting calories. People place themselves on 2000 calorie diets, 1500

calorie diets and even 500 calorie diets. 500 calories is not safe.

0-400 is starvation or near starvation.

400-800 very low calorie diet – fluid and

potassium shifts causing problems

800-2500 low calorie diet – commonly used by

diet specialist, primary care managers.



balance deficit diet – (BDD) or reduction

of 500-1000 cal/day from the daily

recommendation in one category such

as simple carbohydrate or low fat.

I am going to stay out of the DIET wars. But just to be clear, there is one common factor among all the ‘diets,”

reduced carbohydrates.

Food addiction is different than other addiction. You can stop drinking alcohol with help and never go back. You

can stop smoking with help and never go back. But you cannot stop eating food and never go back. Not going to

happen. Food is a necessary part of life. Without food we die. But we also know that an overabundance of food

can also kill.

Our bodies need micronutrients and macronutrients to fight infection, for proper wound healing, to grow healthy

hair, healthy nails and healthy skin, and other really important processes of the body. Three-fourths of the U.S.

population does not meet daily recommended dietary allowances of these nutrients.

There are several different diets. Have you heard of one

of the following? Atkins, Protein Power, ZONE, LEARN,

ADA diabetic, South Beach, Weight Watchers, HCG ,

Nutrisystems, Mediterranean diet, Body for life, DASH,

AHA, Ornish, Vegan, Vegetarian, Kosher, Whole Food.

All just a combination of low fat, high fat, low

carbohydrate or high protein. ADA diabetic, South

Beach, Weight Watchers, HCG, Nutrisystems,

Dr. Sonya Brock shares insight on why dieting isn’t always best.

Drawing by Adalynn Brock 2014©

= 50 g

I’m okay.

I’m not gaining

Or losing weight.

<50 g

I’m tired and

I’m gaining weight

>50 g

I feel great!

I’m losing weight.


They are the folks who are diagnosed as overweight or obese. So please, stop starving. You can eat 2000 calories

a day and loss weight. It is about the quality of the calories and not the quantity.

Take a look at the folks in the picture. Person #1 gets less than 50 grams of protein every day. This is not enough

to power the many metabolic function of the body. This guy is gaining weight because his body is storing any

food that is able to be stored. He is starving for protein. Person #2 is getting 50 grams of protein every day. This

guy can’t lose weight even though he is eating only healthy food. The body can’t risk losing the stored fat because

he may drop his protein consumption any day. Person #3 is getting more than 50 grams of protein every day. The

body is getting the micronutrients and macronutrients it needs to repair itself and then energy to maintain an

adequate metabolism. The body is ready to start using and losing those fat stores.

So to be direct, eat more protein and less processed carbohydrates. Every adult needs 50 grams of protein to

process the micronutrients and macronutrients consumed in order to be healthy and have energy. Without them,

your body is starving and will store any food possible as fat in adipose tissue. So even if you cut down to 1000

calories, if you don’t get the necessary amount of protein your body needs, your body will store as many of those

1000 calories as possible.

When you get 50 grams of protein every day, your body will stop storing the excess as fat and use it as energy.

When you get more than the daily recommended 50 grams of protein, your body is excited and will start to burn

away the stored fat because it is getting all it needs plus extra. So eat more. Eat more meat, beans, raw nuts, low

fat dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables. The more of these food sources you eat, the more you will stop

starving, stop storing fat and start losing stored fat. Stop eating processed foods. They have no nutritional value.

Try 25 grams of protein sources for breakfast, 25 grams for lunch and 25 grams for dinner. Try this for 6 weeks

and you will see amazing results. You will have more energy, you will gain muscle tone, your waist size will start

to decrease, you will sleep better and so much more. Notice I did not say anything about weight. Remember, you

have to stop the storage process and then your body will start to burn the stored fat. This burning of stored fat

occurs with the continuation of healthy eating of protein rich foods from all food categories.

You will see results and never starve. You can do it.

