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  • 1. Bullying
    By Taylor Foley

2. Facts About Bullying
There is noticeably more bullying in middle school (grades 6, 7, and 8) than in senior high school;
Emotional bullying is the most prevalent type of bullying, with pushing/shoving/tripping/spitting on someone being second;
Cyberbullying is for the middle grade levels the least prominent type of bullying, but it is greater in the last three years of high school than in grades 6 - 9.
Most school bullying occurs inside the school, a lesser amount on school property, and even less on the school bus. The least occurs in other areas.
Middle school students, and particularly 6th graders, were most likely to be bullied on the bus.
Sixth graders were the most likely students to sustain an injury from bullying, with middle schoolers more likely to be injured than high school students and the percentage going down every grade from 6 to 12.
Victims of bullying display a range of responses, even many years later, such as:
Low self-esteem
Difficulty in trusting others
Lack of assertiveness
Difficulty controlling anger
3. Bullying is a serious problem at our school
The results of my survey show that half students believe that bullying isa serious problem at our school and the other half is undecided about what they think about it.
4. Bullying happens mostly with boys than girls
The results for this question showed that many students were unsure of this, but some did disagree with this statement.
Many of the students who stated that they disagreed with this statementwere boys.
5. Have you ever been bullied?
More then half of the people surveyed said yes that they had been bullied.
This mixed with both boys and girls, and the ages ranged.
6. Have you ever been physically bullied?
Almost everyone had answered no to this question.
7. Have you ever been mentally bullied?
These results were similar to the ones for the last question except opposite. More people said yes then no.
8. Did/Would you report it?
This question was split right down the middle.
Some said yes, some said no.
This was kind of shocking, I would hope anyone and everyone would report bullying.
9. Would you report it if you saw it happen to someone you know?
Half answered yes, half answered no.
I found this shocking. I thought more people would have said yes.
10. How should bullying be handled?Heres some responses I received.
Teachers/Staff need to pay more attention
Attend classes about how bad bullying is
Bullies should grow up
Everyone sticking up for themselves
Telling parents & teachers
No tolerance program
11. How should the school prevent bullying?Heres some responses I received.
Make sure that it doesnt happen
No tolerance program
Cutting the student off from school for a while
Clubs and sports, Find common ground
Check students Facebook accounts
Discuss punishments
Good student teacher relationships
Have speakers come in
They cant, its inevitable