


Focus from Daisy

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People are rightly angry about the MPs' expenses scandal. We have been badly let down. Now we need bold proposals to clean up politics and restore people's trust.

"The Lib Dems would give more power back to local people, so they can make the decisions that affect their communities," said Lib Dem parliamentary candidate Daisy Cooper. "People should also be able to get rid of corrupt MPs, and we need a fairer voting system so that every vote really counts."

Lib Dem proposals for a new 'fair deal' in politics include: the right to sack corrupt MPs

a fully elected House of Lords

a fair 'proportional' voting system

lowering the voting age to 16

more power to local communities

Democracy is too important to let it be undermined by corrupt MPs. We need to take a fresh look at our whole political system and make it work better.




Vote forREAL

changeFOCUSPublished and promoted by Barry Slater on behalf of Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrats, both at Yew Tree Cottage, The Street, Middleton IP17 3NJ.

Printed by SCOLPS, 55 Princes Road Felixstowe IP11 7PL

Daisy's Pledge I will put local people first. I will be there to

help, listen to your concerns and stand up for our community.

I will make sure your voice is heard - locally and in Westminster. I will be a strong voice for Suffolk Coastal.

I will always be open and honest about any and all expenses incurred in representing you.

FAIR DEAL ON TAX PUTTING MONEY BACK IN YOUR POCKET No income tax on first £10,000 you earn

£700 tax cut for working people

£100 tax cut for pensioners

Lib Dem 'fair tax' plans mean that no one will pay tax on the first £10,000 they earn - saving working people £700 each in income tax. Many low paid and part time workers will pay no tax at all.Pensioners will be £100 a year better off too.These tax cuts will be paid for by measures including:

closing tax loopholes exploited by the very rich

taxes on pollution

a 'mansion tax' on houses worth more than £2million

Local Lib Dem parliamentary candidate Daisy Cooper says, "Labour has failed local families. Ordinary people are paying more and getting less in return. Meanwhile the very rich often dodge the taxes they are supposed to pay. The Lib Dem plan will put money back in the pockets of local people who need it. Homes with two working could be up to £1400 a year better off. About 15% of workers in Suffolk Coastal will pay no tax at all. Our plans will help local families. The Conservatives just want to cut taxes for millionaires. It shows how little they have changed."

The Tories only want to help the rich - while Labour will put up taxes for everyone. Only Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats will deliver fairer taxes and real change for Suffolk Coastal residents.


Daisy talking to Vince Cable about his plans for economic recovery


% of votes cast in the County Council elections in June 2009, within the Suffolk Coastal Parliamentary Constituency.

To all who answered our Opinion Survey - Thank You!

We received almost 300 replies from all parts of the Constituency. Among other questions we asked you which party you felt had the best answers to today's problems, which would you trust to honour their pledges if elected, and whether you will consider voting Liberal Democrat this time. Here are your answers:

Now we need your vote

Yes No Notdecided

% o

f re



Consider voting Lib Dem this time?

Cons. Lab. LibDem

Green other

% o

f re



Which party would you trust to honour its pledges?

You trust us

Which party has the best answers?

% o

f re



Cons. Lab. LibDem

Green other

You like our policies

I can help Daisy win here! Here's my donation of £5 £10 £20 £50 Other £................

I'd like to help, please contact me.

I can put up a poster at election time.

I would like a postal vote - please send me an application form.

Name: .................................................................................




Post to: Daisy's campaign, Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats, FREEPOST NAT 15494, Woodbridge IP12 4BR

(Payable to "Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats")

Daisy Cooper for Suffolk Coastal


Visit Daisy's website: her at: write to her at the freepost address above.


4 steps to a Fairer Britain

Fair taxes.

A new, fair start for all children at school.

A rebalanced, green economy.

And clean, open politics.

Home Truths on Housing“In Suffolk Coastal the average house price is more than seven times the average wage,” says Lib Dem candidate Daisy Cooper. “For many people – especially young people – the housing market is simply out of reach.”

Over 1.7 million households in England are currently waiting for social housing - that’s more than 4 million people in need of somewhere decent to live

In 2009 there were 1 million fewer social homes to rent than there were in 1979

1.4 million children in England live in bad housing

The UK is now more divided by housing wealth than at any time since the Victorian era

The National Housing Federation warns – if current trends continue, one in ten of the population could be on waiting lists by 2020.

Liberal Democrats believe everyone is entitled to a decent place to live. Our proposals include:

40,000 extra 'zero-carbon' social houses

Bring thousands of long-term empty properties back into use

Curb the spread of second and holiday homes

Public sector landowners - like the County Council - to make land available at nil cost for affordable housing

Our programme to build 40,000 'zero-carbon' affordable homes will not only put roofs over people's heads - it will create lasting jobs and provide a 'green' road out of recession.

"But we mustn’t swamp some communities and deprive others of the new homes they need to survive," warns Lib Dem candidate Daisy Cooper. "New housing should be affordable and fairly distributed, on brownfield sites wherever possible."

Our Focuses are printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks

Published and promoted by Barry Slater on behalf of Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrats, both at Yew Tree Cottage, The Street, Middleton IP17 3NJ. Printed by SCOLPS, 55 Princes Road Felixstowe IP11 7PL