Sonya Brock, M.D., is board-certified in family medicine and provides all basic health care, from routine

exams to treatment for chronic conditions. Dr. Brock values the patient/doctor relationship as well as the

education of the patient, medical staff and physician. She is also a member of the American Academy of Medical

Acupuncture. Dr. Brock received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from University of Georgia, Athens. She

completed her medical degree at the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, and her residency at the

Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Her experience includes management of large medical offices, both in the

U.S. and overseas.

Sonya Brock, MD, Med, Lac


There was my firstborn with needle in arm, sitting

up, in the safety of the nurses and doctors who

knew immediately the cause of her drowsiness.

Thank you, God that You have guided her to her

own street, almost 15 miles from her class, on the

freeway, and through busy traffic. Thank You that

trained officers knew my husband and called so

quickly, recognizing that she had a physical

problem. And thank You God that the neighbor,

not even knowing my daughter, acted promptly

to call the police.

On a day that started with my focus solely on

beautifying my hair, ended with the realization of

what could have been, and caused me to see the

beauty in His blessings. Thank You God, for this

reminder of how precious this life is and for your

daily protection. Amen

Oh, there are many days I could say that God

blessed me, but the day I am about to describe is

special in a memory that spins out from the back of

my mind. On this particular day, I set out early for the

hair salon. Anyone who knows me will attest to my

obsession with my hair. On this day before cell

phones, I sat in the chair, rollers tight, oblivious to a

fact that validated that God blesses me daily.

The phone rang and as my husband picked it

up, the voice on the other line blurted, “Sarge, I think

we’ve picked up your daughter.” Picked her up.

How? Why? When? It seems that her little white

truck was found in a ditch just two blocks from our

house. A neighbor had called the police, and

fortunately the officers yelled to her through the

window glass, and she was able to unlock her door,

eyes drooping and speech slurring. The officers who

found her recognized her last name. At first they

thought it was drugs! But, on second glance, they

noticed her medical bracelet and the name on her ID.

They called their friend and fellow officer, my


You see, my daughter, then 20, has

diabetes—Type 1. On this day, she was driving home

from her class at the University. Later, at the hospital

she reflected that she had shown signs that not all

was right. Some of her classmates had asked, “Are

you all right?”

But she didn’t recognize that her blood sugar level

had dropped, so much so that she lost control and

ended in the neighbor’s yard. When I arrived home,

head nicely coiffed, I pulled down the note that was

dangling from the ceiling fan—the designated place

for family communication. “We’re at Bayshore

Hospital,” the note read. Grabbing my essentials, I

raced frantically to the ER.

The Real Beauty

-By Brenda McAninch

A retired elementary school teacher and children's

minister at a former church. I published a book

which was a journal of how God stepped in to my

life at a desperate time titled As the Ice Thaws. I

have recently finally retired from tutoring at a local

community college. I have two daughters and

three grandchildren.


You will often see the long line of anticipating drivers every morning or afternoon hovering

around the favored coffee and latte brewery drive-thru. Some spend as much as $2,000

a year in this sweet addiction.

Others have the misfortune of being forced to give up coffee altogether due to stomach


Whether it be the debt factor of fueling this favorite fixation or the horrific effects on the

gut, you can still enjoy this craving for 75% less the cost, and 69% less acid effects on teeth,

and stomach by simply using an alternative method.

You can make it at home! Any flavor, any amount… Tall, Venti, Grande, or Trenta. It

won’t cost you any extra! And you can add all the flavors at no extra charge too.


Using 16oz Mason jar fill 1/4 cup ground coffee of your choice. (I prefer Texas Pecan or

French Vanilla roasted) the flavor is out of this world good. Now all you do is add 8oz. ice

cold water and seal with lid. Let sit at room temperature for 24-48 hours, depending on

how strong you want it.

Using a large mouth funnel place over opening of another 16oz Mason jar. Add a cone-

shaped #4 coffee filter, gently strain contents of cold-brewed coffee. Add 8oz. water,

shake, and refrigerate. Last 2 weeks in fridge. You can also heat up if prefer hot, this

does not change the reduced acid or flavor.

Cold brewing retains more of the valuable antioxidants essential in the coffee. Due to less

acid it is a benefit to the bones and digestive tract. This method allows the full spectrum

of flavor to come through without the bitter edge of the oil released by traditional hot


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Food for Soul assumes no responsibility for the relevance, accuracy, completeness or quality of information provided in this magazine or on the website. Liability claims against Food for

Soul which refer to damage of a material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the provided information, or the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are excluded

unless Food for soul is at fault through intention or negligence. All tips, and offers through advertisement and or articles and content provided by contributing writers are subject to

change and are non-binding. Food for Soul reserves the right to change, add to, delete and temporarily or permanently alter and or edit articles, commentaries, and content in part or in

its entirety without prior notice.


So relax, go ahead and grab a

cup and relish in the reality that it

is possible to enjoy the sweet

savor and aroma of a morning

kiss of coffee!


Early in my career, I experienced a number of incredibly difficult

challenges in a relatively short period of time. I know you’ve been

there too.

Creating Your Business Vision Book

Although my team was experiencing record-setting achievements,

relationships were strained and my influence was dwindling. I

couldn’t make sense of it. And I didn’t understand why my

colleagues resented my passion for my work, my aggressive goals,

and the long hours I put in. I loved my work. I loved the outcomes.

I loved my team. I loved how they were growing. But it never

occurred to me that my passion, energy, and achievements would

intimidate those around me. After all, I was laser-focused on

improving the organization we were all part of. Their fear morphed

into resentment. I began pushing harder, defending the vision and

strategy, and reacting to challenges. As you might imagine, none

of this improved the situation. In fact, it made matters worse. It

should have been obvious. Finally, two administrators shared with

me what should have been obvious – “Michael, your team doesn’t

trust you. Some don’t even like you.” This feedback was extremely

painful for me to accept and even more difficult for me to

understand and process. I was in denial. I simply could not bring

myself to see from their perspective. Yet I was convinced that the

work environment was not sustainable – for me or for my team.

The decision

So, on the recommendation of a friend, I hired Building Champions

executive coach Raymond Gleason to help me work through life

and business planning, priority management, and decision-making.

This decision was a life-changer for me. In fact, Sarah (my wife) and

I recently spent an evening with several of our friends – they sat in

the restaurant and joked about how differently I now approach my

life and work.

What vision can do for you?

Most organizations have a vision statement somewhere in a file or

on a conference room wall. Yet, unfortunately, these vision

statements seldom serve as an energizing guide toward

exponential growth and remarkable success for the organization.

MICHAEL NICHOLS has led unprecedented growth

in businesses, colleges and universities, churches,

and non-profits for more than 25 years. He has

served as Chairman and CEO of an international

marketing firm, a college and university executive,

and a non-profit executive. He is the author of

Creating Your Business Vision and has a Doctor of

Education degree in Organizational Leadership.

Michael coaches leaders and teams through vision

development, strategic planning, process

development, and life and work balance. He is a

keynote speaker at conferences, events,

businesses, and on university campuses all over the

world on a variety of topics, including Personal and

Business Planning, Vision, Team Leadership,

Organizational Growth, and Marketing. Michael

works every day to help people excel in life and in

their work. He is deeply committed to serving

organizations and leaders in our region and around

the world.

In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.

-Proverbs 14:23


A vision is energizing. It’s enlivening. Vision is the guiding motivation for all great human efforts. I get that. My

problem was not vision – I didn’t understand how to get focused and stay focused on the vision. I was not

communicating vision effectively.

To address these challenges, I developed a Business Vision tool to help me think through and write out my vision.

My experience creating a life plan and a business vision, regularly reviewing them, and updating them, has been

transformational. These documents have kept me on track as my family, friends, career, and other interests have

grown. My life and work are fast moving. And when work gets hectic, my business vision and plans get me back

on the path to my envisioned destination.

So I wrote a book

Realizing the importance and potential of the business vision tool for leaders in diverse markets, I have compiled

my experiences and the process into a simple, step-by-step book.

In reality, Creating Your Business Vision is less a book and more a career planning experience. I intentionally made

it short so you could read it in one sitting. For a limited time, you can get a free copy of Creating Your Business

Vision by joining my newsletter list.

In the book, I will take you through:

The story of a struggling leader and how to find clarity on what matters most in your work.

The basics of vision and how to create a career, position, team, or organizational vision.

A four-step process for identifying where you are NOW, and how to get from there to where you want to be.

A step-by-step process for leading your team through vision development

Planning templates, Word documents and PDF documents that will make it easier for you to create your plan and

keep it up-to-date.

You can do it too

I now have greater clarity and purpose than ever before in my work. And I’m able to create very specific plans

to move toward the enormous goals of my vision – daily, weekly, quarterly.

Creating my business vision has been one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. It will be for you too!

Commit your work to the Lord, and your

plans will be established.




On January 17, 2015, a multigenerational group of women met to sew crib sheets for the Tomball Pregnancy

Center. The day began with a short devotional by Linda and was followed by a short presentation by Kelly

Bursmith, the Executive Director of the Center. After that the sewing machines began to buzz and whirl! We had

a blast making 19 crib sheets and some other items. We laughed; we learned from each other; we ate; we

bonded…we truly became “stitched together.” And there is more to come!

We’ll be gathering again on April 25, from 9 – 2, to sew nursing covers for the Center. We are also working to put

together a Saturday in July to offer basic sewing instructions in a workshop type setting. For the fall we are

developing ideas for ornaments to be made and given out during the Tomball Christmas Festival. For next year

we will continue to sew for the Tomball Pregnancy Center but also plan to expand by making pillowcase dresses

for Little Dresses for Africa.

How can you help? Currently, we are in need of:

Lightweight fabrics (minimum 1-1/4 yard lengths) for the nursing covers.

This would include quilting cotton, seersucker, and pique.

We welcome women from our local area to join us, too…becoming “stitched

together” as a community.

If you have questions or are interested in getting “stitched together” with us, please contact Linda Keltgen via:

-Shirley Utz




Save a Life by Donating


It's easy and secure to give at our website! You can even tell us how to use your money.

Sponsor a dog or cat, 100 feet of fencing, medical care, or donate to the Angel Memorial Parvo Puppy

Fund, food fund, bedding, and equipment, etc.

Become a regular monthly giver and help us to take care of these precious gifts from God.



4 Paws Farm is an all-volunteer group of pet

rescuers! Every penny goes to either food, medical

expenses or equipment!

God said, “You don’t have to worry about love,

as long as I’m existing, you will always be loved”.

– Abba

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore

I have continued my faithfulness to you.

-Jeremiah 31:3

Each year, approximately 2.7 million dogs and cats are killed every year because shelters are too full

and there aren’t enough adoptive homes. Act as a publicist for your local shelter so pets can find

homes. Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year.











1 lb. Ground Chicken Breast

1 lb. Ground sirloin

1 cup fresh Italian parsley

½ Sweet yellow onion

1 Green Bell pepper

1 cup Oats

3 raw eggs

½ cup fresh mushrooms

2 crushed garlic cloves

1 tsp. Thyme

1 tsp. Smoked Paprika

1 tsp. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

1 tsp. Ground Black Pepper


Prepare veggies by washing and mincing. Using large

bowl mix well 3 eggs, oats, and seasonings. Add meat and

blend well. Roll into 1” x 1” balls, place in a broiler pan

with drip bottom, and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes.

Sauce: 2 oz. Goat’s cheese

1 can Goat’s milk

1 stick Butter

½ cup real Parmesan grated

1 clove crushed garlic

¼ cup chopped onion

¼ cup mushrooms

Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

Melt butter on medium adding garlic and onion until

caramelized. Melt in the cheeses and mix spices, don’t

over boil. Let cool, will thicken. Pour over dish served

with whole grain rice or veggie pasta or rice noodles.

Photo taken by Brenda Graff

Bon Appetit! `


Opposing sexual exploitation. Defending human dignity.

All individuals have a right to be free from the effects of pornography

and all other forms of sexual exploitation

Areas of Concentration:





Services at a Glance




Disaster Relief, Recovery, and Rebuilding to Resilience

Victims in Disaster situations require

immediate relief aid, transitional

recovery assistance and long-term

resilience. CitiIMPACT believes that

local churches are uniquely positioned

to lead the way.

Forging partnerships with local faith

communities, CitiIMPACT brings

organizational experience, a calming

influence, and resources from its

nationwide partners to make a

difference in others’ lives.

Response, Recovery and Resilience

"It can't happen here." "It's never happened here." "It won't happen here."

These are phrases we've all heard or maybe even said... They're simply

NOT true!

CHAOS of disasters can be managed, when a clear plan is in place and trained individuals are


Since no disaster response agency can meet all of a community's needs during a disaster

situation, the greatest impact results from preparation and collaborating partnerships for



With multiple experiences in every phase of disaster response, CitiIMPACT will design and

provide customized training with the needs of each church or organization in mind.

CitiIMPACT is a catalyst of HELP & HOPE... with you.



Click on website below to find out

For more information on bringing this

to your city email:

Or call




LIFE is…a word from the Publisher

What do you do…when the wells dried up, the digits in your bank account look more like

donut holes, the dog has the flu, the plumbing needs repair, your kids need new shoes,

the lawn mower breaks down in the middle of cutting, and one that needed it so badly

you couldn’t find your kids, or car?

Life can be overwhelming.

Appliances usually seem to break down all at once, and this only after a much needed

car repair or dental visit has nearly severed your finances to the point you’re digging

through your sofa for any loose change, and sneaking into your child’s piggy bank.

Life can be hard.

How does it feel to watch others around you struggling with the choice of which designer

purse, or suit they are going to purchase, while you’re struggling to choose health

insurance over rent, or seeing that your family is going to eat another week?

Life can be unfair.

Do you find yourself clinging by a thread of hope? Frustrated that on every turn of a

corner, you’re met up with yet another crisis?

Life can be tough.

Are you able to breathe, make decisions, feel, speak, or hear? Can you hug your

children, and listen to their laughter? Does the sound of birds singing bring an ounce of

joy to you? Or is it the sound of a waterfall that sweeps you off your feet? Can you whisper

in the night to what may seem to be an invisible God, yet feel Him lullaby you to sleep?

Then life is good!

But it can be better when a community comes together and watch faith arise in the

process of helping others in crisis. When people are struggling they tend to draw back,

hide in shame, too prideful to ask for help. This is in turn brings hopelessness. We need to

seek out the silent cries in our communities by working together to be mindful of the

needs around us. Prayerful, and involve ourselves in giving time and provision as much

as possible with the leading of Gods instruction and plan.

Become involved with Food For Soul by sponsoring a ministry in our ad program, and help

us build on this mission to keep feeding the hungry and helping the poor in spirit, mind,

and body. It is our mission.

-Brenda Graff

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for

the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who

mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil

of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. –Isaiah 61:1-3



I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in

prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying,

‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you

drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or

naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and

visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did

it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Matthew 25:36-40

Referenced Bible verses in magazine used versions: KSJ, NIV, NKJV, ESV, HCSB, CEV, CEB

“It's not how much we give but how

much love we put into giving.”

― Mother Teresa


Creates Disciples who

Impact their Community for


Our worship service begins at

10:30 a.m. every Sunday!

29510 Tomball Parkway

Tomball, TX 77375

Get Directions


Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship who is

also the author of two books:

ME Addiction: Having it my way isn’t so great after all and

X-Odus Files: Following God in an Alien World.

Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship in Tomball, TX,

and has served on a City Council. He spends much time

writing, speaking, and coaching others. He is married and

has two grown sons and one daughter-in-law.

Bridging People to God, Others, and Ministry


Even the best dieter’s in the world can hardly resist cake. There are so many variations of cake, ones

with velvety frosting, and some with pudding or ice-cream in between. There is chocolate, white wedding,

cream cheese, vanilla swirl, strawberry, confetti, the list is endless. Despite all their differences, they each have

a unique flavor, and a desire to be eaten up! Who can resist? However, you have some that will never allow

themselves to relish in the delight and joy of eating a piece of cake. Some won’t ever want to go to great

lengths of preparing a cake from scratch. It’s time consuming and can be costly. You can purchase a cake

mix in a box and it will taste good, but there is nothing like homemade from scratch recipe that will tantalize the

taste buds. You can’t get enough of it! Yet, because it takes work to find out how good that homemade cake

would taste, most live their entire lives never tasting the difference. As a matter of fact most opt for the quick

fix in the box…straight from the grocer to home. This is where you get to enjoy some of the flavor that resembles

the cake from scratch without putting much effort into it. After a day or too if not eaten right away it becomes

stale. It doesn’t preserve as well as the ones from scratch. No, this isn’t a “How To” recipe for cake. This is about

relationships, your soul mate, best friend, lover, and spouse.

Often when we are in long term relationships we become stagnant, stale, losing its flavor. This happens too

frequently in marriages. Spouses want their mates to react and be the same they were when they first met, full

of excitement, joy, laughter, and wonder…just like that first fresh piece of cake. Yet, by the time they notice

their mate has lost the ability to laugh, or feel anything above frustrated, and only wonders when the washer

will get fixed…it’s usually almost too late. Marriage is hard work! It is a deliberated lifestyle. You cannot expect

to enjoy the smooth sailing of marriage, if you’re not going to hoist the sail. You can’t man a ship, if you’re not

in it. You cannot enjoy the luxury of a savory piece of cake if you won’t take the time to make it. Just like a car,

you can put the keys in the ignition all day long, but if that car is on empty…it ain’t going nowhere! What are

you putting into your relationship? Is it sour grapes, or strawberry jam? Do you make them feel wanted,

appreciated, or attractive? Or do you spend your free moments playing games on your cell phone, computer,

iPod, or tablet avoiding any kind of intimacy. Do you focus more on your job, hobbies, ministry, or even your

kids then you do your spouse? Is your relationship stale like week old bread left unwrapped on the counter?

Has your “sweet cakes” become hard, bitter, and dried up? If so, then sometimes frosting a little sweetness on

top and heating them up will spring them back to life! It really doesn’t matter the flavor of the frosting…it’s

about the texture, and consistency.

Do you take ownership for your wife? Do you treat them like no other man would? Wives, do you own your

husband? Do they know they are desired, respected, and trusted? Or are they living out their fantasies online,

or with their secretaries, and co-workers? In this day and age it’s too easy to have an affair with online

accessibility, and a society with loose morals, we are teetering on dangerous ground. This is why I said, it is a

deliberated act, a thought process involved in marriage. You can choose to ignore the warning signs and

procrastinate your way right into a divorce, or you can be proactive and ignite a fire back into that marriage.

The relationship’s essence depends on action, not words. And just like the layers on a cake with that sweet

goodness spread in between, if God is not sandwiched in your marriage it will crumble to pieces where the

vultures can devour it. So if you’re up for cake, you might want to read the recipe, it’s called the Bible. It can

save your marriage, it won’t be a cake walk, but it will certainly be easier to palate.

-Brenda A. Graff

got cake?

It does the marriage



Do you have something inspiring to share? An experience that has changed your life?

We would love to publish it!

Send to:

Or mail to:


P.O. Box 304

Tomball, Texas 77377




But He answered, “It is written: Man must not

live on bread alone but on every word that

comes from the mouth of God.” - Matthew 4:4 (HCSB)

We are a forgetful people.

We need storytellers.

We need someone to lay the drama of God’s love before us.

We need to be reminded of the uncommon grace of God.

-William R. White